Results for 'Lea Mazor'

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  1.  6
    ha-Ḥayim, mahut ṿe-ʻerekh.Lea Mazor (ed.) - 1991 - Yerushalayim: Pirsume Har ha-Tsofim, ʻal-yede Hotsaʼat ha-sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit.
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    The child's interests and the case for the permissibility of male infant circumcision: Table 1.Joseph Mazor - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (7):421-428.
    Circumcision of a male child was recently ruled illegal by a court in Germany on the grounds that it violates the child's rights to bodily integrity and self-determination. This paper begins by challenging the applicability of these rights to the circumcision debate. It argues that, rather than a sweeping appeal to rights, a moral analysis of the practice of circumcision will require a careful examination of the interests of the child. I consider three of these interests in some detail. The (...)
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  3. Liberal Justice, Future People, and Natural Resource Conservation.Joseph Mazor - 2010 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 38 (4):380-408.
  4.  50
    On environmental justice, Part I: an intuitive conservation dilemma.Joseph Mazor - 2023 - Economics and Philosophy 39 (2):230-255.
    This article introduces an intuitive conservation dilemma called the Canyon Dilemma: Is it possible to condemn the mining of the Grand Canyon, even by a poor generation, while also permitting this generation’s mining of an unremarkable small canyon? It then argues that not one of several prominent theories of environmental justice, including various forms of egalitarianism, welfarism, deep-ecological theories, communitarianism and free-market environmentalism, can navigate this dilemma. The article concludes by highlighting the dilemma-navigating potential of the equal-claims idea – the (...)
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    Lea Melandri, Love and Violence, translated from Italian. Reviewed in Los Angeles Review of Books.Lea Melandri & Antonio Calcagno - 2018 - Albany, NY: SUNY Press, State University Press of New York.
    A critical, philosophical engagement of the psychological structures that propagate the continued oppression of women. In this book, the Italian feminist thinker Lea Melandri argues that systemic violence against women has deep psychoanalytic roots. Drawing inspiration from the work of Freud and the psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Elvio Fachinelli, along with feminist practices of consciousness-raising, Melandri demonstrates how male dominance and female subservience are established by society through a binary and oppositional understanding of sex and gender. This understanding—and the oppression and (...)
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    Global Justice and Avant-Garde Political Agency.Lea Ypi - 2011 - Oxford University Press.
    Global Justice and Avant-Garde Political Agency offers a fresh, nuanced example of political theory in an activist mode. Setting the debate on global justice in the context of recent methodological disputes on the relationship between ideal and nonideal theorizing, Ypi's dialectical account shows how principles and agency really can interact.
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  7.  10
    Distinguishing absence of awareness from awareness of absence.Matan Mazor & Stephen M. Fleming - 2020 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 1 (II).
    Contrasting brain states when subjects are aware compared to unaware of a presented stimulus has allowed researchers to isolate candidate neural correlates of consciousness. Here we propose that an important next step in this research program is to investigate, perhaps paradoxically, brain states that covary with reports of absences of awareness. Specifically, we propose that in order to distinguish content-specific and content-invariant neural correlates of consciousness, a distinction needs to be made between the neural correlates of awareness of stimulus absence, (...)
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  8.  19
    Review of Lea Brilmayer: American Hegemony: Political Morality in a One-Superpower World.[REVIEW]Lea Brilmayer - 1996 - Ethics 107 (1):155-157.
  9.  35
    The making of AI society: AI futures frames in German political and media discourses.Lea Köstler & Ringo Ossewaarde - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (1):249-263.
    In this article, we shed light on the emergence, diffusion, and use of socio-technological future visions. The artificial intelligence future vision of the German federal government is examined and juxtaposed with the respective news media coverage of the German media. By means of a content analysis of frames, it is demonstrated how the German government strategically uses its AI future vision to uphold the status quo. The German media largely adapt the government´s frames and do not integrate alternative future narratives (...)
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  10. Statist cosmopolitanism.Lea L. Ypi - 2008 - Journal of Political Philosophy 16 (1):48–71.
  11.  47
    Harms, wrongs, and indirect natural resource conservation obligations: a reply to Benjamin Sachs.Joseph Mazor - 2013 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 16 (2):212-215.
    In his recent commentary on my work, entitled ‘Mazor on indirect obligations to conserve natural resources for future generations’ (Sachs, 2013), Benjamin Sachs explores whether the argument I have provided for grounding indirect obligations of justice to conserve natural resources for future people really succeeds. Sachs insightfully points out that it does not necessarily follow from the fact that profligate individuals increase the obligation of others to conserve natural resources, that those others can insist that the profligate individuals do (...)
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  12.  10
    Remember me? First person thought, memory and explanations of IEM.Léa Salje - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
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  13.  25
    Tightrope Walking: Navigating Competition in Multi-Company Cross-Sector Social Partnerships.Lea Stadtler - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (2):329-345.
    Many challenges to economic and social well-being require close collaboration between business, government, and civil-society actors. In this context, the involvement of multiple companies rather than a single company may enhance such cross-sector social partnerships’ outcomes. However, extant literature cautions about the tensions arising from companies’ competitive interests and the detrimental effects on the CSSP’s social outcome. Similarly, studies analyzing simultaneous collaboration and competition suggest shielding off competitive elements from the collaboration. Based on insights into two multi-company CSSPs, we conversely (...)
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    Tributes to Kathleen Marguerite Lea, 1903-1995.Judith Lea, Clalire McLaughlin & Anthony de Vere - 1996 - The Chesterton Review 22 (3):377-382.
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    Review of Lea Brilmayer: Justifying International Acts.[REVIEW]Lea Brilmayer - 1991 - Ethics 101 (4):880-881.
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    Beyond RNAi: How the Dicer protein modulates the antiviral innate immune response in mammalian cells.Léa Gaucherand, Morgane Baldaccini & Sébastien Pfeffer - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (11):2400173.
    While Dicer plays an important antiviral role through the RNAi pathway in plants and invertebrates, its contribution to antiviral immunity in vertebrates and more specifically mammals is more controversial. The apparent limited RNAi activity in mammalian cells has been attributed to the reduced long dsRNA processive activity of mammalian Dicer, as well as a functional incompatibility between the RNAi and IFN pathways. Why Dicer has lost this antiviral activity in the profit of the IFN pathway is still unclear. We propose (...)
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  17.  61
    Can liberal egalitarians protect the occupational freedom of the economically talented?Joseph Mazor - 2018 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 21 (6):703-725.
    This article considers and ultimately rejects three prominent liberal egalitarian strategies for safeguarding the occupational freedom of the economically talented. First, Dworkinian concerns regarding the envy of the talented for the less talented are shown to be insufficient to rule out occupationally coercive taxation. Second, Rawlsian arguments about the priority of basic liberties in general and freedom of occupation in particular are shown to be unsuccessful, primarily because Rawls lacks the theoretical resources to protect freedom of occupation as a basic (...)
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  18.  56
    International Rights Violations and Media Coverage: The Case for Adversarial Impartiality.Joseph Mazor - 2013 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 27 (2):225-249.
    I argue that the best way for journalists to enable their audience to determine the truth about international rights questions and to grant the parties’ claims a fair hearing is by adhering to strict impartiality—i.e., by producing coverage that does not reflect the journalist’s personal views on the rights question. I then argue that that the best way for journalists to provide strictly impartial coverage is by utilizing a legal trial, and more specifically an adversarial trial as a model for (...)
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  19.  23
    Health care ethics ECHO: Improving ethical response self-efficacy through sensemaking.Lea Brandt, Laurel Despins, Bonnie Wakefield, David Fleming, Chelsea Deroche & Lori Popejoy - 2021 - International Journal of Ethics Education 6 (1):125-139.
    In clinical practice, evidence suggests that teaching ethics using normative ethical theory has little influence on the ethical actions of providers in practice. Thus, new training methods are needed that improve clinician response to ethical problems. A sensemaking approach to ethics training has demonstrated promise as an evidence-based pedagogical method to improve ethical reasoning and response. Project ECHO is theoretically linked to improved sensemaking. This study examines the effectiveness of ECHO and training in use of sensemaking approaches to ethical response (...)
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  20.  41
    Unreliable LLM Bioethics Assistants: Ethical and Pedagogical Risks.Lea Goetz, Markus Trengove, Artem Trotsyuk & Carole A. Federico - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (10):89-91.
    Whilst Rahimzadeh et al. (2023) apply a critical lens to the pedagogical use of LLM bioethics assistants, we outline here further reason for skepticism. Two features of LLM chatbots are of signific...
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    Human rights, micro-solidarity and moral action: ‘Face-to-face’ encounters in the Israeli/Palestinian context.Lea David - 2019 - Thesis Eleven 154 (1):66-79.
    While there is extensive literature on both the expansion of human rights and solidarity movements, and on micro-solidarity and violent actions, here I ask what is the relationship between human rights, micro-solidarity and social action? Based on a case study of structured, face-to-face dialogue group encounters in the Israeli/Palestinian context, I draw on Randall Collins’s interaction ritual chain theory to demonstrate why emotional energy and the ritualization of historical narratives have very limited potential to translate into human rights-based moral actions. (...)
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    Between facts and principles: jurisdiction in international human rights law.Lea Raible - 2021 - Jurisprudence 13 (1):52-72.
    In international human rights law ‘jurisdiction’ is the centre of the debate on extraterritorial obligations. The purpose of the present paper is to a) analyse how facts and principles contribute t...
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  23.  36
    On the Child’s Right to Bodily Integrity: When Is the Right Infringed?Joseph Mazor - 2021 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 46 (4):451-465.
    This article considers two competing types of conceptions of the pre-autonomous child’s right to bodily integrity. The first, which I call encroachment conceptions, holds that any physically serious bodily encroachment infringes on the child’s right to bodily integrity. The second, which I call best-interests conceptions, holds that the child’s right to bodily integrity is infringed just in case the child is subjected to a bodily encroachment that substantially deviates from what is in the child’s best interests. I argue in this (...)
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  24. Replenishment and Maintenance of the Human Body.Lea Aurelia Schroeder - 2021 - Apeiron 54 (3):317-346.
    Scholarship on Plato's Timaeus has paid relatively little attention to Tim. 77a–81, a seemingly disjointed passage on topics including plants, respiration, blood circulation, and musical sounds. Despite this comparative neglect, commentators both ancient and modern have levelled a number of serious charges against Timaeus' remarks in the passage, questioning the coherence and explanatory power of what they take to be a theory of respiration. In this paper, I argue that the project of 77a–81e is not to sketch theories of respiration, (...)
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  25. On Revolution in Kant and Marx.Lea Ypi - 2014 - Political Theory 42 (3):262-287.
    This essay compares the thoughts of Kant and Marx on revolution. It focuses in particular on two issues: the contribution of revolutionary enthusiasm to the cause of emancipatory political agents and its educative role in illustrating the possibility of progress for future generations. In both cases, it is argued, the defence of revolution is offered in the context of illustrating the possibility of moral progress for the species, even if not for individual human beings, and brings out the centrality of (...)
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  26. Money as tool, money as drug: The biological psychology of a strong incentive.Stephen E. G. Lea & Paul Webley - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (2):161-209.
    Why are people interested in money? Specifically, what could be the biological basis for the extraordinary incentive and reinforcing power of money, which seems to be unique to the human species? We identify two ways in which a commodity which is of no biological significance in itself can become a strong motivator. The first is if it is used as a tool, and by a metaphorical extension this is often applied to money: it is used instrumentally, in order to obtain (...)
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  27. Territorial Rights and Exclusion.Lea Ypi - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (3):241-253.
    Is it possible to justify territorial rights? Provided a justification for territorial rights can be found, does it ground claims toparticularterritories? And provided a claim to particular territories can be justified, what kind of claim is it? Is it a claim to jurisdiction? A claim to control resources? A claim to control the movement of people across borders? In this paper I review some prominent accounts seeking to answer these questions. After outlining their main features, I focus on some difficulties (...)
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  28. On the Confusion between Ideal and Non-ideal in Recent Debates on Global Justice.Lea Ypi - 2010 - Political Studies 58 (3).
  29.  17
    Identifying and Censoring Improper Artworks in Carlo Borromeo’s Diocese. The Sixteenth-Century Index of Profane Paintings in the Milan Diocesan Archives.Lea Debernardi - 2023 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 86 (1):159-191.
    Due to the elusive nature of the surviving documentation, it is often difficult to assess in what areas and to what extent the Tridentine prescriptions on sacred images led to acts of censorship directed at works of art. The Milanese diocese at the time of Archbishop Carlo Borromeo (1564–84) stands out as a rare case for which policies concerning the control of sacred art and their practical implementation are relatively well documented. This article examines Borromeo’s legislation on religious artworks and (...)
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  30.  63
    Income Redistribution, Body Part Redistribution, and Respect for the Separateness of Persons.Joseph Mazor - 2019 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 16 (3).
    This article considers the question of why labor income may be permissibly redistributed to the poor even though non-essential body parts should generally be protected from redistribution to the infirm – the body-income puzzle. It argues that proposed solutions that affirm self-ownership but reject ownership of labor income are unsuccessful. And proposed solutions that grant individuals entitlements to resources based on the centrality of those resources to the individual’s personal identity are also unsuccessful. Instead, this article defends a solution to (...)
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    Art and Testimony: The Representation of Historical Horror in Literary Works by Piotr Rawicz and Charlotte Delbo.Lea Fridman Hamaoui - 1991 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 3 (2):243-259.
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    What philosophers can contribute in the face of fundamental empirical disagreement: a response to Benatar and Lang.Joseph Mazor - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (7):432-433.
    I wish to first thank the two respondents for seriously engaging with my arguments. Their responses suggest that they are both individuals of good conscience who are deeply committed to the quest for truth and to human welfare.Their responses also highlight the deep empirical disagreements that lie at the heart of the circumcision debate. Given such empirical disagreements, what can philosophers contribute? I wish to reply to my critics in a way that highlights four types of contributions that philosophers can (...)
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    (1 other version)Corrigendum: Interleaved Learning in Elementary School Mathematics: Effects on the Flexible and Adaptive Use of Subtraction Strategies.Lea Nemeth, Katharina Werker, Julia Arend, Sebastian Vogel & Frank Lipowsky - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Má-fé e inconsciente: Sobre a crítica de Sartre a Freud em "O ser e o nada".Léa Silveira - 2016 - Doispontos 13 (3).
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  35. Thinking About You.Léa Salje - 2017 - Mind 126 (503):817-840.
    This paper brings into focus the idea that just as no third-personal way of thinking could capture the self-consciousness of first-person thought, no first- or third- personal way of thinking could capture the especially intimate way we have of relating to each other canonically expressed with our uses of ‘you’. It proposes, motivates and defends the view that second-person speech is canonically expressive of a distinctive way we have of thinking of each other, under a concept that refers de jure (...)
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    Lockean property rights, Tully's community ownership, and melanesian customary communal ownership.David R. Lea - 1994 - Journal of Social Philosophy 25 (1):117-132.
  37. Talking our way to systematicity.Léa Salje - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (10):2563-2588.
    Do we think in a language-like format? Taking the marker of language-like formats to be the property of unconstrained systematicity, this paper considers the following master argument for the claim that we do: language is unconstrainedly systematic, if language is unconstrainedly systematic then so is thought, so thought is unconstrainedly systematic. It is easy to feel that there is something right about this argument, that there will be some way of filling in its details that will vindicate the idea that (...)
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  38.  24
    Role-Specific Brain Activations in Leaders and Followers During Joint Action.Léa A. S. Chauvigné & Steven Brown - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Neglected Classics of Philosophy: Volume 2, edited by Eric Schliesser.Lea Cantor - forthcoming - Mind.
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    Revolutions between Kant and Hegel: Comments on Hegel and world revolutions.Lea Ypi - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    This paper comments on Richard Bourke's Hegel and World Revolutions, focusing on its analysis of Hegel's relevance for debates on revolution, freedom, and the Enlightenment. While agreeing with Bourke's call for critically engaging with Hegel's ideas rather than dismissing them outright, the paper raises some questions concerning Bourke's reconstruction of Hegel's interpretation of Kant, his account of the French Revolution, and the impact of Hegel's work on contemporary debates.
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    Olympism, The Values Of Sport, and the will to Power: De Coubertin And Nietzsche Meet Eugenio Monti.Léa Cléret & Mike McNamee - 2012 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 6 (2):183-194.
    The ?values of sport? is a concept that is often used to justify actions and policies by a range of agents and agencies from coaches and teachers to governing bodies and educational institutions. From a philosophical point of view, these values deserve to be analysed with great care to make sure we understand their nature and reach. The aim of this paper is to critically examine the values carried by the educational conception of sport that Pierre de Coubertin developed and (...)
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  42. Associative Duties, Global Justice, and the Colonies.Lea Ypi, Robert E. Goodin & Christian Barry - 2009 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 37 (2):103-135.
  43.  47
    On environmental justice, Part II: non-absolute equal division of rights to the natural world.Joseph Mazor - 2023 - Economics and Philosophy 39 (2):256-284.
    This article considers whether any interpretation of the idea of equal claims to the natural world can resolve the Canyon Dilemma (i.e. can justify protecting the Grand Canyon but not a small canyon from mining by a poor generation). It first considers and ultimately rejects the idea of subjecting natural resource rights to an intergenerational equal division. It then demonstrates that a pluralist theory of environmental justice committed to both respect for the separateness of persons and to the collective good (...)
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  44.  49
    The Architectonic of Reason: Purposiveness and Systematic Unity in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.Lea Ypi - 2021 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This book focuses on a question issued from The Architectonic of Pure Reason, one of the most important sections of Kant's first Critique: what is the human being? It suggests that the answer to this question is tied to a particular account of the unity of reason - one that stresses its purposive character.
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    Mistaking imagination for reality: Congruent mental imagery leads to more liberal perceptual detection.Nadine Dijkstra, Matan Mazor, Peter Kok & Stephen Fleming - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104719.
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    Universality of aging: family caregivers for elderly cancer patients.Lea Baider & Antonella Surbone - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Crisis alert: (Dis)information selection and sharing in the COVID-19 pandemic.Lea-Johanna Klebba & Stephan Winter - 2024 - Communications 49 (2):318-338.
    High levels of threat and uncertainty characterize the onset of societal crises. Here, people are exposed to conflicting information in the media, including disinformation. Because individuals often base their news selection on pre-existing attitudes, the present study aims to examine selective exposure effects in the face of a crisis, and identify right-wing ideological, trust-, and science-related beliefs that might influence the selection and sharing of disinformation. A representative survey of German internet users (N = 1101) at the time of the (...)
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    Hating men will free you? Valerie Solanas in Paris or the discursive politics of misandry.Léa Védie - 2021 - European Journal of Women's Studies 28 (3):305-319.
    In the wake of contemporary controversies in France over feminist misandry, this article reflects on claimed hatred of men as a feminist discursive resource. I use the reception of Valerie Solanas’ SCUM Manifesto by some radical French feminists of the 1970s as a privileged case study, along with historian Colette Pipon’s study on misandry within French second-wave feminist movements and Judith Butler’s works on stigma reversal. I contend that in a seemingly paradoxical way, misandry is both an anti-feminist stigma and (...)
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    Response to Critics: What is the Human Being? Kant’s Architectonic of Pure Reason and its Limitations.Lea Ypi - 2023 - Kantian Review 28 (3):477-485.
  50.  57
    Irregular Migration, Historical Injustice and the Right to Exclude.Lea Ypi - 2022 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 91:169-183.
    This paper makes the case for amnesty of irregular migrants by reflecting on the conditions under which a wrong that is done in the past can be considered superseded. It explores the relation between historical injustice and irregular migration and suggests that we should hold states to the same stringent standards of compliance with just norms that they apply to the assessment of the moral conduct of individual migrants. It concludes that those standards ought to orient migrants and citizens’ moral (...)
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