Results for 'Aquilino Duque'

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  1.  31
    Reseña "Disyuntivas de nuestro tiempo. Ensayos de Metapolítica" de Alberto Buela.Aquilino Duque - 2013 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 18 (60):127-129.
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    La herida del concepto: estudios en homenaje al profesor Félix Duque.Félix Duque & Ángel Gabilondo (eds.) - 2016 - Madrid: UAM Ediciones.
    Este volumen es el resultado del deseo común de un grupo de amigos de ofrecer un texto, el texto que cada uno ha juzgado oportuno, a un eminente profesor de la Universidad española; un profesor al que, ciertamente, la edad ha jubilado, pero que en absoluto ha dejado, y no solo por su actual condición de Emérito, de mantenerse en activo; un maestro del pensamiento cuyo recorrido intelectual ha suscitado en esos amigos suficiente atención y simpatía como para avenirse a (...)
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    ‘Fervent spenglerians:’ romanising the historic morphology of cultures in Spain.Carl Antonius Lemke Duque - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (5):594-613.
    ABSTRACT This study analyses the impact of Oswald Spengler’s work in Spain during the interwar period. It proceeds with three steps as follows: The first part investigates the reception of Spengler’s historic morphology of cultures in the so-called circle of the Revista de Occidente. The second part delves into the early echo of Spengler’s work among the Spanish left up to the Second Spanish Republic. The third part focuses on the impact of Spengler’s historic morphology among conservative traditionalists and members (...)
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  4. Ensayo sobre el Dios de la postmodernidad.Baldomero Jiménez Duque - 1998 - Verdad y Vida 56 (221):103-108.
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    Ideal Theories of the Ring of Polynomials over the Integers.Luis F. Cáceres-Duque - 2001 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 30 (1):21-31.
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    Libertad y sacrificio: Deber ser para dejar ser.Félix Duque - 2005 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 61 (3/4):667 - 686.
    O presente artigo procede a uma leitura crítica das posições de Kant e Hegel no âmbito moral. apresentando-as não de um modo erudito e "arqueológico", mas sim como possível medicina mentis para uma época hedonista e anómica como a actual. A ênfase é colocada na denúncia do egoísmo e do narcisismo, em quanto destruidores e, em última instância, tendências suicidas, ao mesmo tempo que se realça como virtude suprema a abnegação, o sacrifício..., não no nome de uma entidade abstracta (Deus, (...)
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  7. Verificacion y experiencia.Ce Garcia Duque - 1986 - Ideas Y Valores 35 (71-72):123-134.
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  8. Algunas paradojas contemporáneas acerca de lo uno y de lo múltiple.Aquilino Polaino Lorente - 1980 - Anuario Filosófico 13 (2):157-162.
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  9. El manso y decidido afán de afirmar al otro en su valer.Aquilino Polaino Lorente - 1992 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 9:271-288.
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    Criminalidad corporativa y reordenamiento territorial en Urabá.Norela Mesa Duque & Alfonso Insuasty Rodríguez - 2021 - Ratio Juris 16 (33):595-622.
    Las acciones que articulan simbióticamente élites empresariales y políticas, mafias, grupos militares legales e ilegales, se posibilitan bajo la búsqueda de dos fines: uno, reordenar el territorio de manera violenta hiper-acumulando tierras, con el fin de salvaguardar sus intereses económicos e inversiones; dos, hiper-acumular poder político con el fin de sostener sus privilegios, usando dicho poder para la reconfiguración del diseño institucional y la planeación de los territorios imponiendo sus condiciones. Este fenómeno que marca la historia de Colombia es lo (...)
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    Dynamic Topological Logic Interpreted over Minimal Systems.David Fernández-Duque - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 40 (6):767-804.
    Dynamic Topological Logic ( ) is a modal logic which combines spatial and temporal modalities for reasoning about dynamic topological systems , which are pairs consisting of a topological space X and a continuous function f : X → X . The function f is seen as a change in one unit of time; within one can model the long-term behavior of such systems as f is iterated. One class of dynamic topological systems where the long-term behavior of f is (...)
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    Explicit mechanisms do not account for implicit localization and identification of change: An empirical reply to Mitroff et al (2000).Diego Fernandez-Duque & Ian Thornton - 2003 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 29 (5).
    Several recent findings support the notion that changes in the environment can be implicitly represented by the visual system. S. R. Mitroff, D. J. Simons, and S. L. Franconeri (2002) challenged this view and proposed alternative interpretations based on explicit strategies. Across 4 experiments, the current study finds no empirical support for such alternative proposals. Experiment 1 shows that subjects do not rely on unchanged items when locating an unaware change. Experiments 2 and 3 show that unaware changes affect performance (...)
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    Expositions: Literature and Architecture in Nineteenth-Century France (review).Marie J. Aquilino - 1994 - Philosophy and Literature 18 (1):184-185.
  14. El bien en el pensamiento de Charles Taylor.Aquilino Cayuela Cayuela - 2005 - Ciudad de Dios 218 (2):421-442.
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  15. L’europa, O La Difficile Realizzazione Quotidiana Della Pace.Félix Duque - 2008 - Teoria 28 (2):55-70.
    In this essay Europe is initially featured as the great cruise ship in Federico Fellini’s film “E la nave va”: a ship full of people, at the mercy of stormy seas, with more people ready to come aboard. Actually Europe’s problem is in keeping together demos and ethos, the whole of individuals and populations, and their effective social and cultural commonality. Therefore, rather than pursuing the images of an improbable collective unity, Europe can be depicted as a fleet of small (...)
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    Are there valid instances of the fallacy of affirmation of the consequent?Carlos Emilio García Duque - 2011 - Discusiones Filosóficas 12 (19):87 - 97.
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    Hume and self-identity.Carlos Emilio García Duque - 2009 - Discusiones Filosóficas 10 (14):13 - 25.
  18. the role of ethical and social values in psychosocial measurement.Sebastian Rodriguez Duque, Eran Tal & Skye Pamela Barbic - 2024 - Measurement 225.
  19. Change detection without awareness: Do explicit reports underestimate the representation of change in the visual system?Diego Fernandez-Duque & Ian Thornton - 2000 - Visual Cognition 7 (1):323-344.
    Evidence from many different paradigms (e.g. change blindness, inattentional blindness, transsaccadic integration) indicate that observers are often very poor at reporting changes to their visual environment. Such evidence has been used to suggest that the spatio-temporal coherence needed to represent change can only occur in the presence of focused attention. In four experiments we use modified change blindness tasks to demonstrate (a) that sensitivity to change does occur in the absence of awareness, and (b) this sensitivity does not rely on (...)
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  20. Two Passions in Plato’s Symposium: Diotima’s To Kalon as a Reorientation of Imperialistic Erōs.Mateo Duque - 2019 - In Heather L. Reid & Tony Leyh (eds.), Looking at Beauty to Kalon in Western Greece: Selected Essays from the 2018 Symposium on the Heritage of Western Greece. Parnassos Press-Fonte Aretusa. pp. 95-110.
    In this essay, I propose a reading of two contrasting passions, two kinds of erōs, in the "Symposium." On the one hand, there is the imperialistic desire for conquering and possessing that Alcibiades represents; and on the other hand, there is the productive love of immortal wisdom that Diotima represents. It’s not just what Alcibiades says in the Symposium, but also what he symbolizes. Alcibiades gives a speech in honor of Socrates and of his unrequited love for him, but even (...)
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    Cultura y poder.Félix Duque - 2010 - Philosophical Readings 2 (1):15-26.
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    Los destinos de la tradición: filosofía de la historia de la filosofía.Félix Duque - 1989 - Barcelona: Anthropos.
    El presente trabajo revisa la historia del pensamiento occidental desde la reflexión de las distintas concepciones de lo que "historia" y "pensamiento" han significado.
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    Medición del espíritu empresarial en la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira.Angela María Lanzas Duque, Cristian Andrés Pacheco Hincapié & Angélica María Velandia - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Administración del cambio en las organizaciones.María Esperanza López Duque, Angela María Lanzas Duque & Victoria Eugenia Lanzas Duque - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  25. Dios a la vista en Ortega y María Zambrano / God in Sight in Ortega and María Zambrano.Félix Duque Pajuelo - 1994 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 80:282-309.
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  26. Representation of change: Separate electrophysiological markers of attention, awareness, and implicit processing.Diego Fernandez-Duque, Giordana Grossi, Ian Thornton & Helen Neville - 2003 - Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 15 (4):491-507.
    & Awareness of change within a visual scene only occurs in subjects were aware of, replicated those attentional effects, but the presence of focused attention. When two versions of a.
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    A Walk with Goodstein.David Fernández-Duque & Andreas Weiermann - 2024 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 30 (1):1-19.
    Goodstein’s principle is arguably the first purely number-theoretic statement known to be independent of Peano arithmetic. It involves sequences of natural numbers which at first appear to diverge, but eventually decrease to zero. These sequences are defined relative to a notation system based on exponentiation for the natural numbers. In this article, we provide a self-contained and modern analysis of Goodstein’s principle, obtaining some variations and improvements. We explore notions of optimality for notation systems and apply them to the classical (...)
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  28. Entry on "Metatheatre" in Section 4 "Concepts, Themes and Topics Treated in the Dialogues" in The Bloomsbury Handbook of Plato (2nd edition).Mateo Duque - 2022 - In Gerald Press & Mateo Duque (eds.), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Plato. London: Bloomsbury. pp. 287-289.
    This is a short entry on "Metatheatre" in Section 4, "Concepts, Themes and Topics Treated in the Dialogues," in The Bloomsbury Handbook of Plato, edited by Gerald Press and Mateo Duque.
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  29. Entry on "Comedy" in Section 3 "Important Features of the Dialogues" in The Bloomsbury Handbook of Plato (2nd edition).Mateo Duque - 2022 - In Gerald Press & Mateo Duque (eds.), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Plato. London: Bloomsbury. pp. 140-143.
    This is a short entry on "Comedy" in Section 3, "Important Features of the Dialogues," in The Bloomsbury Handbook of Plato, edited by Gerald Press and Mateo Duque.
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    Ideal theories of some commutative rings.Luis F. Caceres-Duque - 2003 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 32 (1/2):9-18.
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    ¿Qué significa leer?Félix Duque - 2015 - Philosophical Readings 7 (3):53-60.
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    Eugenio Ímaz Echeverría y la herencia del romanticismo político alemán.Carl Antonius Lemke Duque - 2019 - Anuario Filosófico 52 (2).
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  33. Executive attention and metacognitive regulation.Diego Fernandez-Duque, Jodie A. Baird & Michael I. Posner - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (2):288-307.
    Metacognition refers to any knowledge or cognitive process that monitors or controls cognition. We highlight similarities between metacognitive and executive control functions, and ask how these processes might be implemented in the human brain. A review of brain imaging studies reveals a circuitry of attentional networks involved in these control processes, with its source located in midfrontal areas. These areas are active during conflict resolution, error correction, and emotional regulation. A developmental approach to the organization of the anatomy involved in (...)
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  34. Attention metaphors: How metaphors guide the cognitive psychology of attention.Diego Fernandez-Duque & Mark L. Johnson - 1999 - Cognitive Science 23 (1):83-116.
    The concept of attention is defined by multiple inconsistent metaphors that scientists use to identify relevant phenomena, frame hypotheses, construct experiments, and interpret data. (1) The Filter metaphor shapes debates about partial vs. complete filtering, early vs. late selection, and information filtering vs. enhancement. (2) The Spotlight metaphor raises the issue of space‐ vs. object‐based selection, and it guides research on the size, shape, and movement of the attentional focus. (3) The Spotlight‐in‐the‐Brain metaphor is frequently used to interpret imaging studies (...)
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    A sound and complete axiomatization for Dynamic Topological Logic.David Fernández-Duque - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (3):947-969.
    Dynamic Topological Logic (DFH) is a multimodal system for reasoning about dynamical systems. It is defined semantically and, as such, most of the work done in the field has been model-theoretic. In particular, the problem of finding a complete axiomatization for the full language of DFH over the class of all dynamical systems has proven to be quite elusive. Here we propose to enrich the language to include a polyadic topological modality, originally introduced by Dawar and Otto in a different (...)
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  36. El inicio del habla, el habla de inicio.Félix Duque - 2013 - Pensamiento 69 (259):197-212.
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  37. In and Out of Character: Socratic Mimēsis.Mateo Duque - 2020 - Dissertation, Cuny Graduate Center
    In the "Republic," Plato has Socrates attack poetry’s use of mimēsis, often translated as ‘imitation’ or ‘representation.’ Various scholars (e.g. Blondell 2002; Frank 2018; Halliwell 2009; K. Morgan 2004) have noticed the tension between Socrates’ theory critical of mimēsis and Plato’s literary practice of speaking through various characters in his dialogues. However, none of these scholars have addressed that it is not only Plato the writer who uses mimēsis but also his own character, Socrates. At crucial moments in several dialogues, (...)
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  38. A Práxis na Hemenéutica de Gadamer.P. C. Duque-Estrada - 2000 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 56 (3):509-520.
    O artigo pretende sublinhar a incompatibilidade que a hermenêutica filosófica de Gadamer apresenta com relação ao projeto filosófico de Heidegger. O objetivo é, desta forma, problematizar a ideia segundo a qual a hermenêutica filosófica constitui um desdobramento representativo do pensamento heideggeriano. A hermenêutica de Gadamer é percebida aqui como estando comprometida com uma tarefa de refundação, e a práxis, entendida como imanência da vida histórica, se mostra precisamente como um novo fundamento. O encontro de Gadamer com a práxis revela-se, assim, (...)
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  39. Dieu en vue chez Ortega et Maria Zambrano.F. Duque & F. Guerrero - 1997 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 44 (1-2):68-86.
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    El reino de los fines es el reino de los medios (A propósito de la intervención del profesor Pirni).Félix Duque - 2009 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 42:61 - 71.
    Even though Kant, because of his modus operandi, has been saluted as the renewer of dialectic method (after mature Plato), nonetheless his ars exponiendi, as apparent, for example, in the subjective deduction of categories, has always been characteristically dual (noumenon/phenomenon, understanding/sensibility, theory/praxis, etc.) or fourfold (as in the antinomies, eventually liable to be reduced to two pairs in conflict). However, in the second Critique a notable contradiction arises in a judgment that is pretendedly analytic and also the consequence of the (...)
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    The Disorder of Things and the Problem of Demarcation.Carlos Emilio García Duque - 2012 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 46:61-88.
    En este artículo se discuten las críticas de John Dupré contra la unidad metodológica de la ciencia. Como se sabe, a partir de la premisa del desorden de las cosas, Dupré rechaza tanto las versiones fuertes como las variantes débiles de unificación, pero construye sus mejores argumentos contra las últimas a partir de la tesis de que no hay una solución satisfactoria del problema de la demarcación. Tras exponer los argumentos de Dupré en favor de la implausibilidad de cualquier formulación (...)
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    Absolute Completeness of S4u for Its Measure-Theoretic Semantics.David Fernández-Duque - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 100-119.
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  43. Cause and effect theories of attention: The role of conceptual metaphors.Diego Fernandez-Duque - 2002 - Review of General Psychology 6 (2):153-165.
    Scientific concepts are defined by metaphors. These metaphors determine what atten- tion is and what count as adequate explanations of the phenomenon. The authors analyze these metaphors within 3 types of attention theories: (a) --cause-- theories, in which attention is presumed to modulate information processing (e.g., attention as a spotlight; attention as a limited resource); (b) --effect-- theories, in which attention is considered to be a by-product of information processing (e.g., the competition meta- phor); and (c) hybrid theories that combine (...)
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  44. Two Portraits of Protagoras in Plato: Theaetetus vs. Protagoras.Mateo Duque - 2023 - Illinois Classical Studies 47 (2):359-382.
    This article will contrast two portrayals of Protagoras: one in the "Theaetetus," where Socrates discusses Protagorean theory and even comes to his defense by imitating the deceased sophist; and another in the "Protagoras," where Socrates recounts his encounter with the sophist. I suggest that Plato wants listeners and readers of the dialogues to hear the dissonance between the two portraits and to wonder why Socrates so distorts Protagoras in the "Theaetetus." Protagoras in the "Protagoras" behaves and speaks in ways that (...)
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    Models of transfinite provability logic.David Fernández-Duque & Joost J. Joosten - 2013 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 78 (2):543-561.
    For any ordinal $\Lambda$, we can define a polymodal logic $\mathsf{GLP}_\Lambda$, with a modality $[\xi]$ for each $\xi < \Lambda$. These represent provability predicates of increasing strength. Although $\mathsf{GLP}_\Lambda$ has no Kripke models, Ignatiev showed that indeed one can construct a Kripke model of the variable-free fragment with natural number modalities, denoted $\mathsf{GLP}^0_\omega$. Later, Icard defined a topological model for $\mathsf{GLP}^0_\omega$ which is very closely related to Ignatiev's. In this paper we show how to extend these constructions for arbitrary $\Lambda$. (...)
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  46. “Οὐκ ἔστιν” (141e8): The Performative Contradiction of the First Hypothesis.Mateo Duque - 2022 - In Luc Brisson, Macé Arnaud & Olivier Renaut (eds.), Plato’s Parmenides: Selected Papers from the Twelfth Symposium Platonicum. Academia Verlag. pp. 347-354.
    At the end of the first hypothesis, Parmenides gets Aristotle to agree that being [οὐσίας] must be in time; that is, that being must partake in at least one of the temporal modes: either to have been in the past, to be in the present, or it will be in the future (140e-142a). If this is true, then “the one does not partake in being” (141e7-8), meaning temporal being—to which Aristotle agrees, saying “Apparently not” (141e9). Parmenides then gets Aristotle to (...)
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    The omega-rule interpretation of transfinite provability logic.David Fernández-Duque & Joost J. Joosten - 2018 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 169 (4):333-371.
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    A Walk with Goodstein and Ackermann.David Fernández-Duque & Andreas Weiermann - 2024 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 65 (2):181-201.
    Goodstein’s theorem states that certain sequences based on exponential notation for the natural numbers are always finite. The result is independent of Peano arithmetic and is a prototypical example of a proof of termination by transfinite induction. A variant based instead on the Ackermann function has more recently been proposed by Arai, Fernández-Duque, Wainer, and Weiermann, and instead is independent of the more powerful theory ATR0. However, this result is contingent on rather elaborate normal forms for natural numbers based (...)
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  49. Performing Philosophy: The Pedagogy of Plato’s Academy Reimagined.Mateo Duque - 2023 - In Henry C. Curcio, Mark Ralkowski & Heather L. Reid (eds.), Paideia and Performance. Parnassos Press. pp. 87-106.
    In this paper, drawing on evidence internal to the Platonic dialogues (supplemented with some ancient testimonia), I answer the question, “How did Plato teach in the Academy?” My reconstruction of Plato’s pedagogy in the Academy is that there was a single person who read the dialogue aloud like a rhapsode (this is in contrast to the dramatic theatrical hypothesis, in which several speakers function as actors in the performance of a dialogue). After the rhapsodic reading, students were allowed to ask (...)
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  50. A Formal Account of AI Trustworthiness: Connecting Intrinsic and Perceived Trustworthiness.Piercosma Bisconti, Letizia Aquilino, Antonella Marchetti & Daniele Nardi - forthcoming - Aies '24: Proceedings of the 2024 Aaai/Acmconference on Ai, Ethics, and Society.
    This paper proposes a formal account of AI trustworthiness, connecting both intrinsic and perceived trustworthiness in an operational schematization. We argue that trustworthiness extends beyond the inherent capabilities of an AI system to include significant influences from observers' perceptions, such as perceived transparency, agency locus, and human oversight. While the concept of perceived trustworthiness is discussed in the literature, few attempts have been made to connect it with the intrinsic trustworthiness of AI systems. Our analysis introduces a novel schematization to (...)
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