Results for 'Logan Crone'

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  1.  49
    Equivalence relations and determinacy.Logan Crone, Lior Fishman & Stephen Jackson - 2022 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 22 (1).
    We introduce the notion of -determinacy for Γ a pointclass and E an equivalence relation on a Polish space X. A case of particular interest is the case when E = EG is the shift-action o...
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    Determinacy of Schmidt’s Game and Other Intersection Games.Logan Crone, Lior Fishman & Stephen Jackson - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (1):1-21.
    Schmidt’s game and other similar intersection games have played an important role in recent years in applications to number theory, dynamics, and Diophantine approximation theory. These games are real games, that is, games in which the players make moves from a complete separable metric space. The determinacy of these games trivially follows from the axiom of determinacy for real games, $\mathsf {AD}_{\mathbb R}$, which is a much stronger axiom than that asserting all integer games are determined, $\mathsf {AD}$. One of (...)
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    God's Rule - Government and Islam: Six Centuries of Medieval Islamic Political Thought.Patricia Crone - 2004 - Columbia University Press.
    Patricia Crone's _God's Rule_ is a fundamental reconstruction and analysis of Islamic political thought focusing on its intellectual development during the six centuries from the rise of Islam to the Mongol invasions. Based on a wide variety of primary sources--including some not previously considered from the point of view of political thought--this is the first book to examine the medieval Muslim answers to questions crucial to any Western understanding of Middle Eastern politics today, such as why states are necessary, (...)
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  4. Stakeholder Identification and Salience After 20 Years: Progress, Problems, and Prospects.Logan M. Bryan, Bradley R. Agle, Ronald K. Mitchell & Donna J. Wood - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (1):196-245.
    To contribute to the continuing challenge of explaining how managers identify stakeholders and assess their salience, in this article, we chronicle the history, assess the impact, and evaluate the possibilities opened by Mitchell, Agle, and Wood (MAW-1997). We do so through two types of qualitative analysis, and also through utilizing a quantitative network analysis tool. The first qualitative analysis categorizes the major contributions of the most influential papers succeeding MAW-1997; the second identifies and compares the relevant issues with MAW-1997 at (...)
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    Psychology as philosophy, science, and art.Logan J. Fox - 1972 - Pacific Palisades, Calif.,: Goodyear Pub. Co..
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    Martin–Löf random generalized Poisson processes.Logan Axon - 2018 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 169 (4):261-276.
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    The Case for Local Ethics Oversight in International Development Research.Logan Cochrane, Renaud F. Boulanger, Gussai H. Sheikheldin & Gloria Song - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 1 (1):8-16.
    Cet article fait valoir que la recherche sur le développement international devrait être soumise à la surveillance des comités d’éthique de la recherche dans les pays où les données seront collectées. Cela inclut les personnes ayant un statut qui leur permet de se soustraire des lignes directrices ou des politiques d’éthique, telles que les personnes engagées par des organisations non gouvernementales. L’argument repose sur une compréhension de la justice sociale qui reconnaît que ne pas rechercher l’approbation éthique au niveau local (...)
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  8. Does encouraging a belief in determinism increase cheating? Reconsidering the value of believing in free will.Thomas Nadelhoffer, Jason Shepard, Damien L. Crone, Jim A. C. Everett, Brian D. Earp & Neil Levy - 2020 - Cognition 203 (C):104342.
    A key source of support for the view that challenging people’s beliefs about free will may undermine moral behavior is two classic studies by Vohs and Schooler (2008). These authors reported that exposure to certain prompts suggesting that free will is an illusion increased cheating behavior. In the present paper, we report several attempts to replicate this influential and widely cited work. Over a series of five studies (sample sizes of N = 162, N = 283, N = 268, N (...)
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    The future of innovation studies in less economically developed countries.Logan Da Williams & Thomas S. Woodson - 2012 - Minerva 50 (2):221-237.
    In this paper, we argue that there are patterns of innovation occurring in less economically developed countries (LEDCs) that have been historically overlooked by the innovation studies literature, including the literature on innovation systems and the triple helix. This paper briefly surveys cases in agriculture, banking, biomedicine and information and communications technologies that demonstrate organizational, scientific and technological innovation in Africa, South Asia, and Brazil. In particular, we track new developments in two distinctive patterns within LEDCs: (1) civil society as (...)
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    A Dual-Processing Model of Moral Whistleblowing in Organizations.Logan L. Watts & M. Ronald Buckley - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (3):669-683.
    A dual-processing model of moral whistleblowing in organizations is proposed. In this theory paper, moral whistleblowing is described as a unique type of whistleblowing that is undertaken by individuals that see themselves as moral agents and are primarily motivated to blow the whistle by a sense of moral duty. At the individual level, the model expands on traditional, rational models of whistleblowing by exploring how moral intuition and deliberative reasoning processes might interact to influence the whistleblowing behavior of moral agents. (...)
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  11.  26
    Mapping Superpositionality in Global Ethnography.Logan D. A. Williams - 2018 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 43 (2):198-223.
    Science studies scholars often study up to high-tech elites who produce and design scientific knowledge and technology. Methodological tension begins when you pair a desire to study down to less economically developed countries, with the desire to study up to high-tech elites within them. This becomes further complicated when the ethnographer and his/her informants share professional interests and credentials. In these situations, the researcher has high status because of geopolitical privilege. However, the researcher is neither a high-tech elite nor a (...)
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  12.  44
    Modeling the Instructional Effectiveness of Responsible Conduct of Research Education: A Meta-Analytic Path-Analysis.Logan L. Watts, Tyler J. Mulhearn, Kelsey E. Medeiros, Logan M. Steele, Shane Connelly & Michael D. Mumford - 2017 - Ethics and Behavior 27 (8):632-650.
    Predictive modeling in education draws on data from past courses to forecast the effectiveness of future courses. The present effort sought to identify such a model of instructional effectiveness in scientific ethics. Drawing on data from 235 courses in the responsible conduct of research, structural equation modeling techniques were used to test a predictive model of RCR course effectiveness. Fit statistics indicated the model fit the data well, with the instructional characteristics included in the model explaining approximately 85% of the (...)
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  13. "Anselm of Canterbury: Nature, Order and the Divine", edited by I. Logan and A.R.E. Forbes (Leiden: Brill, 2024), pp. 111-134.Ian Logan (ed.) - forthcoming
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  14. John Perry and Joanna Leidenhag. Science-Engaged Theology.Logan C. Patriquin - 2025 - Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 12 (1):111.
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    Uncertainty in clinical practice — Lessons from waiting for Godot.R. L. Logan - 1999 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 2 (3):309-313.
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    Needed Words.Logan Pearsall Smith, Roger Eliot Fry, Graham Wallas & Society for Pure English - 1928 - Clarendon Press.
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    Why Free Will Is Real by Christian List.Logan B. Weir - 2019 - Review of Metaphysics 73 (2):374-375.
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    A Companion to Marie de France.Logan Whalen - 2011 - Brill.
    Presenting traditional views alongside new critical approaches, the chapters in this book present fresh perspectives on the poetics of the 12th-century author, Marie de France, the first woman of letters to write in French.
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    Martin-löf randomness in spaces of closed sets.Logan M. Axon - 2015 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 80 (2):359-383.
  20.  22
    Sustainability & HeartTech.Logan Muller - 2008 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 38 (2):25-26.
    First, thank you Flo and Joe for this initiative. I would love to make contact with more people interested and active in the use, place, impact and potential of computing in our society.
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    The Threat of Starvation in Gracchus Babeuf’s Conspiracy of Equals: Starvation’s Effects and Babeuf’s Exploitation.Logan Ryan - 2016 - Aletheia: The Alpha Chi Journal of Undergraduate Scholarship 1 (1).
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    Just War Reconsidered: Strategy, Ethics and Theory, by James M. Dubik.Logan B. Sisson - 2017 - Journal of Military Ethics 16 (1-2):121-123.
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    Editorial Introduction: What Kind of Brain Activity is Sufficient for Consciousness? Symposium on The Hidden Spring: A Journey to the Source of Consciousness.Logan Trujillo - 2021 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 28 (11-12):148-152.
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  24. Temporal synchronization: A possible mechanism for the binding together of the conscious self.Logan Trujillo - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (2):S36 - S36.
  25.  2
    Supportive Touch in Psychedelic Assisted Therapy.Logan Neitzke-Spruill, Caroline Beit, Lynnette A. Averill & Amy L. McGuire - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (1):29-39.
    In August 2024, The U.S. Food and Drug Administration rejected Lykos Therapeutics, Inc.'s new drug application for midomafetamine with psychological intervention (MDMA-AT) to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Among the many issues raised during review was concern about a highly publicized case of alleged sexual misconduct by an unlicensed therapist during a Phase 2 study of MDMA and the potential risk of future abuse. This incident of misconduct, along with several other publicized cases of misconduct by guides, facilitators, and shaman (...)
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    Collective intentionality: why content matters.Katja Crone - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    In this paper I will argue in favor of the so-called content account of collective intentionality by critically discussing John Searle's approach. I will raise two objections against the view: it will be argued that the approach cannot adequately explain the difference between individual and collective intentional attitudes. Moreover, it will be shown that Searle's view has problems to account for a characteristic way in which collective mental states can fail. Both objections reveal crucial advantages of the content account. Finally, (...)
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    Relevance Logic.Shay Allen Logan - 2024 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Relevance logics are a misunderstood lot. Despite being the subject of intense study for nearly a century, they remain maligned as too complicated, too abstruse, or too silly to be worth learning much about. This Element aims to dispel these misunderstandings. By focusing on the weak relevant logic B, the discussion provides an entry point into a rich and diverse family of logics. Also, it contains the first-ever textbook treatment of quantification in relevance logics, as well as an overview of (...)
  28. (1 other version)Facets of self-consciousness - special issue edited by Katja Crone, Kristine Musholt and Anna Strasser.Katja Crone, Kristina Musholt & Anna Strasser - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 84 (1).
    This special issue of Grazer Philosophische Studien brings together a number of carefully selected and timely articles that explore the discussion of different facets of self-consciousness from multiple perspectives. The selected articles mainly focus on three topics of the current debate: (1) the relationship between conceptual and nonconceptual ways of self-representation; (2) the role of intersubjectivity for the development of self-consciousness; (3) the temporal structure of self-consciousness. A number of previously underexposed, yet important connections between different approaches are explored. The (...)
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    The Hwang Scandal and Korean News Coverage: Ethical Considerations.Robert A. Logan, Jaeyung Park & Hyoungjoon Jeon - 2010 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 25 (3):171-191.
    This case study explores the ethical dimensions of the South Korean news media's coverage of the Dr. Woo Suk Hwang scandal and the extant journalism criticism. The study discusses the ethical issues associated with claims that Korean journalists acted too humanely, overemphasized scientific evidence, and were too culturally sensitive in their coverage of the Hwang scandal, and notes the broader implications for journalism ethical theory and criticism suggested by the study's findings. The case explores the differences in the ethical foundations (...)
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  30.  39
    Executive control of visual attention in dual-task situations.Gordon D. Logan & Robert D. Gordon - 2001 - Psychological Review 108 (2):393-434.
  31. Modelling communicating agents in timed reasoning logics.Brian Logan, Mark Jago & Natasha Alechina - 2006 - In U. Endriss & M. Baldoni, Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies 4. Springer.
    Practical reasoners are resource-bounded—in particular they require time to derive consequences of their knowledge. Building on the Timed Reasoning Logics (TRL) framework introduced in [1], we show how to represent the time required by an agent to reach a given conclusion. TRL allows us to model the kinds of rule application and conflict resolution strategies commonly found in rule-based agents, and we show how the choice of strategy can influence the information an agent can take into account when making decisions (...)
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    Selective Conscientious Objection and the Prima Facie Duty Override Criteria.Logan Sisson - 2023 - Journal of Military Ethics 22 (2):103-109.
    Selective conscientious objection, a refusal to participate in a specific war due to reasons of conscience, has recently gained attention. A combatant confronted with such a decision needs guidance to help decide whether and how to object. Furthermore, those judging a combatant’s objection or failure to object need guidance. After introducing the prima facie duty override criteria, I will apply the criteria to the case of selective conscientious objection. Ultimately, I argue that the jus ad bellum criteria rebranded as the (...)
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  33. The Phenomenal Conservative Approach to Religious Epistemology.Logan Paul Gage & Blake McAllister - 2020 - In John M. DePoe & Tyler Dalton McNabb, Debating Christian Religious Epistemology: An Introduction to Five Views on the Knowledge of God. Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 61-81.
    In this chapter, we argue for a phenomenal conservative perspective on religious epistemology and attempt to answer some common criticisms of this perspective.
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    Personenregister.Katja Crone - 2016 - In Identität von Personen: Eine Strukturanalyse des Biographischen Selbstverständnisses. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 213-215.
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    7. Transtemporales Identitätsbewusstsein.Katja Crone - 2016 - In Identität von Personen: Eine Strukturanalyse des Biographischen Selbstverständnisses. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 115-144.
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    Learning Style Preferences of Computing Students in Distance Education.Kit Logan & Pete Thomas - 2002 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 12 (2):93-112.
  37.  33
    Awareness of faces is modulated by their emotional meaning.Maarten Milders, Arash Sahraie, Sarah Logan & Niamh Donnellon - 2006 - Emotion 6 (1):10-17.
  38. Evidence and What We Make of It.Logan Paul Gage - 2014 - Southwest Philosophy Review 30 (2):89-99.
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    Human freedom and enhancement.Jan-Christoph Heilinger & Katja Crone - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (1):13-21.
    Ideas about freedom and related concepts like autonomy and self-determination play a prominent role in the moral debate about human enhancement interventions. However, there is not a single understanding of freedom available, and arguments referring to freedom are simultaneously used to argue both for and against enhancement interventions. This gives rise to misunderstandings and polemical arguments. The paper attempts to disentangle the different distinguishable concepts, classifies them and shows how they relate to one another in order to allow for a (...)
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    Self-Related Processing and Deactivation of Cortical Midline Regions in Disorders of Consciousness.Julia Sophia Crone, Yvonne Höller, Jürgen Bergmann, Stefan Golaszewski, Eugen Trinka & Martin Kronbichler - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  41.  13
    Medieval Islamic Political Thought.Patricia Crone - 2004 - Edinburgh University Press.
  42.  57
    Evaluating Ethics Education Programs: A Multilevel Approach.Michael D. Mumford, Logan Steele & Logan L. Watts - 2015 - Ethics and Behavior 25 (1):37-60.
    Although education in the responsible conduct of research is considered necessary, evidence bearing on the effectiveness of these programs in improving research ethics has indicated that, although some programs are successful, many fail. Accordingly, there is a need for systematic evaluation of ethics education programs. In the present effort, we examine procedures for evaluation of ethics education programs from a multilevel perspective: examining both within-program evaluation and cross-program evaluation. With regard to within-program evaluation, we note requisite designs and measures for (...)
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    Declaring life at the crossroads of death: Victims' anti‐death penalty views and prosecutors' charging decisions.Wayne A. Logan - 1999 - Criminal Justice Ethics 18 (2):41-57.
    . Declaring life at the crossroads of death: Victims’ anti‐death penalty views and prosecutors’ charging decisions. Criminal Justice Ethics: Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 41-57.
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    Strategies in the color-word Stroop task.Gordon D. Logan, N. Jane Zbrodoff & James Williamson - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (2):135-138.
  45. A Pastor’s Kid Finds the Catholic Church.Logan Paul Gage - 2019 - In Brian Besong & Jonathan Fuqua, Faith and Reason: Philosophers Explain Their Turn to Catholicism. San Francisco: Ignatius Press. pp. 151-174.
    In this essay, I describe my journey to Catholicism and explain one of the many reasons I became Catholic--namely, an argument from the canon of Scripture.
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  46. Depth Relevance and Hyperformalism.Shay Allen Logan - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (4):721-737.
    Formal symptoms of relevance usually concern the propositional variables shared between the antecedent and the consequent of provable conditionals. Among the most famous results about such symptoms are Belnap’s early results showing that for sublogics of the strong relevant logic R, provable conditionals share a signed variable between antecedent and consequent. For logics weaker than R stronger variable sharing results are available. In 1984, Ross Brady gave one well-known example of such a result. As a corollary to the main result (...)
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  47. Strong Depth Relevance.Shay Allen Logan - 2021 - Australasian Journal of Logic 18 (6):645-656.
    Relevant logics infamously have the property that they only validate a conditional when some propositional variable is shared between its antecedent and consequent. This property has been strengthened in a variety of ways over the last half-century. Two of the more famous of these strengthenings are the strong variable sharing property and the depth relevance property. In this paper I demonstrate that an appropriate class of relevant logics has a property that might naturally be characterized as the supremum of these (...)
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  48. The Universal Theory Building Toolkit Is Substructural.Shay Allen Logan - 2021 - In Ivo Düntsch & Edwin Mares, Alasdair Urquhart on Nonclassical and Algebraic Logic and Complexity of Proofs. Springer Verlag. pp. 261-285.
    Consider the set of inferences that are acceptable to use in all our theory building endeavors. Call this set of inferences the universal theory building toolkit, or just ’the toolkit’ for short. It is clear that the toolkit is tightly connected to logic in a variety of ways. Beall, for example, has argued that logic just is the toolkit. This paper avoids making a stand on that issue and instead investigates reasons for thinking that, logic or not, the toolkit is (...)
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  49. Darwin Knows Best: Can Evolution Support the Classical Liberal Vision of the Family?Logan Paul Gage - 2013 - In Stephen Dilley, Darwinian Evolution and Classical Liberalism: Theories in Tension. Lanham: Lexington Books. pp. 135-156.
    In a time when conservatives believe that the traditional family is under increasing fire, some think an appeal to Darwinian science may be the answer. I argue that these conservatives are wrong to maintain that Darwinian theory can serve as the intellectual foundation for the traditional conception of the family. Contra Larry Arnhart and James Q. Wilson, a Darwinian philosophy of nature simply lacks the stability the traditional family requires; it cannot support the traditional conception of human nature and the (...)
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  50. Spatial attention and the apprehension of spatial relations.Gd Logan - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):507-507.
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