Results for 'K. Abraham'

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    A model for the modern malaise.Robert K. Meyer & Adrian Abraham - 1984 - Philosophia 14 (1-2):25-40.
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  2. Be-nefesh ha-teshuvah: shiʻurim be-sefer Orot ha-teshuvah me-et ha-Rav Avraham Yitsḥaḳ Ḳuḳ, zatsal.Eliʻezer Ḳashtiʼel & Abraham Isaac Kook (eds.) - 2015 - ʻEli: Korʼim Navon.
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    History of Biblical Israel: Major Problems and Minor Issues.K. Lawson Younger & Abraham Malamat - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (4):882.
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    Deficiencies in pastoral care with prisoners in Cameroon.Abraham K. Akih & Yolanda Dreyer - 2012 - HTS Theological Studies 68 (1).
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    Penal reform in Africa: The case of prison chaplaincy.Abraham K. Akih & Yolanda Dreyer - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3).
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    Integrated production distribution problem in a partial backorder and order refusal environment.Anand Abraham, T. Radha Ramanan, R. Sridharan & K. Ratna Kumar - 2019 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 12 (3):296.
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    Open commonsality: towards prophetic ecumenism.K. C. Abraham - 2023 - Delhi: Indian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge and Kerala United Theological Seminary, Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala.
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  8. Business and Politics under the Persian Empire (2004)[63: 2]: JAOS 126 (2006) 123-125 (R. Da Riva).K. Abraham - 2006 - Topoi 14 (2):399-403.
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    What is managed care anyway?Abraham P. Schwab, Kelly A. Carroll & Matthew K. Wynia - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (1):36 – 37.
    1The opinions contained in this article are those of the authors and should not be construed as policies of the American Medical Association.
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    Competing Conversations: An Examination of Competition as Intrateam Interactions.Elsheba K. Abraham, Maureen E. McCusker & Roseanne J. Foti - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:414834.
    Intrateam competition is an inherently social and interactional process, yet it is not often studied as such. Research on competition is mostly limited to studying it as an individual state and assumes that the resulting team outcomes are equivalent across different competition types. Often overlooked in competition research are the means through which competition can lead to constructive outcomes for the team. Constructive competition occurs when the primary motivation is not to win at the expense of others, but rather to (...)
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  11. Sefer Orot ha-ḳodesh.Abraham Isaac Kook - 2014 - Yerushalayim: Sifriyat Bet El. Edited by Aharon Ṭoledano & Shelomoh Ṭoledano.
    Vol. 1, pt. 1: Ḥokhmat ha-ḳodesh, sedarim 1-4 -- Vol. 1, pt. 2: Ḥokhmat ha-ḳodesh, sedarim 5-7 -- Vol. 2, pt. 1: Higayon ha-ḳodesh, sedarim 1-5 -- Vol. 2, pt. 2: ha-Maʼamar ha-rishon ṿeha-maʼamar ha-sheni ʻim sikum u-ferush Dibur u-maḥshavah -- Vol. 2, pt. [2b]: ha-Maʼamar ha-shelishi ṿeha-maʼamar ha-reviʻi ʻim sikum u-ferush Dibur u-maḥshavah -- Vol. 2, pt. 3: ha-Maʼamar ha-ḥamishi ʻim sikum u-ferush Dibur u-maḥshavah --.
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  12. Ḳevatsim mi-ketav yad ḳodsho: kitve ha-Rav r. Avraham Yitsḥaḳ ha-Kohen Ḳuḳ, zatsal.Abraham Isaac Kook - 2005 - Yerushalayim: Makhon le-hotsaʼat ginze ha-Reʼiyah. Edited by Boʻaz Ofen.
    [1] Pinḳas "Aḥaron Boisḳ." Pinḳas "Rishon le-Yafo." Pinḳas 81 pisḳaʼot (Yafo). Pinḳas "Reshimot mi-London." Pinḳas Yerushalayim, 793 -- kerekh 2. Maḥberot ḳeṭanot, Boisḳ 1-2. Pinḳas ha-dapim, 1-4. Pinḳas 5.
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    Compositional complementarity and prebiotic ecology in the origin of life.Axel Hunding, Francois Kepes, Doron Lancet, Abraham Minsky, Vic Norris, Derek Raine, K. Sriram & Robert Root-Bernstein - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (4):399-412.
    We hypothesize that life began not with the first self‐reproducing molecule or metabolic network, but as a prebiotic ecology of co‐evolving populations of macromolecular aggregates (composomes). Each composome species had a particular molecular composition resulting from molecular complementarity among environmentally available prebiotic compounds. Natural selection acted on composomal species that varied in properties and functions such as stability, catalysis, fission, fusion and selective accumulation of molecules from solution. Fission permitted molecular replication based on composition rather than linear structure, while fusion (...)
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  14. (1 other version)Orot ha-ḳodesh: ʻaśarah maʼamarot ṿe-shivʻah sheʻarim.Abraham Isaac Kook - 1962 - Yerushalayim: ha-Miśrad le-ʻinyene datot. Edited by David Cohen.
    ḥeleḳ 1. Ḥokhmat ha-ḳodesh (2 v.) -- ḥeleḳ 2. Musar ha-ḳodesh (2 v.).
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  15. Shemonah ḳevatsim: ha-sefer ha-shalem.Abraham Isaac Kook - 2020 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat Mosad ha-Rav Ḳuḳ. Edited by Boʻaz Ofen & Mosheh Yeḥiʼel Tsuriʼel.
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    Tributes to Charles A. Moore as philosopher, teacher, colleague, editor, and conference director.Winfield E. Nagley, John M. Koller, S. K. Saksena, Kenneth K. Inada & Abraham Kaplan - 1967 - Philosophy East and West 17 (1/4):7-14.
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    (1 other version)Mercy, Murder, and Morality.C. J. van der Berge, Herman H. van der Kloot Meijburg, I. van der Sluis, Henk Rigter, Courtney S. Campbell, Bette-Jane Crigger, J. G. M. Aarsten, P. V. Admiraal, I. D. de Beaufort, Th M. G. van Berkestijin, J. B. van Borssum Waalkes, E. Borst-Eilers, W. H. Cense, H. S. Cohen, H. M. Dupuis, W. Everaerd, J. K. M. Gevers, H. W. A. Hilhorst, W. R. Kastelein, H. H. van der Kloot Meijburg, H. M. Kuitert, H. J. J. Leemen, C. van der Meer, J. C. Molenaar, H. D. C. Roscam Abbing, H. Roelink, E. Schroten, C. P. Sporken, E. Ph R. Sutorius, J. Tromp Meesters, M. A. M. de Wachter, Abraham van der Spek & Richard Fenigsen - 1989 - Hastings Center Report 19 (6):47.
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    Le-mahalakh ha-ideʼot be-Yiśraʼel: ḳaṿim le-havanat ha-hisṭoryah ha-Yehudit ṿeha-ʻolamit.Abraham Isaac Kook - 2009 - ʻEli: Mekhon Binyan ha-Torah. Edited by Ḥagai London.
    ḳaṿim le-havanat ha-hisṭoriah ha-yehudit ṿeha-ʻolamit.
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    Emunah ṿe-ḳiyumiyut: maḥshevet Yiśraʼel be-hebeṭ madʻe ha-hitnahagut.Abraham Caspi - 2012 - Tel-Aviv: ʻEḳed.
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    Metsiʼot ḳaṭan: pinḳas bikurim.Abraham Isaac Kook - 2018 - [Yerushalayim]: Sifre Magid, Hotsaʼat Ḳoren Yerushalayim. Edited by Harʼel Kohen.
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  21. Tilḥash li sod ha-haṿayah: me-imrotaṿ shel ha-Rav Ḳuḳ.Abraham Isaac Kook - 1998 - [Mevaśeret-Tsiyon, Israel]: Reʻut. Edited by Ran Śarid.
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    Concordance et indices de la tradition musulmaneHistoire des croisades et du royaume franc de Jérusalem. Vol. I: L'anarchie musulmane et la monarchie franque (1097-1131)The Kingdom of the CrusadesMoslem Schisms and Sects (al-Farḳ bạin al-Firaḳ)Diwan of Khaki KhorasaniTwo Early Ismaili Treatises, i. e. Haft Babi Bab Sayyid-na and Matlubu'l-Mu'mininTrue Meaning of Religion, i. e. Risala dar Haqqiqati DinAl-Islām w-al-Tajdīd fi MiṣrMonetary and Banking System of SyriaThe Yazīdis, Past and Present. [REVIEW]Philip K. Hitti, A. J. Wensinck, René Grousset, Dana C. Munro, Abraham S. Halkin, W. Ivanow, Nasir'D.-din Tusi, Shihabu' din Shah, Ivanow, 'Abbās Maḥmūd, Sa'īd B. Ḥimādeh, Ismā'īl Beg Chol, Costi K. Zurayq, Anīs Khūri al-Maqdisi, Jibrā'īl S. Jabbūr, Al-amīr Ḥaydar al-Shihābi, Asad Rustum, Fu'ād I. al-Bustāni, Rene Grousset, 'Abbas Mahmud, Sa'id B. Himadeh, Isma'il Beg Chol, Anis Khuri al-Maqdisi, Jibra'il S. Jabbur, Al-Amir Haydar Al-Shihabi & Fu'ad I. al-Bustani - 1936 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 56 (4):510.
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  23. Nitsotsot: heʼarot, ʻetsot u-tovanot ʻa. p. darko shel ha-Reʼiyah Ḳuḳ, zatsal.Abraham Isaac Kook (ed.) - 2008 - Yerushalayim: Rosh Yehudi.
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  24. Sefer Ḳulmos ha-lev: daʻat, Torah ṿe-saʻarot ruaḥ.Abraham Kalmanowitz - 1995 - B'klyn, N.Y.: Ḳ.Y.M..
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  25. Sefer Ḳitsur "Shene luḥot ha-berit": ʻim mahadura batra: heʻteḳ hanhagot ṭovot ṿi-yesharot: asher yaʻaśeh otam ha-adam ba-ʻolam ha-zeh ṿe-yokhal ha-perot ṿe-ḥai bahem la-ʻolam ha-ba, le-hanot mi-ziṿ Yotser ha-Meʼorot: ʻim hagahot ṿe-ḥidushe dinim mi-sefarim ḥadashim ṿe-gam yeshanim... mah she-lo nimtsa ba-sefer ha-neḥmad Shene luḥot ha-berit.Jehiel Michal ben Abraham Epstein - 1998 - Ashdod: Otsar ha-Sefarim. Edited by Izráel Welcz, Avraham Mordekhai Alberṭ & Isaiah Horowitz.
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    Mishpeṭe ha-Rav Ḳuḳ: hagigim, maḥshavot, tovanot = The wisdom of Rabbi Kook.Abraham Isaac Kook - 2016 - ʻOtniʼel: Fasi.Ḳraʼus. Edited by Assaf Fassy.
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    Book Review: Theory of K-Loops. By Hubert Kiechle. Springer, Berlin, 2002, x + 186 pp., $36.80 (softcover). ISBN 3-540-43262-0. [REVIEW]Abraham A. Ungar - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (4):677-678.
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    Editorial Board EOV.Rebecca A. Martusewicz, Pamela K. Smith, Sandra Spickard Prettyman, Chloe Wilson, Joe Bishop, Jeff Edmundson, Kelly Young, Steven Mackie, Richard Brosio & Abraham DeLeon - 2013 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 49 (6).
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    ha-Temimut ha-sheniyah: ʻolamo ha-ruḥani shel Eliʻezer Shvid = Immediacy after consciousness: the spiritual world of Eliezer Schweid.Abraham Sagi - 2018 - Ramat-Gan: Hotsaʼat Universiṭat Bar-Ilan. Edited by Dov Schwartz.
    ha-Historyah shel ha-filosofyah ha-Yehudit ke-hermanoiṭiḳah -- Hagut bi-Yeme ha-Benayim -- he-Hagut ha-ishit : rishoniyut ha-ḳiyum ha-Yehudi u-sheʼelat ha-zehut -- ʻAl ha-emunah -- ha-Tefilah -- Meḥuyavut Yehudit pluralisṭit -- Tsiyonut ṿe-Yahadut -- ha-Shivah el ha-Yehudiyut ke-masaʻ eḳzisṭentsyali -- Li-heyot Yehudi be-Yiśraʼel.
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    K. L. de Bouvère. A mathematical characterization of explicit definability. Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Proceedings, series A, vol. 66 , pp. 264–274; also Indagationes mathematicae, vol. 25 , pp. 264–274. [REVIEW]Abraham Robinson - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (4):687-687.
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  31. Yesode metsiʼut ṿe-hakarah: raʻayon ha-ḳaṭegoryot be-mishnot Arisṭo, Ḳanṭ, Hegel, Harṭman ṿe-Ṿayṭhed.Abraham Zvie Bar-On - 1967 - Jerusalem: Mosad Byaliḳ.
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    Democracy, Technocracy, and the Secret State of Medicines Control: Expert and Nonexpert Perspectives.Julie Sheppard & John Abraham - 1997 - Science, Technology and Human Values 22 (2):139-167.
    This article explores the social frameworks guiding expert and nonexpert perspectives on medicines safety in the U.K. Scientific experts from the Committee on the Safety of Medicines and the Medicines Commission were interviewed, and three nonexpertgroups, including patients and health professionals, were studied by the administration of questionnaires and focused group discussions. The research examined to what extent these groups subscribed to technocratic or democratic approaches to medicines regula tion and how this might be related to values toward technological risk. (...)
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  33. Sefer Ḳitsur Shene luḥot ha-berit: ʻim mahadura batra: heʻeteḳ hanhagot ṭovot ṿi-yesharot... ʻim hagahot ṿe-ḥidushe dinim mi-sefarim ḥadashim ṿe-gam yeshanim, mah she-lo nimtsa be-Sefer Shelah..Jehiel Michal ben Abraham Epstein - 1982 - [New York: Zikhron tsadiḳim. Edited by Isaiah Horowitz.
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    Una filosofía feminista de la ciencia. Crasnow, S. e Intemann, K. (eds.) (2021). The Routledge Handbook of Feminist Philosophy of Acience, New York, Routledge. [REVIEW]Abraham Hernández - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía Laguna 49:122-124.
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    Gard Granerød: Abraham and Melchizedek. Scribal Activity of Second Temple Times in Genesis 14 and Psalm 110.Görge K. Hasselhoff - 2012 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 64 (1):73-74.
  36. Śiḥot rabenu ha-Rav Tseṿi Yehudah ha-Kohen Ḳuḳ ʻal sefer ha-Kuzari, muḳlaṭot ume-shukhtavot.Ẓevi Judah ben Abraham Isaac Kook - 2013 - Bet El: Sifriyat Ḥavah. Edited by Shelomoh Ḥayim Aviner & Judah.
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    Luis E. Lugo , Religion, Pluralism, and Public Life. Abraham Kuyper’s Legacy for the Twenty-First Century. Grand Rapids, Michigan / Cambridge, U.K. 2000: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. 385 pages. ISBN 0802847161. [REVIEW]A. K. Koekkoek - 2004 - Philosophia Reformata 69 (1):102-104.
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  38. Essays in jurisprudence in honor of Roscoe Pound.Ralph Abraham Newman (ed.) - 1962 - Indianapolis,: Bobbs-Merrill.
    The foundations of law. The digest title, De diversis regulis iuris antiqui, and the general principles of law, by P. Stein. Equity in Chinese customary law, by W. Y. Tsao. Prolegomena to the theory and history of Jewish law, by H. Cohn. Juridical evolution and equity, by J.P. Brutau. Reflections on the sources of the law, by P. Lepaulle. The true nature and province of jurisprudence from the viewpoint of Indian philosophy, by M.J. Sethna. On the functions and aims of (...)
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    “The Law of Abraham the Catholic”: Juan Gabriel as Qur’ān Translator for Martín de Figuerola and Egidio da Viterbo.Mercedes García-Arenal & Katarzyna K. Starczewska - 2014 - Al-Qantara 35 (2):409-459.
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    Hz. İbrahim’in Subjektif Bir Dini Tecrübesi Olarak Kurban Vakası ve Toplumsallaşma Bağlamında İzahı.Sıddık Ağçoban - 2021 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 7 (1):273-296.
    Theobjectification processes of religionsusuallybe-ginwiththe transfer of personalexperience of thefounderorprophet. Thus, personalreligiousexperiencebecomes an objectiveworld, thanksto a community of believers. However, not allreligiousexperiences of theprophet can be objectified. Thecase in which Abraham attemptedtosacrifice his son is one of them. Inotherwords, this event is an individualandsubjectivereligiousexperiencepeculiarto Abraham. Therefore, actually it cannot be expectedto be socialized. But when it comestoreligiouspersonalities, society can find a waytosociali-zeexceptionalexperiences. In the case of sacrifice, the community uses one of these ways. Theclaim of thisstudy is this: (...)'sexperience is not only a subjectivecasespecifictohim, but also an incidentthat has nopositivecounter-part in socialmemory in terms of itsappearance. However, he is seenbybelie-vers as a hero of faithand an indisputableexample, especiallythankstothi-sexperience. So, how has his extraordinaryexperience, seeminglypus-hingtheboundaries of reasonableness, turnedinto a greatreference of he-roismforsociety? Here society'sabilitytorecreatecomesintoplay, and it workslikethis: What is depicted in words is actuallythescene of a child'ssacrifice. However, socialmemoryrecodesthisscene, andthis time, eventhoughtherearethesamevisuals, appear on thestagethefatherand son, whohaveturnedtowardsGodwith a purefaith, not a dramaticvictimscene. Afterall, societydoes not turninto a gigantic Abraham tounderstandhim, but can managetomake a wonderfulreplica of his greatnessand put it in front of everyone. The aim of the study is to determine the socialization process of the case of sacrifice with an analytical approach. (shrink)
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  41. Teshuvot ha-Rashba.Solomon ben Abraham Adret, Abba Mari ben Moses ben Joseph Astruc & Haim Z. Dimitrovsky - 2011 - Yerushalayim: Makhon le-hotsaʼat rishonim ṿe-aḥaronim. Edited by Haim Z. Dimitrovsky.
    Ḥeleḳ Rishon, kerekh 1. Teshuvot ha-shayakhot le-Miḳra Midrash ṿe-deʻot ṿe-tsoraf la-hen Sefer Minḥat ḳenaʼot le-R. Aba Mari de-Lunil [Haḳdamah-pereḳ 37] -- Ḥeleḳ Rishon, kerekh 2. Miḳra Midrash ṿe-deʻot Teshuvot ha-shayakhot le-Miḳra Midrash ṿe-deʻot ṿe-tsoraf la-hen Sefer Minḥat ḳenaʼot le-R. Aba Mari de-Lunil [pereḳ 38-pereḳ 127] -- Ḥeleḳ sheni. Teshuvot ha-shayakhot le-Masekhet Berakhot ṿe-Seder Zeraʻim -- Ḥeleḳ shelishi. Teshuvot ha-shayakhot le-Masekhet Shabat ṿe-ʻEruvin.
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  42. What Makes a Theory of Infinitesimals Useful? A View by Klein and Fraenkel.Vladimir Kanovei, K. Katz, M. Katz & Thomas Mormann - 2018 - Journal of Humanistic Mathematics 8 (1):108 - 119.
    Felix Klein and Abraham Fraenkel each formulated a criterion for a theory of infinitesimals to be successful, in terms of the feasibility of implementation of the Mean Value Theorem. We explore the evolution of the idea over the past century, and the role of Abraham Robinson's framework therein.
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    The Meditation of the Sad Soul. [REVIEW]K. B. J. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 24 (4):740-740.
    Jewish and Christian philosophy existed side by side in the Middle Ages. Both sought the same goal: the explanation of God and His universe. Both utilized the same sources; yet each attained different philosophical and theological systems. The Meditation of the Sad Soul illustrates this divergence between Christian and Jewish thought. Furthermore, since it stands midway between Neo-platonic and Aristotelian Judaism, it underlines the development of key philosophical concepts common to both Judaism and Christianity. Abraham Bar Hayya lived in (...)
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    Kierkegaard, Spiritual Crisis, and Anxious Faith: Battling for Faith in Fear and Trembling and Strengthening in the Inner Being.K. Brian Söderquist - 2024 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 29 (1):23-48.
    This study shows that, for Kierkegaard, the crisis of faith plays an essential role in the life of faith. To demonstrate this, it compares pseudonym Johannes de silentio’s portrayals of religious crisis in Fear and Trembling with similar sketches in Strengthening in the Inner Being, an edifying discourse published on the same day as Fear and Trembling. Kierkegaard agrees with de silentio that the life of faith is tethered to struggle, but unlike his pseudonym, who is baffled by the source (...)
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    Black American History and Culture: Untold, Reframed, Stigmatized and Fetishized to the Point of Global Ethnocide.K. Spotts - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy Culture and Religion 7 (1):1-41.
    Purpose: A poetic work of fiction haunts the base of the Statue of Liberty. The act overshadowed the original tribute to the Civil War victory and the Emancipation Proclamation. Abraham Lincoln's praises of the Black American military fell silent. Eurocentrists shrouded centuries of genius and scaled-down Black American mastery. Sagas of barrier-breaking Olympians, military heroes, Wild West pioneers, and inventors ended as forgotten footnotes. Today, countries around the world fetishize Black American history and culture to the point of ethnocide. (...)
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    “The soul can never remain a vacuum”: The Chinese Reception of A. J. Heschel.C. K. Martin Chung - 2024 - The European Legacy 29 (5):564-570.
    In this essay I discuss Abraham Joshua Heschel’s influence in the Chinese-reading world by focusing on the growing list of publications about, and translations of, his works in Chinese. By examinin...
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    The Noetic Effects of Sin: An Historical and Contemporary Exploration of How Sin Affects Our Thinking.Stephen K. Moroney - 1999 - Lexington Books.
    Stephen Moroney's fascinating study examines the frequently neglected topic of the noetic effects of sin, a phenomenon in which sin distorts human thinking. Drawing on the detailed models formulated by John Calvin, Abraham Kuyper, and Emil Brunner, Moroney sets forth a more contemporary model of the subject. He extends beyond all previous views by relating the noetic effects of sin to the complex and unpredictable interaction between the object of knowledge and the knowing subject. Moroney also futher examines some (...)
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    Integrating Christ and the Saints into Buddhist Ritual: The Christian Homa of Yogi Chen.Richard K. Payne - 2015 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 35:37-48.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Integrating Christ and the Saints into Buddhist Ritual:The Christian Homa of Yogi ChenRichard K. PayneConcern with dual belonging reflects the increasing religious pluralism of European and American societies. This pluralism has included both an increasing variety of religious traditions from outside the monotheistic mainstream of Abrahamic religions as well as new movements and sects within that mainstream. Awareness that religious pluralism is a reality and that many people have (...)
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    Epistemology for the Rest of Us.James K. A. Smith - 2008 - Philosophia Christi 10 (2):353-361.
    William Abraham’s “canonical theism” calls into question standard strategies in philosophy of religion which (1) strain out the particularities of Christian faith, distilling a “mere theism” and (2) position Christian faith within a broader, “general” epistemology. I evaluate Abraham’s call for a philosophical approach that honors the thick particularity of Christian faith and makes room for the unique epistemological status of revelation. I conclude that Abraham’s promising project could be extended to more radically call into question the (...)
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    Abraham Robinson. Non-standard analysis. Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Proceedings, series A, vol. 64 (1961), pp. 432–440; also Indagationes mathematicae, vol. 23 (1961), pp. 432-440. - Abraham Robinson. Topics in non-Archimedean mathematics. The theory of models, Proceedings of the 1963 International Symposium at Berkeley, edited by J. W. Addison, Leon Henkin, and Alfred Tarski, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam1965, pp. 285–298. - Abraham Robinson. On generalized limits and linear functionals. Pacific journal of mathematics, vol. 14 (1964), pp. 269–283. - Alan R. Bernstein and Abraham Robinson. Solution of an invariant subspace problem of K. T. Smith and P. R. Halmos.Pacific journal of mathematics, vol. 16 (1966), pp. 421–431. - Abraham Robinson. Non-standard analysis.Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics. North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam1966, xi + 293 pp. [REVIEW]Gert Heinz Müller - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (2):292-294.
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