Results for 'Karen Mack'

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  1.  31
    The Phenomenon of Invoking Fudō for Pure Land Rebirth in Image and Text.Karen Mack - 2006 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 33 (2):297-317.
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  2. Inattentional Blindness.Arien Mack & Irvin Rock - 1998 - MIT Press. Edited by Richard D. Wright.
    Arien Mack and Irvin Rock make the radical claim that there is no conscious perception of the visual world without attention to it.
  3. Moral cacophony: When continence is a virtue.Karen E. Stohr - 2003 - The Journal of Ethics 7 (4):339-363.
    Contemporary virtue ethicists widely accept thethesis that a virtuous agent''s feelings shouldbe in harmony with her judgments about what sheshould do and that she should find virtuousaction easy and pleasant. Conflict between anagent''s feelings and her actions, by contrast,is thought to indicate mere continence – amoral deficiency. This ``harmony thesis'''' isgenerally taken to be a fundamental element ofAristotelian virtue ethics.I argue that the harmony thesis, understoodthis way, is mistaken, because there areoccasions where a virtuous agent will findright action painful and (...)
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    What is the shape of developmental change?Karen E. Adolph, Scott R. Robinson, Jesse W. Young & Felix Gill-Alvarez - 2008 - Psychological Review 115 (3):527-543.
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  5. Measuring Teachers’ Social-Emotional Competence: Development and Validation of a Situational Judgment Test.Karen Aldrup, Bastian Carstensen, Michaela M. Köller & Uta Klusmann - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:519912.
    Teachers’ social-emotional competence is considered important to master the social and emotional challenges inherent in their profession and to build positive teacher-student relationships. In turn, this is key to both teachers’ occupational well-being and positive student development. Nonetheless, an instrument assessing the profession-specific knowledge and skills that teachers need to master the social and emotional demands in the classroom is still lacking. Therefore, we developed the Test of Regulation in and Understanding of Social Situations in Teaching (TRUST), which is a (...)
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  6. Unsettling the memes of neoliberal capitalism through administrative pragmatism.C. F. Abel & Karen Kunz - 2018 - In Margaret Stout, From austerity to abundance?: creative approaches to coordinating the common good. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.
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    Libertarianism.Eric Mack - 2018 - Medord, MA: Polity.
    In this book, leading expert Eric Mack provides a rigorous and clear account of the philosophical principles of libertarianism. This book will be essential reading for anyone interested in political philosophy, political ideologies and the nature of liberty and state authority, from students and scholars to general readers.
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    Keeping the Shutters Closed: The Moral Value of Reserve.Karen Stohr - 2014 - Philosophers' Imprint 14.
    In this paper I defend a little noted claim of Kant’s — that we should “keep the shutters closed” on our flaws and failings. Kant’s own arguments for this claim aren’t fully satisfactorily, and they rest primarily on pragmatic considerations. My aim in this paper is to provide a more robust Kantian-inspired argument for the moral value of reserve. I argue that collaborating with others to keep the shutters closed on our individual and collective flaws aids in the difficult task (...)
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    With the future coming up behind them: Evidence that Time approaches from behind in Vietnamese.Karen Sullivan & Linh Thuy Bui - 2016 - Cognitive Linguistics 27 (2):205-233.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Cognitive Linguistics Jahrgang: 27 Heft: 2 Seiten: 205-233.
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    Muslim women in the western media: Foucault, agency, governmentality and ethics.Karen Vintges - 2012 - European Journal of Women's Studies 19 (3):283-298.
    This article compares the ways in which Saba Mahmood’s The Politics of Piety and Cressida Heyes’ Self-Transformations: Foucault, Ethics, and Normalization, unlike current governmentality studies, employ the later Foucault’s ethical theory. By explaining the theoretical framework of the ‘middle’ Foucault and the ‘later’ Foucault and then comparing Mahmood and Heyes’ use of Foucault’s work, it is argued that Mahmood and Heyes’ analyses, though thought-provoking and incisive, overlook aspects of Foucault’s later work, ultimately preventing them from offering productive ‘feminist strategies’. The (...)
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  11. The real dirt: Gossip and feminist epistemology.Karen C. Adkins - 2002 - Social Epistemology 16 (3):215 – 232.
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    Recent Work in Virtue Ethics.Karen Stohr & Christopher Wellman - 2002 - American Philosophical Quarterly 39 (1):49-72.
    Given the continued popularity of virtue ethics, it is appropriate to evaluate its impact on normative theory and its ability to fulfill its promise as a new approach to ethics. In this paper, we review three new books by prominent virtue ethicists: Morals from Motives by Michael Slote, On Virtue Ethics by Rosalind Hursthouse, and Natural Goodness by Philippa Foot. We also assess the ability of virtue ethics to respond to three standard objections to the theory. Our conclusion is that (...)
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    Kuhn in the Classroom, Lakatos in the Lab: Science Educators Confront the Nature-of-Science Debate.Karen Sullenger & Steven Turner - 1999 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 24 (1):5-30.
    Programs for the reform of K-12 science teaching today usually insist that science teachers must introduce their students to the nature of science, as well as to scientific content. The academic field of science studies, however, evinces no consensus about what the nature of science really is. This article examines how science educators and educational researchers have drawn on the fragmented teachings of science studies about the nature of science, and how they have used those teachings as a resource in (...)
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    The Authoritarian Dynamic.Karen Stenner - 2005 - Cambridge University Press.
    What is the basis for intolerance? This book addresses that question by developing a universal theory about what causes intolerance of difference in general, which includes racism, political intolerance, moral intolerance and punitiveness. It demonstrates that all these seemingly disparate attitudes are principally caused by just two factors: individuals' innate psychological predispositions to intolerance interacting with changing conditions of societal threat. The threatening conditions, resonant particularly in the present political climate, that exacerbate authoritarian attitudes include national economic downturn, rapidly rising (...)
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    The attitudes of business Majors toward the teaching of business ethics.Karen Stewart, Linda Felicetti & Scott Kuehn - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (8):913 - 918.
    Business majors were tested for their attitudes toward the teaching of business ethics in university business education. Respondents indicated that they considered ethics an important part of a business curriculum and that they preferred integrating ethics into a number of different courses rather than taking a separate compulsory or elective ethics course. Ethical business practices were seen by respondents as increasing profit and return on investment and creating a positive work environment and public perception of the organization.
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    Aberrations of Mourning: Writing on German Crypts.Karen Sullivan & Laurence A. Rickels - 1990 - Substance 19 (1):122.
  17. Contemporary virtue ethics.Karen Stohr - 2006 - Philosophy Compass 1 (1):22–27.
    Within contemporary ethics, virtue ethics now seems to be permanently positioned as a major normative theory. Despite its popularity, however, it is often not very clear – even to virtue ethicists – what is included in the term. This article clarifies the territory by setting out some recent developments in virtue ethics. The article also explores the impact of the virtue ethics revival on metaethics and looks at the direction of future debate.
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  18. Gaslighting by Crowd.Karen C. Adkins - 2019 - Social Philosophy Today 35:75-87.
    Most psychological literature on gaslighting focuses on it as a dyadic phenomenon occurring primarily in marriage and family relationships. In my analysis, I will extend recent fruitful philosophical engagement with gaslighting by arguing that gaslighting, particularly gaslighting that occurs in more public spaces like the workplace, relies upon external reinforcement for its success. I will ground this study in an analysis of the film Gaslight, for which the phenomenon is named, and in the course of the analysis will focus on (...)
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  19. Manners, morals, and practical wisdom.Karen Stohr - 2006 - In Timothy Chappell, Values and virtues: Aristotelianism in contemporary ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
    In this paper I argue that the capacity to behave appropriately in social settings is properly understood as a virtue. Genuinely good manners contribute to, and are expressive of, morally important ends, the ends to which someone with full Aristotelian virtue is committed. They thus form an essential component of virtuous conduct.
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    Titles and abstracts for the Pitt-London Workshop in the Philosophy of Biology and Neuroscience: September 2001.Karen Arnold, James Bogen, Ingo Brigandt, Joe Cain, Paul Griffiths, Catherine Kendig, James Lennox, Alan C. Love, Peter Machamer, Jacqueline Sullivan, Sandra D. Mitchell, David Papineau, Karola Stotz & D. M. Walsh - 2001
    Titles and abstracts for the Pitt-London Workshop in the Philosophy of Biology and Neuroscience: September 2001.
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    Gossip as Ecological Discourse.Karen Adkins - 2021 - In Nancy Arden McHugh & Andrea Doucet, Thinking ecologically, thinking responsibly: the legacies of Lorraine Code. Albany: SUNY Press. pp. 73-91.
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    Cambodian Linguistics, Literature and History: Collected ArticlesThe Tai Dialect of Lungming: Glossary, Texts, and Translations.Karen L. Adams, Judith Jacob, David A. Smyth, William J. Gedney & Thomas John Hudak - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (3):580.
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    “Always leading our men in service and sacrifice”:: Amy Jacques Garvey, feminist Black nationalist.Karen S. Adler - 1992 - Gender and Society 6 (3):346-375.
    This article focuses on the most important woman in Garveyism: Amy Jacques Garvey, Marcus Garvey's second wife. Amy Jacques Garvey's true value in the Garvey movement has rarely been acknowledged; most authors and scholars have misleadingly depicted her as Marcus's “helpmate.” This article proposes that Amy Jacques Garvey was a key architect of Garveyism and a lifelong advocate of social justice in her own right. The author also examines the relationship among race, class, and gender as it pertains to Amy (...)
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    Learning and exploration: Lessons from infants.Karen E. Adolph, Ludovic M. Marin & Frederic F. Fraisse - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2):213-214.
    Based on studies with infants, we expand on Stoffregen & Bardy's explanation of perceptual motor errors, given the global array. Information pick-up from the global array is not sufficient without adequate exploratory movements and learning to support perceptually guided activity.
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    Legitimacy and Lawmaking: A Tale of Three International Courts.Karen J. Alter & Laurence R. Helfer - 2013 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 14 (2):479-504.
    This Article explores the relationship between the legitimacy of international courts and expansive judicial lawmaking. We compare lawmaking by three regional integration courts - the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Andean Tribunal of Justice, and the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice. These courts have similar jurisdictional grants and access rules, yet each has behaved in a strikingly different way when faced with opportunities to engage in expansive judicial lawmaking. The CJEU is the most activist, but its audacious (...)
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    Evaluating science on epistemic and moral grounds (formerly, putting anthropomorphism in context).Karen Arnold - manuscript
    In recent years several philosophers of biology have proposed a pluralistic approach to science. In The Disorder of Things, John Dupré argues for a version of pluralism. Pluralists of all breeds must deal with a familiar class of worries that are routinely expressed at the suggestion of any move away from monism. One such worry is that pluralism is a relativistic position in which "anything goes" in science. In this paper I examine Dupré's proposals for saving his pluralism from the (...)
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  27. Neoiberalization of nature.Karen Bakker - 2015 - In Thomas Albert Perreault, Gavin Bridge & James McCarthy, The Routledge handbook of political ecology. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Stories of Suffering and Success: Men’s Embodied Narratives following Bariatric Surgery.Karen Synne Groven, Birgitte Ahlsen & Steve Robertson - 2018 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 18 (1):1-14.
    This paper draws on research exploring how men narrate their long-term experiences of Weight Loss Surgery [WLS] and is specifically focused on findings relating to male embodiment. Whilst there is concern about increasing obesity and the possible role of bariatric [WLS] surgery in ameliorating this, there has been little research to date exploring men’s longer-term experiences of this. For the purposes of the present study, interviews were conducted with five men who had undergone bariatric surgery at least four years previously. (...)
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  29. Do we need feminist epistemologies?Karen Vintges - 1988 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 21 (2):157-162.
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    Filosofie als passie: het denken van Simone de Beauvoir.Karen Vintges - 1992 - Amsterdam: Prometheus.
    Studie over het filosofische werk van de Franse schrijfster (1908-1986).
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  31. Geen studietijd.Karen Vintges - 2021 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 61 (1):42-43.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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    Morele globalisering.Karen Vintges - 2005 - Krisis 6 (4):28-31.
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    Misunderstanding in Paris.Karen Vintges - 2017 - In Laura Hengehold & Nancy Bauer, A Companion to Simone de Beauvoir. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 478–488.
    This chapter discusses the mistaken ways in which Beauvoir's work is interpreted by some of France's leading feminists. It counterposes their reception by arguing that Beauvoir's concept of the free ethical way of life is Hegelian rather than Kantian in character. In The Ethics of Ambiguity she outlines ethics as an always situated, embodied life project, a perspective that is the theoretical framework of The Second Sex as well and that calls for a plural feminism in world perspective.
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    Zur Aktualität von Beauvoirs Denken.Karen Vintges - 1999 - Die Philosophin 10 (20):99-113.
  35. De paso por Sao Paulo: El funk carioca, los jóvenes y la cultura popular.Karen Andrea Vásquez - 2011 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 2 (3):17 - 6.
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    Introduction: Introduction.Karen Guo & Richard E. Caves - 2005 - In Karen Guo & Richard E. Caves, Switching Channels: Organization and Change in Tv Broadcasting. Harvard University Press. pp. 1-16.
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    (1 other version)Earth Day 1990.Karen Gedney - 1990 - Business Ethics 4 (2):16-19.
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    Psychomotor reminiscence as a function of gonadal steroid hormone variation.Karen C. Wells & R. B. Payne - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (3):197-200.
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    Weight loss surgery as a tool for changing lifestyle?Karen Synne Groven, Målfrid Råheim, Jean Braithwaite & Gunn Engelsrud - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (4):699-708.
    This article critically explores the tension between perceptions of weight loss surgery as a last resort and as a tool. This tension stems from patients’ doubt and insecurity whether expectations for a healthy life will come through. Thus, even after surgery, traditional weight loss methods, including diets and exercise, are considered paramount. Drawing on a series of interviews with Norwegian women, we argue that the commercialization of weight loss surgeries as well as the moral stigmas attached to such operations serve (...)
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    Appendix A: Determinants of Affiliates’ Compensation.Karen Guo & Richard E. Caves - 2005 - In Karen Guo & Richard E. Caves, Switching Channels: Organization and Change in Tv Broadcasting. Harvard University Press. pp. 259-272.
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    Appendix B: Gains for Chains in Radio.Karen Guo & Richard E. Caves - 2005 - In Karen Guo & Richard E. Caves, Switching Channels: Organization and Change in Tv Broadcasting. Harvard University Press. pp. 273-282.
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    8. Broadcast Stations: Lengthening the Chains.Karen Guo & Richard E. Caves - 2005 - In Karen Guo & Richard E. Caves, Switching Channels: Organization and Change in Tv Broadcasting. Harvard University Press. pp. 212-226.
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    9. Cable Networks and Cable Operators: Ownership Links and Carriage Decisions.Karen Guo & Richard E. Caves - 2005 - In Karen Guo & Richard E. Caves, Switching Channels: Organization and Change in Tv Broadcasting. Harvard University Press. pp. 227-242.
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    Notes.Karen Guo & Richard E. Caves - 2005 - In Karen Guo & Richard E. Caves, Switching Channels: Organization and Change in Tv Broadcasting. Harvard University Press. pp. 283-344.
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    Preface.Karen Guo & Richard E. Caves - 2005 - In Karen Guo & Richard E. Caves, Switching Channels: Organization and Change in Tv Broadcasting. Harvard University Press.
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    7. Program Supply, Integration, And The Fin-Syn Rules.Karen Guo & Richard E. Caves - 2005 - In Karen Guo & Richard E. Caves, Switching Channels: Organization and Change in Tv Broadcasting. Harvard University Press. pp. 183-211.
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    3. The Public Broadcasting System.Karen Guo & Richard E. Caves - 2005 - In Karen Guo & Richard E. Caves, Switching Channels: Organization and Change in Tv Broadcasting. Harvard University Press. pp. 74-96.
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    4. The Squeeze on Broadcasters’ Rents.Karen Guo & Richard E. Caves - 2005 - In Karen Guo & Richard E. Caves, Switching Channels: Organization and Change in Tv Broadcasting. Harvard University Press. pp. 99-126.
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    Effects of extinction and US reinstatement of a blocking CS-US association.Karen K. Gustavson, Julie A. Hart, Jeffrey L. Calton & Todd R. Schachtman - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (3):247-250.
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    Christian ethics at the boundary: feminism and theologies of public life.Karen V. Guth - 2015 - Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
    In contemporary reflection on Christianity and politics, the work of realist, witness, and feminist theologians has been done in isolation--that is, each school has largely pursued its projects without incorporating the insights of others. Christian Ethics at the Boundary offers the first approach to public and political theology developed at the boundaries that separate these approaches.
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