Results for 'Erwin Wurm'

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  1.  28
    Carrying a bomb / looking for a bomb.Erwin Wurm - 2003 - Multitudes 3 (3):117-130.
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    Erwin Wurm, ou le « ground-zero » de la sculpture.Éric Alliez - 2003 - Multitudes 3 (3):131-134.
    A cross between a Do It Yourself and a primer of political anatomy, ErwinWurm’s « politically incorrect » drawings present, one by one, the sculptures of a present dreamed up by a post-post-minimalist Buster Keaton. Wurm sculpts bodies that are both outlandish and Austrian; there is nothing to prevent us from thinking of both Austria and the outlandish when we look at these drawings produced for Multitudes, together with the photographs that accompany them.
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    The object.Antony Hudek (ed.) - 2014 - Cambridge, Massachesetts: The MIT Press.
    Discussions of the object as a key to understanding central aspects of modern and contemporary art. Artists increasingly refer to "post-object-based" work while theorists engage with material artifacts in culture. A focus on "object-based" learning treats objects as vectors for dialogue across disciplines. Virtual imaging enables the object to be abstracted or circumvented, while immaterial forms of labor challenge materialist theories. This anthology surveys such reappraisals of what constitutes the "objectness" of production, with art as its focus. Among the topics (...)
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  4. Phenomenology of Will and Action the Second Lexington Conference. Edited by Erwin W. Straus and Richard M. Griffith.Erwin W. Straus, Richard Marion Griffith & United States - 1967 - Duquesne University Press.
  5.  9
    Ethos--Sinn--Wissenschaft: historisch-systematische Perspektiven einer philosophischen Pädagogik ; Festschrift für Erwin Hufnagel.Erwin Hufnagel, Matthias Ruppert, Tarek Badawia & Helga Luckas (eds.) - 2005 - Remscheid: Gardez!.
  6.  11
    Parallel trajectories and theorizations of religion and family in modernity: Toward an institutional logics perspective.Greg J. Wurm - 2024 - Theory and Society 53 (4):971-995.
    Scholars theorize the effect of modernization on religious and familial institutions in a parallel way. Some argue that both are irreversibly in decline—as secularization and deinstitutionalization, respectively—while others argue that they have either merely changed or are in fact growing stronger. However, correctly interpreting institutional change depends not only on how one evaluates the empirical starts and endpoints but also on how one defines the domains under change themselves. In this paper, I examine these debates, detail the structural similarities in (...)
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    Meaning in the Visual Arts: Papers in and on Art History.Erwin Panofsky - 1955 - University of Chicago Press.
  8. Change of Languages as a Result of Decay and Change of Culture.S. A. Wurm - 1987 - Diogenes 35 (137):39-51.
    In a number of areas, in particular in the Pacific region, it has been observed that languages have undergone simplification processes of their usually very elaborate grammatical structures, and that such elaborate grammatical features have decayed and in some cases entirely disappeared from some languages, hand in hand with the progressing decay, and falling into disuse, of the traditional cultures of the speakers of such languages. Such phenomena of simplification and decay of grammatical complexities are most readily observable in Papuan (...)
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  9. The Silk Road and Hybridized Languages in North-Western China.S. A. Wurm - 1995 - Diogenes 43 (171):53-62.
    The present-day languages and language situation of the Silk Road regions of Central Asia reflect the consequences of the former use of many different languages and the multilingual trading along these routes, as demonstrated by the existence today of a number of hybridized languages whose emergence may in part be attributable to the trading activities on the Silk Road. These languages have, until very recently, received little attention, if any, by linguistic scholars. It has been mainly through the large Language (...)
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  10. Quo Vadis, Paleontology?Douglas Erwin - 2024 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 16 (2).
    Studies of the history of life provide an interesting case study of how the questions scientists can ask, and from which they expect reliable answers, change over time. Some of these changes reflect the introduction of new technology or methodological advances in other fields that open new opportunities; other changes reflect an evolving perspective on what constitutes important research questions or the integration of multiple streams of information. In this contribution, I consider the changing nature of questions in paleontology, largely (...)
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    Pidgin English in the Pacific Area: Remarks On Its Varieties and Development.Stephen A. Wurm - 1984 - Diogenes 32 (127):101-112.
    Pidgin languages are generally languages which are more or less rudimentary languages developing in situations of contacts between two different cultures, one of them dominant in the contact situation, with the use of such languages restricted to certain limited contacts such as trading, plantation work involving the employment of indigenous labour, master-servant relationships, and similar types of contact situations. Much of the vocabulary of a pidgin language consists of elements of the language of the dominant culture in a more or (...)
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  12. Erkenntnis und Wertempfinden. Zur Verbindung von Kulturwissenschaft und Evolutionstheorie.W. Wurm - 1987 - Philosophia Naturalis 24 (1):43-77.
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    Reasoning with Ambiguity.Christian Wurm - 2021 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 30 (1):139-206.
    We treat the problem of reasoning with ambiguous propositions. Even though ambiguity is obviously problematic for reasoning, it is no less obvious that ambiguous propositions entail other propositions, and are entailed by other propositions. This article gives a formal analysis of the underlying mechanisms, both from an algebraic and a logical point of view. The main result can be summarized as follows: sound reasoning with ambiguity requires a distinction between equivalence on the one and congruence on the other side: the (...)
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    Behavior therapy: scientific, philosophical, and moral foundations.Edward Erwin - 1978 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Edward Erwin's clear analysis addresses some of the fundamental questions on behavior therapy that remained in 1978, when this book was first published.
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    (1 other version)Phenomenological psychology.Erwin Walter Straus - 1980 - New York: Garland.
  16.  13
    What is life? the physical aspect of the living cell & Mind and matter.Erwin Schrödinger - 1967 - Cambridge,: University P..
  17.  20
    Franz Overbeck - Erwin Rohde, Briefwechsel.Franz Overbeck & Erwin Rohde - 1990 - De Gruyter.
    Die 1990 gegründete Reihe, die auf eine Anregung von Mazzino Montinari zurückgeht, publiziert Quellenmaterialien zu Nietzsches Leben, seinem Umkreis und seiner Wirkung. Die Supplementa stellen somit eine Ergänzung zu den Kritischen Ausgaben von Nietzsches Werken (KGW) und Briefen (KGB) dar.
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    Dimensions of Speech Perception: Semantic Associations in the Affective Lexicon.Lee H. Wurm - 1996 - Cognition and Emotion 10 (4):409-424.
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    Nurturing Ethical Leadership and Equity in Malaysia: Report from the Third National Paediatric Bioethics Symposium.Erwin Jiayuan Khoo - 2023 - Asian Bioethics Review 16 (1):5-9.
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    What is life? & mind and matter: the physical aspect of the living cell.Erwin Schrödinger - 1974 - Cambridge University Press.
  21.  36
    The Categorial Structure of the World.Erwin Tegtmeier - 1991 - Noûs 25 (5):726-728.
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    Renaissance & Renascences in Western Art.Erwin Panofsky - 2019 - Almqvist & Wiksell.
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  23. Gothic Architecture and Scholasticism.Erwin Panofsky - 1952 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 11 (1):80-81.
  24.  29
    Spin Dictators: The Changing Face of Tyranny in the 21st Century.Erwin Warkentin - 2023 - The European Legacy 28 (6):683-685.
    In some ways, the timing of this book is both fortunate and unfortunate at the same time. Considering its emphasis, authoritarian dictators who govern by spin rather than fear, it is of particular...
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    Semantic processing in auditory lexical decision: Ear-of-presentation and sex differences.Lee H. Wurm, R. Douglas Whitman, Sean R. Seaman, Laura Hill & Heather M. Ulstad - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (7):1470-1495.
  26.  4
    The morality gap.Erwin W. Lutzer - 1972 - Chicago,: Moody Press.
    With the conviction that "the gap between traditional morality and the avant-garde approach is widening," Erwin W. Lutzer offers this precise, easy-to-understand, and knowledgeable critique of situation ethics. This presentation adds new insights to the discussion of morality and the ethic of love. Lutzer pinpoints the fallacies of the situationist's philosophy and offers a biblical alternative that clearly recognizes and deals with moral conflicts.
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    The Adaptive Value of Lexical Connotation in Speech Perception.Lee H. Wurm & Douglas A. Vakoch - 2000 - Cognition and Emotion 14 (2):177-191.
  28. Naturwissenschaft und Gottesglaube.Erwin Lejeune - 1948 - Bern,: P. Haupt. Edited by Erwin Lejeune.
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  29. Speech perception and vocal expression of emotion.Lee H. Wurm, Douglas A. Vakoch, Maureen R. Strasser, Robert Calin-Jageman & Shannon E. Ross - 2001 - Cognition and Emotion 15 (6):831-852.
  30.  15
    A community of practice approach to enhancing academic integrity policy translation: a case study.Alison Lockley, Amanda Janssen, Penelope A. S. Wurm & Alison Kay Reedy - 2021 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 17 (1).
    IntroductionAcademic integrity policy that is inaccessible, ambiguous or confusing is likely to result in inconsistent policy enactment. Additionally, policy analysis and development are often undertaken as top down processes requiring passive acceptance by users of policy that has been developed outside the context in which it is enacted. Both these factors can result in poor policy uptake, particularly where policy users are overworked, intellectually critical and capable, not prone to passive acceptance and hold valuable grass roots intelligence about policy enactment.Case (...)
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  31. Language Death and Disappearance: Causes and Circumstances.Stephen A. Wurm - 1991 - Diogenes 39 (153):1-18.
    Well over five thousand languages are known to exist or to have existed in the world, but hundreds of these are no longer living languages used by speakers and speech communities in their day-to-day activities and lives. Some of them lead a pseudolife as revered monuments of the past which still have some restricted and specialised roles to play today, such as Latin, Ancient Greek, Church Slavonic and others, but most of them are of interest and concern only to a (...)
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  32.  14
    Science Theory and Man. (Translated by James Murphy>.Erwin Schroedinger - 1957 - Dover Publications.
  33.  53
    Kritische betrachtungen zum holismus.Erwin Bünning - 1936 - Acta Biotheoretica 1 (3):173-184.
    The author rejects the theory of holism and criticises especiallyA. Meyer's works. An important starting point ofMeyer's arguments consists in the opinion that the physiologists of to day are out of days because they still want to base biology on classical physics which has been superseded by the “Quantenmechanik” . As organisms, however, are not microphysical systems — as may be proved —Meyer's arguments become futile. Also the opinion that the qualities of the whole are not determined by those of (...)
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    Anfang und Ende des menschlichen Lebens: eine internationale juristische Bibliographie.Erwin Bernat - 1994 - Wien: Österreichische Staatsdruckerei.
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    Entity and aspects. (As pertaining to physical theory).Erwin Biser - 1947 - Philosophy of Science 14 (2):105-115.
    It is too often forgotten that even the most “objective” science such as physics is but a description, interpretation and ordering of physical reality from a selected point of view.In founding terrestial dynamics, Galileo, the father of modern experimental physics, selected concepts that could be given exact mathematical definitions and cast in a form conducive to quantitative results. The qualitative aspects of observed phenomena, such as the color of an accelerated body, and the ultimate cause of motion—a purely metaphysical problem—do (...)
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    Management and leadership decisions in the information age.Erwin Rausch - 2005 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 3 (2):93-103.
    This paper suggests guidelines that are likely to significantly enhance a large proportion of those decisions that impact on the quality of management and leadership. Their use is illustrated with an analysis of a scenario that involves the development of a program for scanning data to reduce IT input costs. The case also raises an ethical issue. The guidelines are conceptually similar to the way the scientific and applied disciplines provide actionable foundations for theories. They can help those managers, who (...)
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    IV. Emendata in Tacito. II.Ed Wurm - 1854 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 9 (1-4):86-105.
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    Language-Theoretic and Finite Relation Models for the (Full) Lambek Calculus.Christian Wurm - 2017 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 26 (2):179-214.
    We prove completeness for some language-theoretic models of the full Lambek calculus and its various fragments. First we consider syntactic concepts and syntactic concepts over regular languages, which provide a complete semantics for the full Lambek calculus \. We present a new semantics we call automata-theoretic, which combines languages and relations via closure operators which are based on automaton transitions. We establish the completeness of this semantics for the full Lambek calculus via an isomorphism theorem for the syntactic concepts lattice (...)
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    Ontology of Time and Hyperdynamism.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2009 - Metaphysica 10 (2):185-198.
  40.  15
    Review of Erwin N. Griswold: The Fifth Amendment Today[REVIEW]Erwin N. Griswold - 1955 - Ethics 65 (4):316-317.
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    On the problem of foundations of category theory.Erwin Engeler & Helmut Röhrl - 1969 - Dialectica 23 (1):58-66.
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    Semantic effects in lexical access: Evidence from single-word naming.Lee Wurm, Douglas Vakoch, Joanna Aycock & Robyn Childers - 2003 - Cognition and Emotion 17 (4):547-565.
  43.  42
    The Thread of Life.Edward Erwin - 1985 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 49 (3):544-546.
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    Jan Tinbergen and the Limits of Expertise.Erwin Dekker - 2023 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 15 (2):120-136.
    As part of a book symposium on his Jan Tinbergen (1903–1994) and the Rise of Economic Expertise (2021), Erwin Dekker responds to commentaries by Mariana Mortágua and Francisco Louçã, Thomas Kayzel, Jon Murphy, Michele Alacevich, Mauro Boianovsky, and William Peden.
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    Psyche: The Cult of Souls and Belief in Immortality Among the Greeks.Erwin Rohde & W. B. Hillis - 1926 - Philosophical Review 35 (3):267-269.
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    Psyche: The Cult of Souls and the Belief in Immortality Among the Greeks.Erwin Rohde - 1925 - Routledge.
    First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Galileo as a Critic of the Arts.Erwin Panofsky - 1958 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 17 (1):124-125.
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  48. Mind and Matter.Erwin Schrődinger - 1958 - Science and Society 25 (1):86-90.
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  49. What is an elementary particle?Erwin Schrödinger - 1950 - Annual Report of the Board of Regents of The Smithsonian Institution:183-196.
    Schrödinger discusses what an elementary particle is. This essay originally appeared in the journal Endeavour.
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  50. Lenins Religionsphilosophie.Erwin Adler - 1964 - München,: Institut Zur Erforschung der Udssr.
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