Results for 'Kobi Leins'

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  1.  28
    “Living Robots”: Ethical Questions About Xenobots.Simon Coghlan & Kobi Leins - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (5):W1-W3.
    Volume 20, Issue 5, June 2020, Page W1-W3.
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    Integrated Information-Induced Quantum Collapse.Kobi Kremnizer & André Ranchin - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (8):889-899.
    We present a novel spontaneous collapse model where size is no longer the property of a physical system which determines its rate of collapse. Instead, we argue that the rate of spontaneous localization should depend on a system’s quantum Integrated Information, a novel physical property which describes a system’s capacity to act like a quantum observer. We introduce quantum Integrated Information, present our QII collapse model and briefly explain how it may be experimentally tested against quantum theory.
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    Soziologie und Psychoanalyse: Perspektiven einer sozialwissenschaftlichen Subjekttheorie.Johann August Schülein - 2016 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    Das Buch untersucht die subjektstrategischen Theorien der Soziologie und setzt sie mit der Psychoanalyse in Verbindung. Ziel ist es die Psychoanalyse und deren Erkenntnisse für die Entwicklung eines soziologischen Subjektbegriffes fruchtbar zu machen und Perspektiven für einen verbesserten soziologischen Zugang mit dem Thema Psychodynamik zu eröffnen.
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  4. Unheroic heroes : re-viewing Roman Polanski's The pianist (2002) in Germany and Israel.Kobi Kabalek - 2007 - In Vera Apfelthaler & Julia Köhne (eds.), Gendered memories: transgressions in German and Israeli film and theatre. Wien: Turia + Kant.
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    Liberalism as a lifestyle: Interpreting Rorty's way of approaching liberalism.Kobi Assoulin - 2009 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 35 (3):339-355.
    In this article I offer a way of interpreting Richard Rorty's political suggestions. I believe Rorty's lack of offering concrete proposals for dealing with the usual key problems of liberalism is deliberate. I look at this lack from a generous point of view and claim that what Rorty offers us is another kind of political intentionality. As a pragmatist, Rorty does not look for a foundational way of justifying things but, instead, searches for a description that makes liberalism an attractive (...)
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  6.  31
    Crisis Prices: The Ethics of Market Controls during a Global Pandemic.Kobi Finestone & Ewan Kingston - 2022 - Business Ethics Quarterly 32 (1):12-40.
    SARS-CoV-2 has unleashed an unprecedented global crisis that has caused the demand for essential goods, such as medical and sanitation products, to soar while simultaneously disrupting the very supply chains that allow individuals and institutions to obtain those essential goods. This has resulted in stark price increases and accusations of price gouging. We survey the existing philosophical literature that examines price gouging and identify the key arguments for regulators permitting such behavior and for regulators restricting such behavior. We demonstrate how (...)
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  7. Is Context-Based Choice due to Context-Dependent Preferences?Kobi Kriesler & Shmuel Nitzan - 2008 - Theory and Decision 64 (1):65-80.
    The rationalization of context-based choice is usually based on the assumption that preferences are context-dependent. In this paper, we show that context-based choice can be due to the characteristics of the choice procedure applied by the individual and not to the dependence of preferences (stochastic or deterministic) on the context. Our arguments are illustrated focusing on the much-studied dominated-alternative effects.
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  8. Music therapy in medical and neurological rehabilitation settings.Anne Kathrin Leins, Ralph Spintge & Thaut & Michael - 2008 - In Susan Hallam, Ian Cross & Michael Thaut (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. Oxford University Press.
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    Über den Redner / de Oratore: Lateinisch - Deutsch.Theodor Nüßlein (ed.) - 2011 - Akademie Verlag.
    Since 1923 the Sammlung Tusculum has published authoritative editions of Greek and Latin works together with a German translation. The original texts are comprehensively annotated, and feature an introductory chapter. In the new volumes, additional essays delve into specific aspects of the works, illuminating their historical context and reception to the present day. The high academic quality of the new editions together with clearly written essays and annotations make the Sammlung Tusculum essential reading for students who are discovering an ancient (...)
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    Rhetorica Ad Herennium: Lateinisch - Deutsch.Theodor Nüßlein (ed.) - 2011 - De Gruyter.
    Diese anonyme Schrift, lange Cicero zugeschrieben, ist das wohl älteste Handbuch der Rhetorik in lateinischer Sprache. Sie bietet ein vollständiges, in sich geschlossenes System der Rhetorik, wie sie sich bis dahin vor allem in Griechenland entwickelt hatte. In der nüchternen, sprachlich oft spröden und formalistischen Schrift wird das recht verzweigte und teilweise komplizierte System der antiken Redekunst übersichtlich dargestellt. Die Kenntnis dieses Textes, der z.B. im Mittelalter eine wichtige Rolle spielte, ist für jeden wichtig, der antike Rhetorik genauer kennenlernen möchte. (...)
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    Treasures of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library.Glenna R. Schroeder-Lein (ed.) - 2014 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    The Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library in Springfield, Illinois, houses a trove of invaluable historical resources concerning all aspects of the Prairie State’s past. Treasures of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library commemorates the institution’s 125-year history, as well as its contributions to scholarship and education by highlighting a selection of eighty-five treasures from among more than twelve million items in the library’s collections. After opening with a historical overview and extensive chronology of the Library, the volume organizes the treasures by various (...)
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  12.  23
    Self-Rated Recovery and Mood Before and After Resistance Training and Muscle Microcurrent Application.Bernd A. C. Stößlein & Kim P. C. Kuypers - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:836695.
    BackgroundResistance training (RT) can offer beneficial physiological and psychological effects. The regular continuation of this exercise can be accomplished by improving the recovery and mood after a workout. Frequency-specific microcurrent (microstimulation) might offer a solution here as it has been shown to improve physical injuries, mood state, and sleep. However, knowledge is lacking about the impact of microstimulation after RT on said parameters. The present study aimed to test the effects of RT and muscle-microstimulation on mood and physical recovery in (...)
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  13.  12
    Educational Freedom of Speech: From Principle to Practice.Kobi Yaaqov Assoulin - 2019 - Philosophy of Education 75:153-167.
  14.  17
    (1 other version)Darwinian rational expectations.Kobi Finestone - forthcoming - Tandf: Journal of Economic Methodology:1-11.
  15.  10
    Metaphysik und ihre Kritik bei Hegel und Derrida.Johannes-Georg Schülein - 2016 - Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag.
  16.  47
    Conversations About Responsible Nanoresearch.Kamilla Lein Kjølberg & Roger Strand - 2011 - NanoEthics 5 (1):99-113.
    There is currently a strong focus on responsible research in relation to the development of nanoscience and nanotechnology. This study presents a series of conversations with nanoresearchers, with the ‘European Commission recommendation on a code of conduct for responsible nanosciences and nanotechnologies research’ (EC-CoC) as its point of departure. Six types of reactions to the document are developed, illustrating the diversity existing within the scientific community in responses towards this kind of new approaches to governance. Three broad notions of responsible (...)
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    Linguistic and cognitive representation of time and viewpoint in narrative discourse.Kobie van Krieken, José Sanders & Eve Sweetser - 2019 - Cognitive Linguistics 30 (2):243-251.
    In this introduction to the special issue on time and viewpoint in narrative discourse, we highlight the central contributions of the issue concerning the relation between the linguistic construal and cognitive representation of time and viewpoint. We explain how linguistic and gestural cues guide the representation of narrative time progression and argue that this representation involves various cognitive operations regulating the alignment between the viewpoints of narrator, addressee, and narrative characters. These operations are steered by a variety of linguistic phenomena, (...)
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  18.  67
    Representations of nanotechnology in norwegian newspapers — implications for public participation.Kamilla Lein Kjølberg - 2009 - NanoEthics 3 (1):61-72.
    Public participation is a prominent issue in the nanoethics literature. This paper analyses the emerging awareness of nanoscience and nanotechnology (nano S&T) in the Norwegian public sphere, as evidenced by newspaper coverage. In particular, attention is on representations of nano S&T and their relation to public participation. Three dominant representations are found; nano S&T as positive, nano S&T as important for the future and nano S&T as under control. It is argued that the prominence of these representations is unfortunate because (...)
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  19. Traveling through narrative time: How tense and temporal deixis guide the representation of time and viewpoint in news narratives.José Sanders & Kobie van Krieken - 2019 - Cognitive Linguistics 30 (2):281-304.
    This study examines the linguistic construal and cognitive representation of time and viewpoint in the genre of news narratives. We present a model of mental spaces that involves a News Space in which the deictic center is construed of the news actors at the time the newsworthy events took place, and a Reality Space in which the deictic here-and-now center of journalist and reader is construed. This model explains how the dynamic representation of narrative news discourse, characterized by shifts in (...)
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  20.  88
    Evoking and Measuring Identification with Narrative Characters – A Linguistic Cues Framework.Kobie van Krieken, Hans Hoeken & José Sanders - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  21.  60
    Smoothly moving through Mental Spaces: Linguistic patterns of viewpoint transfer in news narratives.Kobie van Krieken & José Sanders - 2019 - Cognitive Linguistics 30 (3):499-529.
    Journal Name: Cognitive Linguistics Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Constructivist Negotiation Ethics.Warren French, Christian Häßlein & Robert van Es - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 39 (1/2):83 - 90.
    The success of Discourse Ethics is premised on the discovery and use of shared values. If this is true what type of negotiation style, especially when used in an intercultural setting, is best suited to make use of shared values. Research focusing on moral arguments between Germans and Americans uncovered an array of shared values. But the existence of shared values, by itself, was not an adequate predictor of a negotiation's success. What did prove to be a predictor of success (...)
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  23. Exploring Narrative Structure and Hero Enactment in Brand Stories.José Sanders & Kobie van Krieken - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    This study examines how audiovisual brand stories both invite and enable consumers to enact heroic archetypes. Integrating research on the archetypal structure of narratives with research on the event structure of narratives, we distinguish singular plot stories (i.e. stories that show a Hero’s Journey) from embedded plot stories (i.e. stories that not only show but also tell one or more Hero’s Journeys) and develop a conceptual and narratological framework to analyze their structural elements. Application of the framework to 20 brand (...)
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  24.  18
    Nature and naturalism in classical German philosophy.Luca Corti & Johannes-Georg Schülein (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book offers the first comprehensive exploration of the relevance of naturalism and theories of nature in Classical German Philosophy. It presents new readings from internationally renowned scholars on Kant, Jacobi, Goethe, the Romantic tradition, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, and Marx that highlight the significance of conceptions of nature and naturalism in Classical German Philosophy for contemporary concerns. The collection presents an inclusive view: it goes beyond the usual restricted focus on single thinkers to encompass the tradition as a whole, prompting (...)
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  25.  14
    The agency of display: objects, framings and parerga.Johannes Grave, Christiane Holm, Valérie Kobi & Caroline van Eck (eds.) - 2018 - Dresden: Sandstein Verlag.
    The display of artefacts always implies an external mediation that influences, and often codifies, the reception of the exhibits. Objects are manipulated, restored, appropriated, staged, in short displayed, through various representational strategies that include pedestals, labels, and showcases. These elements, that we could define as parerga, are often ignored because of their utilitarian function. Yet, they play an important role in the history of the artefacts and define the setting in which the objects can exert their agency. They not only (...)
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  26.  12
    Die entwickelte sozialistische Gesellschaft – Ergebnis und Aufgabe des Kampfes der Arbeiterklasse.R. Reißig & W. Nüβlein - 1979 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 27 (4).
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  27.  25
    TEM observations of rhombohedral and monoclinic domains in LaCoO3-based ceramics.P. E. Vullum, H. L. Lein, M. -A. Einarsrud, T. Grande & R. Holmestad - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (8):1187-1208.
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  28.  45
    Storytelling on Oral Grounds: Viewpoint Alignment and Perspective Taking in Narrative Discourse.Kobie van Krieken & José Sanders - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In this paper, we seek to explain the power of perspective taking in narrative discourse by turning to research on the oral foundations of storytelling in human communication and language. We argue that narratives function through a central process of alignment between the viewpoints of narrator, hearer/reader, and character and develop an analytical framework that is capable of generating general claims about the processes and outcomes of narrative discourse while flexibly accounting for the great linguistic variability both across and within (...)
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  29.  60
    Indirect Reports and Pragmatics in the World Languages.Alessandro Capone, Una Stojnic, Ernie Lepore, Denis Delfitto, Anne Reboul, Gaetano Fiorin, Kenneth A. Taylor, Jonathan Berg, Herbert L. Colston, Sanford C. Goldberg, Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri, Cliff Goddard, Anna Wierzbicka, Magdalena Sztencel, Sarah E. Duffy, Alessandra Falzone, Paola Pennisi, Péter Furkó, András Kertész, Ágnes Abuczki, Alessandra Giorgi, Sona Haroutyunian, Marina Folescu, Hiroko Itakura, John C. Wakefield, Hung Yuk Lee, Sumiyo Nishiguchi, Brian E. Butler, Douglas Robinson, Kobie van Krieken, José Sanders, Grazia Basile, Antonino Bucca, Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri & Kobie van Krieken (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume addresses the intriguing issue of indirect reports from an interdisciplinary perspective. The contributors include philosophers, theoretical linguists, socio-pragmaticians, and cognitive scientists. The book is divided into four sections following the provenance of the authors. Combining the voices from leading and emerging authors in the field, it offers a detailed picture of indirect reports in the world’s languages and their significance for theoretical linguistics. Building on the previous book on indirect reports in this series, this volume adds an empirical (...)
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  30.  27
    Deictic Navigation Network: Linguistic Viewpoint Disturbances in Schizophrenia.Linde van Schuppen, Kobie van Krieken & José Sanders - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Recovery of Repressed Memories in Fibromyalgia Patients Treated With Hyperbaric Oxygen – Case Series Presentation and Suggested Bio-Psycho-Social Mechanism.Shai Efrati, Amir Hadanny, Shir Daphna-Tekoah, Yair Bechor, Kobi Tiberg, Nimrod Pik, Gil Suzin & Rachel Lev-Wiesel - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Phoenix Civic Plaza, Phoenix, Arizona, January 9–10, 2004.Matthew Foreman, Steve Jackson, Julia Knight, R. W. Knight, Steffen Lempp, Françoise Point, Kobi Peterzil, Leonard Schulman, Slawomir Solecki & Carol Wood - 2004 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 10 (2).
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  33.  14
    Sequential plan recognition: An iterative approach to disambiguating between hypotheses.Reuth Mirsky, Roni Stern, Kobi Gal & Meir Kalech - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence 260 (C):51-73.
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  34.  8
    ‘Danish women put up with less’: Gender equality and the politics of denial in Denmark.Atreyee Sen, Henrik Hvenegaard Mikkelsen & Marie Leine - 2020 - European Journal of Women's Studies 27 (2):181-195.
    In 2014, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights ranked Denmark as the European Union country with the highest occurrence of male physical violence and sexual assault against women. This report was described as ‘grotesque’, ‘misguided’ and ‘untrustworthy’ in the Danish mainstream media, which cited a number of prominent political commentators and expert researchers who debunked these findings. Using this case of overt public rejection of violent and white masculinity as a central analytical thread, this article explores how the invisiblization (...)
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  35.  26
    EEG-Based Prediction of Cognitive Load in Intelligence Tests.Nir Friedman, Tomer Fekete, Kobi Gal & Oren Shriki - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  36.  53
    The Walkshop Approach to Science and Technology Ethics.Fern Wickson, Roger Strand & Kamilla Lein Kjølberg - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (1):241-264.
    In research and teaching on ethical aspects of emerging sciences and technologies, the structure of working environments, spaces and relationships play a significant role. Many of the routines and standard practices of academic life, however, do little to actively explore and experiment with these elements. They do even less to address the importance of contextual and embodied dimensions of thinking. To engage these dimensions, we have benefitted significantly from practices that take us out of seminar rooms, offices and laboratories as (...)
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  37.  17
    Panlingual lexical translation via probabilistic inference. Mausam, Stephen Soderland, Oren Etzioni, Daniel S. Weld, Kobi Reiter, Michael Skinner, Marcus Sammer & Jeff Bilmes - 2010 - Artificial Intelligence 174 (9-10):619-637.
  38. Perspective-taking and intersubjectivity in oral narratives of people with a schizophrenia diagnosis: a cognitive linguistic viewpoint analysis.José Sanders, Simon A. Claassen, Kobie van Krieken & S. Linde van Schuppen - 2023 - Cognitive Linguistics 34 (2):197-229.
    Disruptions in theory of mind faculties and the ability to relate to an intersubjective reality are widely thought to be crucial to schizophrenic symptomology. This paper applies a cognitive linguistic framework to analyze spontaneous perspective-taking in two corpora of stories told by people with a schizophrenia diagnosis. We elicited natural narrative language use through life story interviews and a guided storytelling task and analyzed the linguistic construal of viewpoint in these stories. For this analysis, we developed a reliable and widely (...)
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    Assessing the feasibility of biological control of locusts and grasshoppers in West Africa: Incorporating the farmers' perspective. [REVIEW]Hugo De Groote, Orou-Kobi Douro-Kpindou, Zakaria Ouambama, Comlan Gbongboui, Dieter Müller, Serge Attignon & Chris Lomer - 2001 - Agriculture and Human Values 18 (4):413-428.
    A participatory rural appraisal inthree West African countries examined thepossibility for replacing chemical pesticidesto control locusts and grasshoppers with abiological control method based on anindigenous fungal pathogen. The fungus iscurrently being tested at different sites inthe Sahel and in the humid tropics of WestAfrica. Structured group interviews, individualdiscussions, and field visits, were used toobtain farmers' perceptions of locust andgrasshoppers as crop pests, their quantitativeestimation of crop losses, and theirwillingness to pay for locust control. Farmersas well as plant protection officers generallyperceived (...)
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    Corrigendum to “Sequential plan recognition: An iterative approach to disambiguating between hypotheses” [Artif. Intell. 260 (2018) 51–73]. [REVIEW]Reuth Mirsky, Roni Stern, Kobi Gal & Meir Kalech - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence 275 (C):234.
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    Kobi'lerde Çalışanların Kişilik Özelliklerinin Örgütsel Özdeşleşme Ve İşten Ayrılma Niyeti Üzerine E.Mustafa Kemal Topçu - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 10):861-861.
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    Fridrikh I︠a︡kobi: vera, chuvstvo, razum.S. A. Chernov - 2010 - Moskva: Progress-tradit︠s︡ii︠a︡. Edited by I. V. Shevchenko.
    Впервые в отечественной литературе всесторонне рассматриваются жизнь и творчество Фридриха Генри Якоби, коммерсанта и мыслителя, романиста и публициста, "серого кардинала" и "привилегированного еретика" немецкой философии в эпоху ее расцвета.
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    U RSULA K LEIN, Experiments, Models, Paper Tools: Cultures of Organic Chemistry in the Nineteenth Century. Writing Science. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2003. Pp. xi+305. ISBN 0-8047-4359-2. £49.50. [REVIEW]Ana Carneiro - 2006 - British Journal for the History of Science 39 (1):135-136.
  44.  8
    Nano Meets Macro: Kamila Lein Kjølberg & Fern Wickson (eds.): Social Perspectives on Nanoscale Sciences and Technologies. Pan Stanford Publishing, 2010. [REVIEW]Joel DSilva - 2011 - NanoEthics 5 (2).
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    Milena Wazeck. Einstein’s Opponents: The Public Controversy about the Theory of Relativity in the 1920s. Translated by Geoffrey S. Koby. xxi + 355 pp., illus., bibl., index. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. $99. [REVIEW]Klaus Hentschel - 2016 - Isis 107 (1):193-195.
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    Milena Wazeck, Einstein's Opponents: The Public Controversy about the Theory of Relativity in the 1920s. Translated by Geoffrey S. Koby. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. ISBN 978-1-107-01744-3. £65.00/$99.00. [REVIEW]Jaume Navarro - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Science 48 (2):375-377.
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  47. Leibniz on Human Finitude, Progress, and Eternal Recurrence: The Argument of the ‘Apokatastasis’ Essay Drafts and Related Texts.David Forman - 2018 - Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 8:225-270.
    The ancient doctrine of the eternal return of the same embodies a thoroughgoing rejection of the hope that the future world will be better than the present. For this reason, it might seem surprising that Leibniz constructs an argument for a version of the doctrine. He concludes in one text that in the far distant future he himself ‘would be living in a city called Hannover located on the Leine river, occupied with the history of Brunswick, and writing letters to (...)
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  48. Apokatastasis panton (Αποκατάστασις πάντων).Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz & David Forman - manuscript
    An English translation of a draft essay by Leibniz from 1715, in which Leibniz argues for the conclusion: "if humanity endured long enough in its current state, a time would arrive when the same life of individuals would return, bit by bit, through the very same circumstances. I myself, for example, would be living in a city called Hannover located on the Leine river, occupied with the history of Brunswick, and writing letters to the same friends with the same meaning.".
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    Der Widerspruch in Der Musik: Bausteine Zu Einer Ästhetik Der Tonkunst Auf Realdialektischer Grundlage (Classic Reprint).Rudolf Louis - 2018 - [Walluf b. Wiesbaden]: Forgotten Books.
    Excerpt from Der Widerspruch in der Musik: Bausteine zu Einer Ästhetik der Tonkunst auf Realdialektischer Grundlage Ob ich nun die zum Asthetiker unleugbar nöthige Am phibiennatur, welche sich eben so wohlig fühlt auf dem geheimnisvollen Meeresgrunde der künstlerischen Intuition, wie auf dem trockenen Erdboden philosophischer Abstraktion, in höherem Grade besitze als meine Vorgänger auf musikästheti schem Gebiete, das kann nur der Mißerfolg meines Büch leins lehren. Sollte es recht viel Widerspruch und wenig oder gar keine Anerkennung finden, so dürfte (...)
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