Global Life World
The essay is designed to disclose one aspect of modern Western civilization that has become theground for what is known as “globalization.” The argument is presented that this civilization is premisedon formal systems that are not derivable either from physical or from empirical grounds. Such systemsare constructs and their connection with the environment is technical and productive. Thus the selectionamong the systems to be applied depends on social valuations with respect to their usefulness. Thecurrent global systems of internet communication have no physical presence; they are purely “signitive”in the sense that they have no specific space-time location, although can be embodied at any time andany place. Such systems provide an invisible net that can be utilized to access and communicate messagesabout all events around the globe. The argument that such communication although very fast, takessome time, since the logic of this communication is signitive, a net of meanings that by themselves, asa matter of course define even space and time. It can be stated without a contradiction that theinvisible signitive world is a variant of traditional metaphysics, such as Plato’s understanding ofmathematics, or the world of ideas.Keywords: global, science, logic, signification, value, technology, space-time