  1.  8
    Antiutopianism: An Introduction.Patricia McManus & Darko Suvin - 2023 - Utopian Studies 34 (2):289-291.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Antiutopianism: An IntroductionPatricia McManus (bio) and Darko Suvin (bio)Utopia is endangered today! Such a sentence seems redundant: utopia—the shape of the possibility that things could be better—is always in danger. But the present danger is something distinct from the dangers that historically have attended utopia. These have not gone away but, added to them, and largely superseding utopia’s other perils in our twenty-first century, is the disappearance of utopianism (...)
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  2.  9
    On Antiutopianism in Pragmatics and Narrative.Darko Suvin - 2023 - Utopian Studies 34 (2):292-311.
    Abstractabstract:This article refurbishes the view of antiutopianism as the ruling orthodoxy of late-capitalist common sense (pragmatics) and writings plus media (narrative). After a half-century descent into a contemporary neofeudalism (Fascism 2.0), the operation of totalized antiutopianism on utopian narrative genres is powerfully evident in the TV series Game of Thrones, a rigidly Social Darwinist fantasy world, reveling in mass slaughters and presupposing neofeudalism: a black fable for lesioned personalities.
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  3.  44
    Orwell and Nineteen Eighty-Four Today: Genius and Tunnel Vision.Darko Suvin - 2020 - Historical Materialism 28 (3):167-195.
    Orwell, as he himself remarked, came from a lower, professional-service fraction of the English and imperial ruling class that was ‘simultaneously dominator and dominated’ (Raymond Williams), so that a combination of state and monopoly power became his abiding nightmare. His horizon was, as of the Spanish Civil War in 1936, a revolutionary socialism committed to freedom and equality, opposed both to Labourite social democracy and to Stalinist pseudo-communism. In this article, I concentrate on Nineteen Eighty-Four, drawing on narratology (its agential (...)
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  4.  41
    On Metaphoricity and Narrativity in Fiction: The Chronotope as the "Differentia Generica".Darko Suvin - 1986 - Substance 14 (3):51.
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  5.  62
    Utopianism from Orientation to Agency: What Are We Intellectuals Under Post-Fordism To Do?Darko Suvin - 1998 - Utopian Studies 9 (2):162 - 190.
  6.  38
    Utopia or Bust: Capitalocene, Method, Anti-Utopia.Darko Suvin - 2021 - Utopian Studies 32 (1):1-35.
    ABSTRACT In the introduction to the 2015 reprint of her classical Partial Visions, Angelika Bammer cites the pithy injunction of the American poet and feminist thinker Adrienne Rich: “We need to imagine a world in which every woman is the presiding genius of her own body. In such a world women will truly create new life, bringing forth … the visions, and the thinking necessary to sustain, console, and alter human existence. … Sexuality, politics, intelligence, power, motherhood, work, community, intimacy (...)
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