Results for 'Dražen Rudan'

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  1.  9
    When the Law Becomes a “Prison”.Josip Berdica & Dražen Rudan - 2023 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 43 (3):529-552.
    On the twentieth anniversary of the death of one of the most important contemporary political and social philosophers, John B. Rawls (1921–2002), in this paper the authors deal with his understanding of the relationship between civil disobedience and freedom within the framework of a liberal constitutional democracy based on the rule of law. The fundamental starting point of Rawls’s theory, and thus of this work, is that civil disobedience expresses disobedience to the law within the limits of fidelity to the (...)
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    Matching, maximizing, and the hyperbolic reinforcement feedback function.Dražen Prelec - 1982 - Psychological Review 89 (3):189-230.
  3. Estado administrativo y discurso colonial. Floridablanca, Bolívar y las colonias españolas entre organización e independencia.Paola Rudan - 2009 - Res Publica. Murcia 22:127-152.
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    Society as a Code: Bentham and the Fabric of Order.Paola Rudan - 2016 - History of European Ideas 42 (1):39-54.
    SUMMARYThe essay argues that Jeremy Bentham played a major role in the transitional process between the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries leading to the ‘discovery' or ‘invention of society' as an order, i.e., as an autonomous object of knowledge. By comparing Bentham's discourse with those developed by select protagonists of that transition, particularly Ferguson, Sieyès, and Mirabeau, it is shown how society emerges as the logical and historical space of a set of relationships that affects both the rationalisation and the (...)
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  5. Decision making over time and under uncertainty: a common approach.Drazen Prelec & George Loewenstein - 1991 - Management Science 37 (7):770–86.
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    Resonant Dynamics of Grounded Cognition: Explanation of Behavioral and Neuroimaging Data Using the ART Neural Network.Dražen Domijan & Mia Šetić - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Lazzaro Spallanzani, Edizione nazionale delle opere.Mirko Drazen Grmek - 1990 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 43 (4):493-495.
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    O višesmislici i dva argumenta iz višesmislice.Drazen Pehar - 2005 - Prolegomena 4 (2):181-199.
    Autor razmatra i kritizira dva argumenta iz višesmislice: S. Pinkerov argument iz višesmislice za hipotezu takozvanoga ‘jezika misli’ i argument iz višesmislice protiv davidsonovske ‘semantike istinosnih uvjeta’ što ga je predložila K. P. Parsons. Oslanjajući se uglavnom na G. Harmana i D. Davidsona, on nastoji pokazati da Pinker/Parsons argumenti dijele jednu zajedničku strategiju i također impliciraju i/ilisugeriraju jedan, po njegovu sudu neprihvatljiv, pojam višesmislice. Raspravljajući o Pinkerovu argumentu, on nastoji objasniti na koji su način razlike u tumačenju višesmislice reflektirane u (...)
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    Ὁ «ἄνθρωπος κατ’ εἰκόνα Θεοῦ» καί ἡ γνώση τοῦ Θεοῦ στόν ἅγιο Γρηγόριο τόν Θεολόγο.Dražen N. Perić - 2005 - Philotheos 5:208-239.
    Saint Gregory understood the mind of man as the most essentially human element of the human composit. It is that spiritual, intelligible element of human nature which is brought into being in the image of God. The image of God in man refers to human nature, but the image of God in whom man is created refers to the Person of the divine Logos. The mind is way in that expresses freedom of human nature. Free will of man or freedom (...)
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    L'inventore della costituzione: Jeremy Bentham e il governo della società.Paola Rudan - 2013 - Bologna: Il Mulino.
  11.  21
    Securing the future: Jeremy Bentham's a fragment on government and the american revolution.Paola Rudan - 2013 - History of Political Thought 34 (3):479-506.
    The article suggests that A Fragment on Government can be read as Bentham's contribution to the American Controversy. Though the contemporary vicissitudes are never mentioned in the text, Bentham's intellectual relationship with John Lind shows his interest in them. It is argued that Bentham criticizes the political discourses adopted both by the Americans and the supporters of the British Government. Bentham's legal positivism appears to be both a way of interpreting the constitutional aspect of the imperial relationship, and the basis (...)
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    Pretraživanje članaka.Dražen Volk - 2009 - Disputatio Philosophica 11 (1).
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    Reflections on social and religious pluralism based on the philosophy of Ernst Cassirer.Drazen Volk - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (1):338-358.
    Prikaz analize mogucnosti dijaloga, kao preduvjeta drustvenog i religijskog pluralizma, na temelju filozofije simbolickih formi Ernsta Cassirera, tema je ovog clanka. Sredisnji dio clanka obuhvaca prikaz osnovnih elemenata filozofije simbolickih formi, potom prikaz odnosa svijesti, simbolickih formi i slobode, zatim opcih postavki Cassirerove analize mita, te njegov opis tehnika modernih politickih mitova. Prikaz ovih elemenata Cassirerove filozofije ima za cilj pokazati aktualnost njegove misli s obzirom na problematiku dijaloga i pluralizma, te ukazati na primjenjivost njegove misli glede analize prisutnosti mitske (...)
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    Rivoluzione, costituzioni e governo nel Settecento: Hume e Bentham.Paola Rudan & Luca Cobbe - 2014 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 26 (51).
    We asked a series of questions to Luca Cobbe and Paola Rudan, authors of two books foregrounding the turning point of the 18th century by which, moving from the experience of the revolution, the structure of the constitution and configuration of government were deeply rethought. The two works, respectively about David Hume and Jeremy Bentham, contribute significantly to illuminate the way by which obedience has been reconsidered when society and opinion became the sources of political legitimation. This dialogue at (...)
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    Who owns the data in a clinical trial?Jeffrey M. Drazen - 2002 - Science and Engineering Ethics 8 (3):407-411.
    Data gathered by investigators are used to test the validity of a specific scientific hypothesis. When the hypothesis relates to the biology of a disease or its treatment, then data sets may contain specific and identifiable medical information. Since the information in a clinical data set was gathered to test a specific hypothesis and there is usually a sponsor interested in the outcome, the issue of who owns the data is a critical one. In my opinion, data from both publicly (...)
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    “Engaging with provocations”. An Interview with Wendy Brown.Paola Rudan - 2025 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica 7:81-101.
    Wendy Brown is recognized internationally as one of the most important contemporary critics of neoliberalism and for her crucial contribution to feminist political theory. In this dialogue, Brown traces her intellectual itinerary, from her provocative and polemical relationship with the classic authors of political theory, to her confrontation with Marx and Foucault as both indispensable sources for the critique of neoliberalism; from the problem of political subjectivation in the age of identity politics, to the new reactionary politics which challenge feminism (...)
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    Riscrivere la storia, fare la storia. Sulla donna come soggetto in Christine de Pizan e Margaret Cavendish.Paola Rudan - 2016 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 28 (54).
    In The City of Ladies and Bell in Campo, Christine de Pizan and Margaret Cavendish imagine women’s participation to war as a metaphor of the sexual conflict that they must fight in order to conquer their visibility in history. While Pizan rewrites history from women’s stand point and acknowledges the universal value of sexual difference for the plan of salvation, Cavendish moves within a modern frame and thinks history as the result of human action. In both cases, the tale of (...)
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    Connection between the conception of symbolic form, consciousness and freedom in the thought of Ernst Cassirer.Dražen Volk - 2010 - Disputatio Philosophica 12 (1):79-91.
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    Il problema del codice: differenza, identità e riproduzione nell’età degli algoritmi.Paola Rudan - 2024 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 36 (70):65-81.
    Il saggio discute le critiche femministe del rapporto tra codice di programmazione e dominio maschile articolate da Sadie Plant in _Zeroes and Ones_ (1997) e da Catherine D’Ignazio e Lauren F. Klein in _Data Feminism_ (2020) mettendole in relazione al passaggio storico e politico di affermazione del programma neoliberale, nella cui cornice le politiche dell’identità e la valorizzazione capitalistica delle differenze riconfigurano l’universalismo politico moderno. Per dare conto di questo passaggio e della funzione degli algoritmi come operatori societari, verranno poi (...)
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  20.  20
    The empirical claims of maximization theory: A reply to Rachlin and to Kagel, Battalio, and Green.Dražen Prelec - 1983 - Psychological Review 90 (4):385-389.
  21.  42
    Il femminismo scomodo di una "Political Theorist".Paola Rudan - 2012 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 24 (46).
    Moving from the publication of the Italian translation of Wendy Brown’s Politics out of History, the essay discusses of two crucial issues for contemporary feminist political theory: the demand for rights and the politics of sexual difference. Concerning the first one, Brown’s peculiar position – her well known critique of rights and her conception of rights as an empty signifier that historically did and still could catalyze powerful political instances – is read through a close understanding of her conception of (...)
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    Assisted procreation: Future treatment of infertility.Dražen D. Milačić - 1992 - Theoria 35 (4):7-18.
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    Dual counterstream architecture may support separation between vision and predictions.Mateja Marić & Dražen Domijan - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 103 (C):103375.
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    Preferences for sequences of outcomes.George F. Loewenstein & Dražen Prelec - 1993 - Psychological Review 100 (1):91-108.
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    Politica dell’algoritmo: tecnologie, poteri, teorie.Isabella Consolati & Paola Rudan - 2024 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 36 (70):5-13.
    L’introduzione alla sezione monografica _Politica dell’algoritmo: tecnologie, poteri, teorie_, prende in esame il nesso tra tecnologia e politica a partire dal modo in cui la prima, e in particolare le tecnologie guidate dagli algoritmi, ha investito irreversibilmente le coordinate istituzionali e sociali entro le quali si è costituito il canone politico moderno, attivando una soglia storica nella quale mutano le forme dei rapporti sociali di dominio, si determinano le possibilità della loro contestazione da parte di uomini e donne che sono (...)
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    A Neurodynamic Model of Feature-Based Spatial Selection.Mateja Marić & Dražen Domijan - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    La méthodologie de Boscovich/Boscovich's methodology.Mirko Dražen Grmek - 1996 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 49 (4):379-400.
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    Protesting too much: Self-deception and self-signaling.Ryan McKay, Danica Mijović-Prelec & Dražen Prelec - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (1):34-35.
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    Othmar Keel, La généalogie de l’histopathologie. Une révision déchirante. Philippe Pinel, lecteur discret de J. C. Smyth (1741-1821). Préf. de Georges Canguilhem. Paris, Vrin, 1979. 16 × 24, 147 p. ( « Histoire des Sciences » ). [REVIEW]Mirko Drazen Grmek - 1980 - Revue de Synthèse 101 (99-100):393-394.
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    Mental retardation in American film: A semiotic analysis.Patrick J. Devlieger, Tal Baz & Carlos Drazen - 2000 - Semiotica 129 (1-4):1-28.
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    Filozofski život.Iris Vidmar, Marita Brčić, Snježan Hasnaš, Bruno Ćurko, Sead Alić, Dražen Zetić, Tomislav Krznar, Predrag Režan, Ruža Kovačević & Ivana Skuhala Karasman - 2007 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (4):999-1036.
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    Correction to: Robots as moral environments.Tomislav Furlanis, Takayuki Kanda & Dražen Brščić - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (5):2635-2635.
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    Robots as moral environments.Tomislav Furlanis, Takayuki Kanda & Dražen Brščić - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-19.
    In this philosophical exploration, we investigate the concept of robotic moral environment interaction. The common view understands moral interaction to occur between agents endowed with ethical and interactive capacities. However, recent developments in moral philosophy argue that moral interaction also occurs in relation to the environment. Here conditions and situations of the environment contribute to human moral cognition and the formation of our moral experiences. Based on this philosophical position, we imagine robots interacting as moral environments—a novel conceptualization of human–robot (...)
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    Recenzije I prikazi.Marita Brčić, Ankica Čakardić, Dražen Zetić, Marko Tokić, Drago Šimundža, Srećko Pulig, Mladen Planinc, Snježan Hasnaš, Tonči Valentić, Darija Zrilić, Maja Profaca & Krunoslav Nikodem - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (1):199-229.
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    Recenzije.Renata Jambrešić Kirin, Zvonko Šundov, Jelena Debeljak, Snježan Hasnaš, Ksenija Premur, Vani Roščić, Dražen Zetić, Suzana Marjanić & Igor Bezinović - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (2):477-497.
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    Mirko Dražen Grmek, Medejin kotao.Maja Hudoletnjak Grgić - 2005 - Prolegomena 4 (1):148-152.
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    Mirko DraŽen Grmek, Medejin kotao: Pokusi na Živim bićima u antici, s francuskog prevela Ana Buljan, ArTresor naklada, Zagreb 2004, 195 str. [REVIEW]Tvrtko Jolić - 2005 - Prolegomena 4:1.
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    The Medieval Treatises of Falconry and Hippiatry of Jacobellus Vitturi from TrogirMirko Drazen Grmek Jakov Stipisic.Vern Bullough - 1970 - Isis 61 (4):542-543.
  39.  25
    La Chirurgie moderne--ses débuts en occident: XVIe, XVIIe, XVIIIe sièclesPierre Huard Mirko Drazen GrmekAn Introduction to the History of General SurgeryRichard Hardaway Meade.Audrey Davis - 1969 - Isis 60 (2):250-251.
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    On Scientific Discovery: The Erice Lectures, 1977Mirko Drazen Grmek Robert S. Cohen Guido Cimino.James Lennox - 1982 - Isis 73 (1):112-113.
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    Language, spectacle and body in Anthony Drazen's hurlyburly.Elizabeth Walden - 2004 - Angelaki 9 (3):91 – 100.
    “Give me a body then”: this is the formula of philosophical reversal. The body is no longer the obstacle that separates thought from itself, that which it has to overcome to reach thinking. It is o...
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    The Essential BernardRaisonnement expérimental et recherches toxicologiques chez Claude BernardMirko Drazen Grmek.Frederic L. Holmes - 1975 - Isis 66 (2):259-261.
  43. A response to Prelec.Luc Bovens - 2013 - In Adam Oliver, Essays in Behavioural Public Policy. Cambridge University Press. pp. 228-33.
    At the heart of Drazen Prelec’s chapter is the distinction between outcome utility and diagnostic utility. There is a particular distinction in the literature on causal networks (Pearl 2000), namely the distinction between observing and intervening, that maps onto Prelec’s distinction between diagnostic and outcome utility. I will explore the connection between both frameworks.
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    Philosophical Anthropology in Croatia.Pavo Barišić - 2019 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 39 (2):293-312.
    The paper outlines the historical development of question about ambiguous and mysterious human nature, in particular considering the reasons and conditions for the founding of modern philosophical anthropology. Subsequently, it brings an overview of the conceptual beginnings and directions of anthropological research in Croatia. The focus is on the following questions: When did the investigations begin in the field of philosophical anthropology, in what kind of thinking environments were they shaped and what scientific achievements were reached? The presentation brings to (...)
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    Whose Genome? Which Genetics?Bryan Cwik - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (7):50-53.
    Despite what many critics see as an inability to deliver much in the way of therapeutic value (Hunter and Drazen 2019), genetics remains a bottomless source of fascination, trepidation, and reflect...
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