Results for 'Gen Ohi'

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  1.  59
    Japan’s egalitarian health care system: A brief historical analysis.Gen Ohi, Akira Akabayashi & Michio Miyasaka - 1998 - Health Care Analysis 6 (2):141-149.
    Japan is one of several East Asian countries that share an ethical system of mutual support. A review of Japan’s health care system reveals a strong egalitarian ethos often considered unique by outside observers.
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  2. Kuwaki Genʾyoku senshū.Genʾyoku Kuwaki - 1943
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  3. Kyōshi no moraru.Gen Furukawa - 1959
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    Chan-fai Cheung, Earthscape.Jean-Claude Gens - 2014 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 22:313-318.
    Essentiellement composé de photographies aériennes, Earthscape est néanmoins un ouvrage de phénoménologie. Après avoir commencé des études d’architecture, puis soutenu une thèse de doctorat en philosophie à Freiburg, son auteur, Chan-fai Cheung, qui a dirigé le département de philosophie de la Chinese University of Hong Kong, met en effet, en tant que photographe, en suspens nos appréhensions habituelles et, pour ainsi dire, naturelles de la terre ; comme l’écrit Bernhard Waldenfels à propos...
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  5. Pathologizing Disabled and Trans Identities: How Emotions Become Marginalized.Gen Eickers - 2024 - In Shelley Tremain, _The Bloomsbury Guide to Philosophy of Disability_. London UK: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 360-379.
    In recent years, an array of critical emotion theorists have emerged who call for change with respect to how emotion theory is done, how emotions are understood, and how we do emotion. In this chapter, I draw on the work that some of these authors have produced to analyze how emotional marginalization of trans and disabled identities is experienced, considering in particular how this emotional marginalization results from the long history of pathologization of trans and disabled people. The past and (...)
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    Gadamer et les grecs.Jean-Claude Gens, Pavlos Kontos & Pierre Rodrigo (eds.) - 2004 - Paris: Vrin.
    Ce recueil vise à interroger un versant moins connu, mais essentiel, de la pensée de Gadamer, sa méditation des philosophes grecs, des Présocratiques à Plotin, qui occupe un tiers de ses œuvres complètes.
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  7. Theoretical versus practical rationality.Bernard Gen - 2001 - In James P. Sterba, Social and Political Philosophy: Contemporary Perspectives. New York: Routledge. pp. 77.
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    Uexküll’s Kompositionslehre and Leopold’s “land ethic” in dialogue. On the concept of meaning.Jean-Claude Gens - 2013 - Sign Systems Studies 41 (1):69-81.
    Uexkull’s famous umwelt theory, which is simultaneously a theory of meaning, remains almost unknown in American environmental thought. Thepurpose of this article is to create a dialogue between the umwelt theory – a source of inspiration for biosemiotics – and one of the major figures of the environmental thought, namely Aldo Leopold. The interest of this dialogue lies in the fact that the environmental thought has much to gain by relying on Uexkull’s theory of meaning and, conversely, that Leopold’s land (...)
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    The Limit of Hypothetico-Deductive Model of Scientific Explanation.Gen-Ichiro Nagasaka - 1969 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 2:99-109.
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    Wang Xinzhai jia xun yi zhu.Gen Wang - 2020 - Shanghai: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she. Edited by Xin Yang.
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  11. Social Media Experiences of LGBTQ+ People: Enabling Feelings of Belonging.Gen Eickers - 2024 - Topoi.
    This paper explores how the social and affective lives of people with marginalized social identities are particularly affected by digital influences. Specifically, the paper examines whether and how social media enables LGBTQ+ people to experience feelings of belonging. It does so by drawing on literature from digital epistemology and phenomenology of the digital, and by presenting and analyzing the results of a qualitative study consisting of 25 interviews with LGBTQ+ people. The interviews were conducted to explore the social media experiences (...)
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  12. Problems and Prospects of Old Testament Theology.Jesper Høgen-Haven - 1987
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  13. Kōza genshōgaku.Gen Kida (ed.) - 1980
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    Tetsugaku no tankyū.Gen Kida & Akira Suda (eds.) - 1993 - Hachiōji-shi: Chūō Daigaku Shuppanbu.
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  15. Jiyū to bunka.Genʼyoku Kuwaki - 1948
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    Coordinating Behaviors: Is social interaction scripted?Gen Eickers - 2023 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 53 (1):85-99.
    Some philosophical and psychological approaches to social interaction posit a powerful explanatory tool for explaining how we navigate social situations: scripts. Scripts tell people how to interact in different situational and cultural contexts depending on social roles such as gender. A script theory of social interaction puts emphasis on understanding the world as normatively structured. Social structures place demands, roles, and ways to behave in the social world upon us, which, in turn, guide the ways we interact with one another (...)
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    L'herméneutique diltheyenne des mondes de la vie.Jean-Claude Gens - 2011 - Philosophie 1 (1):66.
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  18. Kyōiku no honshitsu genri.Genʾichirō Itō - 1971
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  19. Gendai tetsugaku.Gen Kida - 1969
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  20. Tetsugaku gaisetsu.Genʼyoku Kuwaki - 1947
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  21. Tetsugaku oyobi tetsugakushi kenkyū.Genʾyoku Kuwaki - 1949
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    Die ontologischen Grundlagen der Mathematik.Gen Loringhoff - 1940 - Philosophical Review 49:89.
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  23. Emotion Recognition as a Social Skill.Gen Eickers & Jesse J. Prinz - 2020 - In Ellen Fridland & Carlotta Pavese, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Skill and Expertise. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 347-361.
    This chapter argues that emotion recognition is a skill. A skill perspective on emotion recognition draws attention to underappreciated features of this cornerstone of social cognition. Skills have a number of characteristic features. For example, they are improvable, practical, and flexible. Emotion recognition has these features as well. Leading theories of emotion recognition often draw inadequate attention to these features. The chapter advances a theory of emotion recognition that is better suited to this purpose. It proposes that emotion recognition involves (...)
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  24. Are all emotions social? Embracing a pluralistic understanding of social emotions.Gen Eickers - forthcoming - Passion: Journal of the European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotion.
    While the importance of social emotions is widely recognized, the question whether all emotions are social and what this would mean for the category ‘social emotions’ is yet to be addressed systematically. Emotion theorists and researchers so far have proposed different candidates for social emotions. These include non-basic emotions, self-conscious emotions, higher-cognitive emotions, and defining social emotions via their social functions. This paper looks at these different candidates for social emotions and briefly discusses their issues. Discussing the candidates and their (...)
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  25.  13
    Le sourire énigmatique de la vie.Jean-Claude Gens - 2013 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 21:89-100.
    On pourrait espérer que, plus que n’importe quelle autre, les philosophies qui se sont vues dénommées ou se sont elles-mêmes intitulées « philosophie de la vie » nous éclairent sur ce qu’il faut entendre par ce terme de « vie ». Sauf que l’unité d’une telle philosophie est problématique au regard de la diversité des figures qui l’incarnent. Sans remonter à l’époque où elle émerge, par exemple dans la pensée de Herder, puis se prolonger dans le romantisme, la vie est (...)
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  26. Genshōgaku.Gen Kida - 1970 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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  27. Tetsugaku kōyō.Genʼyoku Kuwaki - 1948
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    Genshōgaku jiten =.Gen Kida (ed.) - 1994 - Tōkyō: Kōbundō.
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  29. Genshōgaku no kihon mondai.Gen Kida (ed.) - 1980
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  30. Genshōgaku no seiritsu to tenkai.Gen Kida (ed.) - 1980
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  31. Tetsugakuteki kyōyō.Genʾyoku Kuwaki - 1948
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  32.  24
    Models and Theories in Physics.Gen-Ichiro Nagasaka - 1976 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 5 (1):21-36.
  33. Genjôkôan. Dôgen & ÜBersetzt Und Annotiert von Christian Steineck - 2002 - In Christian Steineck, Guido Rappe, Kåogaku Arifuku & Dåogen, Dôgen als Philosoph. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz Verlag.
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    Embodiment, Context-Sensitivity, and Discrete Emotions: A Response to Moors.Gen Eickers, Juan R. Loaiza & Jesse Prinz - 2017 - Psychological Inquiry 28 (1):31-38.
  35.  12
    Au risque de l'existence: le mythe, la science et l'art: hommage à Maryvonne Perrot.Jean-Claude Gens, Pierre Guenancia & Maryvonne Perrot (eds.) - 2009 - Dijon: Editions universitaires de Dijon.
    De la scolastique médiévale au XIXe siècle, la tradition philosophique a cherché à saisir l'unité des directions en lesquelles elle se déploie à travers des métaphores, celle de l'arbre par exemple, ou en élaborant des systèmes dont le XXe siècle semble bien avoir fait le deuil. Comment donc penser l'hétérogénéité de ces directions, qui font l'ampleur d'une pensée, si ce n'est en les reconduisant à des modalités de l'existence qui en constituent le sol? Cet ouvrage s'est ainsi proposé de recueillir (...)
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  36. La philosophie uexküllienne de la vie et ses enjeux écologiques.Jean-Claude Gens - 2021 - [Milan]: Éditions Mimésis. Edited by Jakob von Uexküll.
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    (2 other versions)Présentation.Jean-Claude Gens & Éric Pommier - 2014 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 22:13-14.
    On pourrait s’étonner de la lecture que Hans Jonas propose de l’histoire des interprétations de l’être. Celle-ci serait animée par une ontologie de mort qui empêche la vie d’être portée au concept. Mais comment cet oubli de la vie pourrait-il concerner le courant de la Lebensphilosophie? Par ailleurs, la phénoménologie elle-même ne prend-elle pas au sérieux cette notion lorsque Husserl considère la pulsion ou interroge le monde de la vie et lorsque le jeune Heidegger consacre un séminaire du...
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  38.  21
    Case Report: Psychoacoustic Analysis of a Clarinet Performance With a Custom-Made Soft Lip Shield Worn to Prevent Mucosal Erosion of Lower Lip.Gen Tanabe, Mariko Hattori, Satoshi Obata, Yuumi Takahashi, Hiroshi Churei, Akira Nishiyama, Toshiaki Ueno & Yuka I. Sumita - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionWind instrument players sometimes suffer from erosion of the mucous membrane of the lip. This is caused by the action and pressure of the mouthpiece of the wind instrument against teeth. To address this problem, a lip shield is fitted over the dental arch to prevent direct contact between the lips and teeth. However, there are a few studies on the influence of the lip shield on the acoustics of wind instruments. The purpose of this study was to analyze the (...)
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  39. Tetsugaku to shite no rinrigaku.Gen Tanaka - 1984 - Tōkyō: Bunka Shobō Hakubunsha.
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    Truth and speech acts.Robert Mößgen - 2007 - In Heather Dyke, Metaphysics and the Representational Fallacy. New York: Routledge. pp. 137-140.
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  41. (1 other version)Scripts and Social Cognition.Gen Eickers - 2024 - Ergo 10 (54):1565-1587.
    To explain how social cognition normally serves us in real life, we need to ask which factors contribute to specific social interactions. Recent accounts, and mostly pluralistic models, have started incorporating contextual and social factors in explanations of social cognition. In this paper, I further motivate the importance of contextual and identity factors for social cognition. This paper presents scripts as an alternative resource in social cognition that can account for contextual and identity factors. Scripts are normative and context-sensitive knowledge (...)
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  42.  30
    Approaches to Blushing: Context Matters.Gen Eickers - 2022 - Perspectiva Filosófica 49 (5):98-121.
    This paper offers a systematic treatment of the social and cultural context of the blush. The paper looks into how different emotion theories approach blushing and does so by differentiating between basic emotion theories, which consider contextual factors but do not make them central to understanding emotional expressions, and contextual emotion theories, which make contextual factors central to understanding emotional expressions. The paper argues that blushing might be best explained by theories that make context central to understanding emotional expression.
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    Tense in time: the Greek perfect.Eva-Carin Gen & Amim von Stechow - 2003 - In Regine Eckardt, Klaus von Heusinger & Christoph Schwarze, Words in time: diachronic semantics from different points of view. New York: Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 251.
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    Haidegā no shisō.Gen Kida - 1993 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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  45. Shintai kankaku seishin.Gen Kida (ed.) - 1986 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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    On Physical Principles of Quantum Mechanics.Gen Kimura - 2013 - Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 40 (2):79-84.
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  47. Shinpen tetsugaku gairon.Genʾyoku Kuwaki - 1942 - [Tōkyō],: Waseda Daigaku Shuppanbu.
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  48. Tetsugaku gairon.Genʾyoku Kuwaki - 1941
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    Dirk Greimann and Geo Siegwart, truth and speech acts. Studies in the philosophy of language (= Routledge studies in contemporary philosophy , vol. 5).Robert Mößgen - 2008 - Erkenntnis 69 (1):137-140.
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  50. Dokusho yoroku.Genʾyoku Kuwaki - 1940 - Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō.
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