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Rob Lawson [3]Robert W. Lawson [2]Robert-Gérard Lawson [1]Robb Lawson [1]
Robert F. Lawson [1]Robert B. Lawson [1]Robert Lawson [1]Robert M. Lawson [1]

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  1.  76
    Relativity. The Special and General Theory.J. E. Trevor, Albert Einstein & Robert W. Lawson - 1921 - Philosophical Review 30 (2):213.
  2.  47
    Generating Regional-Scale Improvements in SME Corporate Responsibility Performance: Lessons from Responsibility Northwest.Sarah Roberts, Rob Lawson & Jeremy Nicholls - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 67 (3):275-286.
    This paper describes the research carried out into small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and corporate responsibility (CR) in the Northwest of England during Phase I of Responsibility Northwest, a partnership programme designed to significantly increase the CR of the region. By engaging with significant numbers of SMEs and SME support providers across the region, key insights were gained in three key areas: • The current attitudes to, understanding of, and management of CR issues in the SME sector.• The barriers to (...)
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  3. Relativity, the Special and the General Theory: A Popular Exposition.Albert Einstein, Robert W. Lawson, A. S. Eddington & A. N. Whitehead - 1921 - Mind 30 (117):76-83.
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  4. The impact of tax policy on economic growth, income distribution, and allocation of taxes.James D. Gwartney & Robert A. Lawson - 2006 - Social Philosophy and Policy 23 (2):28-52.
    Using a sample of seventy-seven countries, this paper focuses on marginal tax rates and the income thresholds at which they apply to examine how the tax changes of the 1980s and 1990s have influenced economic growth, the distribution of income, and the share of taxes paid by various income groups. Many countries substantially reduced their highest marginal rates during the 1985-1995 period. The findings indicate that countries that reduced their highest marginal rates grew more rapidly than those that maintained high (...)
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  5. 12 Consumer behaviour.Rob Lawson - 2010 - In Michael John Baker & Michael Saren, Marketing Theory: A Student Text. Sage Publications. pp. 263.
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  6.  16
    Emmanuel Mounier: la vocation de la personne et le developpement de l'Afrique.Robert-Gérard Lawson - 2015 - Saint-Denis: Édilivre.
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  7.  16
    Education: Transdisciplinary science and the graduate curriculum.Robert B. Lawson - 1985 - Bioessays 2 (2):89-90.
    In the accompanying article contributed by Robert B. Lawson, proposals are made for revising the curriculum for doctoral students in biology in order to enhance a transdisciplinary awareness of biological science. The article is written mainly in the context of Dr Lawson's role as a scientist and educator in the United States. BioEssays will welcome articles along similar lines from educators in other countries. These should be sent to the Staff Editor, Dr Adam S. Wilkins.
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  8.  15
    Mr. Klein on “The Presuppositions of Teaching”.Robert M. Lawson - 1969 - Educational Theory 19 (3):308-311.
  9.  31
    On the ideological conditions of Canadian independence.Robert F. Lawson - 1975 - British Journal of Educational Studies 23 (1):24-48.
  10.  25
    Economic Freedom and Beauty Pageant Success in the World.Justin Ross & Robert Lawson - 2010 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 16 (1).
    Beauty pageants are ubiquitous around the world, and their importance in many cultures is indisputable. This paper empirically examines those factors that contribute to beauty pageant success in a cross-national setting. Our analysis pays particular attention to the role of market liberalism, i.e., economic freedom, in the process. The results indicate that nations with higher economic freedom scores are underrepresented among Miss Universe semifinalists after controlling for other relevant determinants.
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  11.  80
    Consumer Rights: An Assessment of Justice. [REVIEW]Gretchen Larsen & Rob Lawson - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 112 (3):515-528.
    For the last 50 years the idea of consumer rights has formed an essential element in the formulation of policy to guide the workings of the marketplace. The extent and coverage of these rights has evolved and changed over time, yet there has been no comprehensive analysis as to the purpose and scope of consumer rights. In moral and ethical philosophy, rights are integrally linked to the notion of justice. By reassessing consumer rights through a justice-based framework, a number of (...)
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