Results for 'Amy Freedman'

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  1.  26
    Thailand's Missed Opportunity for Democratic Consolidation.Amy Freedman - 2006 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 7 (2):175-193.
    The year 1997 was critical for Thailand. A severe economic crisis hit in July calling into question years of economic growth and increasing prosperity. A few months later Thailand adopted a new Constitution that aimed at reforming the political system, and at making corruption and vote buying less prevalent. While this article shows that the economic turmoil was a prime catalyst for political change, it was not as simple as saying that public outcry over the economic crisis forced conservative parliamentarians (...)
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  2. Embracing Dave Ramsey: A Financial Literacy Model for the Jewish Community.Rabbi Amy B. Cohen & Rabbi Alan Freedman - 2019 - In Mary L. Zamore & Elka Abrahamson, The sacred exchange: creating a Jewish money ethic. New York, NY: CCAR Press.
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  3. The Positive Ethical Organization: Enacting a Living Code of Ethics and Ethical Organizational Identity.Amy Klemm Verbos, Joseph A. Gerard, Paul R. Forshey, Charles S. Harding & Janice S. Miller - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 76 (1):17-33.
    A vision of a living code of ethics is proposed to counter the emphasis on negative phenomena in the study of organizational ethics. The living code results from the harmonious interaction of authentic leadership, five key organizational processes (attraction–selection–attrition, socialization, reward systems, decision-making and organizational learning), and an ethical organizational culture (characterized by heightened levels of ethical awareness and a positive climate regarding ethics). The living code is the cognitive, affective, and behavioral manifestation of an ethical organizational identity. We draw (...)
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  4. Understanding empathy.Amy Coplan - 2011 - In Amy Coplan & Peter Goldie, Empathy: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 3--18.
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  5. Empathy: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives.Amy Coplan & Peter Goldie (eds.) - 2011 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Empathy has for a long time, at least since the eighteenth century, been seen as centrally important in relation to our capacity to gain a grasp of the content of other people's minds, and predict and explain what they will think, feel, and do; and in relation to our capacity to respond to others ethically. In addition, empathy is seen as having a central role in aesthetics, in the understanding of our engagement with works of art and with fictional characters. (...)
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  6. Imaginative Experience.Amy Kind - 2020 - In Uriah Kriegel, The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Consciousness. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 124-141.
    In this essay, the focus is not on what imagination is but rather on what it is like. Rather than exploring the various accounts of imagination on offer in the philosophical literature, we will instead be exploring the various accounts of imaginative experience on offer in that literature. In particular, our focus in what follows will be on three different sorts of accounts that have played an especially prominent role in philosophical thinking about these issues: the impoverishment view (often associated (...)
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  7. Will the Real Empathy Please Stand Up? A Case for a Narrow Conceptualization.Amy Coplan - 2011 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 49 (s1):40-65.
    A longstanding problem with the study of empathy is the lack of a clear and agreed upon definition. A trend in the recent literature is to respond to this problem by advancing a broad and all-encompassing view of empathy that applies to myriad processes ranging from mimicry and imitation to high-level perspective taking. I argue that this response takes us in the wrong direction and that what we need in order to better understand empathy is a narrower conceptualization, not a (...)
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  8. Evidence for Skill Level Differences in the Thought Processes of Golfers During High and Low Pressure Situations.Amy E. Whitehead, Jamie A. Taylor & Remco C. J. Polman - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  9. Mary's Powers of Imagination.Amy Kind - 2019 - In Sam Coleman, The Knowledge Argument. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 161-179.
    One common response to the knowledge argument is the ability hypothesis. Proponents of the ability hypothesis accept that Mary learns what seeing red is like when she exits her black-and-white room, but they deny that the kind of knowledge she gains is propositional in nature. Rather, she acquires a cluster of abilities that she previously lacked, in particular, the abilities to recognize, remember, and imagine the color red. For proponents of the ability hypothesis, knowing what an experience is like simply (...)
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  10. Ideal Theory and "Ought Implies Can".Amy Berg - 2018 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 99 (4):869-890.
    When we can’t live up to the ultimate standards of morality, how can moral theory give us guidance? We can distinguish between ideal and non-ideal theory to see that there are different versions of the voluntarist constraint, ‘ought implies can.’ Ideal moral theory identifies the best standard, so its demands are constrained by one version. Non-ideal theory tells us what to do given our psychological and motivational shortcomings and so is constrained by others. Moral theory can now both provide an (...)
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  11. Empathic engagement with narrative fictions.Amy Coplan - 2004 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 62 (2):141–152.
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    The Epistemic Significance of #MeToo.Karyn L. Freedman - 2020 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 6 (2).
    In part I of this paper, I argue that #MeToo testimony increases epistemic value for the survivor qua hearer when experiences like hers are represented by others; for society at large when false but dominant narratives about sexual violence and sexual harassment against women are challenged and replaced with true stories; and for the survivor qua teller when her true story is believed. In part II, I argue that the epistemic significance of #MeToo testimony compels us to consider the tremendous (...)
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  13.  24
    The Latin Sexual Vocabulary.Amy Richlin & J. N. Adams - 1984 - American Journal of Philology 105 (4):491.
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    Countability distinctions and semantic variation.Amy Rose Deal - 2017 - Natural Language Semantics 25 (2):125-171.
    To what extent are countability distinctions subject to systematic semantic variation? Could there be a language with no countability distinctions—in particular, one where all nouns are count? I argue that the answer is no: even in a language where all NPs have the core morphosyntactic properties of English count NPs, such as combining with numerals directly and showing singular/plural contrasts, countability distinctions still emerge on close inspection. I divide these distinctions into those related to sums and those related to parts. (...)
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    Adapting a kidney exchange algorithm to align with human values.Rachel Freedman, Jana Schaich Borg, Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, John P. Dickerson & Vincent Conitzer - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 283 (C):103261.
  16.  17
    Liberal Equality.Amy Gutmann (ed.) - 1980 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book makes a significant contribution to the tradition of liberal political theory: it explores the foundations and limits of the idea of equality within that theory and offers a sustained argument for a persuasive new view of liberalism. Liberal thinking has always displayed a tension between the claims of liberty and those of equality. Professor Gutmann examines the contributions of liberal theorists from Locke to Rawls on the subject of two kinds of equality - equality of opportunity to participate (...)
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  17. The Ethics of Synthetic Biology: Guiding Principles for Emerging Technologies.Amy Gutmann - 2011 - Hastings Center Report 41 (4):17-22.
    The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues released its first report, New Directions: The Ethics of Synthetic Biology and Emerging Technologies, on December 16, 2010.1 President Barack Obama had requested this report following the announcement last year that the J. Craig Venter Institute had created the world’s first self-replicating bacterial cell with a completely synthetic genome. The Venter group’s announcement marked a significant scientific milestone in synthetic biology, an emerging field of research that aims to combine the knowledge (...)
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    Empire and education.Alexander Means, Amy Sojot, Yuko Ida & Manca Sustarsic - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (7):879-881.
    Hardt and Negri’s Empire series has inspired twenty years of debate and experimentation across the social sciences and humanities in fields as divergent as international re...
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    Facilitation of concept formation through mediated generalization.Sarnoff A. Mednick & Jonathan L. Freedman - 1960 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 60 (5):278.
  20.  83
    Introduction: Sharing Data in a Medical Information Commons.Amy L. McGuire, Mary A. Majumder, Angela G. Villanueva, Jessica Bardill, Juli M. Bollinger, Eric Boerwinkle, Tania Bubela, Patricia A. Deverka, Barbara J. Evans, Nanibaa' A. Garrison, David Glazer, Melissa M. Goldstein, Henry T. Greely, Scott D. Kahn, Bartha M. Knoppers, Barbara A. Koenig, J. Mark Lambright, John E. Mattison, Christopher O'Donnell, Arti K. Rai, Laura L. Rodriguez, Tania Simoncelli, Sharon F. Terry, Adrian M. Thorogood, Michael S. Watson, John T. Wilbanks & Robert Cook-Deegan - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (1):12-20.
    Drawing on a landscape analysis of existing data-sharing initiatives, in-depth interviews with expert stakeholders, and public deliberations with community advisory panels across the U.S., we describe features of the evolving medical information commons. We identify participant-centricity and trustworthiness as the most important features of an MIC and discuss the implications for those seeking to create a sustainable, useful, and widely available collection of linked resources for research and other purposes.
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    Introduction.Amy Gutmann - 1999 - In J. M. Coetzee, The Lives of Animals. Princeton University Press. pp. 1-12.
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    Can a Robot Pursue the Good? Exploring Artificial Moral Agency.Amy Michelle DeBaets - 2014 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 24 (3):76-86.
    In this essay I will explore an understanding of the potential moral agency of robots; arguing that the key characteristics of physical embodiment; adaptive learning; empathy in action; and a teleology toward the good are the primary necessary components for a machine to become a moral agent. In this context; other possible options will be rejected as necessary for moral agency; including simplistic notions of intelligence; computational power; and rule-following; complete freedom; a sense of God; and an immaterial soul. I (...)
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  23. A moral theory of informed consent.Benjamin Freedman - 1975 - Hastings Center Report 5 (4):32-39.
  24.  43
    Who Owns the Data in a Medical Information Commons?Amy L. McGuire, Jessica Roberts, Sean Aas & Barbara J. Evans - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (1):62-69.
    In this paper, we explore the perspectives of expert stakeholders about who owns data in a medical information commons and what rights and interests ought to be recognized when developing a governance structure for an MIC. We then examine the legitimacy of these claims based on legal and ethical analysis and explore an alternative framework for thinking about participants' rights and interests in an MIC.
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  25.  21
    The discourse of delivering person‐centred nursing care before, and during, the COVID‐19 pandemic: Care as collateral damage.Amy-Louise Byrne, Clare Harvey & Adele Baldwin - forthcoming - Nursing Inquiry:e12593.
    The global COVID‐19 pandemic challenged the world—how it functions, how people move in the social worlds and how government/government services and people interact. Health services, operating under the principles of new public management, have undertaken rapid changes to service delivery and models of care. What has become apparent is the mechanisms within which contemporary health services operate and how services are not prioritising the person at the centre of care. Person‐centred care (PCC) is the philosophical premise upon which models of (...)
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  26.  31
    Authorship Not Taught and Not Caught in Undergraduate Research Experiences at a Research University.Lauren E. Abbott, Amy Andes, Aneri C. Pattani & Patricia Ann Mabrouk - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (5):2555-2599.
    This grounded study investigated the negotiation of authorship by faculty members, graduate student mentors, and their undergraduate protégés in undergraduate research experiences at a private research university in the northeastern United States. Semi-structured interviews using complementary scripts were conducted separately with 42 participants over a 3 year period to probe their knowledge and understanding of responsible authorship and publication practices and learn how faculty and students entered into authorship decision-making intended to lead to the publication of peer-reviewed technical papers. Herein (...)
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  27.  49
    Rawls on the Relationship between Liberalism and Democracy.Amy Gutmann - 2003 - In Samuel Freeman, The Cambridge companion to Rawls. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 168--99.
  28.  37
    Learning from broken rules: Individualism, bureaucracy, and ethics.Amy Rossiter, Richard Walsh-Bowers & Isaac Prilleltensky - 1996 - Ethics and Behavior 6 (4):307 – 320.
    The authors discuss findings from a qualitative research project concerning applied ethics that was undertaken at a general family counseling agency in southern Ontario. Interview data suggested that workers need to dialogue about ethical dilemmas, but that such dialogue demands a high level of risk taking that feels unsafe in the organization. This finding led the researchers to examine their own sense of "breaking rules" by suggesting an intersubjective view of ethics that requires a "safe space" for ethical dialogue. The (...)
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  29. Philosophical Perspectives on Imagination in the Western Tradition.Amy Kind - 2020 - In Anna Abraham, The Cambridge Handbook of the Imagination. Cambridge University Press.
    Philosophers in the Western tradition have both theorized about imagination and used imagination in their theorizing about other matters. In this chapter, I first provide a brief overview of philosophical theorizing about imagination with a special focus on its relation to other mental states such as belief and perception. I then turn to a discussion of the methodological role that imagination has played in philosophy. I here focus on the imaginability principle, i.e., the claim that the imaginability of a given (...)
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  30. Testimony and Epistemic Risk: The Dependence Account.Karyn L. Freedman - 2015 - Social Epistemology 29 (3):251-269.
    In this paper, I give an answer to the central epistemic question regarding the normative requirements for beliefs based on testimony. My suggestion here is that our best strategy for coming up with the conditions for justification is to look at cases where the adoption of the belief matters to the person considering it. This leads me to develop, in Part One of the paper, an interest-relative theory of justification, according to which our justification for a proposition p depends on (...)
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    Duty and healing: foundations of a Jewish bioethic.Benjamin Freedman - 1999 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Charles Weijer.
    Duty and Healing positions ethical issues commonly encountered in clinical situations within Jewish law. The concept of duty is significant in exploring bioethical issues, and this book presents an authentic and non-parochial Jewish approach to bioethics, while it includes critiques of both current secular and Jewish literatures. Among the issues the book explores are the role of family in medical decision-making, the question of informed consent as a personal religious duty, and the responsibilities of caretakers. The exploration of contemporary ethical (...)
  32.  9
    Advances in understanding education.Muriel Amy Payne - 1955 - Chalfont Saint Giles [England]: Ark Press.
  33.  62
    Conceptual Integration of Arithmetic Operations With Real‐World Knowledge: Evidence From Event‐Related Potentials.Amy M. Guthormsen, Kristie J. Fisher, Miriam Bassok, Lee Osterhout, Melissa DeWolf & Keith J. Holyoak - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (3):723-757.
    Research on language processing has shown that the disruption of conceptual integration gives rise to specific patterns of event-related brain potentials —N400 and P600 effects. Here, we report similar ERP effects when adults performed cross-domain conceptual integration of analogous semantic and mathematical relations. In a problem-solving task, when participants generated labeled answers to semantically aligned and misaligned arithmetic problems, the second object label in misaligned problems yielded an N400 effect for addition problems. In a verification task, when participants judged arithmetically (...)
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  34.  26
    Distinguishing Clinical and Research Risks in Pragmatic Clinical Trials: The Need for Further Stakeholder Engagement.Stephen B. Freedman, David Schnadower, Philip I. Tarr, Elliott M. Weiss, Stephanie A. Kraft, Sinem Toraman Turk & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (8):39-42.
    The target articles in this issue advance our understanding of bioethical considerations in pragmatic trials (Garland, Morain, and Sugarman 2023; Morain and Largent 2023). Both articles appreciate...
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    The Rhetoric of Eugenics in Anglo-American Thought. Marouf A. Hasian, Jr.Amy Bix - 1997 - Isis 88 (1):163-164.
  36.  36
    The European Union’s contributions to international stability: the role of education and study mobilities.Amy Stapleton, Mihaela Mecea & Lulzim Beqiri - 2016 - AI and Society 31 (3):401-412.
  37.  17
    Starving on the North Side of McClure Pass.Amy Steinberg - 2014 - Journal of Medical Humanities 35 (4):443-444.
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    The influence of Petrus Ramus: studies in sixteenth and seventeenth century philosophy and sciences.Mordechai Feingold, Joseph S. Freedman & Wolfgang Rother (eds.) - 2001 - Basel: Schwabe & Co..
  39.  33
    Feeding relations: applying Luhmann’s operational theory to the food system.Amy Guptill & Emelie Peine - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (3):741-752.
    Current, prevalent models of the food system, including complex-adaptive systems theories and commodity-as-relation thinking, have usefully analyzed the food system in terms of its elements and relationships, confronting persistent questions about a system’s identity and leverage points for change. Here, inspired by Heldke’s analysis, we argue for another approach to the “system-ness” of food that carries those key questions forward. Drawing on Niklas Luhmann’s systems theory, we propose a model of the food system defined by the relational process of feeding (...)
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    5. Distributing Public Education in a Democracy.Amy Gutmann - 1988 - In Democracy and the Welfare State. Princeton University Press. pp. 107-130.
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    Reflections on Democratic Deliberation in Bioethics.Amy Gutmann & James W. Wagner - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (S1):35-38.
    Over the course of six years and more than two dozen meetings, members of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues learned so many things: about emerging science; technological challenges; citizen engagement; the public's, experts’, and our own understandings and misperceptions; and even the nature of our own most cherished values. Our commission's commitment to democratic deliberation began deliberatively, when we decided (in the summer of 2010) upon basic principles to guide our first report. At the time, Craig (...)
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  42.  15
    The Gendered Rice Bowl: The Sexual Politics of Service Work in Urban China.Amy Hanser - 2005 - Gender and Society 19 (5):581-600.
    This article examines new conceptions of gender and sexuality in China, asking how and why they have become so integral to the organization of service work regimes there. Drawing on ethnographic data collected in three urban Chinese retail settings, this article demonstrates how essentialized conceptions of gender and sexuality powerfully communicate class distinctions in service settings through associations with the imagery of China’s shift from socialism to a marketized society. A shift from the socialist “iron rice bowl” to the “rice (...)
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    Demarcating Research and Treatment: A Systematic Approach for the Analysis of the Ethics of Clinical Research.Benjamin Freedman, Abraham Fuks & Charles Weijer - unknown
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  44.  20
    The complementary roles of Chance and Lawlike elements in Peirce's evolutionary cosmology.Frederick Kronz & Amy McLaughlin - 2002 - In Harald Atmanspacher & Robert Bishop, Between Chance and Choice: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Determinism. Thorverton UK: Imprint Academic.
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    Case notes and charting of bioethical case consultations.Benjamin Freedman, Charles Weijer & Eugene Bereza - 1993 - HEC Forum 5 (3):176-195.
    In summary, the usual elements of a typical health care ethics consultation note might reasonably accommodate the needs and expectations of relevant parties, and would therefore include: 1. identification of the relevant ethical issues, questions, or dilemmas; 2. reference to any relevant facts--medical, nursing, social, psychological, spiritual, legal, political, etc.; 3. a prioritized list of recommendations to improve coordinated care; 4. a clear and concise articulation of relevant arguments, wtih specific reference to the list of recommendations as well as to (...)
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  46.  37
    Dialogic syntax and complement constructions in toddlers' peer interactions.Bahar Köymen & Amy Kyratzis - 2014 - Cognitive Linguistics 25 (3):497-521.
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  47. Bioethics in the public square: reflections on the how.Amy Tannery Campbell - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (7):439-441.
    As bioethics gains more prominence in public policy debates, it is time to more fully reflect on the following: what is its role in the public square, and what limitations relate to and barriers impede its fulfilment of this role? I contend we should consider the how of bioethics (as a policy influencer) rather than simply focus on the who or what of bioethical enquiry. This is not to suggest considerations of latter categories are not important, only that too little (...)
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    The Maintenance of an Organization’s Socially Responsible Practice.Amy E. Randel - 2002 - Business and Society 41 (1):61-83.
    The maintenance of an organization’s socially responsible practice is explained by linking perspectives within a cross-level framework. The proposed framework incorporates research on the institutional environment (societal level), organizational identity (organizational level), and champions’ tactics (individual level). Under different institutional environmental conditions, organizational identity and champions’tactics are posited to be differentially effective in supporting a socially responsible practice. The theoretical framework presented is suggestive of directions for empirical work on the maintenance of firms’ socially responsible practices and offers suggestions to (...)
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  49. (1 other version)Feeling without thinking: Lessons from the ancients on emotion and virtue-acquisition.Amy Coplan - 2010 - Metaphilosophy 41 (1-2):132-151.
    By briefly sketching some important ancient accounts of the connections between psychology and moral education, I hope to illuminate the significance of the contemporary debate on the nature of emotion and to reveal its stakes. I begin the essay with a brief discussion of intellectualism in Socrates and the Stoics, and Plato's and Posidonius's respective attacks against it. Next, I examine the two current leading philosophical accounts of emotion: the cognitive theory and the noncognitive theory. I maintain that the noncognitive (...)
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    Trial Consulting: Capital Markets, Corporate Control, and Economic Performance.Amy J. Posey & Lawrence S. Wrightsman - 2005 - Oxford University Press USA.
    In its roughly 25 years of existence, the trial consulting profession has grown dramatically in membership, recognition, and breadth of practice. What began as a small activist group of social scientists volunteering their expertise to assist in the defense of Vietnam War protestors has evolved into a diverse set of professionals from a range of educational and professional backgrounds. In spite of such enormous growth, the work of trial consultants has gone largely unexamined. Trial Consulting takes an in-depth look at (...)
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