Results for 'Enza Biagini'

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  1.  11
    Saggi di teoria della letteratura: percorsi tematici.Enza Biagini - 2016 - Firenze, Italy: Firenze University Press.
    In this book Saggi sulla teoria della letteratura ("Essays on the Theory of Literature") Enza Biagini puts in play her rich theoretical background and a vast knowledge of texts and authors to deal with some fundamental problems concerning literature, its status, its metamorphoses and its being necessary. Following modern paths, she leads the readers on the traces of different genres and situations difficult to define (the essay-writing, the unfinished...), of 'temporary' themes always on the point of becoming something (...)
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    L'interprete e il traduttore: saggi di teoria della letteratura.Enza Biagini - 2016 - Firenze, Italy: Firenze University Press.
    What is a comment? What does it mean to interpret a text? What are the skills and methods used by great masters such as Auerbach, Spitzer, Sontag, Segre, Adelia Noferi, Contini, Barthes and Raimondi in their dialogue with the ancient and new hermeneutic theories? What kind of relationship is established between message/text and commentator? What is the common ground where the act of interpreting and that of translating end up meeting? Enza Biagini wonders about these fundamental questions while, (...)
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    Figurative Speech as Phenomenological Problem.Lorenzo Biagini - 2023 - Studia Phaenomenologica 23:33-57.
    This article aims to investigate the nature and role of linguistic “images” in Husserl’s philosophy. At first, I will explain the idea of rigorous language emerging in relevant pages of Ideas I as well as the challenges that linguistic “images” pose to it. I will then examine the nature of linguistic “images,” relying on the reflections collected in Husserliana XXIII to show their nature of intuitive-imaginative syntheses. Finally, I will focus on the role that such “images” play in phenomenologizing. Taking (...)
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    Afterword.Eugenio Biagini - 2020 - History of European Ideas 46 (5):730-736.
    At one level at least, this special issue is like a long ‘love letter’ to a certain idea of Great Britain, one perhaps was discarded by the electors on 12 December 2019. On that day, Boris Johnson’...
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    Cambiar el mundo: Entre la reforma universitaria y el altermundismo.Hugo Edgardo Biagini - 2006 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 11 (33):109-119.
    Ever since the Cordoba (Argentina) University Reform in 1928 up until the present, student movements, understood ideologically as youth movements, have continued to be protagonists in social transformations, and coincidental with political criticism and the utopian protagonism of liberation. These m..
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    El pensamiento identitario.Hugo E. Biagini - 2001 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 6 (15):93-99.
    The analysis, research and interpretation of the concept of identity in Latin America is far from over. In this article an outline of new proposals that are being formulated in relation to this important theme is presented. Also new thoughts on identity are found to be “oriented towards an und..
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  7. Public Speech and the Culture of Public Life in the Age of Gladstone. By Joseph E. Meisel.E. F. Biagini - 2004 - The European Legacy 9:380-380.
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  8. Apostillando: Arturo Ardao y la Krausología.Hugo E. Biagini - 2014 - In Arturo Ardao, Yamandú Acosta, Fernanda Diab, María Inés Moreno & Hugo E. Biagini (eds.), Arturo Ardao: a cien años de su nacimiento. Montevideo, Uruguay: Universidad de la República Uruguay.
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    Patient factors associated with attrition from a self‐management education programme.Enza Gucciardi, Margaret DeMelo, Ana Offenheim, Sherry L. Grace & Donna E. Stewart - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (6):913-919.
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    A cultural history of democracy.Eugenio F. Biagini (ed.) - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    How has the concept of democracy been understood, manifested, reimagined and represented through the ages? In a work that spans 2,500 years these fundamental questions are addressed by 66 experts, each contributing their overview of a theme applied to a period in history. With the help of a broad range of case material they illustrate the physical, social and cultural contexts of democracy in Western culture from antiquity to the present. Individual volume editors ensure the cohesion of the whole, and (...)
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    Saggi e ricerche di filosofia E. Calarco.Enza Calarco (ed.) - 1973 - Lecce : Milella,:
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  12. Mazzini and anticlericalism: the English exile.Eugenio F. Biagini - 2008 - In C. A. Bayly & Eugenio F. Biagini (eds.), Giuseppe Mazzini and the Globalization of Democratic Nationalism, 1830-1920. New York: OUP/British Academy. pp. 145-166.
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    Biopolitics and Neuroliberalism: the Student Hunting of Ayotzinapa.Hugo E. Biagini - 2016 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 18:11-19.
    En el texto se hace hincapié en los tenebrosos elementos sacrificiales que le ha acarreado al movimiento estudiantil perteneciente a la combativa Escuela Normal Rural de Ayotzinapa, situada en el Estado mexicano de Guerrero, dominado por el narcotráfico y un gobierno municipal que actúa en complicidad con este último. Se trata de un establecimiento que, además de formar maestros populares, se halla enrolado en las luchas sociales y políticas. A fines de 2014 fueron reprimidos brutalmente y objeto de desaparición forzosa (...)
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    Lucha de ideas en nueastramérica.Hugo Edgardo Biagini - 2000 - Buenos Aires: Leviatán.
  15.  15
    1848: The revolution of the intellectuals.Eugenio F. Biagini - 1994 - History of European Ideas 18 (3):438-439.
  16. Soggetto e nuova cittadinanza: per un nuovo rapporto tra pedagogia e politica.Marco Biagini - 2006 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 19:51-68.
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  17. V. 6.Eugenio Biagini & Gary Gerstle - 2021 - In Eugenio F. Biagini (ed.), A cultural history of democracy. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Similarity and choice.Barbara A. Mellers & Karen Biagini - 1994 - Psychological Review 101 (3):505-518.
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    América Latina, continente enfermo.Hugo Biagini - 2007 - Polis 16.
    El artículo expone cómo la “ideología” sobre la incapacidad intrínseca de los pueblos subdesarrollados se remonta a épocas pretéritas, constituyéndose en un discurso de dominación a través de los tiempos. Desde un perfil etnocéntrico, se atribuyen los valores humanos principales al legado europeo y nordatlántico, cuya supremacía se presenta como incuestionable. Las mismas conceptualizaciones discriminatorias y descalificadoras –se señala– han sido retomadas en nuestros días para aplicarlas a los procesos, agrupaciones y líderes orientados hacia políticas populares y hacia otros programas (...)
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  20.  29
    Liberty, Class and Nation-Building.Eugenio Biagini - 2006 - European Journal of Political Theory 5 (1):34-49.
    This article explores the political thought of a leading Italian intellectual after his conversion from Jacobinism to liberalism. It shows the extent to which Foscolo was abreast of the then contemporary debate on constitutional government and nation-building. Moreover, it illustrates how he combined liberal with civic humanist and republican ideas, as well as idealism and Realpolitik in his perception of the problems faced by small nations struggling to be free in an era of international ideological conflict.
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  21. Soggetto e ricerca dell'altro: alla scoperta del modello pedagogico liberale.Marco Biagini - 2009 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 13 (25):25-44.
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    Neo-roman liberalism: “republican” values and British liberalism, ca. 1860–1875.E. F. Biagini - 2003 - History of European Ideas 29 (1):55-72.
    A contribution to the liberalism-republicanism debate from a political historian's point of view, this essay focuses on Britain in the mid-Victorian period—arguably the golden age of modern liberalism. The first part argues that the writings and political ideas of the leading liberal thinkers were imbued with ‘neo-roman’ values, including participatory citizenship, civic virtue and concern for the common good. The second part discusses the dissemination of ‘neo-roman’ ideas among the rank and file of the Liberal party, focusing on popular celebrations (...)
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    A comment on Maurizio Viroli’s Prophetic Times.Eugenio Biagini - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (7):1300-1303.
    ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish’ (Proverbs 29:18) reads like a commentary on poor leadership. In the Vulgate prophetia is the word that the King James’ Bible translators rendered as ‘v...
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    Citizenship and religion in the Italian constitutions, 1796–1849.Eugenio F. Biagini - 2011 - History of European Ideas 37 (2):211-217.
    This article explores the link between religion and politics, religious liberty and the rights of religious minorities, by focusing on the constitutions which Italian states adopted and discarded from 1796 to 1849. It concerns questions about the ‘national character’ and the rights and duties of the citizen, and argues that – far from being ‘an outlet’ for material discontent – questions of religious identity and pluralism were integral to the Risorgimento definition of liberty. In this context, the author explores also (...)
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  25. La ideología liberal.Hugo E. Biagini - 1978 - Escritos de Filosofía 1 (2):107-114.
  26. Visuospatial Integration: Paleoanthropological and Archaeological Perspectives.Emiliano Bruner, Enza Spinapolice, Ariane Burke & Karenleigh A. Overmann - 2018 - In Laura Desirèe Di Paolo, Fabio Di Vincenzo & Francesca De Petrillo (eds.), Evolution of Primate Social Cognition. Springer Verlag. pp. 299-326.
    The visuospatial system integrates inner and outer functional processes, organizing spatial, temporal, and social interactions between the brain, body, and environment. These processes involve sensorimotor networks like the eye–hand circuit, which is especially important to primates, given their reliance on vision and touch as primary sensory modalities and the use of the hands in social and environmental interactions. At the same time, visuospatial cognition is intimately connected with memory, self-awareness, and simulation capacity. In the present article, we review issues associated (...)
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    Giuseppe Mazzini and the Globalization of Democratic Nationalism, 1830-1920.C. A. Bayly & Eugenio F. Biagini (eds.) - 2008 - New York: OUP/British Academy.
    Giuseppe Mazzini - Italian patriot, humanist, and republican - was one of the most celebrated and revered political activists and thinkers of the 19th century. This volume is the first to show how his thought and image were received and transformed across Europe, the Americas, and India.
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  28. Linee di una teoria dell'educazione.Enza Colicchi Lapresa - 1984 - Roma: Herder.
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    Caracterologías germánicas de lo americano.Hugo E. Biagini - 1986 - Universitas Philosophica 6:69-76.
  30. La dimensione educativa dei Discorsi di Niccolò Machiavelli.Enza Colicchi Lapresa - 1978 - Messina: Peloritana.
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    Legal retrieval as support to eMediation: matching disputant’s case and court decisions.Soufiane El Jelali, Elisabetta Fersini & Enza Messina - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 23 (1):1-22.
    The perspective of online dispute resolution is to develop an online electronic system aimed at solving out-of-court disputes. Among ODR schemes, eMediation is becoming an important tool for encouraging the positive settlement of an agreement among litigants. The main motivation underlying the adoption of eMediation is the time/cost reduction for the resolution of disputes compared to the ordinary justice system. In the context of eMediation, a fundamental requirement that an ODR system should meet relates to both litigants and mediators, i.e. (...)
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    Arturo Ardao: a cien años de su nacimiento.Arturo Ardao, Yamandú Acosta, Fernanda Diab, María Inés Moreno & Hugo E. Biagini (eds.) - 2014 - Montevideo, Uruguay: Universidad de la República Uruguay.
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    Pragmatic Studies in Judaism.Andrew Schumann, Aviram Ravitsky, Lenn E. Goodman, Furio Biagini, Alan Mittleman, Uri J. Schild, Michael Abraham, Dov Gabbay, Peter Ochs, Yuval Jobani & Tzvee Zahavy (eds.) - 2013 - Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press.
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    Hugo Biagini.El Corredor de las Ideas del Cono Sur.Rosario Blefari - 2001 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 6 (15):108-112.
    The Argentine Philosopher Hugo Biagini explains in this interview his considered opinions as to the immediate future which Latin America must face, in moments when changes in the paradigm oblige the citizens of this continent to rethink their reality from the historical perspective of a pr..
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  35. H. E. Biagini, "Historia ideológica y poder social".Mauricio Beuchot - 1994 - Analogía Filosófica 8 (1):197.
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  36. Democracia y dominación. Entre el elitismo y el populismo penal en Biagini, H., Fernández Peychaux D. (Comp.), Democracia, neoliberalismo y pensamiento político alternativo.Romina Rekers - 2015 - In Democracia, neoliberalismo y pensamiento político alternativo. Córdoba, Argentina: pp. pp. 101- 106.
    Este trabajo se inserta en un proyecto mayor consistente en la evaluación moral de las políticas de seguridad a la luz del ideal político republicano de libertad como no dominación. Los razonamientos en torno al poder punitivo desde la Ilustración hasta nuestros días han tomado mayoritariamente como punto de partida la concepción de libertad hobbesiana. Según esta concepción un individuo es libre sí y sólo sí no padece interferencias provocadas por otros individuos. La interferencia es entendida aquí como una intervención (...)
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  37. Lacan, Benjamín : adorno, barbarie, tempo, vergüenza.GibrAn Larrauri Olguín - 2019 - In Carlos Mendiola Mejía & Francisco Castro Merrifield (eds.), El retorno del cuerpo: de abyecciones y vulnerabilidades. México, Ciudad de México: Ediciones Navarra.
  38. El "desfase prometeico" y la "vergüenza prometeica" en Günther Anders : una forma de expresión de la naturaleza contingente del ser humano.Gabriela Macedo Osorio - 2019 - In Silvana Rabinovich & Rafael Mondragón Velázquez (eds.), Heteronomías de la justicia: exilios y utopías. Université Paris: Bonilla Artigas Editores.
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  39. Reseña "Identidad argentina y compromiso latinoamericano" de Hugo Biagini.Dina Picotti - 2010 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 15 (48):128-129.
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    The Cambridge Social History of Modern Ireland: Edited by E.F. Biagini and M.E. Daly, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2017.Ciaran Clarke - 2019 - Journal of Medical Humanities 40 (2):281-283.
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    L’emersione imprevista. Il movimento delle lesbiche in Italia negli anni ’70 e ’80, Elena Biagini[REVIEW]Francesca Cavarocchi - 2019 - Feminist Theory 20 (4):465-467.
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  42. Aristotle and New Spain.Virginia Aspe Armella - 2025 - New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. Translated by Juan Carlos González.
    This book is a detailed exploration of the Hispanic intellectual context and the different Aristotelian traditions that prevailed until the 16th century. Through a review and contextualization of Aristotelian thinkers and texts, it argues that a unique Aristotelian tradition was formed in New Spain. The characteristic differences of Novohispanic Aristotelianism are a consequence of five factors: contact with the autochthonous cultures of America, the impact of the colonial organization, the influence of the Salamanca humanist tradition, the presence of the Italian (...)
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    El sentimiento de vergüenza en la experiencia escolar de jóvenes indígenas.Carina V. Kaplan & Elisa Martina de los Ángeles Sulca - forthcoming - Voces de la Educación:64-73.
    El presente art í culo analiza el sentimiento de verg ü enza en la experiencia escolar de j óvenes indígenas de una escuela secundaria rural-albergue del Norte de Argentina. Los testimonios recuperados expresan el dolor social y la búsqueda de reparaci ón simbó lica de la subjetividad herida.
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    On the Intentionality of Shame and Pride.Marta Cabrera - 2025 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 94:7-21.
    This paper argues against the widely held view according to which the main difference between shame and pride, and the rest of our emotions – such as fear, hate, surprise, joy or jealousy – is that the former are necessarily directed at the self as the intentional object of the emotion while the latter are typically oriented towards objects in the world other than the self. I examine three arguments in favour of this view and claim that further arguments should (...)
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    Systematic Theology: Roman Catholic Perspectives ed. by Francis Schüssler Fiorenza, John P. Galvin.Gregory Rocca - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (2):305-308.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS Systematic Theology: Roman Catholic Perspectives. Edited by FRANCIS SCHUSSLER FIORENZA and JOHN P. GALVIN. Minneapolis: Fortress, 1991. Vol. 1: Pp. xv+ 336. Vol. 2: Pp. xv+ 384. $21.95 each; $39.95 set. Not too long ago a fellow Dominican who wanted to do some personal updating and retooling in theology asked me to recommend to him some hooks in Catholic systematics which would show him the lay of (...)
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