  1.  41
    Assessing the feasibility of biological control of locusts and grasshoppers in West Africa: Incorporating the farmers' perspective. [REVIEW]Hugo De Groote, Orou-Kobi Douro-Kpindou, Zakaria Ouambama, Comlan Gbongboui, Dieter Müller, Serge Attignon & Chris Lomer - 2001 - Agriculture and Human Values 18 (4):413-428.
    A participatory rural appraisal inthree West African countries examined thepossibility for replacing chemical pesticidesto control locusts and grasshoppers with abiological control method based on anindigenous fungal pathogen. The fungus iscurrently being tested at different sites inthe Sahel and in the humid tropics of WestAfrica. Structured group interviews, individualdiscussions, and field visits, were used toobtain farmers' perceptions of locust andgrasshoppers as crop pests, their quantitativeestimation of crop losses, and theirwillingness to pay for locust control. Farmersas well as plant protection officers generallyperceived (...)
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