Results for 'Lorenz Mack'

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  1. (1 other version)Siegel, Carl, Herder als Philosoph. [REVIEW]Lorenz Mack - 1909 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 14:99.
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    Elbow Room for Rights.Eric Mack - 2015 - In David Sobel, Peter Vallentyne & Steven Wall (eds.), Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy, Volume 1. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 194–221.
    If individuals possess robust rights over their own persons and legitimately acquired possessions does any action on the part of another person that has any physical effect on the right-holder or her property to which the right-holder has not consented violate those rights? If so, it seems that almost every ordinary exercise of one’s rights—e.g., starting one’s car up in one’s own driveway, emitting some smoke while grilling in one’s own backyard—violate the rights of one’s neighbors. To avoid this conclusion (...)
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  3. Self-Ownership, Freedom and Equality.Eric Mack - 1995 - Philosophy 72 (281):478-482.
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    Libertarianism.Eric Mack - 2018 - Medord, MA: Polity.
    In this book, leading expert Eric Mack provides a rigorous and clear account of the philosophical principles of libertarianism. This book will be essential reading for anyone interested in political philosophy, political ideologies and the nature of liberty and state authority, from students and scholars to general readers.
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  5. Libertarianism.Eric Mack - 2011 - In George Klosko (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the History of Political Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
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    Dialogisches Handeln: eine Festschrift für Kuno Lorenz.Kuno Lorenz, Michael Astroh, Dietfried Gerhardus & Gerhard Heinzmann - 1997
    "Dialogisches Handeln" ist eine Sammlung von philosophischen BeitrAgen zum dialogischen Konstruktivismus im Sinne von Kuno Lorenz, der Philosophie als eine Kommunikation mit Selbstreflexion versteht. Dabei umfaAt der Dialog in diesem Buch verschiedene Disziplinen der Philosophie - von der Anthropologie A1/4ber die Grundlagen von Logik und Sprachphilosophie bis hin zur Wissenschafts- und Erkenntnistheorie. Die Reflexion auf die kommunikativen Grundlagen wissenschaftlichen Austauschs schlieAt dabei Denkperspektiven verschiedener Wissenschaften - von der Psychologie bis zu Physik und Chemie - ebenso ein wie die philosophischen (...)
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  7. The Probabilistic Revolution, Volume 2.Lorenz Krüger, Gerd Gigerenzer & Mary S. Morgan (eds.) - 1987 - Mit Press: Cambridge.
    I PSYCHOLOGY 5 The Probabilistic Revolution in Psychology--an Overview Gerd Gigerenzer 7 1 Probabilistic Thinking and the Fight against Subjectivity Gerd Gigerenzer 11 2 Statistical Method and the Historical Development of Research Practice in American Psychology Kurt Danziger 35 3 Survival of the Fittest Probabilist: Brunswik, Thurstone, and the Two Disciplines of Psychology Gerd Gigerenzer 49 4 A Perspective for Viewing the Integration of Probability Theory in Psychology David J. Murray 73 II SOCIOLOGY 101 5 The Two Empirical Roots of (...)
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    Jeremy Bentham: An Odyssey of Ideas.Mary Peter Mack - 1963 - New York: London ; Melbourne : Heinemann.
    Offers information on English jurist and philosopher Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832), as part of the McMaster University Archive for the History of Economic Thought. Lists Bentham's published works and offers access to works by and about Bentham.
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  9. The brute within: appetitive desire in Plato and Aristotle.Hendrik Lorenz - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Hendrik Lorenz presents a comprehensive study of Plato's and Aristotle's conceptions of non-rational desire. They see this as something that humans share with animals, and which aims primarily at the pleasures of food, drink, and sex. Lorenz explores the cognitive resources that both philosophers make available for the explanation of such desires, and what they take rationality to add to the motivational structure of human beings. In doing so, he finds conceptions of the mind that are coherent and (...)
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    Problematic Arguments in Randian Ethics.Eric Mack - 2003 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 5 (1):1 - 66.
    Mack critically surveys a range of arguments characteristic of Randian writings in ethics (including Craig Biddle's Loving Life). He focuses on "the Shuffle," a set of argumentative moves in which there is illicit shifting back and forth between causal and conceptual understandings and defenses of claims of the form: Man's survival requires man's behaving in manner X (e.g., being rational, being productive). Mack concludes that much Randian argumentation is deeply flawed and urges admirers to discriminate between Rand's genuine (...)
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    Bioethics for nurses: a Christian moral vision.Alisha N. Mack - 2022 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. Edited by Charles C. Camosy.
    An ethics primer for nurses and nursing students that advances a vision for a holistic Christian notion of health and explores what Christian faith means, on a practical level, for the practice of nursing.
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    Being and God: A Systematic Approach in Confrontation with Martin Heidegger, Emmanuel Levinas, and Jean-Luc Marion.Lorenz B. Puntel - 2011 - Northwestern University Press. Edited by Alan White.
    Ch. 1: Inadequate approaches to the question of God -- 1.1. Initial clarifications -- 1.2 Wholly unsystematic direct approaches -- 1.3. Semi-systematic indirect approaches -- 1.4. A wholly anti-systematic, anti-theoretical, and direct approach: Ludwig Wittgenstein -- 1.5. A characteristic example of a failed critique: Thomas Nagel's objections to God as "last point" -- Ch. 2. Heidegger's thinking of Being: the flawed development of a significant approach -- 2.1. Heidegger's failed and distorting interpretation and critique of the Christian metaphysics of Being (...)
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    Sein und Nichts: das ursprüngliche Thema der Philosophie.Lorenz B. Puntel - 2022 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Mit dem vorliegenden Werk schliesst Lorenz B. Puntel seine Seinstrilogie ab; die beiden vorherigen Bande sind unter dem Titel Struktur und Sein (2006) und Sein und Gott (2010) erschienen. Der neue Band fuhrt das in den anderen Banden nur inchoativ formulierte gesamtsystematische philosophische Programm aus. Lorenz B. Puntel betrachtet das Thema Sein und Nichts als das ursprungliche Thema der Philosophie und stellt daruber eine umfassende Theorie auf. Diese Theorie nennt er Seinstheorie; sie besteht aus den beiden Subtheorien: Ontologie (...)
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  14. Egoism and Rights.Eric Mack - 1973 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 54 (1):5.
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    Institutio Oratoria.Peter Mack - forthcoming - Classical Review.
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  16. Logic and Probability.Lorenz Demey, Barteld Kooi & Joshua Sack - 2012 - In Ed Zalta (ed.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, CA: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  17. Charles Tilly, 1929-2008.Arien Mack - 2008 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 75 (2):v - vi.
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    Structure and Being: A Theoretical Framework for a Systematic Philosophy.Lorenz B. Puntel - 2008 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    "Presents, and in part develops, a systematic philosophy as the universal science, or the theorization of the unrestricted universe of discourse, explicitly including being as such and as a whole. Argues that complete exploration of the theoretical domain requires such a science"--Provided by publisher.
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    Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics. [REVIEW]Robert D. Mack - 1951 - Journal of Philosophy 48 (16):507-508.
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    Essays zur Film-Philosophie.Lorenz Engell - 2015 - Paderborn :: Wilhelm Fink.
    Vier Leitkonzepte der Film-Philosophie werden vorgestellt: der Affekt, die Agentur, die Aufhebung und das Außen. Entwickelt und erprobt werden diese Konzepte in der Auseinandersetzung mit verschiedenen Filmen, insbesondere mit einer der spektakulärsten Filminstallationen der letzten Jahre, Christian Marclays”The Clock“. Film-Philosophie hat es mit zweierlei Problemstellung zu tun. Zum einen mit Fragen, die den Status des bewegten Bildes als eines eigenwilligen Gegenstands der Wahrnehmung und der Erfahrung betreffen sowie die Natur des kinematographischen Raums und der filmischen Zeit, die Spezifik der filmischen (...)
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    Death in American experience.Arien Mack (ed.) - 1972 - New York,: Schocken Books.
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    David Weinstein, equal freedom and utility: Herbert Spencer's liberal utilitarianism.Reviewed by Eric Mack - 2000 - Ethics 110 (4).
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  23. El prestigio del arte español en la ciudad de los rascacielos.Cindy Mack - 2005 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 39:39-42.
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    7 How Liberty Upsets Patterns.Eric Mack - forthcoming - Contemporary Political Theory: A Reader.
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    Of transplants and trolleys.Review author[S.]: Eric Mack - 1993 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 53 (1):163-167.
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  26. The Political Odyssey of Jeremy Bentham.Mary Peter Mack - 1958 - Dissertation, Columbia University
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  27. Wiederkehr und Zukunft der Metaphysik': welcher Metaphysik?Lorenz B. Puntel - 2020 - In Christoph Böhr & Rémi Brague (eds.), Metaphysik: von einem unabweislichen Bedürfnis der menschlichen Vernunft: Rémi Brague zu Ehren. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer VS.
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  28. The Epic of Revelation: An Essay in Biblical Theology.Mack B. Stokes - 1961
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    To the editor of "mind".ChasMercier Theodor Lorenz - 1904 - Mind 13 (50).
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  30. Kennedy in Berlin: Photographs by Ulrich Mack.Ulrich Mack - 2013 - Hirmer Publishers.
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    Rejoinder to Tibor R. Machan, "Rand and Choice" and Frank Bubb, "Did Ayn Rand Do the Shuffle?" (Spring 2006): More Problematic Arguments in Randian Ethics.Eric Mack - 2006 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 7 (2):287 - 307.
    Frank Bubb and Tibor Machan raise objections to Mack's "Problematic Arguments in Randian Kthics." Bubb argues that a universalization test allows Rand to condemn every parasitic action—even ones that serve the agent's survival. But this universalization test is faulty; it calls upon individuals to act as would be rational if the world were not as it is. Machan argues that Rand can hold that the fundamental choice between life and death is ungrounded without being a subjectivist. But Machan does (...)
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  32. The assimilation of sense to sense-object in Aristotle.Hendrik Lorenz - 2007 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 33:179-220.
  33. Inattentional blindness: An overview.Arien Mack & Irvin Rock - 2003 - Current Directions in Psychological Science 12 (5):180-184.
  34. Darstellung, Methode und Struktur: Untersuchungen zur Einheit der systematischen Philosophie G. W. F. Hegels.Lorenz B. Puntel - 1973 - Bonn: Bouvier-Verlag Grundmann.
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    Structures of oppositions in public announcement logic.Lorenz Demey - 2012 - In Jean-Yves Béziau & Dale Jacquette (eds.), Around and Beyond the Square of Opposition. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 313--339.
  36. (1 other version)Grundlagen einer Theorie der Wahrheit.Lorenz B. Puntel - 1992 - Erkenntnis 36 (2):263-266.
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    Gerechtigkeit und gutes Leben: christliche Ethik im politischen Diskurs.Elke Mack - 2002 - Paderborn: Schöningh.
    I. Die Differenz von Gut und (Ge- )recht - Eine ethische Grundunterscheidung -- II. Konsequenzen für die moderne Ethik -- III. Vier philosophische Lösungsversuche zur Klärung der Differenz -- IV. Der Umgang christlicher Ethik mit dem Zusammenhang von Gut und Gerecht -- V. Paradigmatische Impulse für die christliche Ethik -- VI. Politische Gerechtigkeit und eine umfassende christliche Theorie des Guten.
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    Die Dimension des Dynamischen im Seinsbegriff: Versuch, das whiteheadsche Wirklichkeitsverständnis für einen dynamisch bestimmten Seinsbegriff auszuwerten.Lorenz Moser - 1975 - Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang.
    Das heutige, mehr und mehr vom Aspekt des Werdens beherrschte Wirklichkeitsverständnis (Geschichtlichkeit, Evolution) verlangt nach einem ihm entsprechenden, von Grund auf dynamisch bestimmten Seinsbegriff, damit es philosophisch aufgearbeitet werden kann. Ein solcher Seinsbegriff findet sich in der sog. Prozess- bzw. Organismusphilo- sophie von A.N. Whitehead (1861-1947). Es ist das Ziel der vorliegen- den Arbeit, diesen herauszuarbeiten und für die weitere philosophische und theologische Diskussion bereitzustellen.
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    Is Truth" Ideal Coherence"?Lorenz B. Puntel - 1998 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 64:146-173.
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    How individual ethical frameworks shape physician trainees’ experiences providing end-of-life care: a qualitative study.Sarah Rosenwohl-Mack, Daniel Dohan, Thea Matthews, Jason Neil Batten & Elizabeth Dzeng - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):e72-e72.
    ObjectivesThe end of life is an ethically challenging time requiring complex decision-making. This study describes ethical frameworks among physician trainees, explores how these frameworks manifest and relates these frameworks to experiences delivering end-of-life care.DesignWe conducted semistructured in-depth exploratory qualitative interviews with physician trainees about experiences of end-of-life care and moral distress. We analysed the interviews using thematic analysis.SettingAcademic teaching hospitals in the United States and United Kingdom.ParticipantsWe interviewed 30 physician trainees. We purposefully sampled across three domains we expected to be (...)
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  41. Inattentional Blindness.Arien Mack & Irvin Rock - 1998 - MIT Press. Edited by Richard D. Wright.
    Arien Mack and Irvin Rock make the radical claim that there is no conscious perception of the visual world without attention to it.
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    Philosophische Variationen: Gesammelte Aufsätze Unter Einschluss Gemeinsam Mit Jürgen Mittelstrass Geschriebener Arbeiten Zu Platon Und Leibniz.Kuno Lorenz - 2011 - De Gruyter.
    Three parts of philosophical papers concerned with works, matters and traditions, respectively, present ways of dealing methodically with problems that arise while having and articulating experience. The contents range from philosophy in Antiquity as well as Buddhist to existentialism and analytic philosophy, from relating science and art to the antagonism between freedom and justice. By reflecting on the particular steps of argument the papers become samples of dialogical philosophy with respect both to subject matter and means of procedure.
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  43. Bleisch, Barbara (2009). Complicity in harmful action : contributing to world poverty and duties of care. In: Mack, Elke; Schramm, Michael; Klasen, Stephan; Pogge, Thomas. Absolute poverty and global justice : empirical data, moral theories, initiatives.Barbara Bleisch, Elke Mack, Michael Schramm, Stephan Klasen & Thomas Pogge (eds.) - 2009
  44. Are business schools to blame for the financial crisis.Jo Mackness - forthcoming - Business Ethics: The Magazine of Corporate Responsibility.
  45. Some remarks on the model theory of epistemic plausibility models.Lorenz Demey - 2011 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 21 (3-4):375-395.
    The aim of this paper is to initiate a systematic exploration of the model theory of epistemic plausibility models (EPMs). There are two subtly different definitions in the literature: one by van Benthem and one by Baltag and Smets. Because van Benthem's notion is the most general, most of the paper is dedicated to this notion. We focus on the notion of bisimulation, and show that the most natural generalization of bisimulation to van Benthem-type EPMs fails. We then introduce parametrized (...)
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    El concepto de verdad: Esbozo de una teoría semántico-ontológica.Lorenz B. Puntel - 2009 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 65 (1):899 - 922.
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    Probability as a Theoretical Concept in Physics.Lorenz Kruger - 1986 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1986:273 - 287.
    This paper intends to explore the prospects of a realistic view of scientific explanation, according to which the objects and structures occurring in the explanation must have real referents. Theories involving probability either lose their explanatory function or become counter-examples to this view, if real referents of probabilistic notions do not exist. It is argued that such referents can be found for statistical mechanics and quantum mechanics: the overall structure of mass phenomena that renders them capable of irreversible developments and (...)
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    8. John Locke’s Defense of Commercial Society: Individual Rights, Voluntary Cooperation, and Mutual Gain.Eric Mack - 2017 - In Eugene Heath & Byron Kaldis (eds.), Wealth, Commerce, and Philosophy: Foundational Thinkers and Business Ethics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 157-178.
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    Locke’s Arguments for Natural Rights.Eric Mack - 1980 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 11 (1):51-60.
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    Perceiving.Arien Mack - 1982 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 49.
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