Results for 'Fausto Ghisalberti'

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  1.  57
    Mediaeval biographies of ovid.Fausto Ghisalberti - 1946 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 9 (1):10-59.
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    Quatro poemas de Ruy Fausto.Ruy Fausto - 2009 - Discurso 39 (39):341-356.
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  3. Omaggio a Fausto Nicolini.Fausto Nicolini (ed.) - 1972 - Bologna,:
    I manoscritti dell'abate Galiani.--Catalogo sistematico dei manoscritti dell'abate Galiani.--Intorno al terzo dei Libri della Biccherna.--Due recensioni.--Groce, B. I manoscritti dell'abate Galiani.--Nicolini, B. Profilo di Fausto Nicolini archivista.
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    Ruy Fausto.Ruy Fausto - 2020 - Discurso 50 (1):4-5.
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    A Dynamic Systems Framework for Gender/Sex Development: From Sensory Input in Infancy to Subjective Certainty in Toddlerhood.Anne Fausto-Sterling - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:613789.
    From birth to 15 months infants and caregivers form a fundamentally intersubjective, dyadic unit within which the infant’s ability to recognize gender/sex in the world develops. Between about 18 and 36 months the infant accumulates an increasingly clear and subjective sense of self as female or male. We know little about how the precursors to gender/sex identity form during the intersubjective period, nor how they transform into an independent sense of self by 3 years of age. In this Theory and (...)
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    The Integration of Emotional Expression and Experience: A Pragmatist Review of Recent Evidence From Brain Stimulation.Caruana Fausto - 2019 - Emotion Review 11 (1):27-38.
    A common view in affective neuroscience considers emotions as a multifaceted phenomenon constituted by independent affective and motor components. Such dualistic connotation, obtained by rephrasing the classic Darwin and James’s theories of emotion, leads to the assumption that emotional expression is controlled by motor centers in the anterior cingulate, frontal operculum, and supplementary motor area, whereas emotional experience depends on interoceptive centers in the insula. Recent stimulation studies provide a different perspective. I will outline two sets of findings. First, affective (...)
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  7.  16
    Emergence of complex social behaviors from the canonical consumption model.Fausto Cavalli, Ahmad Naimzada & Marina Pireddu - 2016 - Mind and Society 15 (1):71-81.
    We study complex phenomena arising from a simple optimal choice consumer model, starting from the classical framework in Benhabib and Day :459–471, 1981). We introduce elements of increasing complexity and we investigate their effects on the resulting social behaviors. The dynamics introduce the dependence of current preferences on past consumers actions. A non-monotone updating preference function allows us to obtain a threshold effect, according to which the agents adopt a bandwagon/snob behavior if the preferences are below/above a certain saturation level. (...)
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  8.  37
    How action selection can be embodied: intracranial gamma band recording shows response competition during the Eriksen flankers test.Fausto Caruana, Sebo Uithol, Gaetano Cantalupo, Ivana Sartori, Giorgio Lo Russo & Pietro Avanzini - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  9. La DC: Iscritti e modello di partito'.Fausto Anderlini - 1989 - Polis 3 (2):277-304.
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    Ideali etici E pensiero politico Nel de recuperatione terre sancte (1306) di Pierre Dubois.Alessandro Ghisalberti - 1995 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 40 (159):643-658.
    Pierre Dubois, um dos legistas de Filipe,o Belo, em seu tratado Sobre a recuperação daTerra Santa produziu um texto que não possuigrande importância filosófica. Entretanto, suaspropostas políticas apresentam-no como um homemcom algumas propostas interessantes, baseadasem Síger, R Bacon e R. Lullio. A necessidadeda paz, a reforma da Igreja, a unidade da fé,uma Europa de nações são alguns dos temas desenvolvidos.
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    Étapes de la logique.Alessandro Ghisalberti - 2005 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 4 (4):521-536.
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  12. Mysterium redemptionis tra sant'Anselmo e Simone Weil.Fausto Gianfreda - 2007 - Studium 103 (5):745-774.
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  13. Bioethics: ethics of life.Fausto Gomez - 2021 - Manila, Philippines: UST Publishing House.
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    (1 other version)Il processo di cristianizzazione dell'aldilà celtico e delle divinità marine irlandesi nella "Navigatio sancti Brendani".Fausto Iannello - 2011 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 16:127-151.
    Questo contributo considera e analizza specifici elementi pagani celtici nella Navigatio sancti Brendani, soprattutto attraverso la comparazione con il genere epico tradizionale degli immrama e delle echtrai. Il proposito è quello di dimostrare la continuità di alcuni tradizionali concetti religiosi irlandesi sull’escatologia e la visione dell’aldilà in questi testi, particolarmente nell’ambito delle funzioni religiose espresse nelle figure di Brendano, di Barinto e degli dèi irlandesi del mare Manannán e Mongán. Attraverso le osservazioni svolte, si può stabilire che questa continuità funzionale (...)
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  15. Uso, carácter y función de san Brendano de Clonfert en algunos textos irlandeses y continentales de la Edad Media.Fausto Iannello - 2011 - Nova et Vetera: Temas de Vida Cristiana 35 (71):169-199.
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    Lieh-tzŭ.Fausto Tomassini - 1926 - Edited by Tʻang, Ching-kao & [From Old Catalog].
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  17. Della ispirazione cinematografica.Fausto Montesanti - 1941 - Cinema 129 (10):280-281.
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  18. El concepto de hombre en Nicolás Maquiavelo.Fausto Díaz Padilla - 1980 - El Basilisco 10:51-60.
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    (1 other version)La vita come ricerca.Fausto R. Pitigliani - 1938 - Philosophical Review 47:558.
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  20. Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality.Anne Fausto-Sterling & Edward Stein - 2004 - Hypatia 19 (3):203-208.
  21.  33
    Assertion, denial, and the evolution of Boolean operators.Fausto Carcassi & Giorgio Sbardolini - 2023 - Mind and Language 38 (5):1187-1207.
    Given current data, only a few binary Boolean operators are expressed in lexically simple fashion in the world's languages: and, or, nor. These do not occur in every combination, for example, nor is not observed by itself. To explain these cross‐linguistic patterns, we propose an encoding of Boolean operators as update procedures to accept or reject information in a context. We define a measure of conceptual simplicity for such updates, on which attested operators are conceptually simpler than the remaining Booleans. (...)
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  22.  20
    Multilanguage hierarchical logics, or: How we can do without modal logics.Fausto Giunchiglia & Luciano Serafini - 1994 - Artificial Intelligence 65 (1):29-70.
  23. Opere, a Cura di Fausto Nicolini. --.Giambattista Vico & Fausto Nicolini - 1953 - R. Ricciardi.
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  24. Sweatshops, Harm and Exploitation: A Proposal to Operationalise the Model of Structural Injustice.Fausto Corvino - 2020 - Conatus 5 (2):9-23.
    In this article, I firstly discuss the person-affecting view of harm, distinguishing between the liability and the structural models of responsibility, and also explaining why it is unsatisfactory, from a moral point of view, to interpret a given harm as a loss with respect to a diachronic baseline. Then, I take sweatshops as an example and I entertain two further issues that are related to the assessment of harm and that are necessary for operationalising a comprehensive model of responsibility, that (...)
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  25.  17
    A theory of abstraction.Fausto Giunchiglia & Toby Walsh - 1992 - Artificial Intelligence 57 (2-3):323-389.
  26.  37
    The Boolean Language of Thought is recoverable from learning data.Fausto Carcassi & Jakub Szymanik - 2023 - Cognition 239 (C):105541.
  27.  37
    The Disaggregation Of Climate Induced Harm.Fausto Corvino - 2022 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 41 (1):29-50.
    In this article I hold that utilitarians are wrong to want to disaggregate climate- induced harm, whether in terms of chaotic or linear causality. This is not because individual emissions do not count, in probabilistic terms, for risk projections of overall climate dam- age, rather because individual emissions only contribute to increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration if the anthropogenic flow of CO2 exceeds the amount of CO2 that can be naturally taken up by the biosphere, over a given time segment. I (...)
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  28.  45
    Labour Commodification and Global Justice.Fausto Corvino - 2019 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 33 (1):53-88.
    In this article, I maintain that the social process of labour commodification, through which the individual capability to uphold a decent welfare is bound to participation in the labour market, poses a problem of justice from the republican prospective on freedom as non-domination. I first discuss the reasons we might hold that capitalism brings a form of systemic domination by virtue of one of its intrinsic features: unequal access to the means of production. Then, I argue for a minimum de-commodification (...)
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  29.  25
    Monotone Quantifiers Emerge via Iterated Learning.Fausto Carcassi, Shane Steinert-Threlkeld & Jakub Szymanik - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (8):e13027.
    Natural languages exhibit manysemantic universals, that is, properties of meaning shared across all languages. In this paper, we develop an explanation of one very prominent semantic universal, the monotonicity universal. While the existing work has shown that quantifiers satisfying the monotonicity universal are easier to learn, we provide a more complete explanation by considering the emergence of quantifiers from the perspective of cultural evolution. In particular, we show that quantifiers satisfy the monotonicity universal evolve reliably in an iterated learning paradigm (...)
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  30.  83
    Punishing Atypical Dirty Hands.Fausto Corvino - 2015 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 29 (2):281-297.
    Should those who get dirty hands always be punished in the same way? Must their punishment be regardless of the background elements that determined the DH dilemma, which has polluted their morality? This paper holds that common arguments in favour of punishing DH overlook the important difference between classic DH dilemmas that are structurally inescapable and those that are caused by a collective action problem. My thesis emphasizes that in talking about DH, our analysis should go beyond the structure of (...)
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  31.  10
    Commento storico alla seconda Scienza nuova.Fausto Nicolini - 1949 - Roma,: Edizioni di "Storia e letteratura,".
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    Antropologia e filosofia.Fausto Antonini - 1966 - Firenze;: Samonà e Savelli;.
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  33. L'Antike in Hegel e altri scritti marxisti.Fausto Barcella - 1975 - Urbino: Argalìa.
  34.  55
    A ruptura dos direitos humanos na filosofia política de Hannah Arendt.Fausto Brito - 2013 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 54 (127):177-196.
    O objetivo deste artigo é a análise das críticas de Hannah Arendt à concepção dos direitos humanos, introduzida pelo pensamento dos filósofos contratualistas e efetivada, politicamente, pelas revoluções americanas e francesas no final do século XVIII. Contudo, este objetivo não seria plenamente alcançado sem a avaliação da proposta de Arendt para a superação de suas próprias críticas: a reconstrução dos direitos humanos através do reconhecimento que cada indivíduo tem direito a ter direitos, independente das fronteiras do Estado-nação. Arendt vai buscar (...)
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    Per salvare la democrazia in Italia: cultura dell'etica e della legalità in un mondo dominato dalla politica e dall'economia.Fausto Capelli - 2019 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino.
  36.  20
    «Learning to see». The role of the mirror neurons system, between neuroscience of perception and ordinary language analysis.Fausto Caruana - 2010 - Rivista di Filosofia 101 (3):333-354.
  37.  14
    Dilemmas of Truth in Alain Badiou's Philosophy.Giosuè Ghisalberti - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This book on Alain Badiou’s philosophy begins with a central theme: the attempt to trace how Badiou has replaced the tradition of critical theory and negation with an affirmative support of his four generic procedures (art, science, love, and art) as inseparable from his revitalization of both the subject and the concept of truth. By defining four procedures as conditions of philosophy, Badiou makes the attempt to establish each as inter-related and systematically necessary to make a new proposal for thought. (...)
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    Paul's Agon.Giosuè Ghisalberti - 2012 - Philosophy and Theology 24 (1):49-66.
    In the letters written to the Thessalonians, Paul’s teaching appears to be irreconcilably divided between a still influential Judaic apocalyptic eschatology and (due to Timothy’s considerable influence in the development of the gospel), an emphasis on Hellenistic self-transformation and, in particular, how the philosophy of Epicurus contributed to the psychological health of recent converts. By interpreting the rhetoric of wrath, quiet, sleep, and childbirth, Paul’s teaching as it emerges in 1 and 2 Thessalonians reveals how the gospel must necessarily encounter, (...)
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    Fisica dell'informazione ultima frontiera della scienza: gli ultimi inattesi sviluppi della fisica digitale.Fausto Intilla - 2013 - Roma: Aracne.
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    Religion and cultural evolution.Fausto Massimini & Antonella Delle Fave - 1991 - Zygon 26 (1):27-47.
    The end of the twentieth century marks the slow disintegration of both the Marxist and capitalist socioeconomic theories, inasmuch as both have proven inadequate to meet basic issues of human existence. Their inadequacy rests on the tendency to use the criteria of extrinsic rewards, quantification, production, and consumption to evaluate human personhood and human activity. What is needed is a third alternative to these two systems, one that is based on intrinsic rewards and cultivates internal values rather than production, consumption, (...)
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  41. L'idealismo di Arturo Collier.Fausto Meli - 1930 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 11:38.
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  42. Autobiografia di Giambattisa Vico.Fausto Nicolini - 1950 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 140:214-215.
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    Il De Republica Hebraeorum di Carlo Sigonio.Fausto Parente - 2010 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 65 (3):423-459.
    In 1582, Carlo Sigonio published a text entitled De Republica Hebraeorum. It used the format of the De repubblica Athenensium manual. The question of the political structure in ancient Israel had already been addressed before, but Siconio was the first to adopt a systematic approach. However, he did not know Hebrew and so used the translation of the Septuagint, giving rise to not a few problems.
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    As razões do coração: as (prováveis) características da afetividade na psicologia; The reasons of the heart: the (probable) characteristics of affectivity in psychology.Fausto Eduardo Menon Pinto - 2002 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 16:129-135.
  45.  9
    Sócrates y yo.Fausto Reinaga - 1983 - La Paz, Bolivia: Ediciones "Comunidad Amáutica Mundial".
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  46. Discharging the moral responsibility for collective unjust enrichment in the global economy.Fausto Corvino & Alberto Pirni - 2021 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 36 (1):139-158.
    In this article we wonder how a person can discharge the political responsibility for supporting and benefiting from unjust social structures. Firstly, we introduce the concept of structural injustice and defend it against three possible objections: ‘explanatory nationalism’, a diachronic interpretation of the benefits of industry-led growth, being part of a social structure does not automatically mean being responsible for its negative consequences. Then, we hold that both Iris Marion Young’s ‘social connection model’ and Robin Zheng’s ‘role-ideal model’ provide clear (...)
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  47.  39
    Global Justice, Markets and Domination: A Cosmopolitan Theory.Fausto Corvino - 2020 - Cheltenham, UK – Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar.
    This thought-provoking book analyses the process of labour commodification, through which the individual’s ability to earn a basic living becomes dependent on the conditions of the market relationship. Building on the premise that the separation of a group of individuals from the means of production is an intrinsic element of capitalism, Fausto Corvino theorises that this implies a form of domination in a neo-republican sense. -/- Proposing an original theory of global justice denoted as a minimum de-commodification of labour (...)
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  48.  16
    L’etica del cambiamento climatico alla prova dell’inefficacia causale individuale: Discutendo la libertà collettiva di emissione di gas serra rispetto all’obiettivo di 1.5°C.Fausto Corvino & Alberto Pirni - 2022 - Rivista di Estetica 80 (2):165-186.
    In this article we address the so-called argument of «individual causal inefficacy» (ICI), according to which CO2-emission-generating actions are morally neutral with regards to climate change, in so far as, taken in their singularity, they are neither sufficient nor necessary to cause climate change. In the first part, we address the main substantive objection to ICI: if a single emission, analysed in isolation, does not cause any disutility, it is impossible to explain why climate change (which is the result of (...)
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    Overcoming the emotion experience/expression dichotomy.Fausto Caruana & Vittorio Gallese - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (3):145-146.
    We challenge the classic experience/expression dichotomous account of emotions, according to which experiencing and expressing an emotion are two independent processes. By endorsing Dewey's and Mead's accounts of emotions, and capitalizing upon recent empirical findings, we propose that expression is part of the emotional experience. This proposal partly challenges the purely constructivist approach endorsed by the authors of the target article.
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  50.  22
    La traduzione radicale dal cervello: Quine e il neuroscienziato.Fausto Caruana - 2013 - Rivista di Filosofia 104 (1):77-96.
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