Results for 'Hunkin Lisa'

948 found
  1.  26
    Exploring the mechanisms that support attentional bias modification.Grimshaw Gina & Hunkin Lisa - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  2.  33
    The Psychological Construction of Emotion.Lisa Feldman Barrett & James A. Russell (eds.) - 2014 - Guilford Press.
    This volume presents cutting-edge theory and research on emotions as constructed events rather than fixed, essential entities. It provides a thorough introduction to the assumptions, hypotheses, and scientific methods that embody psychological constructionist approaches. Leading scholars examine the neurobiological, cognitive/perceptual, and social processes that give rise to the experiences Western cultures call sadness, anger, fear, and so on. The book explores such compelling questions as how the brain creates emotional experiences, whether the "ingredients" of emotions also give rise to other (...)
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    Sexed Embodiment In Atypical Pubertal Development.Kristin Zeiler & Lisa Guntram - 2014 - In Kristin Zeiler & Lisa Folkmarson Käll, Feminist Phenomenology and Medicine. State University of New York Press. pp. 141-159.
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    Knowing what you 're feeling and knowing what to do about it: Mapping the relation between emotion differentiation and emotion regulation'.Lisa Feldman Barrett, James Gross, Tamlin Conner Christensen & Michael Benvenuto - 2001 - Cognition and Emotion 15 (6):713-724.
    Individuals differ considerably in their emotion experience. Some experience emotions in a highly differentiated manner, clearly distinguishing among a variety of negative and positive discrete emotions. Others experience emotions in a relatively undifferentiated manner, treating a range of like-valence terms as interchangeable. Drawing on self-regulation theory, we hypothesised that individuals with highly differentiated emotion experience should be better able to regulate emotions than individuals with poorly differentiated emotion experience. In particular, we hypothesised that emotion differentiation and emotion regulation would be (...)
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  5. Psychological Construction: The Darwinian Approach to the Science of Emotion.Lisa Feldman Barrett - 2013 - Emotion Review 5 (4):379-389.
    Psychological construction constitutes a different paradigm for the scientific study of emotion when compared to the current paradigm that is inspired by faculty psychology. This new paradigm is more consistent with the post-Darwinian conceptual framework in biology that includes a focus on (a) population thinking (vs. typologies), (b) domain-general core systems (vs. physical essences), and (c) constructive analysis (vs. reductionism). Three psychological construction approaches (the OCC model, the iterative reprocessing model, and the conceptual act theory) are discussed with respect to (...)
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    On the limits of infants' quantification of small object arrays.Lisa Feigenson & Susan Carey - 2005 - Cognition 97 (3):295-313.
  7.  66
    Variety is the spice of life: A psychological construction approach to understanding variability in emotion.Lisa Feldman Barrett - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (7):1284-1306.
    There is remarkable variety in emotional life. Not all mental states referred to by the same word (e.g., “fear”) look alike, feel alike, or have the same neurophysiological signature. Variability has been observed within individuals over time, across individuals from the same culture, and of course across cultures. In this paper, I outline an approach to understanding the richness and diversity of emotional life. This model, called the conceptual act model, is not only well suited to explaining individual differences in (...)
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  8. The epistemic innocence of clinical memory distortions.Lisa Bortolotti & Ema Sullivan-Bissett - 2018 - Mind and Language 33 (3):263-279.
    In some neuropsychological disorders memory distortions seemingly fill gaps in people’s knowledge about their past, where people’s self-image, history, and prospects are often enhanced. False beliefs about the past compromise both people’s capacity to construct a reliable autobiography and their trustworthiness as communicators. However, such beliefs contribute to people’s sense of competence and self-confidence, increasing psychological wellbeing. Here we consider both psychological benefits and epistemic costs, and argue that distorting the past is likely to also have epistemic benefits that cannot (...)
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  9. Making populations: Bounding genes in space and in time.Lisa Gannett - 2003 - Philosophy of Science 70 (5):989-1001.
    At least below the level of species, biological populations are not mind‐independent objects that scientists discover. Rather, biological populations are pragmatically constructed as objects of investigation according to the aims, interests, and values that inform particular research contexts. The relations among organisms that are constitutive of population‐level phenomena (e.g., mating propensity, genealogy, and competition) occur as matters of degree and so give rise to statistically defined open‐ended biological systems. These systems are rendered discrete units to satisfy practical needs and theoretical (...)
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    Infants chunk object arrays into sets of individuals.Lisa Feigenson & Justin Halberda - 2004 - Cognition 91 (2):173-190.
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    Theodosius Dobzhansky and the genetic race concept.Lisa Gannett - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44 (3):250-261.
    The use of ‘race’ as a proxy for population structure in the genetic mapping of complex traits has provoked controversy about its legitimacy as a category for biomedical research, given its social and political connotations. The controversy has reignited debates among scientists and philosophers of science about whether there is a legitimate biological concept of race. This paper examines the genetic race concept as it developed historically in the work of Theodosius Dobzhansky from the 1930s to 1950s. Dobzhansky’s definitions of (...)
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  12.  31
    Everyday Ethics and Social Change: The Education of Desire.Anna Lisa Peterson - 2009 - Columbia University Press.
    Americans increasingly cite moral values as a factor in how they vote, but when we define morality simply in terms of a voter's position on gay marriage and abortion, we lose sight of the ethical decisions that guide our everyday lives. In our encounters with friends, family members, nature, and nonhuman creatures, we practice a nonutilitarian morality that makes sacrifice a rational and reasonable choice. Recognizing these everyday ethics, Anna L. Peterson argues, helps us move past the seemingly irreconcilable conflicts (...)
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  13.  35
    Affect, Relationality and the `Problem of Personality'.Lisa Blackman - 2008 - Theory, Culture and Society 25 (1):23-47.
  14.  42
    A double-dissociation in infants' representations of object arrays.Lisa Feigenson - 2005 - Cognition 95 (3):B37-B48.
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    Aristotle's alleged ethical obscurantism.Lisa van Alstyne - 1998 - Philosophy 73 (3):429-452.
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    Unconscious processing of arabic numerals in unilateral neglect.Marinella Cappelletti & Lisa Cipolotti - 2006 - Neuropsychologia 44 (10):1999-2006.
  17.  17
    The Ethics of Freedom in Consumption: An Ethnographic Account of the Social Dimensions of Supermarket Shopping for Moroccan Women.Delphine Godefroit-Winkel & Lisa Peñaloza - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (3):479-506.
    This research brings together insights from philosophy, political theory, and consumer research in conceptualizing and empirically examining the social dimension of negative and positive freedom in consumption. Drawing from ethnographic observations and interviews with Moroccan women regarding their shopping at the supermarket, the findings detail the roles of husbands, store employees, extended family members and friends as constrainer, protector, enabler, facilitator, indulger, and witness. The discussion explains a ‘domino effect’ in such innovative marketplaces, as these market and social actors together (...)
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    Theory, Interpretation, and Law.Lisa Van Alstyne - 2016 - Philosophical Topics 44 (1):265-286.
    This paper explores Ronald Dworkin’s influential theory of constructive interpretation. It points out that this theory admits of two readings, which I call the “undemanding” and the “demanding” conceptions of constructive interpretation respectively. As I argue, Dworkin’s own presentation of the theory equivocates between these two conceptions, the former of which is utterly unproblematic, but the latter of which incorporates certain philosophical prejudices as to what it must mean for a practice to be purposive.
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    Feminism after Bourdieu.Lisa Adkins & Beverley Skeggs (eds.) - 2004 - Malden, MA : Blackwell Publishing,: Blackwell.
    Such an absence seems ultimately fatal. Yet as this volume amply demonstrates, the richness of his social theory can be opened up by contemporary feminism.
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  20.  47
    The common and distinct neural bases of affect labeling and reappraisal in healthy adults.Lisa J. Burklund, J. David Creswell, Michael R. Irwin & Matthew D. Lieberman - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  21. On the automaticity of emotion.Lisa Feldman Barrett, Kevin N. Ochsner & James J. Gross - 2007 - In John A. Bargh, Social Psychology and the Unconscious: The Automaticity of Higher Mental Processes. Frontiers of Social Psychology. Psychology Press. pp. 173-217.
  22.  62
    Domain-specific and domain-general processes underlying metacognitive judgments.Lisa M. Fitzgerald, Mahnaz Arvaneh & Paul M. Dockree - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 49:264-277.
  23.  73
    Feeling is perceiving: Core affect and conceptualization in the experience of emotion.Lisa Feldman Barrett - 2005 - In Lisa Feldman Barrett, Paula M. Niedenthal & Piotr Winkielman, Emotion and Consciousness. New York: Guilford Press. pp. 255-284.
  24.  28
    Progress, but Slow Going: Public Argument in the Forging of Collective Norms.Lisa S. Villadsen - 2020 - Argumentation 34 (3):325-337.
    Rhetorical argumentation is a craft: collective, processual, and circulating, and it partakes in the indeterminate evolution of public norms. Official apologies can illustrate how rhetorical modalities over time can reflect change in civic sensibilities and effect collective moral reflection and evolution. Rhetorical citizenship, understood as encompassing both critical production and reception of publicly circulating arguments, is a way of conceptualizing the interaction between the individual and the collective in the ongoing discursive formation of the community and the norms that inform (...)
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  25.  40
    (1 other version)The relative importance of undesirable truths.Lisa Bortolotti - 2012 - Medicine Healthcare and Philosophy (4):683-690.
    The right not to know is often defended on the basis of the principle of respect for personal autonomy. If I choose not to acquire personal information that impacts on my future prospects, such a choice should be respected, because I should be able to decide whether to access information about myself and how to use it. But, according to the incoherence objection to the right not to know in the context of genetic testing, the choice not to acquire genetic (...)
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  26.  7
    Legality and Morality in the Political Thought of Elise Reimarus and Immanuel Kant.Lisa Curtis-Wendlandt - 2013 - In Lisa Curtis-Wendlandt, Paul Richard Gibbard & Karen Green, Political Ideas of Enlightenment Women: Virtue and Citizenship. Farnham: Ashgate. pp. 91-107.
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    Anti-Libidinal Interventions in Sex Offenders: Medical or Correctional?Lisa Forsberg & Thomas Douglas - 2017 - Medical Law Review 24 (4):453-473.
    Sex offenders are sometimes offered or required to undergo pharmacological interventions intended to diminish their sex drive (anti-libidinal interventions or ALIs). In this paper, we argue that much of the debate regarding the moral permissibility of ALIs has been founded on an inaccurate assumption regarding their intended purpose—namely, that ALIs are intended solely to realise medical purposes, not correctional goals. This assumption has made it plausible to assert that ALIs may only permissibly be administered to offenders with their valid consent, (...)
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  28.  51
    Contribution of transcranial oscillatory stimulation to research on neural networks: an emphasis on hippocampo-neocortical rhythms.Lisa Marshall & Sonja Binder - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Farm to school in British Columbia: mobilizing food literacy for food sovereignty.Lisa Jordan Powell & Hannah Wittman - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (1):193-206.
    Farm to school programs have been positioned as interventions that can support goals of the global food sovereignty movement, including strengthening local food production systems, improving food access and food justice for urban populations, and reducing distancing between producers and consumers. However, there has been little assessment of how and to what extent farm to school programs can actually function as a mechanism leading to the achievement of food sovereignty. As implemented in North America, farm to school programs encompass activities (...)
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  30.  28
    Satisfied with the Job, But Not with the Boss: Leaders’ Expressions of Gratitude and Pride Differentially Signal Leader Selfishness, Resulting in Differing Levels of Followers’ Satisfaction.Lisa Ritzenhöfer, Prisca Brosi, Matthias Spörrle & Isabell M. Welpe - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (4):1185-1202.
    Setting out to understand the effects of positive moral emotions in leadership, this research examines the consequences of leaders’ expressions of gratitude and pride for their followers. In two experimental vignette studies and a field study, leaders’ gratitude expressions showed a positive effect and leaders’ pride expressions showed a negative effect on followers’ ascriptions of leader selfishness. Thereby, leaders’ gratitude expression indirectly led to higher follower satisfaction with and OCB towards the leader, while leaders’ pride expressions indirectly reduced satisfaction with (...)
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  31.  51
    Creating illusions of knowledge: Learning errors that contradict prior knowledge.Lisa K. Fazio, Sarah J. Barber, Suparna Rajaram, Peter A. Ornstein & Elizabeth J. Marsh - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (1):1.
  32.  22
    The Scarcity of Women’s Records in Antiquity: Where Did All the Women Go?Li-Hsiang Lisa Rosenlee - 2024 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 50 (4):379-392.
    The scarcity of women’s writings in antiquity presents an intractable problem for feminists intending to integrate women’s perspectives into the existing philosophical canon. One way to undo the erasure of women is for feminists to look to the east; in China, there is an abundance of well-preserved women’s writings, along with their biographical records, as early as the 6th century BCE. This essay will provide a survey of those women’s records, focusing on the 6th century BCE to the 4th century (...)
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    L’annonce d’un décès en milieu hospitalier.Lisa De Lima - 2020 - Médecine et Droit 2020 (160):6-9.
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    Verweigerte Heimkehr bei BalzacHomecoming Withheld in Balzac.Anna-Lisa Dieter - 2018 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 92 (2):181-202.
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  35. Ethical conflicts during the social study of clinical practice: the need to reassess the mutually challenging research ethics traditions of social scientists and medical researchers.Klaus Hoeyer, Lisa Dahlager & Niels Lynöe - 2006 - Clinical Ethics 1 (1):41-45.
    When anthropologists and other social scientists study health services in medical institutions, tensions sometimes arise as a result of the social scientists and health care professionals having different ideas about the ethics of research. In order to resolve this type of conflict and to facilitate mutual learning, we describe two general categories of research ethics framing: those of anthropology and those of medicine. The latter focuses on protection of the individual through the preservation of autonomy expressed through the requirement of (...)
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    Multiple Personalities and Pastiches: Proust pere et fils.Ursula Link-Heer & Lisa McNee - 1999 - Substance 28 (1):17.
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    A Comparative Feminist Reflection on Race and Gender.Li-Hsiang Lisa Rosenlee - 2019 - Philosophy East and West 69 (2):627-637.
    Bryan W. Van Norden's Taking Back Philosophy is a long-awaited and much-needed manifesto on multicultural curricula in the academic discipline of philosophy, which has up to now been stubbornly persistent in its monolithic approach to the teaching of its own self-defined genealogy, its origin, its methodology, and its very essence. As Van Norden points out, philosophy has a serious diversity problem. Only a handful of graduate programs have full-time faculty teaching non-Western philosophy.1 No other discipline in the humanities or social (...)
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  38. Beyond 'what'and 'how many': Capacity, complexity, and resolution of infants' object representations.Jennifer M. Zosh & Lisa Feigenson - 2009 - In Bruce M. Hood & Laurie R. Santos, The origins of object knowledge. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 25--51.
  39. Standing humbly before nature.Lisa Gerber - 2002 - Ethics and the Environment 7 (1):39-53.
    : Humility is a virtue that is helpful in a persons relationship with nature. A humble person sees value in nature and acts accordingly with the proper respect. In this paper, humility is discussed in three aspects. First, humility entails an overcoming of self-absorption. Second, humility involves coming into contact with a larger, more complex reality. Third, humility allows a person to develop a sense of perspective on herself and the world.
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  40. The embodiment of emotion.Lisa Feldman Barrett & Kristen A. Lindquist - 2008 - In Gün R. Semin & Eliot R. Smith, Embodied grounding: social, cognitive, affective, and neuroscientific approaches. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Hedonic Tone, Perceived Arousal, and Item Desirability: Three Components of Self-reported Mood.Lisa Feldman Barrett - 1996 - Cognition and Emotion 10 (1):47-68.
  42. Queering the birthing space: Phenomenological interpretations of the relationships between lesbian couples and perinatal nurses in the context of birthing care.Lisa Goldberg, Ami Harbin & Sue Campbell - 2011 - Sexualities 14 (2):173-192.
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    Para começar a falar sobre ética.Vânia Lisa Fischer Cossetin - 2022 - Filosofia E Educação 14 (1):339-361.
    O tema da ética tem ganhado espaço em praticamente todos os campos e setores da nossa sociedade, sejam eles acadêmicos, educacionais, profissionais, empresariais, políticos e científicos. Contudo, as discussões em seu entorno têm se pulverizado numa variedade imensa de abordagens, pautadas em distintas e até mesmo contraditórias bases teóricas, perspectivas e interpretações. Diante disso, estes escritos objetivam distinguir, problematizar e relacionar as noções de moral, ética e deontologia no intuito de preservar tanto o sentido filosófico das proposições éticas quanto o (...)
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  44.  21
    Choosing surgical birth: desire and the nature of bioethical advice.Raymond G. DeVries, Lisa Kane Low & Elizabeth Bogdan-Lovis - 2008 - In Hilde Lindemann, Marian Verkerk & Margaret Urban Walker, Naturalized Bioethics: Toward Responsible Knowing and Practice. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  45. Factors Associated with the Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Rural Northern Victoria, Australia.Andrew J. Hamilton, Lisa Bourke, Geetha Ranmuthugala, Kristen M. Glenister & David Simmons - forthcoming - Health Care Analysis:1-13.
    About one-third of Australians use the services of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM); but debate about the role of CAM in public healthcare is vociferous. Despite this, the mechanisms driving CAM healthcare choices are not well understood, especially in rural Australia. From 2016 to 2018, 2,679 persons from the Goulburn Valley, northern Victoria, were surveyed, 28% (755) of whom reporting visiting CAM practitioners. A Generalized Linear Mixed Model was used to assess associations between various socio-demographic variables and the use of (...)
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    Humor Assessment and Interventions in Palliative Care: A Systematic Review.Lisa M. Linge-Dahl, Sonja Heintz, Willibald Ruch & Lukas Radbruch - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Continuing Commentary: Shaking the Bedrock.Lisa Bortolotti - 2011 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 18 (1):77-87.
    This feature in Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology (PPP) is intended to provide ongoing commentary on main articles previously published in PPP. The essay by Bortolotti below is a response to John Rhodes and Richard Gipps's paper in PPP (15, no. 4:295-310).Can we understand people who report delusional beliefs? In their thought-provoking paper, "Delusions, Certainty, and the Background", John Rhodes and Richard Gipps (2008) present a novel account of delusions which has two main purposes: (1) offer an explanation of the truly (...)
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  48. PhD by Publication: A Student's Perspective.Lisa M. Robins & Peter J. Kanowski - 2008 - Journal of Research Practice 4 (2):Article M3.
    This article presents the first author's experiences as an Australian doctoral student undertaking a PhD by publication in the arena of the social sciences. She published nine articles in refereed journals and a peer-reviewed book chapter during the course of her PhD. We situate this experience in the context of current discussion about doctoral publication practices, in order to inform both postgraduate students and academics in general. The article discusses recent thinking about PhD by publication and identifies the factors that (...)
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  49.  43
    Parallel non-verbal enumeration is constrained by a set-based limit.Lisa Feigenson - 2008 - Cognition 107 (1):1-18.
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    A Phenomenological Investigation of Altruism as Experienced by Moral Exemplars.Lisa Mastain - 2007 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 38 (1):62-99.
    This research study used descriptive phenomenological methods to investigate and document the lived experience of altruism as described by moral exemplars. Six moral exemplars wrote descriptions of situations in which they engaged in spontaneous altruism. Altruism was defined for the purpose of this study as a motivational state with the ultimate goal of increasing another's welfare . These descriptions were then expanded and clarified through follow up interviews. The results of this descriptive phenomenological analysis produced two structures: the structure of (...)
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