Results for 'Francesca Martino'

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  1.  15
    Women’s Experiences of Immigration Detention in Italy: Examining Immigration Procedural Fairness, Human Dignity, and Health.Francesca Esposito, Salvatore Di Martino, Erica Briozzo, Caterina Arcidiacono & Jose Ornelas - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:798629.
    Recent decades have witnessed a growing number of states around the world relying on border control measures, such as immigration detention, to govern human mobility and control the movements of those classified as “unauthorised non-citizens.” In response to this, an increasing number of scholars from several disciplines, including psychologists, have begun to examine this phenomenon. In spite of the widespread concerns raised, few studies have been conducted inside immigration detention sites, primarily due to difficulties in gaining access. This body of (...)
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    Metacognitive Therapy for Alcohol Use Disorder: A Systematic Case Series.Gabriele Caselli, Francesca Martino, Marcantonio M. Spada & Adrian Wells - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Foreign language effect in decision-making: How foreign is it?Michele Miozzo, Eduardo Navarrete, Martino Ongis, Enrica Mello, Vittorio Girotto & Francesca Peressotti - 2020 - Cognition 199 (C):104245.
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  4. Plural Logicism.Francesca Boccuni - 2013 - Erkenntnis 78 (5):1051-1067.
    PG (Plural Grundgesetze) is a consistent second-order system which is aimed to derive second-order Peano arithmetic. It employs the notion of plural quantification and a few Fregean devices, among which the infamous Basic Law V. George Boolos’ plural semantics is replaced with Enrico Martino’s Acts of Choice Semantics (ACS), which is developed from the notion of arbitrary reference in mathematical reasoning. Also, substitutional quantification is exploited to interpret quantification into predicate position. ACS provides a form of logicism which is (...)
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    Minimal Logicism.Francesca Boccuni - 2014 - Philosophia Scientiae 18:81-94.
    PLV (Plural Basic Law V) is a consistent second-order system which is aimed to derive second-order Peano arithmetic. It employs the notion of plural quantification and a first-order formulation of Frege's infamous Basic Law V. George Boolos' plural semantics is replaced with Enrico Martino's Acts of Choice Semantics (ACS), which is developed from the notion of arbitrary reference in mathematical reasoning. ACS provides a form of logicism which is radically alternative to Frege's and which is grounded on the existence (...)
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    Intentionality attribution and emotion: The Knobe Effect in alexithymia.Micaela Maria Zucchelli, Francesca Starita, Caterina Bertini, Fiorella Giusberti & Elisa Ciaramelli - 2019 - Cognition 191 (C):103978.
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    Investing in AI for social good: an analysis of European national strategies.Francesca Foffano, Teresa Scantamburlo & Atia Cortés - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):479-500.
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a driving force in modern research, industry and public administration and the European Union (EU) is embracing this technology with a view to creating societal, as well as economic, value. This effort has been shared by EU Member States which were all encouraged to develop their own national AI strategies outlining policies and investment levels. This study focuses on how EU Member States are approaching the promise to develop and use AI for the good of (...)
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  8. A case study of a multiply talented savant with an autism spectrum disorder.Gregory L. Wallace, Francesca Happé & Jay N. Giedd - 2010 - In Francesca Happé & Uta Frith (eds.), Autism and Talent. Oup/the Royal Society.
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    A cut-free simple sequent calculus for modal logic S5.Francesca Poggiolesi - 2008 - Review of Symbolic Logic 1 (1):3-15.
    In this paper, we present a simple sequent calculus for the modal propositional logic S5. We prove that this sequent calculus is theoremwise equivalent to the Hilbert-style system S5, that it is contraction-free and cut-free, and finally that it is decidable. All results are proved in a purely syntactic way.
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  10. Evolutionary Chance Mutation: A Defense of the Modern Synthesis' Consensus View.Francesca Merlin - 2010 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 2 (20130604).
    One central tenet of the Modern Evolutionary Synthesis , and the consensus view among biologists until now, is that all genetic mutations occur by “chance” or at “random” with respect to adaptation. However, the discovery of some molecular mechanisms enhancing mutation rate in response to environmental conditions has given rise to discussions among biologists, historians and philosophers of biology about the “chance” vs “directed” character of mutations . In fact, some argue that mutations due to a particular kind of mutator (...)
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    Alexithymia and Psychological Distress in Patients With Fibromyalgia and Rheumatic Disease.Laura Marchi, Francesca Marzetti, Graziella Orrù, Simona Lemmetti, Mario Miccoli, Rebecca Ciacchini, Paul Kenneth Hitchcott, Laura Bazzicchi, Angelo Gemignani & Ciro Conversano - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  12. ‘Theory of Mind’ and Tracking Speakers’ Intentions.Francesca Happé & Eva Loth - 2002 - Mind and Language 17 (1-2):24-36.
    Typical theory of mind tasks assess children’s ability to attribute a false belief in order to predict or explain an action. According to these standard tasks, young children do not represent the independent (mistaken) beliefs of others until the fourth year—yet long before this, children are able to track speakers’ intentions in order to learn new words. Might communication be a privileged domain for theory of mind? In the present study we explored pre‐schoolers’ ability to track a false belief in (...)
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    Intertrial Variability in the Premotor Cortex Accounts for Individual Differences in Peripersonal Space.Francesca Ferri, Marcello Costantini, Zirui Huang, Mauro Gianni Perrucci, Antonio Ferretti, Gian Luca Romani & Georg Northoff - 2015 - Journal of Neuroscience 35 (50):16328-16339.
  14.  28
    The sense of we-agency and vitality attunement: between rhythmic alignment and emotional attunement.Francesca Forlè - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (3):551-571.
    In this paper I focus on possible boosting factors for the sense of we-agency in joint actions. My aim is to shed light on a factor that, until now, has received little or no consideration at all, and that I call _vitality attunement_. I argue that vitality attunement stands between two other boosting factors for the sense of we-agency—i.e., rhythmic alignment and emotional attunement. Investigating two examples of joint action, i.e., dancing and joint musical performances, I show that vitality attunement (...)
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  15.  43
    Processing of proprioceptive and vestibular body signals and self-transcendence in Ashtanga yoga practitioners.Francesca Fiori, Nicole David & Salvatore M. Aglioti - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  16.  16
    Peripersonal Visuospatial Abilities in Williams Syndrome Analyzed by a Table Radial Arm Maze Task.Francesca Foti, Pierpaolo Sorrentino, Deny Menghini, Simone Montuori, Matteo Pesoli, Patrizia Turriziani, Stefano Vicari, Laura Petrosini & Laura Mandolesi - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Feeling the extraordinary in ordinary language.Ervas Francesca - 2022 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 10 (1):179-206.
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    Gender Stereotypes and Figurative Language Comprehension.Roberta Cocco & Francesca Ervas - 2012 - Humana Mente 5 (22).
    The paper aims to show how and to what extent social and cultural cues influence figurative language understanding. In the first part of the paper, we argue that social-contextual knowledge is organized in “schemas” or stereotypes, which act as strong bias in speaker’s meaning comprehension. Research in Experimental Pragmatics has shown that age, gender, race and occupation stereotypes are important contextual sources of information to interpret others’ speech and provide an explanation of their behavior. In the second part of the (...)
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    La storia della filosofia come frontiera: L'itinerario di Nicola Abbagnano.Francesca D'alberto - 2002 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 1.
    La storia della filosofia come frontiera. L’itinerario di Nicola Abbagnano - ASBTRACT: L’articolo ricostruisce i momenti fondamentali del percorso storiografico di Nicola Abbagnano, a partire dalla sua tesi di laurea del 1923, Le sorgenti irrazionali del pensiero, fino all’articolo Il lavoro storiografico in filosofia : l’intento di questa analisi è mostrare la centralità e la complessità della Storia della filosofia , non riducibile a semplice "appendice" storiografica del periodo esistenzialistico dell’autore. Vengono esaminate in tale prospettiva le premesse teoriche dell’impostazione storiografica (...)
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  20. JONATHAN St. BT EVANS (University of Plymouth) The mental model theory of conditional reasoning: critical appraisal and revision, l-20.Jeffrey L. Elman, Francesca Ge Happe, Richard D. Platt & Richard A. Griggs - 1993 - Cognition 48:30-5.
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    Structuralism and Mathematical Practice in Felix Klein’s Work on Non-Euclidean Geometry†.Biagioli Francesca - 2020 - Philosophia Mathematica 28 (3):360-384.
    It is well known that Felix Klein took a decisive step in investigating the invariants of transformation groups. However, less attention has been given to Klein’s considerations on the epistemological implications of his work on geometry. This paper proposes an interpretation of Klein’s view as a form of mathematical structuralism, according to which the study of mathematical structures provides the basis for a better understanding of how mathematical research and practice develop.
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    The history of an Italian action research experience.Giulia Mancini & Francesca Sbordone - 2004 - AI and Society 18 (2):175-207.
    The paper describes a highly specific Italian action research experience, connected with the trade unions, going through different phases from the 1970s to the present day. The journey is not only a journey through time but also through different approaches. It ranges from the initial experience focusing on health and safety problems at the workplace involving the workers as co-designers of new working environments to today’s search conference experience. For each phase there is a full description and comment on the (...)
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  23. Posthumanismo, Transhumanismo, Antihumanismo, Metahumanismo y Nuevos Materialismos.Francesca Ferrando & Javier Ignacio Brito Ledesma - 2022 - Revista Ethika+ 5:151-166.
    “Posthumano” se ha convertido en un término paraguas para referirse a una variedad de movimientos y escuelas de pensamiento diferentes, incluyendo el posthumanismo filosófico, cultural y crítico; el transhumanismo (en sus variantes de extropianismo, transhumanismo liberal y democrático, entre otras); el enfoque feminista de los nuevos materialismos; el paisaje heterogéneo del antihumanismo, metahumanismo, metahumanidades y posthumanidades. Este uso genérico y global del término ha creado confusión metodológica y teórica entre expertos y no expertos. Este ensayo explorará las diferencias entre estos (...)
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    Do non‐verbal number systems shape grammar? Numerical cognition and Number morphology compared.Francesca Franzon, Chiara Zanini & Rosa Rugani - 2019 - Mind and Language 34 (1):37-58.
    Number morphology (e.g., singular vs. plural) is a part of the grammar that captures numerical information. Some languages have morphological Number values, which express few (paucal), two (dual), three (trial) and sometimes (possibly) four (quadral). Interestingly, the limit of the attested morphological Number values matches the limit of non‐verbal numerical cognition. The latter is based on two systems, one estimating approximate numerosities and the other computing exact numerosities up to three or four. We compared the literature on non‐verbal number systems (...)
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    Educating and Training in Research Integrity (RI): A Study on the Perceptions and Experiences of Early Career Researchers Attending an Institutional RI Course.Greco Francesca, Silvia Ceruti, Stefano Martini, Mario Picozzi, Marco Cosentino & Franca Marino - 2024 - Journal of Academic Ethics 22 (3):413-430.
    Research integrity (RI) is defined as adherence to ethical principles, deontological duties, and professional standards necessary for responsible conduct of scientific research. Early training on RI, especially for early-career researchers, could be useful to help develop good standards of conduct and prevent research misconduct (RM).The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of a training course on RI, by mapping the attitudes of early-career researchers on this topic through a questionnaire built upon the revised version of the Scientific (...)
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  26.  15
    Hommage auf Professeur Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann.Francesca Ferré - 2023 - Heidegger Studies 39 (1):261-266.
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    Vision Quest in Posthumanist Education: Focuses, Praxes and Experiences.Francesca Ferrando & Stefano Rozzoni - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 31 (4):586-611.
    In the context of Posthuman Studies, attention towards education is gaining increasing significance to address the anthropocentric axioms embedded in contemporary worldviews. What is posthumanist education? This paper addresses this question affirming the importance of embodying posthumanist theory in practice. Attention will be dedicated to three original keywords: selves-care; flex(st)ability; commUnity. They will be investigated as possible posthumanist focuses to respond to current educational needs. This paper is not purely theoretical; it is anchored in material experiences that are being explored (...)
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    Response to Joseph W. Koterski, S.J.Francesca Ferrando - 2020 - International Philosophical Quarterly 60 (1):128-129.
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    The Posthuman Divine: When Robots Can Be Enlightened.Francesca Ferrando - 2019 - Sophia 58 (4):645-651.
    This special issue of ‘Sophia’ aims to reflect upon future evolutions of religions and their related narratives and imaginaries from a critical and generative understanding of our ancient sources. Bodies are locations of creative power and symbolic proliferation. Cyborgian, transhuman, and posthuman embodiments are going to generate visions of the divine in tune with such an epistemic shift, by addressing questions such as: can God be represented as a cyborg? Could robots and avatars be prophets? Is internet a suitable setting (...)
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    Information-driven network analysis: evolving the “complex networks” paradigm.Remo Pareschi & Francesca Arcelli Fontana - 2016 - Mind and Society 15 (2):155-167.
    Network analysis views complex systems as networks with well-defined structural properties that account for their complexity. These characteristics, which include scale-free behavior, small worlds and communities, are not to be found in networks such as random graphs and lattices that do not correspond to complex systems. They provide therefore a robust ground for claiming the existence of “complex networks” as a non-trivial subset of networks. The theory of complex networks has thus been successful in making systematically explicit relevant marks of (...)
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    Are the deficits in navigational abilities present in the Williams syndrome related to deficits in the backward inhibition?Francesca Foti, Stefano Sdoia, Deny Menghini, Laura Mandolesi, Stefano Vicari, Fabio Ferlazzo & Laura Petrosini - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Celebrating the 500th anniversary of Leonardo Da Vinci’s death in his birthplace.Francesca Fiorani - forthcoming - Metascience:1-4.
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    Money, Power, and Couple Conflicts.Francesca Fiori & Anna Laura Zanatta - 2009 - Polis (Misc) 23 (1):115-126.
  34.  10
    Correction to: Investing in AI for social good: an analysis of European national strategies.Francesca Foffano, Teresa Scantamburlo & Atia Cortés - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-1.
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    (1 other version)Introduzione.Francesca Forte - 2013 - Doctor Virtualis 12.
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    Ibn Khaldūn e il pensiero marocchino contemporaneo.Francesca Forte - 2022 - Doctor Virtualis 17:185-209.
    La moderna riscoperta del lavoro di Ibn Khaldūn da parte degli studiosi arabi si è sviluppata attorno a una vera e propria dicotomia: alcuni hanno descritto Ibn Khaldūn come un pensatore originale e anomalo tenendo conto del suo contesto e del suo tempo, o l’unico e più alto rappresentante del pensiero arabo-islamico, legittimando gli interessi di coloro che puntavano a mettere in ombra la restante parte della tradizione. Dall’altra parte si è assistito al tentativo opposto di ridimensionare la sua originalità (...)
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    Massimo Campanini.Francesca Forte - 2021 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 27 (2):19-22.
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    On the boundaries of cognition.Francesca Forlè - 2015 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 3 (2):171-191.
    When it comes to the debate about the constitutive, supervenience basis for cognition and cognitive processes, two theoretical positions are often opposed to each other. The first is the intracranialist one, exemplified by Adams and Aizawa’s idea that cognition has its supervenience basis just within the boundaries of the brain. The second is the transcranialist one, exemplified by Noë’s and Clark and Chalmers’s theses that the constitutive basis of cognition and the mind can span the brain, the body and the (...)
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  39.  19
    Where Straus Meets Enactivism. Reflections on an Enactive Theory of Music Perception.Francesca Forlè - 2017 - Rivista di Estetica 66:106-117.
    In this paper, I will try to integrate Joel Krueger’s enactive theory of music perception with some of Erwin Straus’ reflections on different forms of experiencing spatiality and movement. Krueger (2009, 2011b) maintains that music perception is a form of active perception, in which our body and our ability to move with music act as vehicles to draw out certain features of the piece and to respond to the affordances it presents. However, the author does not specify what kind of (...)
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  40.  26
    Observational Learning in Low-Functioning Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Behavioral and Neuroimaging Study.Francesca Foti, Fabrizio Piras, Stefano Vicari, Laura Mandolesi, Laura Petrosini & Deny Menghini - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    (1 other version)The temporal sensitivity to the tactile-induced double flash illusion mediates the impact of beta oscillations on schizotypal personality traits.Francesca Fotia, Jason Cooke, Loes Van Dam, Francesca Ferri & Vincenzo Romei - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 91 (C):103121.
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    A philosophical remark on Gödel's unprovability of consistency proof.Francesca Rivetti Barbò - 1968 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 9 (1):67-74.
  43.  14
    First Compendium of Ibadi Law: The Mudawwana by Abu Ghanim Bishr b. Ghanim al-Khurasani. By Miklos Muranyi.Ersilia Francesca - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 141 (3).
    The First Compendium of Ibadi Law: The Mudawwana by Abu Ghanim Bishr b. Ghanim al-Khurasani. By Miklos Muranyi. Studies on Ibadism and Oman, vol. 14. Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 2018. Pp. 159. €38.
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    Gender Agreement: a psycholinguistic and aphasia case study.Franzon Francesca, Arcara Giorgio, Peressotti Francesca & Semenza Carlo - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Lavoro e attenzione.Simeoni Francesca - 2019 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 7 (2):89-112.
    Mediation is a key concept in the thought of Simone Weil. The paper addresses this topic exploring Weil's writings between 1920s-1940s. At first, Weil reinterprets the Cartesian legacy and sees mediation as a practical instance in the relationship between the subject and the world, in terms of “perception” and “work”. At a later moment, Weil shifts the focus to the desire for the good, which she believes to be a more original way to understand the ego-world relationship. The experience of (...)
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  46.  23
    Theories of Theories of Mind.Francesca Happé - 1996 - Mind and Language 11 (4):447-451.
  47.  42
    A butterfly eye's view of birds.Francesca D. Frentiu & Adriana D. Briscoe - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (11-12):1151-1162.
    The striking color patterns of butterflies and birds have long interested biologists. But how these animals see color is less well understood. Opsins are the protein components of the visual pigments of the eye. Color vision has evolved in butterflies through opsin gene duplications, through positive selection at individual opsin loci, and by the use of filtering pigments. By contrast, birds have retained the same opsin complement present in early-jawed vertebrates, and their visual system has diversified primarily through tuning of (...)
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    Ragione, natura, storia: quattro studi sul Settecento.Maria Teresa Marcialis & Francesca Maria Crasta (eds.) - 1999 - Milano: Franco Angeli.
    I quattro Studi qui raccolti trattano alcuni temi significativi della filosofia settecentesca: il rapporto anima-corpo in Swedenborg, la presenza o meno di un livello di ragione nell' Homme naturel di Rousseau, la convergenza o meno di radicalismo politico e dimensione religiosa in Mably e in Morelly, la fondazione della scienza economica in Genovesi. Sono saggi molto diversi che sottendono interessi differenziati e stili di pensiero non collimanti; essi, tuttavia, sono accomunati da un'ottica squisitamente storiografica, che, pur nella consapevolezza di una (...)
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    La rivelazione in Filone di Alessandria: natura, legge, storia: atti del VII convegno di studi..Angela Maria Mazzanti & Francesca Calabi (eds.) - 2004 - Verucchio (Rimini): P. G. Pazzini.
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    Islamicate Occult Sciences in Theory and Practice.Liana Saif, Francesca Leoni, Matthew Melvin-Koushki & Farouk Yahya (eds.) - 2020 - BRILL.
    _Islamicate Occult Sciences in Theory and Practice_ presents the latest research on Islamic occult sciences from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, namely intellectual history, manuscript studies and material culture.
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