Results for 'Emmanuel Radl'

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  1.  31
    Kampfende Vernunft. Das Beispiel von Masaryk und Benes.La Philosophie de T. G. Masaryk. [REVIEW]V. J. McG, Leopold Silberstein & Emmanuel Radl - 1938 - Journal of Philosophy 35 (20):556.
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  2. Totalité et Infini.Emmanuel Levinas - 1963 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 153 (4):127-131.
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    Manifeste au service du personnalisme.Emmanuel Mounier - 2024 - BoD - Books on Demand.
    Dans le "Manifeste au Service du Personnalisme" d'Emmanuel Mounier, le philosophe français expose les principes fondamentaux du personnalisme. L'ouvrage défend la primauté de la personne humaine dans la société et explore comment le personnalisme peut influencer la politique, l'économie et la culture. Mounier appelle à une réflexion approfondie sur la dignité et la responsabilité individuelles, cherchant à promouvoir une société où chaque personne est reconnue et respectée dans sa singularité. Ce manifeste offre une vision philosophique engagée en faveur de (...)
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    A simplicity principle in unsupervised human categorization.Emmanuel M. Pothos & Nick Chater - 2002 - Cognitive Science 26 (3):303-343.
    We address the problem of predicting how people will spontaneously divide into groups a set of novel items. This is a process akin to perceptual organization. We therefore employ the simplicity principle from perceptual organization to propose a simplicity model of unconstrained spontaneous grouping. The simplicity model predicts that people would prefer the categories for a set of novel items that provide the simplest encoding of these items. Classification predictions are derived from the model without information either about the number (...)
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  5. On Traditional African Consensual Rationality.Emmanuel Ifeanyi Ani - 2013 - Journal of Political Philosophy 22 (3):342-365.
    Wiredu’s call for democracy by consensus is illustrated by his description of traditional African consensual rationality. This description contains the attribution of immanence to African consensual rationality. This paper objects to this doctrine of immanence. More importantly, the doctrine of immanence has led to the attribution of pure rationality to traditional African consensual practices. With reference to Aristotle’s three components of persuasion, I object to deliberation as purely rational and impervious to extraneous factors. I further argue that it is because (...)
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    Value Creation in Inter-Organizational Collaboration: An Empirical Study.Emmanuel Raufflet & Morgane Pennec - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (4):817-834.
    Over the last decade, businesses, policymakers, and researchers alike have advocated the need for value creation through inter-organizational collaboration. Researchers have widely argued that organizations that are engaged in collaborative processes create value. Because researchers have tended to focus on the identification of organizational motivations and on key success factors for collaboration, however, both the nature and processes of value creation in inter-organizational collaboration have yet to be examined. A recent theory by Austin and Seitanidi :726–758, 2012a; Nonprofit Volunt Sect (...)
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    Extensive Questions.Emmanuel Genot - 2009 - Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5378:131--145.
    Olsson and his collaborators have proposed an extension of Belief Revision Theory where an epistemic state is modeled as a triple S=⟨K_,E,A_⟩ , where A_ is a research agenda, i.e. a set of research questions. Contraction and expansion apply to states, and affect the agenda. We propose an alternative characterization of the problem of agenda updating, where research questions are viewed as blueprints for research strategies. We offer a unified solution to this problem, and prove it equivalent to Olsson’s own. (...)
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  8. The rules versus similarity distinction.Emmanuel M. Pothos - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (1):1-14.
    The distinction between rules and similarity is central to our understanding of much of cognitive psychology. Two aspects of existing research have motivated the present work. First, in different cognitive psychology areas we typically see different conceptions of rules and similarity; for example, rules in language appear to be of a different kind compared to rules in categorization. Second, rules processes are typically modeled as separate from similarity ones; for example, in a learning experiment, rules and similarity influences would be (...)
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    Humanism of the Other.Emmanuel Levinas & Richard A. Cohen - 2003 - University of Illinois Press.
    Levinas on the possibility and need for humanist ethics In Humanism of the Other, Emmanuel Levinas argues that it is not only possible but of the highest exigency to understand one's humanity through the humanity of others. In paperback for the first time, Levinas's work here is based in a new appreciation for ethics and takes new distances from phenomenology, idealism, and skepticism to rehabilitate humanism and restore its promises. Painfully aware of the long history of dehumanization that reached (...)
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    Cognitive science in the era of artificial intelligence: A roadmap for reverse-engineering the infant language-learner.Emmanuel Dupoux - 2018 - Cognition 173 (C):43-59.
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    Noms propres.Emmanuel Levinas - 2014 - Fata Morgana.
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    The Naturalistic Side of Hegel’s Pragmatism.Emmanuel Renault - 2012 - Critical Horizons 13 (2):244 - 274.
    This paper contrasts the Hegelianism of contemporary neo-pragmatism and the Hegelianism of classical pragmatism as it has been reassessed in contemporary Deweyan scholarship. Drawing on Dewey’s interpretation of Hegel, this paper argues that Hegel’s theory of the spirit is in many aspects more akin to Dewey’s pragmatism than Brandom’s. The first part compares Dewey’s pragmatism with Hegel’s conceptions of experience and the theory/practice relation. The second part compares Dewey’s naturalism with Hegel’s theory of the relation between nature and spirit.
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  13. Positivité et transcendance.Emmanuel Lévinas - 2000 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France. Edited by Jean-Luc Marion & Emmanuel Lévinas.
    La pensée d'Emmanuel Lévinas a d'emblée été connue des philosophes et des universitaires, dès son premier ouvrage, La théorie de l'intuition chez Husserl, en 1930. Avec " Totalité et Infini " (en l963), il fut reconnu comme un innovateur puissant et originel pour son développement de la phénoménologie. Pourtant, plus récemment, l'immense intérêt du public pour Lévinas s'est déplacé, plutôt, vers les conséquences ou les marges de son projet initial. Ce déplacement a sa légitimité, prouvant au moins la pertinence (...)
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    De l'évasion.Emmanuel Lévinas & Jacques Rolland - 1998 - LGF/Le Livre de Poche.
    " Le besoin d'évasion écrit Emmanuel Lévinas, nous conduit au cœur de la philosophie. Il nous permet de renouveler l'antique problème de l'être en tant qu'être... " C'est dore que, dans ce texte, il choisit - à la faveur d'un thème fortement heideggerien - d'aller à la rencontre des questions qui, toujours, ont guidé sa quête : le besoin d'évasion n'est-il pas le propre d'un être fini? N'aspire-t-il pas à franchir les limites de l'être plutôt qu'à le fuir? Et (...)
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    Entre nous: essais sur le penser-à-l'autre.Emmanuel Lévinas - 1991 - Grasset & Fasquelle.
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    Role of prior knowledge in implicit and explicit learning of artificial grammars.Eleni Ziori, Emmanuel M. Pothos & Zoltán Dienes - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 28:1-16.
  17.  41
    Why race still matters. Alana Lentin Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 2020.Emmanuel Guerisoli - 2022 - Constellations 29 (2):263-265.
    Constellations, Volume 29, Issue 2, Page 263-265, June 2022.
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    Travail reproductif et exploitation : de Marx aux théories féministes de la reproduction.Emmanuel Renault - 2021 - Actuel Marx 70 (2):45-61.
    Cet article discute la manière dont les théories féministes de la reproduction ont conduit à entretenir et renouveler les discussions portant sur les meilleures manières de théoriser et de critiquer l’exploitation du travail au sein des sociétés capitalistes. Dans un premier temps, il remonte à Marx et à la manière dont Le Capital pose le problème de la reproduction de la force de travail sans l’associer à celui d’un travail reproductif. Dans un deuxième temps, il analyse la manière dont les (...)
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    Ethique comme philosophie première.Emmanuel Lévinas & Jacques Rolland - 1998 - Rivages.
    Ce texte d'une conférence prononcée en 1982, l'année de publication du recueil "De Dieu qui vient à l'idée", appartient à la dernière période et à la dernière manière du philosophe. Prolongeant l'inspiration des oeuvres précédentes, il affirme vigoureusement la radicalité de l'éthique qu'il pense, antèrieurement à toute morale, comme philosophie première.
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    African Philosophy of Religion and Western Monotheism.Emmanuel Ofuasia - 2024 - South African Journal of Philosophy 43 (3):289-292.
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    Il n'y a qu'un seul droit de l'homme précédé de Nous réfugiés.Emmanuel Alloa & Hannah Arendt (eds.) - 2021 - Paris: Payot.
  22.  12
    Dalla morte di Dio alla morte dell'Uomo. Umanesimo di Feuerbach e antiumanesimo poststrutturalista.Emmanuel Chaput - forthcoming - la Società Degli Individui.
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    L’analogie du visible aux invisibilia Dei.Emmanuel Durand - 2021 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 105 (1):3-72.
    Pour resituer l’analogie théologique dans sa constellation propre, cette étude explore les divers arguments dans lesquels Thomas d’Aquin recourt à Rm 1, 19-20a et/ou à Sg 13, 5. Le passage du visible aux invisibilia Dei est un moment (rationnel) qui a un ressort noétique interne, un fondement externe dans l’expressivité du créé, des vertus et des limites au sein d’une économie de la manifestation de Dieu par le sensible. La connaissance de Dieu par les sages des nations est orientée vers (...)
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    Governing Occupational Exposure Using Thresholds: A Policy Biased Toward Industry.Emmanuel Henry - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (5):953-974.
    Strongly grounded in scientific knowledge, the instrument known as occupational exposure limits or threshold limit values has changed government modalities of exposure to hazardous chemicals in workplaces, transforming both the substance of the problem at hand and the power dynamics between the actors involved. Some of the characteristics of this instrument favor the interests of industries at the expense of employees, their representatives, and the authorities in charge of regulating these risks. First, this instrument can be analyzed as a boundary (...)
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    Le Siège de Germigny en Bourbonnais.Emmanuel Legeard - 2021 - Bulletin d'Emulation du Bourbonnais 80 (3):388-404.
    In 12th-Century France, political Augustinianism inherited from Gregory and Isidore was based on the absolute supremacy of spiritual power over temporal power in the name of the absolute primacy of grace over fallen nature. This could easily solve the question of what should true dominium be in a society based on Christian values. Just rule was connected with a ruler who was sanctioned by the Church: the king of France, defender of the Pax Dei. The Siege of Germigny shows how (...)
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    The genetic informational network: how DNA conveys semantic information.Emmanuel Saridakis - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (4):1-21.
    The question of whether “genetic information” is a merely causal factor in development or can be made sense of semantically, in a way analogous to a language or other type of representation, has generated a long debate in the philosophy of biology. It is intimately connected with another intense debate, concerning the limits of genetic determinism. In this paper I argue that widespread attempts to draw analogies between genetic information and information contained in books, blueprints or computer programs, are fundamentally (...)
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    El beso de Satán: leer a Bernanos.Emmanuel Falque & Francisco Novoa-Rojas - 2024 - Tábano 24:22-45.
    Quisiéramos vivir “bajo el sol de Dios” (Ecl. 8, 15), pero nos descubrimos bajo el sol de Satanás. Nadie más que Bernanos lo ha visto, y también lo ha sabido, pues la literatura alcanza lo que ni la filosofía ni la teología logran expresar, especialmente en lo que respecta al tormento del mal. Oculto bajo la figura del “maquignon picard”, y por tanto de un hombre ordinario, el diablo no se deja ver; prefiere disfrazarse. No existe el mal de un (...)
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    A l'heure des nations.Emmanuel Lévinas - 1988 - Les Editions de Minuit.
    Les soixante-dix nations : tel était le thème choisi par le 27e colloque des intellectuels juifs de langue française. Quel sens prenait pour le judaïsme, conscient de procéder de l'Histoire sainte, sa présence à l'Histoire universelle, auprès des nations et parmi elles? Ce thème avait déjà été approché au cours de quatre rencontres précédentes. Le présent ouvrage reproduit les cinq " lectures talmudiques " qu'Emmanuel Levinas donna devant cet auditoire de 1981 à 1986. S'y ajoutent des textes consacrés à (...)
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    Limits on bilingualism revisited: Stress ‘deafness’ in simultaneous French–Spanish bilinguals.Emmanuel Dupoux, Sharon Peperkamp & Núria Sebastián-Gallés - 2010 - Cognition 114 (2):266-275.
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    Should we Distinguish between French and German Approaches to Recognition?Emmanuel Renault - 2021 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 50:131-146.
    Cet article s’interroge sur le sens des termes « français » et « allemand » quand on distingue des caractéristiques françaises et allemandes à propos de la théorie de la reconnaissance. Deux manières de distinguer ces caractéristiques sont analysées : la première considère que la promotion philosophique du concept de reconnaissance est une opération allemande à laquelle rien ne correspond de ce côté-ci du Rhin, la seconde affirme que le propre des approches philosophiques françaises de la reconnaissance est de souligner (...)
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  31. La toque de Clementis sur la tête de Gottwald. Photographies truquées, mémoire manipulée et imaginaire littéraire.Marc-Emmanuel Mélon - 2009 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 122.
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    Quantum principles in psychology: The debate, the evidence, and the future.Emmanuel M. Pothos & Jerome R. Busemeyer - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (3):310-327.
    The attempt to employ quantum principles for modeling cognition has enabled the introduction of several new concepts in psychology, such as the uncertainty principle, incompatibility, entanglement, and superposition. For many commentators, this is an exciting opportunity to question existing formal frameworks (notably classical probability theory) and explore what is to be gained by employing these novel conceptual tools. This is not to say that major empirical challenges are not there. For example, can we definitely prove the necessity for quantum, as (...)
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    (1 other version)The problem of evil and critical realism.Dominic Effiong Abakedi, Emmanuel Kelechi Iwuagwu & Mary Julius Egbai - forthcoming - Tandf: Journal of Critical Realism:1-15.
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    Dewey, Hook et Mao : quelques affinités entre marxisme et pragmatisme.Emmanuel Renault - 2013 - Actuel Marx 54 (2):138.
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    (1 other version)Philosophy and Experience: A significant difference between the first and the last versions of Hegel’s Encyclopedia.Emmanuel Renault - 2019 - Hegel Jahrbuch 2019 (1):32-43.
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    Du fordisme au post-fordisme : Dépassement ou retour de l'aliénation?Emmanuel Renault - 2006 - Actuel Marx 39 (1):89-105.
    In contemporary political philosophy, the disqualification of the problematic of alienation has to a large extent rested on the conviction that the norms of democracy, justice, and the good life provide a sufficient framework within which to outline a social critique that is politically pertinent. The paradox is that, at the very moment when such a conviction was becoming widespread, its validity was being refuted by the historical reality. It would appear that the casting-off of the Fordist system has seen (...)
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    The Rule of Saint Benedict and the Philosophy of Liberation of Enrique Dussel.Emmanuel Ginestra - 2024 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 59:35-56.
    Resumen: La Regla de San Benito (RB) ha experimentado una revitalización en el panorama intelectual contemporáneo, trascendiendo su origen monástico para convertirse en un referente para diversos movimientos sociales y filosóficos. Siguiendo esta lógica hermenéutica actual, propongo una lectura de la RB a través de la lente de la Filosofía de la Liberación de Enrique Dussel, con el objetivo de explorar su potencial para ofrecer una crítica y una alternativa a los modelos de desarrollo imperantes de la Modernidad. En este (...)
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    The Share of Perspective.Emmanuel Alloa & Martin Jay - 2024 - London-New York: Routledge.
    This book is a defence of perspectivism in the age of post-truth. At the crossroads of science, art and philosophy, it unearths a tradition that we must rediscover: the point of view is not only what divides, it is also what is shared. The book makes a case why perspectivism alone can avoid us falling back into epistemological naivetés. It presents a series of case studies ranging from innovative interpretations of classical authors and key moments in the history of art—from (...)
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    Histoire du Berry.Emmanuel Legeard - 2024 - Paris: Gisserot Histoire.
    En 600 av. J.-C., les Bituriges, « rois du monde », dominent la Celtique sous l’autorité d’Ambigat. Leur territoire est uni par le contrôle des bassins versants de la Loire et l’occupation d’une grande clairière céréalière, la Champagne, cernée par les forêts. Le chef-lieu est Avaricum, que Vercingétorix choisira pour venir à bout des légions de César. L’issue est tragique. Malgré Gergovie, la Gaule devient romaine. Commence alors l’histoire du Berry, qui sera pendant 1700 ans le théâtre d’événements majeurs. Parce (...)
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  40. Biohacking Love & The Norms of Relationships.Emmanuel Smith & Paul Rezkalla - forthcoming - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy.
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  41. Die Spur des Anderen. Untersuchungen zur Phänomenologie und Sozialphilosophie.Emmanuel Lévinas - 1986 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 48 (3):520-521.
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  42. Conflicts of Interest.Dennis F. Thompson & E. Emmanuel - 2008 - In Ezekiel J. Emanuel (ed.), The Oxford textbook of clinical research ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  43. « Enigme Et Phénomène ».Emmanuel Lévinas & Elad Lapidot - 2004 - Cahiers d'Études Lévinassiennes 3.
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  44. From fordism to post-fordism: Beyond or back to alienation?Emmanuel Renault - 2007 - Critical Horizons 8 (2):205-220.
    The evidence today is practically uncontested: about thirty years ago we left Fordism behind and entered a new phase of capitalism. That the structures of the post-Fordist social order call for new modes of social critique is also a prevalent idea. The category of alienation continues, however, to be discredited. Nevertheless it is not clear that the categories of democracy (as apparatuses of non-domination), justice and the good life are capable of bringing about the political effects that may be expected (...)
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    De l'oblitération: entretien avec Françoise Armengaud à propos de l'oeuvre de Sosno.Emmanuel Lévinas & Françoise Armengaud - 1990 - Editions de La Différence.
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    Rethinking Rationality.Emmanuel M. Pothos & Timothy J. Pleskac - 2022 - Topics in Cognitive Science 14 (3):451-466.
    Topics in Cognitive Science, Volume 14, Issue 3, Page 451-466, July 2022.
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    Le problème de la résistance ouvrière dansLe Capital.Emmanuel Renault - 2015 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 154 (4):513.
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    Radical democracy and an abolitionist concept of justice. A critique of Habermas' theory of justice.Emmanuel Renault - 2005 - Critical Horizons 6 (1):137-152.
    This paper asks whether or not normative political philosophy can face the challenge of the critique of the political. This question is addressed to theories of justice in general, but this paper considers Habermas' position in particular. It advances the thesis that the main theoretical and political problem of theories of justice is that they have not really taken the abolitionist dimension of the concept of justice into account. As a consequence, they run the risk of reproducing in themselves the (...)
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    La decision de philosopher.Emmanuel Cattin - 2005 - Hildesheim: G. Olms.
  50. The conditions of normativity of liberal criminal law.Emmanuel Melissaris - 2011 - In Jerzy Stelmach & Bartosz Brożek (eds.), The normativity of law. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press.
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