Results for 'Atreyee Sen'

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    ‘Danish women put up with less’: Gender equality and the politics of denial in Denmark.Atreyee Sen, Henrik Hvenegaard Mikkelsen & Marie Leine - 2020 - European Journal of Women's Studies 27 (2):181-195.
    In 2014, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights ranked Denmark as the European Union country with the highest occurrence of male physical violence and sexual assault against women. This report was described as ‘grotesque’, ‘misguided’ and ‘untrustworthy’ in the Danish mainstream media, which cited a number of prominent political commentators and expert researchers who debunked these findings. Using this case of overt public rejection of violent and white masculinity as a central analytical thread, this article explores how the invisiblization (...)
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    Achille Mbembe, "Brutalism.".Atreyee Majumder - 2024 - Philosophy in Review 44 (2):24-28.
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  3. Symposium on Amartya Sen's philosophy: 4 reply.Amaryta Sen - 2001 - Economics and Philosophy 17 (1):51-66.
    I am most grateful to Elizabeth Anderson (2000), Philip Pettit (2000) and Thomas Scanlon (2000) for making such insightful and penetrating comments on my work and the related literature. I have reason enough to be happy, having been powerfully defended in some respects and engagingly challenged in others. I must also take this opportunity of thanking Martha Nussbaum, for not only chairing the session in which these papers were presented followed by a splendid discussion (which she led), but also for (...)
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  4. The idea of justice.Amartya Sen - 2009 - Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
    And in this book the distinguished scholar Amartya Sen offers a powerful critique of the theory of social justice that, in its grip on social and political ...
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    Sur l'économie de marché. Entretien avec Amartya Sen.Amartya Sen, Arjo Klamer & Pierre Lurbe - 2000 - Cités 1:179-201.
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    Realism, responses and reactions: essays in honour of Pranab Kumar Sen.Pranab Kumar Sen & D. P. Chattopadhyaya (eds.) - 2000 - New Delhi: Sole distributor, Munshiram Manoharlal.
    Illustrations: 1 B/w Illustration Description: Pranab Kumar Sen, Professor Emeritus, Jadavpur University in whose honour this volume has been prepared was one of the leading philosophers of our country and a highly respected teacher. It carries thirty-five articles which deal with different branches of philosophy,viz., philosophical logic, philosophy of language, ontology, theory of knowledge, Kant exegesis, moral philosophy, social philosophy, philosophy of art. As Sen's philosophical interests and expertise were wide the authors had ample freedom in their choice of topics. (...)
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    Inequality Reexamined.Amartya Sen - 1927 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book develops some of the most important themes of Sen's works over the last decade. He argues in a rich and subtle approach that we should be concerned with people's capabilities rather than their resources or welfare.
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  8. Manastırlı İsmail Hakkı’nın Fusûlu’t-teysîr fî usûli’t-tefsîr Adlı Eseri ve Tefsir Usûlüne Katkısı.Ercan Şen - 2020 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 53:17-40.
    Osmanlı tefsir birikimi henüz yeterince aydınlatılabilmiş değildir. Son zamanlarda yapılan ilmî çalışmalarla bu kapalılık kısmen giderilmeye çalışılmış, fakat bu çabalar hâlihazırda istenen düzeye gelebilmiş değildir. Buradan hareketle çalışmamızda son devir Osmanlı âlimlerinden biri olan Manastırlı İsmail Hakkı’nın (1846-1912) pek bilinmeyen bir tefsir usûlü çalışması olan Fusûlu’t-teysîr fî usûli’t-tefsîr isimli eseri üzerinde duracağız. Bu eser Manastırlı İsmail Hakkı’nın, Mekteb-i Mülkiye-i Şâhâne’nin (Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi) birinci sınıfında okuyan öğrencilere ders kitabı olarak okutulmak üzere hazırlamış olduğu bir tefsir usûlü çalışmasıdır. Araştırmamızda Osmanlı dönemi (...)
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  9. Viii the impossibility of a Paretian liberal* Amartya Sen.Amartya Sen - 1979 - In Frank Hahn & Martin Hollis, Philosophy and economic theory. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 78--127.
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  10. Rational fools: A critique of the behavioral foundations of economic theory.Amartya Sen - 1977 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 6 (4):317-344.
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    Collective Choice and Social Welfare: An Expanded Edition.Amartya Sen - 2017 - Harvard University Press.
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  12. XII*—Plural Utility.Amartya Sen - 1981 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 81 (1):193-216.
    Amartya Sen; XII*—Plural Utility, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 81, Issue 1, 1 June 1981, Pages 193–216,
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  13. Well-being, agency and freedom: The Dewey lectures 1984.Amartya Sen - 1985 - Journal of Philosophy 82 (4):169-221.
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  14. Commodities and Capabilities.Amartya Sen - 1985 - Oxford University Press India.
    Commodities and Capabilities presents a set of inter-related theses concerning the foundations of welfare economics, and in particular about the assessment of personal well-being and advantage. The argument presented focuses on the capability to function, i.e. what a person can do or can be, questioning in the process the more standard emphasis on opulence or on utility. In fact, a person's motivation behind choice is treated here as a parametric variable which may or may not coincide with the pursuit of (...)
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  15. On Economic Inequality.Amartya Sen - 1997 - Clarendon Press.
    Based on the 1972 Radcliffe Lectures, this book presents a systematic treatment of the conceptual framework as well as the practical problems of measurement of inequality.
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  16. Radhakrishnan's View of Life.Sanat Kumar Sen - 1997 - In Dilip Kumar Chakraborty, Perspectives in contemporary philosophy. Delhi: Ajanta Publications.
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  17. The Concept of Rationality.Pranab Kumar Sen - 1989 - In Krishna Roy & Chhanda Gupta, Essays in social and political philosophy. New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research in association with Allied Publishers.
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    There is more to laugh.P. K. Sen - 1963 - Calcutta,: Alpha-Beta Publications.
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  19. (1 other version)Rights and agency.Amartya Sen - 1982 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 11 (1):3-39.
    This paper is about three distinct but interrelated problems: (1) the role 0f rights in moral theory, (2) thc characterization 0f agent relative values and their admissibility in consequ<—:ncc—bascd evaluation, and ( 3) the nature 0f moral evaluation 0f states 0f aihirs.
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  20. Human rights and capabilities.Amartya Sen - 2009 - In Mark Goodale, Human rights: an anthropological reader. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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  21. What Do We Want from a Theory of Justice?Amartya Sen - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy 103 (5):215-238.
  22. Equality of what?Amartya Sen - 1987 - In John Rawls & Sterling M. McMurrin, Liberty, equality, and law: selected Tanner lectures on moral philosophy. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press.
  23. Utilitarianism and welfarism.Amartya Sen - 1979 - Journal of Philosophy 76 (9):463-489.
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  24. Pi chiao che hsüeh yü wen hua.Sen Wu - 1978 - Tung Ta T U Shu Kung Ssu Tsung Ching Hsiao San Min Shu Chü.
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  25. The Political Economy of Hunger.Amartya Sen - 2019 - Common Knowledge 25 (1-3):348-356.
    Sen’s essay concerns the existence of extensive hunger amidst unprecedented global prosperity in the contemporary world, but he argues that the problem would be decisively solvable if our response were no longer shaped by Malthusian pessimism. Effective famine prevention does not turn on food supply per head and the automatic mechanism of the market: there can be plenty of food while large sections of the population lack the means to obtain it. Effective famine prevention thus requires “entitlements.” Economically, governments can (...)
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  26. Internal consistency of choice.Amartya Sen - 1993 - Econometrica 61:495–521.
  27. Utilitarianism and Beyond.Amartya Sen & Bernard Williams (eds.) - 1982 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    A volume of studies of utilitarianism considered both as a theory of personal morality and a theory of public choice. All but two of the papers have been commissioned especially for the volume, and between them they represent not only a wide range of arguments for and against utilitarianism but also a first-class selection of the most interesting and influential work in this very active area. There is also a substantial introduction by the two editors. The volume will constitute an (...)
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    Nueva economía del bienestar: escritos seleccionados.Amartya K. Sen - 1995 - [València]: Universitat de València. Edited by José Casas Pardo.
    Esta obra contribuye al homenaje que la Universitat de València rindió al profesor Amartya Kumar Sen con motivo de su investidura como Doctor Honoris Causa. La cuidada selección de artículos preparada por el profesor Casas Pardo, precedida de un estudio introductorio sobre su obra, recoge las aportaciones más importantes, originales y creativas del Dr. Sen a la economía, la ética y al pensamiento social en general.
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    Xian Qin zhu zi yan jiu.Sen Chang - 2008 - Beijing Shi: Ren min jiao yu chu ban she.
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    Adaptive Control Based Harvesting Strategy for a Predator–Prey Dynamical System.Moitri Sen, Ashutosh Simha & Soumyendu Raha - 2018 - Acta Biotheoretica 66 (4):293-313.
    This paper deals with designing a harvesting control strategy for a predator–prey dynamical system, with parametric uncertainties and exogenous disturbances. A feedback control law for the harvesting rate of the predator is formulated such that the population dynamics is asymptotically stabilized at a positive operating point, while maintaining a positive, steady state harvesting rate. The hierarchical block strict feedback structure of the dynamics is exploited in designing a backstepping control law, based on Lyapunov theory. In order to account for unknown (...)
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  31. Ryōsen bunshū.Ryōsen Tsunashima - 1905 - Tōkyō: Hidaka Yūrindō.
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  32. On Ethics and Economics.Amartya Sen - 1989 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 51 (4):722-723.
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    Women’s Legal Struggle at Court in Ottomon Society: According to 235 Seydişehir Legal Register.Mehmet Emin ŞEN - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:2793-2807.
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    Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türk Şiirinde Doğa-Kültür Karşıtlığına/Çatışmasına Psikanalitik Bir Yaklaşım.Cafer ŞEN - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 8):1891-1891.
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    İstanbul As A Celebrated Place In Füruzan's Works.Nurcan ŞEN - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:2129-2140.
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    Belief, faith, and knowledge.Sen Gupta & Santosh Chandra - 1971 - Santiniketan,: Centre of Advanced Study in Philosophy, Visva-Bharati.
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  37. Tattvajñāna-prabeśika.Sen Gupta & Surendra Nath - 1981 - Kalikātā: prāptisthāna Phārmā Ke Ela Ema.
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  38. Der Wiederaufbau der Naturrechtslehre in Deutschland nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg.Sen-Rong Lin - 1977 - [s.l.: [S.N.].
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  39. Welfare inequalities and Rawlsian axiomatics.Amartya Sen - 1976 - Theory and Decision 7 (4):243-262.
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    Economics, Business Principles and Moral Sentiments.Amartya Sen - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (3):5-15.
    This essay discusses the place of business principles and of moral sentiments in economic success, and examines the role of cultures in influencing norms of business behavior. Two presumptions held in standard economic analysis are disputed: the rudimentary nature of business principles (essentially restricted, directly or indirectly, to profit maximization), and the allegedly narrow reach of moral sentiments (often treated to be irrelevant to business and economics). In contrast, the author argues for the need to recognize the complex structure of (...)
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  41. Rationality and Freedom.Amartya Sen - 2005 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 67 (1):182-183.
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    Funciones de bienestar social no lineales: una réplica al profesor Harsanyi.Amartya K. Sen - 1996 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 5 (1).
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  43. A critical study of the philosophy of Rāmānuja.Anima Sen Gupta - 1967 - Varanasi,: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office.
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    Is Singular Proposition Categorical?Amrr Kumar Sen - 1998 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 25:79-84.
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    Zang chuan yin ming.Sen Wang - 2009 - Beijing Shi: Zhonghua shu ju.
    本书是王森先生的遗作,如1989年出版的《中国逻辑史·唐明卷》中的《藏传因明》一章;梵文汉译的《胜论经》;梵文古写本《七句义论》校注;《正理滴论》、《中论》、《辨中边论》梵藏汉文会勘;贝叶本《俱舍论颂 》梵藏汉文索引;以及《正理滴论》梵汉对照索引等.
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  46. Positional objectivity.Amartya Sen - 1993 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 22 (2):126-145.
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    Moral Information.Amartya Sen - 1985 - Journal of Philosophy 82 (4):169-184.
  48. Consequential Evaluation and Practical Reason.Amartya Sen - 2000 - Journal of Philosophy 97 (9):477.
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    Bilim Yoldaşlığı.Mustafa İsen - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1-2.
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  50. Democracy as a universal value.Amartya Sen - unknown
    In the summer of 1997, I was asked by a leading Japanese newspaper what I thought was the most important thing that had happened in the twentieth century. I found this to be an unusually thought-provoking question, since so many things of gravity have happened over the last hundred years. The European empires, especially the British and French ones that had so dominated the nineteenth century, came to an end. We witnessed two world wars. We saw the rise and fall (...)
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