Results for 'Arthurian legend'

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  1.  9
    From inspiration to warning: the changing role of Arthurian legend in fiction for younger readers.Raymond H. Thompson - 1994 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 76 (3):237-248.
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    Si'n Echard, ed., The Arthur of Medieval Latin Literature: The Development and Dissemination of the Arthurian Legend in Medieval Latin. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2011. Pp. xi, 199. $70. ISBN: 9780708322017. [REVIEW]Norris J. Lacy - 2014 - Speculum 89 (1):191-192.
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    Ceridwen Lloyd-Morgan and Erich Poppe, eds., Arthur in the Celtic Languages: The Arthurian Legend in Celtic Literatures and Traditions. (Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages 9.) Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2019. Pp. xxiv, 408; 2 color and 1 black-and-white figures. £70. ISBN: 978-1-7868-3343-3. Table of contents available online at [REVIEW]Daniel Helbert - 2021 - Speculum 96 (2):527-529.
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    Elizabeth Archibald and Ad Putter, eds., The Cambridge Companion to the Arthurian Legend. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Pp. xix, 261; black-and-white frontispiece and 1 map. $100. Contents listed in Speculum 86:291. ISBN: 9780521860598. [REVIEW]Richard J. Moll - 2013 - Speculum 88 (3):752-753.
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    Guinevere’s choice.Margaret H. Nesse - 1995 - Human Nature 6 (2):145-163.
    This paper examines four retellings of the Arthurian legend of Guinevere and Lancelot from a bio-evolutionary perspective. The historical and social conditions which provide contexts for the retellings are described, and those conditions are related to underlying male and female reproductive strategies. Since the authors of the selected texts, Chrétien de Troyes, Thomas Malory, Alfred Lord Tennyson, and William Morris, are all male, the assumption is made that these versions of the legend reflect male reproductive preoccupations and (...)
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  6. Marianne E. Kalinke, ed., Norse Romance, 1: The Tristan Legend; 2: The Knights of the Round Table; 3: Hærra Ivan.(Arthurian Archives, 3–5.) Woodbridge, Suff., and Rochester, NY: Boydell and Brewer, 1999. 1: pp. x, 294. 2: pp. v, 329. 3: pp. vi, 313. 1: $90. 2: $90. 3: $75. [REVIEW]William Layher - 2001 - Speculum 76 (1):180-183.
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    The Avuncular Master: The Figure of Merlin and Modern Notions of Meritocratic Education.Andrew David Miller - 2019 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 53 (2):40-58.
    One of the many reasons for the sustainability of the Arthurian legend in popular culture would seem to involve its educational aspects: most particularly, the educational narrative that describes the relationship between Merlin and Arthur. However much the other elements of the legend suffer alterations through their many retellings, generally the story of Arthur's instruction under Merlin remains unchanged. The reason for this involves the sort of master Merlin is. From his earliest manifestations to present-day representations, Merlin (...)
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    The Language of Ravishment in Medieval England.Caroline Dunn - 2011 - Speculum 86 (1):79-116.
    Two pillars of medieval English literature, Chaucer and Malory, stand accused by posterity as criminals, yet scholars remain perplexed about the nature of their crimes over five centuries later. Some convict them of the heinous offense of sexually assaulting a woman against her will, while others believe them guilty of no more than seduction or consensual sex. The allegation against Malory has even been reframed to portray him as a knight in shining armor rescuing a damsel in distress; thus instead (...)
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    The New Morality: Self-Fulfillment and the Modern State.Edward L. Rubin - 2014 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Political and social commentators regularly bemoan the decline of morality in the modern world. They claim that the norms and values that held society together in the past are rapidly eroding, to be replaced by permissiveness and empty hedonism. But as Edward Rubin demonstrates in this powerful account of moral transformations, these prophets of doom are missing the point. Morality is not diminishing; instead, a new morality, centered on an ethos of human self-fulfillment, is arising to replace the old one. (...)
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    Reforging Siegfried’s Sword: Wittgenstein and Anscombe, Wagner and Malory.Stephen Mulhall - 2011 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 85 (4):639-660.
    This paper examines the significance of Anscombe’s decision to substitute the example of Excalibur for that of Nothung in section 39 of the PhilosophicalInvestigations. It argues that the substitution significantly alters the mythological background to Wittgenstein’s discussion of naming and its philosophical subliming, in which the Theatetus conception of identity, composition, and decomposition is contrasted with that of Wagner’s Ring; for Arthurian legend conceives of these matters differently again. The broader purpose of the paper is to demonstrate that (...)
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    Soul, self, and society: the new morality and the modern state.Edward L. Rubin - 2015 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Political and social commentators regularly bemoan the decline of morality in the modern world. They claim that the norms and values that held society together in the past are rapidly eroding, to be replaced by permissiveness and empty hedonism. But as Edward Rubin demonstrates in this powerful account of moral transformations, these prophets of doom are missing the point. Morality is not diminishing; instead, a new morality, centered on an ethos of human self-fulfillment, is arising to replace the old one. (...)
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    El transfondo ocultista del cuervo: desde su simbolismo poético a los "topoi" modernistas.Dolores Romero López - 2013 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 18:201-218.
    The anthropological and religious interest for the raven is present in Buddhism, in biblical stories, in North and Greek mythologies, in Arthurian legend and in Spanish epic. The occultism attributed to the raven the mission of guidance of dead human souls after death. This article tracks how the raven transfers its occult connotations to the poetic symbol analyzing the poem«The Raven» by EdgarAlan Poe in its cultural and aesthetic context. Charles Baudelaire and the French symbolists dignified the intertextual (...)
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    Medieval Art and the Look of Silent Film: The Influence of Costume and Set Design Medieval Art and the Look of Silent Film: The Influence of Costume and Set Design, by Lora Ann Sigler, Jefferson, NC, McFarland and Co., 2019, 235 pp., $55.00/£61.25 (paper). [REVIEW]Molly Thomas - 2023 - The European Legacy 28 (8):915-917.
    From Pier Paolo Pasolini’s Decameron and Canterbury Tales to Monty Python’s televisual riffs on Arthurian legend in the 1970s and role-playing games like Pendragon or Hidden Kingdom, a fascination...
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  14. El rito de la 'triple muerte' en la Hispania Céltica. De Lucano al "Libro de Buen Amor".Martín Almagro-Gorbea - 2012 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 17:7-39.
    Analysis of two medieval documents on the Celtic rite of the threefold death in Hispania, where hitherto it had been not yet noted. The legend of Santa Marina de Aguas Santas, in Orense, Galicia, is associated with a galaico-lusitanian switch-sauna for initiatic rituals of pre-Roman origin, while the story of the son of the King Alcaraz in the Castillian Libro de Buen Amor (14th century) is a new example of Hispanic Celtic literature, derived from the Arthurian cycle of (...)
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    Legende und Geschichte: Der Fatḥ Madīnat Harar von Yaḥyā b. NaṣrallāhLegende und Geschichte: Der Fath Madinat Harar von Yahya b. Nasrallah.L. M., Ewald Wagner, Legende & Geschichte - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (1):163.
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  16. At the intersection of religion, folklore, and science: Women and snakes in old.French Arthurian Romance - 2008 - Mediaevalia 29:37.
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  17. Gustav Storm's 1899 Heimskringla as.Thomas Hylland Eriksen, John Lindow, Timothy Tangherlini & Nordic Legends - 1997 - In H. Harris, Identity. Oxford University Press. pp. 6.
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    The Arthurian romances of Chrétien de Troyes. Once and future fictions.Brigitte Cazelles - 1994 - History of European Ideas 18 (2):300-302.
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    Legends of the Samurai.Hiroaki Sato - 1995 - Overlook Press.
    In Legends of the Samurai, Sato confronts both the history and the legend of the samurai, untangling the two to present an authentic picture of these legendary warriors. Through his masterful translations of original samurai tales, laws, dicta, reports, and arguments accompanied by insightful commentary, Hiroaki Sato chronicles the changing ethos of the Japanese warrior from the samurai's historical origins to his rise to political power. For this purpose, Sato has chosen to translate, wherever possible, writings closest in time (...)
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    The Legend of Zelda and Philosophy: I Link Therefore I Am.Luke Cuddy (ed.) - 2008 - Open Court.
    "Chapters address philosophical aspects of the video game The Legend of Zelda and video game culture in general"--Provided by publisher.
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    The legends of the Upaniṣads with special reference to Chāndogya and Br̥hadāraṇyaka: a philosophical study.Bagmita Sandilya - 2022 - Kolkata: Punthi Pustak.
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    Memory, Legend and Politics.Sudhir Hazareesingh - 2006 - European Journal of Political Theory 5 (1):71-84.
    Drawing on archival evidence, this article explores the salience of ‘patriotic’ themes and motifs in the emergence of the Napoleonic legend in France after 1815. Symbolizing France’s defeated and humiliated status, the captive of Saint-Helena became an emblem of French patriotism, a rallying point for all the men and women who refused to accept their nation’s containment by the 1815 treaties. And, contrary to the traditional view that Bonapartist nationalism was merely a celebration of violence, military glory and conquest, (...)
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    The Founding Legend of Western Civilization: From Virgil to Vietnam.Richard Waswo - 1997 - Wesleyan University Press.
    A comprehensive inquiry into how the legend of the descent from Troy has shaped the western notion of civilization.
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  24. La légende de Thann est-elle une légende trifonctionnelle?Gilles Banderier - 2004 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 84 (3):257-264.
    La ville de Thann, en Alsace, célèbre chaque 30 juin une fête au cours de laquelle on brûle trois sapins, en l'honneur de saint Thiébaut , évêque de Gubbio, mort en 1160 et à qui une légende attribue la fondation miraculeuse de la ville. La présente note suggère que cette légende est sans doute bâtie sur un schéma trifonctionnel d'origine indo-européenne. In the city of Thann , three firs are burnt every 30th of June, in honour of Saint Thiébaut , (...)
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    A ‘Legend’ in Crisis: The Debate Over Plato’s Politics, 1930–1960.Kyriakos N. Demetriou - 2002 - Polis 19 (1-2):61-91.
    From the early 1930s to the early 1960s many scholars, whether liberalminded or socialist ideologues, Marxist or scientific positivists, classical scholars or political theorists and historians, have shown a widespread consensus in discrediting and assailing the man and political philosopher Plato. Such an extensive assault led the ‘Platonic Legend’ to an unprecedented crisis. Philosophically, it was a reaction to the undisguised Platonolatry coming from Oxford and the school of the British Idealists. Ideologically, the appropriation of Plato by Nazi apologists (...)
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  26. The legend of the justified true belief analysis.Julien Dutant - 2015 - Philosophical Perspectives 29 (1):95-145.
    There is a traditional conception of knowledge but it is not the Justified True Belief analysis Gettier attacked. On the traditional view, knowledge consists in having a belief that bears a discernible mark of truth. A mark of truth is a truth-entailing property: a property that only true beliefs can have. It is discernible if one can always tell that a belief has it, that is, a sufficiently attentive subject believes that a belief has it if and only if it (...)
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    La Villemarqué and the Arthurian Songs in the Barzaz-Breiz.Goulven Péron - 2017 - Iris 38:43-56.
    Le vicomte Théodore Hersart de La Villemarqué a longtemps été accusé d’avoir inventé de toutes pièces les chansons arthuriennes qui apparaissent dans son recueil de chants populaires de la Bretagne, le Barzaz-Breiz. Cet article tente de mettre en évidence les restaurations effectuées par le collecteur sur ces chants arthuriens et de montrer le rôle joué par certains pourvoyeurs de « chansons nouvelles ». Viscount Théodore Hersart de La Villemarqué was accused of fabricating the Arthurian songs collected in his Barzaz-Breiz, (...)
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    Legends and Transcendence.Tse-Fu Kuan - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 133 (4):607-634.
    Of the four complete Āgama collections, the Ekottarika Āgama (EĀ) has generated the most controversy about whether it can be attributed to any early Buddhist school and, if so, which school it could belong to. This paper examines the various hypotheses about the sectarian affiliation(s) of the EĀ. It shows that a considerable part of this corpus is likely to be of Mahāsāṃghika derivation, and that the EĀ contains numerous salient features of Mahāsāṃghika doctrine, particularly the transcendence of Buddhas and (...)
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    Myths, legends, concepts, and literary antiquities of India.Manoj Das - 2009 - New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi.
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    Le Bureau des légendes ou comment restaurer la confiance dans un monde incertain?Thibaut de Saint Maurice - 2022 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 3 (3):89-104.
    Créée par Éric Rochant, Le Bureau des légendes (Canal +, 2015-2020) explore le monde du renseignement en décrivant le travail du service des agents clandestins de la DGSE. Face aux incertitudes et aux complexités géopolitiques du monde contemporain, elle fait le choix d’une immersion au cœur du « renseignement humain ». Cet article envisage l’hypothèse selon laquelle une telle fiction permet de restaurer la confiance des spectateurs vis-à-vis de la capacité d’une démocratie à lutter contre ce qui la menace. En (...)
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    The Legend of Phatta in Longus’ Daphnis and Chloe.Christine Kossaifi - 2012 - American Journal of Philology 133 (4):573-600.
    The legend of Phatta, as narrated by Longus in Daphnis and Chloe (1.27), intertwines aesthetic, psychological, religious, and narratological aspects. It is linked with Aphrodite and love, with Kore-Persephone-Pherephatta and death, and with Orpheus and music. But this intricate narrative, which plays upon narrators and audience, fiction and art, is also a subtle and complex synthesis of Theocritean bucolic enshrined in the original prose form of an aetiological legend.
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  32. Legend naturalism and scientific progress: An essay on Philip Kitcher's.Miriam Solomon - 1995 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 26 (2):205-218.
    Philip Kitcher's The Advancement of Science sets out, programmatically, a new naturalistic view of science as a process of building consensus practices. Detailed historical case studies—centrally, the Darwinian revolutio—are intended to support this view. I argue that Kitcher's expositions in fact support a more conservative view, that I dub ‘Legend Naturalism’. Using four historical examples which increasingly challenge Kitcher's discussions, I show that neither Legend Naturalism, nor the less conservative programmatic view, gives an adequate account of scientific progress. (...)
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  33. The Legend of the Middle Ages: Philosophical Explorations of Medieval Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.Mehmet Karabela - 2012 - Philosophy East and West 62 (4):605-608.
    The majority of The Legend of the Middle Ages: Philosophical Explorations of Medieval Christianity, Judaism, and Islam has been published previously in different forms, but this edition has been completely revised by the author, the well-known French medievalist and intellectual historian Rémi Brague. It was first published in French under the title Au moyen du Moyen Âge in 2006. The book consists of sixteen essays ranging from Brague’s early years at the Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris I) in the 1990s up (...)
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    The Legend of Death: Two Poetic Sequences ''“ By John Milbank.Craig Hovey - 2010 - Modern Theology 26 (1):152-154.
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    La légende de Gauz.Laetitia Ajanohun - 2019 - Multitudes 76 (3):200-201.
    Au sortir de cet entretien avec Gauz, Laëtitia Ajanohun nous propose une légende inspirée de ces légendes orales pleinement réécrites qui essaiment dans tout le roman de Gauz, Camarade Papa, qui minent le discours colonial et donnent voix aux oubliés de l’Histoire.
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    Légende du plan d'Éleusis.V. Blavette - 1885 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 9 (1):65-67.
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    The Legend of Seleucus: Kingship, Narrative and Mythmaking in the Ancient World by Daniel Ogden.Altay Coşkun - 2019 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 112 (2):98-100.
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    The Legend of Excellent Businessman. A Neuroethical Perspective.Adela Cortina - 2019 - In Christoph Strosetzki & Christoph Lütge, The Honorable Merchant – Between Modesty and Risk-Taking: Intercultural and Literary Aspects. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 29-39.
    If the question about the causes of the crises has generated a good deal of literature in Spain, the key issue in recent times has been how to create that tangible and intangible wealth that only companies can give. One of the proposals that specialists agree upon is to revitalise the business entrepreneurial spirit, presenting the entrepreneurs’ way of life as an attractive option, due to the good they produce and the social recognition they enjoy. Accepting the suggestions of the (...)
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    The Legend of Communism.Francois George - 1982 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 49.
  40. Die Legende vom Künstler. Ein geschichtlicher Versuch.Ernst Kris, Otto Kurz & Ernst H. Gombrich - 1982 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 44 (1):182-183.
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    Uttaramērūr. Légendes, histoire, monumentsPañcavaradakṣetramāhātmyaUttaramerur. Legendes, histoire, monumentsPancavaradaksetramahatmya.Ludo Rocher, François Gros, R. Nagaswamy, K. Srinivasacharya & Francois Gros - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):142.
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    The Middle English Arthurian Verse Romance: Suggestions for the Development of a Literary Typology.Joerg O. Fichte - 1981 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 55 (4):567-590.
    The paper attempts to devise a typology of a hitherto unrecognized type of English medieval literature, the Middle English Arthurian verse romance, by proposing a heuristic model comprising the following four major categories: internal and external form; authorship and presentation; content and meaning; and authorial intent and reception.
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    The Legend of 1900: Law, Space, and Immigration.Lung-Lung Hu - forthcoming - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique:1-15.
    In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, more than 4 million Italians migrated to the United States of America (U.S.), which they regarded as a utopia. The film _The Legend of 1900_, which was inspired by Alessandro Baricco’s monologue _Nocecento_ and directed by Giuseppe Tornatore, tells the story about the genius pianist 1900, an orphan, who is fostered by Danny, a black coalman in the boiler room of an ocean liner, and whose parents are presumably Italian immigrants. Due (...)
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    The Legend of 40th Road, Flushing.Zhang Pingping - 2007 - Chinese Studies in History 41 (2):3-7.
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    The Legend of Freud (review).Jane Marie Todd - 1983 - Philosophy and Literature 7 (2):274-275.
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  46. Law, Legend, and Incest in the Bible.Calum Carmichael - 1997
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  47. La légende de l'empereur Tibère et de Pilate dans deux nouveaux documents éthiopiens—.E. Cerulli - forthcoming - Byzantion.
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    Entre légende monétaire et légende noire: de nouveau sur Q. Labienus Parthicus Imp.Charlotte Lerouge-Cohen - 2010 - História 59 (2):176-188.
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    From Legend.Gerald Maa - 2009 - Common Knowledge 15 (2):221-223.
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    The Legend of Kostryuk.Clarence Augustus Manning - 1926 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 46:23-33.
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