Results for 'Commutative justice'

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  1.  25
    Commutative Justice: A Liberal Theory of Just Exchange.Carl David Mildenberger - 2020 - New York: Routledge.
    This book develops a liberal theory of justice in exchange. It identifies the conditions that market exchanges need to fulfill to be just. It also addresses head-on a consequentialist challenge to existing theories of exchange, namely that, in light of new harms faced at the global level, we need to consider the combined consequences of millions of market exchanges to reach a final judgment about whether some individual exchange is just. The author argues that, even if we accept this (...)
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    Commutative Justice and Access and Benefit Sharing for Genetic Resources.Anna Https://Orcidorg Deplazes-Zemp - 2018 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 21 (1):110-126.
    The Convention on Biological Diversity and its Nagoya Protocol established an Access and Benefit Sharing system between utilizers and providers of genetic resources. ABS is understood as a tool that should promote commutative justice between the involved parties. This essay discusses what exactly it is that is being exchanged in the ABS process. It critically analyses moral claims to compensation that are implied by the ABS system for genetic resources. It argues that with the exception of cases in (...)
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  3.  12
    Capitalism and Commutative Justice.Jon P. Gunnemann - 1985 - The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 5:101-122.
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    A Criticism on Consequentialism - Focusing on the Issues of Integrity, Distributive Justice, and Commutative Justice -. 최규하 - 2019 - The Catholic Philosophy 33:135-171.
    행위의 도덕성을 그 행위가 야기하는 결과적 사태의 가치로 판단하는 결과주의에서 원칙적으로 제시하는 유일한 도덕적 판단 기준은 비개인적 관점에서 바라본 전체 세계의 총합적 가치의 최대화이다. 이에 따라 전체의 이익과 충돌할 때마다 개인은 자신의 이익과 신념, 삶의 기획을 모두 포기하도록 도덕적으로 요구되고, 결과적으로 각 개인의 개별성은 적절하게 존중받을 근거를 잃어버리게 된다. 본 논문에서는 결과주의가 도덕적 이론으로서 지닌 한계를 온전성, 분배 정의, 그리고 교환 정의의 측면에서 살펴본다. 우선 온전성의 측면에서, 자신의 신념과 가치관에 따라 온전한 삶을꾸려가야 할 개인은 결과주의적 원칙 하에 전체의 선을 위해 (...)
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    development of moral habits. Examples are taken from commutative justice, friendship, parental love, and political life.Transcendental Idealism & Quassim Cassam - 1987 - Philosophical Quarterly 37 (149).
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    Constitutive justice.William A. Barbieri - 2015 - Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    How can we determine what are just boundaries or just criteria for inclusion or exclusion in contemporary states, nations, peoples, or other 'communities of justice'? As Barbieri demonstrates, recent theories of justice have failed to grapple squarely with this fundamental problem, either wholly ignoring it, or approaching it, inadequately, in terms of distributive or commutative justice, or simply declaring the problem insoluble. Developing a clear understanding of the peculiarities of constitutive justice, Barbieri contends, is a (...)
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  7. Social justice and legal justice.Wojciech Sadurski - 1984 - Law and Philosophy 3 (3):329 - 354.
    The main aim of this paper is to challenge the validity of the distinction between legal justice and social justice. It is argued that what we usually call legal justice is either an application of the more fundamental notion of social justice to legal rules and decisions or is not a matter of justice at all. In other words, the only correct uses of the notion of legal justice are derivative from the notion of (...)
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  8.  20
    Justice in the Distribution of Benefits.Jan Hellner - 1990 - Ratio Juris 3 (s1):162-172.
    The welfare state raises questions concerning the just distribution of benefits. The proceeds from tort liability and insurance supplementing or replacing such liability are benefits that must be included in this context. The author argues that neither distribution based solely on the needs of various persons injured nor considerations of economic efficiency are sufficient. Commutative justice must be considered relevant as well. The ultimate valuations cannot be justified by rational arguments alone but such arguments must be taken into (...)
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    Criteria for Justice.Franz von Kutschera - 1981 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 12 (1):267-280.
    Two criteria, one for distributive and one for commutative justice are formulated, the latter applying to cases of free cooperation. Both criteria follow Aristotle's idea of proportional equality which in the first case is equality in the fulfillment of legitimate claims, in the second case equality of the gains derived from cooperation. The theory of social welfare functions is employed in the definition of the two criteria, but such functions are applied only to morally or legally justified interests. (...)
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    Criteria for Justice.Franz von Kutschera - 1981 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 12 (1):267-280.
    Two criteria, one for distributive and one for commutative justice are formulated, the latter applying to cases of free cooperation. Both criteria follow Aristotle's idea of proportional equality which in the first case is equality in the fulfillment of legitimate claims, in the second case equality of the gains derived from cooperation. The theory of social welfare functions is employed in the definition of the two criteria, but such functions are applied only to morally or legally justified interests. (...)
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  11. Challenging research on human subjects: justice and uncompensated harms.Stephen Napier - 2013 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 34 (1):29-51.
    Ethical challenges to certain aspects of research on human subjects are not uncommon; examples include challenges to first-in-human trials (Chapman in J Clin Res Bioethics 2(4):1–8, 2011), certain placebo controlled trials (Anderson in J Med Philos 31:65–81, 2006; Anderson and Kimmelman in Kennedy Inst Ethics J 20(1):75–98, 2010) and “sham” surgery (Macklin in N Engl J Med 341:992–996, 1999). To date, however, there are few challenges to research when the subjects are competent and the research is more than minimal risk (...)
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    Analogie et justice dans l’échange.Arnaud Berthoud - 2019 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 19 (2):201-218.
    La justice dont il est question ici est la justice dans l’échange ou justice commutative selon la tradition issue d’Aristote. Cette justice qui s’exprime dans le juste prix s’établit à partir d’une discussion entre les propriétaires prenant part à l’échange. Cette discussion relève d’une logique de l’analogie. Pour les parties dans un échange, la justice n’est pas une égalité mais seulement une qualité entre personnes vers laquelle on se dirige par comparaison avec une égalité (...)
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    Justice in Human Research Ethics: A Conceptual and Practical Guide.Ian Pieper & C. J. Thomson - 2013 - Monash Bioethics Review 31 (1):99-116.
    One of the core values to be applied by a body reviewing the ethics of human research is justice. The inclusion of justice as a requirement in the ethical review of human research is relatively recent and its utility had been largely unexamined until debates arose about the conduct of international biomedical research in the late 1990s. The subsequent amendment of authoritative documents in ways that appeared to shift the meaning of conceptions of justice generated a great (...)
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    Aristotle and Aquinas on the Virtue of Money as a Preservative of Justice in Business Affairs and States.Peter A. Redpath - 2019 - Studia Gilsoniana 8 (4):885-890.
    While Aristotle’s and St. Thomas’s teachings about economics are often ridiculed today, this article argues that actually what they had to say about this issue, especially about the nature of sound currency, backed up by force of law, is quite profound. According to both of them, sound money plays an essential role in the preserving commutative justice within States. By so doing, it preserves communication between talented people who make qualitatively unequal contributions to a State’s continued existence and (...)
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    La justice entre les générations.Axel Gosseries - 2002 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 33 (1):61-81.
    Pour les tenants de l’égalitarisme du maximin, le contexte intergénérationnel constitue un triple défi. Primo, ce que requiert le maximin intergénérationnel ne se confond-il pas avec l’interdiction de la désépargne posée par une conception commutative de la justice comme réciprocité indirecte? Secundo, ne sommes-nous contraints de prendre au sérieux, plus qu’ailleurs, les préoccupations aggrégatives des utilitaristes afin d’éviter une « stagnation éternelle dans la misère » et ainsi de renoncer au maximin? Tertio, n’est-ce pas un contexte où égalitarisme (...)
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    What Do the Various Principles of Justice Mean Within the Concept of Benefit Sharing?Bege Dauda, Yvonne Denier & Kris Dierickx - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (2):281-293.
    The concept of benefit sharing pertains to the act of giving something in return to the participants, communities, and the country that have participated in global health research or bioprospecting activities. One of the key concerns of benefit sharing is the ethical justifications or reasons to support the practice of the concept in global health research and bioprospecting. This article evaluates one of such ethical justifications and its meaning to benefit sharing, namely justice. We conducted a systematic review to (...)
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    Between Redemption and Retribution: Justifying Commutations for Life-without-parole Sentences in California.Doris Schartmueller - 2024 - Criminal Justice Ethics 43 (1):57-83.
    For persons serving life-without-parole (LWOP) sentences in California, a commutation usually offers them the sole glimpse of hope for release from prison. While governors were reluctant to consider any sentence reductions from 1975 to 2016, commutations—including those for LWOP—have become a more frequent occurrence since. Yet, little is still known about how governors have justified reducing a sentence that initially offered no prospect of release from prison. Given the apparent change in practice, themes emerging from the content of 177 gubernatorial (...)
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    Virtuous Circularity: Positive Law and Particular Justice.Claudio Michelon - 2014 - Ratio Juris 27 (2):271-287.
    This paper argues that the positive allocative decisions paradigmatically carried out by the application of legal rules are a necessary condition for arguments about particular justice (i.e., distributive and commutative justice) to make sense. If one shifts the focus from the distinction between distributive and commutative justice to what the two aspects of particular justice are for, namely, providing criteria to judge the allocation of goods, it becomes clear that the distinction is conceptually unstable. (...)
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  19. Two Models Of Justice.B. Byrd - 1993 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 1.
    One of the most troubling aspects of dealing with past injustice in the former East Block is the conflict between positive law and law as the expression of higher principles of justice. In his Die Metaphysik der Sitten, Kant attempts to give content to, and place limitations on, what one may reasonably call "law". The purpose of this paper is to examine Kant's theories of commutative justice in a state of nature and distributive justice in a (...)
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  20.  97
    Grotius and Aristotle: The Justice of Taking Too Little.Andrew Blom - 2016 - History of Political Thought 36 (1):84-112.
    The theory of justice that Hugo Grotius developed in De Jure Belli ac Pacis (The Law of War and Peace, 1625) set itself against a certain reading of Aristotle, according to which justice is conceived of as a mean between taking too much and taking too little. I argue that we can best understand the implications of Grotius' mature conception by considering the ends to which he had deployed this Aristotelian notion in his earlier work. Grotius came to (...)
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    Vicissitudes of benefit sharing of crop genetic resources: Downstream and upstream.Bram de Jonge & Michiel Korthals - 2006 - Developing World Bioethics 6 (3):144–157.
    ABSTRACT In this article, we will first give a historic overview of the concept of benefit sharing and its appearance in official agreements, particularly with respect to crop genetic resources. It will become clear that, at present, benefit sharing is primarily considered as an instrument of compensation or exchange, and thus refers to commutative justice. However, we believe that such a narrow interpretation of benefit sharing disregards, and even undermines, much of its (historical) content and potency, especially where (...)
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  22.  80
    Consumer Rights: An Assessment of Justice[REVIEW]Gretchen Larsen & Rob Lawson - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 112 (3):515-528.
    For the last 50 years the idea of consumer rights has formed an essential element in the formulation of policy to guide the workings of the marketplace. The extent and coverage of these rights has evolved and changed over time, yet there has been no comprehensive analysis as to the purpose and scope of consumer rights. In moral and ethical philosophy, rights are integrally linked to the notion of justice. By reassessing consumer rights through a justice-based framework, a (...)
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  23.  67
    Self-interest, love, and economic justice: A dialogue between classical economic liberalism and catholic social teaching. [REVIEW]Lawrence R. Cima & Thomas L. Schubeck - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 30 (3):213 - 231.
    This essay seeks to start a dialogue between two traditions that historically have interpreted the economy in opposing ways: the individualism of classic economic liberalism (CEL), represented by Adam Smith and Milton Friedman, and the communitarianism of Catholic social teaching (CST), interpreted primarily through the teachings of popes and secondarily the U.S. Catholic bishops. The present authors, an economist and a moral theologian who identify with one or the other of the two traditions, strive to clarify objectively their similarities and (...)
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    Distributive Considerations in Smith's Conception of Economic Justice.Amos Witztum - 1997 - Economics and Philosophy 13 (2):241-259.
    In spite of the numerous occasions on which Adam Smith expresses his reservations regarding the morality of commercial societies, there seems to be an agreement that he believed such systems to be fundamentally just. To some, this is so because they attribute to Smith a concept of justice which is narrowly confined to the ‘right to have [one's] body free from injury, and [one's] liberty free from infringement’ . In a world where people have an interest in the fortune (...)
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    Structuring of Tort Liability from Corrective and Distributive Justice.Yoshihisa Nomi - 2022 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 63 (1):235-256.
    L’accident nucléaire de Fukushima a engendré une série de problèmes nouveaux. Comme il s’agissait d’une responsabilité stricte, les victimes n’ont pas eu à prouver la négligence mais ils ont entamé une action pour obtenir davantage de dédommagements pour atteinte morale. Ceci conduit à poser la question de la culpabilité pour négligence et stricte responsabilité. Je propose de ne pas entendre culpabilité au sens moral mais d’y voir une déviation par rapport à la norme. Plus grande sera la déviation, plus grande (...)
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    Fairness in International Trade and Investment: North American Perspectives. [REVIEW]Frederick Bird, Thomas Vance & Peter Woolstencroft - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 84 (S3):405 - 425.
    This article reviews the practices and differing sets of attitudes North Americans have taken with respect to fairness in international trade and proposes a set of common considerations for ongoing debates about these matters. After reviewing the asymmetrical relations between Canada, the United States, and Mexico and the impact of multilateral trade agreements on bilateral trade between these countries, the article looks at four typical normative views with respect to trade held by North Americans. These views variously emphasize concerns for (...)
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    Le silence de Rawls sur les thèses de Hayek à propos de la justice sociale : quelques hypothèses aventuristes.Jean-Fabien Spitz - 2023 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 145 (2):87-107.
    Le silence observé par John Rawls à propos des thèses de Friedrich Hayek sur la question de la justice sociale est à la fois remarquable et irritant. À défaut de pouvoir s’appuyer sur des textes où Rawls se démarquerait explicitement de ces thèses, il est cependant possible de tenter de tracer la ligne de clivage essentielle entre les deux auteurs : Hayek demeure convaincu que la question de la justice ne peut se poser qu’à propos des actions individuelles, (...)
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  28.  15
    Moral Objectives, Rules, and the Forms of Social Change.David Braybrooke - 1998 - University of Toronto Press.
    Assorted fruit from forty years' writing, these essays by David Braybrooke discuss (in Part One of the book) a variety of concrete, practical topics that ethical concerns bring into politics: people's interests; their needs as well as their preferences; their work and their commitment to work; their participation in politics and in other group activities. Essays follow on the justice with which theme matters are arranged for and on the common good in which they are consolidated. Justice here (...)
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  29. Dreptatea ca principiu de organizare a vietii politice.Gheorghe-Ilie Farte - 2018 - In Virgil Stoica & Bogdan Constantin Mihăilescu (eds.), Noi perspective asupra valorilor politice.
    The main thesis of this paper is that justice is not a natural law that (re)establishes equilibrium and order in the universe, but a disposition enforced by a fighting will to render to every man his due in line with a regime of rights, powers, or immunities to use, enjoy and control some external goods. Inasmuch as there is no sense, feeling or instinct of justice, it is reasonable to assert that people regulate their conduct under the authority (...)
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  30.  35
    Re-thinking Capitalism: What We can Learn from Scholasticism?Domènec Melé - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (2):293-304.
    The macro-level business ethics in Scholasticism contrasts with modern Anglo-Saxon Capitalism, which is very influential worldwide. Scholasticism, developed between the thirteenth and the mid-seventeenth centuries, deals with key elements of free market morality, including private property, contracts, profits, prices, and free competition. For over 500 years Scholasticism tried to understand economic phenomena and business activities and reflected on them from an ethical perspective. Scholasticism offered the crucial lesson of the centrality of justice and the role of practical wisdom in (...)
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  31.  58
    Patients or customers: Ethical limits of market economy in health care.Friedrich Heubel - 2000 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 25 (2):240 – 253.
    There is a move away from a market economy in health care in the United States and a move towards such a market in Germany.1 This article tries to make explicit what underlies the moral intuition that there is a tension between a market economy and health care. First, health care is analyzed in terms of the economic theory of the market and incompatibilities are described. The moral problem is identified as the danger of liquefying the distinction between persons and (...)
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  32.  13
    The Purpose of Awarding Restitutionary Damages: A Reply to Professor Weinrib.James Gordley - 2000 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 1 (1).
    Professor Ernest Weinrib has argued that restitutionary damages must be understood, not as a deterrent to wrongful conduct, but as a requirement of commutative Justice. Professor Gordley agrees, but claims that a purposive understanding of commutative Justice can shed more light on restitutionary damages than the formal understanding of Professor Weinrib. A purposive understanding enables us to distinguish appropriation of a right from mere inteference, to distinguish true restitutionary damages from damages in lieu of a forced (...)
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    Ockham and the modern theory of subjective law, domain and property.Ignacio Miralbell & Simón Suazo - 2024 - Ideas Y Valores 73 (186):139-154.
    In this article we propose to analyze the influence of Ockham on the modern philosophy of law by introducing the division between “subjective right” and “objective right”, the voluntarist conception of ownership and property, and the forgetting of distributive justice in favor of the struggle between commutative justice (subjectiveright) and legal justice (objective right).
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  34. Troubled Foundations for Private Law.Stephen Smith - 2008 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 21 (2):459-476.
    In The Foundations of Private Law James Gordley argues that the modern private law in common and civil law jurisdictions is best explained on the basis of a neo-Aristotelian theory first developed by a group of 16th century Spanish thinkers known as the ‘late scholastics’. The concepts of distributive and commutative justice that, according to Gordley, lay at core of the scholastics’ theory and that explain, respectively, modern property law and the law of obligations , though ignored and (...)
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    Second Scholasticism and Black Slavery.Roberto Hofmeister Pich - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 64 (3):e36112.
    In order to systematically explore the normative treatment of Black slavery by Second Scholastic thinkers, usually placing the problem within the broad discussion of moral conscience and, more narrowly, the nature and justice of trade and contracts, I propose two stations of research that may be helpful for future studies, especially in what concerns the study of Scholastic ideas in colonial Latin America. Beginning with the analysisof just titles for slavery and slavery trade proposed by Luis de Molina S.J., (...)
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    Second Scholasticism and Black Slavery1.Roberto Hofmeister Pich - 2020 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 65 (1):e36662.
    In order to systematically explore the normative treatment of black slavery by Second Scholastic thinkers, who usually place the problem within the broad discussion of moral conscience and, more narrowly, the nature and justice of trade and contracts, I propose two stations of research that may be helpful for future studies, especially concerning the study of Scholastic ideas in colonial Latin America. Beginning with the analysis of just titles for slavery and slavery trade proposed by Luis de Molina S.J., (...)
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  37. Can economic globalization lead to a more just society?Farhad Rassekh & John Speir - 2010 - Journal of Global Ethics 6 (1):27-43.
    We briefly review the recent literature on globalization, and present empirical evidence showing that economic globalization has been correlated with higher economic growth and lower poverty rates. We then evaluate the consequences of economic globalization in light of standards of commutative justice as Smith articulated, distributive justice as Rawls presented, and practical justice as Kolm explicated. This essay argues that economic globalization fulfills the requirements of all three species of justice.
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    Tauschgerechtigkeit im Gesundheitssystem?: Kritische Anfragen an Otfried Höffes Forderung nach einem Paradigmenwechsel.Peter Dabrock - 1999 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 43 (1):2-22.
    This article offers a critical appreciation of a theory of justice puttoward by 0. Höffe. Höffe suggests that commutative justice forms the basis for every understanding of justice, not only in market relationships but also in the legal and social state. Beginning with Räffes' application of his theory to the health system, this article argues that Höffes' theory is not empirically sufficent; nor does it suffice in the discourse of Iegitimation for law and state. Distributive (...) can only be excluded as the fundamental justice for legal and state function at the cost of participation and solidarity. The paradigm change for which Höffe calls cannot, therefore, count upon the support of Christian social ethics. (shrink)
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    What is Fair and Equitable Benefit-sharing?Bram De Jonge - 2011 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 24 (2):127-146.
    “Fair and equitable benefit-sharing” is one of the objectives of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and the FAO International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. In essence, benefit-sharing holds that countries, farmers, and indigenous communities that grant access to their plant genetic resources and/or traditional knowledge should share in the benefits that users derive from these resources. But what exactly is understood by “fair” and “equitable” in this context? Neither term is defined in the international treaties. (...)
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    The Morality of Bargaining: Insights from “Caritas in Veritate”. [REVIEW]James Bernard Murphy - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 100 (S1):79-88.
    Pope Benedict XVI’s 2009 Encyclical-Letter “ Caritas in Veritate ,” (CV) breaks some new ground in the tradition of Catholic social teaching. I argue that explicitly this document makes a call for a new theory of economic exchange. Whereas, the traditional scholastic theory of the “just price” was focused on “the principle of the equivalence in value of exchanged goods” (CV 35), a new theory of exchange must focus instead on “a metaphysical understanding of the relations between persons” (CV 53). (...)
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    The Evolution of Social Ethics: Using Economic History to Understand Economic Ethics.Albino Barrera - 1999 - Journal of Religious Ethics 27 (2):285 - 304.
    In the development of Roman Catholic social thought from the teachings of the scholastics to the modern social encyclicals, changes in normative economics reflect the transformation of an economic terrain from its feudal roots to the modern industrial economy. The preeminence accorded by the modern market to the allocative over the distributive function of price broke the convenient convergence of commutative and distributive justice in scholastic just price theory. Furthermore, the loss of custom, law, and usage in defining (...)
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    Notes on Panofsky, Cassirer, and the "Medium of the Movies".Terry Comito - 1980 - Philosophy and Literature 4 (2):229-241.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Terry Comito NOTES ON PANOFSKY, CASSIRER, AND THE "MEDIUM OF THE MOVIES" The modesty of my title is not feigned. Panofsky's essay on "Style and Medium in the Motion Pictures"1 is more often quoted than understood, and much of it proves upon examination to be curiously elusive. The notes and hypotheses offered here are tentative ones, meant only to point us in the direction of answers to two questions. (...)
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    Striving To Do Good: Well-Springs, Realities, and Paradoxes of Medical Humanitarian Work.Renée C. Fox - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (2):115-119.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Striving To Do Good:Well-Springs, Realities, and Paradoxes of Medical Humanitarian WorkRenée C. FoxThe voices that speak from the pages of these testimonial narratives are those of physicians who are engaged in medical humanitarian work. The preponderance of them are based in U.S. academic medical centers where they have clinical, teaching, and research responsibilities from which they regularly "commute" to care for patients in what the euphemistic language of "global (...)
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    Justicia en los estados de América del sur.Diana Milagros Dueñas Roque - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-23.
    El problema radica en la imprecisión del tipo de justicia adoptado en las Constituciones Políticas de América del Sur; tal ausencia genera que el sistema de justicia y la igualdad social sean implementados de forma inadecuada. La finalidad es proponer la aplicación de la justicia conmutativa en la administración de justicia y la justicia distributiva en la igualdad. La metodología utilizada es el enfoque cuantitativo, diseño transeccional, descriptivo. Los resultados presentan desacuerdo y desconfianza en el sistema de justicia y que (...)
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    The bible of justice.Justice T. Reason - 1970 - Green Bay, Wis.,: Justice T. Reason Publications.
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  46. Procedural justice, legitimacy and social contexts.Anthony Bottoms & Justice Tankebe - 2021 - In Meyerson Denise, Catriona Mackenzie & Therese MacDermott (eds.), Procedural Justice and Relational Theory: Empirical, Philosophical, and Legal Perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  47. of personality God wants man to possess and the supreme comfort as well as peace in which He wants every society to live.Justice Sheikh Ahmed Lemu - 1986 - In S. O. Abogunrin (ed.), Religion and ethics in Nigeria. Ibadan: Daystar Press. pp. 172.
  48. Cecile Fabre.Global Distributive Justice & An Egalitarian Perspective - 2007 - In Daniel M. Weinstock (ed.), Global justice, global institutions. Calgary, Alta.: University of Calgary Press. pp. 139.
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  49. Racism and the limits of.Distributive Justice - 2001 - Public Affairs Quarterly 15 (3):271.
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    Medical Technology and New Frontiers of Family Law.Justice M. D. Kirby - 1986 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 14 (3-4):113-119.
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