Results for 'Ali El-Hajj'

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  1.  44
    Ethics centers’ activities and role in promoting ethics in universities.Lise Safatly, Hiba Itani, Ali El-Hajj & Dania Salem - 2017 - Ethics and Education 12 (2):153-169.
    In modern and well-structured universities, ethics centers are playing a key role in hosting, organizing, and managing activities to enrich and guide students’ ethical thinking and analysis. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the goals, activities, and administration of ethics centers, as well as their role in promoting ethical thinking for academic, career, and business purposes. The paper also gives an overview of the most common activities organized by these hubs in order to highlight their contributions to pedagogy, student (...)
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    Fadi Hindi, L’identité des maronites et leur rôle dans l’établissement du Liban moderne selon Youakim Moubarak. Beyrouth, Centre de Recherches et de Publications de l’Orient-Chrétien, Université Saint-Joseph , 2016, 380 p. [REVIEW]Marine El Hajj - 2016 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 72 (3):527-528.
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    François-Michel Rigot, Origine de la Tradition mariale. Le mystère de la Femme. Paris, Groupe Elidia, Éditions Artège - Lethielleux, 2017, 479 p. [REVIEW]Marine El Hajj - 2019 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 75 (3):525.
  4.  31
    Khalil Alwan, Anthropologie de Jacques de Saroug. Tome I. Introduction générale, problème de l’authenticité, commentaire théologique et anthropologique. Beyrouth, Centre de Recherches et de Publications de l’Orient-Chrétien, Université Saint-Joseph , 2016, 412 p. Khalil Alwan, Anthropologie de Jacques de Saroug. Tome II. Quatre homélies métriques sur la création. Texte critique, traduction française, notes et index. Beyrouth, Centre de Recherches et de Publications de l’Orient-Chrétien, Université Saint-Joseph , 2016, 391 p. [REVIEW]Marine El Hajj - 2017 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 73 (3):463.
  5.  13
    Denise Veillette, dir., Les répondantes diocésaines à la condition des femmes. 25 ans d’histoire, 1981-2006. Tome IV. Des femmes de terrain solidaires de la cause des femmes. Québec, Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 2015, vi-986 p. [REVIEW]Marine El Hajj - 2019 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 75 (2):348.
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    François-Xavier Amherdt, L’animation biblique de la pastorale. 120 propositions pratiques. Bruxelles, Éditions Lumen vitae (coll. « Pédagogie pastorale », 12), 2017, 183 p. [REVIEW]Marine El Hajj - 2019 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 75 (2):337.
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    Randomized Controlled Trial on the Use of Intravenous Immune Globulin in Acute Pediatric Myocarditis.Sonia Ali El-Saiedi - 2014 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 5 (1).
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    Ibn ʻArabī - time and cosmology.Muḥammad ʻAlī Ḥājj Yūsuf - 2008 - New York: Routledge.
    This book is the first comprehensive attempt to explain Ibn ‘Arabî’s distinctive view of time and its role in the process of creating the cosmos and its relation with the Creator. By comparing this original view with modern theories of physics and cosmology, Mohamed Haj Yousef constructs a new cosmological model that may deepen and extend our understanding of the world, while potentially solving some of the drawbacks in the current models such as the historical Zeno's paradoxes of motion and (...)
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    Workplace silence behavior and its consequences on nurses: A new Egyptian validation scale of nursing motives.Nagah Abd El-Fattah Mohamed Aly, Safaa M. El-Shanawany & Maha Ghanem - 2022 - Clinical Ethics 17 (1):71-82.
    Background Workplace silence behavior is a social collective phenomenon. It refers to nurses choosing to withhold their ideas, opinions and concerns about critical issues in their workplace. Workplace silence behavior poses a threat to organizational ethics and success. It also has adverse effects on the performance of nurses in health organizations. Underlying nursing causes of silence behaviors could be related to individual, social and organizational attributes in health care settings. Objectives The study aimed to develop a new Egyptian validation scale (...)
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    Chaos Prediction in Fractional Delayed Energy-Based Models of Capital Accumulation.Mohamed El-Borhamy, Tamer Medhat & Manal E. Ali - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-14.
    This paper presents the nonlinear dynamic analysis of energy-based models arisen from the applied systems characterized by the energy transport in the presence of fractional order derivative and time delay. The studied model is the fractional version of Bianca-Ferrara-Dalgaard-Strulik model of economy which is viewed as a transport network for energy in which the law of motion of capital occurs. By considering the time delay as bifurcation parameter, a proof to investigate the existence of Hopf bifurcation and the phase lock (...)
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    Asymptotic Prediction for Future Observations of a Random Sample of Unknown Continuous Distribution.Magdy El-Adll, H. M. Barakat & Amany Aly - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-15.
    When the first r lower extreme order statistics of a sample of large size n, 1 < r < s < n, are observed, asymptotic predictive intervals of the future extreme order statistic with a rank s are constructed. The only assumption that we adopt is that the first failure time is attracted to the Weibull distribution. In addition, we suggest an efficient point estimator of its shape parameter and then a confidence interval is constructed for it. Moreover, new interesting (...)
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    Informing the Debate around ADHD: Take Care of Zizi, directed by Karim El Shennawy, 2021.Khalid Ali & Mona El Shimi - 2022 - Journal of Medical Humanities 43 (3):513-516.
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  13. SNOMED CT standard ontology based on the ontology for general medical science.Shaker El-Sappagh, Francesco Franda, Ali Farman & Kyung-Sup Kwak - 2018 - BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 76 (18):1-19.
    Background: Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine—Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT, hereafter abbreviated SCT) is a comprehensive medical terminology used for standardizing the storage, retrieval, and exchange of electronic health data. Some efforts have been made to capture the contents of SCT as Web Ontology Language (OWL), but these efforts have been hampered by the size and complexity of SCT. -/- Method: Our proposal here is to develop an upper-level ontology and to use it as the basis for defining the terms in SCT (...)
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  14. Illusionism: Making the Problem of Hallucinations Disappear.Rami El Ali - 2014 - Dissertation, University of Miami
    My dissertation contributes to a central and ongoing debate in the philosophy of perception about the fundamental nature of perceptual states. Such states include cases like seeing, hearing, or tasting as well as cases of merely seeming to see, hear, or taste. A central question about perceptual states arises in light of misperceptual phenomena. A commonsensical view of perceptual states construes them as simply relating us to the external and mind independent objects. But some misperceptual cases suggest that these states (...)
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    Exploring human resource management roles in corporate social responsibility: the CSR‐HRM co‐creation model.Dima R. Jamali, Ali M. El Dirani & Ian A. Harwood - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (2):125-143.
    Formulating and translating corporate social responsibility strategy into actual managerial practices and outcome values remain ongoing challenges for many organizations. This paper argues that the human resource management function can potentially play an important role in supporting organizations to address this challenge. We argue that HRM could provide an interesting and dynamic support to CSR strategy design as well as implementation and delivery. Drawing on a systematic review of relevant strategic CSR and HRM literatures, this paper highlights the important interfaces (...)
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  16.  14
    Early Muslim concept of epistemology.Ali El-Konaissi - 2003 - Gent: Communication & Cognition.
  17. What is the share of philosophy in the educational curriculum, if there is, of the monasteries of the egyptian west desert in the beginning of middle ages?Ali El-Konaissi - 2000 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 33 (3-4):227-235.
  18.  46
    Ethico-legal aspects and ethical climate: Managing safe patient care and medical errors in nursing work.Nagah Abd El-Fattah Mohamed Aly, Safaa M. El-Shanawany & Ayman Mohamed Abou Ghazala - 2020 - Clinical Ethics 15 (3):132-140.
    Background The nursing profession requires ethical and legal regulations to guide nurses’ performance. Ethical climate plays a part in shaping nurses’ ethical practice. Therefore, ethico-legal aspects and ethical climate contribute to improving nurses’ ethical practice and competencies with reducing medical errors in hospital settings. Objective This study examined the effect of ethico-legal aspects and ethical climate on managing safe patient care and medical errors among nurses. Materials and methods A cross-sectional correlational study was carried out on 548 nurses. Data were (...)
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  19.  11
    Truth-telling to the seriously ill child – Nurses’ experiences, attitudes, and beliefs.Mandy El Ali, Sharon Licqurish, Jenny O'Neill & Lynn Gillam - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (5):930-950.
    Background Nurses play an integral role in the care of children hospitalised with a serious illness. Although information about diagnostics, treatments, and prognosis are generally conveyed to parents and caregivers of seriously ill children by physicians, nurses spend a significant amount of time at the child’s bedside and have an acknowledged role in helping patients and families understand the information that they have been given by a doctor. Hence, the ethical role of the nurse in truth disclosure to children is (...)
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    Linking ethical leadership to nurses’ internal whistleblowing through psychological safety.Heba Emad El-Gazar, Nadiah A. Baghdadi, Sally Mohammed Farghaly Abdelaliem & Mohamed Ali Zoromba - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background: Cultivating internal whistleblowing among nurses is of paramount importance to nurse leaders. Yet, the literature on how nurse leaders can foster this phenomenon among nurses is limited. Additionally, the underlying mechanisms linking leadership behaviors to internal whistleblowing intentions remain underexplored. Aim: This study aimed to examine how ethical leadership is linked to internal whistleblowing intentions among nurses through the mediating effect of psychological safety. Research design: A multicenter cross-sectional research design was used for this study. Participants and research context: (...)
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  21.  45
    Asymptotic Prediction for Future Observations of a Random Sample of Unknown Continuous Distribution.Magdy E. El-Adll, H. M. Barakat & Amany E. Aly - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-15.
    When the first r lower extreme order statistics of a sample of large size n, 1 < r < s < n, are observed, asymptotic predictive intervals of the future extreme order statistic with a rank s are constructed. The only assumption that we adopt is that the first failure time is attracted to the Weibull distribution. In addition, we suggest an efficient point estimator of its shape parameter and then a confidence interval is constructed for it. Moreover, new interesting (...)
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  22.  1
    Decent work and ethical ideologies of nurses—A multicenter cross-sectional study.Mohamed Ali Zoromba, Hasan Abualruz, Mohammad A. Abu Sabra, Mohamed Ahmed Zoromba & Heba Emad El-Gazar - 2025 - Nursing Ethics 32 (2):601-613.
    Background Although research has established that the work environment significantly shapes nurses’ ethical behavior, it’s less clear whether decent work could influence ethical ideologies of nurses. Aim To investigate the decent work conditions and ethical ideologies of nurses, and to analyze whether decent work influences their ethical ideologies. Methods A multicenter cross-sectional survey was conducted among 203 nurses working in three tertiary governmental hospitals across two cities in Egypt. We utilized the Scale of Decent Work, which consists of 15 items (...)
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  23.  28
    Graduate recruitment offers: ethical and professional considerations for engineering graduate students and faculty members.Islam H. El-Adaway, Mohamad Abdul Nabi, Ramy Khalef, Tamima Elbashbishy, Gasser G. Ali, Radwa Eissa & Muaz O. Ahmed - 2023 - Ethics and Behavior 33 (7):597-615.
    According to the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc. [ABET], 2019), any approved engineering program must provide the student with “an ability to recognize ethical and professi...
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    Keşfu'l-esrâr fî şerh-i risâle-i Birgivî.Ali Sadri el-Konevî - 2020 - İstanbul: Tahkîk Yayınları. Edited by Melikşah Sezen.
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  25. Hak: Islam a religion of ethics.Gad El-Hak Ali Gad El - forthcoming - Proceedings of the First International Conference on Bioethics in Human Reproduction Research in the Muslim World, Gi Serour (Ed). Iicpsr, Cairo, Egypt.
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    The Ottoman Vezir and Paşa Households 1683-1703: A Preliminary ReportThe Ottoman Vezir and Pasa Households 1683-1703: A Preliminary Report. [REVIEW]Rifaat Ali Abou-El-Haj - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (4):438.
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    Stability Analysis for Differential Equations of the General Conformable Type.Abdellatif Ben Makhlouf, El-Sayed El-Hady, Salah Boulaaras & Mohamed Ali Hammami - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-6.
    Fractional calculus is nowadays an efficient tool in modelling many interesting nonlinear phenomena. This study investigates, in a novel way, the Ulam–Hyers and Ulam–Hyers–Rassias stability of differential equations with general conformable derivative. In our analysis, we employ some version of Banach fixed-point theory. In this way, we generalize several earlier interesting results. Two examples are given at the end to illustrate our results.
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    Post COVID-19 workplace ostracism and counterproductive behaviors: Moral leadership.Nadia Hassan Ali Awad & Boshra Karem Mohamed El Sayed - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (7-8):990-1002.
    Background The wide proliferation of Covid-19 has impacted billions of people all over the world. This catastrophic pandemic outbreak and ostracism at work have posed challenges for all healthcare professionals, especially for nurses, and have led to a significant increase in the workload, several physical and mental problems, and a change in behavior that is more negative and counterproductive. Therefore, leadership behaviors that are moral in nature serve as a trigger and lessen the adverse workplace effects on nurses’ conduct. Aim (...)
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  29.  23
    Tecsîm ve Teşbîh İçerdiği İddiasıyla Bişr el-Merīsī Taraftarlarının Tartışma Konusu Yaptığı Bazı Hadisler.Ali Kaya - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):1401-1423.
    Bişr el-Merîsî taraftarları ile Osman ed-Dârimî arasında burada tartışma konusu yapılan hadisler haberî sıfatları konu alan ve müşkil nitelikte olan rivayetlerden oluşmaktadır. Bu rivayetleri genelde Bişr el-Merîsî ve taraftarlarının tecsîm ve teşbîh içerdiği iddiasıyla münker kabul ettikleri görülmektedir. Ehl-i re’y özellikleri taşımakla birlikte ilahî sıfatlar konusunda Mu’tezilî bir anlayışa sahip olduklarından tenzih anlayışları gereği sıfatları reddetmektedirler. Yaratılmışlara ait niteliklerin yaratıcıya nisbet edilmesini tenzîh anlayışlarına aykırı gördüklerinden bu tür müşkil rivayetleri ya kendi anlayışları doğrultusunda te’vîl ya da reddettikleri gözlenmektedir. Sert bir (...)
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    La aparición de la esfera pública Abbasí: el caso de al-Mutanabbī y tres mecenas de extracción social media.Samer Mahdy Ali - 2008 - Al-Qantara 29 (2):467-494.
    En el siglo X, y en la zona de Siria e Iraq, el número de poetas canónicos que dedicaron panegíricos (madīḥ) a miembros no destacados de la sociedad experimentó un incremento sin precedentes. A lo largo de los últimos treinta años, especialistas en este campo han formulado diversas teorías sobre los himnos de alabanza dedicados a la realeza y a los gobernantes, pero ¿qué llevó a personas corrientes, sin ninguna aspiración de llegar a gobernar, a pagar grandes cantidades de dinero (...)
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  31. Naḥaliʹel.Isaac Breuer - 1951 - [Tel-Aviv,:
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    Some Hadiths Subjected to Discussion by Supporters of Bishr al-Marīsī Due to Having an Anthropormorphist and Corporealist Content.Ali Kaya - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):163-188.
    Hadiths that have been discussed in this paper consist of narrations regarding divine attributes and having some problematic meanings between supporters of Bişr al-Marīsī and ʿUthmān al-Dārimī. These narrations were mostly accepted denounced (munkar) by Bişr al-Marīsī and his sopporters due to having an anthropormophist and corporealist content about God. They rejected divine attributes according to their understanding of God based on incomparability (tanzīh) which provided by Mutazilite approach towards divine attributes even though they conveyed some features of Ahl al-Ra’y. (...)
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    Türk düşünce tarihi: el kitabı.Bayram Ali Çetinkaya (ed.) - 2018 - Balgat, Ankara: Grafiker.
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    Applying Deep Learning Methods on Time-Series Data for Forecasting COVID-19 in Egypt, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia.Nahla F. Omran, Sara F. Abd-el Ghany, Hager Saleh, Abdelmgeid A. Ali, Abdu Gumaei & Mabrook Al-Rakhami - 2021 - Complexity 2021 (1):6686745.
    The novel coronavirus disease is regarded as one of the most imminent disease outbreaks which threaten public health on various levels worldwide. Because of the unpredictable outbreak nature and the virus’s pandemic intensity, people are experiencing depression, anxiety, and other strain reactions. The response to prevent and control the new coronavirus pneumonia has reached a crucial point. Therefore, it is essential—for safety and prevention purposes—to promptly predict and forecast the virus outbreak in the course of this troublesome time to have (...)
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  35. El espacio imaginal en Venezuela: el campo de la región imaginada de tiempo-pasado e historia.Enrique Alí González Ordosgoitti - 2000 - Apuntes Filosóficos 17:165-190.
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    Meb'diü’l-Usûl. Saîd Ahmed el-B'lenbûrî. Pakistan: Mektebetü’l-Büşr', 2010.Mehmet Ali Kilinç - 2021 - Atebe 6:205-208.
    1942 yılında Hindistan’da dünyaya gelen merhum Saîd Ahmed el-Bâlenbûrî, çağımızın önemli bilginlerindendir. Uzun yıllar Diyobend medreselerinde fıkıh ve hadis müderrisliği yapmıştır. Bu medreselerde okutulmak üzere birtakım ders kitapları kaleme almıştır. Onun yazdığı ders kitaplarından birisi de Hanefi mezhebi usulüne dair telif ettiği Mebâdiü’l-Usûl adlı eserdir. Bu çalışmayla ilgili eser tanıtılarak eksik görülen yönlerinin ortaya çıkarılması amaçlanmıştır.
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    Klasik ve Modern Dönem Hadis Fetva Kitaplarının Muhtevalarına Yönelik Bir Mukayese.Ali Can Kanoğlu - 2021 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 7 (1):387-430.
    In this paper, I analyse the issue of “hadith fatwas”, which has not studied enough in academic ground. The litera-ture of hadith fatwas is consisted of the questions asked by all Muslims, whether they have academic interest in Hadith or not, to the scholars and the answers given by the scholars. The most famous samples of this literature, which dates back to 3rd century AH, were written in the 9th and 10th century AH. One of the most distinguishing features of (...)
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  38. Buscando el hombre completo.José Carlos Alía - 1972 - [Algorta (España),: Zero; distribuidor exclusivo: ZYX, Madrid.
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    Ebûbekir b. el-Enb'rî'nin Şerhu'l-Kas'idi's-Seb'i't-Tiv'li'l-C'hiliyy't Adlı Eserinde Nahiv ve Konuları-Betimsel ve Çözümsel Bir İnceleme.Lawand ALİ & Majed Haj Mohammad - 2020 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 8 (13):35-58.
    Mu‘allâkâtların, tefsir, nahiv, sarf ve dil ilimlerindeki önemli rolünün yanı sıra Arap dili ve edebiyatı âleminde de yüksek ve önemli bir konumu bulunmaktadır. Cahiliye devri müfredatlarının pek çoğunu kapsamasından ötürü dil ve edebiyat erbabı ona önem atfetmiştir. Onlardan biri de, ‘Şerhü’l-Kasâ’idi’l-السبع’ adıyla el-Muâ‘llekât’a yaptığı şerhiyle Ebu Bekir Muhammed bin el-Kasım bin Beşar bin el-Anbari. Bu eserinde pek çok nahiv, zamirin aidiyeti, harflerin manası, zarf ile car ve mecrûrun bağlı olduğu yerin belirlenmesi, müfredatlarıni‘râbı, illetler arasındaki üstünlükler, kıyasa ve luğatta asıl olana, (...)
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  40.  18
    Social Responsibility of Educational Institutions in Supporting the Entrepreneurship Sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Dhafallah Maghem Alotaibi, Yasmin Alaa El-din Ali Youssef, Fatma Ali Aboulhaded Ali, Asmaa Hassan Omran Hassan, Haifa Mohammed Sulaiman Al-Rubaian & Mostafa Mohamed Ahmed Elfeky - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:132-156.
    This study aimed to identify the social responsibility of higher education institutions in supporting the entrepreneurship sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, To achieve this goal, the descriptive and analytical method was used, by designing a questionnaire and distributing it to the research sample, which consists of 200 students and workers at Imam Abdul Rahman bin Faisal University. The study found the importance of training and qualification in developing and stimulating entrepreneurship in the Kingdom, The lack of development of (...)
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  41. Pensar la Metafísica desde el “Espacio Imaginal” y el “Espacio Interior”. Breves ejercicios.Enrique Alí González Ordosgoitti - 2013 - Apuntes Filosóficos 22 (42).
    En este trabajo, concebido como breves ejercicios, intentamos pensar la importancia de la Metafísica, desde los conceptos de Espacio Imaginal, del fenomenólogo de la religión, Corbin y de Espacio Interior, del matemático Thom, pensando que tal reflexión nos ayudaría a comprender la realidad del asiento del Imaginario, del Ideario y de la Memoria Colectiva de las Sociedades, ya que cada una de esas dimensiones actúa según la lógica espacial. Thinking Metaphysics from "Imaginal Space" and "Inner Space" Short exercises.This paper, conceived (...)
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    Islam: Religion, History, and Civilization (review).Zain Imtiaz Ali - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (3):495-497.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Islam: Religion, History, and CivilizationZain AliIslam: Religion, History, and Civilization. By Seyyed Hossein Nasr. San Francisco: Harper San Francisco, 2003. Pp. 224. Paper $9.71."Islam," writes Seyyed Hossein Nasr, "is like a vast tapestry," and in his book Islam: Religion, History, and Civilization he aims to survey the masterpiece that is Islam. The present work is part of a trilogy including Ideal and Realities of Islam and The Heart (...)
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  43. (1 other version)La cultura religiosa en el reinado de'Abd Al-Rahman III.Mahmud Alí Makki - 1996 - Endoxa 6:79-108.
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    La cultura religiosa en el reinado de 'Abd Al-Rahm'n III.Mahmûd 'Ali Makki - 1995 - Endoxa 1 (6):79.
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    Impact of moral resilience and interprofessional collaboration on nurses’ ethical competence.Shaimaa Mohamed Amin, Mohamed Hussein Ramadan Atta, Mahmoud Abdelwahab Khedr, Heba Emad El-Gazar & Mohamed Ali Zoromba - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background Home care nurses are central in providing holistic and compassionate care to patients in home-based palliative care. Ethical caring competency is essential for home care to sustain nurses’ integrity in the face of moral adversity. Interprofessional collaboration is vital for ensuring ethical decision-making and providing patient-centered care in home-based palliative care settings. Aim This study explored the predictive roles of interprofessional collaboration and moral resilience on ethical caring competency among home care nurses in home-based palliative care. Methods A cross-sectional (...)
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    Professional Interventions for Digital Social Work: Reality and Challenges -Analytical Study.Dhafallah Maghem Alotaibi, Mostafa Mohamed Ahmed Elfeky, Walid Atef Mansour Elsayad, Hussein Abdelfattah M. Abdelkhalek & Yasmin Alaa El-din Ali Youssef - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1805-1814.
    With a view to developing a vision for the development and activation of digital professional interventions for social work, the research paper will analyze the reality of professional intervention for digital social service at both minor and major practice levels, along with its most significant challenges. This is necessary given the rapid digital transformation that has permeated all spheres of life and necessitates that the humanitarian assistance professions, including the social work profession, keep up with it in order to provide (...)
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  47. La cultura religiosa en el reinado de'Abd Al-Rahman III.Mahmud 'Ali Makki - 1995 - Endoxa 6:79-108.
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    Water as Divine Mirror in the Poetry of Daud Kamal.Ali Zaidi - 2021 - Studium 26:203-220.
    : In the poetry of Daud Kamal, water figures as an image of mercy, as in the Quran, and as a mirror that reflects divine hidden presence. The rock pool evokes the memory of Gandhara and other foundational civilizations born in love and creative ferment. Conversely, the images of drought, heat, and dust symbolize a parched spiritual order. The river, a recurring archetypal image in Kamal’s poetry, represents the fluid self that is subsumed into collective identity to become a poetic (...)
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  49. La cabecera de la mesa (una anécdota de 'El Quijote' y un antecedente andalusí).Mahmud Alí Makki - 1998 - Al-Qantara 19 (2):337-342.
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    İbn Kesîr’in el-Bid'ye ve’n-nih'ye’sinin Siyer Kısmında Bazı Sahîhayn Hadislerini Muhteva Tenkidinin Tahlili.Mehmet Ali Çalgan - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (1):303-324.
    Bu çalışmanın amacı İbn Kesîr’in (öl. 774/1373) el-Bidâye ve’n-nihâye isimli tarih çalışmasının siyer bölümünde Sahîhayn hadislerini muhteva açısından tenkidinin araştırılması ve tahlilidir. Çalışmamızın konusu ise İbn Kesîr’in mezkûr eserinde yirmi Sahihayn hadisini Kur’ân-ı Kerîm (3 hadis), akıl (1 hadis), icmâ (1 hadis), sahih hadisler (7 hadis) ve sağlam târihî bilgilere (8 hadis) uygunluk/aykırılık kıstaslarını kullanarak tenkidi ve on dört hadiste izah getiremediği yanlışların birer hata olduğunu kaydetmesidir. İbn Kesîr’in incelenen hadislerin muhteva tenkidine müsait bir hâle gelmesine yol açan râvi tasarruflarına (...)
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