Results for 'Kerilyn Harkaway-Krieger'

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  1.  20
    Theology and Theories of Metaphor: How We Talk When We Talk about God.Kerilyn Harkaway-Krieger - 2024 - Heythrop Journal 65 (4):343-359.
    In theology, how language about God communicates is inseparable from what is being communicated, and the form that theological discourse takes must be part of what is considered when it is interpreted. Although analogy has been given pride of place in theology, more recent interest in metaphor, from theologians, philosophers, and linguists, reveals new debates over how deeply embedded metaphor is in language, how metaphor shapes our cognition and perception, and metaphor's role in theological understanding. This article provides an overview (...)
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    Ideas and Events: Professing History.Leonard Krieger - 1992 - University of Chicago Press.
    Leonard Krieger has long been revered as a contemporary master historian. With an eye toward placing his critical achievements before an expanded readership, he helped compile this core collection of his most important essays. Together these essays bring under a single cover the key themes and ideas of his life's work to serve as a handbook for intellectual history and historians of every stripe. This book reflects Krieger's conviction that the value of intellectual history is as a source (...)
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    Through A Glass Darkly: Paradigms Of Equality And The Search For A Woman's Jurisprudence.Linda J. Krieger - 1987 - Hypatia 2 (1):45-61.
    In this article, Ms. Krieger explores the controversy concerning pregnancy disability leave presented by the case of California Federal Savings v. Guerra in light of Thomas Kuhn's model of scientific paradigm change and Carol Gilligan's theory regarding sex differences in moral reasoning. She argues that the controversy reflects a period of paradigm crisis in equality jurisprudence, brought about in part by the recent inclusion of greater numbers of women into the jurisprudential community.
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  4. The unexpected realist.William H. Krieger & Brian L. Keeley - 2005 - In Brian L. Keeley (ed.), Paul Churchland. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    There are two ways to do the unexpected. The banal way—let's call it the expectedly unexpected—is simply to chart the waters of what is and is not done, and then set out to do something different. For a philosopher, this can be done by embracing a method of non sequitor or by perhaps inverting some strongly held assumption of the field. The more interesting way— the unexpectedly unexpected—is to transform the expectations themselves; to do something new and contextualize it in (...)
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    Bridges to consciousness: complexes and complexity.Nancy M. Krieger - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    This book investigates consciousness as an emergent state arising from the global functioning of the brain and the body. In this research Krieger applies these concepts to analytical psychology, particularly to the constellation of the complex and of the archetype. Global brain functioning is considered as a complex system whose macroscopic, emergent patterns such as thoughts and behaviours are determined by physical parameters including emotion, memory, and perception. The concept of the feeling-toned complex was among the first of the (...)
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    Assentimus Naturaliter Principiis. Naturalism as the foundation of human knowledge?Gerhard Krieger - 2001 - In J. M. M. H. Thijssen & Jack Zupko (eds.), The metaphysics and natural philosophy of John Buridan. Boston: Brill. pp. 97.
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  7. Foundations of complex-systems theories.M. Krieger - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 32 (1):135-136.
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    Zu Lucr. 6,743.Burkhard Krieger - 2016 - Hermes 144 (3):380-381.
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    Zweifelsglaube oder religiöser Glaube?Gerhard Krieger - 2013 - In Dieter Hüning, Stefan Klingner & Carsten Olk (eds.), Das Leben der Vernunft. Beiträge zur Philosophie Kants. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 593-604.
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    Doing Physics: How Physicists Take Hold of the World.Martin H. Krieger - 1992 - Indiana University Press.
    This book is a cultural phenomenology of doing physics. It describes the ways physicists actually do their work--their motives, and their ways of making sense of the world--so that outsiders can understand it. Martin H. Krieger explains that physicists employ a small number of everyday notions to get at the world experimentally and conceptually.
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  11.  35
    Optics and Aesthetic Perception: A Rebuttal.Murray Krieger - 1985 - Critical Inquiry 11 (3):502-508.
    I am troubled by the temper of E. H. Gombrich’s response, “Representation and Misrepresentation” , to my “Ambiguities of Representation and Illusion: An E. H. Gombrich Retrospective” and by his preferring not to sense the profound admiration—indeed, the homage—intended by my essay, both for his contributions to recent theory and for their influence upon its recent developments. But I am more troubled by the confusions his remarks may cause in the interpretation of his own work as well as in the (...)
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  12.  23
    On “Perspective(s)” and Empathy in Art Education.Ela Krieger - 2023 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 57 (1):74-84.
    Abstract:When teaching the use of perspective, art teachers usually begin with the linear perspective of the Italian Renaissance with the intent of providing pupils with practical tools to create spatial illusion in their drawings. Perspective, however, is and can be much more than a technique for constructing pictures. Given that perspective-taking is one of the central aspects of empathy, the teaching of this topic can serve as a tool for improving openness and empathy among school children. The transformative power of (...)
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  13.  15
    Primes and Particles: Mathematics, Mathematical Physics, Physics.Martin H. Krieger - 2024 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    Many philosophers, physicists, and mathematicians have wondered about the remarkable relationship between mathematics with its abstract, pure, independent structures on one side, and the wilderness of natural phenomena on the other. Famously, Wigner found the "effectiveness" of mathematics in defining and supporting physical theories to be unreasonable, for how incredibly well it worked. Why, in fact, should these mathematical structures be so well-fitting, and even heuristic in the scientific exploration and discovery of nature? This book argues that the effectiveness of (...)
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  14. Was ist eine gerechte Herrschaft? : Politisches Denken bei Nikolaus von Kues und sein Verhältnis zur aristotelischen Tradition.Gerhard Krieger - 2020 - In Emmanuele Vimercati & Valentina Zaffino (eds.), Nicholas of Cusa and the Aristotelian tradition: a philosophical and theological survey. Berlin: De Gruyter.
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  15. Torturous withdrawal: Emotional compulsion in addiction.Arthur Krieger - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy (4):1-17.
    Withdrawal involves emotional pain that motivates much addictive behavior. In this paper, I argue that the emotional pain of withdrawal compels much addictive behavior. Researchers have noticed this possibility but it is widely underappreciated. Among philosophers, only Hanna Pickard has discussed emotional compulsion in addiction, and the emotional aspect of withdrawal has been almost completely neglected. Accounts of emotional compulsion in the philosophical literature (from Tappolet, Elster, and Furrow) probably do not capture how the distress of withdrawal compels, so I (...)
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  16.  5
    Das interreligiöse Gespräch: methodologische Grundlagen der Theologie der Religionen.David J. Krieger - 1986
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    Herausforderung Durch Religion?: Begegnungen der Philosophie Mit Religionen in Mittelalter Und Renaissance.Gerhard Krieger (ed.) - 2011 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  18. The German Revolutions: The Peasant War in Germany and Germany: Revolution and Counter-Revolution.Leonard Krieger - 1968 - Science and Society 32 (3):330-334.
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  19. Wissenschaft als Kommunikation.D. Krieger - 1999 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 4.
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  20. Mme de Staël's Philosophy of Imagination.Arthur Krieger - 2023 - Cahiers Staëliens 73:77-100.
    In "De l’Allemagne", Mme de Staël develops a sophisticated philosophical psychology that centers not on reason, but imagination. She does this by bringing French Enlightenment philosophy, particularly Rousseau and Diderot, into dialogue with German thinkers, including Kant and Herder. For Mme de Staël, imagination transcends the epistemic limits of sensibility and reason by incorporating sentiment.
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  21.  10
    De precursor a grande ocultador: Nietzsche sobre Spinoza.Saulo Krieger - 2021 - Cadernos Nietzsche 42 (1):231-251.
    Resumo: Para além da triangulação Nietzsche-Kuno Fischer-Spinoza, a proposta do texto é perscrutar as peculiaridades da relação entre Nietzsche e Spinoza, partindo não de uma conexão biunívoca e restrita a Nietzsche e Spinoza, mas de menções compartilhadas, em que outros filósofos e pensadores são mencionados. A partir daí se pretende evidenciar traços de uma relação que é de admiração pelo “profundo ocultador”, mas também de crítica pelas instâncias que tal ocultador mascarou e que acabaram por consumi-lo.: Beyond the triangulation Nietzsche-Kuno (...)
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  22.  33
    Digging up Diversity.William Krieger - 2005 - Metascience 14 (3):441-445.
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  23. In amore amicitiae affectus alicuius simpliciter exit extra se" Thomas von Aquin über Selbsttranszendenz.G. Krieger - 2018 - In Burkhard Mojsisch, Tengiz Iremadze & Udo Reinhold Jeck (eds.), Veritas et subtilitas: truth and subtlety in the history of philosophy: essays in memory of Burkhard Mojsisch (1944-2015). Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
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    What's Wrong with Plastic Trees?: Artifice and Authenticity in Design.Martin Krieger - 2000 - Praeger.
    "Krieger takes design - in architecture, landscape, interiors, engineering, and systems and computer science - to be modeled by traditional theological and artistic problems. And here, he claims, design has traditionally been a redesign of nature. For nature is for us - as Durkheim would describe it - a totem."--BOOK JACKET.
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    Die "Metaphysik" des Aristoteles Im Mittelalter: Rezeption Und Transformation.Gerhard Krieger (ed.) - 2016 - De Gruyter.
    Der vorliegende Band widmet sich der Geschichte des mit dem Namen „Metaphysik“ angesprochenen Textes des Aristoteles im lateinischen Mittelalter. Zugleich wird die Wirkungsgeschichte der Metaphysik des Aristoteles im Mittelalter in ihrer Bedeutung für das metaphysische Denken selbst im Aristotelischen Verständnis und in Bezug auf dessen Kritik beleuchtet wie auch in Hinsicht auf dessen Verhältnis zum christlichen Selbstverständnis. Soweit es das metaphysische Denken im Aristotelischen Verständnis betrifft, zeigt sich, dass die Realisierung umfassender Weltorientierung und menschlicher Selbstverständigung unter der Hinsicht des Seins (...)
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  26.  48
    Fiction, History, and Empirical Reality.Murray Krieger - 1974 - Critical Inquiry 1 (2):335-360.
    I begin by asking an engagingly naive question that a layman would have every right to put to us - and often has. Why should we interest ourselves seriously in the once-upon-a-time worlds of fiction - these unreal stories about unreal individuals? It has been a persistent question in the history of criticism - ever since Plato called the poet a liar - and it is a question at once obvious and embarrassing. It is obvious because, for the apologist for (...)
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  27.  41
    Corruption and the Culture of Real Estate Development.Martin H. Krieger - 1994 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 13 (3):19-32.
  28. Die Wolff-Rezeption im Rahmen der Religionsphilosophie von Christian August Crusius.Martin Krieger - 1994 - In Günter Jerouschek & Arno Sames (eds.), Aufklärung und Erneuerung: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Universität Halle im ersten Jahrhundert ihres Bestehens (1694-1806). Dausien. pp. 150-157.
  29.  22
    Poetic Presence and Illusion: Renaissance Theory and the Duplicity of Metaphor.Murray Krieger - 1979 - Critical Inquiry 5 (4):597-619.
    Our usual view of the Renaissance poetic, as we derive it from the explicit statements which we normally cite, sees it primarily as a rhetorical theory which is essentially Platonic in the universal meanings behind individual words, images, or fictions. Accordingly, poetic words, images, or fictions are taken to be purely allegorical, functioning as arbitrary or at most as conventional signs: each word, image, or fiction is seen as thoroughly dispensable, indeed interchangeable with others, to be used just so long (...)
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  30.  33
    When Are Medical Apps Medical? Off-Label Use and the Food and Drug Administration.William H. Krieger - unknown
    People have a love/hate relationship with rapidly changing healthcare technology. While consumer demand for medical apps continues to grow as rapidly as does supply, healthcare professionals and safety experts worry about the impact of these apps on the health consumer. In response to the rapidly growing mobile healthcare sector, the Food and Drug Administration has put forth guidelines to regulate ‘mobile medical apps’, those health-related apps that are designated as medical devices. In this article, I argue that this decision, to (...)
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  31. The German Idea of Freedom: History of a Politicai Tradition.Leonard Krieger - 1959 - Science and Society 23 (1):75-78.
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    Courage in the Democratic Polis: Ideology and Critique in Classical Athens.Ryan Krieger Balot - 2014 - Oup Usa.
    In this careful and compelling study, Ryan K. Balot brings together political theory, classical history, and ancient philosophy in order to re-conceive of courage as a specifically democratic virtue.
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    Ambiguität in der Kunst: Typen und Funktionen eines ästhetischen Paradigmas.Verena Krieger, Rachel Mader & Katharina Jesberger (eds.) - 2010 - Köln: Böhlau.
    Die hier versammelten Beiträge analysieren Typen und Funktionen der Ambiguität an Beispielen aus der mittelalterlichen bis zur zeitgenössischen Kunst.
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  34. Grenzwege.Evelina Krieger - 1968 - Freiburg,: K. Alber.
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    Insights about Inner Sight.Eliot F. Krieger - 1993 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 45 (1):21-39.
    Using the later works of Wittgenstein, this paper investigates the intricate ways in which the will is related to mental imagery. It examines how "seeing" is subject to the will in a different way from "forming an image". Although it is unwise to posit a model of images which maintains that images are directly willed inner objects - just like outer objects, only located in our heads - this model is often incorrectly embraced by philosophers and psychologists. A proper understanding (...)
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  36.  25
    Intellectual History as ArtThe Intellectual History of Europe.Leonard Krieger & Friedrich Heer - 1970 - Journal of the History of Ideas 31 (2):305.
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    Marx and Engels as Historians.Leonard Krieger - 1953 - Journal of the History of Ideas 14 (3):381.
  38.  94
    Medical Apps: Public and Academic Perspectives.William H. Krieger - 2013 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 56 (2):259-273.
    Relatively new and now ubiquitous, smartphones and tablet computers are changing our lives by asking us to rethink the ways that we conduct business, form and maintain relationships, and read books and magazines. In the same capacity, mobile devices are redefining how health care is administered, monitored, and delivered through specialized technologies called medical apps (applications). In general, apps are pieces of software that can be installed and run on a variety of hardware platforms, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop (...)
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    Kommunikationssystem Kunst.David J. Krieger - 1997 - Vienna: Passagen Verlag.
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  40. Making a Difference.D. J. Krieger - 2011 - Constructivist Foundations 7 (1):33-34.
    Open peer commentary on the target article “From Objects to Processes: A Proposal to Rewrite Radical Constructivism” by Siegfried J. Schmidt. Upshot: The critique of Western metaphysics, the definition of the sign as an inseparable unity of signified and signifier, the insight that language is a form of life, the deconstruction of the subject, the banning of human beings from the social system, and the appearance of non-human actors have made the traditional distinctions between real/unreal, subject /object, society/nature, and thought/action (...)
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  41.  16
    Why are there so many solutions to the two-dimensional Ising model?Martin Krieger - unknown
    Exact solutions for the partition function of the two-dimensional classical statistical mechanics Ising model may be classified using a scheme of analogy having three moments--analysis, algebra, and arithmetic--developed by Dedekind and Weber in 1882 for providing an algebraic understanding of Riemann’s work. In effect, we have two analogies, a physical one and a mathematical one, coming from very different problems. What is it about the mathematical realm that allows for this threefold analogy, and what is it about the Ising model (...)
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  42.  27
    Time's reasons: philosophies of history old and new.Leonard Krieger - 1989 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    This original work caps years of thought by Leonard Krieger about the crisis of the discipline of history. His mission is to restore history's autonomy while attacking the sources of its erosion in various "new histories," which borrow their principles and methods from disciplines outside of history. Krieger justifies the discipline through an analysis of the foundations on which various generations of historians have tried to establish the coherence of their subject matter and of the convergence of historical (...)
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  43. An Essay on the Theory of Enlightened Despotism.Leonard Krieger - 1975 - Political Theory 3 (4):488-491.
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    The Autonomy of Intellectual History.Leonard Krieger - 1973 - Journal of the History of Ideas 34 (4):499.
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  45. History and Existentialism in Sartre.Leonard Krieger - 1967 - In Herbert Marcuse, Kurt H. Wolff & Barrington Moore (eds.), The Critical spirit. Boston,: Beacon Press. pp. 239--66.
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  46.  48
    Histoire et existentialisme chez Sartre.Leonard Krieger - 2005 - Cités 22 (2):155-182.
    L’existentialisme pose à l’histoire des problèmes aussi bien subjectifs qu’objectifs. En tant que sujets, les existentialistes épousent des positions qui sont souvent antithétiques par rapport à la dimension historique ; en tant qu’objets, ils ont donné à voir des idées et des activités qui sont souvent difficilement accessibles à la connaissance historique. Chez Sartre se..
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  47.  9
    Kings and Philosophers, 1689-1789.Leonard Krieger - 1970 - London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
    The one hundred years that preceded the French Revolution witnessed the rise of kings to unmatched power and influence in European affairs. These years also encompassed the birth, maturation and waning of the Enlightenment. The author shows how the monarchical tradition and the new intellectual developments were reflected in the latter half of the period during the rule of "philosopher kings", the enlightened absolutists. He analyzes too the origins of a movement toward representative government and the stirrings of political and (...)
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  48.  38
    Marketing Archaeology.William H. Krieger - 2014 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (5):923-939.
    In the 19th century, ‘scientific archaeologists’ split from their antiquarian colleagues over the role that provenience (context) plays in the value of an artifact. These archaeologists focus on documenting an artifact’s context when they remove it from its original location. Archaeologists then use this contextual information to place these artifacts within a particular larger assemblage, in a particular time and space. Once analyzed, the artifacts found in a site or region can be used to document, to understand, and explain the (...)
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  49. Mediation, Language and Vision in the Reading of Literature.Murray Krieger - 1969 - In Charles Southward Singleton (ed.), Interpretation: theory and practice. Baltimore,: Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 211--42.
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  50.  26
    The Idea of Progress.Leonard Krieger - 1951 - Review of Metaphysics 4 (4):483 - 494.
    For men of the 19th century, the world was ordered by a whole system of concrete universals: ideals and the empirical world were simply two aspects of the same reality; ideals described an empirical reality which included them as its actual cohesive power. This character is reflected in the fact that the most influential thinkers of the last century combined, despite the rise of the specialized disciplines, sociological, historical and philosophical approaches to a reality which in social, temporal, and cosmic (...)
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