Results for 'Francisca Hill'

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  1.  2
    Fenómeno de la Mirada.Francisca Hill - 2024 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 123:87-104.
    En fenomenología generalmente se habla de dos aproximaciones al abordar el fenómeno de la intersubjetividad: la aproximación cartesiana o neohegeliana ¾representada por Sartre¾; y la aproximación ontológico-social ¾representada por el Mitsein heideggeriano. Merleau-Ponty es conocido por seguir una corriente fuertemente influenciada por Heidegger, influencia que se extiende también en el área de la intersubjetividad. Pero, a pesar de la preponderancia heideggeriana, Merleau-Ponty integra aspectos importantes de la teoría intersubjetiva sartreana a su filosofía. En base a ello, cabe preguntarse, ¿cómo puede (...)
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    The Nature of True Minds.Christopher S. Hill - 1994 - Philosophical Review 103 (4):721.
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    Thought and World: An Austere Portrayal of Truth, Reference, and Semantic Correspondence.Christopher S. Hill - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    There is an important family of semantic notions that we apply to thoughts and to the conceptual constituents of thoughts - as when we say that the thought that the Universe is expanding is true. Thought and World presents a theory of the content of such notions. The theory is largely deflationary in spirit, in the sense that it represents a broad range of semantic notions - including the concept of truth - as being entirely free from substantive metaphysical and (...)
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  4. Prolegomena to Ethics.Thomas Hill Green & David O. Brink - 2004 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 66 (2):389-389.
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  5. The importance of autonomy.Thomas E. Hill - 1987 - In Diana T. Meyers (ed.), Women and Moral Theory. Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 129--138.
  6. On Husserl's Mathematical Apprenticeship and Philosophy of Mathematics.Claire Ortiz Hill - 2002 - Analecta Husserliana 80:78-93.
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    Kant's Argument for the Rationality of Moral Conduct.Thomas E. Hill - 1985 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 66 (1-2):3-23.
  8. Living without state-independence of utilities.Brian Hill - 2009 - Theory and Decision 67 (4):405-432.
    This article is concerned with the representation of preferences which do not satisfy the ordinary axioms for state-independent utilities. After suggesting reasons for not being satisfied with solutions involving state-dependent utilities, an alternative representation shall be proposed involving state-independent utilities and a situation-dependent factor. The latter captures the interdependencies between states and consequences. Two sets of axioms are proposed, each permitting the derivation of subjective probabilities, state-independent utilities, and a situation-dependent factor, and each operating in a different framework. The first (...)
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    Mitonuclear Mate Choice: A Missing Component of Sexual Selection Theory?Geoffrey E. Hill - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (3):1700191.
    The fitness of a eukaryote hinges on the coordinated function of the products of its nuclear and mitochondrial genomes in achieving oxidative phosphorylation. I propose that sexual selection plays a key role in the maintenance of mitonuclear coadaptation across generations because it enables pre-zygotic sorting for coadapted mitonuclear genotypes. At each new generation, sexual reproduction creates new combinations of nuclear and mitochondrial genes, and the potential arises for mitonuclear incompatibilities and reduced fitness. In reviewing the literature, I hypothesize that individuals (...)
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  10. Logicality: From A local Point Vİew.Brian Hill - unknown - Yeditepe'de Felsefe (Philosophy at Yeditepe) 7.
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    Weakness of Will and Character.Thomas Hill - 1986 - Philosophical Topics 14 (2):93-115.
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  12. (2 other versions)Introduction.Benjamin Hill - 2012 - In Benjamin Hill & Henrik Lagerlund (eds.), The Philosophy of Francisco Surez. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    This introduction argues for the importance of Suárez’s philosophy for historians of medieval philosophy as well as historians of early modern philosophy. It also provides synopses of each of the essays in the volume and a brief biography of Suárez, placing his life and works into some historical context.
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    Dark personality traits and anti-natalist beliefs: The mediating roles of primal world beliefs.Madeleine K. Meehan, Virgil Zeigler-Hill & Todd K. Shackelford - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology 37 (4):947-969.
    ABSTRACT The literature regarding the Dark Triad of personality (i.e., narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism) has expanded rapidly during recent years with researchers evaluating the connections that these personality traits have with a variety of phenomena including philosophical beliefs and moral decision-making. The goal of the present study was to replicate and extend recent research concerning the associations that the Dark Triad had with anti-natalist beliefs (i.e., that it is morally wrong to procreate) by using multidimensional conceptualizations of these dark personality (...)
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    Towards a “Sophisticated” Model of Belief Dynamics. Part II: Belief Revision.Brian Hill - 2008 - Studia Logica 89 (3):291-323.
    In the companion paper (Towards a “sophisticated” model of belief dynamics. Part I), a general framework for realistic modelling of instantaneous states of belief and of the operations involving them was presented and motivated. In this paper, the framework is applied to the case of belief revision. A model of belief revision shall be obtained which, firstly, recovers the Gärdenfors postulates in a well-specified, natural yet simple class of particular circumstances; secondly, can accommodate iterated revisions, recovering several proposed revision operators (...)
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    (1 other version)Introduction.Thomas E. Hill - 2009 - In The Blackwell Guide to Kant's Ethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1–16.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Special Value of a Good Will and Acts from Duty Categorical and Hypothetical Imperatives The Universal Law Formulas The Formula of Humanity as an End in Itself Autonomy and the Kingdom of Ends Deriving the Supreme Moral Principle from Common Moral Ideas Why Kant Needs the Second‐Person Perspective Kant on Law and Justice Kant on Punishment Kant's Vision of a Just World Order Beneficence and Other Duties of Love Duties to Oneself and Duties of (...)
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  16. Modeling the Metaphysics of the Incarnation.Jonathan Hill - 2008 - Philosophy and Theology 20 (1-2):99-128.
    What metaphysics can plausibly back up the claim that God became incarnate? In this essay we investigate the main kinds of models of incarnation that have been historically proposed. We highlight the philosophical assumptions in each model, and on this basis offernovel ways of grouping them as metaphysical rather than doctrinal positions. We examine strengths and weaknesses of the models,and argue that ‘composition models’ offer the most promising way forward to account for the pivotal Christian belief that, in Christ,true divinity (...)
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    Review symposium on Habermas : IV—jürgen Habermas: A social science of the mind.Melvyn Alan Hill - 1972 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 2 (1):247-259.
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    Kantian virtue and virtue ethics.Thomas E. Hill - 2008 - In Monika Betzler (ed.), Kant's Ethics of Virtues. De Gruyter. pp. 29-60.
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    Nancy, Blanchot: A Serious Controversy.Leslie Hill - 2018 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This book offers the first fully documented and historically contextualised account of the origins and implications of the concept of community in the work of Nancy and Blanchot. It analyses in detail the underlying philosophical, political, literary, and religious implications of the often misrepresented debate between Blanchot and Nancy.
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  20. La Mannigfaltigkeitslehre de Husserl.Claire Hill - 2009 - Philosophiques 36 (2):447-465.
    Pour projeter de la lumière dans de nombreux coins et recoins obscurs de la logique pure de Husserl et dans les rapports entre sa logique formelle et sa logique transcendantale, et combler des lacunes empêchant qu’on arrive à une appréciation juste de sa Mannigfaltigkeitslehre, ou théorie de multiplicités, on examine comment, en prônant une théorie des systèmes déductifs, ou systèmes d’axiomes, comme tâche suprême de la logique pure, Husserl cherchait à résoudre certains problèmes épineux auxquels il s’était heurté en écrivant (...)
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    The Turner Collection of the History of Mathematics at the University of Keele.Steven Shapin & Susan Hill - 1973 - British Journal for the History of Science 6 (3):336-337.
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    Organization of self-knowledge: Features, functions, and flexibility.Carolin J. Showers & Virgil Zeigler-Hill - 2003 - In Mark R. Leary & June Price Tangney (eds.), Handbook of Self and Identity. Guilford Press. pp. 47--67.
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    From Deconstruction to Disaster.Leslie Hill - 2016 - Paragraph 39 (2):187-201.
    Derrida's Glas found one of its most attentive readers in Maurice Blanchot, whose fragmentary volume L'Ecriture du désastre responds in a number of ways to Derrida's book, in particular to its reading of Hegel. This article retraces the silent dialogue between Derrida and Blanchot as it unfolds in the two texts mentioned as well as in several others, including some of Blanchot's earlier essays and fiction, notably La Folie du jour and L'Arrêt de mort.
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  24. Society and Puritanism in Pre-Revolutionary England.Christopher Hill - 1965 - Science and Society 29 (2):239-242.
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  25. Substantive Disagreement in the Le Monde Debate and Beyond: Replies to Duetz and Dentith, Basham, and Hewitt.Scott Hill - 2022 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 11 (11):18-25.
    I reply to criticisms from Duetz and Dentith, Basham, and Hewitt. I argue that the central disputes on this topic concern how ordinary people understand conspiracy theories and how to evaluate concrete conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists.
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  26. The Epitome (Abrégé) of Locke's Essay.James Hill & J. R. Milton - 2003 - In Peter R. Anstey (ed.), The Philosophy of John Locke: New Perspectives. New York: Routledge. pp. 3--25.
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    On friendship and necessitudo in Adam Smith.Lisa Hill & Peter McCarthy - 2004 - History of the Human Sciences 17 (4):1-16.
    Adam Smith (1723–90) provided a novel and subtle account of the new social physics that emerged to accommodate the economic changes taking place in his time. This article explores Smith’s views on the effect of commercialization on friendship, and then questions one prominent interpretation of his approach, that of Allan Silver. Against the contested reading, we argue that the new ‘strangership’ described by Smith is not warm, but rather, cool-friendship enhancing. We suggest that Cicero’s treatment of friendship illuminates Smith’s views (...)
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    Left‐right asymmetry in gut development: what happens next?Sally F. Burn & Robert E. Hill - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (10):1026-1037.
    The gastrointestinal tract is an asymmetrically patterned organ system. The signals which initiate left‐right asymmetry in the developing embryo have been extensively studied, but the downstream steps required to confer asymmetric morphogenesis on the gut organ primordia are less well understood. In this paper we outline key findings on the tissue mechanics underlying gut asymmetry, across a range of species, and use these to synthesise a conserved model for asymmetric gut morphogenesis. We also discuss the importance of correct establishment of (...)
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    Bridges between two medical realities: Perspectives of Indigenous medical and nursing students on snakebite care in the Brazilian Amazon.Altair Seabra de Farias, Guilherme Pinto Viana, Joseir Saturnino Cristino, Franciane Ribeiro Farias, Lara Francisca Ribeiro Farias, Raquel Nascimento de Freitas, Felipe Murta, Vinícius Azevedo Machado, Jacqueline de Almeida Gonçalves Sachett & Wuelton M. Monteiro - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (4):e12667.
    In the Brazilian Amazon, snakebite envenomations (SBEs) disproportionately affect Indigenous populations, and have a significantly higher incidence and lethality than in non‐Indigenous populations. This qualitative study describes the Indigenous and biomedical healthcare domains for SBE care from the perspective of the Indigenous medical and nursing students in Manaus, Western Brazilian Amazon. In‐depth interviews were conducted with five Indigenous students from the Amazonas State University, between January and December 2021. The interviews were analyzed using inductive content analysis. We organized an explanatory (...)
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    Crack initiation and termination in III-V epitaxial layers.R. T. Murray, G. Hill, M. Hopkinson & P. J. Parbrook - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (27):3077-3092.
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    Commentary: Neural correlates of expected risks and returns in risky choice across development.Faisal Mushtaq, Liam J. B. Hill, Amy R. Bland, Matt Craddock & Neil B. Boyle - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Essay Review: Erinnerung und Ausblendung Ein kritischer Blick in den Briefwechsel Adolf Butenandts, MPG Präsident 1960-1972. M.ü & Benno Ller-Hill - 2002 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 24 (3-4):493-521.
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    Redes sociais como ferramentas de transparência em tempos de covid-19.Paulo Ricardo Silva Lima, Francisca Rosaline Leite Mota, Ana Paula Orico Marques Cassé & Tarlane Gomes Tenório Sales - 2021 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 7 (2):88-107.
    No período pandêmico ocasionado pelo Novo Coronavírus, surgiram muitas Fake News nas redes sociais digitais, gerando desinformação e prejudicando a Administração Pública na contenção de novos casos. Demonstra-se por meio da análise da publicização dos boletins epidemiológicos da Covid-19, disseminados nas redes sociais do Governo do Estado de Alagoas, a importância da transparência nas informações de interesse público. Essas redes, principais meios de comunicação e informação da sociedade, têm alto poder de disseminação informacional, cujo potencial “viral”, proporcionado pela instantaneidade e (...)
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    Errors of Judgment and Reporting in a Law Merchant system.Douglas E. Hill - 2004 - Theory and Decision 56 (3):239-267.
  35. Economic Problems of the Church: From Archbishop Whitgift to the Long Parliament.Christopher Hill - 1958 - Science and Society 22 (2):184-186.
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  36. Face detection in natural scenes.H. Hill & R. Watt - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 25.
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    Father Ian Boyd's visit to Brisbane.Frank Hill - 1991 - The Chesterton Review 17 (1):89-91.
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    Globalization and Poverty: Oxymoron or New Possibilities?Ronald Paul Hill & Justine M. Rapp - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (S1):39 - 47.
    The presentation and paper for this conference go to the heart of the relationship between globalization and poverty worldwide. Data from the United Nations reveal the dramatic increase in exports and imports from 1990 to 2004, along with the uneven economic performance/quality of life across development groupings and geographical regions. Thus, findings suggest the possibility that trade growth has failed expectations that developing countries would rise to greater levels of productivity and subsequendy reduce abject poverty. Nonetheless, the situation is far (...)
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    Georg Cantor's paradise, metaphysics, and Husserlian logic.Claire Ortiz Hill - 2012 - In Leila Haaparanta & Heikki J. Koskinen (eds.), Categories of Being: Essays on Metaphysics and Logic. Oxford, England: OUP USA.
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    Goal gradient, anticipation, and perseveration in compound trial-and-error learning.Chester James Hill - 1939 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 25 (6):566.
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    Intuition and demonstration.Benjamin Hill - 2010 - In S. J. Savonius-Wroth Paul Schuurman & Jonathen Walmsley (eds.), The Continuum Companion to Locke. Continuum. pp. 169.
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    Kant's anti-moralistic strain.Thomas E. Hill - 1978 - Theoria 44 (3):131-151.
  43. Lasting impressions of a great teacher.John Godfrey Hill - 1922 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 3 (3):192.
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    Le problème dynamique de l’induction.Brian Hill - 2009 - Dialogue 48 (4):701.
    RÉSUMÉ : Depuis l’ouvrage classique de Goodman, on sait que toute théorie de l’induction doit comporter une composante non formelle. Or, la liberté théorique offerte par le recours à un tel élément implique des responsabilités. Cet article propose comme desideratum d’une théorie de l’induction qu’elle rende compte de la dynamique de sa composante non formelle. Ce desideratum, qui est nouveau, n’est pas satisfait par les principales théories existantes de l’induction. L’identification de l’importance de la dynamique a pourtant l’avantage de suggérer (...)
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  45. Measuring beliefs about where psychological distress originates and who is responsible for its alleviation.D. J. Hill & R. M. Bale - 1981 - In Herbert M. Lefcourt (ed.), Research with the locus of control construct. New York: Academic Press. pp. 2.
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    Moore.John Hill - 1975 - New Scholasticism 49 (3):321-330.
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    Non-Grammatical Prerequisites.Archibald A. Hill - 1966 - Foundations of Language 2 (4):319-337.
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    Natural sanction and philosophical theology.John Hill - 1978 - Sophia 17 (2):27-34.
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    Sulla's New Senators in 81 B.C.H. Hill - 1932 - Classical Quarterly 26 (3-4):170-.
    One of Sulla's first acts on assuming the dictatorship in 81 B.C. was to fill up the numbers of the Senate by the addition of some 300 new members. Tradition is divided on the question of the rank of these men before their promotion, and no unanimity has yet been reached in the matter. There are two distinct versions in the ancient authorities, both equally well attested. Appian and the Epitomator of Livy state that the new members were equites, while (...)
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    The Book "Kitāb al-Hiyal'' of Banū Mūsā bin Shākir: Interpreted in Sense of Modern System and Control Engineering. Atilla Bir, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu.Donald Hill - 1992 - Isis 83 (3):480-480.
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