Results for 'Alison Callahan'

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  1. In Conversation: Ruth Macklin, Alison Reiheld, Robyn Bluhm, Sidney Callahan, and Frances Kissling Discuss the Marlise Munoz Case, Advance Directives, and Pregnant Women.Ruth Macklin, Alison Reiheld, Robyn Bluhm, Sidney Callahan & Frances Kissling - 2015 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 8 (1):156-167.
    Feminist bioethicists of a variety of persuasions discuss the 2013 case of Marlise Munoz, a pregnant woman whose medical care was in dispute after she became brain dead.
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    Exploring the potential utility of AI large language models for medical ethics: an expert panel evaluation of GPT-4.Michael Balas, Jordan Joseph Wadden, Philip C. Hébert, Eric Mathison, Marika D. Warren, Victoria Seavilleklein, Daniel Wyzynski, Alison Callahan, Sean A. Crawford, Parnian Arjmand & Edsel B. Ing - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (2):90-96.
    Integrating large language models (LLMs) like GPT-4 into medical ethics is a novel concept, and understanding the effectiveness of these models in aiding ethicists with decision-making can have significant implications for the healthcare sector. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of GPT-4 in responding to complex medical ethical vignettes and to gauge its utility and limitations for aiding medical ethicists. Using a mixed-methods, cross-sectional survey approach, a panel of six ethicists assessed LLM-generated responses to eight (...)
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  3.  14
    What Kind of Life: The Limits of Medical Progress.Daniel Callahan - 1990 - Simon & Schuster.
    From the author of Setting Limits comes a challenging exploration of the proper goals of medicine in our rapidly changing society--a work destined to spark debate and influence policy for years to come.
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  4. Does the temporal asymmetry of value support a tensed metaphysics?Alison Fernandes - 2021 - Synthese 198 (5):3999-4016.
    There are temporal asymmetries in our attitudes towards the past and future. For example, we judge that a given amount of work is worth twice as much if it is described as taking place in the future, compared to the past :796–801, 2008). Does this temporal value asymmetry support a tensed metaphysics? By getting clear on the asymmetry’s features, I’ll argue that it doesn’t. To support a tensed metaphysics, the value asymmetry would need to not vary with temporal distance, apply (...)
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  5.  56
    The Role of Emotion in Ethical Decisionmaking.Sidney Callahan - 1988 - Hastings Center Report 18 (3):9-14.
    In the rationalist tradition in ethics, the emotions are morally suspect. In a corrective swing of the pendulum, burgeoning philosophical interest is “rehabilitating” the emotions in ethical decisionmaking. The emotions and reason should be mutually correcting resources in moral reflection.
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  6. Varieties of Epistemic Freedom.Alison Fernandes - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94 (4):736-751.
    When we deliberate about what to do, we appear to be free to decide on different options. Three accounts use ordinary beliefs to explain this apparent freedom—appealing to different types of ‘epistemic freedom’. When an agent has epistemic freedom, her evidence while deliberating does not determine what decision she makes. This ‘epistemic gap’ between her evidence and decision explains why her decision appears free. The varieties of epistemic freedom appealed to might look similar. But there is an important difference. Two (...)
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  7.  96
    The Temporal Asymmetry of Causation.Alison Fernandes - 2023 - Cambridge University Press.
    Causes always seem to come prior to their effects. What might explain this asymmetry? Causation's temporal asymmetry isn't straightforwardly due to a temporal asymmetry in the laws of nature—the laws are, by and large, temporally symmetric. Nor does the asymmetry appear due to an asymmetry in time itself. This Element examines recent empirical attempts to explain the temporal asymmetry of causation: statistical mechanical accounts, agency accounts and fork asymmetry accounts. None of these accounts are complete yet and a full explanation (...)
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  8.  57
    Naturalism, Functionalism and Chance: Not a Best Fit for the Humean.Alison Fernandes - 2023 - In Christian Loew, Siegfried Jaag & Michael Townsen Hicks (eds.), Humean Laws for Human Agents. Oxford: Oxford UP.
    How should we give accounts of scientific modal relations? According to the Humean, we should do so by considering the role of such relations in our lives and scientific theorizing. For example, to give a Humean account of chance, we need to identity a non-modal relation that can play the ‘role’ of chance—typically that of guiding credences and scientifically explaining events. Defenders of Humean accounts claim to be uniquely well placed to meet this aim. Humean chances are objective, and so (...)
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  9.  63
    Bioethics Education Expanding the Circle of Participants.Barbara C. Thornton, Daniel Callahan & James Lindemann Nelson - 1993 - Hastings Center Report 23 (1):25.
    Bioethics education now takes place outside universities as well as within them. How should clinicians, ethics committee members, and policymakers be taught the ethics they need, and how may their progress best be evaluated?
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  10. A plea for KR.Alison Duncan Kerr - 2019 - Synthese 198 (4):3047-3071.
    There is a strong case to be made for thinking that an obscure logic, KR, is better than classical logic and better than any relevant logic. The argument for KR over relevant logics is that KR counts disjunctive syllogism valid, and this is the biggest complaint about relevant logics. The argument for KR over classical logic depends on the normativity of logic and the paradoxes of implication. The paradoxes of implication are taken by relevant logicians to justify relevant logic, but (...)
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  11.  47
    Back to the Present: How Not to Use Counterfactuals to Explain Causal Asymmetry.Alison Fernandes - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (2):43.
    A plausible thought is that we should evaluate counterfactuals in the actual world by holding the present ‘fixed’; the state of the counterfactual world at the time of the antecedent, outside the area of the antecedent, is required to match that of the actual world. When used to evaluate counterfactuals in the actual world, this requirement may produce reasonable results. However, the requirement is deeply problematic when used in the context of explaining causal asymmetry. The requirement plays a crucial role (...)
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  12.  21
    On Feeding the Dying.Daniel Callahan - 1983 - Hastings Center Report 13 (5):22-22.
  13.  32
    Universalism & Particularism Fighting to a Draw.Daniel Callahan - 2000 - Hastings Center Report 30 (1):37-44.
    For decades now, moral philosophy and bioethics have been dominated variously by universalist and particularist impulses, both of which exert legitimate pull on our thinking. Although there is little prospect of settling the debate by recourse to theory, classifying the cases in which particularist and universalist demands compete reveals a rough practical guide.
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  14.  50
    Gender and computer ethics.Alison Adam - 2000 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 30 (4):17-24.
    This paper reviews the relatively small body of work in computer ethics which looks at the question of whether gender makes any difference to ethical decisions. There are two strands of writing on gender and computer ethics. The first focuses on problems of women's access to computer technology; the second concentrates on whether there are differences between men and women's ethical decision making in relation to information and computing technologies. I criticize the latter area, arguing that such studies survey student (...)
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  15.  81
    Walter Benjamin’s Concept of the Image.Alison Ross - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    In this book, Alison Ross engages in a detailed study of Walter Benjamin’s concept of the image, exploring the significant shifts in Benjamin’s approach to the topic over the course of his career. Using Kant’s treatment of the topic of sensuous form in his aesthetics as a comparative reference, Ross argues that Benjamin’s thinking on the image undergoes a major shift between his 1924 essay on ‘Goethe’s Elective Affinities ,’ and his work on The Arcades Project from 1927 up (...)
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    ‘Equal though different’: laboratories, museums and the institutional development of biology in late-Victorian Northern England.Alison Kraft & Samuel J. M. M. Alberti - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 34 (2):203-236.
    Traditional accounts of the emergence of professional biology have privileged not only metropolis over province, but research over teaching and laboratory over museum. This paper seeks to supplement earlier studies of the ‘transformation of biology’ in the late nineteenth century by exploring in detail the developments within three biology departments in Northern English civic colleges. By outlining changes in the teaching practices, research topics and the accommodation of the departments, the authors demonstrate both locally contingent factors in their development and (...)
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  17.  71
    The End of Vagueness: Technological Epistemicism, Surveillance Capitalism, and Explainable Artificial Intelligence.Alison Duncan Kerr & Kevin Scharp - 2022 - Minds and Machines 32 (3):585-611.
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) pervades humanity in 2022, and it is notoriously difficult to understand how certain aspects of it work. There is a movement—_Explainable_ Artificial Intelligence (XAI)—to develop new methods for explaining the behaviours of AI systems. We aim to highlight one important philosophical significance of XAI—it has a role to play in the elimination of vagueness. To show this, consider that the use of AI in what has been labeled _surveillance capitalism_ has resulted in humans quickly gaining the capability (...)
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  18.  23
    On defining a 'natural death'.Daniel Callahan - 1977 - Hastings Center Report 7 (3):32-37.
  19.  30
    The Expansion of England.Raymond Callahan, J. R. Seeley & John Gross - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (3):392.
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  20.  78
    Pragmatism, Patronage and Politics in English Biology: The Rise and Fall of Economic Biology 1904–1920.Alison Kraft - 2004 - Journal of the History of Biology 37 (2):213-258.
    The rise of applied biology was one of the most striking features of the biological sciences in the early 20th century. Strongly oriented toward agriculture, this was closely associated with the growth of a number of disciplines, notably, entomology and mycology. This period also saw a marked expansion of the English University system, and biology departments in the newly inaugurated civic universities took an early and leading role in the development of applied biology through their support of Economic Biology. This (...)
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  21.  59
    On the rationality of emotion regulation.Alison Duncan Kerr - 2021 - Philosophical Psychology 34 (4):453-473.
    Much of the recent work in psychology (and affective science) has shown that humans regulate their emotions nearly constantly, sometimes well and sometimes poorly. I argue that properly regulating one’s emotions displays emotional rationality, and failing to do so displays emotional irrationality. If an agent feels an emotion that is obviously problematic for the agent to feel and she is aware that it is problematic, then the agent ought to regulate her emotions in future similar situations. To capture this aspect (...)
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  22.  75
    Artificial Intelligence, Gender, and Oppression.Alison Duncan Kerr - 2020 - In Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals - Gender Equality.
  23.  54
    Abortion Funding: Legal and Moral Questions.Dolores Dooley Clarke, Sidney Callahan & Andrew Altman - 1978 - Hastings Center Report 8 (2):4.
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  24. Breaking the Role of Discipline in Interdisciplinarity: The Roles of Faculty, Students, and Staff in the Production of Knowledge.Alison Cook-Sather & Elliott Shore - forthcoming - Journal of Research Practice.
  25.  91
    Gendered knowledge — Epistemology and artificial intelligence.Alison Adam - 1993 - AI and Society 7 (4):311-322.
    The paper proposes that gender can be used to explore alternative epistemologies represented within AI systems. Current research on feminist epistemology is reviewed then criticisms of the main philosophical position dominant in AI are outlined. These criticisms say little about epistemology and nothing about gender. It is suggested that the way forward might be found within the sociology of scientific knowledge as its approach is in accord with the postmodernist view of feminist epistemology in seeing knowledge as a cultural product. (...)
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  26.  28
    As perdas e o processo de luto na velhice: um olhar a partir da psicanálise.Alison Maciel Cezar, Peterson de Pinho, Anny Elise Braga, Camila Cortellete Pereira da Silva & Maurício Cardoso da Silva Junior - 2022 - Aletheia 55 (1):192-206.
    Por meio de uma revisão integrativa, busca-se identificar, dentro da produção científica brasileira, artigos que fazem intersecção entre os temas do luto e da velhice, sob o olhar da psicanálise. Desta forma, se visa estabelecer qual o enfoque dado ao idoso e qual a visão apresentada pela psicanálise para um trabalho com esta população que se encontra mais propensa a rupturas e perdas. Assim, se reconhece que há uma identificação de morte e finitude vinculada à figura do sujeito que envelhece, (...)
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  27.  44
    Reproduction, Ethics, and the Law.Joan Callahan, Laura Purdy & Kathy Rudy - 1997 - Hypatia 12 (4):202-211.
  28.  42
    Before he wakes.Hilde Lindemann Nelson & Daniel Callahan - 2005 - Hastings Center Report 35 (4):15-16.
  29.  21
    Poder del Arte: Explorando los Beneficios Individuales y Sociales de la Inclusión Artística Transversal, un Estudio Comparativo entre España y Estados Unidos.Bonnie Gómez Torres & Courtney N. Callahan - 2023 - Clío: History and History Teaching 49:131-156.
    En esta era digital contemporánea, la constante creación y consumo de arte e imágenes visuales se ha vuelto predominante. Sin embargo, sigue existiendo la necesidad imperante de alfabetización visual. Esta investigación explora el impacto positivo de la educación artística en la vida de los estudiantes y aborda las desigualdades en la oferta de clases de arte en España y Estados Unidos. También enfatiza el rol fundamental de la integración de las artes de manera interdisciplinaria y transversal, instando a los encargados (...)
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  30.  65
    What can the history of AI learn from the history of science?Alison E. Adam - 1990 - AI and Society 4 (3):232-241.
    There have been few attempts, so far, to document the history of artificial intelligence. It is argued that the “historical sociology of scientific knowledge” can provide a broad historiographical approach for the history of AI, particularly as it has proved fruitful within the history of science in recent years. The article shows how the sociology of knowledge can inform and enrich four types of project within the history of AI; organizational history; AI viewed as technology; AI viewed as cognitive science (...)
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    Kristeva, psychoanalysis and culture: Subjectivity in crisis. By Sylvie gambaudo.Alison Ainley - 2009 - Hypatia 24 (1):218-221.
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    The Shifting and Multiple Border and International Law.Alison Kesby - 2005 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 27 (1):101-119.
    The question of how the ‘border’ is conceived in international law, and how it shapes identity and peoples’ lives, remains largely unexplored in the international legal literature. This article seeks to contribute to our understanding of the meaning of the border in international law, and in the contemporary context, by drawing on the work of the philosopher and political theorist, Étienne Balibar, and by reflecting, in the light of his work, on the recent decision of the House of Lords in (...)
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  33.  39
    Middle School Geography Teachers’ Professional Development Centered around Historical Photographs.Cory Callahan - 2019 - Journal of Social Studies Research 43 (4):375-388.
    This paper describes three social studies teachers’ participation in an approximately 50-h, 13-month, Lesson Study-type professional development program called Beyond Words. The program centered around promoting teachers’ understanding of historical domain knowledge through experiences with innovative visual curriculum materials and sustained collaboration. This qualitative investigation answers: To what degree can Beyond Words help in-service geography teachers design and implement powerful instruction centered around historical photographs? Throughout Beyond Words the teachers demonstrated a spirit of open-mindedness and a willingness to experiment with (...)
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  34.  13
    Robert S. Morison, M.D.Daniel Callahan - 1987 - Hastings Center Report 17 (1):4-4.
  35.  7
    The Case of Recombinant DNA.Daniel Callahan - 1978 - In John Richards (ed.), Recombinant DNA: science, ethics, and politics. New York: Academic Press. pp. 135.
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    The Invasion of Nepal: John Company at War.Raymond Callahan & John Pemble - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (1):124.
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    The necessity of the a priori in science.Gene Callahan - 2006 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 18 (4):417-429.
    Jeffrey Friedman has attempted to make a case for limiting state social engineering that is based on the skeptical epistemology of Sir Karl Popper. But Popper's epistemology is flawed, both in its rejection of a priori theorizing and its insistence on empirical falsification rather than confirmation. Classical liberalism of the sort that Friedman advocates requires, as its basis, positive knowledge of economics and social reality—not Popperian skepticism.
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  38.  15
    Team Players.Dan Callahan - 1993 - Business Ethics: The Magazine of Corporate Responsibility 7 (3):16-16.
  39.  24
    Where Has It Gone?: Writing, Loss, and Old Age.Daniel Callahan - 2017 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 60 (4):497-502.
    I have spent a good portion of my professional life studying old age as a social, cultural, and economic problem. I had not, however, paid much attention to my own old age, creeping stealthily up on me. What began as a whisper in my early 80s became, by my 87th birthday this year, a loud clamor—insisting on being noticed and accelerating at a rapid rate. It is now obvious to myself and others close to me that I am falling apart, (...)
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    Popular Education and Democratic Thought in AmericaEducation and the Cult of Efficiency.Vernon Mallinson, Rush Welter & Raymond E. Callahan - 1963 - British Journal of Educational Studies 12 (1):87.
  41.  16
    Long‐acting contraception.Ellen Moskowik, Bruce Jennings & Daniel Callahan - 1995 - Hastings Center Report 25 (1):1-1.
  42.  27
    Transfer-activated response sets: Effect of overtraining and percentage of items shifted on a verbal discrimination shift.Coleman Paul, Charles Callahan, Marilyn Mereness & Kenneth Wilhelm - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 78 (3p1):488.
  43.  9
    Policy to Practice in Wales.Michael Reed & Alison Morrall - 2009 - In Michael Reed & Natalie Canning (eds.), Reflective practice in the early years. Los Angeles: SAGE. pp. 52.
  44.  13
    Disability and Technology: Key Papers From Disability & Society.Alan Roulstone, Alison Sheldon & Jennifer Harris (eds.) - 2015 - Routledge.
    This edited collection brings together keynote articles from the journal _Disability & Society_ to provide a comprehensive and though-provoking exploration of the place of technology in disabled people’s lives, documenting and analysing the growing impact of technology on disability and society over recent decades. The authors explore theoretical, empirical and moral dilemmas that arise with the changing relationship between technological change and the lives, aspirations and possibilities of disabled people. The volume is organised into three parts which consider early foundational (...)
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    The humane imperative: A moral opportunity.Kimberly A. Urie, Alison Stanley & Jerold D. Friedman - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (3):20 – 21.
  46.  35
    To Envy an Algorithm.Alison Duncan Kerr - 2022 - In Sara Protasi (ed.), The Moral Psychology of Envy. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 199-216.
  47. Anticipatory Guilt.Alison Duncan Kerr - 2019 - In Bradford Cokelet & Corey J. Maley (eds.), The Moral Psychology of Guilt. Rowman & Littlefield International.
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  48. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals - Gender Equality.Alison Duncan Kerr (ed.) - 2020
  49.  47
    A meta‐analysis of hospital 30‐day avoidable readmission rates.Carl van Walraven, Alison Jennings & Alan J. Forster - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (6):1211-1218.
  50.  43
    Electrophysiological resting state and default-mode networks from magnetoencephalography functional connectivity analyses.Wens Vincent, Mary Alison, Marty Brice, Bourguignon Mathieu, Goldman Serge, Op De Beeck Marc, Van Bogaert Patrick, Peigneux Philippe & De Tiège Xavier - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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