Results for 'Daniel Bruhn'

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  1.  47
    Decoding Pedophilia: Increased Anterior Insula Response to Infant Animal Pictures.Jorge Ponseti, Daniel Bruhn, Julia Nolting, Hannah Gerwinn, Alexander Pohl, Aglaja Stirn, Oliver Granert, Helmut Laufs, Günther Deuschl, Stephan Wolff, Olav Jansen, Hartwig Siebner, Peer Briken, Sebastian Mohnke, Till Amelung, Jonas Kneer, Boris Schiffer, Henrik Walter & Tillmann H. C. Kruger - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Book Review - Mark J. Bruhn, Wordsworth before Coleridge: The Growth of the Poet’s Philosophical Mind, 1785–1797 (Routledge, 2018).Daniel Cook - 2020 - Romantic Textualities: Literature and Print Culture 23:279.
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  3. Karl Jaspers' theory of irrationality: from delusions to worldviews.Daniel Adsett - 2025 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In Karl Jaspers' Theory of Irrationality, Daniel Adsett explains how a Jaspersian view of irrationality makes better sense of the irrationality of delusions and worldviews than competing views, offering a novel contribution to contemporary debates about the character of reason.
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    Literature, ethics, and decolonization in postwar France: the politics of disengagement.Daniel Just - 2015 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Against the background of intellectual and political debates in France during the 1950s and 1960s, Daniel Just examines literary narratives and works of literary criticism arguing that these texts are more politically engaged than they may initially appear. As writings by Roland Barthes, Maurice Blanchot, Albert Camus, and Marguerite Duras show, seemingly disengaged literary principles - such as blankness, minimalism, silence, and indeterminateness - can be deployed to a number of potent political and ethical ends. At the time the (...)
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    Words from the wound: selected addresses, letters and homilies of archbishop mark coleridge [Book Review].Michael E. Daniel - 2016 - The Australasian Catholic Record 93 (2):251.
    Daniel, Michael E Review of: Words from the wound: selected addresses, letters and homilies of archbishop mark coleridge, by Mark Coleridge, edited by Anthony Ekpo and David Pascoe, pp. 342, $24.95.
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    Tras la postmodernidad.Daniel Innerarity - 1994 - Anuario Filosófico 27 (3):949-968.
    If we understand modernity as the construction of a distinction –i.e. subjectivity vs. objectivity– postmodernity can be considered the abolition of that distinction, after the experience of its apories. In this paper the interest points towards a non disjunctive direction, towards a kind of thought that may embrace both ambigüity and the relative indiscernibility of the opposites.
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    La construcción del espacio psíquico representacional frente a lo inconvertible de la violencia: Identidad, política y alteridad.Daniel Jofré & Alejandro Bilbão - 2019 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 31 (53).
    El artículo busca profundizar en las elaboraciones de Freud respecto de la agresividad y la inconvertibilidad de la violencia, con el objeto de indagar en los posibles aportes que la perspectiva psicoanalítica puede realizar frente a los problemas sociopolíticos contemporáneos. Este trabajo se detiene en las problemáticas referidas a la naturalización de las identidades, la radicalización de las retóricas comunitarias y los escenarios de exclusión. Sostiene, en este sentido, la importancia de los procesos sublimatorios en el trabajo de diferimiento frente (...)
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    Ennius Annales 1 Sk. and Appendix Vergiliana Dirae 48.Daniel Jolowicz - 2021 - Hermes 149 (2):233.
    This note argues for the presence of an allusion to Ennius “Annales” 1 Sk. (Musae, quae pedibus magnum pulsatis Olympum) at Appendix Vergiliana “Dirae” 48 (undae, quae uestris pulsatis litora lymphis). This has ramifications not only for the interpretation of the poem, but also for the dating of the “Dirae”, and for the question as to whether Enn. Ann. 1 Sk. is in fact the first line of Ennius’ epic poem.
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    Evaluating the appropriacy of Ritual Frame Indicating Expressions (RFIEs): A case study of learners of Chinese and English.Dániel Z. Kádár & Juliane House - 2020 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 16 (1):153-173.
    This paper investigates the evaluation of ritual frame indicating expressions (RFIEs) in two groups of L2 learners: British English learners of Chinese and Mainland Chinese learners of English. RFIEs are expressions by means of which speakers confirm their awareness of rights and obligations in a particular standard situation. Previous research in applied linguistics has largely ignored the production and evaluation of such forms, despite the fact that they are pragmatically-loaded and, as such, are very important for the development of the (...)
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    Zu den Fragmenten 5–6 Velaza des M. Valerius Probus.Dániel Kiss - 2012 - Hermes 140 (1):118-120.
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  11. Student activists and international cooperation in a changing world, 1919-1960.Daniel Laqua - 2021 - In Jessica Reinisch & David Brydan, Europe's internationalists: rethinking the history of internationalism. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  12.  35
    Remarques sur la sémiotique.Daniel Laurier - 1984 - Philosophiques 11 (1):91-109.
    Je défends la classification carnapienne des disciplines sémiotiques en montrant qu'elle permet de caractériser adéquatement la nature de la pragmatique. J'indique, en particulier, comment une notion de système pragmatique pourrait être développée par analogie avec celles de système syntaxique et de système sémantique.I defend Carnap's classification of semiotic disciplines by showing that it leads to an adequate characterization of the nature of pragmatics. In particular, I indicate how a notion of pregmatic system could be constructed on the analogy with those (...)
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    Lenguaje y significado: una argumentación en la "analítica" de la "crítica de la razón pura".Daniel Leserre - 2003 - Endoxa 1 (17):207.
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    Personalizing One's Technological Environment by Communicating with Machines.Daniel Levi - 1998 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 18 (5):345-351.
    How do people adapt to technology? This study examines one mechanism people may be using to personalize technology—talking to machines. Communicating to machines is similar to other forms of personalization and can be explained using attribution theory. Characteristics of machines (such as relationship to emotions, predictability, and familiarity) may affect people's willingness to communicate. A survey study that examined people's communication to machines showed that people do communicate to some machines, and hypotheses about the characteristics of machines were supported. A (...)
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    Siglen.Daniel Althof - 2017 - In System Und Systemkritik: Hegels Metaphysik Absoluter Negativität Und Jacobis Sprung. De Gruyter.
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  16. Appetites, Matter and Metaphors: Aristotle, Physics I, 9 , and Its Renaissance Commentators.Daniel Andersson - 2016 - In Guido Giglioni, James A. T. Lancaster, Sorana Corneanu & Dana Jalobeanu, Francis Bacon on Motion and Power. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
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    Ralph A. Smith and Ronald Berman, eds., Public policy and the aesthetic interest: Critical essays on defining cultural and educational relations.Daniel Baker - 1993 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 51 (4):636-639.
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    Conflict.Daniel McGowan - 2024 - Questions 24:30-30.
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    Sloth: The Besetting Sin of the Age?Daniel Mcinerny - 2009 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 12 (1):38-61.
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  20. Caixa de ferramentas afetivas.Daniel Meirinho - 2025 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 31 (1).
    Ensaio visual produzido a partir de uma série de fotografias através de um inventário catalográfico amoroso da caixa de ferramentas do meu pai e das relações afetivas que estabeleci com ele através destas peças.
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  21. Laçaço – (re)performar o afeto.Daniel Meirinho - 2022 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 28 (2).
    Laçaço foi uma ação colaborativa e "tática" coletiva que surgiu do questionamento da relação entre arte, corpo, cidade e do afrouxamento dos laços de afeto aí implicados. Trata-se de uma documentação fotográfica e expansão visual da intervenção performática de apropriação simbólica do Forte dos Reis Magos, marco inicial da cidade de Natal.
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    Introducción al análisis normativo.Daniel Mendonca - 1992 - Madrid: Centro de estudios constitucionales.
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    The Book to Come Is a Theater.Daniel Mesguich, Gerv Ais Robin & Carl R. Lovitt - 1977 - Substance 6 (18/19):113.
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    The ‘culinary’ character of cinematic language.Daniel Milo - 1986 - Semiotica 58 (1-2):83-100.
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  25. Kurt Gödel: Actes du Colloque, Neuchâtel 13-14 Juin 1991.Daniel Miéville (ed.) - 1992 - Travaux de logique N. 7, Université de Neuchâtel.
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    An expanded perspective on the role of effort phenomenology in motivation and performance.Daniel C. Molden - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (6):699-700.
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    (2 other versions)Contents.Daniel Monsour - 2007 - In Ethics & the New Genetics: An Integrated Approach. University of Toronto Press.
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    Contributors.Daniel Monsour - 2007 - In Ethics & the New Genetics: An Integrated Approach. University of Toronto Press. pp. 197-198.
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    Der Rhythmus der Großstadt um 1900.Daniel Morat - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2013 (1):29-38.
    Im Großstadtdiskurs um 1900 spielte die Frage, ob das sensorische Regime der urbanen Moderne lediglich alte Lebensrhythmen auflösten oder auch neue hervorbrachte, eine zentrale Rolle. Der Essay verfolgt zwei unterschiedliche Antworten auf diese Frage einerseits in der Kultursoziologie Georg Simmels und andererseits in der Geräuschkunst des italienischen Futurismus und stellt sie einander gegenüber.
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    Paternalism, Autonomy, and the Good.Daniel Moseley & Gary Gala - 2015 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 22 (1):13-16.
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    Socrates on samos.Daniel W. Graham - 2008 - Classical Quarterly 58 (1):308-313.
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    Critical studies / book reviews.Daniel M. Hausman - 2003 - Philosophia Mathematica 11 (3):354-358.
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    Verenderung der Gestalten: Das Buchkonzept von Jörg Wickrams Ausgabe der ‚Metamorphosen‘ Ovids ( 1545 ) im Spiegel der Götterdarstellung.Daniel Pachurka & Arne Schumacher - 2019 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 53 (1):383-401.
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  34. The aporia of perfection.Daniel Rönnedal - 2018 - Filozofia 73 (9):707–716.
    In this paper, I introduce a new aporia, the aporia of perfection. This aporia includes three claims: (1) Ought implies possibility, (2) We ought to be perfect, and (3) It is not possible that we are perfect. All these propositions appear to be plausible when considered in themselves and there are interesting arguments for them. However, together they entail a contradiction. Hence, at least one of the sentences must be false. I consider some possible solutions to the puzzle and discuss (...)
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  35. Raymond Ruyer: Une métaphysique des forms absolues.Daniel W. Smith - 2018 - In Emmanuel Alloa & Elie During, Choses en soi: Métaphysique du réalisme. Paris: PUF. pp. 395-408.
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    Complexity of Primary Lifetime Occupation and Cognitive Processing.Daniel Eriksson Sörman, Patrik Hansson, Ilona Pritschke & Jessica Körning Ljungberg - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Accommodating Political Change under the Tetrarchy (293–306).Daniel Syrbe, Erika Manders, Dennis Jussen, Ketty Iannantuono, Sam Heijnen, Sven Betjes & Olivier Hekster - 2019 - Klio 101 (2):610-639.
    Summary This article seeks to address the question how the Tetrarchic system of four rulers could be presented as legitimate in a society that had never seen this political constellation before. What were the different modes of presenting Tetrarchic rule and how did they help in making the new system acceptable? The article argues that new power structures needed to be formulated in familiar terms, not only for the rulers to legitimate their position, but also for the ruled to understand (...)
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    Christopher D. Frith and.Daniel M. Wolpert - 2005 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 12 (2):90-5.
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    On Pike on “Union without Distinction” in Christian Mysticism.Daniel Zelinski - 2011 - Philosophia 39 (3):493-509.
    Perennialists regarding the phenomenology of mysticism, like Walter Stace, feel that all Christian mystical experiences are fundamentally similar to each other and to experiences described by mystics across religious traditions, cultures and ages. In his seminal work, Mystic Union: An Essay in the Phenomenology of Mysticism, Nelson Pike convincingly argues that this extreme position is inadequate for capturing the breadth of experiences described by the canonical Medieval Christian mystics. However, Pike may have leaned too far away from perennialism in claiming (...)
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  40. Towards a Phenomenology of Mystical Being.Daniel Zelinski - 1995 - Analecta Husserliana 47:263.
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    Implicit learning of (boundedly) rational behaviour.Daniel John Zizzo - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (5):700-701.
    Stanovich & West's target article undervalues the power of implicit learning (particularly reinforcement learning). Implicit learning may allow the learning of more rational responses–and sometimes even generalisation of knowledge–in contexts where explicit, abstract knowledge proves only of limited value, such as for economic decision-making. Four other comments are made.
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  42. Nietzsche on Art.Daniel Came (ed.) - forthcoming - Oxford University Press.
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    Frankenstein and the Monster of Representation.Daniel Cottom - 1980 - Substance 9 (3):60.
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    Nature as Personal.Daniel A. Dombrowski - 1990 - Philosophy and Theology 5 (1):81-96.
    I first examine Origen’s notion of nature as personal, and secondly a modern presentation of the same theme by Erazim Kohak. I then consider possible scientific support given to both these authors’ accounts by Lovejoy. I conclude that there are many strengths in viewing nature as a whole as both divine and personal.
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  45. Ultimate Reality and Meaning in Nikos Kazantzakis.Daniel A. Dombrowski - 1998 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 21 (3):177-194.
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    Catullo 68, 10: Munera Veneris.Dániel Kiss - 2008 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 152 (2):345-347.
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    The Publicity of Thought and Language.Daniel Laurier - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 32:54-61.
    I try to clarify the ways in which one would seek to hold that language and/or thought are public. For each of these theses, I distinguish four forms in which they can be framed, and two ways of establishing them. The first will try to make the publicity of thought follow from that of language; the second will try to make the publicity of language follow from that of thought. I show that none of these strategies can do without the (...)
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  48. The Catholic Carnival: The Novels of David Lodge.Daniel S. Lenoski - 2005 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 28 (4):315-329.
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    Libéralisme et lien social : une analyse critique.Daniel Mercure - 2005 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 119 (2):333.
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    The platonic model of hylas and philonous.Daniel Sommer Robinson - 1920 - Philosophical Review 29 (5):484-487.
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