Results for 'Linyuan Deng'

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  1.  36
    Career-Specific Parenting Practices and Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Among Chinese Adolescents: The Interactive Effects of Parenting Practices and the Mediating Role of Autonomy.Yu Chi Zhang, Nan Zhou, Hongjian Cao, Yue Liang, Shulin Yu, Jian Li, Linyuan Deng, Ruixi Sun, Qinglu Wu, Ping Li, Qing Xiong, Ruihong Nie & Xiaoyi Fang - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Deng Xiaoping zhe xue si xiang (zhai bian).Xiaoping Deng - 1995 - Beijing: Zhong gong zhong yang dang xiao chu ban she.
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  3. Fine's McTaggart, temporal passage, and the A versus B debate.Natalja Deng - 2012 - Ratio 26 (1):19-34.
    I offer an interpretation and a partial defense of Kit Fine's ‘Argument from Passage’, which is situated within his reconstruction of McTaggart's paradox. Fine argues that existing A-theoretic approaches to passage are no more dynamic, i.e. capture passage no better, than the B-theory. I argue that this comparative claim is correct. Our intuitive picture of passage, which inclines us towards A-theories, suggests more than coherent A-theories can deliver. In Finean terms, the picture requires not only Realism about tensed facts, but (...)
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  4. ‘Beyond A- and B-Time’ Reconsidered.Natalja Deng - 2010 - Philosophia 38 (4):741-753.
    This article is a response to Clifford Williams’s claim that the debate between A- and B theories of time is misconceived because these theories do not differ. I provide some missing support for Williams’s claim that the B-theory includes transition, by arguing that representative B-theoretic explanations for why we experience time as passing (even though it does not) are inherently unstable. I then argue that, contra Williams, it does not follow that there is nothing at stake in the A- versus (...)
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  5. Our Experience of Passage on the B-Theory.Natalja Deng - 2013 - Erkenntnis 78 (4):713-726.
    Elsewhere I have suggested that the B-theory includes a notion of passage, by virtue of including succession. Here, I provide further support for that claim by showing that uncontroversial elements of the B-theory straightforwardly ground a veridical sense of passage. First, I argue that the B-theory predicts that subjects of experience have a sense of passivity with respect to time that they do not have with respect to space, which they are right to have, even according to the B-theory. I (...)
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  6. On Explaining Why Time Seems to Pass.Natalja Deng - 2013 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 51 (3):367-382.
    Usually, the B-theory of time is taken to involve the claim that time does not, in reality, pass; after all, on the B-theory, nothing really becomes present and then more and more past, times do not come into existence successively, and which facts obtain does not change. For this reason, many B-theorists have recently tried to explain away one or more aspect(s) of experience that they and their opponents take to constitute an experience of time as passing. In this paper, (...)
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  7. One Thing After Another: Why the Passage of Time Is Not an Illusion.Natalja Deng - 2019 - In Adrian Bardon, Valtteri Arstila, Sean Power & Argiro Vatakis, The Illusions of Time: Philosophical and Psychological Essays on Timing and Time Perception. Palgrave Macmillan.
    Does time seem to pass, even though it doesn’t, really? Many philosophers think the answer is ‘Yes’—at least when ‘time’s passing’ is understood in a particular way. They take time’s passing to be a process by which each time in turn acquires a special status, such as the status of being the only time that exists, or being the only time that is present. This chapter suggests that, on the contrary, all we perceive is temporal succession, one thing after another, (...)
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    A Letter to Deng Xiaoping.Wei Jingsheng & Mr Deng Xiaoping - 1997 - Chinese Studies in History 30 (3):63-77.
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    The Condition of Female Education in Jinan.Deng Enming - 1997 - Chinese Studies in History 31 (2):55-60.
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    Government Awards to Students Trained Abroad, 1871-1911.Deng Shaohui - 1995 - Chinese Studies in History 28 (3-4):35-46.
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  11. Religion for Naturalists.Natalja Deng - 2015 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 78 (2):195-214.
    Some naturalists feel an affinity with some religions, or with a particular religion. They may have previously belonged to it, and/or been raised in it, and/or be close to people who belong to it, and/or simply feel attracted to its practices, texts and traditions. This raises the question of whether and to what extent a naturalist can lead the life of a religious believer. The sparse literature on this topic focuses on religious fictionalism. I also frame the debate in these (...)
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  12. What is temporal ontology?Natalja Deng - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (3):793-807.
    Temporal ontology is the part of ontology involving the rival positions of presentism, eternalism, and the growing block theory. While this much is clear, it’s surprisingly difficult to elucidate the substance of the disagreement between presentists and eternalists. Certain events happened that are not happening now; what is it to disagree about whether these events exist? In spite of widespread suspicion concerning the status and methods of analytic metaphysics, skeptics’ doubts about this debate have not generally been heeded, neither by (...)
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    Ideas in theoretical biology origin of cancerous cells from tumours.Deng K. Niu & Jia-Kuan Chen - 1998 - Acta Biotheoretica 46 (4):379-381.
    With a previous paper (Niu & Wang, 1995), a general, hypothetical outline of the mechanism of carcinogenesis was proposed. With reference to the fact of starvation-induced hypermutation in micro-organisms, we propose that the hypoxia commonly seen in the cells at the centre of solid tumours might also result in hypermutation, and then p53-dependent programmed cell death. Like the apparently adaptive mutations in micro-organisms, only those genes (e.g. p53) that enable the cells to escape from apoptosis may be selected.
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    Margulis' theory on division of labour in cells revisited.Deng K. Niu, Jia-Kuan Chen & Yong-Ding Liu - 2001 - Acta Biotheoretica 49 (1):23-28.
    Division of labour is a marked feature of multicellular organisms. Margulis proposed that the ancestors of metazoans had only one microtubule organizing center (MTOC), so they could not move and divide simultaneously. Selection for simultaneous movement and cell division had driven the division of labour between cells. However, no evidence or explanation for this assumption was provided. Why could the unicellular ancetors not have multiple MTOCs? The gain and loss of three possible strategies are discussed. It was found that the (...)
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    Why animals have tumours.Deng K. Niu & Ya F. Wang - 1995 - Acta Biotheoretica 43 (3):279-280.
    From the viewpoint of an evolutionary biologist, carcinogenesis should be looked upon as a protective mechanism against destruction of DNA. Because genes expressed in embryonic cells are covered and protected by heterochromatinization, they are the most appropriate ‘alternate genes’ compared to genes that are expressed already in somatic cells. When DNA-damage occurs, the embryonic genes can be activated. Some somatic cells exhibit some features of embryonic cells.
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    The Relationship Between Rational Cooperation and Constrained Maximizers.Deng Siyang - 2020 - International Journal of Philosophy 8 (4):98.
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    Consumers’ Responses to Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives: The Mediating Role of Consumer–Company Identification.Xinming Deng & Yang Xu - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 142 (3):515-526.
    In order to explore the mechanism of consumer responses to corporate social responsibility, this paper constructs a research framework including CSR, consumer–company identification, consumer responses, and fit, and tests the framework using a scene-questionnaire survey. Empirical results demonstrate that CSR not only has positive influence on consumer purchase intention, recommend intention, and loyalty directly, but also has indirect positive influence on consumer purchase intention and recommend intention through CCI. The influencing process of CSR on CCI is moderated by fit and (...)
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  18. On ‘Experiencing time’: a response to Simon Prosser.Natalja Deng - 2018 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 61 (3):281-301.
    In his recent book ‘Experiencing time’, Simon Prosser discusses a wide variety of topics relating to temporal experience, in a way that is accessible both to those steeped in the philosophy of mind, and to those more familiar with the philosophy of time. He forcefully argues for the conclusion that the B-theorist of time can account for the temporal appearances. In this article, I offer a chapter by chapter response.
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  19. A new cosmological argument from grounding.Duen-Min Deng - 2020 - Analysis 80 (3):418-426.
    This paper presents a new cosmological argument based on considerations about grounding. I argue that, by assuming three plausible principles about grounding, we can construct a cosmological argument for the existence of a unique ungrounded being that ultimately grounds everything else. At the end of the paper I consider two possible objections, and offer my replies to them.
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  20. Questions about 'Internal and External Questions about God'.Natalja Deng - 2012 - Religious Studies 48 (2):257-268.
    This article is an evaluation of Le Poidevin’s use of Carnap ’s stance on ontology within the philosophy of religion. Le Poidevin claims that 1) theists need to take God to be a putative entity within space-time in order for their claim that God exists to be meaningful, and that 2) instrumentalism about theology is viable. I argue that although Le Poidevin’s response to Carnap ’s argument is no less problematic than that argument itself, his position is in fact thoroughly (...)
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  21. Making Sense of the Growing Block View.Natalja Deng - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (3):1113-1127.
    In this paper, I try to make sense of the growing block view using Kit Fine’s three-fold classification of A-theoretic views of time. I begin by motivating the endeavor of making sense of the growing block view by examining John Earman’s project in ‘Reassessing the prospects for a growing block model of the universe’. Next, I review Fine’s reconstruction of McTaggart’s argument and its accompanying three-fold classification of A-theoretic views. I then consider three interpretations of Earman’s growing block model: the (...)
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  22. How A-theoretic deprivationists should respond to Lucretius.Natalja Deng - 2015 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 1 (3):417-432.
    What, if anything, makes death bad for the deceased themselves? Deprivationists hold that death is bad for the deceased iff it deprives them of intrinsic goods they would have enjoyed had they lived longer. This view faces the problem that birth too seems to deprive one of goods one would have enjoyed had one been born earlier, so that it too should be bad for one. There are two main approaches to the problem. In this paper, I explore the second (...)
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    Plant cellular osmotica.Deng K. Niu, Ming G. Wang & Ya F. Wang - 1997 - Acta Biotheoretica 45 (2):161-169.
    To cope with the water deficit resulting from saline environment, plant cells accumulate three kinds of osmotica: salts, small organic solutes and hydrophillic, glycine-rich proteins. Salts such as NaCl are cheap and available but has ion toxicity in high concentrations. Small organic solutes are assistant osmotica, their main function is to protect cytoplasmic enzymes from ionic toxicity and maintain the integrity of cellular membranes. Hydrophillic, glycine-rich proteins are the most effective osmotica, they have some characteristics to avoid crystallization even in (...)
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  24. On Whether B-Theoretic Atheists Should Fear Death.Natalja Deng - 2015 - Philosophia 43 (4):1011-1021.
    In this paper I revisit a dispute between Mikel Burley and Robin Le Poidevin about whether or not the B-theory of time can give its adherents any reason to be less afraid of death. In ‘Should a B-theoretic atheist fear death?’, Burley argues that even on Le Poidevin’s understanding of the B-theory, atheists shouldn’t be comforted. His reason is that the prevalent B-theoretic account of our attitudes towards the past and future precludes treating our fear of death as unwarranted. I (...)
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    A New Standardized Emotional Film Database for Asian Culture.Yaling Deng, Meng Yang & Renlai Zhou - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Leader-Following Consensus for Second-Order Nonlinear Multiagent Systems with Input Saturation via Distributed Adaptive Neural Network Iterative Learning Control.Xiongfeng Deng, Xiuxia Sun, Shuguang Liu & Boyang Zhang - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-13.
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  27. The phenomenological ontology of literature.Xiaomang Deng - 2010 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 5 (4):621-630.
    Literary ontology is essentially a phenomenological issue rather than one of epistemology, sociology, or psychology. It is a theory of the phenomenological essence intuited from a sense of beauty, based on the phenomenological ontology of beauty, which puts into brackets the sociohistorical premises and material conditions of aesthetic phenomena. Beauty is the objectified emotion. This is the phenomenological definition of the essence of beauty, which manifests itself on three levels, namely emotion qua selfconsciousness, sense of beauty qua emotion, and sentiment (...)
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    (1 other version)On Zhu Xi'S Metaphysical Theory of "Investigating Things" [Gewu].Deng Aimin - 1983 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 14 (3):35-96.
    In order to establish his "school of principle" system of thought, which was founded on objective idealism, Zhu Xi proposed a theory of "investigating things and exhausting principles" [gewu qiongli]. This became the epistemological foundation for his system of thought. This epistemology formed an organic whole with his world view. On the one hand, his "theory-of-investigating-things" epistemology opened up pathways for his system of objective idealism; on the other hand, his "school-of-principle" system formed the theoretical foundation for his epistemology of (...)
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    “A happy excursion” and freedom.Lianhe Deng - 2010 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 5 (3):313-326.
    In modern times, academics have used the perspective of political liberty and spiritual freedom to interpret and explain Zhuang Zi’s happy excursion as well as the substance of all his other thoughts. The starting point of the former is the political idea of laissez-faire; the latter involves the unique character of Zhuang Zi’s philosophy on life. But it misses the spiritual deficiency contained in Zhuang Zi, and so it is difficult to respond to criticism from modern liberals. This article argues (...)
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    On the problem of the meaning of life in “Chinese Philosophy”.Xize Deng - 2011 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 6 (4):609-627.
    The goal of “(modern) Chinese Philosophy” established during the period of the May 4th Movement is to reestablish the meaning of life for Chinese people. However, because it takes the approach of interpreting Chinese thinking through a Western lens, thus forming a discourse pattern of “Chinese A is Western B,” which is only capable of manifesting Western culture, “Chinese Philosophy” is made logically impossible as the ideological source from which modern Chinese thinkers could construct the meaning of life. The ideological (...)
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    A Fourteen-Year-Old Chinese Student in America.Deng Qian - 2002 - Chinese Studies in History 36 (2):35-39.
  32. Deng Xiaoping Dui Mao Zedong Si Xiang di Xin Fa Zhan.Wen Chen & Sichuan Sheng Deng Xiaoping Si Xiang Yan Jiu Xiao Zu - 1991
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  33. The Effects of Dynamic Work Environments on Entrepreneurs’ Humble Leader Behaviors: Based on Uncertainty Reduction Theory.Xiao Deng, Bo Gao & Guozheng Li - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  34. Temporal experience and the A versus B debate.Natalja Deng - 2017 - In Ian Phillips, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Temporal Experience: Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. New York: Routledge.
    This chapter discusses some aspects of the relation between temporal experience and the A versus B debate. To begin with, I provide an overview of the A versus B debate and, following Baron et al. (2015), distinguish between two B-theoretic responses to the A- theoretic argument from experience, veridicalism and illusionism. I then argue for veridicalism over illusionism, by examining our (putative) experiences as of presentness and as of time passing. I close with some remarks on the relation between veridicalism (...)
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    Stigmatization and Interpersonal Deviance Behaviors of Tour Guides: The Influence of Self-Identity Threat and Moral Disengagement.Aimin Deng, Wenxing Liu, Anna Long, Yanghao Zhu & Kai Gao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Severe tour guide stigma is a significant problem hindering tourism development. Based on self-identity threat and moral disengagement theory, this study analyzed the relationship between tour guide stigmatization and tour guides’ interpersonal deviance behavior. Survey data collected from 241 tour guides at three different points in time showed that tour guide stigmatization was positively related to tour guides’ interpersonal deviance behavior and that self-identity threat mediated this effect. The results also show that moral disengagement moderated the effect of tour guides’ (...)
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  36.  39
    Chinese characters and the spirit of place in China.Deng Siqi - 2018 - Technoetic Arts 16 (1):99-111.
    Writing, or calligraphy, in China is strongly influenced by ancient techniques of making art. Chinese characters have evolved from the patterns of bronze drawings, and China’s earliest hieroglyphs usually retain the traces of their origin in paintings. These paintings usually recorded daily life, and the related Chinese characters have evolved from these with general, simplified and abstract features. The composition that makes Chinese characters is a manifestation of ancient Chinese philosophy, of which Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism are the three key (...)
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    A Family-Oriented Decision-Making Model for Human Research in Mainland China.Deng Rui - 2015 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 40 (4):400-417.
    This essay argues that individual-oriented informed consent is inadequate to protect human research subjects in mainland China. The practice of family-oriented decision-making is better suited to guide moral research conduct. The family’s role in medical decision-making originates from the mutual benevolence that exists among family members, and is in accordance with family harmony, which is the aim of Confucian society. I argue that the practice of informed consent for medical research on human subjects ought to remain family-oriented in mainland China. (...)
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  38.  68
    Plenty to Come: Making Sense of Correia & Rosenkranz’s Growing Block.Natalja Deng - 2021 - Disputatio 13 (63):363-372.
    Fabrice Correia and Sven Rosenkranz’s book Nothing to Come: a Defence of the Growing Block Theory of Time offers an incredibly rich and skillful defense of the growing block theory (GBT), a view of time that arguably has much intuitive appeal, and which has been under attack from many sides. Nonetheless, I have to report that the book’s tense-logical course of treatment has not worked for me; I still struggle with making sense of the GBT. This article begins by drawing (...)
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    AID in reprogramming: Quick and efficient.Wenbin Deng - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (5):385-387.
    Current methods of reprogramming differentiated cells into induced pluripotent stem cells remain slow and inefficient. In a recent report published online in Nature, Bhutani et al.1 developed a cell fusion strategy, achieving quick and efficient reprogramming toward pluripotency. Using this assay, they identified an immune system protein called activation‐induced cytidine deaminase, or AID, which unexpectedly is actually able to “aid” in reprogramming due to its involvement in DNA demethylation that is required for induction of the two key pluripotency genes, Oct4 (...)
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  40.  27
    Study of Teaching Art Expected in Art Education.Deng Lan - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetic Education (Misc) 4:016.
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    Aesthetic Education in Animation Teaching for Teenagers.Deng Jia - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetic Education (Misc) 1:009.
  42.  29
    On Freedom.Deng Liqun - 1996 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 28 (1):78-88.
    Comrade Hu Qili, on behalf of the Central Secretariat, has delivered a speech of congratulations at the Fourth Congress of the National Writers' Association. This speech is very important. In it, Comrade Hu Qili stated: "As regards the freedom of [artistic] creation, the Party and state should provide the necessary conditions [for it] and create the necessary environment and atmosphere. At the same time, the writers' own thoughts and feelings and their creative activities as a whole should be in step (...)
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  43. What Quine (and Carnap) might say about contemporary metaphysics of time.Natalja Deng - 2020 - In Frederique Janssen-Lauret, Quine, Structure, and Ontology. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter explores some of the relations between Quine’s and Carnap’s metaontological stances on the one hand, and contemporary work in the metaphysics of time, on the other. Contemporary metaphysics of time, like analytic metaphysics in general, grew out of the revival of the discipline that Quine’s critique of the logical empiricists (such as Carnap) made possible. At the same time, the metaphysics of time has, in some respects, strayed far from its Quinean roots. This chapter examines some likely Quinean (...)
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    Functional MRI of Letter Cancellation Task Performance in Older Adults.Ivy D. Deng, Luke Chung, Natasha Talwar, Fred Tam, Nathan W. Churchill, Tom A. Schweizer & Simon J. Graham - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    "Nan xun lu" jiao zhu.Hong Deng - 2008 - Wuhan: Wuhan li gong da xue chu ban she. Edited by Huoqu Deng.
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    Ru jia lun li xin pi pan.Xiaomang Deng - 2010 - Chongqing: Chongqing da xue chu ban she.
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    Ren lun san ti.Xiaomang Deng - 2008 - Chongqing Shi: Chongqing da xue chu ban she.
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    Wen xue yu wen hua san lun.Xiaomang Deng - 2005 - Wuhan Shi: Hubei ren min chu ban she.
    Ling zhi wu -- Ren zhi jing -- Ling hun zhi lü.
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    Wang Yangming si xiang guan nian yan jiu.Keming Deng - 2010 - Taibei Shi: Taiwan da xue chu ban zhong xin.
    王陽明思想具有濃厚的實踐性格,由良知擴充到人生道德、事業以及與自然萬物之關係等,可因個人體會而有不同程度之發揮。本書所收五篇論文之觀察角度不同,立論之重點也有差異。基本上採取橫向與縱貫的方式,在橫向方 面分析陽明文獻中種種用語及觀念之內涵;在縱貫方面,則與宋儒尤其是朱子,以及禪宗思想,乃至陽明後學們作比較,希由此深入了解陽明心學的理論內容及其效果。陽明在世時即講學不輟,以振興斯道自任。其門人弟子遊歷 四方聚會講學,也充滿己欲立而立人,己欲達而達人之淑世精神。王學中人強韌的生命力與親近民間的作風,至今仍能撼動人心。這是王陽明思想中極為可貴的地方,值得重視。如何穿透時空,使這種實踐精神再度活躍於當今社 會,實為陽明學研究上的重要課題。本書在前賢的研究基礎上選擇較具學理性,又尚未被充分討論之主題作為研究對象。作者希望經由一些重要思想觀念的比較研究,求得較為完整清楚的了解,使讀者易於進入陽明學的世界。.
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    Zhongguo shao shu min zu mei xue yan jiu.Youling Deng - 2011 - Beijing Shi: Zhong yang min zu da xue chu ban she.
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