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  1.  70
    The Cambridge Introduction to Jacques Derrida.Leslie Hill - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Few thinkers of the latter half of the twentieth century have so profoundly and radically transformed our understanding of writing and literature as Jacques Derrida. Derridian deconstruction remains one of the most powerful intellectual movements of the present century, and Derrida's own innovative writings on literature and philosophy are crucially relevant for any understanding of the future of literature and literary criticism today. Derrida's own manner of writing is complex and challenging and has often been misrepresented or misunderstood. In this (...)
  2.  29
    Blanchot: Extreme Contemporary.Steven Jaron & Leslie Hill - 1999 - Substance 28 (1):120.
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    Blanchot: Extreme Contemporary.Stuart Kendall & Leslie Hill - 2000 - Substance 29 (3):134.
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    Blanchot, Extreme Contemporary.Leslie Hill - 1997 - Routledge.
    Blanchot provides a compelling insight into one of the key figures in the development of postmodern thought. Although Blanchot's work is characterised by a fragmentary and complex style, Leslie Hill introduces clearly and accessibly the key themes in his work. He shows how Blanchot questions the very existence of philosophy and literature and how we may distinguish between them, stresses the importance of his political writings and the relationship between writing and history that characterised Blanchot's later work; and considers the (...)
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    Nancy, Blanchot: A Serious Controversy.Leslie Hill - 2018 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This book offers the first fully documented and historically contextualised account of the origins and implications of the concept of community in the work of Nancy and Blanchot. It analyses in detail the underlying philosophical, political, literary, and religious implications of the often misrepresented debate between Blanchot and Nancy.
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    Beckett's Fiction: In Different Words.Alan Astro & Leslie Hill - 1992 - Substance 21 (1):142.
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    The world is not enough.Leslie Hill - 2002 - Angelaki 7 (2):61 – 68.
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    From Deconstruction to Disaster.Leslie Hill - 2016 - Paragraph 39 (2):187-201.
    Derrida's Glas found one of its most attentive readers in Maurice Blanchot, whose fragmentary volume L'Ecriture du désastre responds in a number of ways to Derrida's book, in particular to its reading of Hegel. This article retraces the silent dialogue between Derrida and Blanchot as it unfolds in the two texts mentioned as well as in several others, including some of Blanchot's earlier essays and fiction, notably La Folie du jour and L'Arrêt de mort.
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    ‘Not In Our Name’: Blanchot, Politics, the Neuter.Leslie Hill - 2007 - Paragraph 30 (3):141-159.
    Readers of Blanchot have long been aware of the importance of politics in the writer's intellectual itinerary. But though the history of Blanchot's political involvements is now quite well documented, much remains to be understood about Blanchot's conception of the political. Prompted in part by his support for the ‘Not In Our Name’ appeal, which was to be one of Blanchot's last political gestures, this essay fragment, which is part of a longer inquiry, reconstructs the writer's thinking on the question (...)
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  10.  27
    Responses and Interventions.Maurice Blanchot, Michael Holland & Leslie Hill - 2007 - Paragraph 30 (3):5-45.
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  11.  23
    A Future for Theory?Leslie Hill - 2009 - Paragraph 32 (2):140-153.
    What is it that guarantees the truth of literary theory? And what is it that testifies to its survival into the future? This paper, intended primarily as a tribute to the work of Malcolm Bowie, examines some of the implications of Bowie's view that literary theory, rigorously applied, as in the case of psychoanalysis, was inseparable from its status as creative, productive, futural, perhaps even fictional performance. The paper considers these questions further in the context of that shared commitment to (...)
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  12. Be)longing: a case study of recording and representation.Leslie Hill - 2012 - In Susan Broadhurst & Josephine Machon, Identity, Performance and Technology: Practices of Empowerment, Embodiment and Technicity. Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Barthes's Body.Leslie Hill - 1988 - Paragraph 11 (2):107-126.
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    Bataille, Klossowski, Blanchot: Writing at the Limit.Leslie Hill - 2001 - Oxford University Press.
    What happens when philosophy and literature meet? This pioneering study of the essays and fiction of Georges Bataille, Pierre Klossowski, and Maurice Blanchot examines the relationship between the literary and the philosophical dimension of their work and throws new light on the radical singularity of their writing.
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    Critical Likes and Dislikes: Barthes, Beckett and the Resistance to Reading.Leslie Hill - 2022 - Paragraph 45 (2):142-156.
    Writers, readers, critics all have strong personal preferences. Roland Barthes was a case in point. Many were the texts he chose to affirm. Others he rejected, while some were left to hover in the margins of his thinking. Still others barely feature at all, among which, conspicuous by their absence, are the novels and plays of Samuel Beckett. This article examines the political, theoretical and affective reasons for Barthes’s apparent indifference to a writer who, despite early hostility on the part (...)
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  16.  31
    Flaubert and the Rhetoric of Stupidity.Leslie Hill - 1976 - Critical Inquiry 3 (2):333-344.
    Flaubert himself, in an early and now famous letter, identifies in "bêtise" the effect of an inordinate desire to conclude: "Oui, la bêtise," he writes, "consiste à vouloir conclure. Nous sommes un fil et nous voulons savoir la trame" . This is to say stupidity, to Flaubert, is less a given content of discourse than a particular order of that discourse itself.1 It is the sign of an hasty and elliptical intervention into thought of a series of preconceived conclusions, the (...)
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  17. Heidegger and Blanchot : "wherefore poets in time of distress?" (Holderlin, Rilke).Leslie Hill - 2023 - In Andrew Benjamin, Heidegger and literary studies. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Introduction.Leslie Hill & Michael Holland - 2007 - Paragraph 30 (3):1-2.
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    Marguerite Duras: Apocalyptic Desires.Leslie Hill - 1993 - Routledge.
    Marguerite Duras is France's best-known and most controversial contemporary woman writer. Duras' influence extends from her early novels of the 1950's to her radically innovative experimental autobiographical text of the 1980's The Lover Leslie Hill's book throws new light on Duras' relationship to feminism, psychoanalysis, sexuality, literature, film, politics, and the media. Feted by Kristeva, and Laca who claimed her as almost his other self, Duras is revealed to be a profoundly transgressive thinker and artist. It will be a must (...)
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  20.  28
    Marguerite Duras and the limits of fiction.Leslie Hill - 1989 - Paragraph 12 (1):1-22.
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  21.  54
    “O Himmlisch Licht!”: cinema and the withdrawal of the gods.Leslie Hill - 2012 - Angelaki 17 (4):139 - 155.
    In Godard's Le Mépris [Contempt, 1963], Fritz Lang, playing a fictional version of himself, evokes the complex relationship between cinema's future and the end of cinema by citing a famous verse from the German poet Friedrich Hölderlin, according to which what counts in respect of poetry is henceforth no longer the secret persistence of the gods, nor their covert proximity, but their enduring absence. This paper explores the implications of that insight as they come to affect first Godard's film, then (...)
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  22. Reading between the lines: Derrida, Blanchot, Beckett.Leslie Hill - 2019 - In Jean-Michel Rabaté, Understanding Derrida, understanding modernism. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Robbe-Grillet: Formalism and its Discontents.Leslie Hill - 1984 - Paragraph 3 (1):1-24.
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    (1 other version)The Fragility of Thinking.Leslie Hill - 2021 - Angelaki 26 (3-4):42-56.
    In a recent volume titled Demande (Expectation), containing texts written over a period of more than thirty years, but each devoted to different aspects of the relationship between philosophy and literature, Jean-Luc Nancy offers a suggestive account of their mutual genesis and ongoing dialogue in order to underline the way in which, beyond their apparent dialectical reciprocity, philosophy and literature are each inseparable from the unanswered and unanswerable questions they ask themselves and each other. Both, in other words, are said (...)
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  25.  18
    ‘The Prey or the Shadow’: Klossowski, Kierkegaard, Desire.Leslie Hill - 2020 - Paragraph 43 (1):58-70.
    During the late 1930s, towards the beginning of a long and colourful career as a translator, writer, novelist and painter, Pierre Klossowski proved an attentive reader of the work of th...
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