Results for 'Francesca Little'

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  1.  41
    Hey Little Sister, Who's the Only One? Modulating Informativeness in the Resolution of Privative Ambiguity.Francesca Foppolo, Marco Marelli, Luisa Meroni & Andrea Gualmini - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (7):1646-1674.
    We present two eye-tracking experiments on the interpretation of sentences like “The tall girl is the only one that …,” which are ambiguous between the anaphoric and the exophoric interpretation. These interpretations differ in informativeness: in a positive context, the exophoric reading entails the anaphoric, while in a negative context the entailment pattern is reversed and the anaphoric reading is the strongest one. We tested whether adults rely on considerations about informativeness in solving the ambiguity. The results show that participants (...)
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  2. The Metaphysics of Pregnancy.Francesca Bellazzi - forthcoming - Philosophy Compass.
    Pregnancy is a one of the most complex phenomena of life and is essential to the life cycle of mammals. Pregnancy is also a crucial aspect of humans’ life and experience. But what is pregnancy? This question has received little attention in philosophy until recently, when it got picked up by metaphysicians and philosophers of science. However, the philosophical discussion is still in its infancy. This article provides a survey of the recent debate on the metaphysics of pregnancy. It (...)
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  3.  28
    Divine Decrees and Human Choices: Grotius on the Law of Fate and Punishment.Francesca Iurlaro - 2019 - Grotiana 40 (1):76-101.
    Hugo Grotius’s Philosophorum sententiae de fato et de eo quod in nostra est potestate has, so far, received little scholarly attention, even though it provides us with an interesting insight into Grotius’s philosophical interests. This text, published posthumously in 1648 by Grotius’s wife, Maria van Reigensberg, contains translations of texts from various philosophers on the question of fate. The aim of this article is to 1) place the debate on fate, in which Grotius was actively involved throughout all his (...)
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    Perinatal HIV Infection or Exposure Is Associated With Low N-Acetylaspartate and Glutamate in Basal Ganglia at Age 9 but Not 7 Years. [REVIEW]Frances C. Robertson, Martha J. Holmes, Mark F. Cotton, Els Dobbels, Francesca Little, Barbara Laughton, André J. W. van der Kouwe & Ernesta M. Meintjes - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  5. Biochemical functions.Francesca Bellazzi - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    Function talk is a constant across different life sciences. From macro-evolution to genetics, functions are mentioned everywhere. For example, a limb’s function is to allow movement and RNA polymerases’ function is to transcribe DNA. Biochemistry is not immune from such a characterization; the biochemical world seems to be a chemical world embedded within biological processes. Specifically, biochemists commonly ascribe functions to biomolecules and classify them accordingly. This has been noticed in the recent philosophical literature on biochemical kinds. But while a (...)
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  6.  19
    (1 other version)Everyday Life in Social Psychology.Francesca Emiliani & Stefano Passini - 2016 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 46 (4).
    In the field of psychology, the topic of everyday life as a specific subject of inquiry has been afforded little attention. Indeed, everyday life has recently been analyzed mainly in psychological studies that examine people's ways of behaving and thinking when they act in situations termed as mundane and ordinary. These studies are mainly carried out in two fields of social psychology which we refer to in general terms as Social Cognition and Social Representation Theory. The aim of this (...)
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  7.  38
    Functional Connectivity Alterations between Networks and Associations with Infant Immune Health within Networks in HIV Infected Children on Early Treatment: A Study at 7 Years.Jadrana T. F. Toich, Paul A. Taylor, Martha J. Holmes, Suril Gohel, Mark F. Cotton, Els Dobbels, Barbara Laughton, Francesca Little, Andre J. W. van der Kouwe, Bharat Biswal & Ernesta M. Meintjes - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  8.  38
    Defeasibility, Law, and Argumentation: A Critical View from an Interpretative Standpoint.Francesca Poggi - 2020 - Argumentation 35 (3):409-434.
    The phenomenon of defeasibility has long been a central theme in legal literature. This essay aims to shed new light on that phenomenon by clarifying some fundamental conceptual issues. First, the most widespread definition of legal defeasibility is examined and criticized. The essay shows that such a definition is poorly constructed, inaccurate and generates many problems. Indeed, the definition hides the close relationship between legal defeasibility and legal interpretation. Second, this essay argues that no new definition is needed. I will (...)
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  9.  36
    The sense of we-agency and vitality attunement: between rhythmic alignment and emotional attunement.Francesca Forlè - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (3):551-571.
    In this paper I focus on possible boosting factors for the sense of we-agency in joint actions. My aim is to shed light on a factor that, until now, has received little or no consideration at all, and that I call _vitality attunement_. I argue that vitality attunement stands between two other boosting factors for the sense of we-agency—i.e., rhythmic alignment and emotional attunement. Investigating two examples of joint action, i.e., dancing and joint musical performances, I show that vitality (...)
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  10.  31
    The Effects of the Mating Market, Sex, Age, and Income on Sociopolitical Orientation.Francesca R. Luberti, Khandis R. Blake & Robert C. Brooks - 2020 - Human Nature 31 (1):88-111.
    Sociopolitical attitudes are often the root cause of conflicts between individuals, groups, and even nations, but little is known about the origin of individual differences in sociopolitical orientation. We test a combination of economic and evolutionary ideas about the degree to which the mating market, sex, age, and income affect sociopolitical orientation. We collected data online through Amazon’s Mechanical Turk from 1108 US participants who were between 18 and 60, fluent in English, and single. While ostensibly testing a new (...)
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  11.  62
    Grounding principles for (relevant) implication.Francesca Poggiolesi - 2020 - Synthese 198 (8):7351-7376.
    Most of the logics of grounding that have so far been proposed contain grounding axioms, or grounding rules, for the connectives of conjunction, disjunction and negation, but little attention has been dedicated to the implication connective. The present paper aims at repairing this situation by proposing adequate grounding principles for relevant implication. Because of the interaction between negation and implication, new grounding principles concerning negation will also arise.
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  12.  15
    ‘We will take care of you’: Identity categorisation markers in intercultural medical encounters.Francesca Alby, Marilena Fatigante, Cristina Zucchermaglio & Valentina Fantasia - 2021 - Discourse Studies 23 (4):451-473.
    Ethnomethodology research has systematically investigated discursive practices of categorisation, looking at the various ways by which social actors ascribe both themselves and others to identity categories to accomplish various kinds of social actions. Drawing on a data corpus of oncological visits collected in an Italian hospital, involving both native and non-native patients, the present work analyses how participants in these intercultural medical encounters invoke and make relevant social identity categories by the marking of collective pronouns in their talk. Our results (...)
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  13.  32
    Stories We Tell After Orlando.Francesca T. Royster - 2018 - Feminist Studies 44 (2):503.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 44, no. 2. © 2018 by Francesca T. Royster 503 Francesca T. Royster Stories We Tell After Orlando We are in Laila’s backyard for a Sunday barbecue, a cool and windy Chicago June day that immediately followed one of the very hottest days so far this year. My partner Annie and I have brought our fouryear -old daughter Cece and her best friend Gilda to (...)
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  14.  24
    Motor Cortex Response to Pleasant Odor Perception and Imagery: The Differential Role of Personality Dimensions and Imagery Ability.Carmenrita Infortuna, Francesca Gualano, David Freedberg, Sapan P. Patel, Asad M. Sheikh, Maria Rosaria Anna Muscatello, Antonio Bruno, Carmela Mento, Eileen Chusid, Zhiyong Han, Florian P. Thomas & Fortunato Battaglia - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    BackgroundNeuroimaging studies have shown a complex pattern of brain activation during perception of a pleasant odor and during its olfactory imagery. To date, little is known regarding changes in motor cortex excitability during these tasks. Bergamot essential oil is extensively used in perfumes and cosmetics for its pleasantness. Therefore, to further our understanding of the human sense of smell, this study aimed to investigate the effect of perception and imagery of a pleasant odor on motor cortex using Transcranial magnetic (...)
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  15.  23
    ‘So what problems bother you and you are not speeding up your work?’ Problem solving talk at work.Francesca Bargiela-Chiappini & Jo Angouri - 2011 - Discourse and Communication 5 (3):209-229.
    Problem solving can be readily described as one of the key activities regularly performed by professionals in any workplace setting. Despite its importance, however, there is relatively little linguistic research which looks at the complex ways in which problems are constructed in discourse. This article sees the enactment of a ‘problem’ as a discursive phenomenon with fluid boundaries. It draws on business meeting data recorded in multinational companies in Europe and focuses on excerpts identified by the participants as having (...)
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  16.  23
    From Wald to Schnorr: von Mises’ definition of randomness in the aftermath of Ville’s Theorem.Francesca Zaffora Blando - 2024 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 106 (C):196-207.
    The first formal definition of randomness, seen as a property of sequences of events or experimental outcomes, dates back to Richard von Mises' work in the foundations of probability and statistics. The randomness notion introduced by von Mises is nowadays widely regarded as being too weak. This is, to a large extent, due to the work of Jean Ville, which is often described as having dealt the death blow to von Mises' approach, and which was integral to the development of (...)
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  17.  66
    Are there gender differences in cognitive reflection? Invariance and differences related to mathematics.Caterina Primi, Maria Anna Donati, Francesca Chiesi & Kinga Morsanyi - 2018 - Thinking and Reasoning 24 (2):258-279.
    Cognitive reflection is recognized as an important skill, which is necessary for making advantageous decisions. Even though gender differences in the Cognitive Reflection test appear to be robust across multiple studies, little research has examined the source of the gender gap in performance. In Study 1, we tested the invariance of the scale across genders. In Study 2, we investigated the role of math anxiety, mathematical reasoning, and gender in CRT performance. The results attested the measurement equivalence of the (...)
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  18.  39
    Everyday ethical challenges of nurse-physician collaboration.Motshedisi Sabone, Pelonomi Mazonde, Francesca Cainelli, Maseba Maitshoko, Renatha Joseph, Judith Shayo, Baraka Morris, Marjorie Muecke, Barbra Mann Wall, Linda Hoke, Lilian Peng, Kim Mooney-Doyle & Connie M. Ulrich - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (1):206-220.
    Background: Collaboration between physicians and nurses is key to improving patient care. We know very little about collaboration and interdisciplinary practice in African healthcare settings. Research question/aim: The purpose of this study was to explore the ethical challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration in clinical practice and education in Botswana Participants and research context: This qualitative descriptive study was conducted with 39 participants (20 physicians and 19 nurses) who participated in semi-structured interviews at public hospitals purposely selected to represent the three (...)
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  19. The Role of the Bible in Contemporary Christian Education.Sara Little - 1961
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  20.  33
    The spatial logic of fear.Giulia Ellena, Francesca Starita, Patrick Haggard & Elisabetta Làdavas - 2020 - Cognition 203 (C):104336.
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  21.  93
    Biochemical Functions as Weakly Emergent [Book Symposium].Francesca Bellazzi - 2024 - Argumenta 10 (19):225-235.
    This paper will consider how the account of weak emergence presented by Wilson in the book Metaphysical emergence (2021) can be used to explore the relation between biochemical functions and chemical structure in biochemical molecules, as vitamin B12. The structure of the paper is the following. Section 2 will introduce why biochemical functions are interesting from a philosophical perspective and why their relation to molecular structure can be seen as problematic. In doing so, it will consider the definition of biochemical (...)
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  22.  43
    Ernst Cassirer's transcendental account of mathematical reasoning.Francesca Biagioli - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 79 (C):30-40.
  23.  21
    (1 other version)Risk and Catastrophe. The Failure of Science and Institutions: Finding Precarious Solutions in a Precarious life.Angelo Abignente & Francesca Scamardella - forthcoming - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies.
    The aim of this article is to investigate around the life in the contemporary society, characterized by risks and catastrophes. What does mean to live fearing that in any moment a catastrophe could happen (a tsunami, an earthquake, a nuclear explosion)? Despite of the failure of science and public institutions in the prevention of the catastrophes, the question is the following: Can we use the catastrophe as a paradigm of the contemporary uncertain life, trying to mean it as a theme (...)
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  24.  21
    Moral Decision-making as Compared to Economic and Shopping Contexts. Gender Effects and Utilitarianism.Claudio Lucchiari, Francesca Meroni & Maria Elide Vanutelli - 2019 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 10 (1):49-64.
    : How do people make decisions? Previous psychological research consistently shed light on the fact that decisions are not the result of a pure rational reasoning, and that emotions can assume a crucial role. This is particularly true in the case of moral decision-making, which requires a complex integration of affective and cognitive processes. One question that is still open to debate concern the individual factors that can affect moral decisions. Gender has been consistently identified as a possible variable of (...)
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  25.  6
    Decision and responsibility: a wrinkle in time.H. Ganse Little - 1974 - Tallahassee, Fla.: American Academy of Religion.
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  26.  13
    Marxist Theory and Soviet Practice: "Ernest Gellner's Appraisal of Contemporary Soviet Ethnography".Daniel Little - 1992 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 22 (2):238.
  27.  24
    (5 other versions)Studies in Christian origins.—I.V. A. S. Little - 1926 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 4 (4):297 – 300.
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  28.  5
    WT1: what has the last decade told us?Melissa Little, Greg Holmes & Patrick Walsh - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (3):191-202.
    When positionally cloned in late 1989, it was anticipated that mutations within the Wilms' tumour suppressor gene (WT1) would prove responsible for this common solid kidney cancer of childhood. Characterisation of the WT1 expression pattern and of the structure of the encoded protein isoforms and their mode of action has now spanned almost a decade. WT1 proteins act as nucleic acid-binding zinc finger-containing transcription factors involved in both transactivation and repression. These activities are facilitated and constrained by interactions with other (...)
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    A History of the World: Daniel Blaufuks' bookwork Terezín.Eileen Little - 2012 - Philosophy of Photography 2 (2):355-366.
    As time goes by we will increasingly be marked more by abstract, distanced and imaginative renditions of the traumatic historical rupture of the Holocaust than by any personal or tangible connection - this article explores a bookwork/filmwork by artist Daniel Blaufuks engaging questions of what that might mean for us.
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  30. Chapter 5 in A. Lieberman.J. W. Little - 1988 - In Ann Lieberman, Building a professional culture in schools. New York: Teachers College Press.
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  31. Learning Together in the Christian Fellowship.Sara Little - 1956
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  32.  37
    Talking about Good Deeds: Elaborative Discourse and Moral Virtue.Sabrina Little - 2020 - Journal of Value Inquiry 55 (4):725-743.
  33.  23
    Supporting Patients With Untreated Prostate Cancer on Active Surveillance: What Causes an Increase in Anxiety During the First 10 Months?Maria Francesca Alvisi, Paola Dordoni, Tiziana Rancati, Barbara Avuzzi, Nicola Nicolai, Fabio Badenchini, Letizia De Luca, Tiziana Magnani, Cristina Marenghi, Julia Menichetti, Villa Silvia, Zollo Fabiana, Salvioni Roberto, Valdagni Riccardo & Bellardita Lara - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundThe psychological burden possibly deriving from not immediately undergoing radical treatment for prostate cancer could be a potential disadvantage of active surveillance, especially in the eve of some relevant clinical exams [i.e., re-biopsy, prostate-specific antigen test, and medical examination]. Even if it is known from the literature that the majority of PCa men in AS do not report heightened anxiety, there is a minority of patients who show clinically significant levels of anxiety after diagnosis. The present study aimed to investigate (...)
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  34.  18
    Islamicate Occult Sciences in Theory and Practice.Liana Saif, Francesca Leoni, Matthew Melvin-Koushki & Farouk Yahya (eds.) - 2020 - BRILL.
    _Islamicate Occult Sciences in Theory and Practice_ presents the latest research on Islamic occult sciences from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, namely intellectual history, manuscript studies and material culture.
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    Cueing Implicit Commitment.Francesca Bonalumi, Margherita Isella & John Michael - 2019 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 10 (4):669-688.
    Despite the importance of commitment for distinctively human forms of sociality, it remains unclear how people prioritize and evaluate their own and others’ commitments - especially implicit commitments. Across two sets of online studies, we found evidence in support of the hypothesis that people’s judgments and attitudes about implicit commitments are governed by an implicit sense of commitment, which is modulated by cues to others’ expectations, and by cues to the costs others have invested on the basis of those expectations.
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  36.  82
    Panteismo (secc. XVIII-XIX).Francesca Puccini - 2017 - Enciclopedia Bruniana e Campanelliana (2009-2012):106-119.
  37. L'educatore professionale e la gestione delle emozioni in una comunità minorile.M. Francesca Ghiaccio - 2004 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 15:181-205.
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    Cypress Beams, Kufic Script, and Cut Stone: Rebuilding the Master Narrative of European History.Lester K. Little - 2004 - Speculum 79 (4):909-928.
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  39.  18
    Practical anarchy an interview with critical art ensemble.Mark Little - 1999 - Angelaki 4 (2):193 – 201.
  40.  30
    Toward a global community: New perspectives on confucian humanism.Reg Little - 2005 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 32 (1):152–156.
  41.  16
    Between Privacy, Alienation and Community.Francesca Scapinello - 2024 - Wittgenstein-Studien 15 (1):175-196.
    This paper is concerned with Stanley Cavell’s reading of the notion of privacy as it appears in Ludwig Wittgenstein’s private language argument (PLA). Defined as a fantasy or fear either of inexpressiveness or excessive expressiveness (cf. Cavell 1979: 254), I argue that such an account is partial, in that it does not represent those individuals that are exposed to epistemic injustice. Drawing on Miranda Fricker’s seminal work Epistemic Injustice (2007) and on Frantz Fanon’s Black Skin, White Masks (1952), I trace (...)
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  42.  32
    Deconstructing controversies to design a trustworthy AI future.Francesca Trevisan, Pinelopi Troullinou, Dimitris Kyriazanos, Evan Fisher, Paola Fratantoni, Claire Morot Sir & Virginia Bertelli - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (2):1-15.
    Technology policy needs to be receptive to different social needs and realities to ensure that innovations are both ethically developed and accessible. This article proposes a new method to integrate social controversies into foresight scenarios as a means to enhance the trustworthiness and inclusivity of policymaking around Artificial Intelligence. Foresight exercises are used to anticipate future tech challenges and to inform policy development. However, the integration of social controversies within these exercises remains an unexplored area. This article aims to bridge (...)
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  43.  17
    Il pensiero contemporaneo come storia di "anomalie".Gregorio Piaia & Francesca D'alberto - 2001 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3.
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    Stressful task increases drive for thinness and bulimia: a laboratory study.Sandra Sassaroli, Francesca Fiore, Clarice Mezzaluna & Giovanni Maria Ruggiero - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  45.  23
    The Executive Functions in Overweight and Obesity: A Systematic Review of Neuropsychological Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Studies.Francesca Favieri, Giuseppe Forte & Maria Casagrande - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:468098.
    Background The increasing incidence of people affected by overweight or obesity is a significant health problem. The knowledge of the factors which influences the inappropriate eating behaviours causing excessive body fat is an essential goal for the research. In fact, overweight and obesity are significant risk factors for many health diseases, such as cardiovascular problems, diabetes, etc. Recently, many studies have focused on the relationship between body weight and cognitive processes. Objectives This systematic review is aimed to investigate the existence (...)
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  46.  3
    An Experimental Study on the Evaluation of Metaphorical Ad Hominem Arguments.Francesca Ervas & Oriana Mosca - 2024 - Informal Logic 44 (4):249-277.
    Metaphors are emotionally engaging, influenc-ing the evaluation of arguments. The paper empirically in-vestigates whether metaphors in the premise can lead the evaluator to judge an ad hominem argument as sound when the arguer instead committed a fallacy. The results show that ad hominem arguments with conventional and positive metaphors are more persuasive compared to those with novel and negative metaphors. Arguments with conventional metaphors are also perceived as more am-biguous, but less convincing, and emotionally appealing. Additionally, participants believe in the (...)
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  47. Latin Aristotle Commentaries, V, Bibliography of Secondary Literature.Charles H. Lohr & Francesca Forte - 2008 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 63 (1):178.
  48. Supplementum Hellenisticum 1025:: Definitely Gregory of Nazianz.Filippomaria Pontani & Francesca Schironi - 2001 - Hermes 129 (3):439-440.
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    Exercises in Idiomatic Italian: Through Literal Translation From the English.Maria Francesca Rossetti - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    This innovative aid to the study of Italian was published in 1867 by Maria Francesca Rossetti, the older sister of Dante Gabriel, William Michael and Christina. A scholar and teacher of Italian, she was later to publish A Shadow of Dante, a guide to the Divine Comedy, also reissued in the Cambridge Library Collection. Her purpose here, as she explains in her preface, is to demonstrate idiomatic Italian usage by providing short passages translated very literally into English, so that (...)
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  50.  26
    Dialectics and science in Marx's capital.Daniel Little - 1987 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 17 (2):197-220.
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