Results for 'Life-world'

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  1. Life-World and Intersubjectivity: A Study in the Development of a Phenomenological Sociology.Timothy M. Costelloe - 1996 - Dissertation, Boston University
    This dissertation examines Edmund Husserl's call for a "science of the life-world." It is argued that the most appropriate response is to develop such a science in specifically sociological terms. This argument is made by exploring particular themes in sociological theory and the philosophy of the social sciences. The dissertation begins by explicating Husserl's aspiration to understand the "life-world" and ends with the fulfillment of this aspiration in a "sociology of the life-world." ;The initial (...)
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    Phenomenological Life-World Analysis and Ethnomethodology’s Program.Thomas S. Eberle - 2012 - Human Studies 35 (2):279-304.
    This paper discusses ethnomethodology's program in relation to the phenomenological life-world analysis of Alfred Schutz. A recent publication of Garfinkel's early writings sheds new light on how he made use of phenomenological reflections in order to create a new sociological approach. Garfinkel used Schutz's life-world analysis as a source of inspiration, called for 'misreading' in the sense of an alternate reading and developed a new, empirical approach to the analysis of social order which he called 'ethnomethodology'. (...)
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    Life-world and cultural difference: Husserl, Schutz, and Waldenfels.Congqi You - 2019 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
    The fact that there are different cultures in the world is too obvious for words. COnsidering thus cultural differences in the light of the phenomenological concept of life-world may raise the following questions: Do we live in the same life-world regardless of such cultural differences? Or do we live in different life-worlds because of cultural differences? The first question presupposes a singular life-world, whereas the second question entails a plurality of life-worlds. (...)
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    Life-world, modernity, and critique: paths between Heidegger and the Frankfurt School.Fred Reinhard Dallmayr - 1991 - Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
  5. The structures of the life-world.Alfred Schutz - 1973 - Evanston [Ill.]: Northwestern University Press. Edited by Thomas Luckmann.
    The Structures of the Life-World is the final focus of twenty-seven years of Alfred Schutz's labor, encompassing the fruits of his work between 1932 and his death in 1959. This book represents Schutz's seminal attempt to achieve a comprehensive grasp of the nature of social reality. Here he integrates his theory of relevance with his analysis of social structures. Thomas Luckmann, a former student of Schutz's, completed the manuscript for publication after Schutz's untimely death.
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    The Life-World and the Particular Sub-Worlds.Werner Marx - 1970 - In Alfred Schutz & Maurice Alexander Natanson (eds.), Phenomenology and social reality. The Hague,: M. Nijhoff. pp. 62--72.
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  7. The Structures of the Life World V2.Richard M. Zaner & David J. Parent (eds.) - 1989 - Northwestern University Press.
    _The Structures of the Life-World _is the final focus of twenty-seven years of Alfred Schutz's labor, encompassing the fruits of his work between 1932 and his death in 1959. This book represents Schutz's seminal attempt to achieve a comprehensive grasp of the nature of social reality. Here he integrates his theory of relevance with his analysis of social structures. Thomas Luckmann, a former student of Schutz's, completed the manuscript for publication after Schutz's untimely death.
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  8. The life-world and Gurwitsch's" orders of existence.".Werner Marx - 1972 - In Aron Gurwitsch & Lester Embree (eds.), Life-world and consciousness. Evanston, Ill.,: Northwestern University Press. pp. 445--446.
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  9. Life-World and Politics.Hwa Yol Jung - 1981 - Research in Phenomenology 11 (1):256-263.
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  10. Life-world and the Crisis of Science.Nirankush Chakraborty - 2007 - In Manjulika Ghosh (ed.), Musings on philosophy: perennial and modern. New Delhi: Sundeep Prakashan. pp. 273.
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    Life-World and Politics: Between Modernity and Postmodernity: Essays in Honor of Fred R. Dallmayr.Stephen K. White - 1989 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    Eight essays in honor of political philosopher Fred Dallmays explore issues of subjectivity and inter-subjectivity, elucidating the implications of postmodernism and the phenomenological tradition for contemporary ethics and political theory. The contributors include Dallmays, William E. Connolly, and Jean Bethke Elshtain. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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  12. Life-world and consciousness.Aron Gurwitsch & Lester Embree (eds.) - 1972 - Evanston, Ill.,: Northwestern University Press.
  13. Life-world and Reason in Husserl's Philosophy of Life.Vincent Shen - 1984 - Analecta Husserliana 17:105.
  14. The life-World and the human body as problems in the philosophy of religion.Balazs M. Mezei - 2000 - Recherches Husserliennes 14:27-48.
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  15. The Life-World and the Axiological Approach in Ethics in Morality within the Life-and Social World.Ludwig GrÜnberg - 1987 - Analecta Husserliana 22:287-296.
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  16. Life-World And Consciousness.Joseph J. Kockelmans - 1972 - Evanston Il: Northwestern University Press.
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    Life-world’ as the Horizon of ‘Eco-phenomenology. 이종훈 - 2010 - Environmental Philosophy 9 (9):177-200.
    현대의 환경위기는 단순히 자원이 고갈되고 자연이 오염되는 수준을 넘어 생태계 전체가 파괴되고 모든 생명체가 심각하게 위협을 받는 수준에 들어섰다. 그래서 종(種)의 다양성을 유지하면서 과학기술문명의 지속가능한 발전을 촉진할 수 있는 문화가 형성되어야만 한다. 후설(E. Husserl)의 선험적 현상학, 특히 그가 해명한 ‘생활세계’(life-world)의 구조와 의의는 다음과 같은 점에서 새로운 환경철학으로서 ‘생태-현상학’(eco-phenomenology)의 지평을 명백하게 열어준다. 첫째, ‘주체-객체-상관관계’의 지향적 분석은 인간(주체)과 자연(객체)을 분리하고 자연을 자원으로만 간주하는 편협하고 왜곡된 이원론, 생태계 전체의 밀접한 상관관계를 전혀 파악하지 못한 인간중심적 개체론의 한계를 실질적으로 극복할 수 있기 때문이다. (...)
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  18. Global Life World.Algis Mickunas - 2007 - Problemos 72:36-47.
    The essay is designed to disclose one aspect of modern Western civilization that has become theground for what is known as “globalization.” The argument is presented that this civilization is premisedon formal systems that are not derivable either from physical or from empirical grounds. Such systemsare constructs and their connection with the environment is technical and productive. Thus the selectionamong the systems to be applied depends on social valuations with respect to their usefulness. Thecurrent global systems of internet communication have (...)
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  19. The life-world revisited.David Carr - 1989 - In Jitendra Nath Mohanty & William R. McKenna (eds.), Husserl's Phenomenology. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America. pp. 291--308.
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    Life-worlds and social relations in computers.László Ropolyi - 1999 - AI and Society 13 (1-2):69-87.
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    "On" Life-world: from the Perspective of Chinese Philosophy.Zhang Xian - 2002 - Modern Philosophy 1:012.
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    Life-worlds and social relations in computers.L.�szl� Ropolyi - 1999 - AI and Society 13 (1-2):69-87.
    How are social relations appearing in computers? How are social relations realised in a different kind of medium, in the hardware and software of computers? How are the organising principles of computer building related to those of the life-worlds in a social system? Following a partly social constructivist and partly hermeneutic line a more general answer will be presented. The basic conclusion of this approach is simple: computers are constructed under the influence of the ideas of modernity and represent (...)
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    Life-World, Sub-Worlds, After-Worlds: The Various ‘Realnesses’ of Multiple Realities.Ruth Ayaß - 2017 - Human Studies 40 (4):519-542.
    This paper will discuss the correlation between the world of everyday life, finite provinces of meaning, and religion. To this end, the paper will start out by explaining Schutz’ considerations on “paramount reality” of the world of everyday life as well as the theory of “multiple realities” and “finite provinces of meaning”. Schutz’ considerations will then be elaborated upon and taken a step further in a discussion of the various ‘realnesses’ of the multiple realities. Special attention (...)
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    Life-World, World of Science, and Vaccine Hesitancy: A Phenomenological Approach.Uldis Vēgners, Māra Grīnfelde & Andrejs Balodis - forthcoming - Human Studies:1-21.
    This article aimed to show the analytical potential of the life-world concept in the field of public health, which has not received much attention in the phenomenological literature. Specifically, based on phenomenologically grounded qualitative research, we aimed to show how the life-world concept, as worked out in Edmund Husserl’s philosophy, can offer new insights on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. Although there are many ways in which the life-world can motivate vaccine hesitancy, we have narrowed our (...)
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  25. (1 other version)The Phenomenological Life-World Analysis and the Methodology of the Social Sciences.Thomas S. Eberle - 2010 - Human Studies 33 (2-3):123-139.
    This Alfred Schutz Memorial Lecture discusses the relationship between the phenomenological life-world analysis and the methodology of the social sciences, which was the central motive of Schutz’s work. I have set two major goals in this lecture. The first is to scrutinize the postulate of adequacy, as this postulate is the most crucial of Schutz’s methodological postulates. Max Weber devised the postulate ‘adequacy of meaning’ in analogy to the postulate of ‘causal adequacy’ (a concept used in jurisprudence) and (...)
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    Patterns of the life-world.John Wild, James M. Edie, Francis H. Parker & Calvin O. Schrag (eds.) - 1970 - Evanston,: Northwestern University Press.
    Insight, by F. H. Parker.--Why be uncritical about the life-world? By H. B. Veatch.--Homage to Saint Anselm, by R. Jordan.--Art and philosophy, by J. M. Anderson.--The phenomenon of world, by R. R. Ehman.--The life-world and its historical horizon, by C. O. Schrag.--The Lebenswelt as ground and as Leib in Husserl: somatology, psychology, sociology, by E. Paci.--Life-world and structures, by C. A. van Peursen.--The miser, by E. W. Straus.--Monetary value and personal value, by G. (...)
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  27. Intersubjectivity in life world of Husserl's phenomenology.Fahad Hayavi - 2011 - Philosophical Investigations: Islamic Azad University, Science andResearch Branch 7 (19):103-135.
    Transcendental Ego is the principle of principles that philosophization of great philosophers such as Husserl has been based upon it. Husserl, too, as a follower of Descartes meditations and philosophy with attemption in intentionality of transcendental ego accepts it as the base of principles of philosophization and declares himself as a New Cartesian. In this study, the author develops an original reading of the Cartesian Meditation. This text, far from giving rise to a “Transcendental solipsism”, leads to a constitution of (...)
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  28. The problem of" life-world" and the principles of J. Patocka's inquiries in the history of philosophy and science.P. Tholt - 2002 - Filozofia 57 (5):321-334.
    The paper gives an analysis of the theoretical-methodological principles of the philosophy of J. Pato?ka not only as a historian of philosophy, but also as a historian of science, especially of its revolutionary periods. The aim of the paper is to show that following the general context of his works here also Pato?ka consistently deals with the central issue of his philosophy, namely the life-world . In Pato?ka's view it was already the rise of ancient philosophy, and especially (...)
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  29. The Life-world as Moral World: Vindicating the Life-world en route to a Phenomenology of the Virtues.Mark W. Brown - 2010 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique 6:1-25.
    Clarifying the essential experiential structures at work in our everyday moral engagements promises both (1) to provide a perspicacious self-understanding, and (2) to significantly contribute to theoretical and practical matters of moral philosophy. Since the phenomenological enterprise is concerned with revealing the a priori structures of experience in general, it is then well positioned to discern the essential structures of moral experience specifically. Phenomenology can therefore significantly contribute to matters pertaining to moral philosophy. In this paper I would like to (...)
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    Life-World and Religious Consciousness.Reena Thakur Patra & Sebastian Velassery - 2019 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 36 (3):405-415.
    The present article consists of four parts, and the first part examines the concept of life-world from the phenomenological perspective and argues that the characteristic features of the life-world would be through inspection, analysis and description of the life as we encounter it devoid of scientific explanations. The second part of the paper develops the idea that religion finds its meaning and significance only in the domain of life-world because the phenomena that one (...)
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    Life-world experience: existential-phenomenological research approaches in psychology.Rolf Von Eckartsberg (ed.) - 1986 - Washington, D.C.: University Press of America.
  32. The Structures of the Life World V2.Alfred Schutz & Thomas Luckmann - 1989 - Northwestern University Press.
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    “The Human Between the «Life-world»and Its Theoretical (Re)Construction”.Cecilia Tohaneanu - 2010 - Review of Research and Social Intervention/Revista de Cercetare Si Intervenţie Socială 31:95-105.
    The traditional split between rationality and historicity, concept and intuition, the form and content of knowledge has brought about an inappropriate approaching to humanities and social sciences. Presenting the main effects of such split, this paper aims at arguing the need to consider both the “empiric” and the “interpretive” as equally relevant for understanding our human world. It is eventually a meta-theoretical pleading for reconciling epistemology and ontology within a theory of humanities and social sciences able to avoid the (...)
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    Techné, Life-world, and Art.Wen-Sheng Wang - 2018 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2018 (3):251-268.
    AbstractThe notion of techné in Husserl’s phenomenology is related to his treatment of the three layers of the “teaching of craft” and the two layers of the science of “life-world.” The superior layer of both is of philosophical significance. Aristotle’s statement in ethics and metaphysics: techné is man-made, but can transit to spontaneity, and then to natural becoming, which manifests physis as the ultimate aim of his philosophical system, enlightens us to notice the following aspects in Husserl’s phenomenology. (...)
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  35. Energy between the lifeworld of pupils and the world of physics.Piet Lijnse - 1990 - Science Education 74 (5):571-583.
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    (1 other version)Is the life-world reduction sufficient in quantum physics?Michel Bitbol - 2020 - Continental Philosophy Review 54 (4):563-580.
    According to Husserl, the epochè (or suspension of judgment) must be left incomplete. It is to be performed step by step, thus defining various layers of “reduction.” In phenomenology at least two such layers can be distinguished: the life-world reduction, and the transcendental reduction. Quantum physics was born from a particular variety of the life-world reduction: reduction to observables according to Heisenberg, and reduction to classical-like properties of experimental devices according to Bohr. But QBism has challenged (...)
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    Lifeworld and consciousness: Essays for Aron Gurwitsch.Wolfe Mays - 1973 - Philosophical Books 14 (1):11-14.
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  38. The life-world and the historicity of human existence.Ludwig Landgrebe, Deborah Chaffin & Donn Welton - 1981 - Research in Phenomenology 11 (1):111-140.
    The complex of problems suggested by the term life-world pervades contemporary thought, even though such a complex is rarely called by this name [...] Time does not allow us, however, to perform an extensive review of the secondary literature on the 'Crisis'. I will only suggest that a survey of this literature, especially the works of Brand, Merleau-Ponty and Habermas, presents us with a dilemma. It seems that there is a difficulty in Husserl's characterization of the life- (...). On the one hand, it is understood as the plurality of individually different socio-cultural environments and thus the result of an historical development; on the other hand, it is interpreted as a single structural basis common to all environments and thus an a priori for that history through which they become different. This dilemma concerning the content of Husserl's theory is coupled with a problem having to do with the method of his analysis: how is Husserl's procedure of phenomenological reflection upon a transcendental ego or "monad" able to account for the intersubjective life-world in either of the senses just sketched? Putting the question in this fashion is usually the first step on the way to abandoning a transcendental account of historicity, or, as is the case with Habermas, replacing the transcendental ego with a community of language users. What I want to propose in this essay is precisely what current thinkers seem unanimous in rejecting. I want to argue for a transcendental theory of the life-world and of historicity, and I want to do so by suggesting that a phenomenological reflection upon the transcendental ego - once correctly understood - is the proper procedure for constructing such a theory. In this paper I will discuss such a theory by undertaking a brief study of Husserl's concept of the life-world and by isolating several difficulties which I detect (Part I). I will then introduce a theory of the transcendental reduction as the key to resolving the difficulties I discover (Part II). Finally, I will undertake my own systematic analysis of the a priori of the life-world and will suggest a way of integrating such an analysis with what I will call a transcendental history of the experience of consciousness (Part III). (shrink)
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  39. Geophilosophy, the Life-World, and the Political.Calvin Schrag - 2016 - In Lester Embree & Hwa Jung (eds.), Political Phenomenology: Essays in Memory of Petee Jung. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  40. Pre-predicative experience and life-world: two distinct projects in Husserl's late phenomenology.Andrea Stailti - 2018 - In Dan Zahavi (ed.), Oxford Handbook of the History of Phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    Exploring practical knowledge: life-world studies of professionals in education and research.Carl Cederberg, Kåre Fuglseth & Edwin Van der Zande (eds.) - 2023 - Boston: Brill.
    Exploring Practical Knowledge investigates professional practices from a hermeneutic perspective. The book presents, discusses and applies notions such as practical knowledge, practical wisdom, tacit knowledge, and normativity to the professional lifeworld. These contributions focus on both specific practices and more general questions concerning theories and investigations of practice. This volume comes as the result of a cooperation of three research centres: The two Centres for Practical Knowledge in Bodø, Norway and in Södertörn, Sweden, as well as the Research Group Value-Oriented (...)
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    Medical Technologies and the Life World: The Social Construction of Normality.Sonja Olin-Lauritzen & Lars-Christer Hydén (eds.) - 2006 - Routledge.
    Although the use of new health technologies in healthcare and medicine is generally seen as beneficial, there has been little analysis of the impact of such technologies on people's lives and understandings of health and illness. This book explores how new technologies not only provide hope for cure and well-being, but also introduce new ethical dilemmas and raise questions about the "natural" body. Focusing on the ways new health technologies intervene into our lives and affect our ideas about normalcy, the (...)
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  43. On the Plurality of Life-Worlds and the Shared Meanings Among Them.Leon Niemoczynski - 2009 - Topos 22 (2):95-105.
  44. Husserl's life-world and the lived body.John Wild - 1964 - In Erwin W. Straus (ed.), Phenomenology: pure and applied. Pittsburgh,: Duquesne University Press.
  45. The melancholy life world of the university.Alan Blum - 1991 - Dianoia 2 (1):16-42.
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    The Structure of the Life-World[REVIEW]G. A. - 1974 - Review of Metaphysics 28 (1):138-139.
    Alfred Schutz died in the midst of preparations for a book which was to present in a systematic and more fully developed fashion the results of his extensive research into the constitution of social reality that were previously published in scattered essays and articles. Solely from this perspective, The Structures of the Life-World, prepared for publication by Thomas Luckmann, is of immense service to scholars of Schutz as well as to those who desire a thorough introduction to Schutz’ (...)
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    Where is the Life-World?J. Claude Evans - 2010 - In Thomas Nenon & Lester Embree (eds.), Issues in Husserl’s Ideas Ii. Springer. pp. 57--65.
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  48. Enzo Paci, the Life World from an Empirical Approach.S. Zecchi - 2002 - Analecta Husserliana 80:479-480.
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  49. Phenomenological Conceptions of the Life-World.Joseph J. Kockelmans - 1986 - Analecta Husserliana 20:339.
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    Where is the Life-World?. In.J. Claude Evans - 1996 - In Thomas Nenon & Lester Embree (eds.), Issues in Husserl’s Ideas Ii. Springer Verlag. pp. 57--65.
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