Results for 'Adam Vinueza'

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  1.  75
    Sensations and the language of thought.Adam Vinueza - 2000 - Philosophical Psychology 13 (3):373-392.
    I discuss two forms of the thesis that to have a sensation is to token a sentence in a language of thought-what I call, following Georges Rey, the sensational sentences thesis. One form of the thesis is a version of standard functionalism, while the other is a version of the increasingly popular thesis that for a sensation to have qualia is for it to have a certain kind of intentional content-that is, intentionalism. I defend the basic idea behind the sensational (...)
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  2. Realism and mind independence.Adam Vinueza - 2001 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 82 (1):51–70.
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  3. (1 other version)Self-locating belief and the sleeping beauty problem.Adam Elga - 2000 - Analysis 60 (2):143–147.
    In addition to being uncertain about what the world is like, one can also be uncertain about one’s own spatial or temporal location in the world. My aim is to pose a problem arising from the interaction between these two sorts of uncertainty, solve the problem, and draw two lessons from the solution.
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    Working on the argument pipeline: Through flow issues between natural language argument, instantiated arguments, and argumentation frameworks.Adam Wyner, Tom van Engers & Anthony Hunter - 2016 - Argument and Computation 7 (1):69-89.
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    Reconciling intuitive physics and Newtonian mechanics for colliding objects.Adam N. Sanborn, Vikash K. Mansinghka & Thomas L. Griffiths - 2013 - Psychological Review 120 (2):411-437.
  6. Isolation and folk physics.Adam Elga - 2007 - In Huw Price & Richard Corry (eds.), Causation, Physics and the Constitution of Reality: Russell’s Republic Revisited. New York: Oxford University Press.
    There is a huge chasm between the notion of lawful determination that figures in fundamental physics, and the notion of causal determination that figures in the "folk physics" of everyday objects. In everyday life, we think of the behavior of an ordinary object as being determined by a small set of simple conditions. But in fundamental physics, no such conditions suffice to determine an ordinary object's behavior. What bridges the chasm is that fundamental physical laws make the folk picture of (...)
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    Capitalism and the Commons.Adam Arvidsson - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (2):3-30.
    This article investigates the potential role of the commons in the future transformation of digital capitalism by comparing it to the role of the commons in the transition to capitalism. In medieval and early modern Europe the commons supported gradual social and technological innovation as well as a new civil society organized around the combination of commons-based petty production and new ideals of freedom and equality. Today the new commons generated by the global real subsumption of ordinary life processes are (...)
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  8. Names and “Cutting Being at the Joints” in the Cratylus.Adam Wood - 2007 - Dionysius 25.
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    Introduction to special issue on modelling policy-making.Adam Wyner & Neil Benn - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 21 (4):367-369.
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    Literary bioinformatics studies: The genetic code mystique.Adam Zaretsky - 2018 - Technoetic Arts 16 (3):267-276.
    What is life and what does it mean to be in the living political universe of entitiness without rhyme or reason? Flappy exudate, a bag in a bag, corpuscles of corporeality, worms (or flesh tubes) with appendages, even the cult of first involution – these are our body pods and the hunger and thirst of being-in. How can the situation of anatomical form be analysed without the illusion of instrumentalized reflection? Perhaps by amalgamating the categories and their issues. The issuance (...)
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    Platonic and Aristotelian Teichopolitics.Adam Woodcox - 2022 - Polis 39 (1):185-202.
    This paper provides a sustained investigation into ancient teichopolitics – the politics of constructing walls – and the question of whether the best city should be surrounded by walls. Plato’s Laws adopts the Spartan view that walls have a negative effect on national character and argues that they should be ‘left lying asleep and undisturbed in the ground’. Aristotle’s Politics puts forward a series of objections to Plato and adopts the more pragmatic view that walls are necessary. Although both philosophers (...)
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  12. Œuvres de Descartes.Charles Adam & Paul Tannery - 1901 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 9 (3):6-6.
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  13. Symmetries and Paraparticles as a Motivation for Structuralism.Adam Caulton & Jeremy Butterfield - 2012 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 63 (2):233-285.
    This article develops an analogy proposed by Stachel between general relativity (GR) and quantum mechanics (QM) as regards permutation invariance. Our main idea is to overcome Pooley's criticism of the analogy by appeal to paraparticles. In GR, the equations are (the solution space is) invariant under diffeomorphisms permuting spacetime points. Similarly, in QM the equations are invariant under particle permutations. Stachel argued that this feature—a theory's ‘not caring which point, or particle, is which’—supported a structuralist ontology. Pooley criticizes this analogy: (...)
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    The Lattice of Super-Belnap Logics.Adam Přenosil - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (1):114-163.
    We study the lattice of extensions of four-valued Belnap–Dunn logic, called super-Belnap logics by analogy with superintuitionistic logics. We describe the global structure of this lattice by splitting it into several subintervals, and prove some new completeness theorems for super-Belnap logics. The crucial technical tool for this purpose will be the so-called antiaxiomatic (or explosive) part operator. The antiaxiomatic (or explosive) extensions of Belnap–Dunn logic turn out to be of particular interest owing to their connection to graph theory: the lattice (...)
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    What is an open mind?Adam Adatto Sandel - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (4):360-370.
    In this article, I suggest that an open mind wholly unburdened by preconceptions and prejudgments is a mistaken ideal. Not only is it unrealistic; it deprives us of context and background knowledge relevant to judging well. I begin with two cases that show how the ideal of the “prejudice-free” mind, though appealing, may end up thwarting good judgment: blind assessment and “blank-slate” jury selection. I then trace the prejudice-free ideal to the Enlightenment, exposing its roots in the subject-object worldview. Drawing (...)
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  16.  39
    Senses of ‘argument’ in instantiated argumentation frameworks.Adam Wyner, Trevor Bench-Capon, Paul Dunne & Federico Cerutti - 2015 - Argument and Computation 6 (1):50-72.
    Argumentation Frameworks provide a fruitful basis for exploring issues of defeasible reasoning. Their power largely derives from the abstract nature of the arguments within the framework, where arguments are atomic nodes in an undifferentiated relation of attack. This abstraction conceals different senses of argument, namely a single-step reason to a claim, a series of reasoning steps to a single claim, and reasoning steps for and against a claim. Concrete instantiations encounter difficulties and complexities as a result of conflating these senses. (...)
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  17.  27
    A dilution effect without dilution: When missing evidence, not non-diagnostic evidence, is judged inaccurately.Adam N. Sanborn, Takao Noguchi, James Tripp & Neil Stewart - 2020 - Cognition 196 (C):104110.
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    Editorial: The Future of Perceptual Illusions: From Phenomenology to Neuroscience.Adam Reeves & Baingio Pinna - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  19.  20
    The Problem of Trust.Adam B. Seligman - 1997 - Princeton University Press.
    The problem of trust in social relationships was central to the emergence of the modern form of civil society and much discussed by social and political philosophers of the early modern period. Over the past few years, in response to the profound changes associated with postmodernity, trust has returned to the attention of political scientists, sociologists, economists, and public policy analysts. In this sequel to his widely admired book, The Idea of Civil Society, Adam Seligman analyzes trust as a (...)
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  20.  34
    Autonomy and the Ethical Status of Comprehensive Education.Adam D. Bailey - 2014 - Educational Theory 64 (4):393-408.
    On grounds of autonomy, is comprehensive education — an approach to education that attempts to facilitate the acceptance of certain beliefs and ways of life as being correct, and refuses to sympathetically expose students to contrary beliefs and ways of life — ethically suspect? Recently, Bryan R. Warnick has argued that it is. In this essay, Adam D. Bailey critically evaluates Warnick's argument, and contends that it is unsuccessful. In particular, he argues that Warnick's argument from necessity does not (...)
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  21. ``How to Disagree about How to Disagree".Adam Elga - 2010 - In Richard Feldman & Ted A. Warfield (eds.), Disagreement. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
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  22. Why Explain Visual Experience in Terms of Content?Adam Pautz - 2010 - In Bence Nanay (ed.), Perceiving the world. New York: Oxford University Press.
  23. The changing significance of chance experiments in technological development.Matthias Adam - manuscript
    Industrial drug design methodology has undergone remarkable changes in the recent history. Up to the 1970s, the screening of large numbers of randomly selected substances in biological test system was often a crucial step in the development of novel drugs. From the early 1980s, such ‘blind’ screening was increasingly rejected by many pharmaceutical researchers and gave way to ‘rational drug design’, a method that grounds the design of new drugs on a detailed mechanistic understanding of the drug action. Surprisingly, however, (...)
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  24.  48
    Beyond Infinity: Augustine and Cantor.Adam Drozdek - 1995 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 51 (1):127-140.
  25.  40
    Thinking about threats: Memory and prospection in human threat management.Adam Bulley, Julie D. Henry & Thomas Suddendorf - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 49 (C):53-69.
  26.  36
    Economics, health and development: some ethical dilemmas facing the World Bank and the international community.Adam Wagstaff - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (4):262-267.
    The World Bank is committed to “work[ing] with countries to improve the health, nutrition and population outcomes of the world's poor, and to protect[ing] the population from the impoverishing effects of illness, malnutrition and high fertility”.1 Ethical issues arise in the interpretation of these objectives and in helping countries formulate strategies and policies. It is these ethical issues—which are often not acknowledged by commentators—that are the subject of this paper. It asks why there should be a focus on the poor, (...)
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    Noise in cognition : bug or feature?Adam N. Sanborn, Jian-Qiao Zhu, Jake Spicer, Pablo León-Villagrá, Lucas Castillo, Johanna K. Falbén, Yun-Xiao Li, Aidan Tee & Nick Chater - forthcoming - .
    Noise in behavior is often viewed as a nuisance: while the mind aims to take the best possible action, it is let down by unreliability in the sensory and response systems. How researchers study cognition reflects this viewpoint – averaging over trials and participants to discover the deterministic relationships between experimental manipulations and their behavioral consequences, with noise represented as additive, often Gaussian, and independent. Yet a careful look at behavioral noise reveals rich structure that defies easy explanation. First, both (...)
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    The Institution of Philosophy: Escaping Disciplinary Capture.Adam Briggle & Robert Frodeman - 2016 - Metaphilosophy 47 (1):26-38.
    Philosophers view themselves as critical thinkers par excellence. But they have overlooked the institutional arrangements that govern their lives. The early twentieth-century research university disciplined philosophers, placing them in departments, where they wrote for and were judged by their disciplinary peers. Oddly, this change has been unremarked upon, or has been treated as simply part of the necessary professionalization of an academic field of research. The department has been tacitly assumed to be a neutral space from which thought germinates; it (...)
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    Cues, context, and long-term memory: the role of the retrosplenial cortex in spatial cognition.Adam M. P. Miller, Lindsey C. Vedder, L. Matthew Law & David M. Smith - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Heidegger and the Supposed Meaninglessness of Personal Immortality.Adam Buben - 2016 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 2 (3):384-399.
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    Reflexive Modernization Temporalized.Barbara Adam - 2003 - Theory, Culture and Society 20 (2):59-78.
    This article considers the relevance of time theory for Beck's theory of reflexive modernization and vice versa. It focuses in particular on discontinuity in the context of continuity, on decontextualization, naturalization and responsibility as key concerns of both perspectives on the industrial way of life. It makes explicit the temporal underpinnings of that cultural form with respect to five Cs: the creation of time to human design (C1), the commodification of time (C2), the compression of time (C3), the control of (...)
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  32.  44
    Finding Wilderness through Games.Adam Berg - 2015 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 42 (1):137-151.
    In forms of physical recreation associated with ‘wilderness experiences’, such as backcountry hiking or mountain climbing, technology is omnipresent. As a result, some may wonder whether genuine wilderness experiences are possible. In this essay, I argue that wilderness experiences are possible and that they can be enhanced through games. That is, I contend there are often physically challenging aspects to wilderness experiences that certain games can help to promote. This analysis will stress the fact that Bernard Suits delineated two comparable (...)
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  33.  28
    Experimental study of ostensibly shamanic journeying imagery in naïve participants I: Antecedents.Adam J. Rock, Peter B. Baynes & Paul J. Casey - 2005 - Anthropology of Consciousness 16 (2):72-92.
  34.  35
    Shamanic Journeying Imagery, Constructivism and the Affect Bridge Technique.Adam J. Rock & Peter B. Baynes - 2005 - Anthropology of Consciousness 16 (2):50-71.
  35.  20
    A Dialectical Taxonomy of Resistance.Adam Burgos - 2021 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 28:23-52.
    Working from Adorno’s notion of negative dialectics, this essay charts a dialectical course of resistance toward a horizon of universal freedom. Rather than propose relations between ideal types of resistance, it emphasizes the ineliminable historical dimensions of not only real-world resistance movements but also the philosophical and political theorizing that attempts to make sense of them. In doing so it brings out certain conceptual relations that emerge or recede as the context of resistance shifts. The first moment considers the dichotomy (...)
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  36.  21
    The Functions of Prospection – Variations in Health and Disease.Adam Bulley & Muireann Irish - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  37.  15
    Hume’s dictum as a guide to ontology.Adam Caulton - unknown
    In this paper I aim to defend one version at least of Hume’s dictum: roughly, the idea that possibility is determined by ontology through something like independent variation. My defence is broadly pragmatic, in the sense that adherence to something like Hume’s dictum delivers at least three benefits. The first benefit is that, through Hume’s dictum, a physical theory’s ontology delimits a range of possibilities, that I call kinematical possibilities, which serves as a sufficiently permissive notion of possibility to sustain (...)
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  38. Intellectual humility, knowledge-how, and disagreement.Adam Carter & Duncan Pritchard - 2015 - In Mi Chienkuo, Michael Slote & Ernest Sosa (eds.), Moral and Intellectual Virtues in Western and Chinese Philosophy: The Turn Toward Virtue. New York: Routledge. pp. 49-63.
    A familiar point in the literature on the epistemology of disagreement is that in the face of disagreement with a recognised epistemic peer the epistemically virtuous agent should adopt a stance of intellectual humility. That is, the virtuous agent should take a conciliatory stance and reduce her commitment to the proposition under dispute. In this paper, we ask the question of how such intellectual humility would manifest itself in a corresponding peer disagreement regarding knowledge-how. We argue that while it is (...)
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  39. An argument for finsler-Aczel set theory.Adam Rieger - 2000 - Mind 109 (434):241-253.
    Recent interest in non-well-founded set theories has been concentrated on Aczel's anti-foundation axiom AFA. I compare this axiom with some others considered by Aczel, and argue that another axiom, FAFA, is superior in that it gives the richest possible universe of sets consistent with respecting the spirit of extensionality. I illustrate how using FAFA instead of AFA might result in an improvement to Barwise and Etchemendy's treatment of the liar paradox.
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  40. Divided memories: confronting the crimes of previous regimes.Heribert Adam - 2000 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2000 (118):87-108.
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    Praxis teorije v psihoanalizi: etično vprašanje.Jacques Adam - 2011 - Filozofski Vestnik 32 (3).
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  42. Landscape Architects to the Stars-Minneapolis: Collaboration between star architects and local landscape architects.Adam Regn Arvidson - 2007 - Topos 61:66.
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  43. Temporal poetics of planetary transformations : Alexander von Humboldt and the geo-anthropological history of the Americas.Adam Wickberg - 2022 - In Anders Ekström & Staffan Bergwik (eds.), Times of history, times of nature: temporalization and the limits of modern knowledge. New York: Berghahn.
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    Variation in the human genome.Adam S. Wilkins - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (10):905-906.
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    What the papers say: Origins of the gonadal mesoderm in Drosophila.Adam S. Wilkins - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (9):627-628.
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    Politics in a Brave New World.Adam Wolfson - forthcoming - Public Affairs Quarterly.
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    Practice parameters in health reform: new state approaches precede Clinton plan.Adam Wolff - 1992 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 21 (3-4):394-397.
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    Temporal Origins Essentialism and Gappy Existence in Marsilius of Inghen’s Quaestiones super libros De generatione et corruptione.Adam Wood - 2023 - In Joshua P. Hochschild (ed.), Metaphysics Through Semantics: The Philosophical Recovery of the Medieval Mind. Springer. pp. 359-375.
    In his commentary on Aristotle’s De generatione et corruptione Marsilius of Inghen defends the view—unusual in the Middle Ages—that there is no such thing as intermittent or “gappy” existence. Even God cannot restore things that have been corrupted. This paper examines Marsilius’s unusual position, connecting them to another view he defends, namely that a thing’s origins—and in particular the time at which it comes about—are essential to its numerical identity as the particular individual it is. I consider John Buridan and (...)
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    The Effect of Right Temporal Lobe Gliomas on Left and Right Hemisphere Neural Processing During Speech Perception and Production Tasks.Adam Kenji Yamamoto, Ana Sanjuán, Rebecca Pope, Oiwi Parker Jones, Thomas M. H. Hope, Susan Prejawa, Marion Oberhuber, Laura Mancini, Justyna O. Ekert, Andrea Garjardo-Vidal, Megan Creasey, Tarek A. Yousry, David W. Green & Cathy J. Price - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:803163.
    Using fMRI, we investigated how right temporal lobe gliomas affecting the posterior superior temporal sulcus alter neural processing observed during speech perception and production tasks. Behavioural language testing showed that three pre-operative neurosurgical patients with grade 2, grade 3 or grade 4 tumours had the same pattern of mild language impairment in the domains of object naming and written word comprehension. When matching heard words for semantic relatedness (a speech perception task), these patients showed under-activation in the tumour infiltrated right (...)
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    Neither Irrationalist Nor Apologist: Revisiting Faith and Reason in Kierkegaard.Adam Buben - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (3):318-326.
    One of the most hotly contested debates in Kierkegaard studies concerns his sense of the relationship between faith and reason. Often caricatured as a proponent of irrational fideism, scholarship in recent decades has tried to present a more nuanced account of Kierkegaard’s position. Two likely interpretive options have emerged: supra‐rationalism and anti‐rationalism. On the former view, Kierkegaard believes that while the achievement of faith is beyond the capabilities of reason, there are still ways that reason can aid the maintenance of (...)
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