Results for 'Ines Rathgeber'

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  1.  24
    Darwin’s sexual selection hypothesis revisited: Musicality increases sexual attraction in both sexes.Manuela M. Marin & Ines Rathgeber - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:971988.
    A number of theories about the origins of musicality have incorporated biological and social perspectives. Darwin argued that musicality evolved by sexual selection, functioning as a courtship display in reproductive partner choice. Darwin did not regard musicality as a sexually dimorphic trait, paralleling evidence that both sexes produce and enjoy music. A novel research strand examines the effect of musicality on sexual attraction by acknowledging the importance of facial attractiveness. We previously demonstrated that music varying in emotional content increases the (...)
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    Zwei Hälften des Lebens: Hegel und Hölderlin: eine Freundschaft.Eberhard Rathgeb - 2019 - München: Blessing.
  3.  19
    Transnational Cosmopolitanism: Kant, du Bois, and Justice as a Political Craft.Inés Valdez - 2019 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Based on the theoretical reconstruction of neglected post-WWI writings and political action of W. E. B. Du Bois, this volume offers a normative account of transnational cosmopolitanism. Pointing out the limitations of Kant's cosmopolitanism through a novel contextual account of Perpetual Peace, Transnational Cosmopolitanism shows how these limits remain in neo-Kantian scholarship. Inés Valdez's framework overcomes these limitations in a methodologically unique way, taking Du Bois's writings and his coalitional political action both as text that should inform our theorization and (...)
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    Nimtz' Neo-Deskriptivismus und der Nutzen der Begriffsanalyse.Nicole Rathgeb - 2016 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 70 (2):280-295.
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  5. eine Verhältnisbestimmung.Benjamin Rathgeber - 2015 - In Jens Kertscher & Jan Müller, Lebensform und Praxisform. Münster: Mentis.
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    Jischa M.: Ingenieurwissenschaften (engineering sciences).Wolfgang Rathgeber - 2006 - Poiesis and Praxis 4 (3):233-236.
  7.  3
    Langer Marsch durch die Institution. Der Menschenrechtsrat der Vereinten Nationen (UN) am Beginn der Selbstfindung.Theodor Rathgeber - 2007 - Jahrbuch Menschenrechte 2008 (jg):207-221.
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    Menschenrechtskommission und Menschenrechtsrat. Erwartungen, Risiken und Chancen.Theodor Rathgeber - 2006 - Jahrbuch Menschenrechte 2007 (jg):199-209.
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    What is mirrored by mirror neurons?Benjamin Rathgeber & Mathias Gutmann - 2008 - Poiesis and Praxis 5 (3-4):233-247.
    Mirror neurons are a particular class of visumotorical neurons, originally discovered in area F5 of the monkey premotorical cortex. They discharge both (1) when the animal performs a specific action and (2) when it observes a similar action. Actually, it is often assumed that this unique functioning could explain different abilities ranging from imitation behaviour to faculty of speech. In this article, we discuss the question what is meant by the expression: The neuron x mirrors the action y by perception (...)
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  10. Model kompetensi sebagai solusi terhadap masalah rekrutmen Dan seleksi (studi pada departemen operasional pt. mgf).Ine Syafrika, Rostiana & Zamralita - 2010 - Phronesis (Misc) 8 (2).
    Selection and recruitment process is the first step from human resource management PT. MGF has already following this process but still find in effective result on field. There are a lot of complaint from many departments about the employees whose recruit by HRD doesn’t perform very well. This problem affected other system and causes a lot of employee are accepted by reference. This research held to find the causes and problems in recruitment process in PT. MGF, in order to find (...)
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  11. Idealism and Realism in Kelsen's Treatment of Norms Conflicts.Ines Weyland - 1986 - In Richard Tur & William Twining, Essays on Kelsen. Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp. 249--269.
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    “Food Addiction” in Patients with Eating Disorders is Associated with Negative Urgency and Difficulties to Focus on Long-Term Goals.Ines Wolz, Ines Hilker, Roser Granero, Susana Jiménez-Murcia, Ashley N. Gearhardt, Carlos Dieguez, Felipe F. Casanueva, Ana B. Crujeiras, José M. Menchón & Fernando Fernández-Aranda - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  13. Is the free-energy principle a formal theory of semantics? From variational density dynamics to neural and phenotypic representations.Inês Hipólito, Maxwell Ramstead & Karl Friston - 2020 - Entropy 1 (1):1-30.
    The aim of this paper is twofold: (1) to assess whether the construct of neural representations plays an explanatory role under the variational free-energy principle and its corollary process theory, active inference; and (2) if so, to assess which philosophical stance - in relation to the ontological and epistemological status of representations - is most appropriate. We focus on non-realist (deflationary and fictionalist-instrumentalist) approaches. We consider a deflationary account of mental representation, according to which the explanatorily relevant contents of neural (...)
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  14.  41
    Embodied skillful performance: where the action is.Inês Hipólito, Manuel Baltieri, Karl Friston & Maxwell J. D. Ramstead - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1-2):4457-4481.
    When someone masters a skill, their performance looks to us like second nature: it looks as if their actions are smoothly performed without explicit, knowledge-driven, online monitoring of their performance. Contemporary computational models in motor control theory, however, are instructionist: that is, they cast skillful performance as a knowledge-driven process. Optimal motor control theory, as representative par excellence of such approaches, casts skillful performance as an instruction, instantiated in the brain, that needs to be executed—a motor command. This paper aims (...)
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  15.  58
    How would you answer this question? Can dispositional analyses of belief account for first-person authority?Nicole Https://Orcidorg Rathgeb - 2022 - Philosophical Explorations 25 (2):204-219.
    In the last decade, various analyses of beliefs in terms of dispositions have been advanced. One principled objection against dispositional accounts of belief is that they cannot accommodate first-...
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    Linking admiration and adoration to self-expansion: Different ways to enhance one's potential.Ines Schindler, Juliane Paech & Fabian Löwenbrück - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (2):292-310.
    How is admiration different from adoration? We provided one answer to this question by examining the pathways through which admiration and adoration linked to self-expansion in a questionnaire and an experimental (autobiographical recall of emotion episodes) study. Both emotions were associated with increased potential efficacy to accomplish goals (i.e., self-expansion), but different action tendencies accounted for these links. While our emotion inductions did not successfully distinguish between admiration and adoration, we could statistically disentangle their effects through mediator models. In both (...)
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    Gammel og ny retorikk – et overblikk.Inês E. Bartolo - 2010 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 28 (1-2):371-376.
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    Why it is worth answering ontological questions.Inês Morais - 2019 - Forma de Vida 1 (16).
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    Die Gültigkeit von Sorites-Argumenten und die Transparenz sprachlicher Regeln. Kommentar zu Bones' How to Swim in Sinking Sands.Nicole Rathgeb - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 75 (3):461-466.
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    Admiration and adoration: Their different ways of showing and shaping who we are.Ines Schindler, Veronika Zink, Johannes Windrich & Winfried Menninghaus - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (1):85-118.
    Admiration and adoration have been considered as emotions with the power to change people, yet our knowledge of the specific nature and function of these emotions is quite limited. From an interdisciplinary perspective, we present a prototype approach to admiration and what has variously been labelled adoration, worship, or reverence. Both admiration and adoration contribute to the formation of personal and collective ideals, values, and identities, but their workings differ. We offer a detailed theoretical account of commonalities and differences in (...)
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    Childhood and the politics of memory in Argentina.Ines Dussel - 2001 - In Kenneth Hultqvist & Gunilla Dahlberg, Governing the Child in the New Millennium. Routledge. pp. 193--220.
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    „Kinder, die unter Steinen aufwachsen“: Die Kinderdarstellung der Neuen Sachlichkeit im Kontext der Großstadt der Weimarer Republik.Ines Heisig - 2011 - In Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink, Jean El Gammal & Gabriele Clemens, Städtischer Raum Im Wandel/Espaces Urbains En Mutation: Modernität - Mobilität - Repräsentationen/Modernités - Mobilités - Représentations. Akademie Verlag. pp. 237-258.
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    Neuropeptide FF decreases cortical and amygdala excitability via NPFF1 and/or NPFF2 receptors.Buffel Ine, Portelli Jeanelle, Raedt Robrecht, Vonck Kristl, Smolders Ilse, Boon Paul & Meurs Alfred - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  24.  24
    Mediale Unterhaltungsangebote aus gesellschaftskritischer Perspektive. Von der Kritik an der Kulturindustrie zur Analyse der gegenwärtigen Gouvernementalität.Ines Langemeyer & Tanja Thomas - 2007 - In Peter V. Zima & Rainer Winter, Kritische Theorie Heute. Transcript Verlag. pp. 259-282.
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    When Emergency Patients Die by Suicide: The Experience of Prehospital Health Professionals.Ines A. Rothes, Isabel C. Nogueira, Ana P. Coutinho da Silva & Margarida R. Henriques - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  26. Normativnost jezičnih igara u kontekstu psihoanalize i mentalnoga zdravlja.Ines Skelac - 2025 - Disputatio Philosophica 26 (1):51-69.
    Jezik uvelike oblikuje ljudsku percepciju i društvenu interakciju. Sigmund Freud je naglašavao ulogu jezika u otkrivanju i rješavanju nesvjesnih sukoba, osobito u liječenju mentalnih poremećaja. Ludwig Wittgenstein je istraživao svakidašnju upotrebu jezika uvodeći pojam jezičnih igara kojima je otkrio njegovu normativnu funkciju u oblikovanju značenja, ponašanja i društvenih normi. Ovaj rad uspoređuje Freudov i Wittgensteinov pristup jeziku ističući njihovo zajedničko naglašavanje njegove normativnosti i terapijskog potencijala. Iako se njihovi pristupi razlikuju – Freud se usredotočuje na nesvjesne strukture koje oblikuju govor, (...)
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    The Application of Kelsen's Theory of the Legal System to European Community Law – The Supremacy Puzzle Resolved.Ines Weyland - 2002 - Law and Philosophy 21 (1):1-37.
  28.  39
    Reflections on different governance styles in regulating science: a contribution to ‘Responsible Research and Innovation’.Ine Hoyweghen, Jessica Mesman, David Townend & Laurens Landeweerd - 2015 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 11 (1):1-22.
    In European science and technology policy, various styles have been developed and institutionalised to govern the ethical challenges of science and technology innovations. In this paper, we give an account of the most dominant styles of the past 30 years, particularly in Europe, seeking to show their specific merits and problems. We focus on three styles of governance: a technocratic style, an applied ethics style, and a public participation style. We discuss their merits and deficits, and use this analysis to (...)
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    L.S. Penrose's limit theorem : proof of some special cases.Ines Lindner & Moshé Machover - unknown
    LS Penrose was the first to propose a measure of voting power (which later came to be known as ‘the [absolute] Banzhaf index’). His limit theorem – which is implicit in Penrose (1952) and for which he gave no rigorous proof – says that, in simple weighted voting games, if the number of voters increases indefinitely while the quota is pegged at half the total weight, then – under certain conditions – the ratio between the voting powers (as measured by (...)
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  30.  30
    Making Tools and Planning Discourse: the Role of Executive Functions in the Origin of Language.Ines Adornetti - 2014 - Humana Mente 7 (27).
    In this article we propose that executive functions play a key role in the origin of language. Our proposal is based on the methodological assumption that some of the cognitive systems involved in language functioning are also involved in its phylogenetic origin. In this regard, we demonstrate that a key property of language functioning is discourse coherence. Such property is not dependent on grammatical elements but rather is processed by cognitive systems that are not specific for language, namely the executive (...)
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    Socialism and Empire: Labor Mobility, Racial Capitalism, and the Political Theory of Migration.Inés Valdez - 2021 - Political Theory 49 (6):902-933.
    This essay brings together political theories of empire and racial capitalism to clarify the entanglements between socialist and imperial discourse at the turn of the twentieth century. I show that white labor activists and intellectuals in the United States and the British settler colonies borrowed from imperial scripts to mark non-white workers as a threat. This discourse was thus both imperial and popular, because it absorbed the white working class into settler projects and enlisted its support in defense of imperial (...)
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    Editorial: The personalisation of insurance: Data, behaviour and innovation.Ine Van Hoyweghen, Gert Meyers & Liz McFall - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    The adoption of Big Data analytics in insurance has proved controversial but there has been little analysis specifying how insurance practices are changing. Is insurance passively subject to the forces of disruptive innovation, moving away from the pooling of risk towards its personalisation or individualisation, and what might that mean in practice? This special theme situates disruptive innovations, particularly the experimental practices of behaviour-based personalisation, in the context of the practice and regulation of contemporary insurance. Our contributors argue that behaviour-based (...)
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    (1 other version)An approach to D. Davidson’s “Radical Interpretation” theory.Inês Araújo - 2009 - Filosofia Unisinos 10 (3):302-316.
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  34. Voorbij ethiek en esthetiek.Ine Gevers & Jeanne van Heeswijk (eds.) - 1997 - Nijmegen: SUN.
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    (1 other version)Bewegung im Korsett – Der UN-Menschenrechtsrat in den Jahren 2011 und 2012.Theodor Rathgeber - 2013 - Jahrbuch Menschenrechte 2013 (1):299-320.
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  36. Enactive-Dynamic Social Cognition and Active Inference.Inês Hipólito & Thomas van Es - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This aim of this paper is two-fold: it critically analyses and rejects accounts blending active inference as theory of mind and enactivism; and it advances an enactivist-dynamic understanding of social cognition that is compatible with active inference. While some social cognition theories seemingly take an enactive perspective on social cognition, they explain it as the attribution of mental states to other people, by assuming representational structures, in line with the classic Theory of Mind. Holding both enactivism and ToM, we argue, (...)
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    The Mind-Technology Problem : Investigating Minds, Selves and 21st Century Artefacts.Inês Hipólito, Robert William Clowes & Klaus Gärtner (eds.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This edited book deepens the engagement between 21st century philosophy of mind and the emerging technologies which are transforming our environment. Many new technologies appear to have important implications for the human mind, the nature of our cognition, our sense of identity and even perhaps what we think human beings are. They prompt questions such as: Would an uploaded mind be 'me'? Does our reliance on smart phones, or wearable gadgets enhance or diminish the human mind? and: How does our (...)
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  38. Cognition Without Neural Representation: Dynamics of a Complex System.Inês Hipólito - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This paper proposes an account of neurocognitive activity without leveraging the notion of neural representation. Neural representation is a concept that results from assuming that the properties of the models used in computational cognitive neuroscience must literally exist the system being modelled. Computational models are important tools to test a theory about how the collected data has been generated. While the usefulness of computational models is unquestionable, it does not follow that neurocognitive activity should literally entail the properties construed in (...)
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  39.  8
    Die Ethik der Widersetzlichkeit: theoretische und literarische Transformationen der Antigone.Ines Böker - 2019 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart partizipiert die Antigone an disparaten Denkmodellen geschlechtlicher, verwandtschaftlicher und ethisch-moralischer Konzepte. Aus literatur-und kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive betrachtet, lassen sich die Konstruktionen dieser Konzepte kritisch hinterfragen. Ines Böker untersucht die Entstehungsmöglichkeiten, Wandlungsprozesse und (kritischen) Implikationen von Antigone-Transformationen in dem Spannungsfeld der vielschichtigen theoretischen und literarischen Rezeptionsgeschichte. Trotz unterschiedlicher Positionen enthüllen die Untersuchungen der Antigone-Transformationen das, was die Antigone selbst aktiv gestaltet: Die Ethik der Widersetzlichkeit.
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    Why American Sociology Needs Biographical Sociology—European Style.Ines W. Jindra - 2014 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 44 (4):389-412.
    Life story methods in Europe commonly belong to the field of biographical sociology. This paper points out that biographical sociology is missing from American sociology and describes in-depth two well-known methods in this field in Europe, the narrative interview and objective hermeneutics. The absence of biographical sociology from U.S. sociology should be remedied, it is argued, for the following reasons: First, an analysis of biographical patterns could counteract the heavy emphasis on social structure in American sociology and enrich certain subfields (...)
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  41.  23
    Why do we click? Investigating reasons for user selection on a news aggregator website.Ines Engelmann & Sabrina Heike Kessler - 2019 - Communications 44 (2):225-247.
    The aim of this study is to analyze the reasons behind users’ selection of news results on the news aggregator website, Google News, and the role that news factors play in this selection. We assume that user’s cognitive elaboration of users influences their news selection. In this study, a multi-method approach is used to obtain a complete picture of the users’ news selection reasoning: an open survey, a closed survey, and a content analysis of screen recording data. The results were (...)
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  42.  90
    Patologie del linguaggio e della comunicazione.Ines Adornetti - 2018 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    Il volume, in un'ottica cognitiva, affronta il tema delle patologie del linguaggio coniugando la riflessione teorica con le più recenti evidenze empiriche provenienti dalle neuroscienze, dalla neuropsicologia e dalla psicopatologia. Tra i casi presi in esame, ampio spazio è dedicato alla discussione dei deficit comunicativi che caratterizzano patologie quali la sindrome dello spettro autistico, il trauma cranico, la schizofrenia e la demenza di Alzheimer. In casi del genere, i disturbi linguistici e comunicativi chiamano in causa la dimensione pragmatica del linguaggio (...)
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    Borges E “as perplexidades metafísicas”.Inês Lacerda Araújo - 2004 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 16 (19):65.
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  44. La función del léxico político en el prólogo de los" Annales" de Tácito.Inés Illán Calderón - 1978 - El Basilisco 3:17-31.
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  45. Sanaciones.M. Inés Munévar M. Y. Militza Catalina Munévar - 2007 - In M. Munévar & Dora Inés, Artes viv(id)as: despliegues en la vida cotidiana. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Dirección de Investigación.
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    Health policies and bioethics: A psychosocial perspective in managing the moral question.Ines Testoni & Adriano Zamperini - 2005 - World Futures 61 (8):611 – 621.
    In Western democratic society, the specificity of the bioethical debate over the life-sciences involves bringing together many different study factors. The dilemmas raised by the new scientific discoveries highlight how contemporary common sense is plagued by a profound feeling of anguish over possible future anthropological developments. One of the central problems is the social construction of consent as a psychological strategy seeking to orient public opinion toward accepting new applications of science and technology. On the one hand, the general features (...)
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    My Future: Psychodrama and Meditation to Improve Well-Being Through the Elaboration of Traumatic Loss Among Italian High School Students.Ines Testoni, Lucia Ronconi, Gianmarco Biancalani, Andrea Zottino & Michael Alexander Wieser - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study was designed as an action research aimed to help students to elaborate their feelings of traumatic grief, due to a car accident and a suicide of two of their classmates, in an Italian high school. A death education project was realized in order to prevent the Werther effect. The intervention was based on psychodramatic techniques and meditation with Tibetan bells to encourage reflection on the suffering of traumatic loss, the sense of life, and their future. A total of (...)
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    The Politics (and Morality) of Interpretation.Inés Valdez - 2024 - Philosophy and Global Affairs 4 (1):195-202.
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    Hardships in Italian Prisons During the COVID-19 Emergency: The Experience of Healthcare Personnel.Ines Testoni, Giada Francioli, Gianmarco Biancalani, Sandro Libianchi & Hod Orkibi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: The recent COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the deficiencies that characterize the functioning of the Italian national health system. Prisons have always mirrored the most radical expressions of these weaknesses. During the early stages of the pandemic, prison facilities across Italy underwent a series of changes dictated by the need to ensure the safety of the prisoners and staff. The adoption of these rules contributed to a total or partial redefinition of many central facets of life in prison, such as (...)
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    Visiting Nurses’ Situated Ethics: beyond ‘care versus justice’.Ine Gremmen - 1999 - Nursing Ethics 6 (6):515-527.
    This article discusses Dutch visiting (district) nurses’ moral considerations of their daily work. It is based on an empirical study using extensive semistructured interviews. The study is informed by the theoretical debate on the ‘ethics of care’ and the ‘ethics of justice’. It is argued that this debate easily turns into an unfruitful contest between these two perspectives: which one is best? The results suggest that visiting nurses’ moral considerations of their day-to-day work can be described well in terms of (...)
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