Results for 'Bart Ooghe'

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  1.  8
    Broadening horizons: multidisciplinary approaches to landscape study.Bart Ooghe & Geert Verhoeven (eds.) - 2007 - Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    'Broadening Horizons: multidisciplinary approaches to landscape study' presents nine papers on physical landscape research in the Mediterranean and the Near East. Giving prime place to young researchers working in this field, it brings together highly diverse applications ranging from ground survey to semi-automated remote sensing, from cuneiform studies to palynology and from human geography to paradigm re-evaluation. Aimed at a public of both students and scholars with a shared interest in the study of past landscapes, its aims are dual. In (...)
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  2. Unbelievable Errors: An Error Theory About All Normative Judgments.Bart Streumer - 2017 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Unbelievable Errors defends an error theory about all normative judgements: not just moral judgements, but also judgements about reasons for action, judgements about reasons for belief, and instrumental normative judgements. This theory states that normative judgements are beliefs that ascribe normative properties, but that normative properties do not exist. It therefore entails that all normative judgements are false. -/- Bart Streumer also argues, however, that we cannot believe this error theory. This may seem to be a problem for the (...)
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    Quantity implicatures.Bart Geurts - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Gricean pragmatics. Saying vs. implicating ; Discourse and cooperation ; Conversational implicatures ; Generalised vs. particularised ; Cancellability ; Gricean reasoning and the pragmatics of what is said -- The standard recipe for Q-implicatures. The standard recipe ; Inference to the best explanation ; Weak implicatures and competence ; Relevance ; Conclusion -- Scalar implicatures. Horn scales and the generative view ; Implicatures and downward entailing environments ; Disjunction : exclusivity and ignorance ; Conclusion -- Psychological plausibility. Charges of psychological (...)
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    Entertaining alternatives: Disjunctions as modals.Bart Geurts - 2005 - Natural Language Semantics 13 (4):383-410.
  5.  35
    Partial compensation/responsibility.Erwin Ooghe - 2015 - Theory and Decision 78 (2):305-317.
    Many theories of fairness distinguish between compensation factors and responsibility factors. Whereas the distinction between both types of factors is a matter of definition in theory, empirical work usually requires a sharp cut. All determinants of the outcome of interest have to be classified as either a compensation factor or a responsibility factor. We argue that the determinants are often hard to classify. A pragmatic solution to the problem at hand is to introduce a more general soft cut: determinants can (...)
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    About the Distinction between Working Memory and Short-Term Memory.Bart Aben, Sven Stapert & Arjan Blokland - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    The inconsistency of higher order extensions of Martin-löf's type theory.Bart Jacobs - 1989 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 18 (4):399 - 422.
    Martin-Löf's constructive type theory forms the basis of this paper. His central notions of category and set, and their relations with Russell's type theories, are discussed. It is shown that addition of an axiom - treating the category of propositions as a set and thereby enabling higher order quantification - leads to inconsistency. This theorem is a variant of Girard's paradox, which is a translation into type theory of Mirimanoff's paradox (concerning the set of all well-founded sets). The occurrence of (...)
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  8.  18
    Gareth B. Matthews, The Child’s Philosopher. Edited by Maughn Rollins Gregory and Megan Jane Laverty.Bart Schultz - 2022 - Teaching Philosophy 45 (3):390-393.
  9.  61
    Ethical Criteria for Health-Promoting Nudges: A Case-by-Case Analysis.Bart Engelen - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (5):48-59.
    Health-promoting nudges have been put into practice by different agents, in different contexts and with different aims. This article formulates a set of criteria that enables a thorough ethical evaluation of such nudges. As such, it bridges the gap between the abstract, theoretical debates among academics and the actual behavioral interventions being implemented in practice. The criteria are derived from arguments against nudges, which allegedly disrespect nudgees, as these would impose values on nudgees and/or violate their rationality and autonomy. Instead (...)
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  10.  87
    Making Sense of Self Talk.Bart Geurts - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 9 (2):271-285.
    People talk not only to others but also to themselves. The self talk we engage in may be overt or covert, and is associated with a variety of higher mental functions, including reasoning, problem solving, planning and plan execution, attention, and motivation. When talking to herself, a speaker takes devices from her mother tongue, originally designed for interpersonal communication, and employs them to communicate with herself. But what could it even mean to communicate with oneself? To answer that question, we (...)
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  11.  43
    Presuppositions and pronouns.Bart Geurts - 1999 - New York: Elsevier.
    In this volume, Geurts takes discourse representation theory (DRT), and turns it into a unified account of anaphora and presupposition, which he applies not only to the standard problem cases but also to the interpretation of modal expressions, attitude reports, and proper names. The resulting theory, for all its simplicity, is without doubt the most comprehensive of its kind to date. The central idea underlying Geurts' 'binding theory' of presupposition is that anaphora is just a special case of presupposition projection. (...)
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  12.  22
    The Happiness Philosophers: The Lives and Works of the Great Utilitarians.Bart Schultz - 2017 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    A colorful history of utilitarianism told through the lives and ideas of Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill, and its other founders In The Happiness Philosophers, Bart Schultz tells the colorful story of the lives and legacies of the founders of utilitarianism—one of the most influential yet misunderstood and maligned philosophies of the past two centuries. Best known for arguing that "it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong," utilitarianism was developed (...)
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  13. Analysis and Evaluation of Argumentative Discourse.Bart Garssen, Frans Eemeren & Frans H. van Eemeren - 2015 - In Bart Garssen, Frans Eemeren & Frans H. van Eemeren, Reasonableness and Effectiveness in Argumentative Discourse: Fifty Contributions to the Development of Pragma-Dialectics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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  14.  17
    Click here to consent forever: Expiry dates for informed consent.Bart Custers - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (1).
    The legal basis for processing personal data and some other types of Big Data is often the informed consent of the data subject involved. Many data controllers, such as social network sites, offer terms and conditions, privacy policies or similar documents to which a user can consent when registering as a user. There are many issues with such informed consent: people get too many consent requests to read everything, policy documents are often very long and difficult to understand and users (...)
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  15.  16
    Camera Iuridica.Bart Jansen & Ronald Jeurissen - 2022 - Ethical Perspectives 29 (2):197-229.
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  16.  12
    De kroniek van een aangekondigde vervlakking : de Europese Unie, de nakende uitbreiding en de mislukte pogingen tot aanpassing van de EU-Raad van Ministers.Bart Kerremans - 1998 - Res Publica 40 (3-4):435-461.
    The European Union bas recently started negotiations on its enlargement with a first group of six countries. This will probably be followed by a second wave of enlargements that would include five or six more countries. A question that can be raised in whether the institutional structure of the EU is ready to cope with an expanded membership. This article aims at analyzing this question as far as the Council of Ministers is concerned. It points at the rising tension between (...)
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    Pause for Transition; An Analysis of the Relation of Man, Mind and Society.Bart Landheer - 1958 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 19 (1):114-115.
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    Problem-Solving Argumentative Patterns in Plenary Debates of the European Parliament.Bart Garssen - 2016 - Argumentation 30 (1):25-43.
    The aim of this paper is to describe the way in which argumentative patterns come into being in plenary debate over legislative issues in the European Parliament. What kind of argumentative patterns are to be expected within this macro context? It is shown that the argumentative patterns that come into being in legislative debate in the European Parliament depend for the most part on the problem-solving argumentation that is put forward in the opening speech by the rapporteur of the parliamentary (...)
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    The Property Species: Mine, Yours, and the Human Mind.Bart J. Wilson - 2020 - Oup Usa.
    What is property, and why does our species happen to have it? In The Property Species, the economist Bart Wilson explores how we acquire, perceive, and know the custom of property, and why this might be relevant to social scientists, philosophers, and legal scholars for understanding how property works in the twenty-first century.
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  20.  13
    Cool and Safe: Multiplicity in Safe Innovation at Unilever.Bart Penders - 2011 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 31 (6):472-481.
    This article presents the making of a safe innovation: the application of ice structuring protein (ISP) in edible ices. It argues that safety is not the absence of risk but is an active accomplishment; innovations are not made safe afterward but safe innovations are made. Furthermore, there are multiple safeties to be accomplished in the innovation process. These are financial, public, scientific, and regulatory safety. The negotiations between these safeties determine the material and labeling characteristics of what ISP has become. (...)
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  21.  63
    No norms and no nature — the moral relevance of evolutionary biology.Bart Voorzanger - 1987 - Biology and Philosophy 2 (3):253-270.
    Many think that evolutionary biology has relevance to ethics, but how far that relevance extends is a matter of debate. It is easy to show that pop sociobiological approaches to ethics all commit some type of naturalistic fallacy. More sophisticated attempts, like Donald Campbell's, or, more recently, Robert Richards', are not so easily refuted, but I will show that they too reason fallaciously from facts to values. What remains is the possibility of an evolutionary search for human nature. Unfortunately, evolutionary (...)
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  22.  20
    On the effect of chess training on scholastic achievement.William M. Bart - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  23.  10
    Process and Bureaucracy: Scientific Reform as Civilisation.Bart Penders - 2022 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 42 (4):107-116.
    The reform movement in science is seemingly constructing a new moral economy of science around process and bureaucracy, in which a new scientific etiquette is emerging that prescribes the performance of reformed science as civilised, efficient and objective. Bureaucratic innovations were borne out of the reform movement that seek to prescribe specific research processes, including but not limited to preregistration and registered reports. This moral economy emerges in the form of a bureaucracy and its epistemic uniformity actively suppresses scientific plurality. (...)
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  24.  45
    Special Supplement: New Directions in Nursing Home Ethics.Bart Collopy, Philip Boyle & Bruce Jennings - 1991 - Hastings Center Report 21 (2):1.
  25.  17
    The Value of Vagueness in the Politics of Authorship.Bart Penders - 2017 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 14 (1):13-15.
  26. A pragma-dialectical response to objectivist epistemic challenges.Bart Garssen & Jan Albert van Laar - 2010 - Informal Logic 30 (2):122-141.
    The epistemologists Biro and Siegel have raised two objections against the pragma-dialectical approach to argumentation. According to the first objection the pragma-dialectical theory is not genuinely normative. According to the second objection the rejection of justificationism by pragma-dialecticians is unwarranted: they reject justificationism prematurely and they are not consistent in accepting some arguments (‘justifications’) as sound. The first objection is based on what we regard as the misconception that the goal of resolving differences of opinion cannot provide a normative approach. (...)
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  27. Can We Believe the Error Theory?Bart Streumer - 2013 - Journal of Philosophy 110 (4):194-212.
    According to the error theory, normative judgements are beliefs that ascribe normative properties, even though such properties do not exist. In this paper, I argue that we cannot believe the error theory, and that this means that there is no reason for us to believe this theory. It may be thought that this is a problem for the error theory, but I argue that it is not. Instead, I argue, our inability to believe the error theory undermines many objections that (...)
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    Towards a competency assessment tool for nurses in ethics meetings.Bart Cusveller & Annemiek Schep-Akkerman - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (4):413-420.
    Background: Nurses require specific knowledge, skills and attitudes to participate competently in various forms of ethics meetings. The literature does not state the contents of the knowledge, skills and attitudes nurses need for ethics meetings. Without such a competency profile, it cannot be assessed in how far nurses actually possess these qualities for ethics meetings. Objective: Corroborating an existing profile of the requisite knowledge, skills and attitudes in the form of a questionnaire contributes to the development of a tool to (...)
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    The inventor of the Scholar-Monk: Megan Hale Williams on Jerome.Bart J. Koet - 2009 - Bijdragen 70 (4):458-467.
    Although this review article is only about one book and about one man, it discloses a whole world, the world of Jerome, saint, scholar and stimulator of ascetism and of the study of the Bible. It is the merit of the book reviewed here to bring interesting insights into this other world, the emerging society of monks who were scholars and ascetic. In that world Jerome is one of the most fascinating patristic scholars. His choice for translating the Hebrew Bible (...)
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    The evolution of mating‐type switching for reproductive assurance.Bart P. S. Nieuwenhuis & Simone Immler - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (11):1141-1149.
    Alternative ways to ensure mate compatibility, such as hermaphroditism and the breakdown of self‐incompatibility, evolved repeatedly when finding a mating partner is difficult. In a variety of microorganisms where compatibility is determined by mating‐types, a highly regulated form of universal compatibility system called mating‐type switching has evolved several times. This sophisticated system allows for the genetic adjustment of the mating type during asexual growth, and it most likely evolved for reproductive assurance of immotile species under low densities. In this review, (...)
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    Public Art in the Private City: Control, Complicity and Criticality in Hong Kong.Bart Wissink & Lara van Meeteren - 2019 - Open Philosophy 2 (1):280-298.
    Responding to Open Philosophy’s call ‘Does public art have to be bad art?’, in this paper we argue that this discussion should pay attention to the consequences of structural transformations that guide the production and presentation of public art in today’s increasingly private city. While entrepreneurial governance and corporate branding strategies generate new opportunities, they might also result in increased risk averseness and control over the content of public art, thus putting its critical potential at risk. That observation ushers in (...)
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    G.W.F. Hegel, Encyclopedie van de filosofische wetenschappen.Bart Zantvoort - 2022 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 114 (3):230-239.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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    When is identity congruent with the self? A self-determination theory perspective.Bart Soenens & Maarten Vansteenkiste - 2011 - In Seth J. Schwartz, Koen Luyckx & Vivian L. Vignoles, Handbook of identity theory and research. New York: Springer Science+Business Media. pp. 381--402.
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    Nurses serving on clinical ethics committees: A qualitative exploration of a competency profile.Bart Cusveller - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (3):431-442.
    The competency profile underlying higher nursing education in the Netherlands states that bachelor-prepared nurses are expected to be able to participate in ethics committees. What knowledge, skills and attitudes are involved in this participation is unclear. In five consecutive years, groups of two to three fourth-year (bachelor) nursing students conducted 8 to 11 semi-structured interviews each with nurses in ethics committees. The question was what competencies these nurses themselves say they need to participate in such committees. This article reports the (...)
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  35. On the Notion of "Disinterestedness": Kant, Lyotard, and Schopenhauer.Bart Vandenabeele - 2001 - Journal of the History of Ideas 62 (4):705-720.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 62.4 (2001) 705-720 [Access article in PDF] On the Notion of "Disinterestedness": Kant, Lyotard, and Schopenhauer Bart Vandenabeele The strange thing, on looking back, was the purity, the integrity, of her feeling for Sally. It was not like one's feeling for a man. It was completely disinterested, and besides, it had a quality which could only exist between women, between women just (...)
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  36.  10
    Magnolia As Philosophy: Meaning and Coincidence.Bart Engelen - 2022 - In David Kyle Johnson, The Palgrave Handbook of Popular Culture as Philosophy. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 1193-1215.
    In Magnolia, a 1999 movie written and directed by then 29-year-old Paul Thomas Anderson, we follow a range of characters who all try to come to terms with the things happening to them in both the present and past. This chapter interprets the movie as making a philosophical point about meaning: how and why do people find meaning in and attribute meaning to things, even if they seem to happen for no apparent reason at all? We will analyze how both (...)
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  37.  17
    The complexity of path-based defeasible inheritance.Bart Selman & Hector J. Levesque - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 62 (2):303-339.
  38.  18
    Henry Sidgwick - Eye of the Universe: An Intellectual Biography.Bart Schultz - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Henry Sidgwick was one of the great intellectual figures of nineteenth-century Britain. He was first and foremost a great moral philosopher, whose masterwork The Methods of Ethics is still widely studied today. He also wrote on economics, politics, education and literature. He was deeply involved in the founding of the first college for women at the University of Cambridge. He was also much concerned with the sexual politics of his close friend John Addington Symonds, a pioneer of gay studies. Through (...)
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  39. Maḥshavot ʻal okhel: ha-maḥlaḳah le-tarbut ḥazutit ve-ḥomarit Betsalʼel = Thoughts on food.Uri Barṭal & Ronit Vered (eds.) - 2021 - [Tel Aviv]: Resling.
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    At the center.Bart Collopy - 1988 - Hastings Center Report 18 (2):i-i.
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  41. (1 other version)Geloof in zorg, zorg in geloof een wijsgerige analyse Van het zorgbegrip in verband met levensbeschouwing en zorgverlening.Bart Cusveller - 1998 - Philosophia Reformata: Orgaan van de Vereniging Voor Calvinistische Wijsbegeerte 63:105.
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  42.  27
    A Confucian Constitutional Order. How China’s Ancient Past Can Shape Its Political Future. By Jiang Qing.Bart Dessein - 2014 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 41 (1-2):214-217.
  43.  78
    Searching for the way: Theory of knowledge in pre-modern and modern china (review).Bart Dessein - 2010 - Philosophy East and West 60 (1):pp. 130-133.
  44.  33
    The New Perspective challenge to Luther.Bart Eriksson & Ernest van Eck - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):9.
    New Perspective scholars challenge Protestant interpretations of Paul. It used to be the case, they state, that Protestants assumed that Paul was to Judaism as Luther was to Medieval Catholicism. Both men supposedly reacted against legalistic religions and championed grace-based faiths. However, in 1977, E.P. Sanders wrote Paul and Palestinian Judaism, arguing that Judaism is not a legalistic but a grace-based faith. Assuming that Sanders is correct, New Perspectivists claim that Paul’s and Luther’s theologies and experiences were thus not parallel. (...)
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    (1 other version)Gandhi’s Contributions to Environmental Thought and Action.Bart Gruzalski - 2002 - Environmental Ethics 24 (3):227-242.
    Vinay Lal raises doubts about Gandhi’s status as an environmentalist but argues that Gandhi had “a profoundly ecological view of life.” I take issue with Lal’s claims and, to set the record straight, describe Gandhi’s contributions to environmental though and action. When we look at the aims of contemporary environmental spokespersons and activists, Gandhian themes are dominant. Gandhian biocentrism and Gandhi’s recommendation not to harm even nonsentient life unnecessarily are familiar in contemporary environmental thinking. Gandhian non-violence is both a technique (...)
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  46.  13
    Some Implications of Utilitarianism for Practical Ethics: The Case Against the Military Response to Terrorism.Bart Gruzalski - 2006 - In Henry West, The Blackwell Guide to Mill's Utilitarianism. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 249–269.
    This chapter contains section titled: The Tragedy of 9/11 Security Terrorism Foreseeable Consequences versus Actual Consequences Chauvinistic Consequentialism The Nonmilitary Context of the War against Terrorism The Invasion of Afghanistan The Invasion of Iraq An Alternative to the Invasion of Afghanistan An Alternative to the Invasion of Iraq Further Nonmilitary Steps to Stop Terrorism From Chauvinistic Consequentialism to Utilitarianism Another Foreseeable Consequence of the Invasions Haven't I Forgotten that the World is Better Off without Saddam Hussein? The Purpose of this (...)
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    Dagger Categories of Tame Relations.Bart Jacobs - 2013 - Logica Universalis 7 (3):341-370.
    Within the context of an involutive monoidal category the notion of a comparison relation ${\mathsf{cp} : \overline{X} \otimes X \rightarrow \Omega}$ is identified. Instances are equality = on sets, inequality ${\leq}$ on posets, orthogonality ${\perp}$ on orthomodular lattices, non-empty intersection on powersets, and inner product ${\langle {-}|{-} \rangle}$ on vector or Hilbert spaces. Associated with a collection of such (symmetric) comparison relations a dagger category is defined with “tame” relations as morphisms. Examples include familiar categories in the foundations of quantum (...)
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  48. Onzuivere gedachten; over het Vlaanderen van de Minister-President.Bart Leeuwen & N. Dieter Lesage - 1997 - Filosofie En Praktijk 18:49-49.
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    (1 other version)Een vaderland om te beminnen? Het nationale bewustzijn van laatstejaarsscholieren.Bart Maddens - 1989 - Res Publica: Tijdschrift Voor Politologie 1:49-73.
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  50. Connected?Bart Nooteboom - 2008 - In Ash Amin & Joanne Roberts, Community, Economic Creativity, and Organization. Oxford University Press. pp. 123.
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