Results for 'Colette Bernas'

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  1.  26
    Marchés et socialisme. Réponse à E. Mandel.Alec Nove & Colette Bernas - 1988 - Actuel Marx 4 (1):116.
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    Ecriture et réécriture des textes philosophiques médiévaux: volume d'hommage offert à Colette Sirat.Colette Sirat, Jacqueline Hamesse & Olga Weijers (eds.) - 2006 - Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
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  3. Publication Ethics from the Perspective of PhD Students of Health Sciences: A Limited Experience.Berna Arda - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (2):213-222.
    Publication ethics, an important subtopic of science ethics, deals with determination of the misconducts of science in performing research or in the dissemination of ideas, data and products. Science, the main features of which are secure, reliable and ethically obtained data, plays a major role in shaping the society. As long as science maintains its quality by being based on reliable and ethically obtained data, it will be possible to maintain its role in shaping the society. This article is devoted (...)
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    Impaired ability to give a meaning to personally significant events in patients with schizophrenia.Fabrice Berna, Mehdi Bennouna-Greene, Jevita Potheegadoo, Paulina Verry, Martin A. Conway & Jean-Marie Danion - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (3):703-711.
    Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness affecting sense of identity. Autobiographical memory deficits observed in schizophrenia could contribute to this altered sense of identity. The ability to give a meaning to personally significant events is also critical for identity construction and self-coherence. Twenty-four patients with schizophrenia and 24 control participants were asked to recall five self-defining memories. We assessed meaning making in participants’ narratives and afterwards asked them explicitly to give a meaning to their memories . We found that both (...)
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  5. Robert Leslie Ellis and John Stuart mill on the one and the many of frequentism.Berna Kilinç - 2000 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 8 (2):251-274.
    (2000). ROBERT LESLIE ELLIS AND JOHN STUART MILL ON THE ONE AND THE MANY OF FREQUENTISM. British Journal for the History of Philosophy: Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 251-274.
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    More Than Metaphor: Understanding Through Literature.Colette Olive - 2024 - Debates in Aesthetics 19 (1):37-53.
    The debate over whether we can learn from art is as contentious as it is enduring. With the debate often centring on literature, recent theories claim that literature can deepen and enrich our understanding in novel and valuable ways. Contrary to this, Peter Lamarque accuses the neo-cognitivist of relying on empty metaphors of illumination and enrichment to spell out literature’s cognitive import. This paper links philosophical and psychological research to defend the neo-cognitivist against Lamarque’s charge. It highlights some of the (...)
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    Public Health England and Co-Production with the Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme.Colette Lloyd, Elizabeth Corcoran & Lynn Murray - 2023 - The New Bioethics 29 (3):216-225.
    As the new Cell-free DNA (Cf-DNA) prenatal screening test for Down syndrome was being introduced into the UK’s fetal anomaly screening program, Down syndrome charities had an opportunity to participate. An experience of co-production where we were the minority voice then followed. This paper explores that process and our experience as a charity. Institutional and societal structures meant that it was difficult to be heard and a significant amount of bias was noted within the program. Consequently, our viewpoints were often (...)
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    A History of Jewish Philosophy in the Middle Ages.Colette Sirat - 1985 - Paris: Editions De La Maison des Sciences De L'Homme.
    This book surveys the vast body of medieval Jewish philosophy, devoting ample discussion to major figures such as Saadiah Gaon, Maimonides, Abraham Ibn Ezra, Judah Halevi, Abraham Ibn Daoud, and Gersonides, as well as presenting the ancillary texts of lesser known authors. Sirat quotes little-known texts, providing commentary and situating them within their historical and philosophical contexts. A comprehensive bibliography directs the reader to the texts themselves and to recent studies.
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  9. Spinoza.Bernát Alexander - 1923 - München,: E. Reinhardt.
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    Shari’a and legal pluralism in the West.Berna Zengin Arslan & Bryan S. Turner - 2011 - European Journal of Social Theory 14 (2):139-159.
    Since 9/11, the possibilities for pluralism and tolerance have been severely tested by a discourse of terrorism and security. The development of an intelligent and cosmopolitan understanding between religious communities in Europe and America has been compromised by a range of legal and political responses to terrorism. While the debate about the berqa has clearly indicated the problems relating to Muslim cultural differences, we argue that legal pluralism and in particular the question of Shari’a tribunals may prove to be a (...)
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  11. Az igazság pillanatai?: metafilozófiai válaszok a szkeptikus kihívásra.László Bernáth & László Kocsis (eds.) - 2021 - Budapest: Kalligram.
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  12. Mögliche Welten" unter literaturtheoretischem Aspekt.Á Bernáth & K. Csúri - 1980 - In Karóly Csúri (ed.), Literary semantics and possible worlds =. Szeged [Hungary]: Auctoritate et consilio Cathedrae Comparationis Litterarum Universarum Universitatis Szegediensis de Attila József nominatae edita.
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  13. Sounding Board.Joaquin G. Bernas - 2007 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 11 (2):1-130.
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    The DING family of proteins: ubiquitous in eukaryotes, but where are the genes?Anne Berna, Ken Scott, Eric Chabrière & François Bernier - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (5):570-580.
    PstS and DING proteins are members of a superfamily of secreted, high‐affinity phosphate‐binding proteins. Whereas microbial PstS have a well‐defined role in phosphate ABC transporters, the physiological function of DING proteins, named after their DINGGG N termini, still needs to be determined. PstS and DING proteins co‐exist in some Pseudomonas strains, to which they confer a highly adhesive and virulent phenotype. More than 30 DING proteins have now been purified, mostly from eukaryotes. They are often associated with infections or with (...)
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  15. Instant paradoxal et historicité.Jacques Colette - 1985 - In Dorian Tiffeneau (ed.), Mythes et représentations du temps. Paris: Editions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique.
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    Naval Kishore Basininin Farsça'ya Olan Hizmet ve Katkıları.Karagözoğlu Berna - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 4):619-619.
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    Kant on Chance and Explanation.Berna Kilinc - 2011 - In Dennis Dieks, Wenceslao Gonzalo, Thomas Uebel, Stephan Hartmann & Marcel Weber (eds.), Explanation, Prediction, and Confirmation. Springer. pp. 453--463.
  18.  81
    Wild, Women, and Wolves.Colette R. Palamar - 2007 - Environmental Ethics 29 (1):63-75.
    Despite the successes, and the considerable and continuing ethical disputes regarding wolf reintroduction in the United States, no clear, cogent, theoretically based ethical examination of the wolf reintroductions has yet been completed. Ecological feminist thought, particularly as articulated by Karen J. Warren, presents one way to create such an ethical assessment. Applying ecological feminist theories to wolf reintroduction also generates an intriguing instance of theoretical application in the “real world” and sheds insight on the pragmatic value of ecological feminist thought. (...)
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    Postdocs as Key to Faculty Diversity: A Structured and Collaborative Approach for Research Universities.Colette Patt, Andrew Eppig & Mark A. Richards - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Over the past 50 years the diversity of higher education faculty in the mathematical, physical, computer, and engineering sciences has advanced very little at 4-year universities in the United States. This is despite laws and policies such as affirmative action, interventions by universities, and enormous financial investment by federal agencies to diversify science, technology, mathematics, and engineering career pathways into academia. Data comparing the fraction of underrepresented minority postdoctoral scholars to the fraction of faculty at these institutions offer a straightforward (...)
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  20. The real unconscious and its consequences.Colette Soler - 2013 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 18:5.
  21.  15
    Les méthodes de travail de Gersonide et le maniement du savoir chez les scolastiques.Colette Sirat, Sara Klein-Braslavy, Philippe Bobichon & Olga Weijers (eds.) - 2003 - Paris: Vrin.
    Les oeuvres de Gersonide (Levi b. Gershom ou Gerson, Leon de Bagnols, philosophe juif provencal 1288-1344) portent essentiellement sur quatre domaines: les commentaires qu'il a consacres aux commentaires d'Averroes, les questions philosophiques et theologico-philosophiques (livres I a IV, VI des Guerres du Seigneur), les commentaires biblioques et des travaux astronomiques (dont le livre V des Guerres). Dans les trois premiers domaines, la maniere dont il a travaille, l'ordonnancement des idees et leur mise en oeuvre sont ici compares a ceux qui (...)
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    Islam and bioethics.Berna Arda & Vardit Rispler-Chaim (eds.) - 2011 - Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi.
    Contains twenty-one of the papers presented at the 3rd Islam and Bioethics International Conference held April 14-16, 2010, in Manavgat, Antalya, Turkey.
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    Lacanian Affects: The Function of Affect in Lacan's Work.Colette Soler - 2015 - Routledge.
    Affect is a high-stakes topic in psychoanalysis, but there has long been a misperception that Lacan neglected affect in his writings. We encounter affect at the beginning of any analysis in the form of subjective suffering that the patient hopes to alleviate. How can psychoanalysis alleviate such suffering when analytic practice itself gives rise to a wide range of affects in the patient’s relationship to the analyst? Lacanian Affects: The Function of Affect in Lacan’s Work, is the first book to (...)
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    Arda B How should physicians approach a hunger strike?Berna Arda - 2002 - Bulletin of Medical Ethics:13-8.
  25.  20
    Leaders in ethics education.Berna Arda - 2019 - International Journal of Ethics Education 4 (1):83-92.
    Prof. Berna Arda, is a graduate of Ankara University Faculty of Medicine 1987, has medical specialty and PhD degrees in History of Medicine and Ethics and, teaches at the Department of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine in Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey. Her main research and publication fields are science ethics, human rights, woman and bioethics, medical law, ethics education and disease concept in history of medicine. She was a visiting scientist at Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard (...)
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    Evaluation of research ethics committees in Turkey.Berna Arda - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (6):459-461.
    In Turkey, there was no legal regulation of research on human beings until 1993. In that year “the amendment relating to drug researches” was issued. The main objectives of the regulation are to establish a central ethics committee and local ethics committees, and to provide administrative control.There are no compulsory clinical ethics lectures in the medical curriculum, so it is also proposed that research ethics committees play a central educational role by helping physicians to be aware of moral problems and (...)
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    La croyance dans l'image.Steven Bernas - 2006 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Quelles sont les formes modernes de la croyance en l'image et de quelle manière le cinéma, la photographie, l'art-vidéo, travaillent sur les frontières de l'expérimentation et des mutations théoriques de l'image ?
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    Morális felelősség, érdem és kontroll: a morális felelősség metafizikája.László Bernáth - 2019 - Budapest: L'Harmattan.
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    Tudomány vagy tapasztalat?: a fenomenológia és a naturalizmus szerepe a filozófiai elméletalkotásban.László Bernáth & Miklós Márton (eds.) - 2018 - Budapest: Fakultás Kiadó.
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    Principios y valores: la ética.Luis Feliu Bernárdez (ed.) - 2020 - Madrid: Sílex.
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    On the Learning of Responsibility: A Conversation between Carol Gilligan and John Dewey.Colette Gosselin - 2003 - Philosophy of Education 59:308-315.
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    Revelatory Perceptions.Colette S. Jung - 1999 - Semiotics:78-93.
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  33. Logic and Philosophy of Science. Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy.Berna Kilinç, Gürol Irzik & Stephen Voss (eds.) - 2007
  34.  98
    Meta-analysis as Judgment Aggregation.Berna Kilinc - 2011 - In Henk W. De Regt, Stephan Hartmann & Samir Okasha (eds.), EPSA Philosophy of Science: Amsterdam 2009. Springer. pp. 123--135.
    My goal in this paper is to see the extent to which judgment aggregation methods subsume meta-analytic ones. To this end, I derive a generalized version of the classical Condorcet Jury Theorem, the aggregative implications of which have been widely exploited in the area of rational choice theory, but not yet in philosophy of science. I contend that the generalized CJT that I prove below is useful for modelling at least some meta-analytic procedures.
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    L'adoption, une aventure à risques.Colette Legrand - 2006 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 171 (1):83-91.
    Cet article expose, à partir de deux cas, certaines difficultés de l’adoption. Il vise à montrer le décalage entre le désir des adoptants et la réalité parfois très dure qu’ils vont devoir affronter. Surtout lorsqu’il s’agit d’enfants de plus de cinq ans, porteurs d’un passé traumatique qui reste non dit. La création de liens forts se fait cependant au milieu de ce vécu difficile et, dans le meilleur des cas, les parents y jouent alors un rôle de soignants.
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    Lettre de l'éditeur.Colette Michael - 1989 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 1 (1):3.
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    La conviction idéologique.Colette Moreux - 1978 - Montréal: Presses de l'Université du Québec.
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    Synergies: de l'espace musical à l'espace urbain.Colette Mourey - 2016 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Jean-Claude Decalonne.
    Chaque fois que nous chantons dans le choeur ou jouons dans l'orchestre, comme lorsque nous pénétrons dans un monument fédérant l'espace urbain, tout notre être s'éprouve soudain d'une façon inédite et multi-dimensionnée. Nous contemplons alors un espace-temps rendu holistique, tout en détaillant les singularités linéaires de mouvements spiralés rythmiques, mélodiques et harmoniques, dont la synergie provoquera, par rebond, notre accession à une dimension d'ouverture, d'écoute et d'être, d'autant plus supérieure qu'y est intimement présente la dimension communautaire. Ainsi apprenons-nous, par et (...)
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    Alban Jacquemart, Les hommes dans les mouvements féministes. Sociohistoire d’un engagement improbable.Colette Pipon - 2015 - Clio 42:316-316.
    Le sens commun actuel s’évertue à faire des féministes un groupe militant uniquement composé de femmes, malgré la réémergence d’associations féministes mixtes depuis le milieu des années 1990. Le beau livre d’Alban Jacquemart apporte alors une réponse positive et éclairée à la question suivante : peut-on être homme et militant féministe? L’ouvrage est issu de la thèse de sociologie menée par Alban Jacquemart sous la direction de Rose-Marie Lagrave et récompensée par le Prix de la thèse sur...
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    Lacan--the unconscious reinvented.Colette Soler - 2014 - London: Karnac Books.
    Has Jacques Lacan's impact on psychoanalysis really been assessed? His formulation that the Freudian unconscious is "structured like a language" is well-known, but this was only the beginning. There was then the radically new thesis of the "real unconscious". Why this step? Searching for the Ariadne's thread that runs throughout Lacan's ever-evolving teaching, this book illuminates the questions implicit in each step, and sheds new light on his revisions and renewals of psychoanalytic concepts. In tracing these, the author brings out (...)
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  41. The Experience of the Cartels of the Pass of the Ecole De La Cause Freudlenne.Colette Soler, Megan Williams & John Holland - 2001 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 10:165.
    The author recounts her experiences in the Ecole de la Cause Freudienne's (ECF) cartel of the pass. She describes the two crises of 1990 and 1996 with respect to the discourse of the pass that involved analysts' interpretation of Lacan's views on transference.
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    Towards identity in the psychoanalytic encounter: a Lacanian perspective.Colette Soler - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Towards Identity in the Psychoanalytic Encounter addresses the theme of identification and identity in the psychoanalytic clinic as elaborated by Jacques Lacan over the course of his teaching. In psychoanalysis the subject who is summoned "to speak himself", is by definition lacking in identity. His question is "What am I?" but, as he is only represented by his words, his being is "always elsewhere", within other words that are yet to come. Thus a paradox: one seeks via speech the identity (...)
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    Vers l'identité: cours 2014-2015.Colette Soler - 2015 - Paris: Éditions du champ lacanien.
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  44.  48
    Teaching care ethics: conceptual understandings and stories for learning.Colette Rabin & Grinell Smith - 2013 - Journal of Moral Education 42 (2):164-176.
    An ethic of care acknowledges the centrality of the role of caring relationships in moral education. Care ethics requires a conception of ?care? that differs from the quotidian use of the word. In order to teach care ethics more effectively, this article discusses four interrelated ways that teachers? understandings of care differ from care ethics: (1) conflating the term of reference ?care? with its quotidian use; (2) overlooking the challenge of developing caring relationships; (3) tending toward monocultural understandings of care; (...)
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    There are no shortcuts to theory.Berna Devezer - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e38.
    Almaatouq et al. claim that the integrative experiment design can help “develop a reliable, cohesive, and cumulative theoretical understanding.” I will contest this claim by challenging three underlying assumptions about the nature of scientific theories. I propose that the integrative experiment design should be viewed as an exploratory framework rather than a means to build or evaluate theories.
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    Le vocabulaire latin de la vision du IV e au IX e siècle : continuités et recompositions.Colette Dufossé - 2019 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 86 (1):7-62.
    Le monde latin tardo-antique a rencontré des difficultés à s’approprier la diversité des théories visuelles grecques. L’impression reste qu’au brouillage conceptuel s’ajoute l’imprécision lexicale. La synthèse néoplatonicienne qui assimile la lumière platonicienne au diaphane aristotélicien provoque une confusion entre brillance et transparence. Saint Augustin présente la vision comme un acte orienté de l’œil à l’objet. Ensuite apparaît un deuxième mouvement de la vision, de l’objet vers l’œil. Jean Scot Erigène, inspiré par les Pères grecs, ne crée certes pas un lexique (...)
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    La Pensée des lumières en Russie.Colette Bardon (ed.) - 1973 - Lille,: Université de Lille III.
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  48. Heinrich Bölls historische Romane als Interpretationen von Handlungsmodellen.Á Bernáth - 1980 - In Karóly Csúri (ed.), Literary semantics and possible worlds =. Szeged [Hungary]: Auctoritate et consilio Cathedrae Comparationis Litterarum Universarum Universitatis Szegediensis de Attila József nominatae edita.
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  49. Ponencias: el vértigo de la unión. Comentario a un artículo de Luis Castro Leiva.Colette Capriles - 2006 - In Luis Castro Leiva & Arturo Serrano (eds.), Para leer a Luis Castro Leiva. Caracas: Universidad Católica Andrés Bello.
  50.  18
    Dialectique et existence: de Hegel à Heidegger.Jacques Colette - 2023 - Grenoble: Millon.
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