Results for 'Arash Eshgi'

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  1. Communication Spaces.Patrick G. T. Healey, G. Graham White, Arash Eshgi, Ahmad J. Reeves & Ann Light - 2008 - Computer Supported Cooperative Work 17:169--193.
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  2. Pattern of neuronal activity associated with conscious and unconscious processing of visual signals.Arash Sahraie, Lawrence Weiskrantz, J. L. Barbur, Alison Simmons & M. Brammer - 1997 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Usa 94:9406-9411.
  3. Foucault in the cave with Gadamer: on truth, understanding, and experience.Arash Shokrisaravi - 2024 - In Paul Allen Miller, Truth in the late Foucault: antiquity, sexuality and psychoanalysis. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Innovation Systems Approach: a Philosophical Appraisal.Arash Moussavi & Ali Kermanshah - 2018 - Philosophy of Management 17 (1):59-77.
    The innovation systems approach has swiftly spread out worldwide in the last three decades and stood as an important framework for policy-making in the fields of science, technology, and innovation. At the same time, there have been serious and untreated concerns in the literature about the theoretical soundness of this approach. Our discussion in this paper is based on the belief that a detailed analysis on epistemological foundations of the approach could shed a judgmental light on the aforementioned concerns. To (...)
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    Collective Contexts in Conversation: Grounding by Proxy.Arash Eshghi & Patrick G. T. Healey - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (2):299-324.
    Anecdotal evidence suggests that participants in conversation can sometimes act as a coalition. This implies a level of conversational organization in which groups of individuals form a coherent unit. This paper investigates the implications of this phenomenon for psycholinguistic and semantic models of shared context in dialog. We present a corpus study of multiparty dialog which shows that, in certain circumstances, people with different levels of overt involvement in a conversation, that is, one responding and one not, can nonetheless access (...)
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    Gozar la vida por medio de actos bellos: la actitud ética como atajo hacia la felicidad.Arash Arjomandi - 2017 - Valencia: Pre-Textos.
    Arash Arjomandi, discípulo cercano de Eugenio Trías, junto a quien se nutrió de los principios fundamentales de la inteligencia fronteriza, intenta descubrir aquí, en compañía del lector, las prescripciones o reglas para tener una vida buena (según expresión de muchos filósofos), es decir, aquellas prácticas cotidianas que sincronicen, de un modo sostenible, la satisfacción con la vida, por un lado, y el placer o deleite, por otro. Si bien este texto es resultado de un pensamiento filosófico profundo, tiene la (...)
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    Paradox as Decolonization: Ali Shariati’s Islamic Lawgiver.Arash Davari - 2021 - Political Theory 49 (5):743-773.
    This article reevaluates the Iranian polymath Ali Shariati’s most controversial lectures. Scholarly consensus reads 1969’s Ummat va Imāmat as derivative, comprising an imitation of Sukarno’s guided democracy and hence an apology for postcolonial authoritarian rule. Shariati’s rhetorical performance suggests otherwise. The lectures address a postcolonial iteration of Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s paradox of founding—a call for self-determination alongside the external intervention needed to prepare for it in the wake of moral dispositions accrued during colonization. Shariati proposes to resolve the problem of enduring (...)
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  8. What is conversation? Distinguishing dialogue contexts.Arash Eshghi & Patrick Gt Healey - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
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  9. Application of artificial societies in analysis of social dynamic phenomena and complex processes.Arash Rahman - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Effective Factors on Brand Commitment in Social Networks, Emphasizing on the Role of Brand Page.Arash Ghasemi, Shahrzad Chitsaz & Hamid Saeedi - 2018 - Postmodern Openings 9 (2):45-69.
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    Attack Detection/Isolation via a Secure Multisensor Fusion Framework for Cyberphysical Systems.Arash Mohammadi, Chun Yang & Qing-wei Chen - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-8.
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  12. Democratic Theory and Border Coercion.Arash Abizadeh - 2008 - Political Theory 36 (1):37-65.
    The question of whether or not a closed border entry policy under the unilateral control of a democratic state is legitimate cannot be settled until we first know to whom the justification of a regime of control is owed. According to the state sovereignty view, the control of entry policy, including of movement, immigration, and naturalization, ought to be under the unilateral discretion of the state itself: justification for entry policy is owed solely to members. This position, however, is inconsistent (...)
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    Wealth adjustment using a no-interest credit network in an artificial society.Arash Rahman - 2012 - AI and Society 27 (4):535-541.
    This paper discusses the possibility of wealth adjustment through a credit network. The discussed credit network in this paper is a kind of loaning with no interest rate (its value is zero). It explains the influence of existence or inexistence of a cooperation originated from the credit network on wealth distribution and adjustment in an artificial society. To show how the wealth may distribute, environment agents in terms of their obtained wealth have been classified into ten wealth categories; thus, the (...)
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    Wealth adjustment using a synergy between communication, cooperation, and one-fifth of wealth variables in an artificial society.Arash Rahman, Saeed Setayeshi & Mojtaba Shamsaei Zafarghandi - 2009 - AI and Society 24 (2):151-164.
    Wealth distribution based on classic sugarscape model leads to a population increase and the Gini coefficient decrease when cooperation and communication parameters are taken into account. In another study, this model was developed by implying a receipt of one-fifth of the assets of the population and derived utilization for poor people. The results showed a relation between mortality decrease, population increase, and Gini coefficient decrease (equality increase). In a synergic process, the wealth adjustment based on sugarscape model underwent some experiments (...)
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    Development of a Farsi translation of the AGREE instrument, and the effects of group discussion on improving the reliability of the scores.Arash Rashidian & Reza Yousefi-Nooraie - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (3):676-681.
  16.  49
    The ethics of Carr and Wendt: Fairness and peace.Arash Heydarian Pashakhanlou - 2018 - Journal of International Political Theory 14 (3):314-330.
    The, classical realist writings of E.H. Carr and constructivist publications of Alexander Wendt are extraordinarily influential. While they have provoked a great number of reactions within the discipline of International Relations, the ethical dimensions of their works have rarely been studied at length. This article seeks to remedy this lack of examination by engaging in an in-depth scrutiny of the moral concerns of these two mainstream International Relations scholars. On investigation, it is revealed that Carr demonstrates a strong commitment to (...)
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  17.  25
    Thought/Translation and the Situations of Decolonization.Arash Davari & Siavash Saffari - 2022 - Philosophy and Global Affairs 2 (1):105-135.
    Known as a revolutionary ideologue and a religious reformer, Ali Shariati’s activities as a translator have not garnered substantial scholarly attention. We reconstruct a history of Shariati’s translations, situating these endeavors at the center of his intellectual project. Shariati’s thought itself, we show, is a form of translation in the service of decolonization. This history reveals a nascent theory of decolonization as open-ended and indeterminate. We advance this claim by staging a conversation between Shariati’s reflections on decolonization and Morad Farhadpour’s (...)
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    Selbst- und Fremdenwahrnehmung im islamischen Mittelalter: Identität- und Alteritätskonstruktion der Abbasidenzeit anhand der Schriften von Ibn Fadḷān und al-Ǧāhịz ̣.Arash Guitoo - 2015 - Berlin: EB-Verlag.
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    Hobbes on Mind: Practical Deliberation, Reasoning, and Language.Arash Abizadeh - 2017 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 55 (1):1-34.
    Readers of Hobbes usually take his account of practical deliberation to be a passive process that does not respond to agents’ judgements about what normative reasons they have. This is ostensibly because deliberation is purely conative and/or excludes reasoning, or because Hobbesian reasoning is itself a process in which reasoners merely experience a succession of mental states (e.g. according to purely associative mental structures). I argue to the contrary that for Hobbes deliberation (and hence the basis for voluntary action) is (...)
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    Derrida and Rain: The Necessity of Contextualization.Arash Shokrisaravi - 2021 - The Pluralist 16 (3):29-45.
    The gods were bored; therefore, they created human beings. Adam was bored because he was alone; therefore, Eve was created. Since that moment, boredom entered the world and grew in quantity in exact proportion to the growth of population. Adam was bored alone; then Adam and Eve were bored together; then Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel were bored en famille. After that, the population of the world increased and the nations were bored en masse.We hate boredom. We create; (...)
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    Resource Scarcity and Humanitarian Social Innovation: Observations from Hunger Relief in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic.Iana Shaheen, Arash Azadegan & Donna F. Davis - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (3):597-617.
    Humanitarian social enterprises (HSEs) are facing mounting pressure to incorporate social innovation into their practice. This study thus identifies how HSEs leverage organizational capabilities toward developing social innovation. Specifically, it considers how resource scarcity and operating circumstances affect the capabilities used by HSEs for developing social innovation, using a longitudinal case study approach with qualitative data from 12 hunger-relief HSEs operating in the United States. Based on 59 interviews with 31 managers and directors and related documents, several propositions are posited. (...)
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    You don't deserve to be published.Arash Hejazi - 2011 - Logos 22 (1):53-62.
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  23. Foucault in the cave with Gadamer : on truth, understanding, and experience.Arash Shokrisaravi - 2024 - In Paul Allen Miller, Truth in the late Foucault: antiquity, sexuality and psychoanalysis. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
  24. Cooperation, pervasive impact, and coercion: On the scope of distributive justice.Arash Abizadeh - 2007 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 35 (4):318–358.
    Many anticosmopolitan Rawlsians argue that since the primary subject of justice is society's basic structure, and since there is no global basic structure, the scope of justice is domestic. This paper challenges the anticosmopolitan basic structure argument by distinguishing three interpretations of what Rawls meant by the basic structure and its relation to justice, corresponding to the cooperation, pervasive impact, and coercion theories of distributive justice. On the cooperation theory, it is true that there is no global basic structure, but (...)
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    Intentions and statins prescribing: can the Theory of Planned Behaviour explain physician behaviour in following guideline recommendations?Arash Rashidian & Ian Russell - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (4):749-757.
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    Evaluating clinical practice guidelines developed for the management of thyroid nodules and thyroid cancers and assessing the reliability and validity of the AGREE instrument.Shirin Irani, Arash Rashidian, Reza Yousefi-Nooraie & Akbar Soltani - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (4):729-736.
  27. In defence of the universalization principle in discourse ethics.Arash Abizadeh - 2005 - Philosophical Forum 36 (2):193–211.
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    The Grammar of Social Power: Power-to, Power-with, Power-despite and Power-over.Arash Abizadeh - 2023 - Political Studies 71 (1):3-19.
    There are two rival conceptions of power in modern sociopolitical thought. According to one, all social power reduces to power-over-others. According to another, the core notion is power-to-effect-outcomes, to which even power-over reduces. This article defends seven theses. First, agential social power consists in a relation between agent and outcomes (power-to). Second, not all social power reduces to power-over and, third, the contrary view stems from conflating power-over with a distinct notion: power-despite-resistance. Fourth, the widespread assumption that social power presupposes (...)
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  29. Wage competition and the special-obligations challenge to more open borders.Arash Abizadeh, Manish Pandey & Sohrab Abizadeh - 2015 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 14 (3):255-269.
    According to the special-obligations challenge to the justice argument for more open borders, immigration restrictions to wealthier polities are justified because of special obligations owed to disadvantaged compatriots negatively impacted by the immigration of low-skilled foreign workers. We refute the special-obligations challenge by refuting its empirical premise and draw out the normative implications of the empirical evidence for border policies. We show that immigration to wealthier polities has negligible impact on domestic wages and that only previous cohorts of immigrants are (...)
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  30. On the Demos and its Kin: Nationalism, Democracy, and the Boundary Problem.Arash Abizadeh - 2012 - American Political Science Review 106 (4):867-882.
    Cultural-nationalist and democratic theory both seek to legitimize political power via collective self-rule: their principle of legitimacy refers right back to the very persons over whom political power is exercised. But such self-referential theories are incapable of jointly solving the distinct problems of legitimacy and boundaries, which they necessarily combine, once it is assumed that the self-ruling collectivity must be a pre-political, in-principle bounded, ground of legitimacy. Cultural nationalism claims that political power is legitimate insofar as it expresses the nation’s (...)
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    Icônes.Arash Hanaei - 2019 - Multitudes 74 (1):1-164.
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  32. Democratic Legitimacy and State Coercion: A Reply to David Miller.Arash Abizadeh - 2010 - Political Theory 38 (1):121-130.
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    Feedback Relevance Spaces: Interactional Constraints on Processing Contexts in Dynamic Syntax.Christine Howes & Arash Eshghi - 2021 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 30 (2):331-362.
    Feedback such as backchannels and clarification requests often occurs subsententially, demonstrating the incremental nature of grounding in dialogue. However, although such feedback can occur at any point within an utterance, it typically does not do so, tending to occur at Feedback Relevance Spaces. We present a corpus study of acknowledgements and clarification requests in British English, and describe how our low-level, semantic processing model in Dynamic Syntax accounts for this feedback. The model trivially accounts for the 85% of cases where (...)
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    Introduction to Hobbes and the Two Faces of Ethics.Arash Abizadeh - 2018 - Online Colloquium of the European Hobbes Society.
    Overview of "Hobbes and the Two Faces of Ethics" to kick off online colloquium on book, with responses by Sandra Field, Michael LeBuffe, and Daniel Eggers, ending with reply from Arash Abizadeh.
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  35. The scope of the All-Subjected Principle: On the logical structure of coercive laws.Arash Abizadeh - 2022 - Analysis 81 (4):603-610.
    According to the democratic borders argument, the democratic legitimacy of a state's regime of border control requires granting foreigners a right to participate in the procedures determining it. This argument appeals to the All-Subjected Principle, which implies that democratic legitimacy requires that all those subject to political power have a right to participate in determining the laws governing its exercise. The scope objection claims that this argument presupposes an implausible account of subjection and hence of the All-Subjected Principle, which absurdly (...)
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    Formalizing Awareness into Relational Quantum Dynamics (RQD).Arash Zaghi - forthcoming - Osf.
    We propose a novel framework that formalizes awareness within Relational Quantum Dynamics (RQD) by integrating Integrated Information Theory (IIT) with quantum measurement processes. In our approach, quantum interactions are not merely stochastic events, but are interpreted as intrinsic awareness updates that occur via Bayesian conditioning. Specifically, we define an awareness metric A(A : B) that combines the quantum mutual information generated during an interaction and Φ as a measure of integrated information. By modeling quantum measurements as stochastic processes and determinizing (...)
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    Hobbes and the Two Faces of Ethics.Arash Abizadeh - 2018 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Reading Hobbes in light of both the history of ethics and the conceptual apparatus developed in recent work on normativity, this book challenges received interpretations of Hobbes and his historical significance. Arash Abizadeh uncovers the fundamental distinction underwriting Hobbes's ethics: between prudential reasons of the good, articulated via natural laws prescribing the means of self-preservation, and reasons of the right or justice, comprising contractual obligations for which we are accountable to others. He shows how Hobbes's distinction marks a watershed (...)
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    Mystical Solidarities: Ali Shariati and the Act of Translation.Arash Davari & Siavash Saffari - 2022 - Philosophy and Global Affairs 2 (1):91-104.
    This introduction frames the special issue titled “Mystical Solidarities: Ali Shariati and the Act of Translation.” Drawing from insights across the collection’s essays, it foregrounds a notion of translation as a transformative act, anchored in Shariati’s mystical ontology, that fosters and sustains anticolonial solidarities. To illustrate, we explore differences and affinities between Shariati and Frantz Fanon with regard to truth-telling, translation, alienation, and subjectivity. The comparison reveals a generative distinction in Shariati’s thought between cultural and existential alienation, “translated intellectuals” and (...)
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    Which Procedure for Deciding Election Procedures?Arash Abizadeh - 2017 - In Andrew Potter, Daniel Marc Weinstock & Peter Loewen, Should We Change How We Vote?: Evaluating Canada's Electoral System. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2017.. pp. 188-196.
    One way to evaluate electoral rules is instrumental: we ask what effects they tend to produce. A second way is constitutive: we ask what kinds of values they embody, or whether the procedures they effect respect people's rights or moral status. A third way is genetic: we ask by what procedure the electoral rules were adopted. I shall argue that in judging the value or the legitimacy of electoral rules, we must consider not only (1) the values they serve instrumentally (...)
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    God, Tragic Dilemmas, and the Problem of Gratuitous Evil.Arash Naraghi - 2022 - Dialogue 61 (2):311-324.
    RésuméDe nombreux philosophes ont soutenu que l'existence du mal gratuit est la plus sérieuse objection contre l'existence d'un Dieu absolument parfait. Je soutiens que l'idée d'un dilemme moral (ou, plus précisément, d'un dilemmetragique) peut (1) fournir une justification morale pour que Dieu permette l'existence du mal gratuit, ou (2) offrir une théodicée de la tragédie divine pour expliquer pourquoi les maux de ce monde ne sont pas nécessairement gratuits ou, s'ils le sont, pourquoi ils ne peuvent pas fournir une preuve (...)
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  41. Representation, Bicameralism, Political Equality, and Sortition: Reconstituting the Second Chamber as a Randomly Selected Assembly.Arash Abizadeh - 2021 - Perspectives on Politics 19 (3):791-806.
    The two traditional justifications for bicameralism are that a second legislative chamber serves a legislative-review function (enhancing the quality of legislation) and a balancing function (checking concentrated power and protecting minorities). I furnish here a third justification for bicameralism, with one elected chamber and the second selected by lot, as an institutional compromise between contradictory imperatives facing representative democracy: elections are a mechanism of people’s political agency and of accountability, but run counter to political equality and impartiality, and are insufficient (...)
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    Kalmyk-Oirat Symposium.C. R. Bawden, Arash Bormanshinov & John R. Krueger - 1967 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 87 (4):613.
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    Memory reconsolidation and psychotherapeutic process.Israel Liberzon & Arash Javanbakht - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38.
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  44. The Power of Numbers: On Agential Power‐With‐Others Without Power‐Over‐Others.Arash Abizadeh - 2021 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 49 (3):290-318.
    It is widely thought that if one cannot effect outcomes without others’ assistance, then one has agential power to effect those outcomes only if one has power over those whose assistance one requires. The corollary is that someone who just happens to find herself amongst people who share her preferences and would be disposed to help effect her preferred outcomes, but over whom she has no power, is lucky, but not thereby more powerful. This view is false. It ignores the (...)
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    Les signes religieux, la laïcité et la mentalité médiévale : du débat public sur la Charte des valeurs.Arash Abizadeh - 2016 - In Alain-G. Gagnon & Jean-Charles St-Louis, Les Conditions du dialogue au Québec : Laïcité, réciprocité, pluralisme. Québec Amérique. pp. 29-41.
    Our public debate over secularism has suffered from a kind of amnesia about the historical genesis of the modern, secular, and tolerant state. The transition away from the highly intolerant and persecutory regimes of late-medieval and early-modern Europe was greatly facilitated by four important developments. First, Europeans learned that social order and cohesion are threatened less by diversity than by intolerance of diversity. Second, the traditionally paternalist vision of the state’s role was called into question by a new valuation of (...)
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    Hobbes’s Conventionalist Theology, the Trinity, and God as an Artificial Person by Fiction.Arash Abizadeh - 2018 - Historical Journal 60 (4):915-941.
    By the time Hobbes wrote Leviathan, he was a theist, but not in the sense presumed by either side of the present-day debate concerning the sincerity of his professed theism. On the one hand, Hobbes’s expressed theology was neither merely deistic, nor confined to natural theology: the Hobbesian God is not merely a first mover, but a person who counsels, commands, and threatens. On the other hand, the Hobbesian God’s existence depends on being constructed artificially by human convention. The Hobbesian (...)
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    Minimum presentation time for masked facial expression discrimination.Maarten Milders, Arash Sahraie & Sarah Logan - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (1):63-82.
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    On the Relation between the General Affective Meaning and the Basic Sublexical, Lexical, and Inter-lexical Features of Poetic Texts—A Case Study Using 57 Poems of H. M. Enzensberger.Susann Ullrich, Arash Aryani, Maria Kraxenberger, Arthur M. Jacobs & Markus Conrad - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Book Review: Revolution without Revolutionaries: Making Sense of the Arab Spring, by Asef Bayat. [REVIEW]Arash Davari - 2019 - Political Theory 47 (3):418-424.
  50. Relational Incompleteness: Bridging Gödel and Quantum Contextuality.Arash Zaghi - manuscript
    This article proposes a synthesis of Gödel’s incompleteness theorems—landmark results in mathematical logic—with Relational Quantum Dynamics, an interpretation of quantum mechanics that emphasizes relational properties over absolute states. Gödel’s theorems establish that any sufficiently complex formal system cannot prove all true statements within itself (incompleteness) nor its own consistency. In parallel, quantum mechanics reveals limits through phenomena like contextuality (where measurement outcomes depend on the measurement context) and Bell’s theorem (which rules out local hidden variables). The article uses category theory—a (...)
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