Results for 'Julia Kneer'

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  1.  21
    Urban Influencers: An Analysis of Urban Identity in YouTube Content of Local Social Media Influencers in a Super-Diverse City.Anne K. van Eldik, Julia Kneer, Roel O. Lutkenhaus & Jeroen Jansz - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:496400.
    Influencers belong to the daily media diet of many adolescents. As role models, they have the potential to play a crucial role in the identity construction of their viewers. In the age of social media, such role models may now be found more local – from the same city – and perhaps with more diverse backgrounds. This may be particularly valuable to adolescents growing up in super-diverse cities, as they are surrounded by a multitude of groups and identities during a (...)
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    Decoding Pedophilia: Increased Anterior Insula Response to Infant Animal Pictures.Jorge Ponseti, Daniel Bruhn, Julia Nolting, Hannah Gerwinn, Alexander Pohl, Aglaja Stirn, Oliver Granert, Helmut Laufs, Günther Deuschl, Stephan Wolff, Olav Jansen, Hartwig Siebner, Peer Briken, Sebastian Mohnke, Till Amelung, Jonas Kneer, Boris Schiffer, Henrik Walter & Tillmann H. C. Kruger - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  3. (1 other version)Conspiracy Theories Are Not Beliefs.Julia Duetz - 2022 - Erkenntnis:1-15.
    Napolitano (2021) argues that the Minimalist Account of conspiracy theories—i.e., which defines conspiracy theories as explanations, or theories, about conspiracies—should be rejected. Instead, she proposes to define conspiracy theories as a certain kind of belief—i.e., an evidentially self-insulated belief in a conspiracy. Napolitano argues that her account should be favored over the Minimalist Account based on two considerations: ordinary language intuitions and theoretical fruitfulness. I show how Napolitano’s account fails its own purposes with respect to these two considerations and so (...)
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  4. Reinforcement learning: A brief guide for philosophers of mind.Julia Haas - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 17 (9):e12865.
    In this opinionated review, I draw attention to some of the contributions reinforcement learning can make to questions in the philosophy of mind. In particular, I highlight reinforcement learning's foundational emphasis on the role of reward in agent learning, and canvass two ways in which the framework may advance our understanding of perception and motivation.
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  5. Black Sun: Depression and Melancholia.Julia Kristeva - 1992 - Columbia University Press.
    In _Black Sun_, Julia Kristeva addresses the subject of melancholia, examining this phenomenon in the context of art, literature, philosophy, the history of religion and culture, as well as psychoanalysis. She describes the depressive as one who perceives the sense of self as a crucial pursuit and a nearly unattainable goal and explains how the love of a lost identity of attachment lies at the very core of depression's dark heart. In her discussion she analyzes Holbein's controversial 1522 painting (...)
  6. Reconciling Conceptual Confusions in the Le Monde Debate on Conspiracy Theories, J.C.M. Duetz and M R. X. Dentith.Julia Duetz & M. R. X. Dentith - 2022 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 10 (11):40-50.
    This reply to an ongoing debate between conspiracy theory researchers from different disciplines exposes the conceptual confusions that underlie some of the disagreements in conspiracy theory research. Reconciling these conceptual confusions is important because conspiracy theories are a multidisciplinary topic and a profound understanding of them requires integrative insights from different fields. Specifically, we distinguish research focussing on conspiracy *theories* (and theorizing) from research of conspiracy *belief* (and mindset, theorists) and explain how particularism with regards to conspiracy theories does not (...)
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    Double distress: women healthcare providers and moral distress during COVID-19.Julia Smith, Alexander Korzuchowski, Christina Memmott, Niki Oveisi, Heang-Lee Tan & Rosemary Morgan - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (1):46-57.
    Background: COVID-19 pandemic has led to heightened moral distress among healthcare providers. Despite evidence of gendered differences in experiences, there is limited feminist analysis of moral distress. Objectives: To identify types of moral distress among women healthcare providers during the COVID-19 pandemic; to explore how feminist political economy might be integrated into the study of moral distress. Research Design: This research draws on interviews and focus groups, the transcripts of which were analyzed using framework analysis. Research Participants and Context: 88 (...)
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    How to Feel About Climate Change? An Analysis of the Normativity of Climate Emotions.Julia Mosquera & Kirsti M. Jylhä - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 30 (3):357-380.
    Climate change evokes different emotions in people. Recently, climate emotions have become a matter of normative scrutiny in the public debate. This phenomenon, which we refer to as the normativization of climate emotions, manifests at two levels. At the individual level, people are faced with affective dilemmas, situations where they are genuinely uncertain about what is the right way to feel in the face of climate change. At the collective level, the public debate reflects disagreement about which emotions are appropriate (...)
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  9. Aristotle’s Metaphysics: Books M and N.Julia Annas - 1976 - Philosophical Review 87 (3):479-485.
  10.  55
    Degrees coded in jumps of orderings.Julia F. Knight - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (4):1034-1042.
  11. Applying Virtue to Ethics.Julia Annas - 2014 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 32 (1):1-14.
    Virtue ethics is sometimes taken to be incapable of providing guidance for an individual's actions, as some other ethical theories do. I show how virtue ethics does provide guidance for action, and also meet the objection that, while it may account for what we ought to do, it cannot account for the force of duty and obligation.
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    Márgenes de la Filosofía. Diálogos cruzados sobre la alteridad en Levinas y Derrida.Julia Urabayen - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico.
    El propósito de este monográfi co es entablar diálogos cruzados o recuperar algunos de los diálogos que son la urdimbre del pensamiento de Levinas y Derrida. Este número polifónico ofrece la oportunidad de escuchar algunas voces con, contra, desde, por, para las cuales escribieron estos dos fi - lósofos de la alteridad. Por ello quienes lean los trabajos incluidos en este monográfi co no encontrarán artículos duales o marcados por los binomios. En cambio, se enfrentarán a posibilidades, a huellas, a (...)
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    Russian Thinkers.Julia Annas, Isaiah Berlin, Henry Hardy & Aileen Kelly - 1980 - Philosophical Quarterly 30 (121):357.
  14.  38
    Your brain on speed: cognitive performance of a spatial working memory task is not affected by walking speed.Julia E. Kline, Katherine Poggensee & Daniel P. Ferris - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  15.  35
    Melanie Klein.Julia Kristeva - 2001 - Columbia University Press.
    To the renowned psychoanalyst, philosopher, and linguist Julia Kristeva, Melanie Klein (1882--1960) was the most original innovator, male or female, in the psychoanalytic arena. Klein pioneered psychoanalytic practice with children and made major contributions to our understanding of both psychosis and autism. Along the way, she successfully introduced a new approach to the theory of the unconscious without abandoning the principles set forth by Freud. In her first biography of a fellow psychoanalyst, the prolific Kristeva considers Klein's life and (...)
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  16.  25
    Coding in graphs and linear orderings.Julia F. Knight, Alexandra A. Soskova & Stefan V. Vatev - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (2):673-690.
    There is a Turing computable embedding $\Phi $ of directed graphs $\mathcal {A}$ in undirected graphs. Moreover, there is a fixed tuple of formulas that give a uniform effective interpretation; i.e., for all directed graphs $\mathcal {A}$, these formulas interpret $\mathcal {A}$ in $\Phi $. It follows that $\mathcal {A}$ is Medvedev reducible to $\Phi $ uniformly; i.e., $\mathcal {A}\leq _s\Phi $ with a fixed Turing operator that serves for all $\mathcal {A}$. We observe that there is a graph G (...)
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  17. Two perspectives of care: Confucian Ren and feminist care.Julia Po-Wah Lai Tao - 2000 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 27 (2):215–240.
  18. On the ”Intermediates“.Julia Annas - 1975 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 57 (2):146-166.
    Is Aristotle right when he says that Plato believed in a class ofentities which are "intermediate" between physical objects and Forms? It may seem unrewarding to ask this question again. Scholars divide into two groups over the answer, and it may well seem impossible by now for either side to make any point that will convince the other. If the issues are well understood, and the lines of the controversy drawn already, can it be worthwhile to reconsider the problem? In (...)
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  19. Naturalism in Greek Ethics: Aristotle and After.Julia Annas - forthcoming - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy.
    This paper examines the ancient appeal to nature in ethics to support the account of the final end in life offered by the various schools from aristotle onwards. various modern objections against the appeal to nature are examined and found not to hold. as a result certain features of the ancient position emerge: the appeal to human nature is not an attempt to end ethical argument by appeal to undisputed fact; nor does it depend on a metaphysics which we can (...)
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  20. Virtue as the Use of Other Goods.Julia Annas - 1993 - Apeiron 26 (3/4):53 - 66.
  21.  31
    New Perspectives on Plato, Modern and Ancient.Julia Annas & C. J. Rowe - 2002 - Harvard University Press.
    Recently, scholars have looked more closely at the philosophical importance of the imaginative and literary aspects of Plato's writing, and have begun to appreciate the methods of ancient philosophers and commentators who studied Plato. This study brings together leading philosophical and literary scholars to investigate these new-old approaches.
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    Expansions of models and Turing degrees.Julia Knight & Mark Nadel - 1982 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 47 (3):587-604.
  23.  59
    Secondary School Students’ LLL Competencies, and Their Relation with Classroom Structure and Achievement.Julia Klug, Marko Lüftenegger, Evelyn Bergsmann, Christiane Spiel & Barbara Schober - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  24. Imagination de-naturalized: phantasy, the imaginary, and imaginative ontology.Julia Jansen - 2018 - In Dan Zahavi, Oxford Handbook of the History of Phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  25. Davidson and Anscombe on `the same action'.Julia Annas - 1976 - Mind 85 (338):251-257.
  26.  96
    Virtue and Duty: Negotiating Between Different Ethical Traditions.Julia Annas - 2015 - Journal of Value Inquiry 49 (4):605-618.
  27.  37
    Am individuellen Therapieergebnis orientierte Erstattungsverfahren in der Onkologie: ethische Implikationen am Beispiel der CAR-T-Zelltherapie.Julia König, Christoph Gerst, Lorenz Trümper, Gerald G. Wulf & Claudia Wiesemann - 2020 - Ethik in der Medizin 32 (1):85-92.
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    (1 other version)Ryle's conceptual cartography.Julia Tanney - 2013 - In Erich H. Reck, The Historical turn in Analytic Philosophy. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  29. The Good Life and the Good Lives of Others.Julia Annas - 1992 - Social Philosophy and Policy 9 (2):133.
    It is well-known that in recent years, alongside the familiar forms of modern ethical theory, such as consequentialism, deontology, and rights theory, there has been a resurgence of interest in what goes by the name of “virtue ethics” — forms of ethical theory which give a prominent status to the virtues, and to the idea that an agent has a “final end” which the virtues enable her to achieve. With this has come an increase of theoretical interest in ancient ethical (...)
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    Rule‐consequentialism, procreative freedom, and future generations.Julia Mosquera - 2022 - Ratio 35 (4):333-343.
    In this paper I analyse how procreative freedom poses a challenge for rule-consequentialism. First, I reconstruct the rule-consequentialist case for procreative freedom. Second, I argue that population scenarios resulting from very low fertility pose a problem for rule-consequentialism since such scenarios cannot secure population growth or even avoid human extinction in the long run. Third, I argue that population scenarios resulting from excessive procreation also pose a problem for rule-consequentialism since they are incompatible with the promotion of optimific consequences in (...)
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    Holographic Ethics for Intergenerational Justice.Julia D. Gibson - 2022 - Environmental Philosophy 19 (2):141-162.
    Building off Manulani Aluli-Meyer’s theory of holographic epistemology, this article explores how our understanding of intergenerational justice shifts when informed by relational interspecies ethics and nonlinear temporalities. Both intergenerational and interspecies ethics are greatly enriched if the dead, the living, and those yet-to-be are not (only) distinct generations of beings along a linear sequence but coexistent facets of every being. The second focal point of this article concerns what holographic epistemology reveals about Dipesh Chakrabarty’s notion of the planetary. Ultimately, the (...)
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    Eugenio TRIAS, Filosofía del futuro.Julia Manzano - 1985 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 12:110.
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    Foreword.Julia Tanney - unknown
    Gilbert Ryle was one of the most important and controversial philosophers of the Twentieth century. Long unavailable, Critical Essays: Collected Papers Volume 1 includes many of Ryle’s most important and thought-provoking papers. This volume contains 20 critical essays on the history of philosophy, with writing on Plato, Locke and Hume as well as important chapters on Russell and Wittgenstein. It also includes three essays on phenomenology, including Ryle’s famous review of Martin.
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  34. Playing the rule-following game.Julia Tanney - 2000 - Philosophy 75 (292):203-224.
    This paper argues that there is something deeply wrong with the attempt to give rule-following explanations of broadly rational activities. It thus supports the view that rational norms are part of the ”bedrock’ and it challenges the widespread strategy of attempting to explain an individual’s rational or linguistic abilities by attributing to her knowledge of a theory of some kind. The theorist who would attempt to attribute knowledge of norms to an individual in order to explain her ability to act (...)
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  35. Species as a relationship.Julia Tanner - 2008 - Acta Analytica 23 (4):337-347.
    The fact that humans have a special relationship to each other insofar as they belong in the same species is often taken to be a morally relevant difference between humans and other animals, one which justifies a greater moral status for all humans, regardless of their individual capacities. I give some reasons why this kind of relationship is not an appropriate ground for differential treatment of humans and nonhumans. I then argue that even if relationships do matter morally species membership (...)
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    Banners, Banter and Boys: Feminism and Historical Distortion in Iron Jawed Angels.Julia Stanski - 2022 - Constellations 13 (1&2).
    This paper investigates the relationship between the 2004 film Iron Jawed Angels and the historic events and figures it purports to represent. As a major film on the national women’s suffrage movement in the US, Iron Jawed Angels had great potential in terms of educating viewers on the lives and accomplishments of America’s suffragists. However, this paper argues that in modifying the character and story of activist Alice Paul to appeal to female, conservative, and American audiences, the movie diminishes Paul’s (...)
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    Reply to Cooper.Julia Annas - 1995 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 55 (3):599-610.
    ‘The matter will hinge on this point: what will be established is the ideal wise and virtuous person either of the Stoics or of the Old Academy [Platonists and Aristotelians]. You can’t have both; the dispute between them is not about boundaries but about complete ownership, since all rationale for living is involved in one’s definition of the final good, and dispute about that is dispute about all rationale for living. So it can’t be both, since they disagree so deeply; (...)
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  38. Leibniz on Divine Causation: Continuous Creation and Concurrence without Occasionalism.Julia Jorati - 2021 - In Gregory E. Ganssle, Philosophical Essays on Divine Causation. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 122-140.
  39. The formation of cosmogonies : Camille Henrot.Julia Gelshorn & Tristan Weddigen - 2019 - In Dieter Mersch, Sylvia Sasse, Sandro Zanetti & Frauke Berndt, Aesthetic theory. Zurich: Diaphanes.
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    Vom Wissen um den Menschen: Philosophie, Geschichte, Materialität.Julia Gruevska & Kevin Liggieri (eds.) - 2018 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    In dem vorliegenden Band soll dem "Wissen um den Menschen" Rechnung getragen werden. Die Praposition "um" zeigt zweierlei Zugriffe der Geisteswissenschaften an: zum einen das Wissen vom, Menschen' als Objekt der Beschaftigung, mit der ein Verstehen des Menschen und seiner Kultur einhergeht. Zum anderen verweist sie auf eine anthropologische Reflexion: Was genau zeichnet den Menschen als 'Menschen' aus? Die Artikel verbinden und erganzen sich in ihrem Verweis auf Problemkreise der philosophischen Anthropologie, Geschichte und Materialitat, die das Wissen um den Menschen (...)
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    The Liberal Arts and Virgil’s Aeneid: What Can the Greatest Text Teach Us?Julia D. Hejduk - 2022 - Principia: A Journal of Classical Education 1 (1):15-26.
    As the classic of classics and the bridge between pagan antiquity and the Christian era, Virgil’s Aeneid stands at the center of the humanities’ Great Conversation. Yet this poem of Empire, with its flawed hero and its ambivalence toward divine and temporal power, raises more questions than it answers about the nature of human history. The epic’s true moral complexity, mirroring the insoluble conundrum that is human life, makes it especially relevant in an era whose political polarization resembles civil war. (...)
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    On transcendental and non-transcendental idealism in Husserl.Jansen Julia - 2017 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 1:27-39.
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  43. The malady of grief: Duras, 1987.Julia Kristeva - 2019 - In Christopher Want, Philosophers on film from Bergson to Badiou: a critical reader. New York: Columbia University Press.
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  44. The [in]hospitable world.Julia McClure - 2021 - In Annabel S. Brett, Megan Donaldson & Martti Koskenniemi, History, politics, law: thinking internationally. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Bent out of Shape: The Projection of Male Anxiety onto Busks and Stays in Early Modern Europe.Julia-Rose Miller - 2022 - Constellations 13 (1&2).
    An interesting pattern emerges in the Early Modern Era of women taking control of their lives and bodies through the use of material culture, and men being terrified of this fact. Women often lacked agency in a world with ever-changing perceptions of not only femininity, but also of the female form. Clothing was then one of the few ways that these women who lacked power could control their body and their spheres. To those living in the Early Modern Era, clothing (...)
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  46. Forest time and the passions of economic man.Julia Nordblad - 2022 - In Anders Ekström & Staffan Bergwik, Times of history, times of nature: temporalization and the limits of modern knowledge. New York: Berghahn.
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    Wierność prawdzie warunkiem bycia podmiotem moralnym.Porównanie koncepcji Tadeusza Stycznia i Alaina Badiou.Julia Rejewska - 2022 - Ruch Filozoficzny 78 (1):147-169.
    Współczesna etyka coraz rzadziej odwołuje się do kategorii prawdy – z tego powodu zainteresowanie budzić może każda propozycja etyczna, której twórca umieszcza kategorię prawdy w samym jej centrum. Na gruncie polskim taką etyką prawdy jest teoria Tadeusza Stycznia (1931-2010), w której prawda ma charakter normatywny. Do normatywnej mocy prawdy w etyce, choć rozumie on prawdę w zupełnie inny sposób, odwołuje się także francuski filozof Alain Badiou (ur. 1937). Zarówno w myśli Stycznia, jak i Badiou zagadnienie prawdy jest ściśle związane z (...)
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  48. El rapto de Europa a través del cine.Julián Sauquillo - 2021 - In Claudio Eduardo Martyniuk, Oriana Seccia & Julián Sauquillo, Perfiles epistemológicos de la crítica: entre la negatividad y la normatividad. [Adrogué?, Argentina]: La Cebra.
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  49. Regimes and repertoires of statebuilding : the two Chinas and regime consolidation in the early 1950s.Julia C. Strauss - 2018 - In John L. Brooke, Julia C. Strauss & Greg Anderson, State formations: global histories and cultures of statehood. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
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    CAÑAS FERNÁDEZ, JOSÉ LUIS, Gabriel Marcel: filósofo, dramaturgo y compositor, Palabra, Madrid, 1998, 283 págs.Julia Urabayen - 2000 - Anuario Filosófico 33 (3):923-924.
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