If the question about the causes of the crises has generated a good deal of literature in Spain, the key issue in recent times has been how to create that tangible and intangible wealth that only companies can give. One of the proposals that specialists agree upon is to revitalise the business entrepreneurial spirit, presenting the entrepreneurs’ way of life as an attractive option, due to the good they produce and the social recognition they enjoy. Accepting the suggestions of the so-called “narrative turn”, the article analyses the virtualities of business narratives in order to enhance the role of entrepreneurs. To this end, the article aims to cover three stages: narratives are necessary because they are brain-based, it is advisable to find out why entrepreneurs are not usually considered in Spain as the main characters of good narratives, good narratives, the ones that convince, are the ones that have the capacity to show the meaning of the entrepreneurial activity and the truth of what we have been doing.