Results for 'Dennis Wong'

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  1. Democracy in America: An Appreciation On the Occasion of the Centennial of Tocqueville's Death.Bernard Rosenberg & Dennis H. Wong - 1961 - Diogenes 9 (33):127-137.
    Like a great work of literary art, which indeed it is, Alexis de Tocqueville's extraordinary analysis of American society grows more impressive with each exposure to it. Everything has changed and nothing has changed since Democracy in America was published in the 1830’s. Its author grasped with remarkable perception both the mutable and the immutable qualities of man. There could be nothing more salutary for us today than to assimilate his fine sense of what was permanent in a world which, (...)
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    Restorative Justice in Educational Settings and Policies: Bridging the East and West.Theo Gavrielides & Dennis Wong (eds.) - 2019 - London: RJ4All Publications.
    Edited by two leading restorative justice scholars from the West and East, this unique e-book bridges a gap in the literature by bringing together new evidence on the application of restorative practices in educational settings. The book has two aims. First, it builds a bridge between the restorative justice world in the East with that of the West. The volume demonstrates how similar the theoretical and practical experiences are in the two sides of the world. It presents us with evidence (...)
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  3. “For a Long Time Our Voices have been Hushed”: Using Student Perspectives to Develop Supports for Neurodiverse College Students.Kristen Gillespie-Lynch, Dennis Bublitz, Annemarie Donachie, Vincent Wong, Patricia J. Brooks & Joanne D’Onofrio - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Wong on Davidson.R. Dennis Potter - 1995 - Philosophical Papers 24 (1):75-81.
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    The Degrowth Spectrum: Convergence and Divergence within a Diverse and Conflictual Alliance.Dennis Eversberg & Matthias Schmelzer - 2018 - Environmental Values 27 (3):245-267.
    The call for ‘sustainable degrowth’ has recently turned into a focal point of critical social and ecological debate, as well as a framework for diverse strands of activism. So far, little is known about the motives, attitudes and practices of grassroots activists within the degrowth spectrum. This article presents results of a survey conducted at the 2014 International Degrowth Conference, revealing both the presence of a widely shared basic consensus among respondents and their broad division into five distinguishable sub-currents. A (...)
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  6. How Classical Particles Emerge From the Quantum World.Dennis Dieks & Andrea Lubberdink - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (6):1051-1064.
    The symmetrization postulates of quantum mechanics (symmetry for bosons, antisymmetry for fermions) are usually taken to entail that quantum particles of the same kind (e.g., electrons) are all in exactly the same state and therefore indistinguishable in the strongest possible sense. These symmetrization postulates possess a general validity that survives the classical limit, and the conclusion seems therefore unavoidable that even classical particles of the same kind must all be in the same state—in clear conflict with what we know about (...)
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    Bodily Awareness and Bodily Action.Hong Yu Wong - 2010 - In Timothy O'Connor & Constantine Sandis, A Companion to the Philosophy of Action. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 227–235.
    This chapter contains sections titled: References Further reading.
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    The news framing of artificial intelligence: a critical exploration of how media discourses make sense of automation.Dennis Nguyen & Erik Hekman - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-15.
    Analysing how news media portray A.I. reveals what interpretative frameworks around the technology circulate in public discourses. This allows for critical reflections on the making of meaning in prevalent narratives about A.I. and its impact. While research on the public perception of datafication and automation is growing, only a few studies investigate news framing practices. The present study connects to this nascent research area by charting A.I. news frames in four internationally renowned media outlets: The New York Times, The Guardian, (...)
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    The Bayesian reader: Explaining word recognition as an optimal Bayesian decision process.Dennis Norris - 2006 - Psychological Review 113 (2):327-357.
  10. Justice Between the Young and the Old.Dennis Mckerlie - 2001 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 30 (2):152-177.
    In a world of limited resources, competition between the young and old prompt difficult questions of justice. In countries with public pension and health care systems, or with aging populations, there is often a concern that members of different generations are not always treated fairly. Dennis McKerlie's monograph examines justice between age-groups with the ultimate goal of a new theory of justice that effectively grapples with those questions. In the realm of public policy and medical ethics this is an (...)
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    The rebirth of cool: Toward a science sublime.E. David Wong - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 41 (2):67-88.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Rebirth of Cool:Toward a Science SublimeE. David Wong (bio)We love and hate "the cool." As educators, few things are more coveted than being recognized as teaching the "coolest" class in the school. We look forward to the rare moment when students gasp in awe or scream in amazement. However, in the quiet that returns after the last student rushes out the classroom door, we may feel an (...)
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    Does the Market Value Corporate Philanthropy? Evidence from the Response to the 2004 Tsunami Relief Effort.Dennis M. Patten - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (3):599-607.
    This study investigates the market reaction to corporate press releases announcing donations to the relief effort following the December, 2004 tsunami in Southeast Asia. Based on a sample of 79 U.S. companies, results indicate a statistically significant positive 5-day cumulative abnormal return. While differences in the timing of the press releases do not appear to have influenced market reactions, the amount of the donations did. Overall, the results appear to support Godfrey’s (Academy of Management Review 30, 777–798; 2005) assertion that (...)
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  13. A Hippocratic Oath for mathematicians? Mapping the landscape of ethics in mathematics.Dennis Müller, Maurice Chiodo & James Franklin - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (5):1-30.
    While the consequences of mathematically-based software, algorithms and strategies have become ever wider and better appreciated, ethical reflection on mathematics has remained primitive. We review the somewhat disconnected suggestions of commentators in recent decades with a view to piecing together a coherent approach to ethics in mathematics. Calls for a Hippocratic Oath for mathematicians are examined and it is concluded that while lessons can be learned from the medical profession, the relation of mathematicians to those affected by their work is (...)
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  14. Blame's Topography: Standing on Uneven Ground.Samuel Reis-Dennis - forthcoming - Philosophers' Imprint.
    Attempts to illuminate the nature of “blame” have shaped recent philosophical discussion of free will and moral responsibility. In this paper I show how, in at least one context, this search for a theory of blame has led us astray. Specifically, I focus on the contemporary debate about the “standing” to blame and argue, first, that theorizing about blame-in-general in this context has assumed an impoverished moral psychology that fails to reflect the range of blaming emotions and that conflates these (...)
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    Dworkin on the Semantics of Legal and Political Concepts.Dennis M. Patterson - 2006 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 26 (3):545-557.
    In a recent comment on H.L.A. Hart’s ‘Postscript’ to The Concept of Law, Ronald Dworkin claims that the meaning of legal and political concepts may be understood by analogy to the meaning of natural kind concepts like ‘tiger’, ‘gold’ and ‘water’. This article questions the efficacy of Dworkin’s claims by challenging the use of natural kinds as the basis for a semantic theory of legal and political concepts. Additionally, in matters of value there is no methodological equivalent to the scientific (...)
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  16. Law and Truth.Dennis Patterson - 2000 - Mind 109 (435):637-640.
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    Event-related brain correlates of associative learning without awareness.Philip S. Wong, Edward Bernat, Michael Snodgrass & Howard Shevrin - 2004 - International Journal of Psychophysiology 53 (3):217-231.
  18. Rank Offence: The Ecological Theory of Resentment.Samuel Reis-Dennis - 2021 - Mind 130 (520):1233-1251.
    I argue that fitting resentment tracks unacceptable ‘ecological’ imbalances in relative social strength between victims and perpetrators that arise from violations of legitimate moral expectations. It does not respond purely, or even primarily, to offenders’ attitudes, and its proper targets need not be fully developed moral agents. It characteristically involves a wish for the restoration of social equilibrium rather than a demand for moral recognition or good will. To illuminate these contentions, I focus on cases that I believe demonstrate a (...)
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  19. Law and Truth.Dennis Michael Patterson - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Taking up a single question--"What does it mean to say a proposition of law is true?"--this book advances a major new account of truth in law. Drawing upon the later philosophy of Wittgenstein, as well as more recent postmodern theory of the relationship between language, meaning, and the world, Patterson examines leading contemporary jurisprudential approaches to this question and finds them flawed in similar and previously unnoticed ways. He offers a powerful alternative account of legal justification, one in which linguistic (...)
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    Theoretical Disagreement, Legal Positivism, and Interpretation.Dennis Patterson - 2018 - Ratio Juris 31 (3):260-275.
    Ronald Dworkin famously argued that legal positivism is a defective account of law because it has no account of Theoretical Disagreement. In this article I argue that legal positivism—as advanced by H.L.A. Hart—does not need an account of Theoretical Disagreement. Legal positivism does, however, need a plausible account of interpretation in law. I provide such an account in this article.
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    Cynicism as a way of life: From the Classical Cynic to a New Cynicism.Dennis Schutijser - 2017 - AKROPOLIS: Journal of Hellenic Studies 1:33-54.
    In light of the recent revival of interest for philosophy as a way of life, Cynicism has received relatively little attention. Classical cynicism, however, is a particularly rich and valuable school in this respect, offering a philosophy that is before anything else a way of life, combining philosophical reflection, a value system, and a practice of living. The present article articulates classical Cynicism as a philosophy as a way of life along these lines. Additionally, classical Cynicism offers a valuable contribution (...)
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  22. Von Neumann’s impossibility proof: Mathematics in the service of rhetorics.Dennis Dieks - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 60:136-148.
    According to what has become a standard history of quantum mechanics, von Neumann in 1932 succeeded in convincing the physics community that he had proved that hidden variables were impossible as a matter of principle. Subsequently, leading proponents of the Copenhagen interpretation emphatically confirmed that von Neumann's proof showed the completeness of quantum mechanics. Then, the story continues, Bell in 1966 finally exposed the proof as seriously and obviously wrong; this rehabilitated hidden variables and made serious foundational research possible. It (...)
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    Forays into Philosophy and Film: On Film and Philosophy (Vol. 1, 1994), edited by Kendall D'Andrade.Dennis Rothermel - 1998 - Film-Philosophy 2 (1).
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    Gaps, Chasms and Things in Themselves: A Reply to My Critics.Dennis Schulting - 2018 - Kantian Review 23 (1):131-143.
    In this paper I reply to the critiques of my recent book *Kant's Radical Subjectivism* by Andrew Brook, Anil Gomes, Robert Howell and Alexandra Newton.
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    Disrespect for Deontology.Samuel Reis-Dennis - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (9):56-58.
    Deontology has fallen out of favor among bioethicists. According to Pierson and colleagues’ (2024) “Bioethicists Today”, deontology is now the least accepted major approach to normative theory, tra...
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    A context noise model of episodic word recognition.Simon Dennis & Michael S. Humphreys - 2001 - Psychological Review 108 (2):452-478.
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    Pair-bond strength and stability and reproductive success.Dennis R. Rasmussen - 1981 - Psychological Review 88 (3):274-290.
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    Direct and Multiplicative Effects of Ethical Dispositions and Ethical Climates on Personal Justice Norms: A Virtue Ethics Perspective.Victor P. Lau & Yin Yee Wong - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (2):279-294.
    From virtue ethics and interactionist perspectives, we hypothesized that personal justice norms (distributive and procedural justice norms) were shaped directly and multiplicatively by ethical dispositions (equity sensitivity and need for structure) and ethical climates (egoistic, benevolent, and principle climates). We collected multisource data from 123 companies in Hong Kong, with personal factors assessed by participants’ self-reports and contextual factors by aggregations of their peers. In general, LISREL analyses with latent product variables supported the direct and multiplicative relationships. Our findings could (...)
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    Shared Intentionality in Nonhuman Great Apes: a Normative Model.Dennis Papadopoulos - 2023 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 14 (4):1125-1145.
    Michael Tomasello ( 2016 ) prominently defends the view that there are uniquely human capacities required for shared intentions, therefore great apes do not share intentions. I show that these uniquely human capacities for abstraction are not necessary for shared intentionality. Excluding great apes from shared intentions because they lack certain capacities for abstraction assumes a specific interpretation of shared intentionality, which I call the Roleplaying Model. I undermine the necessity of abstraction for shared intentionality by presenting an alternative model (...)
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  30. War and ghosts in Mozi's political philosophy.Benjamin Wong & Hui-Chieh Loy - 2004 - Philosophy East and West 54 (3):343-363.
    : It is argued here that Mozi's critique of warfare in the chapter "Against Offensive War" ("Fei gong") cannot be fully understood without the arguments presented in the chapter "Explaining Ghosts" ("Ming gui"). For Mozi, the problem of war can only be resolved if the existence of providential ghosts can be proven. But he indicates in his arguments concerning the existence of ghosts that it is doubtful whether such a condition can be met. Consequently, despite the apparently optimistic tenor of (...)
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  31. Space and Time in Particle and Field Physics.Dennis Dieks - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 32 (2):217-241.
    Textbooks present classical particle and field physics as theories of physical systems situated in Newtonian absolute space. This absolute space has an influence on the evolution of physical processes, and can therefore be seen as a physical system itself; it is substantival. It turns out to be possible, however, to interpret the classical theories in another way. According to this rival interpretation, spatiotemporal position is a property of physical systems, and there is no substantival spacetime. The traditional objection that such (...)
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    The differential perception of accountants to Maccoby's head/heart traits.Dennis M. Patten - 1990 - Journal of Business Ethics 9 (10):791 - 798.
    We in the accounting profession have long shown an interest in presenting an ethical image. But are accountants more ethical than others in the business world? In order to answer that question, a survey was mailed to 250 lower-level accounting professionals to determine their perceptions of the importance of nineteen head and heart trait items first identified by Maccoby. The results, based on 134 replies, indicate that accountants have a higher perception of the importance of the heart traits that have (...)
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  33. Two-dimensionalism and Kripkean A Posteriori necessity.Kai-Yee Wong - 2006 - In Manuel Garcia-Carpintero & Josep Macià, Two-Dimensional Semantics. New York: Oxford: Clarendon Press.
    The essence of the associated-proposition strategy is to distinguish the necessary proposition _expressed by_ a sentence.
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    Alexy on Necessity in Law and Morals.Dennis Patterson - 2012 - Ratio Juris 25 (1):47-58.
    Robert Alexy has built his original theory of law upon pervasive claims for “necessary” features of law. In this article, I show that Alexy's claims suffer from two difficulties. First, Alexy is never clear about what he means by “necessity.” Second, Alexy writes as if there have been no challenges to claims of conceptual necessity. There have been such challenges and Alexy needs to answer them if his project is to succeed.
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    Quantum statistics, identical particles and correlations.Dennis Dieks - 1990 - Synthese 82 (1):127 - 155.
    It is argued that the symmetry and anti-symmetry of the wave functions of systems consisting of identical particles have nothing to do with the observational indistinguishability of these particles. Rather, a much stronger conceptual indistinguishability is at the bottom of the symmetry requirements. This can be used to argue further, in analogy to old arguments of De Broglie and Schrödinger, that the reality described by quantum mechanics has a wave-like rather than particle-like structure. The question of whether quantum statistics alone (...)
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    Brain indices of nonconscious associative learning.Philip S. Wong, Edward Bernat, S. . Bunce & Shevrin . - 1997 - Consciousness and Cognition 6 (4):519-544.
    Using a classical conditioning technique, this study investigated whether nonconscious associative learning could be indexed by event-related brain activity . There were three phases. In a preconditioning baseline phase, pleasant and unpleasant facial schematics were presented in awareness . A conditioning phase followed, in which stimuli were presented outside awareness , with an unpleasant face linked to an aversive shock and a pleasant face not linked to a shock. The third, postconditioning phase, involved stimulus presentations in awareness . Evidence for (...)
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    Dignity and the Founding Myth of Bioethics.Samuel Reis-Dennis - 2023 - Hastings Center Report 53 (2):26-35.
    In this article, I reject the “principlism” of Tom Beauchamp and James Childress and argue that respect for autonomy is, and ought to be, the fundamental value of bioethics. To do so, I offer a reconstruction of what I call the field's “founding myth,” a genealogy that affords primacy to the right to be respected as a human being with dignity. Next, I examine the relationship between this basic right and a derivative right of autonomy. I suggest that principlism has (...)
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  38. Guilt: The Debt and the Stain.Samuel Reis-Dennis - forthcoming - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Mind.
    Abstract: Contemporary analytic philosophers of the “reactive attitudes” tend to share a simple conception of guilt as “self-directed blame”—roughly, an “unpleasant affect” felt in combination with, or in response to, the thought that one has violated a moral requirement, evinced substandard “quality of will,” or is blameworthy. I believe that this simple conception is inadequate. As an alternative, I offer my own theory of guilt’s logic and its connection to morality. In doing so, I attempt to articulate guilt’s defining thought (...)
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  39. A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory.Dennis M. Patterson (ed.) - 1996 - Blackwell.
    The articles in this new edition of A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory have been updated throughout, and the addition of ten new articles ensures ...
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  40. Graphic Understanding: Instruments and Interpretation in Robert Hooke's Micrographia.Michael Aaron Dennis - 1989 - Science in Context 3 (2):309-364.
    The ArugmentThis essay answers a single question: what was Robert Hooke, the Royal Society's curator of experiments, doing in his well-known 1665 work,Micrographia?Hooke was articulating a “universal cure of the mind” capable of bringing about a “reformation in Philosophy,” a change in philosophy's interpretive practices and organization. The work explicated the interpretive and political foundations for a community of optical instrument users coextensive with the struggling Royal Society. Standard observational practices would overcome the problem of using nonstandard instruments, while inherent (...)
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  41. Understanding Autonomy: An Urgent Intervention.Samuel Reis-Dennis - 2020 - Journal of Law and the Biosciences 1 (7).
    In this paper, I argue that the principle of respect for autonomy can serve as the basis for laws that significantly limit conduct, including orders mandating isolation and quarantine. This thesis is fundamentally at odds with an overwhelming consensus in contemporary bioethics that the principle of respect for autonomy, while important in everyday clinical encounters, must be 'curtailed', 'constrained', or 'overridden' by other principles in times of crisis. I contend that bioethicists have embraced an indefensibly 'thin' notion of autonomy that (...)
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  42. The Current Status of Research on Kant's Transcendental Deduction.Dennis Schulting - 2018 - Revista de Estudios Kantianos 3 (1):69–88.
  43. A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory.Dennis Patterson - 1998 - Philosophical Quarterly 48 (192):401-404.
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    Purchase Intention for Green Cars Among Chinese Millennials: Merging the Value–Attitude–Behavior Theory and Theory of Planned Behavior.Lei Wang, Qi Zhang & Philip Pong Weng Wong - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:786292.
    The value–attitude–behavior and the theory of planned behavior (TPB) appear to provide limited explanation for consumer green purchase behavior. This study aims to examine the relationship between pro-environmental value, consumption value, and TPB toward green car purchasing intention among the young Chinese generation. A total of 541 student responses were collected, and the results showed that altruistic value positively influenced subjective norm (SN) and perceived behavioral control (PBC), but negatively influenced green purchase attitude (GPA). Biospheric value positively influenced GPA and (...)
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  45. Can we please stop doing this? By the way, postema was right.Dennis Patterson - 2016 - In Pawel Banas, Adam Dyrda & Tomasz Gizbert-Studnicki, Metaphilosophy of Law. Portland, Oregon: Hart.
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    Rethinking Duress.Dennis Patterson - 2016 - Jurisprudence 7 (3):672-677.
    John Hyman makes a good case for the proposition that duress defeases what would otherwise be a voluntary act. In this article, I consider Hyman's arguments in the context of economic duress and conclude that while Hyman makes an excellent case for the proposition that duress vitiates voluntariness, there may be cases where the law might not want to allow the defence of duress.
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    Effects of hypothermia on Pavlovian conditioning in the rabbit: I. Nictitating membrane response.Dennis B. Shapson & Ralph B. Hupka - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 7 (3):243-245.
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    Ontology and the Paradox of Future Generations.Dennis Earl - 2011 - Public Reason 3 (1).
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    James Hutton and his public, 1785–1802.Dennis R. Dean - 1973 - Annals of Science 30 (1):89-105.
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    Sebastian Gertz, John Dillon, Donald Russell.Dennis Clark - forthcoming - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition.
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