Results for 'Edna Krieger'

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    Comments on magen's paper.Edna Krieger - 1974 - Philosophia 4 (4):565-565.
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    Historicismo e naturalismo em Dewey.Edna Magalhães Do Nascimento - 2023 - Cognitio 24 (1):e61844.
    O presente artigo analisa o projeto filosófico de John Dewey (1859-1952) que consta de uma crítica radical à epistemologia tradicional a partir da concepção pragmatista de experiência. O status científico da filosofia, conforme Dewey, não exigirá uma teoria científica passível de prova, mas um programa metafísico construído a partir de lógicas situacionais. O presente artigo apresenta as dimensões históricas e científicas da metafísica empírica de Dewey, argumentando a favor da articulação entre as duas abordagens que configuram o projeto de reconstrução (...)
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    Borges and the Kabbalah and Other Essays on His Fiction and Poetry (review).Edna Aizenberg - 1989 - Philosophy and Literature 13 (2):400-402.
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    Fortune - Telling versus Literature as a Semiotic System.Edna Aphek & Yishai Tobin - 1982 - Semiotics:263-271.
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    Assentimus Naturaliter Principiis. Naturalism as the foundation of human knowledge?Gerhard Krieger - 2001 - In J. M. M. H. Thijssen & Jack Zupko (eds.), The metaphysics and natural philosophy of John Buridan. Boston: Brill. pp. 97.
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    Foundations of Complex-Systems Theories.Martin H. Krieger - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 32 (1):135-136.
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    The ideology of the great fear, the soissonnais in 1789.Edna Hindie Lemay - 1994 - History of European Ideas 18 (6):975-976.
  8.  39
    Filosofia como ciência ou cultura pós-filosófica: as contendas entre o pragmatismo e o neopragmatismo.Edna Magalhães Do Nascimento - 2014 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 26 (38):405.
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  9. Torturous withdrawal: Emotional compulsion in addiction.Arthur Krieger - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy (4):1-17.
    Withdrawal involves emotional pain that motivates much addictive behavior. In this paper, I argue that the emotional pain of withdrawal compels much addictive behavior. Researchers have noticed this possibility but it is widely underappreciated. Among philosophers, only Hanna Pickard has discussed emotional compulsion in addiction, and the emotional aspect of withdrawal has been almost completely neglected. Accounts of emotional compulsion in the philosophical literature (from Tappolet, Elster, and Furrow) probably do not capture how the distress of withdrawal compels, so I (...)
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    Antibiotic prescription, dispensing and use in humans and livestock in East Africa: does morality have a role to play?Edna Mutua, A. Davis, E. Laurie, T. Lembo, M. Melubo, K. Mnzava, E. Msoka, F. Nasua, T. Ndibohoye, R. Zadoks, B. Mmbaga & S. Mshana - forthcoming - Monash Bioethics Review:1-25.
    Background Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global threat to human and livestock health. Although AMR is driven by use of antimicrobials, it is often attributed to “misuse” and “overuse”, particularly for antibiotics. To curb resistance, there has been a global call to embrace new forms of moral personhood that practice “proper” use, including prescription, dispensing and consumption of antimicrobials, especially antibiotics. This paper seeks to reflect on complex questions about how morality has become embedded /embodied in the AMR discourse as (...)
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  11. The picture theory of meaning.Edna Daitz - 1953 - Mind 62 (246):184-201.
  12.  29
    Language and brain: Recasting meaning in the definition of human language.Edna Andrews - 2011 - Semiotica 2011 (184):11-32.
    The purpose of this paper is to articulate the central issues and controversies that currently dominate the study of the relationship between language and brain and, as a result, we will attempt to fundamentally redefine the way language is viewed by the neurosciences by recasting traditional linguistic definitions of human language. In order to achieve these goals, we will take into account important aspects of neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and neurofunctionality, the role of imaging technologies in formulating specific questions for testing hypotheses (...)
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    On Ways of Looking at Europe’s Troubled Geist: Introduction.Edna Rosenthal - 2024 - The European Legacy 29 (3):245-251.
    The theme of ISSEI’s 2023 conference, ‘The Role of the Intellectual in Times of Turmoil: Ways of Looking at Europe’s Troubled Geist’—draws attention to the responses of the academic community to (a...
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    Memória humana e teatro.Edna de Souza Alves & Marcos Antônio Alves - 2001 - Trans/Form/Ação 24 (1):91-100.
    A memória humana é essencial para a atividade teatral. Isso por um motivo óbvio: é ela que possibilita aos atores gravarem suas falas e ao público compreender a mensagem passada pela peça. Neste trabalho, investigamos as noções de memória propostas por Descartes, Hume e Kohonen. Para eles, a memória é imprescindível na obtenção e desenvolvimento do conhecimento. A nosso ver, o estudo da memória é de grande importância para o teatro, à medida que este não seria possível sem aquela.
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    Lotman’s communication act and semiosis.Edna Andrews - 1999 - Semiotica 126 (1-4):1-16.
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    Troubling (Post)colonial Histories of Medicine: Toward a Praxis of the Human.Edna Bonhomme - 2020 - Isis 111 (4):830-833.
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    A Lei de Acesso À Informação – Lai e a Consolidação Institucional Do Ministério Público No Brasil.Edna Gusmão de Góes Brennand & Alexsander de Carvalho Silva - 2019 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 5 (2):22-37.
    Examina a relevância da Lei de Acesso à Informação – LAI na consolidação institucional do Ministério Público Federal - MP no Brasil. Analisa a sua a atuação durante o regime militar e no processo de redemocratização após a Constituição de 1988. Aponta a sua evolução como instituição permanente e essencial à função jurisdicional do Estado, responsável, perante o Judiciário, pela defesa da ordem jurídica e dos interesses indisponíveis da sociedade, assim como seu papel na investigação de fatos nacionais sobre os (...)
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    5. Canadians and Global Beneficence: Human Security Revisited.Edna Keeble - 2006 - In Susan Sherwin & Peter Schotch (eds.), Engaged Philosophy: Essays in Honour of David Braybrooke. University of Toronto Press. pp. 101-124.
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    Les citoyennetés en révolution.Edna Lemay - 1994 - History of European Ideas 18 (2):313-315.
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  20. Designing Institutions for Environmental and Resource Management.Edna Tusak Loehman & D. Marc Kilgour - 2000 - Environmental Values 9 (4):538-540.
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    Love & friendship: towards nation rebuilding and renewal.Edna Onwuchekwa - 2008 - Enugu, Nigeria: Snaap Press.
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    (1 other version)Le travail intellectuel et la volonté, suite à l'Educalion de la volonté.Edna Aston Shearer - 1920 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 27 (3):3-4.
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    Unity and Language: A Study in the Philosophy of Johan Georg Hamann.Edna Purdie - 1957 - Philosophical Quarterly 7 (29):381.
  24.  14
    Terrorism research and the diffusion of ideas.Edna O. F. Reid - 1993 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 6 (1):17-37.
    The diffusion of ideas about contemporary terrorism is analyzed using a sociology of science methodology. One of the most common means of creating understandings of a phenomenon is the development and diffusion of ideas that influence the positions adopted by a wide range of actors, including government bureaucrats and decision makers, legislative and corporate bodies, and the public. How did terrorism researchers interact with these actors to construct, maintain, and modify the development and perception of contemporary terrorism? How were the (...)
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    (2 other versions)Editorial Consultants.Edna Rosenthal - 2013 - The European Legacy 18 (7):975-976.
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    The invisible hand and the cunning of reason.Ullmann-Margalit Edna - 1997 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 58:429-454.
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    Doing Physics: How Physicists Take Hold of the World.Martin H. Krieger - 1992 - Indiana University Press.
    This book is a cultural phenomenology of doing physics. It describes the ways physicists actually do their work--their motives, and their ways of making sense of the world--so that outsiders can understand it. Martin H. Krieger explains that physicists employ a small number of everyday notions to get at the world experimentally and conceptually.
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    Animal spare parts? A canadian public consultation on xenotransplantation.Edna F. Einsiedel & Heather Ross - 2002 - Science and Engineering Ethics 8 (4):579-591.
    Xenotransplantation, or the use of animal cells, tissues and organs for humans, has been promoted as an important solution to the worldwide shortage of organs. While scientific studies continue to be done to address problems of rejection and the possibility of animal-to-human virus transfer, socio-ethical and legal questions have also been raised around informed consent, life-long monitoring, animal welfare and animal rights, and appropriate regulatory practices. Many calls have also been made to consult publics before policy decisions are made. This (...)
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  29. Mme de Staël's Philosophy of Imagination.Arthur Krieger - 2023 - Cahiers Staëliens 73:77-100.
    In "De l’Allemagne", Mme de Staël develops a sophisticated philosophical psychology that centers not on reason, but imagination. She does this by bringing French Enlightenment philosophy, particularly Rousseau and Diderot, into dialogue with German thinkers, including Kant and Herder. For Mme de Staël, imagination transcends the epistemic limits of sensibility and reason by incorporating sentiment.
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    Bridges to consciousness: complexes and complexity.Nancy M. Krieger - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    This book investigates consciousness as an emergent state arising from the global functioning of the brain and the body. In this research Krieger applies these concepts to analytical psychology, particularly to the constellation of the complex and of the archetype. Global brain functioning is considered as a complex system whose macroscopic, emergent patterns such as thoughts and behaviours are determined by physical parameters including emotion, memory, and perception. The concept of the feeling-toned complex was among the first of the (...)
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  31. La Notion de Liberté Chez Rousseau Et Ses Répercussions Sur Kant.Edna Kryger - 1978 - A.G. Nizet.
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    Implicit Bias: Scientific Foundations.Anthony Greenwald & L. H. Krieger - 2006
  33.  10
    A dialogue on the sign: Can Peirce and Jakobson be reconciled?Edna Andrews - 1990 - Semiotica 82 (1-2):1-14.
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    Redefining textual boundaries: Torop and the Tartu school of semiotics.Edna Andrews - 2003 - Semiotica 2003 (144).
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  35. Ano Anísio Teixeira no Museu do Homem do Nordeste : educação como prioridade.Edna Silva E. Silvia Paes Barreto - 2021 - In Edna Silva & Silvia Paes Barreto (eds.), Anísio, Anísios Teixeira: um educador no Museu do Homem do Nordeste. Recife, PE: Fundação Joaquim Nabuco, Editora Massangana.
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    Climate Change Imaginaries? Examining Expectation Narratives in Cli-Fi Novels.Edna Einsiedel, Angie Chiang & Andrea Whiteley - 2016 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 36 (1):28-37.
    A new generation of climate fiction called Cli-fi has emerged in the last decade, marking the strong consensus that has emerged over climate change. Science fiction’s concept of cognitive estrangement that combines a rational imperative to understand while focusing on something different from our everyday world provides one linkage between climate fiction and science fiction. Five novels representing this genre that has substantial connections with science fiction are analyzed, focusing on themes common across these books: their framing of the climate (...)
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  37. In amore amicitiae affectus alicuius simpliciter exit extra se" Thomas von Aquin über Selbsttranszendenz.G. Krieger - 2018 - In Burkhard Mojsisch, Tengiz Iremadze & Udo Reinhold Jeck (eds.), Veritas et subtilitas: truth and subtlety in the history of philosophy: essays in memory of Burkhard Mojsisch (1944-2015). Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
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    Metaphysik und konstruierende Vernunft.Gerhard Krieger - 2002 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 7 (1):47-79.
    This essay investigates the extent to which the notion of the subject provides access to medieval metaphysics. Historically, this question involves the relation of nominalism to the Cartesian cogito, with regard to which it is possible to speak of a certain continuity in view of the paradigmatically explanatory function of the notion of the I. Against this background, it is maintained that the notion of the subject provides access to medieval metaphysics insofar as the notion of the I belongs to (...)
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    Hierarchy and the search for social equality at the French constituant assembly, 1789–1791.Edna Hindie Lemay - 1989 - History of European Ideas 11 (1-6):21-26.
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    A epistemologia pragmatista de John Dewey.Edna Maria Magalhães Nascimento - 2022 - Filosofia E Educação 14 (2):119-144.
    Dewey desenvolveu um programa doutrinário que visa mostrar como o conhecimento se funda na experiência. Essa é a dimensão científico-naturalista da sua obra. Nesse sentido, o seu projeto consiste numa rigorosa argumentação contra as explicações em que a experiência e a natureza são apresentadas com base em distinções arbitrárias. Na obra, Reconstruction in Philosophy [Reconstrução em Filosofia], Dewey desenvolveu seu projeto metafísico de dimensão historicista, propondo uma reconstrução para a filosofia. Em Experience and Nature [Experiência e Natureza], ele apresentou uma (...)
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    John Dewey: a favor da ciência ou lições anti-negacionistas.Edna Magalhães do Nascimento - 2022 - Cognitio 23 (1):e58538.
    No processo de reconstrução da filosofia, está colocado para John Dewey o desafio da articulação entre filosofia e ciência e, como consequência disso, a mudança no método de operar da primeira. Dewey desenvolveu um programa doutrinário que visa mostrar como o conhecimento se funda na experiência. Essa é a dimensão científico-naturalista da sua obra, cuja influência advém do naturalismo darwinista. Nesse sentido, o seu projeto consiste numa rigorosa argumentação contra as explicações em que a experiência e a natureza são apresentadas (...)
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    leitura neopragmatista de Rorty sobre Foucault.Edna Magalhães do Nascimento & Maria Jordana de Brito Gomes - 2024 - Cognitio 25 (1):e64392.
    O objetivo deste artigo foi investigar a leitura neopragmatista de Richard Rorty (1931-2007) sobre a concepção de subjetividade em Michel Foucault (1926-1984). Rorty ficou conhecido como um celebre filósofo que se opôs à concepção moderna de sujeito, sobretudo, o excesso de antropocentrismo e cientificismo. Quanto ao filósofo francês Michel Foucault, pode-se constatar no terceiro domínio de sua produção teórica, a presença de uma investigação vigorosa sobre a constituição do sujeito. Inicialmente, percebe-se desde seus primeiros escritos, o papel que exerce o (...)
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    Stem cell tourism and future stem cell tourists: Policy and ethical implications.Edna F. Einsiedel & Hannah Adamson - 2012 - Developing World Bioethics 12 (1):35-44.
    Stem cell tourism is a small but growing part of the thriving global medical tourism marketplace. Much stem cell research remains at the experimental stage, with clinical trials still uncommon. However, there are over 700 clinics estimated to be operating in mostly developing countries – from Costa Rica and Argentina to China, India and Russia – that have lured many patients, mostly from industrialized countries, driven by desperation and hope, which in turn continue to fuel the growth of such tourism.While (...)
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    Could the Probability of Doom Be Zero or One?Martin H. Krieger - 1995 - Journal of Philosophy 92 (7):382-387.
  45.  18
    Theology and Theories of Metaphor: How We Talk When We Talk about God.Kerilyn Harkaway-Krieger - 2024 - Heythrop Journal 65 (4):343-359.
    In theology, how language about God communicates is inseparable from what is being communicated, and the form that theological discourse takes must be part of what is considered when it is interpreted. Although analogy has been given pride of place in theology, more recent interest in metaphor, from theologians, philosophers, and linguists, reveals new debates over how deeply embedded metaphor is in language, how metaphor shapes our cognition and perception, and metaphor's role in theological understanding. This article provides an overview (...)
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    Ideas and Events: Professing History.Leonard Krieger - 1992 - University of Chicago Press.
    Leonard Krieger has long been revered as a contemporary master historian. With an eye toward placing his critical achievements before an expanded readership, he helped compile this core collection of his most important essays. Together these essays bring under a single cover the key themes and ideas of his life's work to serve as a handbook for intellectual history and historians of every stripe. This book reflects Krieger's conviction that the value of intellectual history is as a source (...)
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    The Emergence of Norms.Edna Ullmann-Margalit - 1977 - Oxford University Press.
    Edna Ullmann-Margalit provides an original account of the emergence of norms. Her main thesis is that certain types of norms are possible solutions to problems posed by certain types of social interaction situations. She presents illuminating discussions of Prisoners' Dilemma, co-ordination, and inequality situations.
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    Semiospheric transitions.Edna Andrews & Elena Maksimova - 2008 - Sign Systems Studies 36 (2):259-268.
    Lotman’s contribution to semiotic theory, anthroposemiotics, the study of artistic texts and defining the relationship between language and culture represent some of the most powerful work produced within the Tartu–Moscow School of Semiotics. The importance of translation is one of the central principles that unites all of Lotman’s work. In the following paper, we will consider Lotman’s definition of translatability in the context of (1) the definition of semiospheric internal and external boundaries and the importance of crossing these boundaries, (2) (...)
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    Inteligência artificial e rizomas da ação comunicativa na ágora digital.Edna Gusmão de Góes Brennand & Delamar José Volpato Dutra - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11:e-7356.
    O texto busca discutir paradoxos do debate público na era da Inteligência Artificial. Parte da concepção de esfera pública de Habermas e sua aplicabilidade no seio das reflexões atuais sobre o debate público e suas novas modalidades potencializadas pelas tecnologias digitais. Pretende trazer ao escrutínio das reflexões as formas de como jovens adultos de diferentes países garantem sua participação na esfera pública digital através do exercício da cidadania, da consolidação de uma sociedade bem-informada e coautora de seus sistemas político e (...)
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    CHAPTER V. Conclusion.Edna H. Hong & Howard V. Hong - 1992 - In Edna H. Hong & Howard V. Hong (eds.), Kierkegaard's Writings, Xii, Volume I: Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical Fragments: Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical Fragments. Princeton University Press. pp. 587-616.
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