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The notions of noesis and noema need to be understood as part of Husserl’s account of constitution (See the summary for Husserl: Constitution.). The noetic resources function to constitute the noema—the account of constitution is two-sided. Husserl also uses the term “noesis” in a narrower sense, viz., for the interpreting part among the constitutive resources, as opposed to the part that undergoes interpretation. Thus, in Husserl’s account of the constitution of spatially extended objects, the kinesthetic sensations, in their “animating” functioning towards the visual sensations, can be regarded as the noesis. Disagreements over the nature of the perceptual noema have sparked a notable debate. According to the West Coast interpretation (Føllesdal, and Smith and McIntyre), the noema is an abstract object, akin to Fregean sense.  According to the East Coast interpretation (Sokolowski and Drummond), the noema is the object we perceive, as experienced by us.

Key works The West Coast interpretation of the noema was first proposed in Føllesdal 1969, and was also defended in Smith & McIntyre 1982. It has been criticized in Sokolowski 1984, Sokolowski 1992, and DRUMMOND 1990, while defending the East Coast interpretation. Bernet 1989 distinguishes two strands in Husserl’s use of the notion of the noema, motivating the West and East Coast interpretations. Another, phenomenalist interpretation is developed in Gurwitsch 1964. Drummond & Embree 1992 is a collection of papers devoted to the topic of the noema. Two further monographs are Süssbauer 1995 and Vongehr 1995.
Introductions Woodruff Smith 2006, Ch. 6

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  1. The Phenomenological Notion of Sense as Acquaintance with Background.Tetsushi Hirano - manuscript
    In this paper, I will focus on the phenomenological notion of sense which Husserl calls in Ideen I noematic sense. My reading of Ideen I is based on the interpretation of noema as “object as it is intended”. This notion is developed from “filling sense” in LU. Similar to the Russellian “knowledge by acquaintance”, Husserl means by this notion the direct intuitive acquaintance with an intentional object. However, unlike Russell, Husserl doesn’t restrict this notion to sense data, but extend it (...)
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  2. Discussion on Noema and Semiotic Phenomenon.Yang Gao - 2023 - In Olga Chistyakova & Iana Roumbal, Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Contemporary Education, Social Sciences and Humanities (Philosophy of Being Human as the Core of Interdisciplinary Research) (ICCESSH 2022). Atlantis Press SARL. pp. 29-36.
    People often ignore such a fact that signs connect human being and world. Furthermore, system of sign which people always use is continually forming the cognition and knowledge about the world. Even the world people live in, the all about it they have known are formed by system of sign. Therefore, it is worth to study on this issue that how signs work in people's daily practice and mental activities. The “Noema” put up by Edmund Husserl is the core concept (...)
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  3. Constitution Through Noema and Horizon: Husserl’s Theory of Intentionality.David Woodruff Smith - 2023 - In Patrick Londen, Jeffrey Yoshimi & Philip Walsh, Horizons of Phenomenology: Essays on the State of the Field and Its Applications. Springer Verlag. pp. 63-80.
    Husserlian phenomenology develops around Husserl’s theory of the complex structure of intentionality, featuring key notions of noesis, noema, horizon, and the constitution of objects of consciousness. By virtue of the structures of noema and horizon found in our experience, things in the world around us are said to be “constituted” in consciousness (along with self and other). The present essay explores intentionality and constitution as modeled in lines of interpretation that extend classical Husserlian phenomenology. The resulting “semantic” approach to intentionality (...)
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  4. Reconciling the Noema Debate.Ilpo Hirvonen - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (3):901-929.
    One of the key concepts of Edmund Husserl’s transcendental phenomenology is the noema. Husserl uses the concept to denote the aspect of what is intended in experience as it remains within the transcendental domain of inquiry after the phenomenological reduction. Despite such seeming simplicity, Husserl’s discussion of the noema is ambiguous to the extent that it has sparked a wide-ranging debate in the secondary literature. The gist of the dispute concerns the question about the relation between the noema and the (...)
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  5. Diseccionando las experiencias mentales: las reflexiones fenomenológicas de Husserl sobre “Erlebnisen” en “Ideas”.Dermot Moran - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 5:13.
    No nos interesan las facticidades [Faktizitäten] de la conciencia y de sus cursos [Abläufe], pero sí los problemas esenciales [Wesensprobleme], que aquí habría que formular. En el presente artículo me centraré en las siguientes cuestiones: que hay de nuevo en las Ideas de Husserl la necesidad de una epoché trascendental o una reducción para acceder a la correlación noesis-noema la estructura compleja de Erlebnis intencional y algunos aspectos de noesis y noema las leyes eidéticas identificadas por Husserl y, finalmente, algunas (...)
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  6. “Noema” and “Noesis” by Information after Husserl’s Phenomenology Interpreted Formally.Vasil Penchev - 2021 - Metaphysics eJournal, SSRN 14 (22):1-19.
    Along with “epoché” or his “reductions”, Husserl’s “noema” and “noesis”, being neologisms invented by him, are main concepts in phenomenology able to represent its originality. Following the trace of a recent paper (Penchev 2021 July 23), its formal and philosophical approach is extended to both correlative notions, in the present article. They are able to reveal the genesis of the world from consciousness in a transcendental method relevant to Husserl, but furthermore described formally as a process of how subjective temporality (...)
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  7. Génesis del nóema: un análisis noemático a partir de la constitución del cuerpo adolorido.Alejandro Escudero Morales - 2020 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 15:65-80.
    The objective of this work is to carry out a genetic study on the Husserlian concept of noema based in the givenness of the real body in the passive experience of pain. The development focuses, either, on the delimitation of the painful body given in its physical sphere in attention to its material properties, and in the eventual integration of this passively given body in the so-called noetic-noematic structure regarding the intentional revelation that pain implies. To do this, pain will (...)
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  8. Donación en la transformación. El nóema en Jean-Luc Marion.Antonio Paredes Gascón - 2020 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 32 (1):137-171.
    Intentamos aquí el estudio del tratamiento que tiene en Jean-Luc Marion el nóema y, por extensión, la correlación nóesis-nóema, fundamental en la comprensión del “fenómeno saturado”. Con ese fin, retrocedemos a la consideración de tal correlación en Husserl, para saber, en última instancia, su justificación, y, también, comprender el sentido que esta tiene en la obra del padre de la fenomenología. Además, descubrimos el cambio operado en esa estructura por el avance de Lévinas y la “contra-intencionalidad” del Otro –la cual (...)
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  9. Noema and Noesis. Part I: Functions of Noetic Synthesis.Wojciech Krysztofiak - 2020 - Axiomathes 30 (3):251-267.
    In the paper, the formal model of the noetic synthesis functions is presented. Together with the functions of noematic synthesis, they are understood as components of functions of intentional reference, which are meant to be, in turn, formalizations of intentional acts of reference performed in the stream of consciousness. This research perspective allows us to extend the category of speech acts to the category of all intentional acts of reference. The functions of noetic synthesis are understood as composed of the (...)
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  10. Noema and Noesis. Part II: Functions of Noematic Synthesis.Wojciech Krysztofiak - 2020 - Axiomathes 30 (3):269-287.
    In the paper, being the second part of the work entitled Noema and Noesis, the formal model of the noematic synthesis functions is presented. Together with functions of noetic synthesis, they are understood as components of functions of intentional reference, which are to be, in turn, formalizations of intentional acts of reference performed in the stream of consciousness. Noemata are understood as mental representations associated with mental worlds. The processes of their synthesis in the mind engage the work of many (...)
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  11. A Broader Concept of Experience?Esteban Marín-Ávila - 2020 - PhaenEx 13 (2):52-61.
    The work of Anthony J. Steinbock on emotions―particularly moral emotions―and on religious experience is closely related to a methodological claim. This claim is that the concepts of “experience” and “manifestation” should be understood in a broader manner than that of classical phenomenology, particularly Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology. In this paper, I examine the way in which Steinbock understands and conceptualizes the kind of givenness to which he refers with the notion of “vertical experience”. I focus on his claim that vertical experiences (...)
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  12. Genesis of the noema: A noematic analysis based on the constitution of the body in pain.Alejandro Escudero Morales - 2020 - Humanities Journal of Valparaiso 15:65-80.
    The objective of this work is to carry out a genetic study on the Husserlian concept of noema based in the givenness of the real body in the passive experience of pain. The development focuses, either, on the delimitation of the painful body given in its physical sphere in attention to its material properties, and in the eventual integration of this passively given body in the so-called noetic-noematic structure regarding the intentional revelation that pain implies. To do this, pain will (...)
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  13. The Noema as Nash Equilibrium. Husserlian Phenomenology and Game Theory.Luca M. Possati - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (3):1147-1170.
    The noema is one of the most daring and controversial concept of the Husserlian theory of intentionality. It was first introduced by Husserl in 1912, within some research manuscripts, but was only fully developed in Ideen. In this paper I claim that the noema is an ambiguous notion, the result of a theoretical operation, the epoché, whose aim is contradictory. In an effort to keep open the epoché, and therefore maintain distance with respect to every transcendent object, Husserl is forced (...)
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  14. Body and Place as the Noetic-Noematic Structure of Geographical Experience.Stefan W. Schmidt - 2020 - Research in Phenomenology 50 (2):261-281.
    In this paper, I use Husserl’s phenomenological analyses of noesis and noema to investigate the connection between experience and place, a relation which I call “geographical experience,” using a term coined by Edward Relph. Following the correlative structure of lived experience, geographical experience is enabled by the lived body as the noetic part and place as the respective noematic part. Both parts belong together necessarily. However, in this experiential field, distortions and an eluding aspect of place appear in the relationship (...)
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  15. Reduction in Practice: Tracing Husserl's Real-Life Accomplishment of Reduction as Evidenced by his Idea of Phenomenology Lectures.Juha Himanka - 2019 - Phenomenology and Practice 13 (1):7-19.
    Husserl claimed that reduction is the true starting point of phenomenological research, but to figure out how this deed should actually be accomplished has turned out to be a very challenging task. In this study, I explicate how Husserl accomplished reduction during his series of lectures entitled The Idea of Phenomenology. He does not state it explicitly, but what actually happened on the last day of the lectures can be seen as consistent with his descriptions of reduction as an act. (...)
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  16. Fenomenologia a problem „w sobie” przedmiotu.Piotr Łaciak - 2019 - Diametros 62 (62):18-32.
    Autor prezentuje własną interpretację fenomenologicznej zagadki „w sobie” przedmiotu rzeczywistego i samego świata. Rozwiązanie tej zagadki ma rozstrzygające znaczenie dla właściwego zrozumienia fenomenologii transcendentalnej. Według Husserla, rzecz transcendentna jest „w sobie” w odniesieniu do faktycznego doświadczenia, ponieważ jej esse nie rozpływa się w percipi i może istnieć nawet wtedy, gdy nie jest faktycznie doświadczana. „W sobie” przedmiotu realnego nie oznacza jednak jego istnienia poza wszelkim możliwym sposobem dania w świadomości, ale jest idealną jednością daną w nieskończonej wielości rzeczywistych i możliwych (...)
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  17. “The Very Place of Apparition”: Derrida on Husserl’s Concept of Noema.Pietro Terzi - 2018 - Research in Phenomenology 48 (2):209-232.
    _ Source: _Volume 48, Issue 2, pp 209 - 232 In _Specters of Marx_, Derrida suggests that the most fundamental condition of phenomenality lies in the ambiguous status of the noema, defined as an intentional and non-real component of _Erlebnis_, neither “in” the world nor “in” consciousness. This “irreality” of the noematic correlate is conceived by Derrida as the origin of sense and experience. Already in his _Of Grammatology_, Derrida maintained that the difference between the appearing and the appearance, between (...)
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  18. A study about the universals in Ideas I.Nathalie Barbosa de La Cadena - 2017 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 1 (2):23-42.
    The problem of universals remains a philosophical theme not only in ontology but also in epistemology. In Husserl, there are particular universals, the noematic ‘X’, the identical, and universals stricto sensu, atemporal universal names. In this paper, I present the theme as it is analyzed by Husserl in Ideas I. In the first section, I describe the trajectory to the universals highlighting the parallelism between noese and noema. In the second section, I draw the reflection of this problem on the (...)
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  19. Noemat jako sens. Problem przedmiotu świadomości w transcendentalnym idealizmie Husserla.Marek Rosiak - 2017 - Diametros 52:107-126.
    The paper develops the argument presented in my earlier article, Intentional Reference and Its Object in Husserl’s Transcendental Idealism. It contains further considerations on the proper understanding of Husserl’s notion of noema. My aim is not only to present an interpretation of Husserl’s text, but primarily to understand what constitutes an intentional reference of an act of consciousness. I agree with some of Husserl’s claims in Ideas, Book I, that noema, sense and intentional object are basically the same. This standpoint (...)
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  20. Dufrenne’s Conception of Aesthetic Object in Poetry.Fateme Benvidi - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations at University of Tabriz 10 (18):1-20.
    Every culture has its own conception of poetry and approaches it differently. This paper draws on phenomenological approach, in specific that of Mikel Dufrenne, to compare it with Structuralism’s approach. Dufrenne makes use of two Husserlian concepts, noema and noesis, to show the difference between these two approaches to poetry. He contends that Structuralist commentaries does not provide much in terms of enjoying and understanding poetry because it says almost nothing to get us in close touch with the lived experience (...)
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  21. Reason as Acquaintance with Background and the Performative Turn in Phenomenology.Tetsushi Hirano - 2016 - International Philosophical Quarterly 56 (3):337-357.
    Husserl’s notion of “sense” has often been interpreted through a Fregean lens. I will show that Husserl saw it as an acquaintance with the background or horizon of perceptual objects. He understands reason (Vernunft) as prescribing rules for performance with regard to perceptual objects. Thus Husserl’s view has a wider scope of experience than Kant’s sense of it as a pre-reflective acquaintance with one’s environment. After Ideas I Husserl develops these notions as part of his theory of the intersubjective world. (...)
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  22. Husserl’s theory of noematic sense.Olga Nikolic - 2016 - Filozofija I Društvo 27 (4):845-868.
    After Husserl?s transcendental turn and the discovery of the correlation between consciousness and the world the concept of the noema becomes one of the constant leitmotifs of Husserl?s philosophy. My paper will be devoted to the clarification of this concept and its implications for Husserl?s theory of sense. The leading question will be: How can the noema play the role of both the sense and the objective correlate of the intentional act? I will start with presenting the problematic of sense (...)
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  23. On the Notion of Sense in Phenomenology: Noematic Sense and Ideal Meaning.Dominique Pradelle - 2016 - Research in Phenomenology 46 (2):184-204.
    _ Source: _Volume 46, Issue 2, pp 184 - 204 According to a very specific and widespread line of interpretation, the mode of working of intentionality could be understood by analogy with the linguistic paradigm set forth by Gottlob Frege in his famous essay “_Über Sinn und Bedeutung._” The goal of the present paper is to dismiss such an interpretation by also analyzing the manner in which Husserl relates, and thereby traces back, the constitution of the logical sphere to the (...)
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  24. Photons (and Drones) Be Free: Phenomenology and the Life‐Worlds of Voyager's Doctor and Seven of Nine.Nicole R. Pramik - 2016 - In Kevin S. Decker & Jason T. Eberl, The Ultimate Star Trek and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 190–198.
    This chapter discusses seven of nine and the doctor experience various ups and downs as they navigate the deepest reaches of social and emotional interactions. Conscious experiences have two basic components: the experience itself and the meaning you derive from it, what it means to you. Husserl used two Greek terms, noesis and noema, to explain these aspects. Noesis gives meaning to an experience, as opposed to simply dismissing everyday occurrence as just “things” that happen without any intention or influence. (...)
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  25. Husserlian Phenomenological Description and the Problem of Describing Intersubjectivity.H. Williams - 2016 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 23 (7-8):254-277.
    Although recent cognitive science and traditional phenomenology has placed great importance on first-person descriptions, exactly what this entails goes undefined. I will seek to answer what's involved in phenomenological description, with reference to Husserl. I define phenomenological description according to its genus and differentia. I compare description in the natural sciences with description in phenomenology. I discuss how the basic particulars for Husserlian phenomenological description stem from the intentional relation -- particularly the distinction between noesis and noema. I discuss the (...)
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  26. El sentido en Deleuze a partir de la fenomenología.Juan Ignacio Chávez - 2015 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 13:11-30.
    This paper intends to reflect on the genesis of the deleuzian notion of sense. I will start by demonstrating that Deleuze’s project, as well as Husserl’s, tries to revert Platonism by means of the concept of immanence. Secondly, I will criticise the concept of noema as exposed in Ideas I, in order to elucidate the features that Deleuze seeks to reformulate: good sense and common sense. Finally, based on the previous critique, I will carry out a description of sense as (...)
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  27. The Doctrine of the noema and the theory of reason.John J. Drummond - 2015 - In Andrea Sebastiano Staiti, Commentary on Husserl's "Ideas I". Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 257-272.
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  28. Appendix: A Map of the noesis-noema correlation.Ben Martin - 2015 - In Andrea Sebastiano Staiti, Commentary on Husserl's "Ideas I". Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 327-336.
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  29. Faith and Doubt: The Noematic Dimensions of Belief in Husserl.Jodie McNeilly - 2015 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 29 (3):346-355.
    In examining Husserl's noesis–noema correlate, which characterizes his intentionality thesis of 1913, this article argues toward “presentation” as a sufficient mode of givenness in accounting for religious phenomena by demonstrating how an intentional analysis of faith and doubt is possible if one's regard is directed toward the noetic moment of believing and its corresponding noema: the “believed as believed.” This will be shown by directly engaging with the eidetic laws of Husserl's series of belief modalities.
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  30. Noetic moments, noematic correlates, and the stratified whole that is the Erlebnis: Section III, chapter 3, Noesis and noema.Dermot Moran - 2015 - In Andrea Sebastiano Staiti, Commentary on Husserl's "Ideas I". Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 195-224.
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  31. Concepts without pedigree: The noema and neutrality modification: Section III, chapter 4, On the problems of noetic-noematic structures.Nicolas de Warren - 2015 - In Andrea Sebastiano Staiti, Commentary on Husserl's "Ideas I". Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 225-256.
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  32. Aron Gurwitsch and the Transcendence of the Physical.William R. McKenna - 2013 - In Lester Embree & Thomas Nenon, Husserl’s Ideen. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 195-207.
  33. G. Shpet: a Way from Phenomenology to Hermeneutics.G. Ottaviano - 2013 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 2 (1):62-75.
    This article examines the main aspects of Husserl's phenomenology, which are analyzed in "Appearance and Sense" by Gustav Shpet: the relation between sense and comprehension and between noesis and noema. Shpet emphasizes the hermeneutical theme of "comprehension" as a resolutive dimension to solve aspects not clarified by Husserl. Shpet's critical enquiry, in the course of his subsequent observation, converge into an hermeneutical logic. Shpet identifies the centrality of language as a form of thinking, through the recovery of Humbodt's meaning of (...)
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  34. A estrutura do noema e a dupla concepção do objeto intencional em Husserl.Carlos Cortes Tourinho - 2013 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 58 (3):482-498.
    O presente artigo aborda a especificidade do vivido intencional e a sua relação com as sensações não intencionais. Em seguida, examina a relação entre a noese e o noema, além de analisar a estrutura completa do noema. Mostra que o objeto intencional oscila entre o caráter imanente do noema e o que transcende o próprio noema. Ele traz como conclusão, então, que a análise da estrutura completa do noema evidencia uma dupla concepção do objeto intencional na subjetividade transcendental.
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  35. Intentionality without Representationalism.John J. Drummond - 2012 - In Dan Zahavi, The Oxford handbook of contemporary phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter addresses the issues that motivate representationalist accounts, and it describes the different versions of representationalism as responses to these issues. It argues that the representationalist views do not adequately respond to the epistemological problems that motivate them and that they engender some ontological problems. The chapter presents an alternative ‘presentationalist’ account that preserves the straightforward sense of the mind's openness to the world. While representationalism and presentationalism agree that the relation between mental events or states is direct but (...)
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  36. The Structure of Noema in the Process of Objectivation.Łukasz Kosowski - 2012 - Husserl Studies 28 (2):143-160.
    The subject of the present work is noema and its structure in various stages of the objectivating process. Despite its great importance, this issue has never been adequately explained, neither by Husserl nor by his followers. The main objective is to provide the theory that would describe the structure of noema and its function without simplifying the case or appealing to non-phenomenological data. This has been achieved by way of analysis divided into four sections. The first provides an overview of (...)
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  37. Husserl et l'affaire des démonstratifs. À propos de la référence en régime noématique.Robert Brisart - 2011 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 109 (2):245-269.
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  38. Husserl on Intentionality and Intentional Content.Andrew D. Spear - 2011 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Edmund Husserl (1859—1938) was an influential thinker of the first half of the twentieth century. His philosophy was heavily influenced by the works of Franz Brentano and Bernard Bolzano, and was also influenced in various ways by interaction with contemporaries such as Alexius Meinong, Kasimir Twardowski, and Gottlob Frege. In his own right, Husserl is considered the founder of twentieth century Phenomenology with influence extending to thinkers such as Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and to contemporary continental philosophy generally. (...)
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  39. Intentionalität und ihr Gegenstand.Dagfinn Follesdal - 2010 - In Manfred Frank & Niels Weidtmann, Husserl und die Philosophie des Geistes. Berlin: Suhrkamp.
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  40. Noema and thinkability: An essay on Husserl's theory of intentionality.Łukasz Kosowski - 2010 - Ontos.
    The years of study on Husserl’s theory of intentionality have led to a number of non-equivalent interpretations. The present work attempts to investigate the most prominent of these by presenting both their advantages and difficulties. However, its key point is specifically the analysis of Husserl’s theory. This is made in several stages that are concerned with the relation between noesis and noema: whether it is one-to-one or many-to-one, the kind of transcendency and dependency between them, and whether noema supervenes on (...)
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  41. Noesis, semiosis y matemáticas.Miguel Ariza - 2009 - Mathesis 4 (2):203-220.
    El presupuesto según el cual el contenido de una manifestación compleja está en función de los contenidos de sus partes componentes, expresa claramente una intuición que solemos tener sobre lo múltiple; implica una reflexión sobre la relación entre el todo y las partes que lo componen; involucra una teoría de las multiplicidades que entraña atributos de naturaleza matemática; presenta el problema de cómo los seres humanos nos relacionamos con los entornos del mundo para generar unidad de sentido. La significación es (...)
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  42. Noema in the light of contradiction, conflict, and nonsense: The noema as possibly thinkable content.Łukasz Kosowski - 2008 - Husserl Studies 24 (3):243-259.
    The present paper is guided by the belief that Edmund Husserl’s concept of noema can be significantly enriched when considered in light of extreme epistemological instances. These include the phenomena of the absurd and nonsense, but also intentional conflict and cases of consciousness directed to contradictory objects. The paper shows that the noema, when experienced in such a context, exhibits interesting characteristics that are rather difficult to note in other circumstances. The paper consists of five sections. The first interprets and (...)
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  43. Husserl: significação e fenômeno.Carlos Ribeiro de Moura - 2006 - Dois Pontos 3 (1).
    resumo O objetivo deste artigo é discutir o modo como Husserl desenha a originalidade da subjetividade transcendental, frente à sua homônima psicológica. Se é certo que a noção de “imanência autêntica” pode apontar para as diferentes fronteiras entre o transcendental e o psicológico, resta que por si só ela não permite decidir nada quanto ao “modo de ser” transcendental, em sua diferença face ao “mundano”. Sendo assim, procura-se reconstituir alguns dos momentos centrais do esforço husserliano para construir um conceito de (...)
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  44. Husserl's noema and the internalism‐externalism debate.Dan Zahavi - 2004 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 47 (1):42-66.
    In a number of papers, Hubert Dreyfus and Ronald McIntyre have claimed that Husserl is an internalist. In this paper, it is argued that their interpretation is based on two questionable assumptions: (1) that Husserl's noema should be interpreted along Fregean lines, and (2) that Husserl's transcendental methodology commits him to some form of methodological solipsism. Both of these assumptions are criticized on the basis of the most recent Husserl-research. It is shown that Husserl's concept of noema can be interpreted (...)
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  45. Pure logical grammar: Anticipatory categoriality and articulated categoriality.John J. Drummond - 2003 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 11 (2):125 – 139.
    In reworking his Logical Investigations Husserl adopts two positions that were not actually incorporated into later editions of the Investigations but do appear in other writings: a new distinction between signitive and significative intentions, and the claim that even naming and perceiving acts are categorially formed. This paper investigates Husserl's notion of noematic sense and the pure grammatical ' categories ' intimated therein in order to shed light on these new positions. The paper argues that the development of the theories (...)
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  46. Hyle, genesis and noema.Luis Román Rabanaque - 2003 - Husserl Studies 19 (3):205-215.
    [...] This paper aims, first of all, to recall the main features of hyle in Ideas I, both in its relation to the noema and as critical correction of the concept of sensation. It deals, secondly, with some conflicts arising from Husserl’s parallel characterizations of temporal datum, sensation fields, and hyletic background. In third place, it outlines two central directions in genetic analysis, which allow the hyle to expand to a more complex notion involving temporal- material syntheses whose flow is (...)
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  47. Logician in the Picture Gallery. Phenomenological Analysis of the Complex Image.Ion Copoeru - 2001 - Phainomena 10 (37-38).
    This paper aims to analyse an »original phenomenological scene«, which we are designating by the expression »the gallery of Dresden«, and which refers to the inclusion of an image in an other image, ad infinitum. The paper argues that the complex images are a pattern of the complexity of the noematic strata in the Husserlian phenomenology and that they are of a great importance for the phenomenological elucidation of objectuality and for the description of the structures of the »noematic sphere’ (...)
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  48. Bolzano, Frege and Husserl on reference and object.Dagfinn Føllesdal - 2001 - In Juliet Floyd & Sanford Shieh, Future pasts: the analytic tradition in twentieth-century philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 67-80.
  49. The Consistency of Husserl's Theory of Meaning.Matt Taylor - 2000 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 60 (1):171-195.
    My aim in this paper is to examine two related issues in the debate surrounding the work of Edmund Husserl. I wish to clarify his theories of meaning and noema, and also to challenge the assumption that Husserl's Logical Investigations is inconsistent with the first book of his Ideas with respect to meaning. I also suggest that misunderstandings in these areas are in part responsible for a misunderstanding of the relationship between Husserl and Frege. Commentators have noted Husserl's claim that (...)
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  50. Husserl’s relapse? concerning a fregean challenge to phenomenology.Wayne M. Martin - 1999 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 42 (3):343-369.
    An influential interpretation of phenomenology construes Husserl's project as an attempt to generalize the Fregean notion of sense- an attempt to extend Frege's analysis of the structure of meaningful expressions to a more general account of the structure of meaning in experience . Michael Dummett has articulated a broadly Fregean critique of this Husserlian program, arguing that the project is misguided and retrograde-a relapse into the psychologism and idealism that Frege sought to avoid. A defense of Husserl is offered, based (...)
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