Results for 'Colette Legrand'

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  1.  22
    L'adoption, une aventure à risques.Colette Legrand - 2006 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 171 (1):83-91.
    Cet article expose, à partir de deux cas, certaines difficultés de l’adoption. Il vise à montrer le décalage entre le désir des adoptants et la réalité parfois très dure qu’ils vont devoir affronter. Surtout lorsqu’il s’agit d’enfants de plus de cinq ans, porteurs d’un passé traumatique qui reste non dit. La création de liens forts se fait cependant au milieu de ce vécu difficile et, dans le meilleur des cas, les parents y jouent alors un rôle de soignants.
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    Ecriture et réécriture des textes philosophiques médiévaux: volume d'hommage offert à Colette Sirat.Colette Sirat, Jacqueline Hamesse & Olga Weijers (eds.) - 2006 - Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
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  3. Pre-reflective self-as-subject from experiential and empirical perspectives.Dorothée Legrand - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (3):583-599.
    In the first part of this paper I characterize a minimal form of self-consciousness, namely pre-reflective self-consciousness. It is a constant structural feature of conscious experience, and corresponds to the consciousness of the self-as-subject that is not taken as an intentional object. In the second part, I argue that contemporary cognitive neuroscience has by and large missed this fundamental form of self-consciousness in its investigation of various forms of self-experience. In the third part, I exemplify how the notion of pre-reflective (...)
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    Subjectivity and the body: Introducing basic forms of self-consciousness.Dorothée Legrand - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (3):577-582.
  5. Sartre et la réalité humaine.Colette Audry & Jean Paul Sartre - 1966 - [Paris]: Seghers.
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    Something wicked this way comes: essays on evil and human wickedness.Colette Balmain & Lois Drawmer (eds.) - 2009 - New York, NY: Rodopi.
    This book represent the diversity and interdisciplinary nature of the conference itself covering topics such as historical and theological concepts of evil, media representations of evil, contemporary debates surrounding the Bosnia war and woman perpetrators in Birkenau, and the construction of the Other as evil in the face of the continuing hysteria over AIDS.
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    La Pensée des lumières en Russie.Colette Bardon (ed.) - 1973 - Lille,: Université de Lille III.
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    Les formules d’allocution nominales dans les Tragédies de Sénèque.Colette Bodelot & Estelle Verdier - 2010 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
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    Revelatory Perceptions.Colette S. Jung - 1999 - Semiotics:78-93.
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  10. Staatsgründung Südsudan.Philipp Legrand - forthcoming - Mind.
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  11. Deep Ecology and Ecofeminism: the Self in Environmental Philosophy.Colette Sciberras - 2002 - Dissertation, Lancaster
    I consider the issue of the self and its relation to the environment, focusing on the accounts given in ecofeminism and deep ecology. Though both stress the relatedness of the human self to nature, these accounts differ in various ways. Ecofeminism stresses the value of personal relations with particular others, whereas deep ecology argues that we should expand our sense of self to include all natural others and the whole of nature. Deep ecology’s views on the self, which are loosely (...)
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  12.  15
    Vers l'identité: cours 2014-2015.Colette Soler - 2015 - Paris: Éditions du champ lacanien.
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  13.  18
    Public Health England and Co-Production with the Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme.Colette Lloyd, Elizabeth Corcoran & Lynn Murray - 2023 - The New Bioethics 29 (3):216-225.
    As the new Cell-free DNA (Cf-DNA) prenatal screening test for Down syndrome was being introduced into the UK’s fetal anomaly screening program, Down syndrome charities had an opportunity to participate. An experience of co-production where we were the minority voice then followed. This paper explores that process and our experience as a charity. Institutional and societal structures meant that it was difficult to be heard and a significant amount of bias was noted within the program. Consequently, our viewpoints were often (...)
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  14.  57
    Close to me: Multisensory space representations for action and pre-reflexive consciousness of oneself-in-the-world.Dorothée Legrand, Claudio Brozzoli, Yves Rossetti & Alessandro Farnè - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (3):687-699.
    Philosophical considerations as well as several recent studies from neurophysiology, neuropsychology, and psychophysics converged in showing that the peripersonal space is structured in a body-centred manner and represented through integrated sensory inputs. Multisensory representations may deserve the function of coding peripersonal space for avoiding or interacting with objects. Neuropsychological evidence is reviewed for dynamic interactions between space representations and action execution, as revealed by the behavioural effects that the use of a tool, as a physical extension of the reachable space, (...)
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  15.  64
    Buddhist Philosophy and the Ideals of Environmentalism.Colette Sciberras - 2010 - Dissertation, Durham University
    I examine the consistency between contemporary environmentalist ideals and Buddhist philosophy, focusing, first, on the problem of value in nature. I argue that the teachings found in the Pāli canon cannot easily be reconciled with a belief in the intrinsic value of life, whether human or otherwise. This is because all existence is regarded as inherently unsatisfactory, and all beings are seen as impermanent and insubstantial, while the ultimate spiritual goal is often viewed, in early Buddhism, as involving a deep (...)
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  16. Specifying the self for cognitive neuroscience.Kalina Christoff, Diego Cosmelli, Dorothée Legrand & Evan Thompson - 2011 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 15 (3):104-112.
  17.  48
    A History of Jewish Philosophy in the Middle Ages.Colette Sirat - 1985 - Paris: Editions De La Maison des Sciences De L'Homme.
    This book surveys the vast body of medieval Jewish philosophy, devoting ample discussion to major figures such as Saadiah Gaon, Maimonides, Abraham Ibn Ezra, Judah Halevi, Abraham Ibn Daoud, and Gersonides, as well as presenting the ancillary texts of lesser known authors. Sirat quotes little-known texts, providing commentary and situating them within their historical and philosophical contexts. A comprehensive bibliography directs the reader to the texts themselves and to recent studies.
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  18.  20
    Le vocabulaire latin de la vision du IV e au IX e siècle : continuités et recompositions.Colette Dufossé - 2019 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 86 (1):7-62.
    Le monde latin tardo-antique a rencontré des difficultés à s’approprier la diversité des théories visuelles grecques. L’impression reste qu’au brouillage conceptuel s’ajoute l’imprécision lexicale. La synthèse néoplatonicienne qui assimile la lumière platonicienne au diaphane aristotélicien provoque une confusion entre brillance et transparence. Saint Augustin présente la vision comme un acte orienté de l’œil à l’objet. Ensuite apparaît un deuxième mouvement de la vision, de l’objet vers l’œil. Jean Scot Erigène, inspiré par les Pères grecs, ne crée certes pas un lexique (...)
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    More Than Metaphor: Understanding Through Literature.Colette Olive - 2024 - Debates in Aesthetics 19 (1):37-53.
    The debate over whether we can learn from art is as contentious as it is enduring. With the debate often centring on literature, recent theories claim that literature can deepen and enrich our understanding in novel and valuable ways. Contrary to this, Peter Lamarque accuses the neo-cognitivist of relying on empty metaphors of illumination and enrichment to spell out literature’s cognitive import. This paper links philosophical and psychological research to defend the neo-cognitivist against Lamarque’s charge. It highlights some of the (...)
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  20. Ponencias: el vértigo de la unión. Comentario a un artículo de Luis Castro Leiva.Colette Capriles - 2006 - In Luis Castro Leiva & Arturo Serrano, Para leer a Luis Castro Leiva. Caracas: Universidad Católica Andrés Bello.
  21.  24
    La pécheresse et le pardon.Jacques Colette - 2002 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 2:185-203.
  22. Philosophy of the will, christianity and ethical teaching in Kierkegaard, Soren works.Jacques Colette - 1977 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 84 (2):277-292.
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    La conviction idéologique.Colette Moreux - 1978 - Montréal: Presses de l'Université du Québec.
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    Alban Jacquemart, Les hommes dans les mouvements féministes. Sociohistoire d’un engagement improbable.Colette Pipon - 2015 - Clio 42:316-316.
    Le sens commun actuel s’évertue à faire des féministes un groupe militant uniquement composé de femmes, malgré la réémergence d’associations féministes mixtes depuis le milieu des années 1990. Le beau livre d’Alban Jacquemart apporte alors une réponse positive et éclairée à la question suivante : peut-on être homme et militant féministe? L’ouvrage est issu de la thèse de sociologie menée par Alban Jacquemart sous la direction de Rose-Marie Lagrave et récompensée par le Prix de la thèse sur...
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  25.  56
    Does Nature Have Value in the Pāli Canon?Colette Sciberras - 2013 - Environmental Values 22 (3):381-399.
    I examine whether certain aspects of early Buddhist doctrine are compatible with ascribing value to nature by focusing in particular on the doctrine of the Three Marks of Existence. This portrays the world as characterised by suffering, impermanence, and by ‘not-self. From the perspective of environmental philosophy each of these is problematic, either because nature is viewed negatively, or else because only nibbāna is valued positively, and this is understood to entail a repudiation of the world. I argue against such (...)
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  26. Willa Cather's Vision of the Artist.Colette Toler - 1964 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 45 (4):503.
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    Teaching care ethics: conceptual understandings and stories for learning.Colette Rabin & Grinell Smith - 2013 - Journal of Moral Education 42 (2):164-176.
    An ethic of care acknowledges the centrality of the role of caring relationships in moral education. Care ethics requires a conception of ?care? that differs from the quotidian use of the word. In order to teach care ethics more effectively, this article discusses four interrelated ways that teachers? understandings of care differ from care ethics: (1) conflating the term of reference ?care? with its quotidian use; (2) overlooking the challenge of developing caring relationships; (3) tending toward monocultural understandings of care; (...)
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  28.  15
    Lacanian Affects: The Function of Affect in Lacan's Work.Colette Soler - 2015 - Routledge.
    Affect is a high-stakes topic in psychoanalysis, but there has long been a misperception that Lacan neglected affect in his writings. We encounter affect at the beginning of any analysis in the form of subjective suffering that the patient hopes to alleviate. How can psychoanalysis alleviate such suffering when analytic practice itself gives rise to a wide range of affects in the patient’s relationship to the analyst? Lacanian Affects: The Function of Affect in Lacan’s Work, is the first book to (...)
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  29.  9
    Ayn Rand, femme Capital.Stéphane Legrand - 2017 - Paris: Éditions Nova.
    Vous cherchez un point commun entre Les Simpson et le Tea Party, Angelina Jolie et Alan Greenspan, Mad Men et Dirty Dancing, le fondateur de Wikipedia et l'administration Reagan, ou encore Vladimir Poutine, Queer as Folk et Donald Trump? Il y en a un : Ayn Rand. Quasiment inconnue en France, Ayn Rand est pourtant considérée aux Etats-Unis comme l'auteur du livre "le plus influent après la Bible". Romancière, philosophe et chantre de l'ultra-libéralisme, Ayn Rand a offert une mythologie au (...)
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    Lévinas et Kierkegaard. Emphase et paradoxe.Jacques Colette - 2002 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 100 (1):4-31.
  31.  20
    Protein tyrosine kinases as new potential targets against human schistosomiasis.Colette Dissous, Arnaud Ahier & Naji Khayath - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (12):1281-1288.
    In spite of the numerous efforts made to control their transmission, parasite schistosomes still represent a serious public health concern and a major economic problem in many developing countries. Praziquantel (PZQ) is the drug of choice for the treatment of schistosomiasis and the only one that is available for mass chemotherapy. However, its widespread use and its inefficacy on juvenile parasites raise fears that schistosomes will develop drug resistance, and make the development of alternative drugs highly desirable. Protein tyrosine kinases (...)
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    Perpetuating gender stereotypes in the classroom: a teacher perspective.Colette Gray & Helen Leith - 2004 - Educational Studies 30 (1):3-17.
    This paper discusses findings from a study funded by the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland (NI) to explore the promotion of gender equity in the classroom and the extent to which initial teacher training and in-service courses address gender issues. Data from a questionnaire survey of 344 teachers and the qualitative dimensions of the study suggest that teachers are generally aware of gender stereotypes in the classroom and that, despite their lack of training in gender issues, where appropriate, most attempt (...)
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  33. (1 other version)Les écrits de Hamann. Hegel & J. Colette - 1983 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 173 (1):133-134.
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    Du tourisme généalogique dans l'Irlande contemporaine.Caroline Legrand - 2002 - Revue de Synthèse 123 (1):131-147.
    À l'aide de données anthropologiques contemporaines, cet article entend explorer les raisons d'une expansion surprenante et toute récente d'un tourisme mémoriel en Irlande. En effet, de nombreux descendants de migrants irlandais «reviennent» aujourd'hui découvrir la terre de leurs ancêtres. S'intéressant à des formes particulières de « retour au pays » que sont les rassemblements claniques, l'auteur souligne que ces manifestations collectives et ritualisées revêtent une double dimension. Outre leur enjeu identitaire, elles constituent aussi un moyen pour les gouvernements irlandais et (...)
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    Ici, au moins, j'ai ma place.Bernadette Legrand - 2005 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 167 (1):71-75.
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    Inscriptions de Phrygie.Philippe-Ernest Legrand & Joseph Chamonard - 1893 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 17 (1):241-293.
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  37. REVUE pas LIVRES 85.Th Legrand - 2009 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 89:84.
  38.  33
    What Can You Say, Words It Is, Nothing Else Going.Pierre Legrand - 2013 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 26 (4):805-832.
    This essay examines the capacity of language (‘word’) to convey what there is (‘world’). It draws on philosophical thought, which it seeks to apply to law while making specific reference to comparative legal studies, that is, to the investigation of law that is foreign to its interpreter.
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    (1 other version)Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Collected Writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Vol. I.Colette Michael - 1990 - Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française 2 (1-2):67-69.
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    Lettres à nos lectures.Colette Michael - 1989 - Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française 1 (3):3.
  41. Buddhism and Speciesism: On the Misapplication of Western Concepts to Buddhist Beliefs.Colette Sciberras - 2008 - Journal of Buddhist Ethics 15:215-240.
    In this article, I defend Buddhism from Paul Waldau’s charge of speciesism. I argue that Waldau attributes to Buddhism various notions that it does not necessarily have, such as the ideas that beings are morally considerable if they possess certain traits, and that humans, as morally considerable beings, ought never to be treated as means. These ideas may not belong in Buddhism, and for Waldau’s argument to work, he needs to show that they do. Moreover, a closer look at his (...)
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  42. Lacan en antiphilosophe.Colette Soler - 2004 - Filozofski Vestnik 25 (2).
    L’antiphilosophie de Lacan y est examinée, notamment comme l’interprétation analytique du discours universitaire, dans lequel le philosophe qui s’avance sous la bannière de la quête rationnelle de la vérité, ment sur ses fins, qui ne sont pas de vérité, mais qui touchent à la jouissance. Il s’agit de faire valoir, à partir des indications de Freud et de Lacan, une affinité de l’antiphilosophie avec la dévalorisation de la pensée. La deuxième partie de l’article interroge la critique lacanienne des théories philosophiques (...)
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  43. What an End for the Analyst?Colette Soler - 2010 - Filozofski Vestnik 31 (1):63-73.
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    Les fondements ontologiques du monde et la violence fondatrice: essai.Colette Suberbielle - 2009 - Sabres: Eleuthère.
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    Les méthodes de travail de Gersonide et le maniement du savoir chez les scolastiques.Colette Sirat, Sara Klein-Braslavy, Philippe Bobichon & Olga Weijers (eds.) - 2003 - Paris: Vrin.
    Les oeuvres de Gersonide (Levi b. Gershom ou Gerson, Leon de Bagnols, philosophe juif provencal 1288-1344) portent essentiellement sur quatre domaines: les commentaires qu'il a consacres aux commentaires d'Averroes, les questions philosophiques et theologico-philosophiques (livres I a IV, VI des Guerres du Seigneur), les commentaires biblioques et des travaux astronomiques (dont le livre V des Guerres). Dans les trois premiers domaines, la maniere dont il a travaille, l'ordonnancement des idees et leur mise en oeuvre sont ici compares a ceux qui (...)
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  46.  81
    What is self-specific? Theoretical investigation and critical review of neuroimaging results.Dorothée Legrand & Perrine Ruby - 2009 - Psychological Review 116 (1):252-282.
  47.  52
    Unconsciousness Between Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis.Dylan Trigg & Dorothée Legrand (eds.) - 2017 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book contains a series of essays that explore the concept of unconsciousness as it is situated between phenomenology and psychoanalysis. A leading goal of the collection is to carve out phenomenological dimensions within psychoanalysis and, equally, to carve out psychoanalytical dimensions within phenomenology. The book examines the nature of unconsciousness and the role it plays in structuring our sense of self. It also looks at the extent to which the unconscious marks the body as it functions outside of experience (...)
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  48.  19
    Le vocabulaire latin de la vision aux xi e et xii e siècles : L’influence des traductions depuis le grec et l’arabe.Colette Dufossé - 2024 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 90 (1):7-63.
    Dans la première moitié du xii e siècle, les chartrains créent un lexique spécialisé pour l’optique en sélectionnant des termes sans connotation théologique et en leur ajoutant un sens géométrique. Grâce à Constantin l’Africain, ils y intègrent l’ophtalmologie. Alors que ce lexique est utilisé par les traducteurs gréco-latins, les traducteurs arabo-latins, à l’exception de l’Émir Eugène de Sicile, ignorent largement ces spécialisations sémantiques. L’hétérogénéité des choix des traducteurs réintroduit ainsi une incertitude lexicale qui nécessite une clarification des concepts et une (...)
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    A Portrait of the Yogi (joi) as Sketched by Joindu'.Colette Caillat - 2003 - In Piotr Balcerowicz, Essays in Jaina philosophy and religion. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers. pp. 20--239.
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  50. La tiranía en Gorgias.Colette Capriles - 2006 - Episteme 26 (2):1-14.
    Eric Voegelin holds that the platonic dialogue Gorgias is a battleground in which a struggle for the soul of the younger generation is at stake. The rhetorician and the philosopher compete for their influence over Athenian youth: against the teaching of political success stands the teachings of the "substantial". But as Voegelin shows, this is not a fight between equals, between equivalent or really disputable options. Instead, it is an opposition between what could be called the decadent representation of a (...)
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