Results for 'Can Ahmet'

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  1.  37
    تغير المعنى الزمني داخل الجملة العربية دراسة لغوية في تفسير البيضاوي.Ahmet Hamdi Can, Betül Can & Emad Aly - 2017 - Dini Araştırmalar 20 (52):1-1.
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    İbn Sîn'’nın Aristotelesçi Zaman Kavramını Yorumlaması.Can Ahmet - 2023 - Felsefe Arkivi 58:135-158.
    Aristoteles, zamanı harekette açığa çıkan öncelik ile sonralıktan ve ânın birimler hâlinde düşünülmesinden dolayı sayı olarak betimlemiştir. Bu bağlamda Peripatetik doğa felsefesinde zaman, hareketin sayılması çerçevesinde tartışılmıştır. Halbuki bu sistemde zaman sürekli, sayı süreksiz niceliktir. Dolayısıyla tanım cümlesindeki sayı kavramı; zamanın sayı olmasının nasıl anlaşılacağı, sayının bir sayanı gerektirmesi ve çokluklarla ilişkili olması gibi hususlarda süreksizlik sorununu meydana getirmiştir. Nitekim Aristoteles, sürekli olması dolayısıyla zamanı, sayılan anlamında sayı kabul eder. Helenistik şârihler de zamanın sayı formunda betimlenmesinde, nicelikler arasında süreklilik ve (...)
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  3. Was Spinoza a Deleuzian? Rethinking the Politics of Emotions and Affects.Ahmet Aktas - 2025 - Theory, Culture and Society:1-20.
    A salient tradition in contemporary affect theory heavily relies on distinguishing between emotions and affects. The former refers to structured categories of socially coded affective states, while the latter denotes the pre-social libidinal flow underlying emotions. This distinction is commonly attributed to Spinoza and is thought to have been further developed by Deleuze. In this article, I argue that this overall historical picture is misleading and inaccurate. Deleuze radically transforms Spinoza’s theory of affect for the ends of his own ethical-political (...)
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    The Hand Extending Beyond the Cosmos: Discussions on the Khalā’ [Void] Between the Baṣran and Baghdād Schools of Mu’tazila.Ahmet Mekin Kandemir - 2021 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 7 (2):1-36.
    We can find the origins of the notion of void in the Kalām tradition’s recognition of atomism. However, the main debates on the subject appeared after the Greek philosophical heritage transitioned to the Islamic world in the 3 rd century of Hijra. The literature of Kalām, just as in the metaphysical tradition, has two main types for this void being discussed. The first one is the external void (extracosmic) in which the cosmos floats. In the sources of Kalām, the question (...)
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  5. Thrown into the World, Attached to Love: On the Forms of World-Sharing and Mourning in Heidegger.Ahmet Aktas - 2024 - Human Studies 47 (3):479–499.
    How can we understand the phenomena of loss and mourning in the Heideggerian framework? There is no established interpretation of Heidegger that gives an elaborate account of the phenomena of loss and mourning, let alone gauges its importance for our understanding and assessment of authentic existence in Heidegger. This paper attempts to do both. First, I give a detailed exposition of Heidegger’s analysis of the phenomena of mourning and loss and show that Heidegger’s analysis of mourning in his early and (...)
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  6.  16
    Using Media News in Religious Education as a Teaching Material.Ahmet KOÇ - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (2):521-546.
    Media news can be regarded as an important teaching material to be used in lessons in terms of being interesting, containing up-to-date information, reinforcing what has been learned in the course, and combining it with many methods and techniques. In addition, the fact that media news provides a more concrete learning, helps the subject in the lesson to be connected with real life and helps students to develop their empathy skills. Therefore, the use of media news in religious education can (...)
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  7.  27
    Collaboration of Liability for Usage Benefit and Compensation.Ahmet Akman - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (1):45-63.
    There are two main sources of compensation liability in Islamic Law of Obligations. These; contract and tort. Harming someone else is prohibited by any means. However, in social life, we witness that people harm others. Here, too, the legal order tries to ensure that the said damage is remedied. However, it is not a legal way to harm the other party for this. Are there other obligations at the same time as the liability for compensation? In this regard, Article 86 (...)
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  8.  20
    Approach of Ṣūfī Orders at Their Formative Phase to Some Extreme Practices Specific to The Zuhd Period (The Case of Abū l-Ḥasan al-Shādhilī ).Ahmet Murat Özel - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (2):647-659.
    There are some radical practices of asceticism, such as wearing ṣūf (wool clothes), traveling without provisions, choosing to be single, and avoiding earning a living by working, which were generally seen in the 2nd century A.H. and were subject to criticism with the formation of classical Ṣūfism. Criticisms of these practices have started to appear in the literature since the 3rd century A.H. Early Ṣūfī writers such as Al-Ḥakīm al-Tirmidhī, Muḥāsibī, Abū Saʿīd al-Kharrāz, al-Sarrāj focused on this issue and criticized (...)
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  9.  23
    The Dating of Sūrat Yāsīn with Respect to the Order of Revelation and Contextual Analysis.Ahmet Sait Sicak - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (3):1285-1306.
    Comprehending the messages of Qurʾān in terms of the relationship between occasions (sīra) and revelation has a profound influence on determining the contextual purpose and shades of meanings. Establishing such relationship necessitates dating sūras and verses. Although there are some oral transmissions (riwāya) that verses 12, 45, 47 and 77 were revealed in Madīnah, and some weak transmissions date this sūra as Medinan, this sūra is unanimously regarded as Meccan. Like many Meccan verses, not only the order of revelation and (...)
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  10.  42
    Muhammed b. Yûsuf es-Senûsî’nin Kel'm Anlayışında M'rifetullah-Akıl İlişkisi.Ahmet Çelik - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 21 (2):1355-1382.
    : Muḥammad ibn Yūsuf al-Sanūsī, who was one of the theologian of later Muslim Asʿharī theologians, is one of the scholar came to the fore in Maghrib. Although al-Sanūsī shapes his thoughts within the Asʿharī’s kalam system, he presents new contributions to this system with his own unique perspective. In particular, his effort to give importance to reason in maʿrifat Allāh is remarkable. According to him, maʿrifat Allāh can only be reached with reflection. Also the reflection is waʿẓ or contexture (...)
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  11.  20
    The Problem of Using Ijtihads Declared Specific to Historical Conditions as a Source of Ifta.Ahmet Özdemir - 2024 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 9 (2):1543-1562.
    Ijtihad is the mujtahid's putting forward all his efforts on a fiqh issue within the framework of methodological principles. Fatwa, on the other hand, are the explanations made regarding the questions asked in fiqh issues. Therefore, although there are similarities between fatwa and ijtihad in terms of declaring a fiqh knowledge, there are also some differences that distinguish both scientific activities from each other. Because of this difference, not every ijtihad qualifies as a fatwa that a Muslim can apply in (...)
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  12.  27
    Course Evaluation Scale (CES): Validity and Reliability Study.Ahmet KOÇ & İsmail Bulut - 2022 - Dini Araştırmalar 25 (63):501-528.
    It is essential to run a continuous improvement system for the Plan-Do- Check-Action cycle to be achieved and sustained. It is inevitable to consult stakeholder opinions to determine the improvable aspects of the activities carried out in the quality process. Student opinions, the main subject of educational activities, are one of the most critical data sources for continuous improvement. It is recommended to consult students’ views in all processes from the planning to the output of courses, which are the cornerstones (...)
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  13. Paper: Brain death revisited: it is not ‘complete death’ according to Islamic sources.Ahmet Bedir & Şahin Aksoy - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (5):290-294.
    Concepts, such as death, life and spirit cannot be known in their quintessential nature, but can be defined in accordance with their effects. In fact, those who think within the mode of pragmatism and Cartesian logic have ignored the metaphysical aspects of these terms. According to Islam, the entity that moves the body is named the soul. And the aliment of the soul is air. Cessation of breathing means leaving of the soul from the body. Those who agree on the (...)
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  14.  26
    Discussions on Forms and Continuity of Divine Revelation in Tafsir and Sufi Literature.Ahmet KÜÇÜK & Mohammd Ajmal HANİF - 2022 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 27 (1):23-35.
    Divine revelation (waḥy), as a Qur'anic and religious concept in exegetical sources, isusually mentioned together with the institution of Prophethood (nubuwwa). Revelation came to itsend with the end of Prophethood. Therefore, although some have evaluated inspiration (ilhām) andtrue dream (ruʾyā sādiqa) within the this context of revelation, according to most of Islamic scholars,it is not permissible to refer to the recevings of the divinely saints as revelation. Revelation, for whichthe holy Qur'an designates three pattern of descension, is discussed also in (...)
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  15.  14
    The Problem of Transferring the Different Meanings of Conjunction ev/ اَوْ to Turkish Meāls.Ahmet Karadağ - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (3):983-1000.
    The words used in the languages generally have an original/basic meaning. However, these words gain new and special meanings over time apart from their basic meaning. These emerging meanings are not completely independent of the basic meaning. Because new and special meanings emerge on the axis of basic meaning. In the Qurʾān, naturally, many words are used in connotations other than their original meaning. Therefore, it is not possible to give a correct meaning to the verse without determining the meaning (...)
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  16.  20
    Al-Muʿjam Al-Muḫtaṣ Of Murtaḍā Al-Zabīdī As A Scientific Biographical Resource.Ahmet EŞER - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (3):1203-1229.
    Al-Mu'jam Al-muḫtaṣ of Murtadā Al-Zabīdī (d. 1205/1791) in which a scholar recorded his teachers, the books that he obtained the right to narrate during his education life and the chain of transmission from his teachers to the author, is one of the important representatives of the mu'jam genres in 12th/18th century. It can be said that the mu'jam that Zabīdī wrote to record the important people in his life, goes beyond the standard mu'jam with its compilation style, sources, diversity of (...)
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  17.  77
    Industrial Education: A Philosophical Evaluation of the Background of the Evolving Situation.Ahmet Kesgin - 2021 - Entelekya Logico-Metaphysical Review 5 (2):87-109.
    The main problem of this text is as follows: While identifying the status of education systems related to moral education with the title of industrial education, the situation is identified through the problems of the morality of education or moral education. Then, a proposal on the education of morality is made through the system evaluation. This point is for the text. These problems are dealt with by using an in-depth and holistic evaluation method together with description and identification. The text (...)
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  18.  21
    The Dilemma of ʿAmal and Ḥadīth in the Change of Aḥkām: Changing a Reprehensible Practice to a Recommended One with the Ḥadīth Narrations on the Topic of Shawwāl Fasting.Ahmet Temel - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):1369-1399.
    This article aims at examining the limits of change in the field of worship through a study on the origins of the ḥukm[religious ruling] of Shawwāl fasting that is widely practiced in the different parts of Muslim world. The study, firstly, deals with the evolution of the ḥukm of Shawwāl fasting chronologically among four sunnī schools of law, then analyzes the solitary reports on the topic. It concludes that in Mālikīand Ḥanefīschools, the ḥukm of this specific worship changed within the (...)
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  19.  11
    Tefsir ve Tasavvuf Kaynaklarında Vahyin Keyfiyeti ve Devamlılığı Hususundaki Tartışmalar.Ahmet KÜÇÜK & Mohammd Ajmal HANİF - 2022 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 27 (1):23-35.
    Divine revelation, as a Qur'anic and religious concept in exegetical sources, is usually mentioned together with the institution of Prophethood. Revelation came to its end with the end of Prophethood. Therefore, although some have evaluated inspiration and true dream within the this context of revelation, according to most of Islamic scholars, it is not permissible to refer to the recevings of the divinely saints as revelation. Revelation, for which the holy Qur'an designates three pattern of descension, is discussed also in (...)
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  20.  30
    Tolerated but not equal.Ahmet Insel - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (4):511-515.
    Tolerance is an ambivalent attitude. It allows living in plurality but not in equality. The tolerant tradition of the Ottoman Empire, for example, is based on a very clear political and social hierarchy between different religions. Dominants boast of their tolerant tradition. Tolerance is also about imposing limits on the other in a unilateral way. In Republican Turkey where theoretically all citizens are equal, the majority of Turkish-speaking Sunnis tolerate non-Muslim minorities, Alevis, Kurds. It is the ‘liberal’ currents of this (...)
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  21.  28
    An Unnoticed Fatwa Book: Bostānu Shaqā’iq al-Nuʿmān-Gözlerden Kaçmış Bir Fet'va Mecmûası: Bost'nu Şekā’iki’n-Nuʿman.Ahmet Hamdi Furat - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 21 (3):1775-1796.
    : The corpus of fatwa named as Bostānu Shaqā’iq al-Nuʿmān, recorded in the Veliyuddin Efendi section under the number 1414 at Beyazıd State Library. It has been ignored so far. Because of its name, it may be thought that it is a part of Tashkoprulüzāde’s book Shaḳā’iḳ-i Nuʿmāniyya, but it is a nuqullu fatwa collection of Babakūshī ʿAbdurrahmān Efendi. In the famous Shaqā’iq appendix Atā’ī, which gives information about the biography of Abdurrahmān Efendi does not mention the book with this (...)
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  22.  18
    The Problems Encountered by the Prophet as a Spouse and Their Solutions.Ahmet Acarlioğlu - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (2):757-773.
    One of the most important problems of Muslim societies and humanity is the conflicts and troubles among spouses and between parents and their children in the family. problems. Research is carried out and answers are sought for the solution of these problems, but the dissolution in families cannot be prevented and the divorce rate increases day by day. Besides being a prophet, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) is a servant of Allah and a human being. It is seen that there (...)
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  23.  47
    The Matter of Murder of Daughters in Jahiliyyah Arab Community: Evaluation from The Perspective of Islamic History.Ahmet Acarlioğlu - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):441-460.
    Parents in Arab society did not take any responsibility for their children in the pre-Islamic era. The husband, as the head of the family, used to treat family members as his servants and forced them in the direction of his interests. No matter the rationale behind it, the burial of daughters in the pre-Islamic era is an outrageous and ill-treated tradition. In this study, it is possible to see which tribes in the Arab society started this repellent custom and which (...)
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  24.  95
    From the Evening of the East to the Dawn of the West.Ahmet Ulvi Türkbağ - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 10:107-115.
    Why did philosophy and the sciences in the East lose their momentum and enthusiasm in the 12th century, leaving the West to take the most importantprogressive steps from the 17th century up to the present day? Can these two intellectual traditions be separated from each other to such an extent as to justify today's theses of conflict? If they cannot be separated, how can the historical events that place these theses on the agenda can be explained? The aim of this (...)
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  25.  32
    Design as enclosure: Draft of a phenomenology of artifice.Ahmet Zeki Turan - 2013 - Technoetic Arts 11 (2):173-183.
    This article drafts a phenomenology of artifice, an interpretation of Human Being and Human Practice, based on the extraordinary claim that design is not the initiator of change, creation and diversity, but it is the essential humanistic quality to compensate the irresistible precession, to regulate the inevitable transformation and divergence of the World. Inspired by the Sufism conception of Human Being, the argument here relies on the theory of a gradual disclosure from the kernel of Universal Man, the complete and (...)
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  26.  14
    Effects of the Humorous Characteristics of the School Principals on School Health.Mehtap İnceler & Ahmet Güneyli - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In this study, teachers' views are evaluated to determine whether there is a relationship between the humor styles of school principals and the health of an organization. The study is based on a mixed research approach with both quantitative and qualitative aspects. In the quantitative study, the teachers were asked to describe their principals' senses of humor using the “humor behavior scale” and to evaluate the organization in which they worked using the “organizational health inventory.” In the qualitative dimension, principals (...)
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  27.  25
    Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi Öğretmenlerine Göre Salgın Döneminde Uzaktan Eğitim.Ahmet Çakmak & Yakup Uzunpolat - 2021 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 7 (1):855-892.
    Turkey and many countries, the school has closed, or partially or completely due to covid 19 pandemic. Schools remained closed until a certain time in Turkey. Afterwards, its opening has been postponed until certain dates. In the second half of 2019-2020 and in the first and second half of 2020-2021, students were mostly deprived of face-to-face education. This study, which aims to describe the problems experienced by RE teachers in the learning-teaching process during the epidemic period, was designed according to (...)
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  28.  57
    Lifestyle and rights: A neo-secular conception of human dignity.Ahmet Murat Aytaç - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (4-5):495-502.
    The challenges facing the life-worlds of political societies in the Islamic world require a radical shift of perspective that can improve our understanding of the contemporary situation of human rights politics. Not only the classical formulation of secularism, which aims at liberating the public sphere from domination of ‘the sacred’, but also the political-theological approach, which addresses the problems of modernity within the context of a disguised and refurbished dominance of ‘the transcendence’, suffer from and share a basic insufficiency in (...)
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  29.  24
    The Evaluation of Differences in Definitions and Classifications of Kināya in Arabic Rhetoric: In the Context of the Modern Period.Ahmet Gezek - 2023 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 9 (1):433-457.
    In the dictionary, kināya, which means “to say a word and to mean a second meaning with that word”, means “to use a word both in its true meaning and in a second meaning other than this meaning“ as the Arabic rhetoric term. The conceptualization process of kināya as a sub-title of the ilm al-bayān started in the second century hijrī and took its present form in the seventh century hijrī with Abū Yaʿqūb al-Sakkākī (d. 626/1229) and in the eighth (...)
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  30.  36
    Religion-Science Relationship Attitude Scale.Ahmet Çakmak, Fikrullah Çakmak & Hüsnü Aydeni̇z - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (3):955-970.
    The purpose of this study is to develop a religion-science relationship attitude scale prepared to determine the approaches of the students studying at the faculties of theology/Islamic sciences towards the religion-science relationship. The relationship between religion and science constitutes one of the most important intersection points of religion, science and philosophy. In the modern period, the debates on the questioning of this relationship have reached quite advanced dimensions with the influence of different elements. In recent years, one of the environments (...)
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  31.  23
    Marital Discord (Shiqaq) Between Spouses İn İslamic Law And İts Legal Consequences.Cavidan Kement & Ahmet Ekşi - 2024 - Kocaeli İLahiyat Dergisi 7 (2):246-274.
    The one of goals that religious provisions aim to achieve is the preservation of the generation. For this reason, Islam recommends marriage and prohibits all illegitimate relationships outside of marriage. He also ordered the parties to respect each other's rights and fulfill their responsibilities in order to maintain the marriage union. He requested that all attitudes and behaviors that would disrupt the marriage union be avoided. How ever, from time to time, a word said or a behavior exhibited by one (...)
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  32.  34
    On the Cardinality of Future Worldlines in Discrete Spacetime Structures.Zeki Seskir & Ahmet Çevik - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (3):1-18.
    We give an analysis over a variation of causal sets where the light cone of an event is represented by finitely branching trees with respect to any given arbitrary dynamics. We argue through basic topological properties of Cantor space that under certain assumptions about the universe, spacetime structure and causation, given any event x, the number of all possible future worldlines of x within the many-worlds interpretation is uncountable. However, if all worldlines extending the event x are ‘eventually deterministic’, then (...)
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  33.  31
    The Evaluation of al-Māwardī's 's Book, A'lamu'n-nubuvve as a Defense of Nubuwwat.Eyüp GÜR & Ahmet ÇELİK - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (2):422-442.
    Prophethood (nubuwwah) is a divine institution that teaches the healthy progression of relations between Allah and humans, as well as between humans and the universe. However, from another perspective, it is also considered a human institution. Some opponents of religion, lacking strong evidence to challenge the existence of Allah, direct their objections towards prophethood, which is seen as a manifestation of Allah’s attribute of speech (kalām). To counter the rejection of prophethood, scholars of theology (kalām), hadith, and Prophetic biography (sīrah) (...)
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  34.  21
    Determination And Study Of Narration Tools In ‘Husband And Wife Tale’ Of Ahmet Mithat Efendi.Kadir Can Di̇lber - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:930-953.
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    Antecedents of electric vehicle purchasing behaviors: Evidence from Türkiye.Veland Ramadani, Barış Armutcu, Nail Reshidi, Ahmet Tan & Ercan İnce - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    The present study aims to determine the key antecedents that affect consumers' electric vehicle (EV) purchasing behavior. In this context, the study expanded the existing framework of TPB (attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control) by incorporating four new variables (product attributes, cognitive status, monetary incentive policies, and nonmonetary incentive policies). At this point, the study is of great importance in terms of understanding consumers' perspectives on EV purchasing behavior and to help policymakers, businesses, and marketers support sustainable production and consumption (...)
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    A Novel Security Methodology for Smart Grids: A Case Study of Microcomputer-Based Encryption for PMU Devices.Metin Varan, Akif Akgul, Fatih Kurugollu, Ahmet Sansli & Kim Smith - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-15.
    Coordination of a power system with the phasor measurement devices in real time on the load and generation sides is carried out within the context of smart grid studies. Power systems equipped with information systems in a smart grid pace with external security threats. Developing a smart grid which can resist against cyber threats is considered indispensable for the uninterrupted operation. In this study, a two-way secure communication methodology underpinned by a chaos-based encryption algorithm for PMU devices is proposed. The (...)
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    Investigation of the Awareness of Automated News in terms of Public Opinion: Artificial Intelligence Journalism.İlknur Aydoğdu Karaaslan, Baha Ahmet Yılmaz & Yağmur Karadağ - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1658-1671.
    Developments in information and communication technologies have created change and transformation in news production and reading habits, and the use of artificial intelligence in the journalism sector has become inevitable as the process transforms society. With artificial intelligence journalism, news can be produced and edited quickly. However, this speed and automation can create problems for readers in terms of accuracy and detail in consuming the news. In this context, the roles of journalists are also changing, and they are effective in (...)
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  38. Measuring the Wealth of Nations: The Political Economy of National Accounts.Anwar M. Shaikh & E. Ahmet Tonak - 1996 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book provides an alternative foundation for the measurement of the production of nations, and applies it to the US economy for the postwar period. The patterns which result are significantly different from those derived within conventional systems of national accounts. Conventional national accounts seriously distort basic economic aggregates, because they classify military, bureaucratic and financial activities as creation of new wealth, when in fact they should be classified as forms of social consumption which, like personal consumption, actually use up (...)
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    Klasik ve Modern Dönem Hadis Fetva Kitaplarının Muhtevalarına Yönelik Bir Mukayese.Ali Can Kanoğlu - 2021 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 7 (1):387-430.
    In this paper, I analyse the issue of “hadith fatwas”, which has not studied enough in academic ground. The litera-ture of hadith fatwas is consisted of the questions asked by all Muslims, whether they have academic interest in Hadith or not, to the scholars and the answers given by the scholars. The most famous samples of this literature, which dates back to 3rd century AH, were written in the 9th and 10th century AH. One of the most distinguishing features of (...)
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    Two Ghazals with the Redif “What Can I Do?" of Ahmet Paşa and The Hopeless Lover Image in the Divan Literature.Sıtkı Nazi̇k - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:1679-1696.
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    Women in Turkish Political Thought: Between Tradition and Modernity.Simten Coşar - 2007 - Feminist Review 86 (1):113-131.
    This article aims at revealing the patriarchal pattern that has dominated Turkish political thought in the 20th century. I analyse the construction of woman's identity in the writings of three prominent thinkers of the early-republican era (1923–1945); namely, Ahmet Aǧaoǧlu, Peyami Safa and Zekeriya Sertel. The thinkers are deliberately chosen since each represents challenging political dispositions vis-à-vis the others. Ahmet Aǧaoǧlu is a liberal-nationalist, Peyami Safa is a well-known conservative thinker and Zekeriya Sertel is a leftist. However, despite (...)
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    Analysis of Aḥmed Cevdet Pasha’s Preface to the Translation of The Qurʾān, and His Work Named Lüghāt-i Ḳurʾāniye Ḥaqqında Lāḥiqa-i Sharīfa, the Examination of Its Sources and Comparison with his Terjeme-i Sharīfa.Murat Kaya - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (3):1021-1043.
    Aḥmed Cevdet Pasha (d. 1312/1895) is one of the influential and prominent Ottoman scholars in history and law. Besides history and law, he also produced works on literature, sīra (the life of the Prophet) and tafsīr (the Qur’anic exegesis). In the last years of his life, Cevdet Pasha aimed to translate the Qurʾān including short comments on the verses, but this work was remained limited to the sūrah al-Baqara. Correspondingly to this translation named Terjeme-i Sharīfa, he prepared a glossary to (...)
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    Majalla al-Aḥkām al-ʿAdliyyah in Terms of Intra-School Preference.Seyit Uğur - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):233-257.
    The intra-school controversies in Hanafī school are remarkable. These controversies pose a risk for legal safety and stability and creates difficulties for muqallīd Hanafī judges and muftīs. In the historical process, different types of literature such as mukhtaṣar and fatwa (legal opinion) books, and applications such as aṣṣaḥ-ı aqvāl and maʻrūdhāt, emerged to solve this problem. One of the last example of these applications is the codification movement. The subject of this study is the relationship between the Majalla al-Aḥkām al-ʿAdliyyah, (...)
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    Ahmed Muhtar Omar and the Place of His Work "İlmu'd-dal'le" in Modern Arabic Semantics.Mansur Teyfur - 2022 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 8 (2):1189-1224.
    It is known that the relationship between word and meaning is one of the most controversial topics of ancient Greek philosophers such as Aristotle, Plato and Indian linguists. In fact, this issue has continued to be discussed with its definition and scope, and opinions about it have been expressed until today. When we review the subject in the Arabic language, we see that Arabic is a rich language with its words and meanings. Also, changes and developments in Arabic, which is (...)
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    The Critiques of Ibn Taymiyya Against the Evidence on the Unity of the Nexessity Existent in al-Is̲h̲ārāt of Avicenna.Ersan Türkmen - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (1):369-383.
    In this study, the rational criticism directed by Ibn Tayymiyya (d. 1338) to the philosophical evidence used to prove the unity of the necessary existent in the book Kitāb al-Is̲h̲ārāt wa al-tanbīhāt, which is accepted as a constitutive text in the history of Islamic philosophy, is examined. Author of the aforementioned book Avicenna (d. 1037) tries to prove the unity of the necessary existent from different ways in his books. Kitāb al-Is̲h̲ārāt wa al-tanbīhāt is a book that includes one of (...)
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  46. Aydınlar, Entelektüeller ve Müminler.Ahmet Arslan - 2002 - Cogito 31:201-214.
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  47. Bir Olgu Olarak Türkiye'de Şiddet.Ahmet Eken - 1996 - Cogito 6:407-410.
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    On “Islamic Terrorism” A Reply to Pellicani.Ahmet Çiğdem - 2006 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2006 (134):161-167.
    The concepts of “Islamic Fundamentalism” and “Islamic Terrorism” are the usual suspects in the present political reality and discourse. After the tragic events in New York, Madrid, Istanbul, and London, one has every reason to think that Islam is somehow a part of the problem. But in terms of the issues that we currently face, we must be careful to distinguish between understanding and the creation of scapegoats. There is no doubt that a terrorist act is unjustifiable, and it must (...)
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    A New View To Turkî-i Basît.Ahmet Mermer - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:249-265.
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    Narration Techniques of “Yalnızız”.Ahmet Mocan - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1831-1841.
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