Results for 'Billie Ash'

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  1.  15
    Effects of experience on stimulus-produced reflex inhibition in the human.James R. Ison & Billie Ash - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 10 (6):467-468.
  2.  37
    En el momento deseado: la muerte entre Nietzsche y Blanchot.Noelia Billi - 2018 - Agora 37 (1).
    Este artículo tiene por objeto destacar la relevancia de una noción de “muerte impersonal” en el horizonte de una indagación no antropocentrada de lo biopolítico. En tanto no se rige por la teleología del principio antrópico, la filosofía contemporánea considera lo impersonal como una resistencia al biopoder, aunque suele concentrarse en los avatares del concepto de Vida. Aquí, avanzamos en el examen de los rasgos de la muerte impersonal en dos pensadores cuyas obras resultan fundamentales para estas líneas de trabajo (...)
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    Property and Justice: A Liberal Theory of Natural Rights.Billy Christmas - 2021 - Routledge.
    This book gives an account of a full spectrum of property rights and their relationship to individual liberty. It shows that a purely deontological approach to justice can deal with the most complex questions regarding the property system. Moreover, the author considers the economic, ecological, and technological complexities of our real-world property systems. The result is a more conceptually sound account of natural rights and the property system they demand. If we think that liberty should be at the centre of (...)
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    Reality and Morality.Billy Dunaway - 2020 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Billy Dunaway develops and defends a framework for realism about morality. He defends the idea that moral properties are privileged parts of reality which are the referents for our moral terms. He suggests how it is that we can know about morality, and what the limits to moral disagreement are.
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    Gross negligence manslaughter and doctors: ethical concerns following the case of Dr Bawa-Garba.Ash Samanta & Jo Samanta - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (1):10-14.
    Dr Bawa-Garba, a senior paediatric trainee who had been involved in the care of a child who died shortly after admission to hospital, was convicted of gross negligence manslaughter and subsequently erased from the medical register. We argue that criminalisation of doctors in this way is fraught with ethical tensions at levels of individual blameworthiness, systemic failures, professionalism, patient safety and at the interface of the regulator and doctor. The current response to alleged manslaughter during clinical care is not fit (...)
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  6. Minimalist semantics in meta-ethical expressivism.Billy Dunaway - 2010 - Philosophical Studies 151 (3):351 - 371.
    James Dreier (Philos Perspect 18: 23-44, 2004) states what he calls the "Problem of Creeping Minimalism": that metaethical Expressivists can accept a series of claims about meaning, under which all of the sentences that Realists can accept are consistent with Expressivism. This would allow Expressivists to accept all of the Realist's sentences, and as Dreier points out, make it difficult to say what the difference between the two views is. That Expressivists can accept these claims about meaning has been suggested (...)
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    Managing Talent: Understanding Critical Perspectives.Billy Adamsen & Stephen Swailes (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This edited collection offers a critical appreciation of talent management in contrast to the extensive literature adopting mainstream approaches to the topic. The authors explore fundamental questions in the field to better understand why managing talent seems so attractive as a management practice, the meaning of talent, and how talent is recognised in organisations. The mix of conceptual and empirical chapters in the book teases out some critical perspectives that will provoke thought and reflection among practitioners and stimulate ideas for (...)
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  8. Strata of comprehending ecology: Looking through the prism of feeding relations.Billie Eilam - 2002 - Science Education 86 (5):645-671.
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    Letter to the institute of philosophy of the academy of sciences of the Georgian SSR.Ash Gobar - 1982 - Studies in Soviet Thought 24 (2):161-166.
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    Philosophic Foundations Of Genetic Psychology And Gestalt Psychology.Ash Gobar - 1968 - The Hague,: Martinus Nilboff.
  11.  15
    Therapists and their patients: similarities and differences in attitudes between four psychotherapy orientations in Sweden.Billy Larsson - 2010 - Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg.
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    (1 other version)Nonverbal intimacy as a benchmark for humanrobot interaction.Billy Lee - 2007 - Interaction Studies 8 (3):411-422.
  13.  84
    The right to believe truth paradoxes of moral regret for no belief and the role(s) of logic in philosophy of religion.Billy Joe Lucas - 2012 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 72 (2):115-138.
    I offer you some theories of intellectual obligations and rights (virtue Ethics): initially, RBT (a Right to Believe Truth, if something is true it follows one has a right to believe it), and, NDSM (one has no right to believe a contradiction, i.e., No right to commit Doxastic Self-Mutilation). Evidence for both below. Anthropology, Psychology, computer software, Sociology, and the neurosciences prove things about human beliefs, and History, Economics, and comparative law can provide evidence of value about theories of rights. (...)
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    The second epistemic way.Billy Joe Lucas - 1985 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 18 (3):107 - 114.
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    Does interest broaden or narrow attentional scope?Billy Sung & Jennifer Yih - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (8).
  16. Relevance and “pseudo-imperatives”.Billy Clark - 1993 - Linguistics and Philosophy 16 (1):79 - 121.
  17. The empty path: finding fulfillment through the radical art of lessening.Billy Wynne - 2025 - Novato, California: New World Library.
    Providing an antidote to our culture's never-ending quest for more, mindfulness teacher Billy Wynne shows how embracing the Buddhist concept of emptiness can declutter the mind and distill our experience of daily life to its essential beauty, clarity, and joy.
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  18. Causation in a Virtual World: a Mechanistic Approach.Billy Wheeler - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (1):1-26.
    Objects appear to causally interact with one another in virtual worlds, such as video games, virtual reality, and training simulations. Is this causation real or is it illusory? In this paper I argue that virtual causation is as real as physical causation. I achieve this in two steps: firstly, I show how virtual causation has all the important hallmarks of relations that are causal, as opposed to merely accidental, and secondly, I show how virtual causation is genuine according to one (...)
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  19. Meaning, Decision, and Norms: Themes From the Work of Allan Gibbard.Billy Dunaway & David Plunkett (eds.) - 2022 - Ann Arbor, Michigan: Maize Books.
    It is not an exaggeration to say that Allan Gibbard is one of the most significant contributors to philosophy over the last five decades. Gibbard's work covers an impressive number of subfields within philosophy, including ethics, philosophy of language, decision theory, epistemology, and metaphysics. It also engages with, and makes significant contributions to, work from the natural and social sciences. This volume is not a collection of artifacts from past decades of philosophy. Instead, it is a collection of essays that (...)
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  20. Knight, JF, see Ash, CJ (3).C. J. Ash - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 75:313.
  21. Ethical Vagueness and Practical Reasoning.Billy Dunaway - 2017 - Philosophical Quarterly 67 (266):38-60.
    This paper looks at the phenomenon of ethical vagueness by asking the question, how ought one to reason about what to do when confronted with a case of ethical vagueness? I begin by arguing that we must confront this question, since ethical vagueness is inescapable. I then outline one attractive answer to the question: we ought to maximize expected moral value when confronted with ethical vagueness. This idea yields determinate results for what one rationally ought to do in cases of (...)
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    A Reformulation of the Structure of a Set Compossible Rights.Billy Christmas - 2019 - Philosophical Quarterly 69 (275):221-234.
    Hillel Steiner argues that a necessary and sufficient condition for the compossibility of a set of rights is that those rights be extensionally differentiable. However, given that two or more actions can extensionally overlap without thereby being mutually unperformable, if such actions are specified in the relevant rights, then those rights will not be incompossible, notwithstanding their extensional overlap. The set of compossible sets of rights then is greater than the subset of extensionally differentiable rights, and extensional differentiability is a (...)
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  23. Reliabilism and the Testimony of Robots.Billy Wheeler - 2020 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 24 (3):332-356.
    We are becoming increasingly dependent on robots and other forms of artificial intelligence for our beliefs. But how should the knowledge gained from the “say-so” of a robot be classified? Should it be understood as testimonial knowledge, similar to knowledge gained in conversation with another person? Or should it be understood as a form of instrument-based knowledge, such as that gained from a calculator or a sundial? There is more at stake here than terminology, for how we treat objects as (...)
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  24.  48
    Ambidextrous Lockeanism.Billy Christmas - 2020 - Economics and Philosophy 36 (2):193-215.
    Lockean approaches to property take it that persons can unilaterally acquire private ownership over hitherto unowned resources. Such natural law accounts of property rights are often thought to be of limited use when dealing with the complexities of natural resource use outside of the paradigm of private ownership of land for agricultural or residential development. The tragedy of the commons has been shown to be anything but an inevitability, and yet Lockeanism seems to demand that even the most robust common (...)
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  25.  36
    Do We Really Know What the Term “Talent” in Talent Management Means? – And What Could Be the Consequences of Not Knowing?Billy Adamsen - 2014 - Philosophy of Management 13 (3):3-20.
    Over the centuries the term “talent” has changed semantically and slowly transformed itself into a floating signifier or become an accidental designator. The term “talent” no longer has one single meaning and a “referent” in real life, but instead a multiplicity of meaning and references to something beyond real life, something indefinite and indefinable. In other words, today we do not know specifically what the term “talent” in talent management really means or refers to. Indeed, this is problematical, because in (...)
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    “Quien muere en el mundo sin razón… Lecturas blanchotianas en torno a la muerte en Rilke”.Noelia Billi - 2012 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 57:35-50.
    La originalidad de Blanchot en el ámbito de las críticas deconstructivas al tema de la propiedad/impropiedad de la muerte en la obra de Heidegger no ha recibido demasiada atención de los comentaristas. A tal fin, examino la noción de muerte en la obra de R. M. Rilke, para después recorrer el abordaje que de esta temática realizó Blanchot en El espacio literario . Luego, relevando las líneas de fuerza de la lectura blanchotiana, se pondrá de manifiesto hasta qué punto el (...)
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  27.  14
    Rage narcissique et réussite scolaire chez des adolescents haïtiens issus des milieux sociaux défavorisés à Port-au-Prince.Raynold Billy, Ronald Jean Jacques & Daniel Derivois - 2015 - Revue Phronesis 4 (3):2-10.
    Academic achievement is an important issue for families and Haitian adolescents from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. It represents a necessary step to escape difficult living conditions and achieve some social mobility. Any failure of these adolescents academically risk of them know a lot more difficult than that of their parents. It is therefore important to consider the factors that explain the academic success of some young people playing in a precarious environment. This article aims to analyze, in a clinic psychosocial perspective, (...)
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  28. The Theological Foundation of Thomas' Teaching on Law.Dj Billy - 1990 - Divus Thomas 93 (3-4):243-256.
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  29. 'Election': A sense of optimism, relief, frustration or ambivalence.Billy Crombie - 2013 - Ethos: Social Education Victoria 21 (1):22.
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    The Epistemology of Theological Predication in advance.Billy Dunaway - forthcoming - Essays in Philosophy.
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  31. Listening to experts: the directions indigenous experience has taken the study of earth mounds in Northern Australia.Billy O.? Foghlu - 2019 - In Peter Ridgway Schmidt & Alice Beck Kehoe, Archaeologies of listening. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.
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  32. Expansion.Billie Hobart - 1973 - New York,: Glencoe Press.
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    Wokini: a Lakota journey to happiness and self-understanding.Billy Mills - 1990 - Carlsbad, CA: Hay House. Edited by Nicholas Sparks.
    "Wokini, " translated from Lakota, means "seeking a new beginning." On that theme, the famous athlete joins the bestselling author to blend modern therapeutic principles and Native American tradition.
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    The North American Paul Tillich Society.Billy Graham Niebuhr - 2010 - Bulletin for the North American Paul Tillich Society 36 (4).
  35.  82
    A Phenomenological Approach To Dyslexia.Billie S. Ables, Erwin W. Straus & Robert G. Aug - 1971 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 1 (2):225-235.
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  36. Supervenience Arguments and Normative Non‐naturalism.Billy Dunaway - 2014 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 91 (3):627-655.
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    Expressivism and Normative Metaphysics.Billy Dunaway - 2016 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 11.
    Quasi-realist Expressivists offer accounts of normative truth, normative facts, and normative properties which make their view apparently indistinguishable from Realist views on these subjects. This chapter explores the idea that there is still a substantial metaphysical difference between Realism and Quasi-realism, since they differ over the extent to which normative properties are metaphysically elite in David Lewis’s sense. Eliteness is an explanatory notion, and Realists need the explanatory features of eliteness to explain how different communities refer to the same property (...)
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    Luck: Evolutionary and epistemic.Billy Dunaway - 2017 - Episteme 14 (4):441-461.
    This paper advances two theses about evolutionary debunking arguments in ethics. The first is that, while such arguments are often motivated with the rhetoric of ‘luck', proponents of these arguments have not distinguished between the kinds of luck that might lead to the formation of a true belief. Once we make the needed distinctions, the relevance of the kind of luck which can be derived from broadly evolutionary explanations to the epistemological conclusions debunkers draw is suspect. The second thesis is (...)
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    Human Resource Management: Ethics and Employment.Ashly Pinnington, Rob Macklin & Tom Campbell (eds.) - 2007 - Oxford University Press.
    The book examines ethics and employment issues in contemporary Human Resource Management (HRM). Written by an international team of academics from universities in the UK, the US, Australia and New Zealand, it examines the problems and opportunities facing employers and employees. The book subdivides into three sections: Part I assesses the context of HRM; Part II analyses contemporary debates, continuity and change in HRM, and Part III proposes likely developments for the future seeking to identify a more proactive HRM approach (...)
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  40. Reference Magnetism as a Solution to the Moral Twin Earth Problem.Billy Dunaway & Tristram McPherson - 2016 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 3.
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  41. Scepticism.Billy Dunaway & John Hawthorne - 2017 - In Frederick D. Aquino & William J. Abraham, The Oxford Handbook of the Epistemology of Theology. New York, New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 290-308.
    To what extent are the answers to theological questions knowable? And if the relevant answers are knowable, which sorts of inquirers are in a position to know them? In this chapter we shall not answer these questions directly but instead supply a range of tools that may help us make progress here. The tools consist of plausible structural constraints on knowledge. After articulating them, we shall go on to indicate some ways in which they interact with theological scepticism. In some (...)
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  42. Modal Quantification Without Worlds.Billy Dunaway - 2013 - In Karen Bennett & Dean W. Zimmerman, Oxford Studies in Metaphysics, Volume 8. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 151-186.
    This paper is about avoiding commitment to an ontology of possible worlds with two primitives: a hyperintensional connective like ‘in virtue of’, and primitive quantification into predicate position. I argue that these tools (which some believe can be independently motivated) render dispensable the ontology of possible worlds needed by traditional anaylses of modality. They also shed new light on the notion of truth-at-a-world.
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    Hyŏndae sahoe, chŏngchʻi iron.Fidelma Ashe (ed.) - 2006 - Pʻaju-si: Hanul Akʻademi.
  44.  9
    The Fabric of the World: Towards a Philosophy of Environment.Maurice Ash - 1992 - Green Books.
    Everyone is talking about the environment. But what do we mean by it? This is the subject of this perceptive and provocative book. The author argues that the environmental crisis is engrained in the language of our political, social and econpomic structures. In his search foer the hidden agenda of the Green movement, he shows the need for us to include the reality of the spirit. Only by doing so, and re-establishing the importance of local life, may be hope to (...)
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    2. Weimar Psychology: Holistic Visions and Trained Intuition.Mitchell G. Ash - 2013 - In John P. McCormick & Peter E. Gordon, Weimar Thought: A Contested Legacy. Princeton University Press. pp. 35-54.
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    Semiotics.Billie J. Jones - 1999 - Semiotics:56-67.
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    Orientations historiographiques.Billie Melman - 2008 - Clio 28:159-184.
    L’historiographie concernant les voyageuses fait fréquemment référence à la « poussière », la « négligence » et l’oubli. Ironiquement, en employant le langage qu’utilisaient ces dames souvent oubliées pour dépeindre des pays et des paysages inconnus, ces références font écho aux affirmations de certains chercheurs pour qui la littérature de voyage féminine est encore une terra incognita à découvrir. D’où l’appel répété, depuis environ une dizaine d’années, de lexicographes et d’historiens de...
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    Computational Paradigm to Elucidate the Effects of Arts-Based Approaches: Art and Music Studies and Implications for Research and Therapy.Billie Sandak, Avi Gilboa & David Harel - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Natural justice: principle and practice.Billy Strachan - 1976 - London: Shaw & Sons.
  50.  21
    The Multiple Lives of Affect: A Case Study of Commercial Surrogacy.Billy Holzberg - 2018 - Body and Society 24 (4):32-57.
    This article intervenes into contemporary scholarship on affect by bringing different affect theories into the same analytical frame. Analysing commercial surrogacy in India through three different conceptualizations of affect found in the work of Michael Hardt, Sara Ahmed and Brian Massumi reveals how affect emerges as a malleable state in the practice of, as a circulatory force in the debates around, and as an ephemeral intensity in the spontaneous resistance to surrogacy. Based on this analysis, I suggest that integrating different (...)
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