David Haekwon Kim [18]David Kim [14]Dongwoo Kim [12]Daniel T. Kim [6]
Dayoung Kim [6]David Kyuman Kim [4]Daniel Takarabe Kim [4]Doil Kim [4]

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  1. Xenophobia and Racism.David Haekwon Kim & Ronald Sundstrom - 2014 - Critical Philosophy of Race 2 (1):20-45.
    Xenophobia is conceptually distinct from racism. Xenophobia is also distinct from nativism. Furthermore, theories of racism are largely ensconced in nationalized narratives of racism, often influenced by the black-white binary, which obscures xenophobia and shelters it from normative critiques. This paper addresses these claims, arguing for the first and last, and outlining the second. Just as philosophers have recently analyzed the concept of racism, clarifying it and pinpointing why it’s immoral and the extent of its moral harm, so we will (...)
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    Clinician Moral Distress: Toward an Ethics of Agent‐Regret.Daniel T. Kim, Wayne Shelton & Megan K. Applewhite - 2023 - Hastings Center Report 53 (6):40-53.
    Moral distress names a widely discussed and concerning clinician experience. Yet the precise nature of the distress and the appropriate practical response to it remain unclear. Clinicians speak of their moral distress in terms of guilt, regret, anger, or other distressing emotions, and they often invoke them interchangeably. But these emotions are distinct, and they are not all equally fitting in the same circumstances. This indicates a problematic ambiguity in the moral distress concept that obscures its distinctiveness, its relevant circumstances, (...)
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  3. Shame and Self-Revision in Asian American Assimilation.David Haekwon Kim - 2014 - In Emily S. Lee (ed.), Living Alterities: Phenomenology, Embodiment, and Race. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 103-132.
  4.  38
    Free versus anchored numerical estimation: A unified approach.John E. Opfer, Clarissa A. Thompson & Dan Kim - 2016 - Cognition 149 (C):11-17.
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    Impermissibility of euthanasia and self-regarding duties to stay alive.Xiang Yu & Daniel T. Kim - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Kirk Lougheed argues that active euthanasia (here ‘euthanasia’) is impermissible for people who are extremely sick and cannot exercise their vital forcei because (1) exercising vital force does not require volition but only being an object of caring relationships and (2) African philosophy entails other-regarding deontological duties to stay alive.1 In this commentary, we point out an implication of Lougheed’s view that is morally problematic and offer a revision that avoids this implication. We also argue for an additional advantage of (...)
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  6.  42
    Exact Truthmaker Semantics for Modal Logics.Dongwoo Kim - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (3):789-829.
    The present paper attempts to provide an exact truthmaker semantical analysis of modalized propositions. According to the present proposal, an exact truthmaker for “Necessarily _P_” is a state that bans every exact truthmaker for “Not _P_”, and an exact truthmaker for “Possibly _P_” is a state that allows an exact truthmaker for _P_. Based on this proposal, a formal semantics will be developed; and the soundness and completeness results for a well-known family of the systems of normal modal propositional logic (...)
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  7. Modernism, Christianity, and Business Ethics: A Worldview Perspective.David Kim, Dan Fisher & David McCalman - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (1):115-121.
    Despite growing interest in examining the role of religion in business ethics, there is little consensus concerning the basis or standards of “good” or ethical behavior and the reasons behind them. This limits our ability to enhance ethical behavior in the workplace. We address this issue by examining worldviews as it relates to ethics research and practice. Our worldview forms the context within which we organize and build our understanding of reality. Given that much of our academic work as well (...)
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  8. Symposium: Are Certain Knowledge Frameworks More Congenial to the Aims of Cross-Cultural Philosophy?Leigh Jenco, Steve Fuller, David H. Kim, Thaddeus Metz & Miljana Milojevic - 2017 - Journal of World Philosophies 2 (2):99-107.
    In “Global Knowledge Frameworks and the Tasks of Cross-Cultural Philosophy,” Leigh Jenco searches for the conception of knowledge that best justifies the judgment that one can learn from non-local traditions of philosophy. Jenco considers four conceptions of knowledge, namely, in catchwords, the esoteric, Enlightenment, hermeneutic, and self- transformative conceptions of knowledge, and she defends the latter as more plausible than the former three. In this critical discussion of Jenco’s article, I provide reason to doubt the self-transformative conception, and also advance (...)
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  9.  8
    A Difference in Degree, Not Kind: Moral Stress, Distress, and Injury.Daniel T. Kim, Wayne Shelton & Bharat Ranganathan - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (12):57-59.
    Moral distress is complex and has received varied definitions, and its distinctiveness is consequently often unclear when placed alongside related concepts like moral injury or moral stress. Buchbi...
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  10.  29
    Good Neighbors but Bad Employers: Two Faces of Corporate Social Responsibility Programs.Heung-Jun Jung & Dong-One Kim - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 138 (2):295-310.
    Using two firm-level datasets in Korea, we analyzed the effects of corporate social responsibility on employment relations. We propose that participation in corporate social activity may not necessarily reflect an ethical commitment to do “the right thing,” but instead can be associated with mobilizing internal resources to offset the costs imposed by external CSR involvement undertaken because of social pressure. Analysis of the two datasets showed similar results. The results demonstrate that socially responsible actions facilitate employer tendency to use performance-based (...)
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  11.  65
    Necessity, Essence, and Explanation.Dongwoo Kim - 2025 - Erkenntnis 90 (1):151-167.
    I shall discuss some of the relations among metaphysical modality, essence, and explanation. Marion Godman, Antonella Mallozzi and David Papineau have recently argued that the essence of a kind consists in its super-explanatory property—a single property that is causally responsible for a multitude of commonalities shared by the instances of the kind. And they argue that this super-explanatory account of essence offers a principled account of aposteriori necessities concerning kinds. I shall examine their arguments and argue that they are fallacious. (...)
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  12.  25
    Care before friendship: care as a model of civic solidarity.Donghye Kim - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    I argue that the principle of care, developed in care ethics, can be a better ground for civic solidarity than that of civic friendship. To make my argument, I present a preliminary categorization of extant discussion on civic solidarity as either falling under the commonality model or the relationship model. I argue that the reciprocity model of civic friendship proposed by Danielle Allen and Sibyl Schwarzenbach serves as a synthesis of the two models, constructing the most compelling theory of civic (...)
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  13. Naïve Realism and Sensorimotor Theory.Daniel S. H. Kim - 2024 - Synthese 204 (105):1-22.
    How can we have a sense of the presence of ordinary three-dimensional objects (e.g., an apple on my desk, a partially occluded cat behind a picket fence) when we are only presented with some parts of objects perceived from a particular egocentric viewpoint (e.g., the facing side of the apple, the unoccluded parts of the cat)? This paper presents and defends a novel answer to this question by incorporating insights from two prominent contemporary theories of perception, naïve realism and sensorimotor (...)
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  14. Naïve Realism and Minimal Self.Daniel S. H. Kim - 2022 - Phenomenology and Mind 22 (22):150-159.
    This paper defends the idea that phenomenological approaches to self-consciousness can enrich the current analytic philosophy of perception, by showing how phenomenological discussions of minimal self-consciousness can enhance our understanding of the phenomenology of conscious perceptual experiences. As a case study, I investigate the nature of the relationship between naïve realism, a contemporary Anglophone theory of perception, and experiential minimalism (or, the ‘minimal self’ view), a pre-reflective model of self-consciousness originated in the Phenomenological tradition. I argue that naïve realism is (...)
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  15.  46
    Alterity, Analectics, and the Challenges of Epistemic Decolonization.David Haekwon Kim - 2019 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 57 (S1):37-62.
    This essay explores some conceptual and diagnostic frameworks to advance epistemic decolonization in the US philosophical profession. A central focus is the distinction between those philosophies of formerly colonized peoples that are culturally alterior or, simply, alterior and those that are analectical in the Dusselian sense of emerging from a subordinated political position. The paper begins by reflecting upon connections between coloniality, the alterior, and the analectical to frame the discussion of epistemic decolonization in the philosophy profession. It then considers (...)
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  16.  11
    Incivility Affects Actors Too: The Complex Effects of Incivility on Perpetrators’ Work and Home Behaviors.Daniel Kim, Klodiana Lanaj & Joel Koopman - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-28.
    The majority of workplace incivility research has focused on implications of such acts for victims and observers. We extend this work in meaningful ways by proposing that, due to its norm-violating nature, incivility may have important implications for perpetrators as well. Integrating social norms theory and research on guilt with the behavioral concordance model, we take an actor-centric approach to argue that enacted incivility will lead to feelings of guilt, particularly for prosocially-motivated employees. In addition, given the interpersonally burdensome _as (...)
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    Stealing Time on the Company’s Dime: Examining the Indirect Effect of Laissez-Faire Leadership on Employee Time Theft.Biyun Hu, Crystal M. Harold & Dayoung Kim - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (2):475-493.
    Employee time theft is a costly and prevalent unethical work behavior. Yet, this construct has received less attention compared to other unethical behaviors, and as such, the literature has only a rudimentary understanding of why employees engage in time theft. Thus, the primary goal of this research is to provide greater insight into both _why_ employees engage in time theft and _who_ is most likely to engage in time theft. To do so, we draw from social information processing theory to (...)
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  18. What is Asian American Philosophy?David Haekwon Kim - 2007 - In George Yancy (ed.), Philosophy in Multiple Voices. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 219.
  19. José Mariátegui's East-South Decolonial Experiment.David Haekwon Kim - 2015 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 7 (2):157-179.
    Common notions of comparative philosophy tend to be strongly configured by the East-West axis. This essay suggests ways of seeing Latin American liberation philosophy as a form of comparative philosophy and an important Latin American thinker as being relevant for East-West political philosophy. The essay focuses on the Peruvian activist and intellectual, José Mariátegui, who is widely regarded to have been a leading Marxist, liberatory, and decolonial figure in 20th century Latin America. Like many “Third World” intellectuals of the interwar (...)
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  20.  6
    Moral Distress and the Intrapsychic Hazards of Medical Practice.Daniel T. Kim - 2024 - In Bharat Ranganathan & Caroline Anglim (eds.), Religion and Social Criticism: Tradition, Method, and Values. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 139-162.
    In this chapter, I will consider Miller’s reading of Augustine on the emotions that should arise in a person who, in pursuing justifiable ends, causes morally undesirable eventualities. Drawing on Miller’s article “Augustine, Moral Luck, and the Ethics of Regret and Shame,” I focus on the concept of what he calls “intrapsychic luck” and argue that it offers a new, further humanizing insight into discourses on moral distress in modern medicine. Moral distress, which was first coined in the nursing literature (...)
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  21.  3
    The Ultimate Intrinsic Motivator in Medicine: Patient Perspectives on What It Means to Be Loved by the Healthcare Team.I. I. Richard W. Sams, Dae Gun Chung Kim & Shresttha Dubey - forthcoming - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics.
    There is a compassion crisis in healthcare negatively impacting patient outcomes. Little is known about the relationship of love as a motivating factor in healthcare. Our research exploring physician and nurse perspectives on what it means to love their patients elucidated substantive themes. Here we report findings from an exploratory follow-up qualitative study exploring patient perspectives on what it means to be loved by the healthcare team. Through convenience sampling, we conducted 21 structured interviews of patients exiting a family medicine (...)
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  22. A Comparison of Young Publics' Evaluations of Corporate Social Responsibility Practices of Multinational Corporations in the United States and South Korea.Daewook Kim & Myung-Il Choi - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (1):105-118.
    The purpose of this study was to examine how young publics in the United States and South Korea perceive the corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices of multinational corporations and evaluate the effectiveness of CSR practices in terms of organization–public relationship (OPR). Results showed that young publics in the United States and South Korea differently characterized CSR practices of multinational corporations and evaluated relationships with them. Young American participants evaluated the CSR practices of multinational corporations more favorably than did the young (...)
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  23. Asian American Philosophers: Absence, Politics, and Identity.David Haekwon Kim - 2002 - American Philosophical Association Newsletter 1 (2):25-28.
    Less than one percent of U.S. philosophers are Asian American. This essay contends that the low percentage cannot be fully explained by considerations of demographics, immigration, and "Asian culture." Completeness of explanation requires reference to racial politics and Orientalism in their historic and national dynamics. It also requires reference to various kinds of identity derogation specific to the academy and to philosophy, in particular. The essay concludes with reflection on how the "model minority" discourse adds another layer of complication to (...)
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  24.  27
    Henk ten Have: Global bioethics: an introduction: Routledge, New York, 2016, 272 pp, $56.95, ISBN: 978-1-138-12410-3.Daniel Takarabe Kim - 2019 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 40 (1):63-66.
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    Promoting Professional Socialization.Dayoung Kim - 2022 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 41 (1):93-114.
    During the professional socialization process, nascent professionals internalize the moral values of their profession. Since professional socialization begins in professional schools, this article provides a new conceptual framework for professional ethics education which highlights the affective aspects of moral formation. To create the conceptual framework, this article synthesizes the ideas of Durkheim, Kohlberg, Hoffman, and Haidt on moral formation, with Durkheim as a common thread. In this conceptual framework, the internalization process is influenced and promoted by social discipline, which includes (...)
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  26.  37
    Longitudinal investigation of moral disengagement among undergraduate engineering students: findings from a mixed-methods study.Dayoung Kim, Brent K. Jesiek & Shiloh James Howland - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (8):691-713.
    The importance of ethics education for undergraduate engineering students has been emphasized due to the manifold impacts of engineering on society. However, little is known about moral disengagement among engineering students, which could potentially lead to unethical engineering practice. Especially, it is not known how engineering students’ moral disengagement changes over the course of their college studies. In this paper, we conducted a longitudinal, mixed-methods study to investigate moral disengagement among undergraduate engineering students (n = 274) using Bandura’s theory of (...)
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  27. Corporate Relations with Environmental Organizations Represented by Hyperlinks on the Fortune Global 500 Companies' Websites.Daejoong Kim & Yoonjae Nam - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 105 (4):475-487.
    This study investigates corporate relationships with environmental organizations by examining hyperlinks in the corporate environmental responsibility (CER) sections of the Fortune 2008 Global 500 corporate websites. It is assumed that hyperlinked organizations either represent their current inter-organizational relationship or create symbolic relationships among organizations. Results show that Asian companies have fewer hyperlink relations with other organizations compared with those in North America and Western Europe. Network analysis also confirms that U.S. companies are explicitly connected with stakeholders for CER practices, and (...)
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    Towards A Western Philosophy of the Eastern Martial Arts.Allan Bäck & Daeshik Kim - 1979 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 6 (1):19-28.
  29.  75
    On Frege’s Assimilation of Sentences with Names.Dongwoo Kim - 2021 - Philosophical Quarterly 71 (2):241-263.
    I shall discuss some of the issues concerning a notorious doctrine of Frege that sentences are names of truth-values. I am interested in a problem raised by Kripke that the doctrine obscures the distinction between judgeable and unjudgeable contents. I shall present what I take to be Frege’s account of judgeable content: a proper expression of a judgeable content is susceptible to an analysis into a predicate and an argument-word, where a predicate is understood as a concept-word used to attribute (...)
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    Explanation and modality: on why the Swampman is still worrisome to teleosemanticists.Dongwoo Kim - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1-2):2817-2839.
    In a series of papers, Papineau argues that the Swampman scenario is not even the start of an objection to teleosemantics as a scientific reduction of belief. It is against this claim that I want to argue here. I shall argue that our intuition about the scenario questions the adequacy of the conceptual foundations of teleosemantics, namely, success semantics and the etiological conception of biological function, on which the explanatory power of the theory rests. In the course of argument, some (...)
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  31. Dynamic correlations between heart and brain rhythm during Autogenic meditation.Dae-Keun Kim, Kyung-Mi Lee, Jongwha Kim, Min-Cheol Whang & Seung Wan Kang - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  32.  62
    The biphasic behavior of incoherent feed‐forward loops in biomolecular regulatory networks.Dongsan Kim, Yung-Keun Kwon & Kwang-Hyun Cho - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (11-12):1204-1211.
    An incoherent feed‐forward loop (FFL) is one of the most‐frequently observed motifs in biomolecular regulatory networks. It has been thought that the incoherent FFL is designed simply to induce a transient response shaped by a ‘fast activation and delayed inhibition’. We find that the dynamics of various incoherent FFLs can be further classified into two types: time‐dependent biphasic responses and dose‐dependent biphasic responses. Why do the structurally identical incoherent FFLs play such different dynamical roles? Through computational studies, we show that (...)
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  33. The Sacred/Secular Divide and the Christian Worldview.David Kim, David McCalman & Dan Fisher - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (2):203-208.
    Many employees with strong religious convictions find themselves living in two separate worlds: the sacred private world of family and church where they can express their faith freely and the secular public world where religious expression is strongly discouraged. We examine the origins of sacred/secular divide, and show how this division is an outcome of modernism replacing Christianity as the dominant worldview in western society. Next, we make the case that guiding assumptions (or faith) is inherent in every worldview, system (...)
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  34. Unveiling the True Nature of Confucian Humility in the Modern Context - A Methodological Proposal for Interdisciplinary - Research Combining Cultural Psychology and - East Asian Philosophy-.Doil Kim - 2023 - Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture 40:157-179.
    Confucian humility (qian xun 謙遜) is a deeply rooted virtue in East Asian traditions and widely practiced among modern East Asians. Despite its significance, our modern understanding of it remains imperfect, partly due to a prevailing misunderstanding of its true nature under the label of “modesty­bias.” This bias is often cited as a representative trait of East Asian collectivism in social or cultural psychology, leading to a narrow focus on attitudes and behaviors associated with it, with little attention to whether (...)
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  35. Contempt and Ordinary Inequality.David Haekwon Kim - 1999 - In Susan E. Babbitt & Sue Campbell (eds.), Racism and Philosophy. Cornell University Press.
  36.  26
    Redundant trials can be prevented, if the EU clinical trial regulation is applied duly.Daria Kim & Joerg Hasford - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-19.
    The problem of wasteful clinical trials has been debated relentlessly in the medical community. To a significant extent, it is attributed to redundant trials – studies that are carried out to address questions, which can be answered satisfactorily on the basis of existing knowledge and accessible evidence from prior research. This article presents the first evaluation of the potential of the EU Clinical Trials Regulation 536/2014, which entered into force in 2014 but is expected to become applicable at the end (...)
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    The Ethics of Engineering Ethics Education Curriculum Design, Ethics Pedagogies, and the Moral Responsibilities of Ethics Educators.Qin Zhu, Dayoung Kim & Roel Snieder - 2024 - Teaching Ethics 24 (1):165-177.
    In this paper, we argue that engineering ethics education does have moral implications. More specifically, practices in engineering ethics education can lead to negative moral consequences if not conducted appropriately. Engineering ethics educators are often passionate about teaching students ways to examine the ethical implications of engineering and technology. However, ethics educators may overlook the moral significance of their instructional classroom practices. In this paper, we discuss two issues: First, we discuss the moral impacts of ethics curriculum and pedagogies on (...)
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    The Ideal State for Humans in Xunzi.Doil Kim - 2014 - Philosophy East and West 64 (3):740-758.
    An important characteristic of the ethical thought of Xunzi 荀子 that has not received the attention it deserves is related to the idea of the ideal state or condition that Xunzi believes all humans should attain in their personal interactions. I am inclined to think that Xunzi actually puts this idea at the center of his ethical outlook. If this inclination is credible, it may have significant implications for any attempt to understand Xunzi’s ethical thought in a more systematic way. (...)
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    Right, Equality, and the Fairness Obligation.Dong-il Kim - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (3):795-807.
    The principle of fairness holds that individuals (beneficiaries) who benefit from a cooperative scheme of others (cooperators) have an obligation to do their share in return for their benefit. The original proponent of this principle, H. L. A. Hart suggests ‘mutuality of restrictions’ as a moral basis because it is fair to mutually restrict the freedom of both beneficiaries and cooperators; so called the fairness obligation. This paper explores ‘mutuality of restrictions’, which is interpreted as a right-based and an equality-based (...)
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    Linear Spatial–Numeric Associations Aid Memory for Single Numbers.John Opfer, Dan Kim, Christopher J. Young & Francesca Marciani - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Memory for numbers improves with age. One source of this improvement may be learning linear spatial-numeric associations, but previous evidence for this hypothesis likely confounded memory span with quality of numerical magnitude representations and failed to distinguish spatial-numeric mappings from other numeric abilities, such as counting or number word-cardinality mapping. To obviate the influence of memory span on numerical memory, we examined 39 3- to 5-year-olds’ ability to recall one spontaneously produced number (1-20) after a delay, and the relation between (...)
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  41. The place of American empire: Amerasian territories and late American Modernity.David Haekwon Kim - 2004 - Philosophy and Geography 7 (1):95-121.
    Imperialism rarely receives discussion in mainstream philosophy. In radical philosophy, where imperialism is analyzed with some frequency, European expansion is the paradigm. This essay considers the nature and specificity of American imperialism, especially its racialization structures, diplomatic history, and geographic trajectory, from pre‐twentieth century “Amerasia” to present‐day Eurasia. The essay begins with an account of imperialism generally, one which is couched in language consistent with left‐liberalism but compatible with a more radical discourse. This account is then used throughout the rest (...)
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  42. The Unexamined Frontier: Dewey, Pragmatism, and America Enlarged.David Haekwon Kim - 2009 - In Chad Kautzer & Eduardo Mendieta (eds.), Pragmatism, Nation, and Race: Community in the Age of Empire. Indiana University Press. pp. 46--72.
    This essay critically examines the political philosophy of John Dewey in relation to U.S. imperialism in the Asia-Pacific. First, using the work of Louis Menand and Robert Brandom's critical refinement of it, the significance of U.S. imperialism for pragmatism is discussed. Second, the essay argues that Dewey's work reveals a structured and generative absence of reflection on the expansion of American racial hegemony across the Pacific in spite of Dewey's serious engagement with Asia and especially China. The configuration of this (...)
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    On the Concept of Care in J. S. Mill’s Liberal Utilitarianism.Donghye Kim - 2024 - The European Legacy 29 (2):166-183.
    In this article I propose the concept of care as an organizing principle of John Stuart Mill’s theory of liberal utilitarianism. While both critics and proponents of Mill’s theory see his commitment to character development as a distinct feature of his utilitarianism, the specific type of character he promotes has received scant attention. Through a close reading of Mill’s Collected Works, with an emphasis on Utilitarianism, I argue that a commitment to caring characters is central to making sense of Mill’s (...)
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  44. Self-Contempt and Color-Blind Liberalism in The Accidental Asian.David Haekwon Kim - 2007 - In E. Ann Kaplan & Susan Scheckel (eds.), Boundaries of Affect: Ethnicity and Emotion. Stony Brook University Humanities Institute.
  45.  6
    Necessities in the old jungle?: On Han’s analysis of the necessity of origin.Dongwoo Kim - 2025 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):1-12.
    I shall discuss Han’s analysis of the necessity of origin theses. His analysis comes in two parts. The negative part argues that well-known Kripkean arguments leave an inferential gap, thus falling short of establishing the necessity of origin theses. The positive part contends that the gap can only be bridged by Aristotelian metaphysics of essence and causation. I shall critically examine both the negative and positive parts of Han’s analysis.
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    A Physician’s Role Following a Breach of Electronic Health Information.Daniel Kim, Kristin Schleiter, Bette-Jane Crigger, John W. McMahon, Regina M. Benjamin, Sharon P. Douglas & American Medical Association The Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs - 2010 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 21 (1):30-35.
    The Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs of the American Medical Association examines physicians’ professional ethical responsibility in the event that the security of patients’ electronic records is breached.
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    Does Ethical Voice Matter? Examining How Peer Team Leader Ethical Voice and Role Modeling Relate to Ethical Leadership.Dongkyu Kim, Dongwon Choi & Seung Yeon Son - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 192 (1):113-128.
    The present study explores a neglected area of ethical leadership: lateral behavioral effect from peer team leaders as a key predictor of ethical leadership. Using the lens of social learning theory, we posit that peer team leader ethical voice fosters focal team leader ethical leadership through team leader moral efficacy. In line with social learning perspective, we also posit the moderating effect of ethical role modeling of peer team leader in relationship between peer team leader ethical voice and team leader (...)
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  48. Modern Order and the Promise of Anarchy: From the 'Writhing Age' of Souls to World Reconstruction.David Haekwon Kim - 2004 - The Hamline Review 28:22-71.
  49.  72
    Anti-Asian Racism.David Haekwon Kim & Ronald R. Sundstrom - 2023 - American Philosophical Quarterly 60 (4):411-424.
    Over the last twenty-five years, philosophers have offered increasingly more sophisticated accounts of the nature and wrongness of racism. But very little in this literature discusses what is distinctive to anti-Asian racism. This gap exists partly because philosophy, like much of U.S. culture, has been influenced by civic narratives that center anti-black racism in ways that leave vague anti-Asian racism. We discuss this conceptual gap and its effects on understanding anti-Asian racism. In response to this problem, we offer an account (...)
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  50. Increased Low- and High-Frequency Oscillatory Activity in the Prefrontal Cortex of Fibromyalgia Patients.Manyoel Lim, June Sic Kim, Dajung J. Kim & Chun Kee Chung - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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