Results for 'Differentia'

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  1. Does Aristotle’s differentia presuppose the genus it differentiates? The troublesome case of Metaphysics x 7.Nicolas Zaks - forthcoming - Ancient Philosophy.
    There seems to be an inconsistency at the heart of Aristotle’s Metaphysics: a differentia is said both to presuppose its genus (in vii 12) and to be logically independent from it (in x 7). I argue that the relation of analogy resolves this inconsistency, restores the coherence of the concepts of differentia and species, and gives x 7 its rightful place in the development of the Metaphysics.
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    Proper Differentiae, the Unity of Definition, and Aristotle’s Essentialism.Sheldon Marc Cohen - 1981 - New Scholasticism 55 (2):229-240.
  3. The differentiae of man.David Elton Trueblood - 1936 - [Baltimore?: [Baltimore?.
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    The Differentia and the Per Se Accident in Aristotle.Herbert Granger - 1981 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 63 (2):118-129.
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    Hannah Arendt contra a differentia specifica.Thiago Dias - 2018 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 59 (141):921-941.
    RESUMO O presente artigo apresenta a crítica arendtiana à differentia specifica. Mostra-se aqui que o procedimento de definir ser humano por meio da differentia specifica constitui um dos elementos totalitários que Arendt afirma existir na tradição. Em um percurso que vai do projeto de pesquisa elaborado por Arendt, em 1952, às primeiras páginas de A condição humana, o artigo mostra como o problema da differentia specifica se vincula a Marx e Heidegger e termina oferecendo a Arendt a (...)
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    Differentia specifica: ese.Ibrahim Rugova - 2015 - Prishtinë: Fondacioni Ibrahim Rugova.
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    (1 other version)The Differentia of Moral Value.Harold N. Lee - 1930 - International Journal of Ethics 41 (2):222.
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    On the Differentia of Epistemic Justification.Erhan Demircioğlu - 2017 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):1-10.
    How are we to distinguish epistemic justification for believing a proposition from other sorts of justification one might have for believing it? According to what I call the received view about the differentia of epistemic justification, epistemic justification is intimately connected to “the cognitive goal of arriving at truth” in a specific way no other sorts of justification can possibly be. However, I will argue that the received view is mistaken by showing that there are cases in which pragmatic (...)
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  9. Homo pictor and the differentia of man.Hans Jonas - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  10. The De differentia retoricae, ethicae et politicae.Gerardo Bruni (ed.) - 1932 - Cincinnati [etc.]: Benziger Brothers.
    Edward Aloysius Pace, philosopher and educator, by J. H. Ryan.-Neo-scholastic philosophy in American Catholic culture, by C. A. Hart.- The significance of Suarez for a revival of scholasticism, by J. F. McCormick.- The new physics and scholasticism, by F. A. Walsh.- The new humanism and standards, by L. R. Ward.- The purpose of the state, by E. F. Murphy.- The concept of beauty in St. Thomas Aquinas, by G. B. Phelan.- The knowableness of God: its relation to the theory of (...)
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    The Liber de Differentia naturae et personae by Hugh Etherian and the letters addressed to him by Peter of Vienna and Hugh of Honau.Nicholas M. Haring - 1962 - Mediaeval Studies 24 (1):1-34.
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  12. Abelard on «Differentiae»: How Consistent is His Nominalism?John Marenbon - 2008 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 19:179-190.
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  13. Aristotle on genus and differentia.Edgar Herbert Granger - 1984 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 22 (1):1-23.
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    “The Essential Differentiae of Things are Unknown to Us”: Thomas Aquinas on the Limits of the Knowability of Natural Substances.Fabrizio Amerini - 2023 - In Joshua P. Hochschild (ed.), Metaphysics Through Semantics: The Philosophical Recovery of the Medieval Mind. Springer. pp. 79-93.
    Thomas Aquinas is often presented as a philosopher with a realist and optimistic attitude toward human knowledge. This is essentially true. Nevertheless, there are texts where Aquinas underscores the limits of our knowledge of natural things. For example, he states that we arrive at knowing and naming the substance of a thing only through knowing its accidents. Aquinas makes three main claims about this process: first, the essential principles of natural things are unknown to us; second, the accidents of a (...)
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  15. Definition Per Genus Et Differentia: An Examination.A. Haque - 2007 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 34 (1):75.
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  16. Homo Pictor und die Differentia des Menschen.Hans Jonas - 1961 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 15 (2):161 - 176.
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  17. How do differentiae fit into Aristotle's system of predicables?António Pedro Mesquita - 2023 - In Ricardo Santos & Antonio Pedro Mesquita (eds.), New Essays on Aristotle's Organon. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Concordantia Et Differentia.Inigo Bocken - 1996 - Bijdragen 57 (1):40-61.
    In this article the question is posed whether the modern concept of tolerance is an appropriate category with which to evaluate the thought of Nicholas of Cusa. The classic question of unity and pluriformity is linked by Cusanus to the problem of the plurality of contradictory forms of truth. Thus for Cusanus the problem of truth can never be thought without the possibility of tolerance. Vice versa this implies that the subject of tolerance can never be broached without broaching the (...)
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  19. Dissertatio de Opusculis de Differentia Verbi Divini Et Humani, de Sensu Respectu Singularium Et Intellectu Respectu Universalium, de Natura Luminis, de Intellectu Et Intelligibili, de Quo Est Et Quod Est, de Mixtione Elementorum Ad Magistrum Philippum.Luigi Galea & Thomas - 1880 - [S.N.].
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    The “De Differentia Rhetoricae, Ethicae et Politicae” of Aegidius Romanus.Gerardo Bruni - 1932 - New Scholasticism 6 (1):1-18.
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    Studi sulle Differentiae Verborum. [REVIEW]D. R. Bradley - 1957 - The Classical Review 7 (2):175-176.
  22. Duns Scotus on the Common Nature and the Individual Differentia.Peter King - 1992 - Philosophical Topics 20 (2):51-76.
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    Hegel and the Problem of the Differentia.Edward Halper - 1990 - Proceedings of the Hegel Society of America 10:191-202.
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    Deleuze Among the Scotists: Difference-In-Itself and Ultima Differentia.Lucas Buchanan Carroll - 2022 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 16 (3):331-378.
    This article presents an interpretation of Deleuze’s concept of difference-in-itself. I argue that this is best understood as an adption of Duns Scotus’s concept of ultimate difference. After suggesting that the influence of Scotus on Deleuze extends beyond their shared commitment to the univocity of being, I turn to briefly review Deleuze’s notion of absolute difference. I proceed from there to explain Scotus’s accounts of univocity and ultimate difference, throughout noting the many stark parallels with Deleuze. On the basis of (...)
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    A Note on Bennett's Transattribute Differentiae and Spinoza's Substance Monism.Diane Steinberg - 1986 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 24 (3):431-435.
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    On Metaphoricity and Narrativity in Fiction: The Chronotope as the "Differentia Generica".Darko Suvin - 1986 - Substance 14 (3):51.
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    Analysis of the Isidore of Seville’s Method Based on His Creative Works Etymologiae, Differentiae, de Summo Bono.М Сайбеков - 2024 - Philosophical Horizons 48:27-39.
    Problem’s statement. This article is the result of a study of the historical context in which Isidore of Seville is inserted as an author, as the creator of a unique method, which became the result of his hard work. But in order to describe the method of Isidore of Seville, it is necessary to outline the range of problems that arise before us. Due to serious political and social upheavals in the Western Roman Empire, the preservation of education comes to (...)
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  28. Pietro d'Abano über die Bedeutung der theoretischen Wissenschaften für den Arzt (mit einer kritischen Edition und Übersetzung der Differentia prima des Conciliator).Christian Kaiser & Peter Schenkel - 2019 - In Christian Kaiser, Leo Frank & Oliver Maximilian Schrader (eds.), Die nackte Wahrheit und ihre Schleier: Weisheit und Philosophie in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit - Studien zum Gedenken an Thomas Ricklin. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
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    Le statut catégoriel des différences dans l' « Organon ».Donald Morrison - 1993 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 183 (2):147 - 178.
    The question, What category does the differentia belong to? is a difficult problem in Aristotelian metaphysics. For example, is the differentia of a substance itself a substance, or e.g. a quality? The range of previous interpretations of Aristotle on this point are comprehensively surveyed. Based primarily on evidence in the Categories, this paper argues for an answer to this question.
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    Aaron Ben-Ze’ev: The Arc of Love. [REVIEW]Cecilea Mun - 2020 - Phenomenological Reviews 6.
    I begin with my account of Ben-Ze’ev’s notions of acute, extended, and enduring emotions, focusing on explicating their ontological structure and identifying their differentia. I then discuss the two models of romantic love that Ben-Ze’ev introduces—the care model and the dialogue model—highlighting his argument against the claim that “love is a property of, and in some formulations resides in, the connection between the two lovers” (Ben-Ze’ev 2019, 48). Although this claim can be understood in at least one of two (...)
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    Christiani Wolfii Opuscula metaphysica.Christian Wolff - 1724 - New York: G. Olms. Edited by Jean Ecole & Christian Wolff.
    De differentia nexus rerum sapientis et fatalis necessitatis -- Monitum ad commentationem luculentam de differentia nexus rerum sapientis et fatalis necessitatis.
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  32. Perennial Idealism: A Mystical Solution to the Mind-Body Problem.Miri Albahari - 2019 - Philosophers' Imprint 19.
    Each well-known proposed solution to the mind-body problem encounters an impasse. These take the form of an explanatory gap, such as the one between mental and physical, or between micro-subjects and macro-subject. The dialectical pressure to bridge these gaps is generating positions in which consciousness is becoming increasingly foundational. The most recent of these, cosmopsychism, typically casts the entire cosmos as a perspectival subject whose mind grounds those of more limited subjects like ourselves. I review the dialectic from materialism and (...)
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    A problem in Schutz's theory of the historical sciences with an illustration from the women's liberation movement.Lester Embree - 2004 - Human Studies 27 (3):281-306.
    In the first part of this essay it is contended that Schutz''s project is best called the philosophical theory of the cultural sciences; in the last parts it is shown that he offers satisfactory rudiments of a theory of the historical sciences except where the differentia specifica of those sciences is concerned. The central part is devoted to women''s liberation as a case of contemporary history in relation to which Schutz''s thought about the historical sciences needs correction.
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    Meaning and Definition: Scepticism and Semantics in Twelfth‐Century Arabic Philosophy.Fedor Benevich - 2020 - Theoria 88 (1):72-108.
    The theory of essential definitions is a fundamental anti‐sceptic element of the Aristotelian‐Avicennian epistemology. In this theory, when we distinguish the genus and the specific differentia of a given essence we thereby acquire a scientific understanding of it. The aim of this article is to analyse systematically the sceptical reasons, arguments and conclusions against real definitions of three major authorities of twelfth‐century Arabic philosophy: Faḫr al‐Dīn al‐Rāzī, Šihāb al‐Dīn al‐Suhrawardī and Abū l‐Barakāt al‐Baġdādī. I focus on showing how their (...)
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    Arnheim, Gestalt and Media: An Ontological Theory.Ian Verstegen - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This monograph presents a synthesis and reconstruction of Rudolf Arnheim’s theory of media. Combining both Arnheim’s well-known writings on film and radio with his later work on the psychology of art, the author presents a coherent approach to the problem of the nature of a medium, space and time, and the differentia between different media. The latent ontological commitments of Arnheim’s theories is drawn out by affirming Arnheim’s membership in the Brentano school of Austrian philosophy, which allows his theories (...)
  36. It Adds Up After All: Kant’s Philosophy of Arithmetic in Light of the Traditional Logic.R. Lanier Anderson - 2004 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 69 (3):501–540.
    Officially, for Kant, judgments are analytic iff the predicate is "contained in" the subject. I defend the containment definition against the common charge of obscurity, and argue that arithmetic cannot be analytic, in the resulting sense. My account deploys two traditional logical notions: logical division and concept hierarchies. Division separates a genus concept into exclusive, exhaustive species. Repeated divisions generate a hierarchy, in which lower species are derived from their genus, by adding differentia(e). Hierarchies afford a straightforward sense of (...)
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    Predicazione e ontologia nel primo Neoplatonismo (Porfirio e Giamblico).Riccardo Chiaradonna - 2023 - Quaestio 22:89-106.
    The article focuses on debates concerning ontology and predication in early Neoplatonism (Porphyry and Iamblichus). Evidence coming from Simplicius’ Commentary on the Categories and from the Categories Commentary in the Archimedes Palimpsest suggests that Porphyry and Iamblichus interpreted Aristotle’s theory of synonymous predication (dici de subiecto) and specific differentia within the framework of their ontology (doctrine of the hierarchy of being). While Porphyry possibly suggested that a slightly emended version of Aristotle’s predication could express the relation between ante rem (...)
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    Can naturalism explain consciousness? A critique.Rajakishore Nath - 2017 - AI and Society 32 (4):563-571.
    The problem of consciousness is one of the most important problems both in cognitive science and in philosophy. There are different philosophers and different scientists who define consciousness and explain it differently. In philosophy, ‘consciousness’ does not have a definition in terms of genus and differentia or necessary and sufficient conditions. In this paper, I shall explore the very idea of machine consciousness. The machine consciousness has offered causal explanation to the ‘how’ and ‘what’ of consciousness, but they fail (...)
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  39. The Argumentative Structure of Persuasive Definitions.Fabrizio Macagno & Douglas Walton - 2008 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 11 (5):525-549.
    In this paper we present an analysis of persuasive definition based on argumentation schemes. Using the medieval notion of differentia and the traditional approach to topics, we explain the persuasiveness of emotive terms in persuasive definitions by applying the argumentation schemes for argument from classification and argument from values. Persuasive definitions, we hold, are persuasive because their goal is to modify the emotive meaning denotation of a persuasive term in a way that contains an implicit argument from values. However, (...)
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    Husserlian Phenomenological Description and the Problem of Describing Intersubjectivity.H. Williams - 2016 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 23 (7-8):254-277.
    Although recent cognitive science and traditional phenomenology has placed great importance on first-person descriptions, exactly what this entails goes undefined. I will seek to answer what's involved in phenomenological description, with reference to Husserl. I define phenomenological description according to its genus and differentia. I compare description in the natural sciences with description in phenomenology. I discuss how the basic particulars for Husserlian phenomenological description stem from the intentional relation -- particularly the distinction between noesis and noema. I discuss (...)
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    Accidens Secundum Species: Bonaventure’s Solution to the Problem of the Accidens Sine Subiecto.Filipa Afonso - 2023 - In Gyula Klima (ed.), The Metaphysics and Theology of the Eucharist: A Historical-Analytical Survey of the Problems of the Sacrament. Springer Verlag. pp. 111-123.
    This paper deals with Bonaventure’s stand on the separability of accidents discussed within the framework of the theology of the Eucharist, in his Commentarium in Sententias, IV, d. 12, p. 1, a. 1, q. 1. Since an accident was traditionally defined as ens in alio, the existence of accidents apart from any subject in the Eucharist was considered philosophically challenging. The Franciscan theologian has been credited with having distinguished, for the first time (Bakker PJJM. La raison et le miracle: les (...)
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    On Aristotle's "Topics 1".Alexander of Aphrodisias - 2001 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. Edited by J. M. van Ophuijsen.
    "Alexander's commentary on Book 1 concerns the definition of Aristotelian syllogistic argument; its resistance to the rival Stoic theory of inference; and the character of inductive inference and of rhetorical argument. Alexander distinguishes inseparable accidents, such as the whiteness of snow, from defining differentiae, such as its being frozen, and considers how these differences fit into the schemes of categories. He speaks of dialectic as a stochastic discipline in which success is to be judged not by victory but by skill (...)
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    Mysticism with or without the Church? John of Ruusbroec's conflict with the Clergy.John Arblaster & Rob Faesen - 2013 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 74 (1):18-32.
    The Brabantine mystical author John of Ruusbroec initially appears to be a good example of the problematic relationship between mystics and the Church. He had a conflict with the clerical hierarchy in Brussels during his lifetime. After his death, Jean Gerson, Chancellor of the University of Paris, declared that the third part of Ruusbroec's Spiritual Espousals was to be absolutely rejected. When one examines the historical development of the ecclesial position, it appears that the hierarchy's and the theologians’ concern has (...)
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    Eremita alter philosophus : pojmovanje askeze v poganski in krščanski filozofiji.Nena Bobovnik & Gina Derhard - 2020 - Clotho 2 (1):5-31.
    Izhajajoč iz označitve puščave kot najprimernejšega kraja za posvečanje filozofiji, ki jo v Hvalnici puščave poda Evherij Lyonski, članek raziskuje krščansko recepcijo antične poganske filozofije, zlasti z ozirom na askezo. V skladu s Hadotovim pojmovanjem antične filozofije kot načina življenja se v prvi polovici osredotoča na koncept in prakso askeze, ki se je izražala v obliki "duhovnih vaj" ali telesne vzdržnosti. Ob ugotovitvi, da sta obe dimenziji askeze obstajali že v klasični grški filozofiji, se kot differentia specifica krščanske askeze (...)
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  45. Lo statuto della differenza specifica: da Alessandro di Afrodisia a Giamblico.Riccardo Chiaradonna - 2024 - Studia Graeco-Arabica 14:393-406.
    This article focuses on the debate concerning the status of specific differentiae from Alexander of Aphrodisias to Iamblichus. First, I outline Alexander’s views on the substantial status of differentiae and his distinction between the differentia insofar as it is taken in isolation and the differentia insofar as it is taken together with the genus and is a constituent part of the substantial species. I also focus on a passage from Plotinus on the differentia (see Enn. VI 3[44], (...)
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    An Indubitability Analysis of Knowledge.Peter Forrest - 1985 - The Monist 68 (1):24-39.
    In this paper I propose an indubitability analysis of knowledge. The motivation for this analysis is a conviction I have that the Cartesian analysis of knowledge as indubitability is not completely mistaken, although it requires considerable weakening if it is to be satisfactory. My analysis may be contrasted to those which treat knowledge as a species of the genus justified true belief. For although on my analysis, ‘S knows that p’ entails ‘S has a justified true belief that p’, I (...)
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    Zwischen Nichts und Ewigkeit. Drei Aufsätze zur Lehre vom Menschen.Nathalie Frogneux - 2021 - In Michael Bongardt, Holger Burckhart, John-Stewart Gordon & Jürgen Nielsen-Sikora (eds.), Hans Jonas-Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung. J.B. Metzler. pp. 104-108.
    Bei dem schmalen Buch Zwischen Nichts und Ewigkeit. Drei Aufsätze zur Lehre vom Menschen, das erstmals 1963 erschienen ist, handelt es sich um eine Sammlung von drei wichtigen Jonas-Texten: »Gnosis, Existentialismus und Nihilismus«, »Die Freiheit des Bildens: Homo pictor und die differentia des Menschen « und »Unsterblichkeit und heutige Existenz«. Neben diesen im Untertitel angekündigten Aufsätzen beinhaltet Zwischen Nichts und Ewigkeit zudem ein Vorwort und im Anhang einen Auszug aus dem Briefwechsel zwischen Bultmann und Jonas aus den Jahren 1962 (...)
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    O Estatuto Predicativo das Diferenças em Aristóteles.António Pedro Mesquita - 2000 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 8 (16):3-46.
    The aim of this article is to characterise the concept of difference in Aristotle, both as a predicate of the genus and as a predicate of the species. We then try to classify these two dimensions of difference within the framework of the predicables. The general conclusion is that the differentia constitutiva is an essential predicate, logically analogous to the genus in this respect, while the differentia divisiva cannot be located within that framework because the predicables are implicitly (...)
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    Predicating Forms of Matter in Aristotle's "Metaphysics".Carl Page - 1985 - Review of Metaphysics 39 (1):57 - 82.
    ON A GENERAL READING of the Metaphysics and the treatises of the so-called Organon, the types of assertion which Aristotle would allow as genuine predications seem relatively straightforward. According to the Categories, for instance, a species is characteristically predicated of the individuals falling under it, while genera and differentiae are predicated both of the relevant species and their associated individuals. The predicates are, in these instances, universals in a familiar Aristotelian sense. Furthermore, these intra-categorial predications, such as "Socrates is a (...)
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    Response to Comments.Francis V. Raab - 1952 - Review of Metaphysics 6 (1):130 - 131.
    Mr. Wells thinks that I confound criterion with differentia. This, perhaps, because he uses "criterion" in two senses: "A criterion is... a property..."; and, "... one... criterion... is that... we see..." Only the latter use corresponds to mine.
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