Results for 'Felipe Cruz'

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  1.  30
    Competitive Recovery–Stress and Mood States in Mexican Youth Athletes.Luis Felipe Reynoso-Sánchez, Germán Pérez-Verduzco, Miguel Ángel Celestino-Sánchez, Jeanette M. López-Walle, Jorge Zamarripa, Blanca Rocío Rangel-Colmenero, Hussein Muñoz-Helú & Germán Hernández-Cruz - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundMonitoring recovery–stress balance in sport is becoming more relevant to prevent training maladaptation and reach the optimal performance for each athlete. The use of questionnaires that identify the athlete’s recovery–stress state have much acceptance in sports due to reliability and useful, furthermore for its low cost. Identifying possible differences between sport modalities and sex is important to determine specific needs and possible intervention ways to keep a recovery–stress balance. The aim was to analyze the differences in the recovery–stress state and (...)
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    Galapagos and Cape Horn.Ricardo Rozzi, Francisca Massardo, Felipe Cruz, Christophe Grenier, Andrea Muñoz & Eduard Mueller - 2010 - Environmental Philosophy 7 (2):1-32.
    True ecotourism requires us to regain an understanding of the inextricable links between the habitats of a region, including its inhabitants, and their habits. With this systemic approach that integrates economic, ecological, and ethical dimensions, we define ecotourism as “an invitation to a journey (‘tour’) to appreciate and share the ‘homes’ (oikos) of diverse human and non-human inhabitants, their singular habits and habitats.” Today, mass nature tourism often denies theselinks and is generating biocultural homogenization, socio-ecological degradation, and marked distributive injustices (...)
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  3. Resulta evidente que la medicina es una de las actividades humanas más ligadas al desarrollo de las tecnociencias y ello pudiera conducirnos a suponer que la práctica de la medicina, en virtud de sus fundamentos.Luis Felipe Abreu-Hernández, Gabriela de la Cruz-Flores & Gustavo Contreras-Mayén - 2010 - Ludus Vitalis 18 (33):203-215.
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    Stabilization of Two Electricity Generators.Dany Ivan Martinez, José de Jesús Rubio, Arturo Aguilar, Jaime Pacheco, Guadalupe Juliana Gutierrez, Victor Garcia, Tomas Miguel Vargas, Genaro Ochoa, David Ricardo Cruz & Cesar Felipe Juarez - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-13.
    In this research, a sliding mode regulator with sine mapping is suggested for the stabilization of electricity generators being affected by magnet interaction nonlinearities and generator nonlinearities. To reach this goal, our suggested regulator has the following contributions: it starts from the sliding mode regulator with the modifications that the saturation mapping is used to reach a smoother performance instead of the signum mapping, and the sine mapping is applied to reach an upper bound in the proportional gain error, it (...)
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    Destino da filosofia brasileira: Cruz Costa e o ativismo filosófico.Felipe Luiz - 2020 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 18 (2).
    O objetivo deste trabalho é debater as formulações de Cruz Costa sobre a história e o destino da filosofia nacional, à luz de outros autores mais contemporâneos, como Ivan Domingues, intentando estabelecer qual seria o liame da filosofia brasileira, e se há possibilidade de traçar um quadro de nossa produção bem como um vaticínio de seu futuro. Destarte, traçamos uma breve história da produção filosófica nacional, seguindo Cruz Costa e Domingues, chegando aos dias atuais e discutindo se a (...)
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  6. Problematizando a escrita com professoras em formação // Discussing writing with teachers in training.Felipe Gustsack - 2013 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 18 (3):107-123.
    Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE As reflexões que apresento tematizam a formação de professoras para a educação básica em sua relação com questões de escrita. Sua elaboração emergiu do trabalho de formação no Curso de Pedagogia em articulação com a pesquisa “educação e linguagens – a escrita e os professores”, na Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul. Sua origem decorre também de problematizações quanto à escrita, aos métodos e compreensões dessa aprendizagem importante para a educação, (...)
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    Héctor Zagal - Sergio Aguilar Alvarez, Límites de la Argumentación Ética en Aristóteles, México D.F. 1996 (Publicaciones Cruz 0., S.A., 246 págs.). [REVIEW]Felipe Varela - 1998 - Méthexis 11 (1):175-178.
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  8. Reflexões sobre a contação de histórias:uma proposta para integrar oralidade, leitura e escrita.Ana Brandt, Felipe Gustsack & Juliana Feldmann - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (2):169-185.
    Here is a discussion that deals with storytelling by the teacher for the children, considering their contributions to the development of languages in the early years of lementary school. We assumed as the fact that a recovery of the first contact of children with the texts, which are normally through the oral narratives, potentiates the development of oral, reading and writing in an integrated manner. Therefore, we work with oral language and its importance is often overlooked by most schools. Understand, (...)
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  9.  22
    Solferino 21: Warfare, Civilians and Humanitarians in the Twenty-First Century, de Hugo Slim (2022), Hurst Publishers, 328 p. [REVIEW]Luis Felipe Piedrahita-Ramírez - 2022 - Co-herencia 19 (36):333-336.
    Mucho ha cambiado desde la trágica experiencia de la batalla de Solferino en 1859, retratada por Dunant en su clásica memoria publicada en 1862 la cual motivó el origen de la Cruz Roja, cuyo sistema global ha crecido de manera exponencial desde entonces y ha contribuido a la elaboración y evolución del derecho de la guerra.
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  10. Felipe II y los agustinos de Filipinas: Cara y cruz.Isacio Rodríguez Rodríguez - 1998 - Ciudad de Dios 211 (3):703-727.
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    Alexander von Humboldt: escalas de un viajero explorador Berlín y Tenerife = Stationen eines Forschungsreisenden Berlin und Teneriffa: Exposición, Castillo de San Felipe, Puerto de la Cruz, del 21 de septiembre hasta el 24 de octubre de 1999 = ausstellung, 21. September bix 24. Oktober 1999.Uwe Winkler, Hans-Joachim Veigel & Manuel Hernández González (eds.) - 1999 - [Berlin]: Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin.
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    Pensar en español en el mundo iberoamericano multiculturalista.Ambrosio Velasco Gómez - 2008 - Arbor 184 (734):1035-1040.
    A partir de la idea gadameriana de la implicación entre lenguaje y tradición, en este artículo se pregunta sobre cuál es la tradición que ha conformado el pensar en español en el mundo iberoamericano? En cuanto Iberoamérica se conforma a partir de la Conquista y dominación de España y Portugal sobre el Nuevo Mundo, no puede ocultarse que el pensamiento en español en América tiene un origen imperial y violento, pues esta lengua, específicamente el castellano desplazó a las lenguas autóctonas (...)
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  13. Mathematical symbols as epistemic actions.Johan De Smedt & Helen De Cruz - 2013 - Synthese 190 (1):3-19.
    Recent experimental evidence from developmental psychology and cognitive neuroscience indicates that humans are equipped with unlearned elementary mathematical skills. However, formal mathematics has properties that cannot be reduced to these elementary cognitive capacities. The question then arises how human beings cognitively deal with more advanced mathematical ideas. This paper draws on the extended mind thesis to suggest that mathematical symbols enable us to delegate some mathematical operations to the external environment. In this view, mathematical symbols are not only used to (...)
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  14. Responsibility and the brain sciences.Felipe De Brigard, Eric Mandelbaum & David Ripley - 2008 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 12 (5):511-524.
    Some theorists think that the more we get to know about the neural underpinnings of our behaviors, the less likely we will be to hold people responsible for their actions. This intuition has driven some to suspect that as neuroscience gains insight into the neurological causes of our actions, people will cease to view others as morally responsible for their actions, thus creating a troubling quandary for our legal system. This paper provides empirical evidence against such intuitions. Particularly, our studies (...)
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  15.  23
    Breaking the chains: Decolonizing the language of Nursology.Daniel Felipe Martín Suárez-Baquero - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (2):e12422.
    ResumoNeste artigo discuto o conceito de “A descolonização da enfermagem”, respondendo que é este processo, como e quando deve ser levado a cabo. Introduzo a ideia de domínio epistemológico e os conceitos de colonização e descolonização do conhecimentos na enfermagem. Descrevo as minhas experiências desde minha origem na América Latina e me confrontar com a academia anglo‐saxónica para discutir conhecimentos disciplinares de enfermagem e forneço reflexões sobre a descolonização da língua de enfermagem.
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    The artistic design stance and the interpretation of Paleolithic art.Johan De Smedt & Helen De Cruz - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (2):139-140.
    The artistic design stance is an important part of art appreciation, but it remains unclear how it can be applied to artworks for which art historical context is no longer available, such as Ice Age art. We propose that some of the designer's intentions can be gathered noninferentially through direct experience with prehistoric artworks.
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  17. The Effect of What We Think may Happen on our Judgments of Responsibility.Felipe De Brigard & William J. Brady - 2013 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 4 (2):259-269.
    Recent evidence suggests that if a deterministic description of the events leading up to a morally questionable action is couched in mechanistic, reductionistic, concrete and/or emotionally salient terms, people are more inclined toward compatibilism than when those descriptions use non-mechanistic, non-reductionistic, abstract and/or emotionally neutral terms. To explain these results, it has been suggested that descriptions of the first kind are processed by a concrete cognitive system, while those of the second kind are processed by an abstract cognitive system. The (...)
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    Dúvida Existencial e o Alcance da Cognição Corporificada: Um comentário a "Para além da dúvida corporal: a dúvida como problema existencial e sua relevância para a psiquiatria".Felipe Nogueira de Carvalho - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 48:e02400345.
    Comentário Crítico. Referência do artigo comentado: LOPES, Marcelo Vieira. Para além da dúvida corporal: a dúvida como problema existencial e sua relevância para a psiquiatria. Trans/form/ação: Revista de Filosofia da Unesp, Marília, v. 47, n. 6, e02400329, 2024.
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  19. Introducción al estudio del derecho.Manuel Felipe Caamaño - 1950 - Bogotá,: Editorial Cromos.
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  20.  49
    Garrido, Juan Manuel. On Time.Juan Felipe González Calderón - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (151).
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    Los rostros, los ríos y las ruinas. Trazas de un archivo sensible en el contexto de la violencia política en Colombia.Margarita Calle & Felipe Martínez - 2021 - Co-herencia 18 (34):443-463.
    En el devenir de las artes visuales en Colombia, la preocupación por los efectos de los fenómenos de la violencia ha sido recurrente. La mirada de los artistas se ha valido de diferentes lenguajes expresivos y formas de traducción, con el interés de construir una estrecha relación entre la naturaleza de las obras y el acontecer de los propios fenómenos sociales.
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    Music Influences Hedonic and Taste Ratings in Beer.Felipe Reinoso Carvalho, Carlos Velasco, Raymond van Ee, Yves Leboeuf & Charles Spence - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  23.  14
    Effects of Body-Oriented Interventions on Preschoolers' Social-Emotional Competence: A Systematic Review.Andreia Dias Rodrigues, Ana Cruz-Ferreira, José Marmeleira & Guida Veiga - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objective:A growing body of evidence supports the effectiveness of body-oriented interventions in educational contexts, showing positive influences on social-emotional competence. Nevertheless, there is a lack of systematization of the evidence regarding preschool years. This is a two-part systematic review. In this first part, we aim to examine the effects of BOI on preschoolers' social-emotional competence outcomes.Data Sources:Searches were conducted in Pubmed, Scopus, PsycInfo, ERIC, Web of Science, Portal Regional da BVS and CINAHL.Eligibility Criteria:English, French and Portuguese language articles published between (...)
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    Using sound-taste correspondences to enhance the subjective value of tasting experiences.Felipe Reinoso Carvalho, Raymond Van Ee, Monika Rychtarikova, Abdellah Touhafi, Kris Steenhaut, Dominique Persoone & Charles Spence - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  25. Los prólogos de las obras castellanas de fray Luis de León.Juan Felipe Villar Dégano - 1991 - Revista Agustiniana 32 (99):937-987.
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    The Guiding Thread of the Body as Methodology to a Self-knowledge in Nietzsche's Philosophy.Carlos Felipe Diaz-Sterling - 2023 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 39:102-124.
    RESUMEN Este artículo propone reinterpretar la noción de cuerpo en la filosofia de Nietzsche contrastada con dos perspectivas relevantes de los estudios nietzscheanos en habla hispana: primero, la idea de que el cuerpo es sinónimo de naturaleza; y segundo, la idea de que el cuerpo es causa del sujeto. Pasando la mirada sobre una parte de la obra -publicada e inédita- de Nietzsche posterior al año 1885, se observa que la noción de cuerpo funge el papel de una metodologia que (...)
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  27. Emoções e construção social: ainda há lugar para o socioconstrutivismo na filosofia das emoções?Felipe Nogueira de Carvalho & Sabrina Ferreira - 2023 - Sofia 12 (2):e12243351.
    Na década de 1980, um programa de pesquisa se popularizou no campo da filosofia e psicologia das emoções. Esse programa, denominado construcionismo social, afirmava que emoções eram produtos de fatores sociais e não poderiam ser compreendidas em um vocabulário adaptacionista. No entanto, ao longo do tempo essas teorias perderam grande parte de sua força e popularidade, e praticamente desapareceram da filosofia das emoções contemporânea. O objetivo do presente artigo será diagnosticar esse predicamento, e perguntar se o construcionismo social ainda poderia (...)
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    Pensamiento ambiental derivado de los principales usos patrísticos del patriarca ecuménico de Constantinopla, Bartolomé.Felipe Cárdenas-Támara - 2022 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 25:37-55.
    El trabajo identifica las fuentes teológicas patrísticas de la cosmología ambiental en el cristianismo ortodoxo manejadas en el pensamiento de Bartolomé, patriarca ecuménico de Constantinopla. El enfoque investigativo se enmarca en un proceso de análisis discursivo de carácter hermenéutico-interpretativo. Se observa que el despliegue de fuentes patrísticas usadas por el patriarca le permite construir profundos sentidos ambientales anclados en una visión cristiana que presenta canales de expresión desde una narrativa simbólica de corte religiosa, orientada a proporcionar soluciones a la crisis (...)
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  29.  12
    Constitucionalismo Y democracia: Una revisión crítica Del argumento contra-epistémico.Felipe Curcó Cobos - 2016 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 44:63-97.
    Los procesos democráticos de toma de decisiones pueden ser evaluados por sus resultados, por su valor intrínseco o por una combinación de ambas cosas. Mostraré que analizar a fondo estas alternativas permite sacar a la luz las debilidades más serias en los modos usuales de justificación del constitucionalismo. La fundamentación teórica de la articulación entre democracia y constitucionalismo ha permanecido atrapada en una trampa que busco romper. Concluiré mostrando la necesidad de rebasar los argumentos epistémicos y contra-epistémicos sugiriendo pautas que (...)
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  30. El nuevo papel del alumno bajo la perspectiva de Bolonia.Agueda Benito & Ana Cruz - 2006 - Critica 56 (934):32-33.
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    El pensamiento de Juan David García Bacca, una filosofía para nuestro tiempo: actas del Congreso Internacional de Filosofía: centenario del nacimiento de Juan David García Bacca.Carlos Beorlegui, Cristina Cruz & R. Aretxaga (eds.) - 2003 - Bilbao: Universidad de Deusto.
    Los temas que contiene van desde estudios sobre los contextos culturales español e hispanoamericano en los que le tocó vivir a nuestro filósofo, y trabajos sobre los principales temas filosóficos sobre los que centró su abundante producción escrita.
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    O exílio dos músicos no Cone Sul: o Tango Rojo de Piru Gabetta.Alexandre Felipe Fiuza & Ernesto Bohoslavsky - 2012 - Dialogos 16 (Supl.).
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    Lambros Malafouris: How Things Shape the Mind: A Theory of Material Engagement: MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2013, xi + 360 pp, $40.00, ISBN: 9780262019194.Juan Felipe Martinez Florez - 2015 - Minds and Machines 25 (1):111-113.
    Cognitive Archaeology is a theoretical perspective in archaeology, the boundaries of which fade into the field of cognitive science. From a classic perspective, Cognitive Archaeology is, according to Huffman Beach , “the study of prehistoric ideology: the ideals, values, and beliefs that constitute a society’s worldview” . For this purpose a cognitive archaeologist studies historical and archaeological evidence in a series of diverse objects like material symbols, tools, the relation with the space, political and religious thinking. However, an approach to (...)
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    Michael S. Gazzaniga, George R. Mangun : The Cognitive Neurosciences, 5th edition: MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2014, xi + 1128, $195.00, ISBN 9780262027779.Juan Felipe Martinez Florez - 2015 - Minds and Machines 25 (3):281-284.
  35.  25
    Super‐resolution imaging for cell biologists.Eugenio F. Fornasiero & Felipe Opazo - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (4):436-451.
    The recent 2014 Nobel Prize in chemistry honored an era of discoveries and technical advancements in the field of super‐resolution microscopy. However, the applications of diffraction‐unlimited imaging in biology have a long road ahead and persistently engage scientists with new challenges. Some of the bottlenecks that restrain the dissemination of super‐resolution techniques are tangible, and include the limited performance of affinity probes and the yet not capillary diffusion of imaging setups. Likewise, super‐resolution microscopy has introduced new paradigms in the design (...)
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  36. La amistad desde Gilgamesh a Cervantes y Shakespeare: un apunte desde la literatura.David Felipe Arranz Lago - 2010 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 60 (966):72-77.
    La amistad concebida como indica el Diccionario de la RAE en su primera acepción como "afecto personal, puro y desinteresado, compartido con otra persona, que nace y se fortalece con el trato "ha sufrido modificaciones a lo largo de la historia. A nadie se le oculta que estamos viviendo tiempos difíciles para la amistad en nuestra sociedad del tiempo líquido, según el sociólogo Zygmunt Barman, donde no precisamente el desinterés ni la pureza caracterizan las relaciones interpersonales. De hecho, en su (...)
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  37.  18
    Una estética deleuzeana: Génesis, figura Y modulación.Felipe Larrea Melgarejo - 2017 - Aisthesis 62:29-47.
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    Trascendencia y secularización: Una lectura teológica de la sociología de Peter L. Berger.Felipe Martín Huete - 2014 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 30:213-234.
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    A produção e o aperfeiçoamento da atividade científica na ciência normal.José Felipe Cravelin - 2020 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 36 (1).
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  40. Archaeologies of space : an inquiry into modes of existence of Xscapes.Felipe Criado-Boado - 2015 - In Kristian Kristiansen, Ladislav Šmejda, Jan Turek & Evžen Neustupný, Paradigm found: archaeological theory present, past and future: essays in honour of Evžen Neustupný. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
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  41. El cuerpo autobiográfico : la sensibilización estética a traves de la experiencia artística guiada.Guadalupe de la Cruz Aguilar Salmeron [Y.] Vanessa Freitag - 2021 - In Nicolás Amoroso, Olivia Fragoso Susunaga & Alejandra Olvera Rabadán, Lo estético en el arte, el diseño y la vida cotidiana. Ciudad de México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco.
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    Religious and Ethical Perspectives on Global Migration.Marie T. Friedmann Marquardt, Gemma Tulud Cruz, Ogenga Otunnu, Marianne Heimbach-Steins, Marco Tavanti, Moses Pava, Azam Nizamuddin, Frida Kerner Furman, Rev John M. Fife, Kim Bobo, Sioban Albiol & Rev Craig B. Mousin (eds.) - 2014 - Lexington Books.
    Religious and Ethical Perspectives on Global Migration examines the complicated social ethics of migration in today's world. Editors Elizabeth W. Collier and Charles R. Strain bring the perspectives of an international group of scholars toward a theory of justice and ethical understanding for the nearly two hundred million migrants who have left their homes seeking asylum from political persecution, greater freedom and safety, economic opportunity, or reunion with family members.
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    Early Word Segmentation Behind the Mask.Sónia Frota, Jovana Pejovic, Marisa Cruz, Cátia Severino & Marina Vigário - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Infants have been shown to rely both on auditory and visual cues when processing speech. We investigated the impact of COVID-related changes, in particular of face masks, in early word segmentation abilities. Following up on our previous study demonstrating that, by 4 months, infants already segmented targets presented auditorily at utterance-edge position, and, using the same visual familiarization paradigm, 7–9-month-old infants performed an auditory and an audiovisual word segmentation experiment in two conditions: without and with an FFP2 face mask. Analysis (...)
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    Some manuscript notes by F. Jacobs on the text of menander rhetor.Felipe G. Hernández Muñoz - 2016 - Classical Quarterly 66 (2):752-768.
    In 2007 I published the first part of some manuscript notes on the text of Menander Rhetor, which I attributed to F. Jacobs. I now present the second part of these notes, alongside a global assessment of all the coniectanea and corrections by F. Jacobs on the text of this rhetor.
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  45. The debate on the abuse of the concept of human rights.Juan Antonio Cruz Parcero - 2018 - In Gustavo Ortiz-Millán & Juan Antonio Cruz Parcero, Mind, Language and Morality: Essays in Honor of Mark Platts. London: Routledge.
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    (1 other version)Puig de la Bellacasa, M. (2023): El espíritu del suelo. Por una comunidad más que humana. Tercero Incluido: Barcelona.María de la Cruz Vilas Pazos - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid):1-4.
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    An epistemic argument for evolutionary dispositions.Cristina Villegas & Felipe Morales Carbonell - 2024 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 39 (1):89-108.
    The use of dispositions has been put into question many times in the philosophical literature, especially with regards to how dispositional attributions can be justified. Yet, dispositions are an important part not only of our everyday talk but also of our scientific practices. In this paper, we develop an argument that infers the epistemic justification of dispositional talk from itsindispensability for carrying out basic epistemological projects, and we apply it to the use of dispositions in evolutionary biology. For doing this, (...)
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    El pensador materialista de la historia: una aproximación a la filosofía de la historia de Walter Benjamin.Felipe Valdés Sepúlveda - 2021 - Otrosiglo 5 (2):58-77.
    En 1913, Walter Benjamín, escribirá un ensayo titulado Metafísica de la Juventud. En él se expresarán los inicios de una reflexión filosófica sobre la historia, que acompañarán a este pensador durante toda su vida y cuya cristalización más elaborada corresponde a su texto Tesis sobre el concepto de Historia. El objetivo de este escrito es plantear una constelación de ideas que permita dar cuenta de algunos momentos claves en el desarrollo de la filosofía de la historia de este pensador hasta (...)
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    Discurso inagural.Felipe Vergés Permanyer - 1973 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 38:121-143.
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    Por uma educação filosófica do olhar.Marcelo Felipe Vier & Betina Schuler - 2022 - Filosofia E Educação 14 (1):288-316.
    Em tempos de aceleração, fragmentação, pobreza narrativa e precarização dos laços no presente, este artigo é um ensaio teórico que busca problematizar o conceito do olhar, mais especificamente a educação do olhar no encontro entre a filosofia e a educação. Para tanto, ensaia alguns deslocamentos em se tratando do conceito do olhar e os modos de vida e pensamento. Toma tal conceito desde Platão e Descartes até as perspectivas mais contemporâneas do pensamento da diferença, especialmente operando com o tema da (...)
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