Results for 'Harris Savin'

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  1. Introduction: behaviorism.Harris Savin - 1980 - In Ned Joel Block, Readings in Philosophy of Psychology: 1. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. pp. 1--11.
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    Ethics for gods and men.Harris B. Savin - 1973 - Cognition 2 (2):257.
  3. The projection problem for presuppositions.D. Terence Langendoen & Harris Savin - 1971 - In Charles J. Fillmore & D. Terence Langendoen, Studies in linguistic semantics. New York, N.Y.: Irvington. pp. 54--60.
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    Meanings and concepts: A review of Jerrold J. Katz's semantic theory. [REVIEW]Harris B. Savin - 1973 - Cognition 2 (2):212-238.
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    History and Truth in Hegel’s Phenomenology.H. S. Harris - 1979. - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 41 (1):239-241.
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    Marginal Land and Population Pressure in the Ancient Mediterranean, 800 BC to 600 AD.William Vernon Harris - 2018 - História 67 (4):390.
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  7. From simulation to folk psychology: The case for development.P. F. Harris - 1992 - Mind and Language 7 (1-2):120-144.
  8. Spinoza's treatment of natural law.Errol E. Harris - 2015 - In Andre Santos Campos, Spinoza: Basic Concepts. Burlington, VT, USA: Imprint Academic.
  9. Vexing expectations.Harris Nover & Alan Hájek - 2004 - Mind 113 (450):237-249.
    We introduce a St. Petersburg-like game, which we call the ‘Pasadena game’, in which we toss a coin until it lands heads for the first time. Your pay-offs grow without bound, and alternate in sign (rewards alternate with penalties). The expectation of the game is a conditionally convergent series. As such, its terms can be rearranged to yield any sum whatsoever, including positive infinity and negative infinity. Thus, we can apparently make the game seem as desirable or undesirable as we (...)
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  10. ‘Ethics is for bad guys!’ Putting the ‘moral’ into moral enhancement.John Harris - 2012 - Bioethics 27 (3):169-173.
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    Ethical values of individuals at different levels in the organizational hierarchy of a single firm.James R. Harris - 1990 - Journal of Business Ethics 9 (9):741 - 750.
    This study examines the ethical values of respondents by level in the organizational hierarchy of a single firm. It also explores the possible impacts of gender, education and years of experience on respondents' values as well as their perceptions of how the organization and professional associations influence their personal values. Results showed that, although there were differences in individuals' ethical values by hierarchical level, significantly more differences were observed by the length of tenure with the organization. While respondents, as a (...)
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  12. Beyond belief: On disinformation and manipulation.Keith Raymond Harris - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-21.
    Existing analyses of disinformation tend to embrace the view that disinformation is intended or otherwise functions to mislead its audience, that is, to produce false beliefs. I argue that this view is doubly mistaken. First, while paradigmatic disinformation campaigns aim to produce false beliefs in an audience, disinformation may in some cases be intended only to prevent its audience from forming true beliefs. Second, purveyors of disinformation need not intend to have any effect at all on their audience’s beliefs, aiming (...)
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    SSRIs as Moral Enhancement Interventions: A Practical Dead End.Harris Wiseman - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 5 (3):21-30.
    Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have gained a degree of prominence across recent moral enhancement literature as a possible intervention for dealing with antisocial and aggressive impulses. This is due to serotonin's purported capacity to modulate persons’ averseness to harm. The aim of this article is to argue that the use of SSRIs is not something worth getting particularly excited about as a practicable intervention for moral enhancement purposes, and that the generally uncritical enthusiasm over serotonin's potential as a moral (...)
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  14. Because Hitler did it! Quantitative tests of Bayesian argumentation using ad hominem.Adam J. L. Harris, Anne S. Hsu & Jens K. Madsen - 2012 - Thinking and Reasoning 18 (3):311 - 343.
    Bayesian probability has recently been proposed as a normative theory of argumentation. In this article, we provide a Bayesian formalisation of the ad Hitlerum argument, as a special case of the ad hominem argument. Across three experiments, we demonstrate that people's evaluation of the argument is sensitive to probabilistic factors deemed relevant on a Bayesian formalisation. Moreover, we provide the first parameter-free quantitative evidence in favour of the Bayesian approach to argumentation. Quantitative Bayesian prescriptions were derived from participants' stated subjective (...)
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  15. The concept of the person and the value of life.John Harris - 1999 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 9 (4):293-308.
    : The concept of the person has come to be intimately connected with questions about the value of life. It is applied to those sorts of beings who have some special value or moral importance and where we need to prioritize the needs or claims of different sorts of individuals. "Person" is a concept designating individuals like us in some important respects, but possibly including individuals who are very unlike us in other respects. What are these respects and why are (...)
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  16. ‘Pass the Cocoamone, Please’: Causal Impotence, Opportunistic Vegetarianism and Act-Utilitarianism.John Richard Harris & Richard Galvin - 2012 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 15 (3):368 - 383.
    It appears that utilitarian arguments in favor of moral vegetarianism cannot justify a complete prohibition of eating meat. This is because, in certain circumstances, forgoing meat will prevent no pain, and so, on utilitarian grounds, we should be opportunistic carnivores rather than moral vegetarians. In his paper, ‘Puppies, pigs, and people: Eating meat and marginal cases,’ Alastair Norcross argues that causal impotence arguments like these are misguided. First, he presents an analogous situation, the case of chocolate mousse a-la-bama, in order (...)
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  17. Liars and Trolls and Bots Online: The Problem of Fake Persons.Keith Raymond Harris - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36 (2):1-19.
    This paper describes the ways in which trolls and bots impede the acquisition of knowledge online. I distinguish between three ways in which trolls and bots can impede knowledge acquisition, namely, by deceiving, by encouraging misplaced skepticism, and by interfering with the acquisition of warrant concerning persons and content encountered online. I argue that these threats are difficult to resist simultaneously. I argue, further, that the threat that trolls and bots pose to knowledge acquisition goes beyond the mere threat of (...)
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  18. Where conspiracy theories come from, what they do, and what to do about them.Keith Raymond Harris - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Philosophers who study conspiracy theories have increasingly addressed the questions of where conspiracy theories come from, what such theories do, and what to do about them. This essay serves as a commentary on the answers to these questions offered by contributors to this special issue.
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  19. The entropic brain: a theory of conscious states informed by neuroimaging research with psychedelic drugs.Robin L. Carhart-Harris, Robert Leech, Peter J. Hellyer, Murray Shanahan, Amanda Feilding, Enzo Tagliazucchi, Dante R. Chialvo & David Nutt - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Consent and end of life decisions.John Harris - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (1):10-15.
    This paper discusses the role of consent in decision making generally and its role in end of life decisions in particular. It outlines a conception of autonomy which explains and justifies the role of consent in decision making and criticises some misapplications of the idea of consent, particular the role of fictitious or “proxy” consents.Where the inevitable outcome of a decision must be that a human individual will die and where that individual is a person who can consent, then that (...)
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  21. (1 other version)The Basis of Epistemic Trust: Reliable Testimony or Reliable Sources?Paul L. Harris & Melissa A. Koenig - 2007 - Episteme 4 (3):264-284.
    What is the nature of children's trust in testimony? Is it based primarily on evidential correlations between statements and facts, as stated by Hume, or does it derive from an interest in the trustworthiness of particular speakers? In this essay, we explore these questions in an effort to understand the developmental course and cognitive bases of children's extensive reliance on testimony. Recent work shows that, from an early age, children monitor the reliability of particular informants, differentiate between those who make (...)
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    Transpersonal psychology as a scientific field.Harris Friedman - 2002 - International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 21 (1):175-187.
  23. Data models and the acquisition and manipulation of data.Todd Harris - 2003 - Philosophy of Science 70 (5):1508-1517.
    This paper offers an account of data manipulation in scientific experiments. It will be shown that in many cases raw, unprocessed data is not produced, but rather a form of processed data that will be referred to as a data model. The language of data models will be used to provide a framework within which to understand a recent debate about the status of data and data manipulation. It will be seen that a description in terms of data models allows (...)
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  24. QALYfying the value of life.J. Harris - 1987 - Journal of Medical Ethics 13 (3):117-123.
    This paper argues that the Quality Adjusted Life Year or QALY is fatally flawed as a way of priority setting in health care and of dealing with the problem of scarce resources. In addition to showing why this is so the paper sets out a view of the moral constraints that govern the allocation of health resources and suggests reasons for a new attitude to the health budget.
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    The language-makers.Roy Harris - 1980 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
  26. AI or Your Lying Eyes: Some Shortcomings of Artificially Intelligent Deepfake Detectors.Keith Raymond Harris - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (7):1-19.
    Deepfakes pose a multi-faceted threat to the acquisition of knowledge. It is widely hoped that technological solutions—in the form of artificially intelligent systems for detecting deepfakes—will help to address this threat. I argue that the prospects for purely technological solutions to the problem of deepfakes are dim. Especially given the evolving nature of the threat, technological solutions cannot be expected to prevent deception at the hands of deepfakes, or to preserve the authority of video footage. Moreover, the success of such (...)
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  27. Synthetic Media Detection, the Wheel, and the Burden of Proof.Keith Raymond Harris - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (4):1-20.
    Deepfakes and other forms of synthetic media are widely regarded as serious threats to our knowledge of the world. Various technological responses to these threats have been proposed. The reactive approach proposes to use artificial intelligence to identify synthetic media. The proactive approach proposes to use blockchain and related technologies to create immutable records of verified media content. I argue that both approaches, but especially the reactive approach, are vulnerable to a problem analogous to the ancient problem of the criterion—a (...)
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  28. Misinformation, Content Moderation, and Epistemology: Protecting Knowledge.Keith Raymond Harris - 2024 - Routledge.
    This book argues that misinformation poses a multi-faceted threat to knowledge, while arguing that some forms of content moderation risk exacerbating these threats. It proposes alternative forms of content moderation that aim to address this complexity while enhancing human epistemic agency. The proliferation of fake news, false conspiracy theories, and other forms of misinformation on the internet and especially social media is widely recognized as a threat to individual knowledge and, consequently, to collective deliberation and democracy itself. This book argues (...)
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    Bioethics.John Harris (ed.) - 2001 - Oxford University Press.
    Framed with a substantial introduction by the editor, this new book brings together the key articles written on bioethics over recent years. Subjects covered include the beginnings of life, the end of life, quality of life, value of life, future generations, and professional ethics.
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    Emotionality differences between a native and foreign language: theoretical implications.Catherine L. Caldwell-Harris - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  31. Croce and centile in Collingwood's 'new leviathan'.H. S. Harris - 1990 - Storia, Antropologia E Scienze Del Linguaggio 5:29-42.
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    Faith and knowledge: Kant's refutation of the ontological proof of the being of God.W. T. Harris - 1881 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 15 (4):404 - 428.
  33. Hazard, Rowland G., Works.W. T. Harris - 1884 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 18:71.
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  34. Morris Keith Hopkins, 1934-2004.W. V. Harris - 2005 - In Harris W. V., Proceedings of the British Academy Volume 130, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, IV. pp. 81-105.
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    Making sense: conversations on consciousness, morality and the future of humanity.Sam Harris - 2020 - London: Bantam Press.
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  36. Oxford Handbook of 18th Century British Philosophy.James Harris (ed.) - forthcoming
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  37. Pantheism, Is it the Legitimate Outcome of Modern Science?W. T. Harris - 1885 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 19:406.
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    The Date of the Trial of Timarchus.Edward Harris - 1985 - Hermes 113 (3):376-380.
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    The restitution of metaphysics.Errol E. Harris - 2000 - Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books.
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  40. Williams on negative responsibility and integrity.John Harris - 1974 - Philosophical Quarterly 24 (96):265-273.
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  41. The mind of John Locke: a study of political theory in its intellectual setting.Ian Harris - 1994 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    John Locke (1632-1704) is a central figure in the history of thought, and in liberal doctrine especially. This major study brings a range of his wider views to bear upon his political theory. Every political theorist has a vision, a view about the basic features of life and society, as well as technique which mediates this into propositions about politics. Locke's vision spanned questions concerning Christian worship, ethics, political economy, medicine, the human understanding, revealed theology and education. This study shows (...)
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    Late-marxist, post-poststructuralist critical nebulosity.Wendell V. Harris - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (1):127-135.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Late-Marxist, Post-Poststructuralist Critical NebulosityWendell V. HarrisIllustration, by J. Hillis Miller; 168 pp. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1992, $35.00.The title of J. Hillis Miller’s Illustration is apt in a way other than the author anticipated: it is a composite illustration of most of what makes so much of contemporary literary and aesthetic criticism unsatisfying if not nugatory. Initial evidence of the lack of cogent conceptualization is the disparateness of the (...)
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    The Appeal to Expert Opinion: Quantitative Support for a Bayesian Network Approach.Adam J. L. Harris, Ulrike Hahn, Jens K. Madsen & Anne S. Hsu - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (6):1496-1533.
    The appeal to expert opinion is an argument form that uses the verdict of an expert to support a position or hypothesis. A previous scheme-based treatment of the argument form is formalized within a Bayesian network that is able to capture the critical aspects of the argument form, including the central considerations of the expert's expertise and trustworthiness. We propose this as an appropriate normative framework for the argument form, enabling the development and testing of quantitative predictions as to how (...)
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    Meaning and Embodiment in Ritual Practice.Harris Wiseman - 2022 - Zygon 57 (3):772-796.
    The article explores the interaction of verbal and nonverbal semantic levels in the performance of Christian ritual. The article maps the distinction between theoretical and performative knowledge onto Barnard and Teasdale's Interacting Cognitive Systems model to give a (partial) account of how meaning emerges in ritual participation. With Christian ritual, both know-how and know-that are needed. Above all, it is their interaction that generate the richness of meaning in ritual performance. Three core claims are made. First, many contemporary concepts of (...)
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    Nominalism vs. Realism.William T. Harris - 1868 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 2:57.
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  46. Collaborative Remembering: When Can Remembering With Others Be Beneficial?Celia B. Harris, John Sutton, Paul Keil & Amanda Barnier - unknown
    Experimental memory research has traditionally focused on the individual, and viewed social influence as a source of error or inhibition. However, in everyday life, remembering is often a social activity, and theories from philosophy and psychology predict benefits of shared remembering. In a series of studies, both experimental and more qualitative, we attempted to bridge this gap by examining the effects of collaboration on memory in a variety of situations and in a variety of groups. We discuss our results in (...)
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  47. Organ procurement: dead interests, living needs.John Harris - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (3):130-134.
    Cadaver organs should be automatically availableThe shortage of donor organs and tissue for transplantation constitutes an acute emergency which demands radical rethinking of our policies and radical measures. While estimates vary and are difficult to arrive at there is no doubt that the donor organ shortage costs literally hundreds of thousands of lives every year. “In the world as a whole there are an estimated 700 000 patients on dialysis . . .. In India alone 100 000 new patients present (...)
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    Theoria to Theory (and Back Again): Integrating Masterman's Writings on Language and Religion.Harris Wiseman - 2022 - Zygon 57 (3):797-825.
    This article explores three aspects of Masterman's language work and applies them to questions of spiritual intelligence: metaphor, coherence, and ambiguity. First, metaphor, which is ubiquitous in ordinary language, both leads and misleads in religious and scientific understanding. Masterman's case for a “dual-approach” to thinking, both speculative and critical, is explored and tied to concepts of moral-spiritual development per Pierre Hadot and Hannah Arendt. Second, Masterman's work on machine translation presents semantic disambiguation as an emerging coherence wherein one gradually hones (...)
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    Do Social Constraints Inhibit Analytical Atheism? Cognitive Style and Religiosity in Turkey.Catherine L. Caldwell-Harris, Sevil Hocaoğlu & Jonathan Morgan - 2020 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 20 (1-2):1-21.
    Recent studies claim that having an analytical cognitive style is correlated with reduced religiosity in western populations. However, in cultural contexts where social norms constrain behavior, such cognitive characteristics may have reduced influence on behaviors and beliefs. We labeled this the ‘constraining environments hypothesis.’ In a sample of 246 Muslims in Turkey, the hypothesis was supported for gender. Females face social pressure to be religious. Unlike their male counterparts, they were more religious, less analytical, and their analytical scores were uncorrelated (...)
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    James Beattie: Selected Philosophical Writings.James Beattie & James A. Harris (eds.) - 2004 - Imprint Academic.
    James Beattie was appointed professor of moral philosophy and logic at Marischal College, Aberdeen, Scotland at the age of twenty-five. Though more fond of poetry than philosophy, he became part of the Scottish 'Common Sense' school of philosophy that included Thomas Reid and George Campbell. In 1770 Beattie published the work for which he is best known, An Essay on Truth, an abrasive attack on 'modern scepticism' in general, and on David Hume in particular, subsequently and despite Beattie's attack, Scotland's (...)
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