Results for 'E. Laurie'

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  1.  30
    Complement clauses as turn continuations: The Finnish et (ta)-clause.E. Seppanen & Ritva Laury - 2007 - In Noel Burton-Roberts, Pragmatics. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 17--4.
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    A Critical Feminist Exchange: Symposium on Claudia Leeb, Power and Feminist Agency in Capitalism: Toward a New Theory of the Political Subject, Oxford University Press, 2017.Laurie E. Naranch, Mary Caputi & Claudia Leeb - 2019 - Political Theory 47 (4):559-580.
    In this article, I respond to Laury Naranch’s and Mary Caputi’s discussion of my book Power and Feminist Agency in Capitalism (2017). In response to Naranch, I clarify how the political subject-in-outline translates into collective political action through the figure of the Chicana working-class woman. I also explain why the proletariat, more so than the precariat, implies a radical political imaginary if we rethink this concept in the context of my idea of the political subject-in-outline. I also clarify that my (...)
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    Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron: a dynamic, niche‐adapted human symbiont.Laurie E. Comstock & Michael J. Coyne - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (10):926-929.
    The coevolution of humans with their intestinal microflora has resulted in cooperative relationships that have shaped the biology and the genomes of these symbiotic partners. Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron is one such bacterial symbiont that is a dominant member of the intestinal microbiota of humans and other mammals. The recent report of the genome sequence of B. thetaiotaomicron1 is the first reported for an abundant Gram‐negative organism of the human colonic microbiota and, as such, provides the first glimpse on a genomic scale (...)
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  4. Through students' eyes: ethical and professional issues identified by third-year medical students during clerkships: Table 1.Lauris C. Kaldjian, Marcy E. Rosenbaum, Laura A. Shinkunas, Jerold C. Woodhead, Lisa M. Antes, Jane A. Rowat & Valerie L. Forman-Hoffman - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (2):130-132.
    Backround Education in ethics and professionalism should reflect the realities medical students encounter in the hospital and clinic. Method We performed content analyses on Case Observation and Assessments (COAs) written by third-year medical students about ethical and professional issues encountered during their internal medicine and paediatrics clinical clerkships. Results A cohort of 141 third-year medical students wrote 272 COAs. Content analyses identified 35 subcategories of ethical and professional issues within 7 major domains: decisions regarding treatment (31.4%), communication (21.4%), professional duties (...)
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    Law and legacy in medical jurisprudence: essays in honour of Graeme Laurie.G. T. Laurie, E. S. Dove & Niamh Nic Shuibhne (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Graeme Laurie stepped down from the Chair in Medical Jurisprudence at the University of Edinburgh in 2019. This edited collection pays tribute to his extraordinary contributions to the field. Graeme has often spoken about the importance of 'legacy' in academic work and has forged a remarkable intellectual legacy of his own, notably through his work on genetic privacy, human tissue and information governance, and on the regulatory salience of the concept of liminality. The essays in this volume animate the (...)
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    Ethical Considerations for Psychiatry in the Broadening Scope of Medical Marijuana Therapy.Laurie E. Gordon - 2011 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 2 (1):33-43.
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    Hopes for Nonviolence.Laurie E. Naranch - 2022 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 43 (1):137-158.
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  8. Elements of a strategy of collective action.Laurie E. Adkin - 1998 - In Roger Keil, Political ecology: global and local. New York: Routledge. pp. 285.
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    The Narratable Self: Adriana Cavarero with Sojourner Truth.Laurie E. Naranch - 2019 - Hypatia 34 (3):424-440.
    This essay engages the work of Italian feminist philosopher Adriana Cavarero and her concept of the narratable self. Her relational humanism, rooted in our exposure to others, offers an ontology of uniqueness whose critique of abstraction, masculinism, and identity politics still resonates today where the meaning of a unique “you” is negotiated in embodied exchanges that may offer care or wounds. Cavarero develops an altruistic ethics that cultivates this humanism. I argue that her work should be extended to better capture (...)
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    Storypath: How Civic Advocacy Through Creating Music Empowers Civic and Political Thinking in Elementary Classrooms.Laurie Stevahn & Margit E. McGuire - forthcoming - Journal of Social Studies Research.
    This descriptive qualitative study examined how the Storypath (also known as Storyline) approach to teaching social studies involves elementary school students in action civics (authentic civic activities, self-chosen issues, ongoing reflection, decisions valued). Storypath, a project-based approach, utilizes the story structure to frame learning through an inquiry process whereby students consider an overarching question about a topic, create a relevant setting, become characters in the setting, and engage in the plot of the story (critical incidents). This Storypath engaged a class (...)
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    The Number-Syllabary Texts.Laurie E. Pearce - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (3):453.
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    Liver Donor Nightmare.Laurie E. Post - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (1):31-34.
  13.  42
    The Reason-Passion Nexus that Liberalism Needs.Laurie E. Naranch - 2007 - Theory and Event 10 (3).
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    Delivering a Practical Framework for Ethical Decision-Making Involving Big Data in Health and Research.Graeme T. Laurie & E. Shyong Tai - 2019 - Asian Bioethics Review 11 (3):223-225.
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    Ethical Dilemmas in Medicine in the 21 st Century.Stanley L. Gordon & Laurie E. Gordon - 2010 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 1 (2):101-106.
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    WisCon 46 (review).Laurie Fuller, Jenna N. Hanchey & E. Ornelas - 2024 - Utopian Studies 34 (3):618-625.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:WisCon 46Laurie Fuller, Jenna N. Hanchey, and E. OrnelasExistence as Resistance, WisCon 46, May 26–29, 2023, Madison, Wisconsin, United StatesIn a world that seems structured to kill most of its occupants, there is a utopian impulse in the act of existence itself. WisCon 46 represented a prefigurative utopian impulse through centering continued marginalized existence as resistance.1 Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha calls “prefigurative politics” the “fancy term for the idea (...)
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    Respecting Autonomy Over Time: Policy and Empirical Evidence on Re‐Consent in Longitudinal Biomedical Research.Susan E. Wallace, Elli G. Gourna, Graeme Laurie, Osama Shoush & Jessica Wright - 2015 - Bioethics 30 (3):210-217.
    Re-consent in research, the asking for a new consent if there is a change in protocol or to confirm the expectations of participants in case of change, is an under-explored issue. There is little clarity as to what changes should trigger re-consent and what impact a re-consent exercise has on participants and the research project. This article examines applicable policy statements and literature for the prevailing arguments for and against re-consent in relation to longitudinal cohort studies, tissue banks and biobanks. (...)
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  18. The Structure and Development of the Finnish Language.E. H. S., Lauri Hakulinen & John Atkinson - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (1):139.
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    Cuneiform Documents from the Chaldean and Persian Periods.Laurie E. Pearce & Ronald H. Sack - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (1):167.
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    Patient‐centredness, self‐rated health, and patient empowerment: should providers spend more time communicating with their patients?James E. Rohrer, Laurie Wilshusen, Steven C. Adamson & Stephen Merry - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (4):548-551.
  21.  4
    Antibiotic prescription, dispensing and use in humans and livestock in East Africa: does morality have a role to play?Edna Mutua, A. Davis, E. Laurie, T. Lembo, M. Melubo, K. Mnzava, E. Msoka, F. Nasua, T. Ndibohoye, R. Zadoks, B. Mmbaga & S. Mshana - 2024 - Monash Bioethics Review 42 (1):125-149.
    Background Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global threat to human and livestock health. Although AMR is driven by use of antimicrobials, it is often attributed to “misuse” and “overuse”, particularly for antibiotics. To curb resistance, there has been a global call to embrace new forms of moral personhood that practice “proper” use, including prescription, dispensing and consumption of antimicrobials, especially antibiotics. This paper seeks to reflect on complex questions about how morality has become embedded /embodied in the AMR discourse as (...)
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  22. The Impossibility of Motherhood: Feminism, Individualism, and the Problem of Mothering.Patrice Diquinzio, Nancy E. Dowd, Julia E. Hanigsberg, Sara Ruddick, Linda L. Layne & Laurie Lisle - 2004 - Hypatia 19 (2):180-190.
    An adequate analysis of experiences and situations specific to women, especially mothering, requires consideration of women's difference. A focus on women's difference, however, jeopardizes feminism's claims of women's equal individualist subjectivity, and risks recuperating the inequality and oppression of women, especially the view that all women should be mothers, want to be mothers, and are most happy being mothers. This book considers how thinkers including Simone de Beauvoir, Julia Kristeva, Nancy Choderow and Adrienne Rich struggle to negotiate this dilemma of (...)
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  23.  46
    Motivation is not enough.Derek E. Lyons, Webb Phillips & Laurie R. Santos - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (5):708-708.
    Tomasello et al. provide a new account of cultural uniqueness, one that hinges on a uniquely human motivation to share intentionality with others. We favor an alternative to this motivational account – one that relies on a modular explanation of the primate intention-reading system. We discuss this view in light of recent comparative experiments using competitive intention-reading tasks.
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    Ecology, domain specificity, and the origins of theory of mind: Is competition the catalyst?Derek E. Lyons & Laurie R. Santos - 2006 - Philosophy Compass 1 (5):481–492.
    In the nearly 30 years since Premack and Woodruff famously asked, “Does the chimpanzee have a theory of mind?”, the question of exactly how much non‐human primates understand about the mental lives of others has had an unusually dramatic history. As little as ten years ago it appeared that the answer would be a simple one, with early investigations of non‐human primates’ mentalistic abilities yielding a steady stream of negative findings. Indeed, by the mid‐1990s even very cautious researchers were ready (...)
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  25.  42
    Ethical Reasoning Concerning the Feeding of Severely Demented Patients: an International Perspective.A. Norberg, M. Hirschfeld, B. Davidson, A. Davis, S. Lauri, J. Y. Lin, L. Phillips, E. Pittman, R. Vander Laan & L. Ziv - 1994 - Nursing Ethics 1 (1):3-13.
    Structured interviews were held with 149 registered nurses in seven countries in America, Asia, Australia and Europe concerning the feeding of severely demented patients who do not accept food. The most common reasons for nurses being willing to change their decision to feed or not to feed were an order from the medical head, a request from the patient's husband and/or the staff meeting. There was a connection between the willingness to feed and the ranking of ethical principles. Nurses who (...)
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  26. Index to Volume 41.Marc Bekoff, Kirsten Birkett, Paul R. Laurie M. Boehlke, Rachel L. Kolander, Sjoerd L. Bonting, Donald M. Braxton, John Hedley Brooke, Charlene P. E. Burns, John C. Caiazza & John J. Carvalho Iv - 2006 - Zygon 41 (4).
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  27. An Ethics Framework for Big Data in Health and Research.Vicki Xafis, G. Owen Schaefer, Markus K. Labude, Iain Brassington, Angela Ballantyne, Hannah Yeefen Lim, Wendy Lipworth, Tamra Lysaght, Cameron Stewart, Shirley Sun, Graeme T. Laurie & E. Shyong Tai - 2019 - Asian Bioethics Review 11 (3):227-254.
    Ethical decision-making frameworks assist in identifying the issues at stake in a particular setting and thinking through, in a methodical manner, the ethical issues that require consideration as well as the values that need to be considered and promoted. Decisions made about the use, sharing, and re-use of big data are complex and laden with values. This paper sets out an Ethics Framework for Big Data in Health and Research developed by a working group convened by the Science, Health and (...)
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    Vers une psychanalyse émancipée: renouer avec la subversion.Laurie Laufer - 2022 - Paris: La Découverte.
  29.  75
    Narrative Symposium: Living Organ Donation.Laura Altobelli, Sherri Bauman, Janice Flynn, Andy Heath, Joseph Jacobs, Tim Joos, Amy K. Lewensten, Donna L. Luebke, Sarah A. McDaniel, Donald Olenick, Laurie E. Post & Vicky Young - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (1):7-37.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Narrative Symposium:Living Organ DonationLaura Altobelli, Sherri Bauman, Janice Flynn, Andy Heath, Joseph Jacobs, Tim Joos, Amy K. Lewensten, Donna L. Luebke, Sarah A. McDaniel, Donald Olenick, Laurie E Post, Vicky Young, Blake Adams, Anonymous One, Michael Sauls, Christine Wright, Shannon D. Wyatt, and Cara Yesawich• An Altruistic Living Donor’s Story• Surgery for the Soul• Kidney Donation Story• The Essence of Giving—A Transplant Story• Love—the Risk Worth Taking• My (...)
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  30. É Possível Construir um Conceito Hegeliano Não-Metafísico de Pessoa?Lauri Kallio - 2015 - Revista Opinião Filosófica 6 (2).
    Embora ser pessoal desempenhe um papel importante na filosofia de G.W.F. Hegel, ele nunca forneceu uma definição compreensiva de personalidade. Dentro do arcabouço de seus trabalhos, é, então, possível formular diferentes definições de pessoa e personalidade e algumas definições conflitantes foram apresentadas entre hegelianos durante as décadas de 1830 e 1840. Nesse artigo, examino o papel da personalidade no sistema de Hegel e discuto a relação entre personalidade e metafísica. A questão deve ser analisada no contexto dos vários trabalhos de (...)
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    Nurses' Responses to Initial Moral Distress in Long-Term Care.Marie P. Edwards, Susan E. McClement & Laurie R. Read - 2013 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 10 (3):325-336.
    While researchers have examined the types of ethical issues that arise in long-term care, few studies have explored long-term care nurses’ experiences of moral distress and fewer still have examined responses to initial moral distress. Using an interpretive description approach, 15 nurses working in long-term care settings within one city in Canada were interviewed about their responses to experiences of initial moral distress, resources or supports they identified as helpful or potentially helpful in dealing with these situations, and factors that (...)
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    Whether to Waive Parental Permission in HIV Prevention Research Among Adolescents: Ethical and Legal Considerations.Laurie J. Bauman, Claude Ann Mellins & Robert Klitzman - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (1):188-201.
    Critical ethical questions arise concerning whether studies among adolescents of new behavioral and biomedical HIV preventive interventions such as Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis should obtain parental permission. This paper examines the relevant regulations and ethical guidance concerning waivers of parental permission, and arguments for and against such waivers. Opponents of such waivers may argue that adolescent decision-making is “too immature” and that parents always have rights to decide how to protect their children. Yet requiring parental permission may put adolescents at risk, and/or (...)
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    Do Dogs Prefer Helpers in an Infant-Based Social Evaluation Task?Katherine McAuliffe, Michael Bogese, Linda W. Chang, Caitlin E. Andrews, Tanya Mayer, Aja Faranda, J. Kiley Hamlin & Laurie R. Santos - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Malebranche: Theological Figure, Being 2: by Alain Badiou, translated by Jason E. Smith and Susan Spitzer, New York, Columbia University Press, 2019, xxxvii + 193 pp., $35.00/£27.00.Laurie M. Johnson - 2021 - The European Legacy 27 (2):212-214.
    This book is the English translation of Alain Badiou’s seminar on Nicolas Malebranche, part of a series of seminars on Being, the One, and the Infinite. In this extraordinary seminar, originally ta...
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  35. The Promise and Pursuit of Scientific Theories.Laurie Anne Whitt - 1985 - Dissertation, The University of Western Ontario (Canada)
    Recent research in philosophy of science suggests that the relationship which scientists have towards the artifacts of science, i.e. their theories, is considerably richer than many traditional accounts of scientific appraisal would lead us to believe. Problem-solving methodologists, in particular, advocating a pragmatic account of scientific theories, argue that traditional methodologies have tended to focus exclusively on one modality of appraisal--that of theory acceptance, and have advanced normative proposals which provide only for assessments of the empirical well-foundedness of scientific theories. (...)
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  36. Almost everywhere equivalence of logics in finite model theory.Lauri Hella, Phokion G. Kolaitis & Kerkko Luosto - 1996 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 2 (4):422-443.
    We introduce a new framework for classifying logics on finite structures and studying their expressive power. This framework is based on the concept of almost everywhere equivalence of logics, that is to say, two logics having the same expressive power on a class of asymptotic measure 1. More precisely, if L, L ′ are two logics and μ is an asymptotic measure on finite structures, then $\scr{L}\equiv _{\text{a.e.}}\scr{L}^{\prime}(\mu)$ means that there is a class C of finite structures with μ (C)=1 (...)
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    Perception, as you make it.David W. Vinson, Drew H. Abney, Dima Amso, Anthony Chemero, James E. Cutting, Rick Dale, Jonathan B. Freeman, Laurie B. Feldman, Karl J. Friston, Shaun Gallagher, J. Scott Jordan, Liad Mudrik, Sasha Ondobaka, Daniel C. Richardson, Ladan Shams, Maggie Shiffrar & Michael J. Spivey - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39:e260.
    The main question that Firestone & Scholl (F&S) pose is whether “what and how we see is functionally independent from what and how we think, know, desire, act, and so forth” (sect. 2, para. 1). We synthesize a collection of concerns from an interdisciplinary set of coauthors regarding F&S's assumptions and appeals to intuition, resulting in their treatment of visual perception as context-free.
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    Mammonymy, Maternal-Line Names, and Cultural Identification: Clues from the Onomasticon of Hellenistic Uruk.Stephanie M. Langin-Hooper & Laurie E. Pearce - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 134 (2):185.
    The onomasticon of Hellenistic Uruk demonstrates that, in some cases, individuals with Greek names were included in otherwise Babylonian families. Often, such Greek names have been interpreted by scholars as evidence for Hellenization. This article suggests an alternate explanation, based on evidence throughout the family trees for a series of naming practices that focus on the perpetuation of names of female relatives and transmission of preferred family names through maternal lines. Particularly important to this discussion are the practices of mammonymy, (...)
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    Reply to Symposiasts.Laurie A. Paul - 2019 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 10 (3):357-367.
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    (3 other versions)Time to Treat the Climate and Nature Crisis as One Indivisible Global Health Emergency.Kamran Abbasi, Parveen Ali, Virginia Barbour, Thomas Benfield, Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, Gregory E. Erhabor, Stephen Hancocks, Richard Horton, Laurie Laybourn-Langton, Robert Mash, Peush Sahni, Wadeia Mohammad Sharief, Paul Yonga & Chris Zielinski - 2024 - The New Bioethics 30 (1):4-9.
    Over 200 health journals call on the United Nations, political leaders, and health professionals to recognize that climate change and biodiversity loss are one indivisible crisis and must be tackle...
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    Tracking Familial History of Reading and Math Difficulties in Children’s Academic Outcomes.Tin Q. Nguyen, Amanda Martinez-Lincoln & Laurie E. Cutting - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The current study aimed to investigate the extent to which familial history of reading and math difficulties have an impact on children’s academic outcomes within a 3-year longitudinal study, which evaluated their core reading and math skills after first and second grades, as well as performance on complex academic tasks after second and third grades. At baseline, parents were asked to complete the Adult Reading History Questionnaire and its adaption, Adult Math History Questionnaire, to index familial history of reading and (...)
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  42.  28
    La Modernité de la Raison d’État et le Masque du Temps.Laurie Caiteeuw - 2007 - Revue de Synthèse 128 (3-4):369-394.
    Au cours des xvi e et xvii e siècles, les théoriciens de la raison d’État définissent la nouvelle notion par comparaison des temps anciens et modernes: ils affirment, dans une quasi-unanimité, que les Anciens connaissaient la raison d’État — la privant volontiers de sa modernité. Pourtant, il n’en demeure pas moins qu’historiquement la raison d’État accompagne l’avènement de l’État moderne et participe à l’élaboration de sa rationalité politique. Dans cet article, on entend rappeler ces multiples figures antiques de la raison (...)
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    Roles of Academic Incivility in Higher Education: Self-Esteem and Advocacy.Laurie O. Campbell, Breahannah Hilaire, Léa Herbert & Galaxina G. Wright - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-12.
    Academic incivility has contributed to (a) disruptions in learning, (b) poor mental health, (c) diminished academic achievement, and (d) increased financial costs. Understanding and characterizing human roles in academic incivility is foundational to developing plans and policies to mitigate the damaging effects of academic incivility. The purpose of this exploratory study is to characterize the roles of those involved in academic incivility in higher education. In this quantitative study of (N = 459) of higher education learners from 44 of 50 (...)
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    Characterizing all models in infinite cardinalities.Lauri Keskinen - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (3):230-250.
    Fix a cardinal κ. We can ask the question: what kind of a logic L is needed to characterize all models of cardinality κ up to isomorphism by their L-theories? In other words: for which logics L it is true that if any models A and B of cardinality κ satisfy the same L-theory then they are isomorphic?It is always possible to characterize models of cardinality κ by their Lκ+,κ+-theories, but we are interested in finding a “small” logic L, i.e., (...)
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  45. Neurochemistry Predicts Convergence of Written and Spoken Language: A Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study of Cross-Modal Language Integration.Stephanie N. Del Tufo, Stephen J. Frost, Fumiko Hoeft, Laurie E. Cutting, Peter J. Molfese, Graeme F. Mason, Douglas L. Rothman, Robert K. Fulbright & Kenneth R. Pugh - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:378667.
    Recent studies have provided evidence of associations between neurochemistry and reading (dis)ability (Pugh et al., 2014). Based on a long history of studies indicating that fluent reading entails the automatic convergence of the written and spoken forms of language and our recently proposed Neural Noise Hypothesis (Hancock et al., 2017), we hypothesized that individual differences in cross-modal integration would mediate, at least partially, the relationship between neurochemical concentrations and reading. Cross-modal integration was measured in 231 children using a two-alternative forced (...)
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    The Beth-closure of l(qα) is not finitely generated.Lauri Hella & Kerkko Luosto - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (2):442 - 448.
    We prove that if ℵα is uncountable and regular, then the Beth-closure of Lωω(Qα) is not a sublogic of L∞ω(Qn), where Qn is the class of all n-ary generalized quantifiers. In particular, B(Lωω(Qα)) is not a sublogic of any finitely generated logic; i.e., there does not exist a finite set Q of Lindstrom quantifiers such that B(Lωω(Qα)) ≤ Lωω(Q).
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  47. Confession, Voice and the Sensualization of Power: The Significance of Michel Foucault’s 1962 Encounter with Jean-Jacques Rousseau.Lauri Siisiäinen - 2012 - Foucault Studies 14:138-153.
    Michel Foucault is known for his critiques of the intertwinement of empirical knowledge, perception and experience, and power. Within this general framework, this article focuses on a fairly unnoticed text of Foucault’s: his 1962 Introduction to Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Dialogues . The article shows that Foucault’s Introduction is central for more than one reason: Firstly, it is apparently the first piece, in which Foucault focuses in detail on confession as an individualizing mode of power and truth-utterance. Secondly, in this text, Foucault (...)
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    Late Hegelianism in the North. Monrad, Borelius and Rein on the Crisis of Speculative Philosophy.Lauri Kallio - 2023 - In Juan J. Padial Benticuaga, Wahrheit und Freiheit in den philosophischen Systemen von Schelling und Hegel. pp. 183-214.
    The paper addresses three late Hegelian philosophers from northern Europe: Norwegian M.J. Monrad (1816–97), Swede J.J. Borelius (1823–1909) and Finn Th. Rein (1838–1919). The focus is on their views on the crisis of Hegelian speculative philosophy. The popularity of G.W.F. Hegel's philosophy in Germany declined rapidly since the 1840s. The decline was influenced by e.g. new scientific discoveries. Hegelianism maintained a strong position in northern Europe (especially in Norway and in Finland) several decades longer than in Germany. Rein, Monrad and (...)
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    J.V. Snellmans Philosophie der Persönlichkeit.Lauri Kallio - 2017 - Dissertation, University of Helsinki
    The study discusses the philosophy of Finnish philosopher J.V. Snellman (1806–81). The focus is on Snellman's so-called philosophy of personality, which he presented in his work "Essay on the speculative Development of the Idea of Personality" (Tübingen, 1841). Besides this work he addressed his philosophy of personality in his other works and in his public lectures. -/- In his philosophy of personality Snellman develops the concept of personality within the framework of G.W.F. Hegel's (1770–1831) philosophy. The concept of personality serves (...)
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    Proxies of Trustworthiness: A Novel Framework to Support the Performance of Trust in Human Health Research.Kate Harvey & Graeme Laurie - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (4):625-645.
    Without trust there is no credible human health research (HHR). This article accepts this truism and addresses a crucial question that arises: how can trust continually be promoted in an ever-changing and uncertain HHR environment? The article analyses long-standing mechanisms that are designed to elicit trust—such as consent, anonymization, and transparency—and argues that these are best understood as trust represented by proxies of trustworthiness, i.e., regulatory attempts to convey the trustworthiness of the HHR system and/or its actors. Often, such proxies (...)
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